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Question asked by 978563412 on
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How do you get members card

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Pokemon Platinum Guide
Pokemon Platinum Guide
Welcome to our unofficial gude to Pokemon Platinum. Platinum is the directors cut version of the popular Diamond and Pearl games, it features Girati..

Megaman XYZ USA answered:

First go to the jubelife city TV station, next go to the 3 floor, then talk to the guy and write these word "Everybody Happy Wi-Fi Connection" then the mystery gift will be available then go to the mystery gift in the main menu and select wifi download and there you have the Members card...
Hope This Helps!

chain man answered:

Get the mystery gift unlocked by going to the third floor and then go to the guy standing next to the women. The men will ask a question. Answer it with "every body" then he'll ask another question, this time answer it with "wifi connection." this will give you mystery gift. Then turn off the power and turn it back on. Go to mystery gift on the menu of the game. There's an event going on, on the via wifi get the card with that. But this event ends at midnight on Sep. 13th. Hope this helps!]

Chipmunk96 answered:

Chain man is correct I got it on August something but be ready cause he is a level 50 and very weak bring alot of ultra or dusk balls.

XIIITheLucaZZXIII answered:

Chain man and Megaman XYZ USA are right just follow this link below and they wil show you how to get the membership card but if you don't have wireless internet you can forget cathing darkrai unless you have ar codes

XIIITheLucaZZXIII answered:

If it doesn't work copy and paste this link below into your address bar


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