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05: Arcadia Outskirts

Halo Wars Walkthrough and Guide

by Aboslute Steve  

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Halo Wars Guide - Walkthrough

Mission 05: Arcadia Outskirts

|                       |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|     _,--------._      | Mission 05: Arcadia Outskirts [M05]                  |
|   ,' _,-----._  `.    |======================================================|
|  / ,'         `.  \   | Primary Objectives:                                  |
|_/ /     .-._    |  |_ | ===================                                  |
|`-'     '._,-'   |  .-'| 1. Retreat to the Southern Crater.                   |
|                ,' /   | 2. Secure the Area by killing all the Covenant in    |
|    .-.______,-' ,'    |    the Area.                                         |
|    '-._______,-'      | 3. Defend the Crater until Omega Team arrives.       |
|-----------------------| 4. Destroy the Covenant Base and its Guards.         |
|                       |                                                      |
|                       | Optional Objectives:                                 |
|                       | ====================                                 |
|                       | 1. Destroy 5 Wraiths.                                |
|                       | 2. Construct a Second Base.                          |
|                       | 3. Jack 5 Covenant Vehicles.                         |
|                       |                                                      |

Quickly rush down to the south and start up your base.  As you’re moving down south, be sure to check out the first stairs on your right and check out that area to find [BLACK BOX #05]. 

Head for the base area and quickly garrison any Marines at the Crashed Pelican Garrisonable Center (which gives them better protection).  Quickly set up a Reactor, a Barracks, a Supply Pad, Air Pad, Vehicle Depot and four Turrets.

Upgrade your Supply Pads to Heavy to fasten your resource replenishment and work your way up from there by creating a bunch of units.  You’ll be under constant attack by the Covenant, so you’ll want to garrison more Marines at the Pelicans to the north.  Set up a few Scorpions and you should be able to hold out for quite some time.

When Omega Team arrives, have them - and some Scorpions and other units you can spare - set foot for the 2nd base terrain on the west, and take out the large Covenant turret here.  When you’ve done so, start building your 2nd Base and secure the area.

Just south of the 2nd Base is an abandoner Reactor in which you can garrison a Marine Unit to increase your tech level.

To collect the Skull in this level, send a unit over the road located on the west of the 2nd Base and find it in a desolate area.

Build up a small army of Scorpions and send them - together with several other aerial units, marines and the Omega Team - over to the Covenant Base.  Target the troops and turrets first, then focus your attention on the base and it’ll fall soon enough.

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