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Game Reviews for Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty


Full Reviews

miles thompson7th Jun 2007, ID #630
This game is totally AWESOME!!! I've had it for about a year and I still play it loads! It is so cool, you get to do so much stuff like use a whole array of weapons ranging from Sniper Rifles to Mis..

Rating: 98%Read Full Review


Quick Reviews

Item ratings(tanker)Added 12 Jun 2004, ID #9071
I'm giving them all a useful rating out of 10
CIGS:use them when you're sniping.2/10=not very useful
USP.SUPPRESSOR:when attached to a usp it cant be removed.9/10+makes you're shots quiter
RATION:equipt and then when you"die"you're health will go back up.10/10=esential for completeing the game
BANDAGES:stop you from bleeding.6/10=you dont bleed that much
MEDICINE:cure's cold.4/10=if you sneeze an enemy will only go "hm" and it's hard to catch a cold
BANDANNA:infinite ammo.10/10=infinite ammo but you still need to reload
STEALTH:oh my god this is brilliant enemys(not bosses)can NEVER see you!.100/10=i love it i think everyone else would to
THERMAL.G:allow you to see in thermal vision.7/10=you can see everything better
AP SENSOR:the joypad rumbles when enemys are close5/10=not so useful

Weapon ratingsAdded 6 Jun 2004, ID #8983
I'm rating all the weapons o.k here we go i'll be giving the features a rating out of 10.

USP/kill rating 8/10noise9/10handleing7/10=a great gun but noisy
Socom/kill rating7/10noise8/10handleing7/10=quiter than usp but weaker
M9/kill rating0/10noise4/10handleing6/10=stealthy but you have to realod after each shot
M4/kill rating9/10noise9/10handleing9/10=a noisy assault rifle use only when needed
AKS-74U/kill rating9/10noise7/10handleing8/10=quiter than a M4but do the same thing as it
STINGER/kill rating 10/10noise10/10handleing8/10=a lock on missile launcher
NIKITA/kill rating10/10noise10/10handleing8/10=a remote control missile launcher
ahh my favourite weapon
HF BLADE/kill rating10/10noise0/10handleing10/10=the best weapon in the game..

Well that's all for today next I'll rate items.

Excellent!!Added 7 Feb 2004, ID #6735
Of all the tactical and espionage games I've played Metal Gear Solid 2 is the Best!!!!

The graphics are really good, the new weapons and bosses are awesome, and the story is great (except for the ending!) I really have to say that this game is the best tactical espionage game in PS2 and its a classic.

Metal Gear Solid 2Added 19 Jan 2004, ID #6358
Wow what a great game.

Graphics are great,and game play is not half bad although it is a bit short it is still a top game.

ID #2266

This game is the best game i have ever tryed out because of renting it caused me to buy it is the besttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt,,

ID #2252

HEY! This is for all you people that dont have Resident Evil 1,2 or 3. GET IT!I have all three and there just totaly cool.

Leon is the best i would say cos u get the shotgun and all the cool weapons like that. Hey the best things about that game is the weapons.

Oh by the way, you need lots of skill or just do as I do.

Ask a friend that plays on computers all day and all night.


ID #2250

If there was ever a top 1,000 list of games for all systems, Metal Gear Solid 2 would be in the top 5. This game has everything a true gamer could want or ask for. The gameplay is awesome and it is the best game for any system ever made.

Picking off where the last game ended, useing stunning gameplay, and so much detail that it would make the gamer cry with glee at the supremicy of this game, is a great storyline that has taken the endless power of the Playstaition 2 to a new dimention, working a masterpiece with a mix of sunning graphics and amazing gameplay. All in all, this is, argueably, the best game ever made or ever will be made. The whole gaming future changed the moment Metal Gear Solid 2 was released on, 'the day which will live in infamy' November 13, 2001.

ID #2248

The game is mind-twistingly brilliant! The enemy's intelligence, like when they see your shadow, etc, is unbelievable.

The graphics are speechless, the sound, of the rain, gunshot from Snake and etc, is to good to be true, and most of all, the gameplay.

It's FANTASTIC! And this is just the beginning.

This game in the offial magazine, was 10 out of 10. The first game ever to get 100% was Metal Gear Solid 2 itself!!!!

As for me, well....10 out of 10 as well.

If you don't own a Playstation 2, this game is the reason!!!!

ID #2246

This is one of the best games ever. The graphics are out of this world! This game would be defantly be the second best game in the world because Grand Theft Auto 3 is a little bit of a better game. Metal Gear Solid is too much like The orignal Metal Gear Solid. Aldo the game is too short if you know where to go. That is all I have say about this. I over all give a 9.7 out of 10.

ID #2244

this is amazing, beat the game and i want to beat the game more because it is soooooooo fun. i give it an 10/10. if u have a ps2 get this game, i also recomened devil may cry, gta3, wwf smackdown!, max panye and jak and daxter.

ID #2242

This is undoubtably THE best game on the PS2 at the moment. It has gr8 graphic + gr8 action. The only downside is it is toooo short-u'd think a game that took 4years to make would be a bit longer than 12+ hours of gameplay! Also the HF Blade-how annoying is the right analogue stick when fighting solidus?It would have been better to use just the X button etc to control the sword as it would b easier to manouver.

Also when you go into the hold where there are lots of marines-you can say freeze to the guard at the very back of the room + point the gun at his face to get him begging, but sadly you do not get any dog tag, although it is very funny because the rest of the marine corps are all still watching the speech.

So overall this is a gr8 game with lots of cheat gags + plenty of action, although the plot can be very hard to follow-especially at the end when the colonel + rose go weird!

ID #2240

When i first played this game i thought "JESUS! The graphics on this are out of this world!" also the fact that snake was still in this i was pleased but hes not on for long, so that was dissapointing, and that raiden im not keen on but overall im quite pleased with the game. and i strongly recomend that you get this game because there is never going to be anothere like it and if you dont then your missin on a hole load of action.

ID #2238

I love MGS2. Its just one of those games you can't finish in the first few weeks.

There are lots to do in it like Dog Tags, over 44 tricks and you can even play about with stuff like fireing at bottles and kissing posters of ladies.

I have been playing the game for over nine weeks and I don't think I am even half way.

ID #2236

Whoa. At first I didn't know much about Metal Gear Solid or anything, but when my friend Chris Watson told me about it, I marvelled.

Then I got my PS2 and played the demo of MGS2 and it is totally one of the best games EVER!!

You get to sneak without being seen and be invisible! I give 10/10!!

ID #2234

What is there to say which hasn't already been said. The graphics, gameplay and sheer depth of this game are truly phenomenol!

When you first begin the game as snake, everything seems identical as the first MGS, however, it soon becomes clear that it isn't. The way that the characters react is realistic to a believable point. If they spot your shadow they will follow it ect.

The plot is very stylish and the character development is very good. The many actions which your characters can perform are done with the greatest of ease.

There are many weapons in this game. There effects are very believable on the soldiers in the game. The most pleasing is definitely the Stinger. When a guard isn't willing to give u anything, stick that in his face to sort him out!

This game may be quite short (12 hours first play) but it has so many little touches of excellence that keep dragging you back for more.

One other thing that has to be mentioned. This game has the funniest moment in all of gaming history. After you have defeated the harrier do this. Drop onto the orange pipe as normal and run forward. Raiden will run over some bird muck, slip and fall to his is very amusing.

Greatest game ever made? DEFINITELY

Score: 10/10

ID #2232

This game is really amazing.The graphics are superb and the gameplay is brilliant.The story in the tanker chapter is quite good its like your watching a movie.There are some nice twists in the game aswell.I would give this game 8/10.The missing two?Because thre are two things wrong with it.Its too short and the story line near the end is so weird and quite hard to follow.This is an amazing game but A little bit more thought into the story line and made it just a bit longer you would have the greatest game ever.

P:S about yer man whos been playing it for nine weeks and is'nt 1/2 way yet,wassup with that?!?

ID #2230

Now the graphix improved so much from the first on like a friend of mine once sed "these graphics are smooth"

ok heres the ratings

Graphics: sweet graphics! make sure you turn on dolby digital to see the cut scenes! 9/10

gameplay: (fun factor) nice! good enemy personality also u can hold up enemys! wow fun indeed! plus good levels and nice weapons arsonal (stinger missile rules!) i loved the game play! 9/10

difficulty: (5/10 is the best)

well this game is kindof hard considering you have to do triple of the amount that you do in the first (in other words, u go against 3 metal gear RAYs but it seems easy (i beat it)


plot: with all the games i have played i have never seen a game with a better plot the plot wraps the hole thing up wow im not giving away the story though

now... oh! the score 11/10 seriously i thought it would be dumb if i would have did it any higher

overall score: 9.5/10

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