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by Androgynous / Kratos_42

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                             Super Mario Sunshine
                             Full FAQ/Walkthrough
                         By: Androgynous and Kratos_42

                           For the Nintendo Gamecube


                       T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

For quicker navigation, use the find feature (ctrl+F), and paste the code to
the right into the box. You should be taken to the section immediately.

  Chapter 1 - Prologue                       | [B-K-PROLO]
  ---------                                  |
  1.0 Introduction                           | [B-K-INTRO]
  1.1 Legal Information                      | [B-K-LEGAL]
  1.2 Version History                        | [B-K-VERSI]
  1.3 E-Mail Policy                          | [B-K-EMAIL]
  Chapter 2 - Game Basics and Manual         | [B-K-BASIC]
  ---------                                  |
  2.0 Story                                  | [B-K-STORY]
  2.1 Controls                               | [B-K-CONTR]
  2.2 Techniques                             | [B-K-CONTR]
  2.3 Characters                             | [B-K-CHARA]
  Chapter 3 - Complete Game Walkthrough      | [B-K-WALKT]
  ---------                                  |
   3.0 Delfino Airstrip & Delfino Plaza      |
   3.1 Bianco Hills                          |
   3.2 Gelato Beach                          |
   3.3 Pinna Park                            |
   3.4 Sirena Beach                          |
   3.5 Noki Bay                              |
   3.6 Pianta Village                        |
   3.7 Corona Mountain                       |
  Chapter 4 - Appendices                     | [B-K-APPEN]
  ---------                                  |
  4.0 Bosses                                 | [B-K-BOSSE]
  4.1 Items                                  | [B-K-ENEMI]
  Chapter 5 - Ending                         | [B-K-ENDIN]
  ---------                                  |
  5.0 Credits                                | [B-K-CREDI]
  5.1 Final Words                            | [B-K-FINAL]


                              CHAPTER 1: Prologue                   [B-K-PROLO]


Welcome to the Prologue. Please read the following sections before using this
FAQ. You will learn things about myself, my writing style, and what this FAQ
actually contains. I will not respond to e-mails that have obviously not been
exposed to this section. Thank you for reading.

                               1.0 Introduction                     [B-K-INTRO]

Kratos_42's Introduction

Hello, I'm Kratos_42, and thank you for reading. I bought Super Mario Sunshine 
through a special deal Nintendo Power was doing at the time, blazed through it 
once, and never really thought of it again. But when I saw a topic asking for 
a co-author on this game, I knew that it would be a ton of fun. This game 
really is a great game, exciting and fun, and I'm glad that you're reading 
this, so that we can explore the game to it's fullest. Have fun, remember, it 
is the only reason to play! If you have any questions, comments, or errors 
you'd like to report, my e-mail is [email protected]. 

Androgynous' Introduction

Welcome to Kratos_42 and my Super Mario Sunshine FAQ. I love this game, as I
do with all other Mario games. I simply could not leave this game out of my
FAQing list, so I chose a co-author to share the fun with. Kratos did an 
excellent job. Picking a new co-author is sometimes risky, but he really put
the work into finishing the FAQ. I am sure you will find the FAQ, as a whole,
very helpful. He did the bosses, items, controls, and the walkthrough up 
until Sirena Beach. I did all the rest. Thanks for choosing another
Androgynous guide.

                             1.1 Legal Information                  [B-K-LEGAL]

This guide is (c) copyright to Androgynous and Daniel Anderson. The guide won't
sold or reproduced under any circumstances. Exceptions may occur with written 
permission from the author (Androgynous) via electronic mail. To 
make matters a bit more clear, those that are interested in posting this guide 
on a web site, magazine, book etc. must ask permission using e-mail. Posted all
around this guide, the e-mail address that you must use to ask permission for 
guides is nm14.faqs[at]gmail[dot]com. I am expecting formal requests, and 
polite manners. Those who do not meet the criteria listed above will likely not
be reviewed, or deleted from my e-mail inbox. I will be checking web sites 
periodically to make sure sites are not stealing copyrighted material. FAQers 
are tough to cheat, so I would suggest that you ask permission. Honestly, it 
does not take that much work, and I will likely let you use the guide. Thank 
you for reading this important part of the guide.

The following sites may host as of yet:

The following sites (courtesy of SinirothX) may NOT host this guide under any
circumstances. They have been found to steal guides without asking, or asked
and received an answer of no, but still hosted the guide. If you belong under
this list, chances are you are not going to receive permission. Sorry, you had
your chance.

   911 Codes           
   9 Lives             
   Bean's PlayStation Dimension
   Cheat Index         
   Cheat Matrix        
   Cheat Search        
   CNET Gamecenter     
   Console Domain      
   Dirty Little Helper 
   Dark Station        
   Games Domain        
   Game Express        
   Games Over          
   Mega Games          
   Square Haven        
   Ultimate System          

                             1.2 Version History                    [B-K-VERSI]

Version Final - Everything is done.

                             1.3 E-Mail Policy                      [B-K-EMAIL]

Androgynous E-Mail: nm14.faqs[at]gmail[dot]com or [email protected]

Hey everyone. This is the e-mail policy portion of this FAQ. I am going to 
list what I believe to be "acceptable" or "unacceptable" e-mails. Of course,
it would be very wise of you to correctly e-mail me if you are hoping for a 
response. Also, if you have made a mistake when e-mailing me, it is very likely
I will block you so that you cannot send me any more messages. So, now that 
you all know what will happen if you incorrectly e-mail me, you have to find 
out what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Please read below.

Do you have information that we have not covered in this FAQ? Well, read below.
If you happen to know something in the FAQ please e-mail me. I am always
interested in adding information from readers, but there are a few exceptions.
If this FAQ is NOT labeled "Final" as its version, your added information may
not neccessarily be used. I could possibly already know your information, but
have not gotten to that section yet. So, do not guarantee that I will post your 
comments just because you were nice enough to e-mail us.

Now, for a little more about an "acceptable" e-mail, let's talk about the 
subject of the e-mail. I get a lot of e-mails about other FAQs that I have
written, so I can easily miss your e-mail unless you identify it. So, in the
subject line, please include the words "Super Mario Sunshine" in your subject
line. This makes it a lot easier to sort things out in my e-mail. If you do
not refer to what game you are commenting/asking for help on, I will most 
likely ignore the entire e-mail. 

The last aspect that we would like to talk about is reading the FAQ. If you are
in doubt, check around the entire FAQ before coming to us for direct help. It
is likely that information is in other parts of the FAQ, and not neccessarily 
the part that you are looking at during that very moment. Any comments that are
already answered in this FAQ will simply be ignored and blocked, as I have
taken a lot of time to write this guide for you, you can do a little something
for me as well.

If any of the above guidelines are not followed correctly your e-mails will be
considered "unacceptable" and I am sure you know what that means. I personally
think that it will be simple to follow the guidelines, and you will not have to
worry very much about the process. Thank you, again, for your cooperation.


                       CHAPTER 2: Game Basics and Manual            [B-K-BASIC]


Welcome to the Game Basics and Manual section of this guide. In this section,
I will try to provide all of the things you would normally find in the game
manual of the game. So, if you already have the game manual, this section is
honestly an optional read. You still might learn something new in this section
though, so give it a chance even if you have a manual. Anyway, you will find
things such as the story, characters, controls, moves, etc. I hope this section
comes in handy: I put a lot of time into it!

                                   2.0 Story                        [B-K-STORY]

Taken from the manual

Close your eyes and imagine... soothing sunshine accompanied by the sound of
waves gently breaking on the shore. High above, seagulls turn lazy circles in
the clear blue sky. This is Isel Delfino.

Far from the hustle and bustle of the Mushroom Kingdom, this island resort
glitters like a gem in the waters of a southern sea.

Mario, Peach, and an entourage of Toads have come to Isle Delfino to relax and
unwind. At least, that's their plan... but when they arrive, they find things
have gone horribly wrong...

According to the island inhabitants, the person responsible for the mess has
a round nose, a thick moustache, and a cap...

What? But... that sounds like Mario!?

The islanders are saying that Mario's mess has polluted the island and caused
their energy source, the Shine Sprites, to vanish.

Now the falsely accused Mario has promised to clean up the island, but... how?

Never fear! FLUDD, the latest invention from Gadd Science, Inc., can help
Mario tidy up the island, take on baddies, and lend a nozzle in all kinds of
sticky situations.

Can Mario clean the island, capture the villain, and clear his good name? It's
time for another Mario adventure to get started!

                                2.1 Controls                        [B-K-CONTR]

                               Mario Controls

D-Pad = Doesn't do jack. The only place I found that you could use it was in 
menus, or in the paused screen. Where you can use the analog stick. Brilliant. 

Analog Stick = Tilt in direction you want to move. Press harder, Mario goes 
faster. Press lightly, Mario walks. Press too hard, analog stick breaks. Don't 
do the third one.

C-Stick = Distinguished from the analog stick by it's yellow color. This 
controls the camera. The game's difficulty can increase expotentially if you 
don't have the skill to manipulate this well. Press it left or right to rotate 
the camera, up to zoom in and down to zoom out.  

Start Button = Pauses the game. Don't expect a whole lot from this one. 

A Button = Jump. Press once more after jumping when just hitting the ground 
for a double jump. Do it again while moving in sequence for a triple jump. 
Spin the analog stick before pressing the A button to perform a spin jump. 
Press in the opposite direction of what you're facing and press the A 
button for a back jump. Jump at a wall and use the A button to do a wall jump. 
Hold the A button to swim faster. Click it to accept menu options, or to 
continue dialog with others. 

B Button = Click it to pick things up, like fruit. Hold it down to speed up 
text in dialog with others. Press rapidly to dive in water. When running, 
pressing B makes you slide on your belly. Press B to talk to others. Press it 
to cancel options. 

X Button = Switch nozzles on FLUDD. X button's pretty boring, I admit. 

Y Button = Changes camera to a direct over-the-shoulder view. Useful when you 
can't see anything due to poor C-Stick manipulation. Press it again to return 
the view to normal. 

Z Button = Guidebook. Press Z to bring up a nice map of Isle Delfino, with 
small dots representing different levels, and a clickable Shine that shows 
you your Shine collections for the various areas. It's easy to forget about 

L Shoulder = Centers camera. When in air, pressing it does a ground pound. 

R Shoulder = When using the Normal nozzle, holding it down strongly stops 
Mario and squirts water, when held lightly, Mario can move and spray water. 

For the Hover nozzle, holding it down makes Mario hover in midair by way of a 
pair of water jets. Use the analog stick to direct Mario while using the Hover 

When using the Turbo nozzle, hold it down for Mario to start running in turbo 
speed. Keep holding to maintain said turbo speed. 

When using the Rocket nozzle, hold down to build it up, and then you rocket 
jump into the air, no need for continuing the holding down of the R shoulder 
once in the air. 

No matter what nozzle you're using, use the R shoulder in water to refill 
FLUDD's tank. 

                               Yoshi Controls 

D-Pad = Doesn't do jack. The only place I found that you could use it was in 
menus, or in the paused screen. Where you can use the analog stick. Brilliant. 

Analog Stick = Tilt in direction you want to move. Press harder, Yoshi goes 
faster. Press lightly, Yoshi walks. Press too hard, analog stick breaks. Don't 
do the third one.

C-Stick = Distinguished from the analog stick by it's yellow color. This 
controls the camera. The game's difficulty can increase expotentially if you 
don't have the skill to manipulate this well. Press it left or right to rotate 
the camera, up to zoom in and down to zoom out.  

Start Button = Pauses the game. Don't expect a whole lot from this one. 

A Button = Jump. Hold it down to make Yoshi run in the air, gaining some 
slight altitude all the while. 

B Button = Extend toungue, to eat things. Enemies, fruit, the like. Said 
tongue can bend in different directions too, to grab things to the side. Also 
click it to talk to others, and to speed up the conversation. 

X Button = Dismount Yoshi. 

Y Button = Changes camera to an over-the-shoulder view. Press it again to 
change it back. 

Z Button = Guidebook. Press Z to bring up a nice map of Isle Delfino, with 
small dots representing different levels, and a clickable Shine that shows 
you your Shine collections for the various areas. It's easy to forget about 

L Shoulder = Centers camera. When in air, pressing it does a ground pound. 

R Shoulder = Spits some sort of fruit juice, that dissolves some sort of 
yellow jello, and changes enemies into platforms of various types, depending 
on the color of the Yoshi. Coloring of said spit also changes based on the 
Yoshi's color. 

                               2.2 Techniques                       [B-K-TECHN]

Welcome to the techniques section of this guide. In this section, I will give
you special move button combos, along with descriptions of those moves. These
moves are not necessarily difficult, but certainly are necessary for completing
the game. Enjoy the section.

FLUDD Abilities

You can do several things with your FLUDD. You can hover, squirt, rocket, or
turbo with your FLUDD.

1. Squirt Nozzle - R Button
The Squirt nozzle simply squirts things. It can clear goop, or uncover certain
aspects of an area. Use it on suspicious looking things in every world.

2. Hover Nozzle - R Button in the air
When you change to this function, you can hover in the air for a while. This
is useful when you need to hover over dangerous objects, or gaps. Use these
when you jump, just to make sure you don't fall. Misjudgements can be your

3. Rocket Nozzle
The Rocket Nozzle, when obtained, can shoot you way into the air. This takes a
lot of water energy (whatever that means) but it can get you to high areas.
When you find this augment, you will probably find something special way up in
the air somewhere.

4. Turbo Nozzle
You can speed burst on the ground using this nozzle. It is not all that useful
in the game, but sometimes you will need to use it. There is not time limit on
this nozzle, so you can use it until you have no more water left.

Groud Pound

Ground Pounding is really classic for Mario now. You basically have to press
the L button while in the air. This is useful to breaking objects or defeating
enemies. You should know when to use this as you play more and more into the
game, so get used to it.

Triple Jump

The triple jump is huge. You can jump really high. Basically, you must jump 
three times in a row, each jump higher than the next. You can do this while
moving forward, so use it to get to higher places. Keep in mind, you can use
your hover nozzle after you have completed three jumps. Good move.

Wall Jump

Remember when wall jumping was like impossible in Mario 64? Well, this is all
changed. It is much easier to do wall kicks in this game. You simply have to
press the jump button and then move the opposite direction just as you hit one
of the walls. You can do this until there is not wall to hit, so you could
potentially get really high if there was a really high wall. When you have
trouble getting to a ledge above, think about wall kicking to get up there.


Swimming is standard. You just press the A button to swim. If you want to go
under water, you can press the B button, then use A to swim around. Nothing
special, but you will have to use it sometimes.

                               2.3 Characters                       [B-K-CHARA]

This section lists the main characters in the game. Just a brief description of
them, really.

Character #1 - Mario

Mario is on vacation. Only to find out that he must save Princess Peach, once
again. Mario is the main character. The same old Mario, with the Red Cap and
the mustache. He has many of the same moves that you have experienced in 
Super Mario 64, but one new important feature, FLUDD.

Character #2 - Princess Peach

Princess Peach is the same princess that Mario always has to save. She is
not seen in the game (except at the very end). She is usually saved by Mario,
mainly because she cannot take care of herself! Gosh, she needs to get some
sort of body guard or something.

Character #3 - FLUDD

FLUDD is the new gadget that Mario gets to use in this game. It is essentially
a water tank that has a few different features. It can spray water at enemies
and other objects, it can hover, allowing Mario to cross larger gaps, and it
can shoot way up into the air, like a rocket. Pretty neat augmentation.

Character #4 - Toadsworth

Toadsworth, affiliate of Princess Peach, is very non-essential in this game. He
simply accompanies Mario as Mario takes his vacation to Island Delfino.

Character #5 - Bowser

Ah yes, Bowser, the man behind the whole thing. He is Mario's main nemesis, and
he is back to cause more trouble for Mario at Island Delfino. He is a giant
monster (not really sure what classification he is). 

Character #6 - Shadow Mario

Shadow Mario is someone who sort of looks like Mario. He likes to make Mario's
job a lot harder. He sprays goop all over the place, making things messy for
Mario. You will have to spray Shadow Mario to gain a Shine in every single 
world, so he is seen quite often in the game.

Character #7 - Baby Bowser

Baby Bowser is a small version of Bowser, but twice as dangerous. You will only
meet up with Baby Bowser once in this game, and it is quite a surprise really.
I won't tell you WHERE you will see him, but be assured, you will see him. Now,
if you see him in your dreams, that doesn't count, but I would encourage you to
see a doctor.

Character #8 - Piantas/Nokis

The civilians of island Delfino. They are great people, just sort of ugly and
fat. The do sell nice fruit though. Yum yum.


                      CHAPTER 3: Complete Game Walkthrough          [B-K-WALKT]



             Level 0 : Prologue *Delfino Airstrip & Delfino Plaza*


Super Mario Sunshine begins with a small cutscene, leaving you with Mario, 
needing to find help for the current dilemna of a mysterious goopish...thing. 
And with this, another adventure in the world of Mario begins! 

Alright, start off by doing a bit of jumping and running, getting a feel for 
the controls. It should take a minute or two to get a hang of it. Once you're 
comfortable with Mario, go over to the Pianta's and talk to them. You should 
notice an odd device on the ground nearby. Go over to it. Why, it's FLUDD! 
There will be a short cutscene following this discovery that acts as an 
instructional video on the correct uses of FLUDD. You should spend some time 
after the video getting comfortable with aiming FLUDD's water nozzle, which is 
made easier by using first-person mode, accessible with the Y button. For 
something to spray, try the painted 'M' on the nearby wall, or perhaps an 
unsuspecting Pianta. Now, you should notice that after all this fun, you have 
less water than before. Fix that by jumping into the water nearby, and filling 
up by using the R button. 

Once you're all set, go back to the goop and a piranha should burst out from 
it. Go back into first person mode with the Y button for optimal aim, and then 
let loose, hitting him three times when he opens his mouth. Victory! Grab 
your shine and then be badgered by the locals unfairly. Great.  

Now, you should be set in Delfino Plaza. You can't return to Delfino Airstrip 
for a good while, so don't worry about that. Your mission is to go straight to 
the goop and clean it up, so go ahead and do that. Turn the corner, and you'll
find quite the pile of it. How nice. Get used to the sight, it'll be a common 
occurence in the future. Clear a path through the goop to get to the slightly 
raised center, taking care to free both the Toad and Pianta on the way. 
Avoid the enemies that appear from the slime, they're not much trouble, but 
they are annoying. Spray the upraised center until another piranha appears. 
Boring, eh? Shoot him full of cold water three times, again through the mouth, 
and take satisfaction from the cleared away muck. 

But what is this!? It was all a ploy!? No! The Shadow Mario took Princess 
Peach! After him! Of course, this means we need to follow him, and spray him 
along the way. This should give you excellent practive for using the nozzle 
without being in first person both accurately and efficiently. To keep running
while spraying water, only hold R lightly, don't hold it down all the way. 
Once done, he'll escape into the newly raised statue that appeared when you 
first defeated the piranha here. To follow him, spray the 'M' he left in his 
wake to make a path to the first true level of the game, Bianco Hills! 

Now, a number of events happen in Delfino Plaza in between new levels, so 
here's a list of what happens once you collect enough Shines. 

Delfino Plaza Shine-Timed Events

- 3 Shines = Near the ocean, you'll notice a house with a ocean close by. Go 
over to it and you'll find another mountain of muck covering the whole area. 
Clear it away and find the center, which you must spray with FLUDD until 
another pianha comes out. This time, you'll need six sprays, not three. Thus, 
it'll take you another half minute or so. Once done, you'll have access to the 
blue coin house, and level 2, Ricco Harbor! 

- 5 Shines = This time, the lighthouse is under an attack from the Blob, er, 
goop. Clear it away yet again, and defeat the piranha that attacks with six 
more shots from the nozzle. The third level, Gelato Beach, is now open for 

- 10 Shines = Yep, this sure is a plot twist. Shadow Mario is now on the 
scene, find him at the site of the cannon, which is on the water and to the 
very northwest of town, on the outskirts a bit. You'll find access to level 
four, Pinna Park here. 

- ? Shines = After finishing the fourth episode of Pinna Park, Shadow Mario 
will be waiting for you in the plaza, with no less than a Yoshi Egg in tow. 
Chase him and shoot him with water again, and he'll drop the egg and hightail 
it out of there. To use Yoshi, find a fruit that matches the one in the 
though bubble hovering over him and bring it to the egg, kicking or spraying 
it, whichever method you prefer. He'll come right out! You can now ride Yoshi! 

- 20 Shines = Hey, yay for getting access to level five, Noki Bay with minimal 
effort! To enter, go to the Shine Gate, and enter the beam of light. Using 
first person mode with the Y button, look straight up at the sun. You'll soon 
enter the level. 

- 30 Shines = This is where you get the Turbo nozzle, quite the fun accessory 
for every FLUDD! To get it, run into Shadow Mario, who's residing at the 
blue coin house. Chase and spray yet again, and soon you'll have your prize! 

- 30 Shines = And now, go to the courthouse, which is the new hot spot for 
reported Shadow Mario activity. This time, he'll have the Rocket nozzle. Do 
the same as before, and collect the nozzle. 

- ? Shines = After you've beaten every Episode 7 in all levels, the path to 
Corona Mountain is opened. To reach it, go past the Shine Gate, to the grassy 
ledges, and go up to the top of those ledges to find the cave, which is the 
location of Corona Mountain. 

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Available from start of the game:

Head over to the Shine Gate, and then to the left of it, notice the buildings. 
Using the nearby palm tree, use the Hover nozzle to get to the roofs right next 
to you. Talk to the Pianta and hand him a coin for him to throw you into a 
room with a Shine in it. Sweetness. 

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Available from start of the game:

Run to the Lighthouse, and stand on the beach about three meters away from it. 
Just estimate. Now, spray the sand to the left of you when you face the 
Lighthouse, and squirt water over that whole area until you finally start 
hitting something. The effect will be similar to hitting a red X on a wall. 
Once the Shine icon has been fully shown on the beach, it's time to go 
jumping! To the right, there are a series of platforms. Jump from the first to 
the platform holding your Shine to claim it. 

                            --- Secret Shine #3 ---

Available from start of the game:

Go left of the Shine Gate, and look for a building with an open door. That's 
the target. Go in. Talk to the Pianta to find out what you're supposed to do, 
which is break all of the crates in the room in 30 seconds. It's a breeze. If 
you're having trouble with it, ground pound in the center or multiple crates to 
break 'em all at once. Grab the Shine in the corner of the room. 

                            --- Secret Shine #4 ---

Available from start of the game:

Go back to that building with the open door, go in again. This time, as long 
as you have the previous Shine, there'll only be four stacks of crates to 
smash, but you'll have to use some fancy jumping to get to the top. No matter, 
when you're done, collect another Shine for pretty much zero work. 

                            --- Secret Shine #5 ---

Available from start of the game:

Know those platforms I mentioned for the second Shine? Yeah, go back there and 
hop along those again, this time reaching the one farthest out. Get to the 
pipe, and jump down to reach an odd sliding stage. The key point to getting 
this Shine is to be careful, look ahead to know when to turn, and jump when 
you reach the gaps. At the end, you've got a Shine! 

                            --- Secret Shine #6 ---

Available from start of the game:

Go over to the sort of port here in Delfino Plaza, and jump onto the boat that 
swings by. Right as it passes under the bridge, jump and you'll enter a 
special stage. It's like pinball. Jump onto the launching device and you'll 
automatically get Red Coins (1,3). Red Coins (4-7) are in the upper right, 
upper left, bottom right, and bottom left corners, and Red Coin (8) is in the 
top box. To collect the Shine, don't maneuver after being launched, and then 
jump down straight south past the two pins to hit the Shine. 

                            --- Secret Shine #7 ---

Available from start of the game:

Go the the east island, and look for a golden bird flying around. Spray it to 
make a Shine appear next to the lighthouse, go grab it. 

                            --- Secret Shine #8 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Rocket nozzle, and then head right. Go to the top of the building, 
and use the Rocket nozzle to reach the bell. Spray it off until it's clean, 
then rocket jump to the roof, and then rocket jump to the Shine. 

                            --- Secret Shine #9 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Rocket nozzle, and then head left and go to the top of the roof of 
that building. Use it to fly up to the bell, which you should spray to clean 
off. Once it's clean, head down and right, over to the next building, and 
ground pound your way to beneath the city. Go left, and jump up at the first 
place to jump on the left, and then rocket jump up to the Shine. 

                           --- Secret Shine #10 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Turbo nozzle, and go right, and then north, and turbo your way 
inbetween the Pianta's through the doors to reach a special stage. Use the 
Turbo nozzle to race through this level and to jump over gaps. The last gap is 
really, really long, so jump RIGHT at the end of the platform, and you might 
get to the Shine. Take the thing after so much work! ^_^ 

                           --- Secret Shine #11 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Turbo nozzle, and then head left from there, and use it to break 
through the doors to enter the building, where there's a Shine waiting. 

                           --- Secret Shine #12 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Rocket nozzle, then go to the Shine Gate. Use it to get to the 
gigantic Shine itself, which you need to clean off. Once it's clean, use the 
rocket jump to reach the top itself, and then use it to hit the Shine way up 
in midair. 

                           --- Secret Shine #13 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Rocket nozzle, then go to the lighthouse. Rocketjump to the roof, 
and then rocketjump, and ground pound. You'll go break through to the roof, 
and the Shine will appear above you. Rocketjump to grab it. 

                           --- Secret Shine #14 ---

Available after 30 Shines:

Equip the Rocket nozzle, and then to go the cannon to Pinna Park. From there, 
jump into the ocean, and follow the wall until you get to the last bit of 
trees above you. Rocket up to them, and then cross the trees to a ledge with a 
pipe. Enter the pipe to reach an odd little special stage. First, look down 
into the tall grass to see a Pianta running around on fire. Spray him until he 
stops, and then talk to him for Red Coin (1). Go back to the platform you 
started off on, and then look left at a higher platform, which holds a red 
bird. Spray it to make it fly off, then jump onto the nearest tree and get 
onto it's leaves, waiting for a good shot at the bird. Once you've hit it 
enough times, it'll fall and become a Red Coin (2). From that tree, go right 
to the edge of the stage and jump onto that platform for Red Coin (3). Move 
north from there, until you fall into a hole, which holds Red Coin (4). Now 
run around and find two pink enemies and defeat them for Red Coins (5,6). 
Red Coins (7,8) are the other two enemies in the special stage, these ones 
you need to spray first. The Shine will be located at the top of the highest 
platform, take it. 

                           --- Secret Shine #15 ---

Available after hatching Yoshi:

Hardest. Shine. In. The. Game. Hatch Yoshi, and go over to the port. Wait for a 
boat to come by, and when it does, hop on. Go from this boat to the next, and 
then to a third boat, eating fruit as you go to keep up your Yoshi. Once you 
reach a metal structure, jump onto it with Yoshi and wait. The last boat will 
come by, jump onto it with Yoshi and eat another fruit, and then hop off onto 
the island. Spray the damn yellow...stuff with Yoshi's juice to get rid of it, 
and hop into the pipe for a special stage. 

Here, we have Mario riding a lily pad. Well, actually, he's driving it. Huh. 
You have to get eight red coins here, and you won't get many of them each time 
you pass through. That's right, I said each time. Why? Because at the end, you 
can hop off and walk back to the start using the red pathways. Awesome. After 
what's promising to be a good number of trips, grab your Shine at the end and 
know that you're awesome. 

                           --- Secret Shine #16 ---

Complete the game. Sounds daunting, but after Secret Shine 15's little jaunt 
through hell, you'll be laughing your socks off. 

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

If you've completed the game, a quick way of getting 100 coins is to pay 10 to 
go to Delfino Airstrip. Once there, go to the Turbo nozzle and equip it, and 
then use it to follow the coin path and defeat enemies along the way. Once 
the coin path runs out, to to the right of the water packs and you'll pick it 
up again, again following the coin path (142). Take your Shine from the tall 
water tank. 

If you haven't completed the game, it's a bit tougher. Start off by entering 
the nearest manhole, and explore the entire system for coins. Then go the the 
northwestern island, north of the cannon to Pinna Park, and use that manhole 
system too (99). For the last coin, and five more, go northeast from the 
entrance to Bianco Hills, into the ocean and below it to find the six coins 
(105). The Shine is on the metallic structure way out in the ocean. If you 
have the Rocket nozzle, swim out and use that to reach the top. If not, go to 
the port, jump onto a boat, and use the elaborate boat system to reach it, by 
hopping from one to another. 


                            Level 1: Bianco Hills


               ----- Episode 1 - Road To The Big Windmill -----
Here at Bianco Hills, there's plenty of fun, sun, and...slime? Nuts. Well, go 
straight forward up the path, across the river, and follow this new path. At 
the end, you'll find a spinning wheel. Jump up on one of the ledges and ride 
it over the wheel to reach the other side of the wall. The muck pile should be 
readily apparent to you, as it's throwing slime balls all over the place. Go 
over and clear away the slime, and once you've reached the center, spray it to 
reveal, you guessed it, a piranha. Spray him three times in the mouth, and 
you've got yourself a shiny new shine!

               ----- Episode 2 - Down With Petey Piranha! -----

Go forward, across the river, and through the newly opened door. Go back to 
where you fought previously, and over the bridge. Be careful, part of the 
bridge is gone, so use the Hover nozzle, or a triple jump to get across. Once 
past the bridge, move up the path, dodging slime balls that not only are 
thrown at you, but roll at you. An easy way of avoiding the ones that roll by 
is to just, run on top of the bushes lining the path. Only do this if you're 
sure of you're fine control of Mario, though. Once you reach the small tower, 
refill FLUDD with the water shooting up, and go to the top of the tower, 
being sure to use the Hover nozzle when necessary. Use the miniture ferris 
wheel to get to the very top. 

                           Boss #1 Petey the Piranha

After the short cutscene, wait for Petey to open his mouth, and then fill him 
with water. Once he's fallen over, ground pound his protruding belly button. 
Do this three times and collect your shine. He's not that strong an enemy, 
the only thing you have to fear is the little enemies that are relentless in 
attacking Mario, and even this can be easily solved by spraying away the mud 
before it has a chance to sprout enemies. 

               ----- Episode 3 - The Hillside Cave Secret -----

Time to go retro! Now, move forward to the river, and jump carefully onto the 
wire hanging above it. Once there, jump with the wire's assistance directly 
above you, and you'll land on a higher wire. Now, move forward with this 
wire, jumping onto the windmill platform, and get onto the next wire, 
following it to it's platform. Now, from there, switch over to the Hover 
nozzle and look right, and see the wall there. Hover over and land on that 
wall, and follow the wall's top until you get to the series of platforms. 
Jump from one to the next, using the Hover nozzle when needed, until you're 
at the last platform. Triple jump off of that to get to the ledge, which you 
need to hug very closely to make it on. Follow it carefully until you can 
get to the end, and then backflip onto the wire above and use the wire to get 
to the cave. Head in. 

Oh noes, Shadow Mario's stolen FLUDD! Well, the only solution is to go through 
a retro platforming stage with awesome sound! Well, now that that's established 
time to go. First, jump up the moving platforms, be careful.The next part looks 
crazy, but really isn't. Just jump onto a sure platform, and then move VERY 
slowly ahead, not taking any chances. Now, next part really is crazy. Look to 
the left or right and set your camera to be looking as if you're doing a side 
scroller here. Move quickly but surely across this little mishap of blocks. 
These spinning platforms can be trickier than they appear, but still not that 
hard. Above the second is a 1-Up Mushroom. After crossing the two starred 
spinning platforms, grab the Shine.  

             ----- Episode 4 - Red Coins of Windmill Village -----

This time, there is zero need to cross the wall. Finally, we get to explore 
this side of town! We need eight Red Coins to get the Shine, so let's get 
crackin'. Start off by jumping onto the wire hanging across the river, and 
then jumping over that to reach the wire above it. Move onto the windmill 
platform and head right, onto the wire, and then midway across the wire look 
left and jump off, grabbing the first Red Coin (1). Continue along the wall, 
grabbing the Red Coin (2) directly atop the wall, inbetween walls of it's own. 
Keep going, up onto the higher wall now, and turn right, and you'll see a Red 
Coin (3) in your path along the highest wall dividing the level. Once you've 
grabbed that third coin, look right and jump onto the wire strung to another 
Red Coin (4) deftly dodging the enemy residing on the wire. Once you've grabbed 
it, drop onto a ledge stemming from the same building, which is on the side 
you came in on. Move across the bottom wire for the Red Coin (5), and jump 
from the bottom wire to the roof of the building ahead for another Red Coin 
(6). Now, move back to the building with the fourth Red Coin and look for a 
Red Coin (7) hovering ahead. Move to the windmill-like building, and from 
the nearest one, Hover nozzle your way to it, grabbing it midair. From that 
first windmill-like building, head to the next, which should be up ahead. 
Use the Hover nozzle, of course. Once there, look up and forward to see the 
last Red Coin (8). Head onto the building with two towers, and using the 
wall jump between the towers, reach the top of one, and jump to the tower 
roof with the last Red Coin if you haven't already. Grab it. To reach your 
Shine, jump over to the other tower and follow the wire strung to that oh so 
high windmill platform, dodging enemies with well timed jumps on your way. 
Claim the Shine. 

              ----- Episode 5 - Petey Piranha Strikes Back -----

Oh no! Not the incredibly easy boss from before! Well, he's back, and he's 
just as easy this time. Ahead across the river and to the left, you'll notice 
town's a bit dirtier now. Clean it up if you want, if you don't want to, then 
head straight forward to the cliff face, and rescue a Pinata stuck in the mud 
to have him chuck you to a ledge above and beyond him. Once on the ledge, go 
up the cliff until you reach Petey. 

                          Boss #2 Petey the Piranha 2

Hit him with a pig balloon thing, and once he's fallen to the ground, fill his 
mouth with water until he falls over, at which time you ground pound the belly 
button. Do this three times and you're done. This battle's gimmick is that 
he's flying, which really just prolongs the inevitable. His attacks involve 
just spitting slime, flying around, and a little tornado he creates while on 
the ground that doesn't go very far away from his person, certainly isn't 

             ----- Episode 6 - The Secret of the Dirty Lake -----

Go forward up the path, and once you cross the river turn right and go through 
the door. Head up the hill, following the path you used to get to Petey 
Piranha the first time you fought. Once about midway up the tower, facing the 
walls of the level, look for a cave entrance near the water. Once you've 
spotted it, do a triple jump, turning into a Hover nozzle display, over to the 
cave, hopefully falling on one of the logs. Once you're under control, enter 
the cave, ignoring the FLUDD attachment in front of it. 

Another retro platforming bit awaits you here. Alright, head forward, and wait 
until the blue platform flips, and then jump onto it, wait until the red 
platform flips, jump onto it, do the same for the rest of the platforms until 
you're close enough to the ledge to jump to it. Now, jump onto the spinning 
star and grab the easy 1-Up Mushroom, and then wall jump off the wall on the 
right onto the 3-D block, which will now move towards the next ledge. But it 
won't go easy! It'll flip itself, starting with a flip to the left, then a 
flip backwards, followed with a spin, then a forward flip, right flip, topped 
off with another spin, and then you have to wall jump onto the next ledge.
Dodge the two arrows coming at you from both directions, and hop onto another 
3-D block. Once on, it will move upwards with great speed, while flipping. 
First, a flip to the left, and then a flip to the left and backwards, and 
following that another backwards flip, with one to the right after that. 
Right before that flip, there should be a 1-Up Mushroom you can grab. Anyway, 
a flip forward and to the right is after that, followed by one that's just 
forward. With that, it'll stop and raise to the next platform. Jump off 
quickly, it doesn't stop to let you off. More red platforms and blue platforms 
spinning here, use the same cautiousness to reach the platform forward and to 
the right of your starting point. On that ledge is your hard-earned Shine. 

               ----- Episode 7 - Shadow Mario on the Loose -----

Shadow Mario is in Bianco Hills? After him! Essentially, that's this 
episode in a nutshell. Just follow him and spray him with water until he 
falls. Grab your Shine. Easy. He can be wily, but his music gives him away, 
as it is distinctive and alerts you to his presence. 

               ----- Episode 8 - The Red Coins of the Lake -----

Red Coins again, here we go! Head forward, cross the river and head right, 
through the door. Go out to the lake, and look for a lily pad. This will be 
your mode of transportation. Jump onto it and spray water behind you to move, 
going out and jumping to get a Red Coin (1) as it floats above the lake. 
Beyond that, there is a Red Coin (2) above a strung wire, jump from the lily 
pad to the wire, and from the wire to grab it. Here's where it get's tricky. 
Climb up ol' Petey's tower, get onto the windmill, and about three-fourths of 
the way up, using your Hover nozzle, jump to the platform out in the distance 
with a blue coin. From there, jump onto the wire, and from that wire to Red 
Coin (3). On the next windmill platform, jump back onto the wire, face the 
next set of wires, and jump as high as you can, and at the climax of that 
jump, use the Hover nozzle to land on the platform. Follow that wire to yet 
another windmill platform, and from that platform, go to the next wire, which 
has Red Coin (4) hovering above of it. Follow the wire to the next platform, 
and from there over the next wire, which has Red Coin (5) far above it. 
Following that to the next windmill platform, we've seemed to hit a deadend. 
Nope! Jump down, using the Hover nozzle for precision, to the set of wires 
beneath the one we're currently using. To find them, look for a Red Coin 
that's lower than your current position. Once down, grab that Red Coin (6). 
Now, drop down to the water, you probably need the refill anyway, and move 
over to the shore with the Pianta and trees. Move straight ahead from that 
point, onto the platforms. Go to the top platform, jump onto the wire and take 
Red Coin (7) along the way. Now, from the end of the wire, hitting the 
windmill platform, use the Hover nozzle to go over to the last one. Red Coin 
(8) is hovering above a wire, above the Pianta that I just mentioned. Where 
does this crazy amount of skill and hard work net us a Shine? Why, it nets 
us a Shine in an alcove in Petey's Tower, hidden behind the windmill. How 
nice. Well, go grab it, using the Hover nozzle and windmill to get into the 

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Play Episode 3: 

Once completed the first time, come back to the level again. This time, when 
you enter the cave, there will be this big red button. As in the case of all 
big red buttons, it's meant to be pushed, or in this case, ground pounded! Do 
so, and a timer will appear, giving you one minute to grab all eight red 
coins. Do you think it impossible? Worry not, for I will lead you to victory, 
Shine-style. Besides, you've got FLUDD this time. Hit the big red button, and 
hurry up the steps, collecting your first Red Coin (1) on the left of the 
second moving block. When you reach the moving orange block area, hover around 
with the Hover nozzle to get Red Coins (2,3,4,5). To do this with the most 
efficiency, get the lower-right Red Coin (2) first, the lower-left Red Coin 
(3) second, the upper-left Red Coin (4) third, and the upper-right Red Coin  
(5) last. From the that last Red Coin, hover over forward and to the right, to 
those spinning stars. Hop from one to another, each holds a Red Coin (6,7). 
The last Red Coin (8) is on the other side of the middle, so hover over and 
grab it. To claim your Secret Shine, go to where you got the first star, but 
the Secret Shine is directly before it. 

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 6: 

Once completed the first time, come back to the level again. Go back to the 
cave hidden in the wall of the cliff and go in. Yep, same thing as before, hit 
the big red button, grab the eight Red Coins before time runs out. This time 
though, you get another 1:30, which is nice. Red Coin (1) is floating above 
the red platforms at the beggining, grab it. Red Coin (2) is immediately after 
that, above the spinning star. After that, get to the 3-D block and hover 
above it, and if you're a bit slow at these things, once within range you can 
ditch the block and just hover the rest of the way. Red Coin (3) is next to 
the quick-moving triangles, grab it. Once you're on the second 3-D cube, you 
should be able to get Red Coins (4,5) along the way to the top. Once at the 
top, you'll find Red Coins (6,7,8) hovering above platforms there, two right 
next to the other platform, the other a bit closer to where you start off. 
Get them and grab the Secret Shine, it's on the same ledge as the translucent 
Shine from before. 

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

Go in on Episode 8. Alright, this is a kind ofeasy level to get 100 coins in. 
First order of business is to defeat your enemies. The best way to do it is 
to draw them out of their flower disguise, and then blast them into the wall, 
netting you an extra two coins. But really, here's the gold mine of this 
level. Go to the center of the building's area, where there are a ring of 
flowers. Have them all opened at the same time by spraying them quickly, and 
six coins pop up. Next, two enemies pop up, shoot them into the wall. (12) 
Next, go left, to the cliff and spray that ring of flowers, and kill those 
three enemies. (26) Go up now, up to the next ring of flowers. Repeat the 
spray flowers/kill enemies strategy, including the two enemies next to the 
sidewalk. (44) Go into said sidewalk, and jump over the wheel in the sidewalk, 
but then start hovering over it, spinning it so it hits the bells above, 
making coins drop. But it only works once, and assuming you've already done it 
before, you'll get a 1-Up Mushroom. I'm not factoring in the bell coins for 
that reason. Now, go over to the right side of the map. First, go to the very 
right side and take out those enemies/spray the flowers. (57) Then take out 
the three beehives. (59) 

Now, go up to the platforms as if you were in Episode 3 and you planned to go 
to the cave. Along the way, jump on the heads of two enemies. (61) Now, use 
the Hover Nozzle to go over to the platforms with the Rocket Nozzle, and then 
use the Rocket Nozzle to fly up and grab the wire, getting those coins. (63). 
Use the Rocket Nozzle to fly over to the trees in front of you, and then 
spray the enemy, and then jump on him to get his coin, plus the two coins 
that you can get without an enemy there. (68) Now go left, over to the other 
flowers/enemies. Repeat the process, while beind sure to grab the enemies that 
are near the bridge, too. (86) 

For the last sixteen, start off by going under the bridge, using a wire strung 
beneath it for the jump. (90) Now, swim around the lake, the culdesac behind 
Petey's tower specifically, and you should find enough coins to put you 
over the edge. (102) Grab your 100-Coin Shine on a right next to the wall that 
divides the level. 


                            Level 2: Ricco Harbor


               ----- Episode 1 - Gooper Blooper Breaks Out -----

Ricco Harbor may look incredibly complicated, but that's not quite true. Well, 
let's get started. Move forward and up the ramp, backflipping and Hover 
nozzeling to go over the wire cage. Once you reach the sign with the arrow, go 
left, and jump over to the slime-coated ground, clearing it away as you go. 
Once there, go right, until you hit a dead end. Do a triple jump off the dock, 
towards the slime, and then Hover nozzle to the left so that you hit that 
dock, and then hop onto the elevator. Hop off onto the wire mesh path, jumping 
to the buildings and then going right, until you hit a tower of crates. Pull 
on the appendange hanging out of one of the crates using B, and the battle 

                            Boss #1 Gooper Blooper

First, pull off his roving appendages until he has none, using B, and then go 
over and pull out his plug, harming him for the first time. Now, clean away 
the goop surrounding him and take off his appendages again. Pull his mouth 
one last time and he's finished. Take the Shine. 

                ----- Episode 2 - Blooper Surfing Safari -----

Go backwards and then left over the wooden logs, until you get to the platform 
with multi-colored Bloopers on it. Go green, it's nice and slow, pink if you 
want a faster ride. Yellow's inbetween. But for now, go green so that you can 
learn the ropes. Press Up on the D-pad for acceleration, not that you'll need 
it since it accelerates on it's own, press Down on the D-pad to decelerate. 
The A button is to jump. Now, be careful, anything you hit means instant 
death. Once you've started, follow the coins until you go into the cave. Go 
green again, all you have to do to get the Shine is finish. Here's an ASCII 
representation of the course.  
                                           /   \
               ___________________________/     \______
              /                              y         \_________  
             /    z     z                    y       y           \
            |     |^^^^^^^^^________________     ___ y   ____     \
            |     |                         \___/   \___/    \     |
            |     |                                           |   w|
            |     ^^^^^^^^^^|                                 |   w|
             \    z         |                                 |   w|
              ^^^^^^^^^     |       _________________________/     |
                      |     |      /                               |
             |^^^^^^^^^     |      |                          x    |
             |              |      |                              /
             |   |^^________|      |          ___________________/
             |   |                 |         /                  
             |   |                 |         |
             |   |                 |         |
             |    ^^________       |         |
             |               |     |         |
             |               |     |         |
             |_____^^|       |     |          \ 
                     |       |     |           \________________
                     |       |     |                w           \
                     |       |     |             w      w        \
             ______^^        |     |                w      w      |
            /                |     |             w      w         |
           |        _________|      \               w             | 
           |       |                 \___________________         |
           |       |                                     \        |
           |       |                                      \       |
           |       |                                       |    w |
           |       |                                       |    w |
           |       |                                       |    w |
           |       |                                       |      |
           |       |                                       | w    |
           |       |                                       | w    |
           |        \                                      | w    |
           |         \____________         ________________/      |
           |                     *'       *                       |
           |                     *'       *                       |
            \____________________*'       *______________________/
* = Starting point 
*' = Ending point 
_ = Wall 
/ = Curving wall 
^ = Shortcut jumping point 
w = Obstacle that doesn't move 
x = Obstacle that moves back and forth across your path 
y = Obstacle that spins across your path 
z = Obstacle that rises and lowers across your path 

This took 2 hours to make, so use it! It isn't quite to scale with itself, due 
to it having to work size wise, so know that one path that looks bigger than 
another on here may in fact be smaller. Once you've finished, grab the Shine. 

                ----- Episode 3 - The Caged Shine Sprite -----

Do a triple jump onto the ship in front of you, and then go forward until you 
hit the door to the inside of the ship, which we can't enter. Go right, a bit, 
onto the red wire mesh, and wait until a moving platform comes by, jump onto 
it, and then jump off of it onto the platform the dancing Pianta is standing 
on. Now use the Hover nozzle to move left onto the platform with the Pianta 
just standing. Jump from there onto another moving platform, and from that to 
a platform with another Pianta. DON'T talk to him, he'll throw you. From that 
point, hover over to the cruise ship, and then go to the other side of it 
and jump over three litte platforms, to a wire mesh tower, start climbing. At 
the apex of the tower, jump and Hover nozzle to the blue pathway. Go forward 
and then triple jump onto the pathway above. From there, double jump onto 
another pathway, higher than this. Follow the path until you reach the red 
FLUDD attachment box, hit it for the Rocket nozzle. Ooh. Now go over to the 
trampaline and use that to get onto the next high platform. Follow the path, 
go left onto another trampaline, onto another platform, and yet another 
trampaline, and yet another platform. Pass through the last pathway, and 
use the two trampalines to get high enough, and then Rocket Nozzle into the 
yellow tower and grab your Shine. 

               ----- Episode 4 - The Secret of Ricco Tower -----

Go up the ramp, over the wire mesh cage, and then triple jump hover left, to 
the higher steel plank. Jump into the hole at the top of the tower. Woo hoo, 
special stage! 'Cause everyone loves dying repeatedly. First thing, jump 
through the slowly rotating wooden bars, and grab the 1-Up Mushroom at the 
end. From there, we have three slowly rotating wheels, jump through that by 
going very slowly and cautiously. It's still not very hard. Now, the next bit 
is annoying. Now the wooden bards are at angles, and are rotating much faster. 
Jump quickly through this, and be ready to die, it's pretty easy to do so 
here. Grab the Shine at the end. 

                ----- Episode 5 - Gooper Blopper Returns -----

Up the ramp, over the wire mesh cage, to the left dock, do a triple jump 
combined with the Hover nozzle to get up the wall, and then go to the area 
you first fought Gooper Blooper in. Then, jump down to one of the boats right 
next to that area, and jump from that boat to the Hover nozzle. Get it. Use it 
right where you're standing, and grab onto the wire mesh. Go to one end of it 
and press A to get to the top. 

                           Boss #2 Gooper Blooper 2

Once again, pull off his appendages, clean off his face, and then pull the 
plug out. Repeat, this time pulling on his face. He's gone. Seriously, not 
even an improvement from last time. All he has is one extra little attack 
where he windmills with his appendages. Pathetic. Take your Shine. 

                ----- Episode 6 - Red Coins on the Water -----

Go backwards and to the left, back to the Blooper Surfing dock. Grab the green 
Blooper, and you have 8 Red Coins to collect in under 2 minutes! GASP. Well, 
it's not that hard, but it's not too easy, so we'd better get going! Remember 
the trail of coins you followed to get to the cave last time? Well, follow it 
for Red Coins (1,2,3). Once you've got these three, then go to Red Coin (4), 
which is near the Rocket nozzle we used last Episode. From there, go right, 
and you'll soon be on a new trail of coins. Red Coin (5) is there. Now go to 
the yellow submarine and grab Red Coin (6), which is in midair next to it. 
Red Coin (7) is to the right of that, underneath the red platform by the boat 
with the ramp. To finish it off, Red Coin (8) can be found in the middle of 
the two boats near where the seventh Red Coin resides. The Shine is where you 
got the blooper, go right over and take it. 

                ----- Episode 7 - Shadow Mario Revisited -----

Just another Shadow Mario chase. Hit him with water, watch him fall down, 
laugh manicially as you get a Shine for basically nothing. All you really 
need to know is that he runs onto the ship, over the funnel and up, onto 
the grid system. Take him out, collect the Shine. 

                ----- Episode 8 - Yoshi's Fruit Adventure -----

To do this level, you must have Yoshi unlocked, via doing Episode 4 of Pinna 
Park, and taking down Shadow Mario while he holds a Yoshi Egg. If not, you 
can't complete this level and get it's Shine. If you do, listen up. 

Instead of jumping for ten minutes over to where you first fought Gooper 
Blooper, ground pound your way into the manhole, and then go right all the 
way to the end; jump out. Go over to the nearby Yoshi Egg, it wants a brown, 
spiky fruit. Well, alright. Go right until you hit the fruit dispensers, 
they'll be on your left. Jump onto the top of one of the tanks and ground 
pound, a fruit comes out. If it's not the one we want, hover over to the 
dispenser next to it and try that one. When you do get a spiky brown fruit, 
roll it over to the Yoshi Egg. You've got Yoshi! 

Now, with Yoshi, ride down to where the Cheep-Cheeps pop out of the water. 
When they do, hit them with a spray of fruit juice...spit. Ick. Hit it when 
it's just about to hit the water, and watch as a platform appears. Jump down 
onto it, and go onto the ledge right next to you. Eat that fruit, with Yoshi, 
of course. Back onto the platform you made, hit another fish. Instead of 
creating a stationary platform, you've made one that moves up and down, 
vertically! Sweet. Ride it, of course, and jump off onto the wire mesh. Hit 
the yellow slime with some spit, it'll dissolve. What are in these fruits!? 
Anyway, get off Yoshi and grab your Shine! Despite how spit-tainted it is. >_> 

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Play Episode 2: 

To get this Shine, you'll have had to go through Episode 2 once before. Go back 
and to the left, using the Green Blooper again. Ride along the trail of coins, 
right into the cave, again. Talk to the Pianta, and this time, with all of your 
new-found skill, I suppose you should use the Pink Blooper. The challenge for 
this Secret Shine is that you have to complete the course in under 40 seconds. 
It's not that hard, provided that you USE the shortcuts shown in my ASCII 
representation of the course, which I'll put here for convienience... 

                                           /   \
               ___________________________/     \______
              /                              y         \_________  
             /    z     z                    y       y           \
            |     |^^^^^^^^^________________     ___ y   ____     \
            |     |                         \___/   \___/    \     |
            |     |                                           |   w|
            |     ^^^^^^^^^^|                                 |   w|
             \    z         |                                 |   w|
              ^^^^^^^^^     |       _________________________/     |
                      |     |      /                               |
             |^^^^^^^^^     |      |                          x    |
             |              |      |                              /
             |   |^^________|      |          ___________________/
             |   |                 |         /                  
             |   |                 |         |
             |   |                 |         |
             |    ^^________       |         |
             |               |     |         |
             |               |     |         |
             |_____^^|       |     |          \ 
                     |       |     |           \________________
                     |       |     |                w           \
                     |       |     |             w      w        \
             ______^^        |     |                w      w      |
            /                |     |             w      w         |
           |        _________|      \               w             | 
           |       |                 \___________________         |
           |       |                                     \        |
           |       |                                      \       |
           |       |                                       |    w |
           |       |                                       |    w |
           |       |                                       |    w |
           |       |                                       |      |
           |       |                                       | w    |
           |       |                                       | w    |
           |        \                                      | w    |
           |         \____________         ________________/      |
           |                     *'       *                       |
           |                     *'       *                       |
            \____________________*'       *______________________/

* = Starting point 
*' = Ending point 
_ = Wall 
/ = Curving wall 
^ = Shortcut jumping point 
w = Obstacle that doesn't move 
x = Obstacle that moves back and forth across your path 
y = Obstacle that spins across your path 
z = Obstacle that rises and lowers across your path 

Now remember, the shortcut jumps are where I've changed the walls (___) into 
these (^^^). Using the shortcuts, and avoiding dry ground, you should be able 
to go in with at least ten seconds more time than given to you. Good luck! 

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 4: 

You'll have had to complete Episode 4 once before to get this Secret Shine. 
Go up the ramp, over the wire mesh cage, and onto the top of the ship. Use a 
backflip, combined with the Hover nozzle, to reach the highest steel plank. 
Jump over to the Tower, and then enter. Again, you have to hit the big red 
button, and then collect all eight Red Coins before you run out of time, and 
this time, you have 1:30 to get all eight. Hit it, and go! Red Coins (1,2) can 
be found on the second and fourth slowly rotating wooden bars, respectively. 
Red Coins (3,4) can be grabbed through wall-jumping, on the platform between 
the slowly rotating wooden bars and the rotating wheels, as they are above 
you. Red Coin (5) is above the middle rotating wheel, slightly to the right, 
grab it. Red Coins (6,7,8) are all above the slowly rotating wooden bars from 
here on out, on the second, fourth, and fifth slowly rotating wooden bars, 
respectively. The Secret Shine is next to the level's normal Shine, claim it. 

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

In my opinion, this is one of the hardest levels to get 100 coins on. But 
will that stop us? Maybe! Go in at Episode 3, by the way. More enemies, more 
coins. First, go back and break the boxes, a few contain coins. (3) Second, 
ground pound into the manhole, where there is a wealth of coins to be found. 
Explore it completely, leave no manhole un-jumped through. (41) Once out, go 
to the ship with the ramp that is on the right of you when you start the 
level. Once aboard, so a backflip onto the wire girder above you and grab 
the coins on top of it, while being sure to take out the Blooper next to the 
wire girder for it's coin. (50) 

Halfway done! From there, go onto the ship that start's off in front of you. 
Jump over the wire mesh cage, and go onto the very top of it. Do a backflip 
and hover onto the steel plank at the very top to the left, and then go over 
to the one with coins. (52) Go back to the top of the boat where you were at, 
Look to the right, now. Watch as the wire mesh plank is moved about. Now, be 
careful, jump onto the mechanism holding the wire mesh plank, and ride it as 
it carries you through coins. Go to it's center to find more. (64) Now, drop 
to the water, and swim beneath a platform next to the oily water to find 
some coins. (68) Swim over to the wire mesh next to the ship with a ramp, and 
climb up it, using the Hover nozzle to get onto the steel plank grid. Here we 
go. Jump on the Bloopers here to get a good deal of coins (84). Go over to the 
crane here on the grid and drop down, netting you some coins. (88) Go back on 
to the grid, from the ship that you start off right in front of. From there, 
use the Hover nozzle to go back and right, grabbing yourself two coins (90). 
Look in front of you and to the left to see a wealth of coins, to get them, 
wall jump between two wire mesh towers (97). Complete the wall jump to get 
to the top of one of those towers, and then look forward, and to the left to  
see a small line-up of coins. Get them (101). Grab your Shine near where you 
fought Gooper Blooper for the first time, but closer to the fruit dispensers. 


                            Level 3: Gelato Beach


              ----- Episode 1 - Dune Bud Sand Castle Secret -----

Run forward to the main island, and to the left. Spray the little leaves while 
dodging those little pelican/penguin attackers. The blue ones will just throw 
you, but the red ones will hurt you too for a slice of HP. Now, get to the 
little leaf that's the closest to middle length of sand that extends into the 
ocean. Spray it, and watch as a delightful sand castle appears straight ahead. 
Run through the arch with the arrow pointing and you'll be transported to 
another retro-platforming stage. 

This one is really easy and simple. Just go straight forward, jumping when 
needed, until you get to the structure of blocks, which requires you jumping to 
the top to grab the Shine. Just a bit ahead of the Shine, there's another 
little tower with a 1-Up Mushroom, grab it if you want. Now, the key here is 
the realization that the sand-colored blocks disintigrate underneath you 
rapidly, so you have to move fast. Stand on a solid colored block to regain 
your calm, and then continue ahead. If you stay on a colored block long 
enough, the fully disintigrated blocks will pop back up, which is pretty nice. 

            ----- Episode 2 - Mirror Madness! Tilt, Slam, Bam! -----

Look straight ahead to the beach hut. Run there, and then beyond it, and 
you'll see a number of gigantic mirrors to the right and above you. Jump up on 
a ledge to reach the mirror's area. From there, go left, until you reach the 
palm tree next to a mirror with only one enemy on it. Jump onto the palm 
tree's leaves, and from there to the mirror. Defeat the enemy by splashing 
water onto it until it's just about to fall off, and then go to the other end 
of the mirror and ground pound it, flinging off the enemy. You'll watch a very 
short cutscene, and then be set onto a palm tree behind the mirror you just 
fixed. From there, hover onto that mirror, and then back onto the ledge with 
the other two mirrors. This time, go left and up, and then triple jump onto 
the mirror with two enemies walking on it. Repeat the process of spraying 
water and ground pounding the opposite end of the mirror, twice this time, and 
be careful to always know where both of the enemies are. This time, after 
another cutscene, you'll be set onto a roof of a makeshift shelter. Jump to 
the left, onto the mirror you were just on, and from there onto the tower with 
coins all around it's center. Run over to the other side of it, and then 
hover onto the last mirror, with a daunting three enemies on it. Time to 
switch our tactics. This time, spray at least two at a time, so that you only 
have to worry about one enemy on your tail. Dispose of the three enemies, and 
watch the last cutscene. Your Shine is set onto where you revealed a castle 
last Episode, go pick it up. 

            ----- Episode 3 - Wiggler Ahoy! Full Steam Ahead! -----

To reach Wiggler, simply go forward and look for a gigantic enemy trampeding 
around. Somehow, it won't escape your notice.

                                Boss #1 Wiggler

Wiggler's strategy of running around mindlessly is, well, effective. To put 
and end to it, watch his pattern of running carefully. It doesn't change, at 
least not until later on. Once you've figured it out, watch what Dune Buds he 
runs over. Those are the key to victory. Wait for him to come by, and then 
spray a Dune Bud underneath him. Once it explodes out, it flips him. Look for 
an arrow hovering above him, that's the section of him you have to ground 
pound. Do a triple jump onto him and then do so. Repeat two more times, and 
you've won. He does get faster and meaner each time, though, so watch out. 
Also, he'll change his set pattern into a broader area too, be careful. When 
he's out of the picture, collect your Shine in the area where you found 
the castle in Episode 1. Yes, it's a popular area for Shines to appear, I 

                 ----- Episode 4 - The Sand Bird is Born -----

Return to the area with the tower and mirrors, but this time go just beyond 
it, until you run into a lone Sand Bud, in a sort of semi-cave. Spray it to 
make stairs, and follow them up the the next ledge. If you like to conserve 
water, you could wall jump up the walls of the semi-cave, too. Follow the 
path up, and then left, until you hit a trail of coins. Go through it, until 
you hit a sort of meeting area. Past the Piantas, in the direction of the 
tower, the coin trail resumes. Slide down it, and you'll fall onto a 
trampoline. Use it, and you'l fly into a hole into the Tower. Once the 
screen comes back, you're flying the Sand Bird! Sweet! Red Coins (1-7) are on 
the Sand Bird itself, carefully, very, very carefully, go around on it and 
grab those Red Coins. You'll find Red Coin (8) hovering by itself atop of 
the tower you're flying around. You'll also fly by numerous Blue Coins and 
1-Up Mushrooms on the way, ignore the 1-Up Mushrooms, but if you get a 
chance, snag the Blue Coins. Grab the Shine that appears right next to Red 
Coin (8) once you're done! 

             ----- Episode 5 - II Piantissimo's Sand Spirit -----

Remember that area with the Pianta's and ropes that was a sort of meeting 
place last level? Well, that's your objective, this time. But, now you have 
to get there before II Piantissmo! It's not that hard. Talk to him to start 
the race, and then get going! Use the wall jumping technique I told you of 
last time, it'll save you some time. Once up there, don't use the normal 
paths, make a beeline for the area over the grasses. With this plan in mind, 
you should have no trouble beating him there. Take the Shine he gives you 
after your glorious victory! 

              ----- Episode 6 - Red Coins in the Coral Reef -----

Head to the left, over to the area where the castle is revealed in Episode 1. 
From there, look left, to underwater. You'll see a coral reef underwater. 
That coral reef has your Red Coins. You'll find Red Coins (1-6) hidden among 
the coral and undersea vegetation, meant to blend in. Once you've got those 
6, the last two Red Coins (7,8) are with the nearby fish that are swimming 
around. They don't attack you, so just swim in and grab them. Your Shine will 
be placed slightly above a rock in the reef, swim over and grab it. 

             ----- Episode 7 - It's Shadow Mario! After Him! -----

Standard 'Chase Shadow Mario and spray him with water until he falls down, 
laugh at his lack of threat and take the Shine' level. Fun, I know. 

                ----- Episode 8 - The Watermelon Festival -----

Again, plan here is to get to the meeting area at the top of the level, with 
Pianta's and the such. Go there, and you'll find yourself a giant watermelon. 
Alright, this is the annoying part. Gently walk into the watermelon, guiding 
it to the slightly hidden path on the right, until you reach the gap. Push it 
down, and then slide down right after it, if possible, get to the beach before 
it. The main problem here are the enemies, spray them the hell away from your 
prize watermelon. Go slowly to the hut while rolling your watermelon, and 
take very frequent breaks to spray the enemies. Take as much time as you need 
to go over the pathway, don't rush. Grab your Shine once you've reached the 

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---
Play Episode 1:

You'll have to have completed Episode 1 once before to get this Secret Shine. 
Enter in Episode 1, and then go straight forward to the area with the mirrors 
and tower, and then past it, to a Sand Bud that's sitting next to some 
talkative Pianta's. Spray it, and then go down the stairs. Spray the sand 
wall at the end of the stairs to make a little Shine symbol appear, not to 
mention an actual Shine too, at the meeting area. Take it. 

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 1: 

You'll have to have completed Episode 1 once before to get this Secret Shine. 
Enter in Episode 1, and then once again, raise the castle, and enter it. Go 
forward, and hit the big red button to make eight red coins appear. You've got 
1 minute, go! Red Coin (1) is straight ahead, and Red Coin (2) is right behind 
it. Red Coin (3) is beyond that, right before the tower begins. Red Coins 
(4,5) are on the front corners of the tower, while Red Coin (6) is in the 
center of it. Lastly, Red Coins (7,8) are on two side towers to the main one. 
Collect your Shine on the green platform before the tower. 

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

Do Episode 8, for this one because of it's huge number of enemies. And that's 
where we'll begin. Systematically go over the beach, onto ledges, and up 
onto the area with the mirrors for your base coins. Go slowly, you don't want 
to miss any (26). Next, go to the Dune Bud you sprayed for the first Secret 
Shine, and spray it again, grabbing the coins hidden on the stairs (29). Now, 
go to the meeting area, and jump onto the wires. Go from wire to wire, 
collecting coins at the right end of the wire (33). Hop down to the beach, 
and then swim under the hut on the left for some coins (40). From there, 
go right and up the hill, and around a small green hill to find two hidden 
coins (42). Go across the beach from there, to the other hut, and then go in 
it. Jump up and you'll grab onto a wire mesh, which has some coins on it (46). 
Now go up and to the right, and you'll reach a ledge with more coins on it 
(52). Go back to where you start the level, and then look for a little island 
behind you, with trees. Go up the trees, and use the swing (69). Now go to 
the three watermelons, one that's in the meeting area, one that's on the far 
left side of the map, next to some enemies, and one that's next to palm 
trees and the beach hut. Break each one of them by using an enemy to do so, 
you can do this about eight times each and each time you'll get a coin (93). 
Go to the meeting area and look up, at the wire. There should be eight green 
birds sitting on it. Spray them all to make eight coins drop (101). Collect 
your Shine at the bottom left of the beach. 


                              Level 4: Pinna Park


                 ----- Episode 1 - Mecha-Bowser Appears! -----

Go forward, and follow Shadow Mario. No point in spraying him, at the end, 
watch the cutscene. 

                              Boss #1 Mecha-Bowser

You'll soon be on a roller coaster, with fire and rockets shot at you. Nice. 
Shoot water at everything that attacks you, that's about it. When you get a 
rocket attached to FLUDD, shoot it at Mecha-Bowser's flat head. Hit him four 
times and you're done. Watch another cutscene, and then go to the center of the 
pool and grab the Shine. 

               ----- Episode 2 - The Beach Cannon's Secret -----

Go right, and get close enough to the cannon that the gunner throws bombs at 
you. Spray them with water, pick them up, and throw them back at him. Hit him 
three times, and then jump into the cannon. Retro stage time! Alright, key 
thing about the start is that once a platform starts darkening, it's a second 
away from dissapearing. Which makes running on the larger platforms a bad 
idea. Go from platform to platform, being very careful to stay on small 
platforms that are close to other platforms. Once you're on solid ground 
again, break the crates, one of which will reveal a 1-Up Mushroom, much needed 
if your reflexes aren't up to par. Here, go up the tower, using the springy 
trampoline platforms. At the top, watch as the red platforms darken, one at a 
time. When the last platform goes away, jump! You'll land on a reappeared red 
platform, making it across with time to spare. Now, repeat the process, but 
with the different red blocks. Grab the Shine at the end. 

             ----- Episode 3 - Red Coins of the Pirate Ships -----

Go forward and through the entrance, and then go right, and up, to the set of 
stairs. Go up the stairs, and grab your Red Coin (1) from the platform. Wait 
on said platform, and when oppurtunity strikes, jump on the closest boat. Red 
Coin (2) can be found at the right end of the first boat at it's peak, and Red 
Coin (3) can be found at the left end of the second boat at it's peak. From 
there, jump up atop the green wire mesh, it'll be right in front of you on the 
second boat as you get the third Red Coin. Take Red Coin (4), and then hop 
down to the right, and again down. Do a back jump onto the wire mesh above 
you, taking Red Coin (5), and go back down. Take out the two enemies beneath 
the wire mesh with ground pounds, and then use the flipping part of the mesh 
to hang beneath it, heading forward for Red Coin (6). Keep moving forward, 
using the next flipper to go up. Repeat twice, until you're at the top of the 
cage, and then go beneath the wire mesh path and hang on, following it for Red 
Coin (7). Go back, and this time go atop of the path, dodging enemies for Red 
Coin (8). The Shine will appear right next to you. Take it. 

                 ----- Episode 4 - The Wilted Sunflowers -----

Go right, onto the beach, like in Episode 2. Spray an egg, and you'll soon 
have an enemy on your case. To defeat him, run around until he jumps up, and 
then ground pound him once he hits the sand. Do this four more times to get 
the Shine. 

               ----- Episode 5 - The Runaway Ferris Wheel -----

Go forward, into the park, and then go forward again, to the Episode 3 ship 
pool. Follow it's outskirts and go to the left of it, and when the white 
cement path ends, jump onto the grassy ledge above you. Go right from there, 
onto another ledge, and then onto yet another ledge, all grassy. From there, 
go up and to the right, following the path until you can go forward. Once you 
are on grass again, go as far as you can go forward without falling off, and 
then look left. Do a backjump to the left, and then hover to a semi-cage that 
is blue. Do a spin jump right, and hover all the way to the other end of the 
area, and grab onto that blue wire mesh. Do a backjump from the level wire 
mesh next to where you grabbed, onto the wire mesh platform up above you and 
to the right. You'll be standing next to a rubber band, jump onto said rubber 
band, and fling yourself way, way up, grabbing onto the wire mesh and flipping 
it to get rid of the enemy. Now, you'll notice a large speed decrease on the 
ferris wheel, thank God. Go forward and jump onto a carriage, and wait until 
you're at the top of the wheel. Jump off and claim the damn Shine already. 

              ----- Episode 6 - The Yoshi-Go-Round's Secret -----

Go forward, into the park, and then hang a right, go up and pass the weird 
tree...thing. You'll see a Yoshi Egg on the platform just beyond it. The fruit 
that Yoshi wants varies, but it's all in the park, and in plain sight, so go 
fruit hunting! Hop onto Yoshi once you've given him the fruit he wants, and 
then if he's not orange, go up the path and to the right, and eat a pineapple. 
Go to the Yoshi-Go-Round and enter the small gap where there is no Yoshi, and 
you'll be sent to a retro stage! Move straight ahead, crossing the boxes 
while staying safely in the middle. Jump over the middle block, you'll notice 
it's rotating much faster than the others, and that it's yellow. From there, 
jump onto the first red block, to the green, to the black, and then finally 
to the blue block. Ride it around once to get the 1-Up Mushroom, and then the 
second time around jump off onto a black block, then a green, then a red, and 
finally onto a solid orange. Jump from that orange onto the next, and ride it 
to the other orange blocks. Go left at the end, and then jump onto the next 
moving block, and from there right, onto another non-moving orange block. Jump 
up once, and then wall jump between the orange blocks 'til you reach the top. 
Move over to the vertically moving block, and jump on. Use a spin jump to go 
straight ahead and across, to the orange blocks next to the Shine, then jump 
over and grab the Shine itself. Sweet victory! 

               ----- Episode 7 - Shadow Mario in the Park -----

Do I need to explain? Shoot him with water. He falls down. Sweet. Get the easy 

                ----- Episode 8 - Roller Coaster Balloons -----

Go forward and through the entrance, and go right, then up, then left, over 
the wooden bridge, and then talk to the person standing there for the minigame 
to begin. The goal is to shoot 20 balloons with the rockets you get, within 
three laps of the course. It's pretty hard, don't underestimate this. You'll 
get it after a couple tries, though, so don't worry. Once you've accomplished 
this, take the damned Shine! ^_^ 

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Play Episode 2: 

You'll have to have completed Episode 2 once before to collect this Secret 
Shine. Again, blow up the cannon with three bombs that the gunner throws at 
you, and jump in. Hit the big red button, and then go! You've got 1 minute. 
Red Coins (1-6) are in the first area, hop around quickly and get them, while 
being sure to use the Hover nozzle when needed. Go up the orange trampolines 
and collect Red Coin (7) at the top, and Red Coin (8) on the last red 
dissapearing platform. Take the Shine at the end of the dissapearing red 

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 6: 

You'll have to have completed Episode 6 once before to collect this Secret 
Shine. Go through the motions of entering this stage once again, and once 
you're ready, go in. Go over the blue and yellow blocks agan, and hit the big 
red button once more, giving you two minutes to get all eight red coins. Red 
Coins (1,2) are under the left blue and left black arches, respectively, go 
get 'em. The rest are in the orange blocks area, so head over there after the 
first two. Ride the orange block over, then go left, onto the orange jumping 
block, right, jump onto the ledge, and grab Red Coins (3,4) when you wall jump 
your way to the top. Atop of the brown brick is Red Coin (5), go back and over 
to the vertically moving block and drop down for Red Coins (6,7), and back up, 
onto the vertically moving block, and very high for Red Coin (8). Grab your 
Shine to the left and up, moving across the orange blocks. 

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

Play Episode 2: 

The easiest 100 coin Shine ever? Yes. Just go left and spray the Bullet Bills 
as they're fired, collect coins, repeat. Watch out for golden Bullet Bills, 
they're even more lucrative. Have fun. (0-999?) Depends on whether you do it 
or not. It's just such a simple method that there's no point in going through 
the personal hell that's getting 100 coins otherwise. Collect the Shine at the 
spot where you start the level. 


                            Level 5: Sirena Beach


                   ----- Episode 1 - The Manta Storm -----

                              Boss #1 Manta Ray

Welcome to Sirena Beach. First shine is pretty straight forward. You are going
to want to head north to the Pianta gaping at the massive amount of goop. Talk
to the Pianta and he will warn you about the crisis on the beach. Suddenly, the
Manta Ray will come. He is electrified, so water will be a useful tool. Water
is an excellent conductor of electricity, so squirt the Manta Ray with FLUDD.
Once he is hit, he will divide into several smaller Manta Rays. Do this a few
times. I would recommend staying towards a wall, so nothing dangerous is
behind you. As the Rays move, they leave electrified goop for you, so make sure
you don't blindly walk over it. Keep that in mind when navigating the area for
the small Manta Rays. Once all are dead, collect your SHINE at the fountain
towards the front.

                    -- Episode 2 - The Hotel Lobby Secret --

The new feature of this episode is the hotel, and it will be crucial for 
obtaining this shine, as explained in the name. Head over to the hotel and
speak to the hotel manager. He will explain that the hotel is infested with
ghosts. It is up to us to fix this problem. There are a few types of Boos in
this area. The white ones are really bad. The pink ones are kinda bad. What I
mean by this is that the pink boos, if sprayed with water, will turn into 
pink platforms, allowing you to ascend to the next level. The white boos, on
the other hand, will simply attack you, and you can only avoid them. Spraying
them will clear the path for a short time. Head to the third floor via the
pink platforms, then enter the mouth of gold Boo and complete the challenge

Head forward and kill the enemies. Jump up to the next level and use the flying
enemies above the gaps to cross safely. You will have to break the blocks that
are blocking the path ahead. Once you do this by jumping under them, simply
wall kick your way up to the top of the next platform. Watch out for the 
disintegrating blocks. Quickly cross them and jump to safe ground. The green
blocks ahead could use a good ground pound each. Do this until you get to the
bottom platform, and collect the 1-UP. Then, head forward to the moving 
platform. Jump onto it, then over to the next platform, which contains the 
SHINE that you have been looking for. 

                  -- Episode 3 - Mysterious Hotel Delfino --

This episode will take place in the exact same location as the previous one.
So, head over to the Hotel Delfino and speak to the manager, as usual, to gain
access to the Hotel itself. Once inside, look for a door near one of the
creatures on this lower level. Enter it, which should lead you to the restroom
area. Find the stall that contains dripping water. If you jump up to that spot,
you will suddenly gain entrance to a bathtub, on the upper level. Speak to the
person here, and spray the Boo painting in the room to gain access to the next

In this next room, you will see a puzzle picture ahead. If you spray certain
blocks of the puzzle, you will notice that pieces of a Boo painting will flip
over. Keep spraying all of the blocks to make the entire picture, then head
through to the next room. In here, you will find several Boos. Simply spray 
them as you did before, using them as platforms to get to the next level,
through the small hole in the ceiling. In here, spray the bookshelf to gain
access to yet another room. Finally, butt stomp the odd colored tile in this
room to fall to another secret room. Honestly, this game is making the small
secrets a bit too easy, don't you think? I mean, how obvious is that? Anyway,
break one of the crates to grab a pineapple, then exit out the door.

Head all the way down the bottom level of the lobby, where you started. There
should be a Yoshi egg near the counter. Simply activate this egg by giving it
the Pineapple. Yoshi will then appear, and you can ride him! Eat all of the 
enemies on the way up, and make your way to the top most level, where the 
watery pool exists. Head around the area until you find the room without a door
protecting it. Head through, and jump onto the bed to do a super jump into a
higher level. This area is a small maze. Simply eat the boos to make your life
a heck of a lot easier (after all, that is why you got Yoshi). You really don't
need Yoshi to complete this episode, but it makes things easier. Keep following
the hallways until you come upon a cracked floor. Pound on it, leading you 
straight into the SHINE!

                  -- Episode 4 - Secret of Casino Delfino --

This episode will take place in the exact same location as the previous one.
So, head over to the Hotel Delfino and speak to the manager, as usual, to gain
access to the Hotel itself. Once inside, look for a door near one of the
creatures on this lower level. This door should be blue. Once you enter, you
will have entered the Hotel Casino! You can play the slot games via your FLUDD
machine. Collect lots of coins if you would like. Once you get all three
7s in a row, you will get a chance to spray a Shine picture. Simply spray the
entire thing, leading you to a mini-game via the pipe.

You will have to jump on the platform to get to the other side safely. For the
next pit, you will have to jump to the platform, avoiding the large obstacles
that try tirelessly to push you off. If you fall off, you will lose some
health, but start at the same place. Should not be entirely difficult. This
next block will begin to rotate in place, while moving across the pit. Simply
jump whenever the block is about to push you off, and you will land safely on
the top. Finally, jump on the small ledges that push out of the larger wall to
reach the top of this area. Head across the bridge to reach the SHINE.

                    --- Episode 5 - King Boo Down Below ---

This episode will take place in the exact same location as the previous one.
So, head over to the Hotel Delfino and speak to the manager, as usual, to gain
access to the Hotel itself. Once inside, look for a door near one of the
creatures on this lower level. This door should be blue. Once you enter, you
will have entered the Hotel Casino! This time, the slot machines are down, and
Boos are disguising themselves as coins. Go onto the colored whell and pound
the purple layer, which will lead you to the boss fight below.

                                Boss #2 King Boo

King Boo is pretty easy. Basically, you will have a slot machine at center
stage. You must spray King Boo's mouth to spin the slot machine. There are a
few possibilities. All coins will give you coins, which also gives you health,
so keep that in mind. If you get all question marks, you will have to fight 
off a group of enemies before having another chance at the wheel. Finally, you
can get all fruit, which will give you tons of different foods. First, throw
a pepper into Boo's mouth to make it burn. Then, throw another food into his
mouth to cause damage. You must repeat this three times if you want to defeat
this boss. Pretty easy, really.

                  --- Episode 6 - Scrubbing Sirena Beach ---

When you enter the world, you will notice that the Manta Ray has left behind
a lot of that black electrical goop from before. This basic mission in this
episode is to clean up all the goop via FLUDD, under a specified time limit.
The time limit for this episode just happens to be 3 minutes, which really is
not too bad. First make sure you clean all the goop around Hotel Delfino (not
inside). Then, head out to the beach and clean up all the goop around there.
Remember, you cannot run over this goop because the electrictiy will hurt
Mario. Also, if you lightly hold R, you can run while spraying water from your
FLUDD. This will save you tons of time. Holding R will cause Mario to stop and
spray from that particular location. Doing this should make this episode quite
easy in the three minutes allotted. Speak to the Delfino on the beach to gain
the SHINE for this episode.

                  --- Episode 7 - Shadow Mario Checks In ---

Shadow Mario is located in Hotel Delfino this time. Head inside the hotel and
the chase will begin. Your can hold R lightly and spray water from your FLUDD
while running to hit Shadow Mario. You will have to chase Shadow Mario up the
stairs to higher levels. Boos will exist here, sometimes tricking you by 
taking the form of Shadow Mario. All you really have to do is spray the Shadow
Mario that consistently runs from you. Once you have done this, grab the
SHINE left behind. 

                   --- Episode 8 - Red Coins in the Hotel ---

The Red Coin chase is pretty cool because there is a time limit. And by cool,
I mean it totally sucks. Actually, it is not that bad, but you get the point.
First, head to the Hotel Delfino and you will notice a new switch in this
episode. Once you pound on this switch, a time limit of 5 minutes will begin.
Also, the Red Coins will scatter throughout the hotel. So, we must go on a
little scavenger hunt, woohoo!

We will take a similar route as before when we were looking for Yoshi. Of,
course, Red Coin (1) is straight ahead. There are two bathrooms, men and
women at this ground level. Red Coin (2) is in the women's room. Then, head
over to the men's room and look for that leaky ceiling, as before. Jump up 
to that leak to gain entrance to the next level with the picture of a Boo.
Simply spray it as you did before and enter the new room and collect Red 
Coin (3). Now we must head up to the third level with the pool. You can do
this by bouncing on the bed as done before. Make your way around the top
hallway for Red Coin (4). Enter the pool area to find Red Coin (5).

Now we want to get to the attic, as we did with Yoshi before. Jump on the bed
at the third level with the people sitting on the bed, then make your way 
around the corridors until you find that same cracked floor. Pound that spot
to find a new room. Spray the poster to gain Red Coin (6). Then, as you did
to find the Pineapples, locate the odd colored tile on the floor and pound
that to gain entrance to the Pineapple room. Head through the door to find the
Red Coin (7). Now on the second floor, simply make your way into the lobby of
the second floor and collect Red Coin (8). Head all the way down to the start
of this lovely episode and collect your SHINE.

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Play Episode 2:

The new feature of this episode is the hotel, and it will be crucial for 
obtaining this shine, as explained in the name. Head over to the hotel and
speak to the hotel manager. He will explain that the hotel is infested with
ghosts. It is up to us to fix this problem. There are a few types of Boos in
this area. The white ones are really bad. The pink ones are kinda bad. What I
mean by this is that the pink boos, if sprayed with water, will turn into 
pink platforms, allowing you to ascend to the next level. The white boos, on
the other hand, will simply attack you, and you can only avoid them. Spraying
them will clear the path for a short time. Head to the third floor via the
pink platforms, then enter the mouth of gold Boo and complete the challenge

Head forward and kill the enemies. Jump up to the next level and use the flying
enemies above the gaps to cross safely. You will have to break the blocks that
are blocking the path ahead. Once you do this by jumping under them, simply
wall kick your way up to the top of the next platform. Watch out for the 
disintegrating blocks. Quickly cross them and jump to safe ground. Now, find
the switch that triggers eight red coins. You must collect all of these coins
in 1 minute and 30 seconds in order to gain this secret shine.

Head across the disintegrating blocks to find Red Coin (1). Continue to the
second set to find Red Coin (2). There is a Red Coin (3) just above. To grab
it, simply jump and use FLUDD to cross into the Red Coin. Then, head to the
next platform to find Red Coin (4). Pound yourself to the bottom area. Now,
there is a small ledge just below where you are, which can be obtained using
the hover feature on FLUDD. Simply jump down and grab the Red Coin (5). Then,
make your way back up to this area and jump to the next platform to find 
Red Coin (6) at the far end of this disintegrating structure. There is also
Red Coin (7) on the other side of the structure. Finally, head to the start
via hover to find Red Coin (8) and grab the located SHINE.

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 4:

Enter the casino's mini-game stage and pound the switch to find eight red coins
and a time limit of one minute! The first Red Coin (1) is directly in front of
you. Make your way via the large blocks to find Red Coin (2) and (3) high above
you. You must use the jump/hover technique to get maximum lift. There will be
large spikes here, with one Red Coin (4) on the way towards the spikes. Just
above the spikes are Red Coins (5) (6) (7). You can easily time your jumps 
across the spikes to gain those. Finally, just after the spikes is the last
Red Coin (8) with the located SHINE just ahead.

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

First, you will want to gain all the coins outside Hotel Delfino, then enter
the Hotel to gain the remaining coins. This is the case because you cannot
exit the Hotel once you have entered (and you do not want to be missing a
single freaking coin in that scenerio, do you?). You can spray all the flames
around the hotel to gain nearly 10 coins. There are also several crates 
outside the hotel for easy coins. Once you gain close to 15 coins, you can
enter Hotel Delfino. (15+)

First, grab all the coins that are around you. There should be over 10 coins,
including the coins near the flames. Also, if you head over the desk to the
Delfino, you can find a few coins. Spraying plants gives you lots of coins as
well, so make sure you spray all the plants that you see. In the women's 
bathroom, there is at least a coin you can grab. (25+)

Make your way to the second floor. Enter each room and spray everything. The
lamps in each room usually produce a coin. If you find a bed in one of the
rooms, there should be a few coins next to it. In the corner room, you will
find several crates where the Pineapples were stored. Simply break these
crates to gain 4 coins. Also in the crate room are about 6 coins sitting in
the corner for you to collect. After spraying the lamps and furniture in all
of the rooms on this floor, you can make your way to floor three. (45+)

First, there are three coins just ouside the lobby of the third floor. Then,
head to the swimming pool. Spray the large light above for a coin, and collect
the ten coins that are inside the pool. There are two rooms with lines of four
coins near the windows. These rooms are near the pool room, and one of them
will lead you to the attic, which is your next destination. (70+)

In the attic, there are a total of 18 coins. You can simply follow all the
corridors to find the coins, and none of them are hidden. Once you have 
finished with that, you should have close to 100 coins. If you do not, simply
head into the casino and play the slot games to gain the rest of the coins.
You can gain infinite coins, basically, playing the games, but the process
might be a little slower. It is all up to you. Once you gain the coins, simply
grab your SHINE. (100+)


                               Level 6: Noki Bay


                 ----- Episode 1 - Uncork the Waterfall -----

Welecome to the first episode of this level. What shall we do? Well, first
travel across the many platforms, as you are in the middle of the sea. We want
to get over to land. Now, head up the stepping ledges ahead to find a little
basket. Jump to it, then make your way over the gap to the next ledge. There is
some goop to spray on the wall to open a new room. Continue to the next goop
area and spray it to create a little bridge apparatus for you.

You should come to a platform with an arrow points upwards. Of course, if we
want to uncork this waterfall, we are going to have to get up high, right?
Well, to do this, you must spray the jug across from this platform, and you
will go upwards. Now we must scale the area, clearing the joop and clearing a
few gaps so we can get even higher. You should finally meet up with a little
boy who speaks of his new gadget. Use the gadget spring to get up higher
and hover to the new platforms.

Once you get to the top, you will find a bob-omb cannon. Shoot water at the
dispensed bob-ombs. Easy enough, but then you must throw the deactivated bombs
at the cannon. If you hit the cannon three times, you will have uncorked the
waterfall! Grab your SHINE.

               ----- Episode 2 - The Boss of Tricky Ruins -----

First, make your way on the same platforms as you did before. Instead of going
straight and over to the right, you will want to head to the left and speak to
the old man here. Then, spray the marking to trigger a shortcut inside the wall
that only lasts for a certain amount of time. Honestly, I do not know how long
it lasts, but you have some time. You must head northeast to get to the top.
To do this, first wall kick and then make your way using the springs and 
tunnels. Once you get to the box, spray it and continue. Eventually, you will
meet up with Glooper Blooper at the top.

                             Boss #1 Gooper Blooper

Gooper Blooper is the same as before, which is kind of pathetic. He is really
easy, if you remember how to kill him. First, defeat his surrounding enemies
and then concentrate on the tenticles. You want to pull the tenticles off and
then spray his mouth using your FLUDD. Then, grab the object in his mouth to
actually hurt him. Continue to do this and you will defeat this simple boss,
as well as gain another SHINE.

                 ----- Episode 3 - Red Coins in a Bottle -----

This is a fun, short, and easy shine for Noki Bay. A nice refresher after a
boss fight, even if the boss fight was exactly the same as before, and very
simple. You will immediately speak to the old man from the beginning. He will
give you a scuba diving suit to use, which enables you to use FLUDD to 
navigate through the water. The Red Coins are simple to spot, as the bottle
is very small. Simply navigate, shooting water to move. Your oxygen tank will
go down, so keep that in mind. The best way of replenishing your oxygen is to
grab the Red Coins. Of course, yellow goins are always an option. Once you grab
all the coins, you can collect the SHINE.

                  ----- Episode 4 - Eely-Mouth's Dentist -----

First, you will speak to the kid at the start of the level. He will give you
a scuba suit, as well as a rope that leads to the top of the waterfall. You are
to use this rope to get up to the top of the area. Here, you will find the old
man, and he will explain something about an eel with teeth problems :) So, you
must jump into the waterfall to find the eel way at the bottom of the sea.

Here, you are going to want to use your scuba gear to maneuver. Simply head for
the mouth of the eel. Once inside the mouth, start cleaning its teeth. Your
goal is to get rid of all those cavities. Once the eel spits you out, you will
be low on health. This means head for the many coins around the peripheral 
area. Once back to normal, repeat this process. Doing this several times will
gain you a SHINE, so collect it!

              ----- Episode 5 - II Piantissimo's Surf Swim -----

This shine is really easy. Simply climb the rope as you did before and head to
the very top of the area. You will meet Piantissimo, in the mood for a little
race to the flag on the other side of the level. He is very easy to beat. If
you have made it this far in the game, you should have NO PROBLEM beating him.
The race is a straight shot. You will want to use jumps and hovers to get
around the obstacles. If you win, and you better :), you will gain a SHINE.

                   ----- Episode 6 - The Shell's Secret -----

This time, you will use the platforms towards the middle to find more platforms
floating in the air. No worries, just jump form platform to platform up here.
You will have to use a rope connected to an electric source. Avoid the shock
by jumping quickly from this rope to the next platform. Again, there will be
another rope. Jump over the electric source and continue to the next platform.

From here, make your way to the left rope, avoid the electric current, and 
continue to the next rope. Now you must jump to the higher area, with another
rope. Continue to the shell, as you will see. Once you get there, enter the
shell to find the bonus area.

As you enter the bonus area, use your wall jump technique to get to the top of
this area. Then, make your way over to the rotating platform. Use this to get
to another wall jump area. Use wall jumps to get to the top of the next area
and you will see a pole. Climb this pole to get to another area. Now, continue
up the ramp to find a few platforms. Get ready, because you are going to jump
to the second platform, then wall kick on the wall over to the higher ledge.

Now you will come to the famous spinning platforms. The first one is rather
slow, but the second is rather fast. Just be careful that you time your jumps
correctly. There is not need to get hasty at this point. Continue across the
platforms, a few more, to find the SHINE.

                ----- Episode 7 - Hold It, Shadow Mario! -----

Another Shadow Mario chase awaits you. Simply follow Shadow Mario and squirt
water using your FLUDD. He will jump on the platforms, taking the long way to
the top of the mountain. You might be slow at jumping to the higher platforms
and such, so you will have to take advantage of your opportunities, which means
when Shadow Mario is on level with you. Keep that in mind, keep squirting, then
grab your reward, a SHINE.

                   ----- Episode 8 - The Red Coin Fish -----

This episode is really easy. Simply do the same thing you did to find Eely.
You will want to grab your scuba gear, then head up the rope to the old man.
From here, jump into the waterfall into the same pit of water. Here, you will
see a shiny fish, made of yellow and Red Coins. You will have to collect all
of the Red Coins to gain your shine. Unfortunately, the fish will send all the
red coins flying if it sees you and you get close. So, what you are going to
want to do is wait until the fish reassembles, then quickly swim and try to 
grab as many coins as you can. Just keep doing this, and you will eventually
get all of the coins. Collect your SHINE as your reward.

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Play Any Episode:

Remember those secret passages to the west of the starting point? Of course,
there is bound to be a secret shine in this area. So, head over there and you
should see the wall kick zone just over here. Head up to the top of this area
into a grassy area with a tree. There is a golden bird in this area. Just spray
the bird to reveal the SHINE.

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 6:

Of course, the bonus stage is the usual location for the other secret shine.
So, head over there and you will have to hit the switch, revealing a time limit
of 1:30. The Red Coins are on the way up the area, just as you retrieved the
shine. First, use the wall kicks, then the platforms, then up the pole. There
are a few Red Coins near the orange platforms near the spinning platforms.
The final Red Coin is near the spinning platform, which reveals the SHINE just
ahead. Grab it and get ready for the final portion of this level.

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

Play Episode 8:

This is probably the easiest one hundred coins you will ever need to get. You
can gather some coins BEFORE entering the waterfall near the large fish, but
you really don't have to. There are 100 coins in the waterfall. But, just in
case, you can look for other coins. Once you are ready, head into the waterfall
using the rope to get all the way to the top, as you have done many times 

Of course, there are 8 Red Coins that you can obtain. There are also plenty of
golden coins in the fish, which totally amounts to (30). Then, head around the
edge of this area. There are tons of rows of coins that you can obtain. Not all
of them are the same time, but they usually exist in rows of six or seven. If
you collect all of these, you will gain (68).

Now, head to the bottom. There are plenty of coins down here as well. Grab the
lines of coins to collect around 35 more coins giving you at least (100). Ok,
that was easy enough. Grab your SHINE and you are done with Noki Bay!


                             Level 6: Pianta Village


               ----- Episode 1 - Chain Chomplets Unchained -----

This episode is easy, once you actually understand what you need to do. And,
that is what I am here for. So, your job is simple. Simply head to the middle
sector with the large tree. There is a square path that leads around the tree
with lava around the outside. You will want to wait until one of the Chain
Chomplets comes near, then squirt it until it stops. Now, head behind the Chain
Chomplet and grab its chain. Pull it over to the fresh blue water near the 
large tree and throw it inside. There are two more Chomplets that you must do
this process with, so get that done to claim your SHINE.

              ----- Episode 2 - II Piantissmo's Crazy Climb -----

Another race with Piantissmo. You will meet him, as usual, and you are to race
him to the top of the tree. If you try to straight up beat him by running, you
might encounter some difficulty. So, there is a shortcut that I would like to
propose. Basically, you will use the sliding technique. To do this, simply 
jump forward and press B. Then, you will slide all along the path, leading to
another path, which you will want to continue to slide. Once you approach the
wall ahead, use jumping to get your High Jump ready just when you approach the
wall. This can be tricky, so don't worry if it takes you a couple of tries. If
you are successful, simply head to the exit point, which is just to your right.

                   ----- Episode 3 - The Goopy Inferno -----

Ok, so we don't have FLUDD. We must still rescue this pathetic mayor. Ok, so
we have to save everyone. Ok. Head forward to the middle of the level to find
a person. Speak to the person, and you will simply want to ground pound the 
little grating to get to the underpassage. Continue here until you reach a 
gate. Simply press B to open this gate.

Now, make your way towards the golden coins, which leads to a few ropes. You
will have to use the ropes and mushrooms to get across the area. Once you do
get across, you can simply press B to open. Continue through the paths until
you reach the wall jump area. Use this area to get to the ground level again.

You will find a Large Water Bottle in the tree, which will eventually lead to
the mayor, who is all goopy. Just spray him with your newly obtained water and
you will have done enough for at least a SHINE.

                  ----- Episode 4 - Chain Chomp's Bath -----

For this stage, you must cool down a heated Chain Chomp. So, head towards the
eastern section of the level, accoring to the mayor in the middle of the area.
There is a some water to use to throw on the Chain Chomp and cool it down.
Now you are going to want to pull at its chain. It will quickly break away and
head north. Grab some more water and head to where it was. You will have to 
lure the Chain Chomp one direction, then surprised it around the next. Once you
do throw another barrel of water on it, you can grab the chain and drag the
Chomp over to the large pool of water at the northern section of the level.
Once you do this, you will gain the SHINE for your reward.

               -- Episode 5 - Secret of the Village Underside --

Your first mission in this episode is to hatch the Yoshi Egg, which you will
find very close to the start of this episode. Once you see the Yoshi Egg, you
will have to find some fruit. Fruit is located to the northwest. There is a
small ledge just below the normal area which contains a tree with fruit. Take
one and bring it back to the Yoshi Egg. Once you get back here, you will take
full control of Yoshi.

Now head back across the bridge to find a Red Mushroom, leading to many more
mushrooms. Jump from Mushroom to Mushroom until you reach one with yellow goop
all over the place. Spray some of Yoshi water on it, revealing a new hole. Jump
into the hole to enter the bonus stage.

There are chucksters all over the place. These guys throw you in certain 
directions, depending on the arrow markers around you. You will have to use
them to throw you up into the air, eventually towards a SHINE at the very top
platform. Just make sure you understand WHERE you are going to be thrown. Then,
take your time and make your way from platform to platform. Grab your prize
once you get to the top.

                    ----- Episode 6 - Piantas in Need -----

Ok, so you have three minutes to save 10 villagers, who are drenched in lava.
This should be tons of fun. It is actually really easy, so no worries. Just
head forward passed the bridge to find the first lava drenched Pianta. Spray
it to save it (1). Then head to the right to find another one that looks very
similar (2). If you continue to the slightly lower area, you will find two
more Piantas (3)(4).

Now, make your way around the square that surrounds the tree. To the north you
will find a Pianta cowering behind a tree. Spray it to save it (5). Continue
around the area near the pool to find another (6). To the west you will find
two, just like you did in the east (7)(8). There is another by the trees in
the meadow area (9). Head to the right finishing your full course navigation to
find the final one (10).

Ok, so speak to the mayor and grab your SHINE. That was not that bad, right?

                ----- Episode 7 - Shadow Mario Runs Wild -----

Another Shadow Mario chase. Just spray him, be done with it. Grab your SHINE.

               ----- Episode 8 - Fluff Festival Coin Hunt -----

Another fun Red Coin hunt. First, we will get the really high one, which can
be located the same way you found the yellow goop on the mushroom way above,
when you were with Yoshi. Simply use your Hover, now that you have it, to get
from shroom to shroom. Eventually, collect Red Coin (1). Now, head back to the
beginning towards the bridge.

There is a Red Coin (2) on the tree area. To get it, use your hover to get on
the top of the tree. Then, head west and you will find Red Coin (3) in the
grass near the fruit tree. Continue north to find another Red Coin (4) just
by the pool. Then, head near the beehive to find another Red Coin (5). Just
head to the right to find another Red Coin (6) by all the fruit trees.

Now, head to the eastern section of this level and you will find several boxes.
Just break them to find Red Coin (7). Finally, head up the tree, all the way
until you get to the top with a Rocket additive. Use this in the northwestern
sector of the level to find Red Coin (8) on the platform. Now, you must use
the clouds to gain the SHINE. Simply jump from cloud to cloud, hovering and
such, to find the prize.

                            --- Secret Shine #1 ---

Play Episode 8:

Make your way to the top of the tree as done before. Once you are on the sun
symbol, look up at the sun and shoot water in its direction. You will reveal
a picture of a SHINE, for the first secret shine here.

                            --- Secret Shine #2 ---

Play Episode 5:

You will have to enter the bonus course as you did before.

Now head back across the bridge to find a Red Mushroom, leading to many more
mushrooms. Jump from Mushroom to Mushroom until you reach one with yellow goop
all over the place. Spray some of FLUDD water on it, revealing a new hole. Jump
into the hole to enter the bonus stage.

Now you have 1:30 to collect all of the coins. Again, use the chucksters to 
grab all of the coins as you did before. You will have to speak to them in a
few odd directions to collect the coins, but they are all in the general 
vacinity of the regular bonus room. Once you grab all of the coins, collect
your SHINE.

                            --- 100 Coin Shine ---

Play Any Episode:

There are some key locations that you will need to cover to collect all of the
coins in this world. First, the large tree has crates all around it. You have
to break all of these and you get a coin for each. Remember that as you play
the rest of this level. Then, head over to the crates in the meadow to the
left of the tree. There will be several coins to get there. (10)

Now, you want to find all the red mushrooms. Once you find one, stomp it to
gain 8 coins. There are tons of them around the level. (64+)

Now, head to the right of the large tree. You will find some crates here. So,
break the crates as you did to grab the Red Coin (which you might be able to
collect if you picked that episode). There are other coins as well. (74+)

There are nearly ten coins near the pool where you dragged the Chomper (85).
Finally, head up the tree and smash the sun symbol to gain more coins. (95+)
At the very top of the level are some remaining coins (or you could go under
ground to find some). There (100). Now collect the SHINE.


                             Level 7: Corona Mountain


Corona Mountain is the area that you must complete in order to fight the final
boss. So, head towards the spiked platforms. Dodge them as they go inside the
platforms, then jump over to the platforms. Continue down the path until you
reach the fire area. Hover over the fire, and when it goes down, you can take
a breath. Be aware that the fire returns, so continue jumping and hovering 
once this is about to happen.

Go passed another spikes platform and you will eventually get to a breather
area, where you can refill on FLUDD (which is nice). You will be hovering a 
lot, so keep that in mind as you enter the next part.

This part is insane. Really hard. Basically, you have to jump into a boat and
steer it, using your FLUDD. Spray in the opposite direction of the way you want
to move. The problem is that you cannot tough ANYTHING or the boat sinks and
you die. Wow, that really sucks. Just keep trying. Don't go slow, even if it
seems like a good idea. Faster works better, TRUST ME. Once you get to the end,
hop out. Now, use the rocket augmentation to get to the top of this mountain
and over to the dark cloud, for the FINAL BOSS FIGHT.

                           Boss #1 Bowser and Baby Bowser

This is a disappointing boss fight. Really easy. Not much to worry about,
really. You just have to destroy the five Rocket platforms around the large
tub. There is Bowser and Baby Bowser there to distract you. Ok, no big deal.
Simply use the rocket nozzle to get way up into the air. Then, once you are
really high, you can ground pound to break that portion of the tub. You must
do this with all the other four symbols. So, where is the catch?

Well, you have to dodge some attacks. The large wave of water is tough to 
dodge, unless you are in the air using the rocket. If you cannot dodge it,
just keep going. Baby Bowser will shoot little bullets at you. Just spray them
to knock them out of your way. Then, continue along the tub to get to the rest
of the symbols. After you break all of them, you will have beaten the game.
Pretty easy fight, and great game overall!


                             CHAPTER 4: Appendices                  [B-K-APPEN]


                                   4.0 Bosses                       [B-K-BOSSE]

Boss #1 - Piranha 
Location - Delfino Airstrip 
Difficulty - Minimal 

Once you're all set, go back to the goop and a piranha should burst out from 
it. Go back into first person mode with the Y button for optimal aim, and then 
let loose, hitting him three times when he opens his mouth. Victory! 

Boss #2 - Piranha 
Location - Delfino Plaza 
Difficulty - Minimal 

Avoid the enemies that appear from the slime, they're not much trouble, but 
they are annoying. Spray the upraised center until another piranha appears. 
Boring, eh? Shoot him full of cold water three times, again through the mouth, 
and take satisfaction from the cleared away muck. This unlocks Bianco Hills. 

Boss #3 - Petey the Piranha 
Location - Bianco Hills 
Difficulty - Minimal-Moderate 

After the short cutscene, wait for Petey to open his mouth, and then fill him 
with water. Once he's fallen over, ground pound his protruding belly button. 
Do this three times and collect your shine. He's not that strong an enemy, 
the only thing you have to fear is the little enemies that are relentless in 
attacking Mario, and even this can be easily solved by spraying away the mud 
before it has a chance to sprout enemies. 

Boss #4 - Petey the Piranha 2 
Location - Bianco Hills 
Difficulty - Moderate-Difficult 

Hit him with a pig balloon thing, and once he's fallen to the ground, fill his 
mouth with water until he falls over, at which time you ground pound the belly 
button. Do this three times and you're done. This battle's gimmick is that 
he's flying, which really just prolongs the inevitable. His attacks involve 
just spitting slime, flying around, and a little tornado he creates while on 
the ground that doesn't go very far away from his person, certainly isn't 

Boss #5 - Piranha 
Location - Delfino Plaza 
Difficulty - Minimal

Near the ocean, you'll notice a house with a ocean close by. Go 
over to it and you'll find another mountain of muck covering the whole area. 
Clear it away and find the center, which you must spray with FLUDD until 
another pianha comes out. This time, you'll need six sprays, not three. Thus, 
it'll take you another half minute or so. Once done, you'll have access to the 
blue coin house, and level 2, Ricco Harbor! 

Boss #6 - Gooper Blooper 
Location - Ricco Harbor 
Difficulty - Minimal

First, pull off his roving appendages until he has none, using B, and then go 
over and pull out his plug, harming him for the first time. Now, clean away 
the goop surrounding him and take off his appendages again. Pull his mouth 
one last time and he's finished. Take the Shine. 

Boss #7 - Gooper Blooper 2 
Location - Ricco Harbor 
Difficulty - Minimal-Moderate

Once again, pull off his appendages, clean off his face, and then pull the 
plug out. Repeat, this time pulling on his face. He's gone. Seriously, not 
even an improvement from last time. All he has is one extra little attack 
where he windmills with his appendages. Pathetic. Take your Shine. 

Boss #8 - Piranha 
Location - Delfino Plaza 
Difficulty - Minimal

This time, the lighthouse is under an attack from the Blob, er, 
goop. Clear it away yet again, and defeat the piranha that attacks with six 
more shots from the nozzle. The third level, Gelato Beach, is now open for 

Boss #9 - Wiggler 
Location - Gelato Beach 
Difficulty - Moderate 

Wiggler's strategy of running around mindlessly is, well, effective. To put 
and end to it, watch his pattern of running carefully. It doesn't change, at 
least not until later on. Once you've figured it out, watch what Dune Buds he 
runs over. Those are the key to victory. Wait for him to come by, and then 
spray a Dune Bud underneath him. Once it explodes out, it flips him. Look for 
an arrow hovering above him, that's the section of him you have to ground 
pound. Do a triple jump onto him and then do so. Repeat two more times, and 
you've won. He does get faster and meaner each time, though, so watch out. 
Also, he'll change his set pattern into a broader area too, be careful.

Boss #10 - Mecha-Bowser 
Location - Pinna Park 
Difficulty - Moderate-Difficult

You'll soon be on a roller coaster, with fire and rockets shot at you. Nice. 
Shoot water at everything that attacks you, that's about it. When you get a 
rocket attached to FLUDD, shoot it at Mecha-Bowser's flat head. Hit him four 
times and you're done. Watch another cutscene, and then go to the center of the 
pool and grab the Shine. 

Boss #11 - Manta Ray 
Location - Sirena Beach 
Difficulty - Moderate-Difficult 

He is electrified, so water will be a useful tool. Water is an excellent 
conductor of electricity, so squirt the Manta Ray with FLUDD. Once he is hit, 
he will divide into several smaller Manta Rays. Do this a few times. I would 
recommend staying towards a wall, so nothing dangerous is behind you. As the 
Rays move, they leave electrified goop for you, so make sure you don't blindly 
walk over it. Keep that in mind when navigating the area for the small Manta 
Rays. Once all are dead, collect your SHINE at the fountain towards the front. 

Boss #12 - King Boo 
Location - Sirena Beach 
Difficulty- Minimal 

King Boo is pretty easy. Basically, you will have a slot machine at center
stage. You must spray King Boo's mouth to spin the slot machine. There are a
few possibilities. All coins will give you coins, which also gives you health,
so keep that in mind. If you get all question marks, you will have to fight 
off a group of enemies before having another chance at the wheel. Finally, you
can get all fruit, which will give you tons of different foods. First, throw
a pepper into Boo's mouth to make it burn. Then, throw another food into his
mouth to cause damage. You must repeat this three times if you want to defeat
this boss. Pretty easy, really. 

Boss #13 - Gooper Blooper 
Location - Noki Bay 
Difficulty - Minimal-Moderate 

Glooper Blooper is the same as before, which is kind of pathetic. He is really
easy, if you remember how to kill him. First, defeat his surrounding enemies
and then concentrate on the tenticles. You want to pull the tenticles off and
then spray his mouth using your FLUDD. Then, grab the object in his mouth to
actually hurt him. Continue to do this and you will defeat this simple boss,
as well as gain another SHINE.

Boss #14 - Bowser and Baby Bowser 
Location - Corona Mountain 
Difficulty - Moderate 

This is a disappointing boss fight. Really easy. Not much to worry about,
really. You just have to destroy the five Rocket platforms around the large
tub. There is Bowser and Baby Bowser there to distract you. Ok, no big deal.
Simply use the rocket nozzle to get way up into the air. Then, once you are
really high, you can ground pound to break that portion of the tub. You must
do this with all the other four symbols. So, where is the catch?

Well, you have to dodge some attacks. The large wave of water is tough to 
dodge, unless you are in the air using the rocket. If you cannot dodge it,
just keep going. Baby Bowser will shoot little bullets at you. Just spray them
to knock them out of your way. Then, continue along the tub to get to the rest
of the symbols. After you break all of them, you will have beaten the game.
Pretty easy fight, and great game overall!

                                    4.1 Items                       [B-K-ITEMS]

1-Up Mushroom = A free life, or 'try', for Mario. 

Blue Coins = Can be redeemed for a Shine in quantities of 10.

Fruit = The wide variety of fruit can be used to hatch Yoshi, refill his juice 
meter, give him different abilities based on said fruit, and much, much more. 

Gold Coins = Adds 1 coin to your coin meter. At 50, you recieve a free life. 
If you collect 100, you get a Shine, one-time only. 

Large Water Bottle = Refills FLUDD's water supply. 

Red Coin = If you collect 8 in one episode, you recieve a Shine. Not in all 
episodes, you may have to trigger something to make the Red Coins appear. 

Shine Sprites = Known just as 'Shines' in this guide, they're the main thing 
for Mario to collect in Super Mario Sunshine. You recieve these for beating 
episodes, bosses, collecting numerous sorts of coins and more! As you collect 
more, you trigger events and the eventual brightening of Delfino. 

Small Water Bottle = Refill's half of FLUDD's water supply. 


                               CHAPTER 5: Ending                    [B-K-ENDIN]


                                   5.0 Credits                      [B-K-CREDI]

I would like to credit the following people for contributing to this guide...

1. CJayC - Running an excellent website,
2. Kratos_42 would like to thank surf rock for offering to do my half in this
   guide enough times to annoy me into doing it faster. 
3. Also, piratekingVyse2 for always having time to face me in a Fire Emblem
   Online battle, and for being a good friend.

                                 5.1 Final Words                    [B-K-FINAL]

Well, this is all I can offer you for this game. I have tried my best to cover
all the aspects of the game so that your life is a heck of a lot easier. My
contributor name is Androgynous, so be sure to use my other walkthroughs for
other games. I hope this has helped you in what you were looking for, and if
it has not, I would encourage you to e-mail you. I will always e-mail you back
if you ask a worthy question that is not in my FAQ. Remember, you can look in
my e-mail section for more information. Take care, and g'night from Androgynous 

Also, check out Kratos_42's work. He's an excellent contributor as well.

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All of my work can be found at: