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I need a code desperately!!!!!

Question asked by Saharalin on
Last Modified:

I need a code desperately!!!!!

Help!!! I need a cheat code for my game that can rescue all 101 harvest sprites!! The one for north america on this site doesn't work!.....
Someone please help!! Lol! I really need somoene to make a code or find a site with it. Please help!

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deadsk8r101 answered:

Wait!!! I was wrong!!!!! Ok now there is another cheat for 92 sprites!
You must follow the gide!
92 sprites saved (max affection and skill)
Step 1. Save ANY sprite. Step 2. Hire ANY sprite team. Step 3. Go to sleep. Step 4. Go to the Sprite Tree Company. All the Labor Teams are fully functional and there. Note: The brown team (although displayed as saved) won't talk to you until you really save them. Note: To save the Harvest Goddess, save another sprite after step 4. C0000000 0000000B
023BF65C FFFF0001
023BF6EC FFFF0101
023BF77C FFFF0201
023BF80C FFFF0301
023BF89C FFFF0401
023BF92C FFFF0501
023BF9BC FFFF0601
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
C0000000 00000007
223BFA4C 00000001
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000

deadsk8r101 answered:

Ok the cheat on this site is missing a number!!!!!right inbetween the two zeros on the first line!!!!!! It took me awile to figure that out, ok here is the real cheat!!!!

94000130 FFFB0000
023C1408 3B9ACA00
D2000000 00000000

kyogre897 answered:

Unlimited Stamina: 023B9B84 00646411
Max Gold: 023B9B88 3B9AC9FF
Max Casino Medals: 023B9B8C 3B9ACA00
All Mythic Tools: 023B9BD8 01070000
023B9BDC 01070001
023B9BE0 01070002
All Animals Max Hearts and 255 Golden Crowns (press select): 94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000001C


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