Game Reviews for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
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IntroductionLet's be honest with each other. A game about farming doesn't exactly make you want to jump out of your seat and shout "I MUST HAVE IT!". In fact, just saying the word "farm" probably makes most peo..
Rating: 88%Read Full Review
IntroductionThis game is one of the best games that I have played for gameboy advance. The game starts off slightly hard but eases up. Each character is designed to have a different personality and this creates..
Rating: 84%Read Full Review
Quick Reviews
This is one of, if not THE best game I\'ve ever played. Theres more people available to marry than in AWL. Theres only one downside that your kid barely ever grows up, hes just a baby, then up to a toddler, then to a kid but he doesn\'t leave your farm and theres some little translation mistakes in-game by some of the characters such as mis-spelling, like for one event the Priest, Carter speaks in german and the delivery boy speaks in japanese. But yeah whatever its a great game 10/10
Hey harvest moon is the best game ever I'll give it about a 9/10 its so fun i play it every day the only down thing about it is some people speak in japenease and german on some acations there is also some miss spelling and if you confess and you dont get forgiven you can sleep in and people dont like you, animals dislike you harvest sprites dislike you but overal it is the best game ever. =D
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is a great if you�re into this type of game.
You start off as a new guy in town and you have to take care of an old neglected farm after the owner dies. You have many goals to reach the more you play such as earn the towns people\'s trust and friendship, have a successful farm, marry one of the 6 bachelorette, and have a family.
The graphics are pretty good for the gameboy advanced.
There are many beautiful sounds in this game but like the review before about the sounds of the animals how a cow moos more than just when you talk to him or a chicken clucks more then just when you pick it up. Some of the sounds are unrealistic.
The game offers many life like features. Like one thing you do on you farm will affect how the town�s people see you. The controls are simple and though starting may be hard as you move on the game is quite simple.
This game is fun for all ages and is strangely addicting. Its amazing how all the characters have their own personalities and feelings. This game is totally awesome and I give it a 9/10
\'k, I give this game a 9/10. Only because the crops, there is very little to choose from, and you can\'t make hybrid crops. This game is awesome for those who missed the PS1 version of this. There are a few changes made, such as the graphics have been toned down so that the GBA can handle it, The sounds are pretty, but a very repetative. For instance, doesn\'t a chicken cluck more than when you just pick it up and put it down? or the cows, don\'t they moo just for no reason, so it lacks a little in that department. The marriage system is pretty cool, but you can\'t get devorced, so pick the one you want to live with for the few hundred years. \'Few hundred years?\' you might ask. Thats right, this game goes on as long as you want it to, because you never die! If your feeling like a challenge, get the import version of this game, see how well you do with the japanese text. If you do, the gameplay is the same, so that aspect would be easy. There is a small variety of animals, such as a dog, horse, up to 16 cows or sheep, and 8 chickens. I would be a little bit better if they added ducks, pigs, turkeys, and so on. Then there\'s the stuff in it that makes you wonder such as \'How does sticking an egg in an encubator hatch, if it\'s not fertilized?\' or \'How does your charactor chang at such lightning speed? This game has almost unlimited replay value, and opens up lots more doors if you link to AWL. Such as new charactors, and a seaside cottage. The whole game is based around your trying to get the lifelong dream, The Town Cottage. This game is great for all ages. I would definately give it 9/10
I think that harvest moon friends of mineral town is a great game because its
got that difficulty in the begining then it gets easier along the way.
like in harvest moon 3 you can marry only 1 girl in this game you can marry
4 out of 5 bacheloretes the only problem with this game is that it has
way to many grammar mistakes.other than that it is acompletly awsome game to play that will last a very long time.
Hey if anyone wants to know, harvest moon is the best dam game for gameboy advance I have made it up to my 36th year.
I have a full farm of animals and married to popuri have kid sprites work for me and I have all stuff
peace out
Like every Harvest Moon game, it's strangely addictive and filled with great characters and cute animals. 8/10
This is an insane game man play this game like on a scale of one to ten this babies a eight. The things stopping it from being a nine or ten is just the fact that there is small crop variety, small area to play in and also the biggest one is the fact that there is tons of spelling grammer etc mistakes. (The worst one is when you talk to a person for a event which I won't spoil :-P they speak German!)
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