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How do you gain upgrades on abilities?

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Guest asks, ID #427355

Question for Marvel's Midnight Suns

How do you gain upgrades on abilities?

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Dennis answered:
, ID #730536

With each completed research requirement, you increase your research level and gain new upgrades.

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Spidey3429 answered:
, ID #733311

If you have a duplicate ability for each ability in your deck you could then upgrade it in the yard if that's what you mean. Go up to the sword and press X or A if you're on the Xbox. Then select upgrade abilities and then you could choose any ability you want to upgrade as long as you have a duplicate for that ability meaning two of the same ability. Also make sure you have the right amount of resources available to you. Each upgrade requires you to have a certain type of essence. You could get essence by completing missions. Some missions will tell you what rewards you'll get for completing the mission. So look carefully at the rewards and choose your missions accordingly depending on what you want to get out of it. There are four types of rewards you could get. Essence, credits, artifacts and blue prints. Plus the usual gloss that you get from every mission. If you're looking to upgrade your abilities essence is what you want to go for. So look for missions that reward essence when completed. If you're leveling up your research you want to look for artifacts. Credits you'll need for Abbey upgrades and daily sparring and blue prints are needed to craft abilities. Some blue prints are even needed to upgrade certain abilities as well. So remember you're not just completing missions. You're completing missions for the purpose of obtaining certain rewards depending on what your goal is. So definitely keep that in mind as you're selecting a mission as they are infinite. Essence and blue prints are also used to craft certain items in the forge. You could also craft items using the cauldron in the library. For that you just need to collect reagents aka plants on the grounds. Try to pick up as many of those as you can each night as you never know what you might need them for. You could also add ability mods to enhance the effects of certain abilities just remember to buy it in the yard. These are indicated by a star in the top right corner of the card. An upgraded ability will have a golden rim around it along with a + next to the name. Many of the club meetings for EMO Kids will require you to have a certain amount of different types of reagents so definitely keep that in mind as you're collecting reagents on the grounds. Blue prints and essence are also needed for Shop Class. Essence might be needed for EMO Kids as well so definitely keep an eye out for that. If you check your messages daily on Super link every now and then you'll get a message detailing everything you need for each particular meeting so keep an eye out for those whenever you can. Hopefully this helps

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