With your player successfully signed, you now have to worry about less significant things, like social networking! This is important as it can help to gain you a local and global following - specifically on Twitter. Before the game lets you loose on the court, you have to pick your player's Twitter handle. Obviously, being a game, you can't physically interact with anyone on Twitter (as they don't exist...), but you are able to visit the social networking hub to see the number of fans that you currently have, what your Chemistry rating is among your team (how well you fit in, basically), and how behind you the more local fans are.
There are numerous ways to improve your standing among the fans and your teammates (affecting the chemistry rating). You can do things like visit a local hospital - this will always sit well with the locals - or go out and socialize with your colleagues. These may seem like an easy, obvious solution, but they cost virtual currency, and you will learn before long that any time you want to spend VC has to be carefully considered. Don't worry though, there is a free way to improve your popularity - play well! Even in this crazy-age of micro-transactions they weren't able to pretend like the best players aren't the most popular.