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How to use cheats

Question asked by Iertjexxx on
Last Modified:

How to use cheats

I've got a question. I've found a lot of cheat codes. But how to use them? I don't understand at all. Does I have to download something?

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Pokemon Platinum Guide
Pokemon Platinum Guide
Welcome to our unofficial gude to Pokemon Platinum. Platinum is the directors cut version of the popular Diamond and Pearl games, it features Girati..

Mightyena1 answered:

If you mean those really long codes with tons of numbers and letters, you need an Action Replay, which can be found at any game store, as well as most Targets, WalMarts, Shopkos, you name it. If not, then message me, and i'll try my best to help you further =]

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Guest said: 25th Nov 2017 | REPORT
Hai Mightyena1!!! I'm actually trying to get a mightyena lmao sooooo... lolz
Guest said: 19th Nov 2018 | REPORT
um it says L+R whazzat mean
Guest answered:

You need an Action Replay to download the game codes. It comes with a USB cord, instruction manual, Action Replay cartridge, and PC software disc.


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