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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

by Ryan Gillam

|Game: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban                               |
|Format: Gamecube                                                             |
|Type: FAQ/Walkthrough                                                        |
|Version: 1.10                                                                |
|Created By: Ryan Gillam                                                      |
|E-Mail Address: [email protected]                                        |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |


Ok, you can use this guide, but if you do use it you must do the following:

- E-Mail me so I can add you to the list of websites.
- Also have the updated version.
- Give credit where it is due.
- Do not change the guide in ANY place.

If you do host this FAQ, it is your responsibility to update often. I will not
chase you up. Game FAQ\'s always has the latest version.

My e-mail address: [email protected]

Sites that can use the guide:

Sites that cannot use the guide:


Version 1.10 - Big update this time. I have added a spells section under basics
and made the character descriptions more indepth. Updated Hermiones statue 
section. Updated Stink Bomb Challenge Section.

Version 1.05 - Updated Patronus Section as people were finding it very complex
in the way that I described it. Added section on how to get 100%. Another site
can use the FAQ. Also update the part in Carpe Retractum quest where Ron and 
Hermione have to move an ice block with a crystal on it, as many people were
having problems with that section. Next update is going to include more 
detailed descriptions of getting the Wizard Cards.

Version 1.01 - Added Hermione Statue that I missed out.

Version 1 - Added rest of Wizard Card lists, entire FAQ complete, e-mail me
if there is something that could be added.

Version 0.9 - Folio Bruti complete and first 2 sections in your quest to get
the cards. Removed from PC FAQ page.

Version 0.61 - Added the rest of the main game extras section. Added a site 
that can use the guide.

Version 0.6 - Added NoticeBoard Section, touched up sections that people were 
having difficulty with. Trying again to fix the problem of the FAQ appearing
as a full walkthrough when it is half complete. 

Version 0.52 - Added a disallowed website and a website that can use the

Version 0.51 -  Made navigation easier by numbering and lettering each 
sub-section. Fixed lettering problem for the Walkthrough. Also fixed the 
problem of it appearing on GameFaqs as a full walkthrough when it is only half
done. Updated coming soon section.

Version 0.5 - Main Walkthrough Complete, new boxed in information added to the
top of the page.

Version 0.4 - Completly re-worked basics and introduction, added the mini game
section and completed Walkthrough up to the Carpe Retractum spell, added 
section on the Joke shop.

Version 0.3 - Completed up to the end of the BuckBeak section and part of the
basics section.


1. Introduction
2. Basics
   a) Characters
   b) Getting around Hogwarts
   c) Enemies
   d) Spells
3. Walkthrough
   a) The Train
   b) Marauders Map
   c) The first day of term
   d) Neville and the Ghoul
   e) Buck Beak
   f) Black Deeds
   g) Potion Ingrediants
   h) Carpe Retractum
   i) Expecto Patronum
   j) Potion Ingrediants 2
   k) The last day of term
4. Bonus Games
   a) Duelling Club
   b) Owl Racing
   c) Hippogriff Flight Challenge
5. Main Game Extras
   a) Notice Board Items
   b) Stink Bomb Challenge
   c) Statue Challenge
6. Fred and Georges Joke Shop
7. Card List
   a) Witches
   b) Wizards
   c) Vampires
   d) Goblins
   e) Hags
   f) Giants
   g) Dragons
   h) Beasts
   i) Classical Beasts
   j) Quidditch
8. Folio Bruti
9. Getting 100%
10. Credits/Conclusion


Welcome my friends, to a new year at Hogwarts. Harry Potter and the Prisoner
of Azkaban is based on the book and film of the same name. This game is great
and I will be updating this guide a lot as I uncover more on this game, if you
see anything wrong with this guide or just have general questions e-mail me
at gillam123@hotmail and I will do my best to get back to you. I do not accept
people adding me on MSN any more, as it just annoys me, e-mail me and there 
will be a reply if the question is not answered in this FAQ and I will give 
all due credit in the guide. I have now updated the navigation so to search for
a certain part of the guide press CTRL + F then type the section number and 
then the subsection letter. Thanks to everyone that has e-mailed me so far with
problems, it is only with these e-mails I get feedback on what I am doing wrong
so that I can improve the guide to help more people.

And the guide begins with.....


This part of the guide is all the basics including item lists, spells and a 
basic overview of Hogwarts, more will be added to this section within the next
few updates.


A new addition in this game is the ability to switch between characters. Each
character can be for their own special tasks and each has advantages and 
disadvantages. During the game you will have to use them ALL.


Special Skills: He can see secret areas in Hogwarts using the marauders map. 
The secret areas are marked in green on the map. He is also the only one that
can jump over wide gaps and climb ropes.

Spells: He can use Carpe Retractum to pull bridges closed or to climb over 
large gaps, there has to be a statue with a hook on the other side though. He
can also use Expecto Patronus which is the most powerful spell in the game and
is used to defeat Dementors.


Special Skills: He can open secret passages and search bookcases for hidden 
items such as the valuable Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. Although Ron 
cannot see the Maruders Map, he can enter the passages shown on the Maruders 
Map. To know if you can open the passage look for a watery type texture on it. 
He is also the only one that can throw stink bombs to distract the Trolls later 
in the game.

Spells: The only spell that is exclusive to Ron is Lumos Duo, This spell is use
against Hinkypunks (The invisible Lanterns) He can also charge up crystals with
light using it.


Special Skills: Not much Hermione can do, but she can crawl into small spaces 
such as grates and gates that Harry and Ron hold open.

Spells: Hermione has quite a few spells up here sleeve, the first one that you
do recieve is Glacius, this can be used to kill fire enemies, freeze Lava or
even to freeze Fireplaces so they spit out some cards. Another spell is Reparo
which can repare crates and the broken statues later on in the game. 
Draconifors is used on Dragon Statues, this spell makes the statues come to 
life and breathe fire onto draping rugs or flying things. Snufflifors really 
only has one use and that is to turn small flying books into mice, this in 
turn can reveal hidden items such as cards.


This is a basic overview of where everything is in Hogwarts, it will be updated
in the next update to be more detailed and how to get to each place. But as 
for now these are the main things on each of the floors.

Seventh floor - Gryfindor Tower.
Sixth Floor - Ancient Runes.
Fifth Floor - Muggle Studies.
Fourth Floor - History of Magic.
Third Floor - Defense against the Dark Arts.
Second Floor - Charms.
First Floor - Transfiguration.
Ground Floor - Entrance Hall.
Dungeons - Potions.


There are various enemies in the Hogwarts grounds and inside the school, I will
detail them here and what is needed to kill them. They are listed in 
alphabetical order.

- Book

These can be turned into Mice using the snufficors spell, or killed by using
the Flipendo spell.

- Dementor

The strongest thing in the game, it looks like a ghost and is found at the 
final section of the game, or during the task to get the Patronus charm. If
they attack you, wiggle to control stick to break free, use the Patronum charm
to repel them, you will not be able to kill them.

- Fairy

Looks like a flying fairy, to kill them shoot the Flipendo spell at them, they
will then drop to the floor and you will be able to take their wings.

- Ghoul

This cannot be defeated, it is only encounted once in the Muggle Studies 
classroom, to move it use the Lumos spell.

- Hinkypunk

Is invisable but carries a lantern, to kill it use the Lumos spell to make it
visible and fire Flipendo at it.

- Monster Book

Looks like a book with a mouth, when it fires spells at you, use Expelliamus to
repel them. It will fire back on the creature and kill it.

- Doxy

This will poison you, so always make sure you have something with you to cure
the poison, to kill them target them and blast the flipendo spell at them.

- Red Caps

Look like goblins, are killed using Flipendo.

- Troll

Very large, are like prefects, if they see you, you will be sent to the last
door you entered, to distract them use Ron to throw stinkbombs in their way
and then sneak around the back.


This section aims to tell you the basic information needed for spells, such as 
who can use it, and what effects it has, each spell is numbered.


This is the spell that you need to do no work for, it is yours right from the
start, so enjoy it, use it to kill enemies and to zap people you don\'t like.


When you first arrive at Hogwarts, this is the spell you get, again no work is
needed to get this, just read the spellbook. To use this spell target your
enemy and then as soon as they fire there spell use it, you will be defended 
from their spell and the spell will backfire onto them, how evil.


This is the first real quest for a spell book. Glacius is used to freeze Lava
and ice, which is needed for some puzzles later on. You can also kill flaming
enemies with this, such as Salamanders.


Another spell for Hermione, this one fixes broken objects such as boxes and
broken statues. Use it to fix broken bridges so you can climb across them.


This spell is quite simple really and only has one use, that is to make dragon
statues come to life, these will let out a flame that can open secret passages
and kill flies (hint for later on)


This can be recieved from Fred and George at their shop. When you see flying 
books cast this on them and they will be turned into mice, which may uncover
some hidden objects.


This will allow Harry to pull himself over large gaps. You can\'t just get over
any gap though, you have to hook onto a statue with a yellow hook, you can also
pull switches and bridges across using this spell.


The most powerful spell in the game. The only use however is to kill the Bogart
boss or the Dementors. This spell is different from other spells as you have to
guide it to its target.


Ron finally gets a spell all to himself. This can make invisible enemies turn 
visible, it can also be used for lighting things up, such as crystals, which 
will let out a light, which can shine onto a mirror or wall.



The game starts off on a train, there is a brief cutscene between Hermione, Ron
and Harry, then scabbers (the rat) runs off and Harry and Ron go to catch him.
Your first enemy will appear, it is an evil book, target him and cast flipendo
at it when it is open. 
After a while, the book will die and then Ron will require your assistance, he
will ask you to move the box blocking the door, just stand next to it and then 
move it away from the door.

Your first duel is coming up as you enter the door, wands at the ready. It is
a fight between you and the Draco gang. Just target the 3 of them and cast 
flipendo, it will be quite easy to do this.

After yet another cut scene, Harry will become unconcious and a dementor will
appear. You will need to use Ron to drag Harry back to the carraige you were in,
if the Dementor attacks you, wiggle the control stick to break free.

When you get to the end of the carraiges where your were at the start, Lupin
will appear and cast a spell (Which Harry will learn much later in the game).
After he has given you a book, it will be the end of the train section, welcome
to Hogwarts.


You start off in Gryfindor tower, when Ron asks, go to your inventory and 
select the book called FOLIO BRUTI.

Go down the steps and you will see Hermione. She will then say what the 
Expelliarmus spell is, you will then recive it, assign it to one of your spell
slots and exit the tower into the corridor, that is down the steps and then
through the painting. 

The next section is like a practice duel, for the start just keep targeting Ron
and casting Flipendo at him. When Ron is done practicing it is your turn to use
the Expelliarmus spell. It is not too hard, just wait until he has fired then
quickly press the button that you have the spell assigned to.

Ron will stop after 4-5 decent blocks. You will then need to go to the grand
staircase, just go through the door behind Ron until you reach it, continue 
down the stairs until you reach the sixth floor. Go through the door on the 
sixth floor where you will be greated by Peeves and a deadly book. Use the 
newly required spell to block and to defeat the book. Get the chocolate frog
from the box and continue through the door to see Fred and George.

After the brief cut scene, take control of Ron and look at the wall behind the
twins, open the secret passage. Walk through into the room.

Do not do what I done here and randomly walk around the room for a way out, 
just go through the door where you will come to another room. Take control of
Harry and jump across the room, until you reach the chest. There are 3 switches
that you will have to press. One in the centre, one on the right and one on the
left. To reach the one on the left you will have to walk as close as you can to
the wall and shimmy across. 

Once all the switches are pressed, Pixies will appear and attack Ron, use 
Flipendo on them, and go through the area that has just been opened, change
character to Ron and then face the furthest wall, open the secret passage and
then through the door.

Go to trunk in the centre of the room, and use Harry to grab one side, change
characters and use Ron to grab the other, move to where the platform with the
crystal ball is, with Harry climb up the trunk and then to the mirror, stand on
the mirror and move it, until it is alligned with the light. This will open
up a set of steps, go up these to the exit.

In the next room, look at the mechanism on the floor and target it, cast 
flipendo a few times on it. Climb up the rope, and kill the pixies. Go up the
steps and through the door. Walk to the chest, open it and get an owl treat.
Walk up the perch and use the Owl treat, you now will be able to use Hedwig.
Fly to the Map, which is the piece of paper, then fly back. 

Go down the slope, after you have gone through the painting. Watch the purple
section, as if you stand in this, you will get seen and have to restart the 
whole area again. Flip the switch to the left, then take the right turn that
you had passed, avoiding the armour. 

To get through the next section I reccommend that you go left first, to the 
door, so that you can avoid Snape.

After you are done, end the day by pressing Z.


This is the first time that you will have control of Hermione, walk down the
stairs and then to the Grand Staircase onto the 3rd floor to get to your

After the cut scene in the classroom start by walking down the steps and 
continue forward until you see a wall which will open up. Kill all the pixies 
in the next area. See the cauldron?? Pick it up with your group and place it
on the pressure pad. Go up to the steps, killing the pixies in the passage way.

You will now be in a new room, start by pressing the switch on the right side
of the door. A light will appear.  Using Harry go to the first mirror and turn
it so it is fully right. Jump over to the next mirror, this one has to go left,
jump to the final mirror and move it right. A door will appear, go through it.

Kill all the pixies in the next room. Go up to the thing that looks like a 
mechanical object on the floor and blast it with the Flipendo spell. Once the 
platform has stopped going up (After around 3 hits) Climb up it, until you see
another mechanical thing. Use flipendo again and jump across to the new 

Go back to where Ron and Hermione are and use the mechanical thing yet again
to open the door opposite you.  Go down and through the door. Move the box to
the warddrobe with Harry and climb up. Keep moving until you see some Ice. 
Change to Ron and stand on one of the symbols, use Hermione to move the box 
onto another and then get Hermione to stand on the final one, now use Harry to
press the new switch, now go up the stairs to exit the room.

Use Ron to open the passageway and kill the enemies in here, follow the path 
and yet again use flipendo on the mech thing. Change to Hermione and kill the
pixies. Use Hermione to crawl through the new gap.

This next bit may seem a bit complex at first, but the puzzle is quite easy to
solve. Push the Ice Block left, then forward, left again. Climb up it to 
another two blocks. Push one Ice Block so it is to the left of the rune, then
push the other one onto the rune so that a new Ice Block falls to the floor.
Jump down and move the small ice block forward, keep pushing around the outside
whenever you need to turn go right. Climb up the new door amd follow the 

Go forward and pick up the spell book, once you have it use the spell to freeze
the lava. Walk across and walk to the exit. In the next room use the new 
Glacius spell on the water in the centre of the room, this will turn it into
an ice block. First push it left, pull it down, pull right, push right, push
down, push right, pull left, push down, pull up, push left, pull left, pull
down. Climb the block and press the switch. Go up the new stairs into a room.

Freeze the hot air with glacius. Walk across and climb up. After the cutscene
jump down. Use glacius on the fires, Now use a combination of glacius and 
flipendo the defeat all the lizards, then go through the new door, you will now
encounter the first boss.....

Boss Number - 1
Looks Like - Cauldron
Defeated by - Glacius, Flipendo

As soon as a hand comes towards you, cast Glacius and then hit with a lot of
flipendos. Keep doing this until both hands are gone. He will then run around,
continue to use glacius until he is dead. Get the house points and exit.

Now go to the bottom of the stair case and then to potions, when asked drag 
Harry to the front and use the potion on him. Thus ending this section.


After the cut scene head down to the Muggle Studies classroom which is on the
5th floor. Welcome to another duel in this room, same as last time, keep 
casting Flipendo and Expeliamus to repel the spells. Once they have gone, go
to the end of the corridor and through the door.

Walk toward the door on the left, where you will be strangely be attacked by
some instruments, destroy them with flipendo. Continue through the door at the
end to reach Neville. Switch characters the Ron and search the box on the right,
you will be sent up to the top floor, where you will be attacked. Kill all of 
them, otherwise you will not be able to move onto the next section.

Keep on going through to doors until you get to the room with the Lumos Duo 
spell book, get the spell and 3 \"invisible\" things will appear. Use Lumos Duo
on the lantern weilding maniacs until they are visible, then quickly cast 
flipendo twice on them. After all six have been defeated target the crystal 
ball and cast Lumos Duo. Finally go up to the mirror so it is in line with the
light from the ball to open a new door, get the house points and exit the room.

Kill all enemies as you travel forward with the Flipendo spell. When you have
gone through the final door another boss will appear...

Boss Number - 2
Looks Like - Robot
Defeated by - Flipendo

When his chest is visable target it and use Flipendo, if he manages to let off
a few rockets run quickly as they are homing and will take off a fair bit of
health from you.

When the boss is defeated cast Lumos Duo on the crystal ball. When you drop 
down target the ghoul and cast Lumos Duo on him, leading him into the newly
opened room. Go back to the Common Room (7th Floor) after the ghoul has been
trapped and end the day.


At the start of this day, go right down to the entrance hall and through the
double doors that lead to the courtyard, follow the corridor left, and then 
when you come to a turning go left again, otherwise you will go around in 
circles. When you arrive at some pillars that look like Stone Henge keep
travelling down the field and somewhere to your right Hagrid should be 
wandering around, talk to him and the class will begin.


This mini game is the first time you will get to fly Buckbeak, there is no 
limit on how many bats that you will have to collect. To begin to fly BuckBeak
stand in front of him and press A to bow, then when on him give a run up and
tap B to flap the wings, fly into the bats in the sky to catch them, you will 
be graded by Hagrid on how well you do.

NOTE: This mini game will be unlocked on the bonus section of the main menu 
when it has been played through once in the main game.

End the day after the cutscene.


This day begins with a quick cutscene. Follow Ron until you see Peeves, que 
another cutscene. When Peeves is still fire Flipendo at him. When Peeves has
gone, continue to follow Ron to the grand staircase, then ultimatly into the

You will have to not be seen here, however it is quite easy to avoid the purple
stare of the armour. Keep going forward avoiding the armour until you see a 
door at the end of the corridor, go through it.

Que yet another cut scene.

Now use the real Ron to open the secret door, that is located on the back wall
of the pit that you are in. There will be lots of Red Caps in the next area,
however you should be able to avoid most of them, if it does become a bit 
hairy kill them with Flipendo. When you get to the bottom of the stairs start
by going right. Get the owl treat out of the case and then summon Hedwig, fly
Hedwig to the top of the stairs where he will continue alone to get Hermione.

As soon as Hermione arrives go to the gate near where Harry and Ron are and use
them to lift it up. Then switch characters to Hermione and she will crawl under

Go across the bridge and then go right. When you see the thing with all the red
caps on it, begin by freezing the water blocks, climbing up, killing red caps
and then repeating until you get to the top. Follow the passage and there will
be another cutscene.

Walk straight forward and drop down onto the path. Flipendo the box twice, then
climp up. Walk along the walkway until you get to the Reparo spellbook. Use
Reparo on the box that you had previously used Flipendo on, now climb up and
push it down onto the path. Pull and Push until you are able to cross the 
bridge, use reparo to fix the bridge.

Go to Harry and Ron, near that is a broken box, use Reparo on it and flip the 
switch. Get Hermione to fix the near bridge and Ron to kill the things with
lanterns, using a combination of Lumos and Flipendo. When everything is dead
climb up the stairs until you get to the dungeons again.

Use Hermione to fix the broken box and to climb up onto the bookcase. Avoid the
armour and prefects and make your way to the door. Thus ends this day.


From the start head the Hagrids hut by going down to the main entrance hall and
then into the Hogwarts school grounds, like before when you first met BuckBeak.

In the area by the river and near the trees you will see a light, head down 
towards this, underneath the trees you will see the first ingridiant that you
want, Chizpurfles. Change you character to Ron and use target one of them and
use Lumos to drag them towards the Venomous Tentaculos (The Plants) When they 
are infront of the Tentaculos they will be eaten and you will get the 
ingrediant, do this 3 times.

Now, change to Hermione and head back up the hut and get on BuckBeak, fly 
towards a light on the left of the river and catch the Billywig\'s here, catch
them by flying straight at them, it isn\'t to hard. Once you have got 3 fly
around the castle until you see yet another light, set BuckBeak down and freeze
the flames on the tree using Glacius. The seeds will drop when the tree is 

You will now have all the ingrediants, so head to the Potions classroom in the

After the cutscene in the potions room, go to the Charms classroom on the 2nd
floor, a short cutscene will introduce you to the next task of collecting a 
spell book.



Right at the start switch to Hermione and equipped the Glacius spell. Kill the
torches by freezing them and head into the next room, there are 3 switches in
this room, do it in this order:

Hermione Freezes one
Change to Harry
Grab Switch
Change to Hermione
Freeze another switch
Change to Ron
Grab Switch
Change to Hermione
Freeze final switch
Grab it

After the last switch has been flicked the floor, then you will be attacked, 
kill all of the Red Caps. When you have killed all of them the floor will 
stop moving, use Harry and Ron to lift the gate while Hermione crawls 
underneath it. 

Through here there is a room with a lake thing in the middle, freeze it with
Glacius and walk to the other side of the room. Push the switch on the other
side of the room, it will free Harry and Ron, but you will not be able to take
control of them. Open all of the chests and then go into the room with the Red
Caps and Doxys, kill all of them, if the Doxys poison you, use the antidote 
otherwise you will die. Once everyone of them is dead continue to the end
of the corridor and through the door.

Freeze one of the fountains in this room, climb up it and press a switch, go 
along to where the mirror that has no light reflecting on it is and freeze
the fountain by it, so that you can climb up and turn the mirror so the light 
hits it. A puddle will then appear, freeze it.

Move it to were the switch was, break the crate and kill the Doxy in it. Then
push the ice towards where the two crates are together. Smash them and kill
the doxies. Push the ice towards the right of the door where you entered the 
room, repair the crate you broke using reparo. Then go back to the ice block 
and smash the crate it is against. Push it towards the repaired crate and
finally onto the switch. Go through the gate that has opened and kill all the

There is a broken lever here, use reparo on it and then fire Flipendo at it,
to make a platform lower. Go across the platform and press the switch. You
will now have control of Harry and Ron.

Switch to Harry and climb up the rope on the platform made of concrete, walk
sideways and press the switch. Harry will then be trapped.

Using Hermione go through the gate, use Hermione and the Reparo charm to repair
the broken bridge. Then kill all the enemies in this room. 

Freeze the Ice and climb up to the mirror that the crystal is shining on. Turn 
it so that the light shines onto the statue on the other side of the room. Drop
down and freeze the puddle with the crystal on it. Push it twice Anti-Clockwise
and using Ron cast Lumos on it. Shove it past the \"eye\" on the side of the 
platform in the middle to reveal a stair case, run up it to get house points.

Change characters to Ron and kill the lantern weilding maniacs again. Then once
they are dead move to the platform and flip the switch, which will free Harry.
Go across the bridge and you will see another bridge with a hook type thing on.

Change characters to Harry and work your way across the concrete platform. And
then climb up the rope and hit the mechanism which will raise another platform,
jump across to go through the door.

Keep going until you come to a room with the Carpe Retractum spell, get the
book and the floor will dissapear, kill the Red Caps and target one of the hook
to get to the other side using Carpe Retractum.

Keep going along a corridor until you see a bridge, pull the bridge towards you
using the Carpe Retractum spell and Harry and Ron will join you. Go back to the
room which had a drain in the middle. There is a grate on the wall, use the 
Carpe Retractum spell to pull it off the wall, then change to Hermione and get
her to crawl into it. Get Hermione to push the switch and go through the door,
go through the new corridor and kill all the Red Caps.

Boss Number - 3
Looks Like - Armour
Defeated by - Carpe Retractum, Flipendo

Change characters to Harry and target the shields, when he stops use Carpe
Retractum and pull them off his body, the shields will then fall off and run 
around the room, when they stop cast Flipendo on them, Repeat this 4 times. He
will then pull in some swords and start spinning around the room. When he stops
target the head and use Carpe Retractum to pull it off, once that is done the
boss will be defeated.

Go through the new door, end the day.



Go to the 4th floor and enter the classroom, there will be another cutscene and
you will have control of Harry.
Push the thing that looks like a table into the hole and a hook will appear, 
use the Carpe Retractum spell and when you get to the other side do the same 
with the other table thing.
You will now be in a room with the most complex puzzle of the game, I will tell
you now, if the Dementor attacks you, wiggle the control stick and you will 
break free, however the more he attacks you, the harder it will be to break

I have now shortened this section as the last thing I said was wrong, any way 
head towards the top left corner, push the block, go to the bottom right corner
and push the block, go to the top right and you guesses it, push the block, 
finally head towards the bottom left corner, do it in that order and you won\'t 
have to much trouble. Carpe Retractum is how you pull yourself towards the 
statues. Once all blocks are pushed into their holes, go to the newly opened
door and....

Walk along to get the spell book

Boss Number - 3
Looks Like - Dementor
Defeated by - Patronus

You don\'t need to target the \"Dementor\" just fire the Patronus charm and guide
it towards it, 3 hits and it will leave.

After the cut scene use Hermione to crawl underneath a small metal gate, then
pick up the Draconifors spellbook. Exit the room and go to the corridor. After
the cutscene head to the door that Snape and Lupin are not standing at. Using
Hermione target one of the Dragon statues by the rug covering the door and it
will be burnt and a secret passage will be revealed, go through it. In the next
area avoid the prefects and armour and make your way to the exit, which is on 
the right, make your way to the 3rd floor now and avoid the prefects, There is
a statue there, if you can\'t find it switch to Harry and use the Maruders map,
the statue is called \"Gunhilda of Gorsemoor\" you will know you are in the right
place as that is also the name of the corridor. Go to it, and open the secret
passage and you will be in.....

Hogsmeade, after a duel with Malfoy, switch to Hermione and use reparo on the
dragon statue over by a push, when it has been repaired used Draconifers on it
and the tree will catch alight and there will be fairys every where. Use 
Flipendo to knock down the fairies and Glacius to get the wings, once you have
3 some Dementors will appear, use Patronus on them until Ron and Hermione have
knocked the gate down which will take around 1 minute, always hit the Dementors
closest to you so they do not suck your soul. 

When you have left Hogsmeade head towards the 7th floor and into the corridor,
the Fat Lady has dissapeared so go through the door on the side of you. There 
are Trolls in this corridor so you will need Dungbombs, change characters to 
Ron and search all the bookcases for them, when you encounter a Troll through
the bomb in front of them and run round the back, if you run out of Dungbombs
just search the bookcases for some more. At the end go back to the common room
and press Z to end the day.


Go towards Hagrids hut and to the left of you, there will be a light which
comes up from the ground, these are Doxys. Kill all of them using Flipendo and
then switch characters to Harry and pull the eggs off the trees using Carpe 
Retractum, if you get poisned use the potion. After you have 3 eggs go to 
Buck Beak by Hagrids hut and get on him, fly towards the light over by the boat
house so that you can get the seahorses. Use Carpe Retractum to pull the sea
horses in. Get back on Buck Beak and fly to a courtyard that has a fountain in
the middle.

Using Hermione use Dragonifors on the dragon statue so it burns the dragon 
flies, a good tip here is to use the spell just as the Dragon Flies are coming
back, this will make it easier to get all 3 and does not waste time.

Head back to the potions classroom, there will be another cutscene and you 
find out that the balls for Quidditch have been swapped over. So run down to
Hargrids hut and using Hermione climb on Buck Beak, fly to the courtyard which
you previously could not get to because it is surrounded by the corridors, get
off Buck Beak and freeze the Ice Puddle, climb up, use the Dragonifors spell on
the dragon and then the balls will be free, quickly climb back on Buck Beak and
then fly to the left hand side of you, this is the quidditch stadium, it has 4
flags outside, land here and walk up to the gate, time has now flown by and you
are now on.....


Go down to Hagrids hut and then there will be a cutscene where you will be in 
the Whomping Willow, follow the tunnel and kill all the Red Caps, change 
characters to Hermione and enter the room with the 2 salamanders, kill them 
using glacius and flipendo, then use Harry to pull the bridge across using the
retractum spell, where you will be greeted by more salamanders, kill them. Head
to the next room and kill the doxies in there. Pick up the trunk and move it
near the switch, climb up and press the switch, and now there will be a 

Boss Number - 4
Looks Like - Dementor
Killed By - Patronus

You will not be able to start killing the Dementors right away, first you will
have to drag Sirius up the lake, Harry will drop Sirius and then you will have
to start to attack the Dementors, attack the ones closest so they do not suck 
the soul of either you or Sirius, after a few hits there will be another 
cutscene, you will be on the other side of the Lake.

Power up patronus and shoor it through the centre of the dementors so that you
can clear a path to Sirius, once a patch has been cleared tap the A button to
make the Patronus charge and kill the dementors that are sucking Sirius soul,
hit 4 of these and enter the final stages.

Hop on Buck Beak and fly to the tower where Sirius is being held, he will fly
away on Buck Beak into the night, you will then be in the great hall, talk to
Dumbledore to complete the game or you can continue to explore Hogwarts before
talking to Dumbledore.

Game Complete!!!


These are the games found on the main menu, not the ones that you play actually
in the main game.



This game is not too hard, it is the same as the normal duelling that is 
against Draco and gang in the main game, just keep hiding and avoiding the 
spells while you are being shot at with spells, once the spells have stopped
pop out from you hiding place and go crazy with Flipendo.

There are 4 teams that you can play as, each one consists of 3 players that
you can switch between.



To start select one of the 4 owls, each one plays the same, so choose which 
ever ones name that you prefer. To play this game press B in time with the
Owls wings and fly through the hoops to pick up speed. It isn\'t too difficult.



To play this game, bow to BuckBeak and then you will get on him, to take off
get a good run up and flap the wings by pressing B, the faster you tap B the 
faster you will fly. To beat this collect as many bats as you can in the 
alloted time, do this by flying into them with Buck Beak.


These are the bonus \"mini\" games that you will find in the main section of the
game, these do not effect the final outcome of the game, however they are 
quite fun to do. The collectable things such as wizard cards and the Folio 
Bruti are in another section.


To start to find these items you must first go to the Noticeboard in Gryfindor
Tower, once you have found the item, bring it back to the Noticeboard and read
it again, you can earn 10 house points for each item returned.

- The Prefect Badge is located in the great hall behind the Gryfinndor point

- The Remembrall is somewhere near the stone circle outside in the grounds.

- The Vial Case is in the 2nd floor corridor.

- Dragonhide Gloves, in the classroom on the 3rd floor.

- Owl Parcel is located near the tower courtyard with the clock on it, it is in
the left hand corridor.

- Key is on the first floor behind the statue.

- Telescope is in the boathouse, fly here with Buck Beak.

- Newspaper is in the hospital wing.

- Brass Scales is on the second floor in the classroom.

- Potion Jar, in the potion storeroom.


These pellets that are bought from Fred and George can be used to do the Stink
Bomb challenge, hit the grey pots around hogwarts, if you get all 20 you will
get 4 cards.

1. The first pot is on the right of Fred and George.

2. On the grand staircase between the sixth and seventh floors.

3. In the East Wing by the secret door.

4. On the Grand Staircase on the ground floor, left of the door to the Entrance

5. On the first floor, behind a secret door, Ron can open at the back of where
you found the Gregory Smarmy Statue.

6. Climb up the bookcase in the Transfiguration Classroom.

7. Up on the same bookcase as number 6, just keep on running along it until you
see the second pot.

8. Use Draconifors on a secret passageway in the second floor corridor, just 
follow this and you will be there.

9. In the third floor corridor, near the far exit on the right.

10. In the defense against the Dark Arts classroom, halfway in on the right
hand side.

11. In the fourth floor corridor above the entrance to the Hospital wing.

12. Opposite the Main central entrance to the fourth floor corridor.

13. In the hallway past the first room on the Muggle Studies Floor.

14. In the north wing, near the door that leads to the Fat Lady Room.

15. On the wall to the right of the Fat Lady portait.

16. Above the entrance to the fourth floor on the Grand Staircase.

17. On the left of the house point totals in the entrance hall.

18. In the dungeon, on the left as you enter.

19. Further in on the dungeon on the right.

20. On the left in the potions classroom.


This is not only a quest to get the 100% completion, it is also very useful as
it can power up your spells. There are 9 statues to find and they are scattered
about Hogwarts. To start first talk to Fred and George about Dark Arts Lessons,
getting the first 3 statues powers up Flipendo, the second increases the power
of Expelliarmus and the final 3 power up all the spells.

1. Beaumont Marjoribanks is found through the secret passage that leads from 
the second floor to the fourth floor, it is opened up using the Dragonifors 

2. Gondoline Oliphant is found in the History of Magic classroom.

3. Bridget Wenlock is found in the room, just before you reach the Fat Ladys

4. Glanmore Peakes is found in the sixth floor corridor, before the Glanmore
Peakes corridor.

5. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor is found on the 3rd floor, past the room with all the
knights, the statue is the one that leads to the shrieking shack.

6. Jocunda Sykes is in the main entrance hall, to the left of the stairs.

7. Hooky the House Elf is in the dungeon room next to the classroom, at the
back on the right.

8. Gregory the Smarmy is found in the first floor corridor.

9. Hengist of Woodcroft is found near the hospital wing in the fourth floor


This shop is located on the 6th floor in the toilet, the items can be purchased
using the beans found in various locations around Hogwarts.

Stink Pellets - 10 beans
Stink Pellet bag - 100 beans
Wizard Cards - 100 beans
Folio Bruti Page - 100 beans
Snuffifors Spell Book - 50 beans
Dung Bombs - 20 beans
Dung Bomb Case - 100 beans
Girding Potion - 50 beans
Wiggenmeld Potion - 20 beans
Antidote - 20 beans.


In each section there are 5 cards, collect 4 and you get the fourth one 
automatically, for every section you get there is a prize. The cards are hidden
in the trunks.


Prize: Hermiones endurance is increased.

1. Morgan le Fay is located in the first ice block puzzle room when you do the
Glacius Spell book challenge.

2. Queen Maeve is located in the dungeons corridor.

3. Ignatia Wildsmith is located after you have the glacius spell book, go to 
the other side and there she is.

4. Beatrix Bloxham is in the defense against the dark arts classroom.

5. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor is given automatically when you have the first 4 


Prize: Harry Potter endurance is increased.

1. Merlin is behind the bookcase in the charms classroom, use Harry to pull the
switch using Carpe Retractum.

2. Glanmore Peakes is next to the second switch that is used to release Harry
in the carpe retractum challenge.

3. Herpo the Foul is in the secret passage between the 7th and 4th floors.

4. Edgar Strougler is next to the first switch that raises the stairs in the
carpe retractum challenge.

5. Albus Dumbledore is given automatically when you have the first 4 cards.


Prize: 20 House Points

1. Lady Carmilla Sanguina - Cast Glacius on the fire in the common room.

2. Amarillo Lescoat - Freeze the fire on the 4th floor.

3. Sir Herbert Varney - In the Dungeons.

4. Blodwynn Bludd - Use Lumos on the crystal ball on the 4th floor, a secret
area will be found, go into it.

5. Count Vlad Drakul - Given when the other 4 cards are recieved.


Prize: 20 House Points

1. Eargit the Ugly - Get from the joke shop.

2. Alguff the Awful - On top of the case on the 6th floor corridor.

3. Ug the Unreliable - Freeze the puddl in the disused toilet.

4. Urg the Unclean  - Use reparo on the broken toilet in the disused bathroom.

5. Gringott - Given automatically when you have the other 4 cards.

7e) HAGS

Prize: Hermiones Endurance increases. 

1. Babayaga is in the storeroom in the Gunhilda of Gorsemorr corridor, 3rd 

2. Malodora Grymm - Turn all the books in the Glanmore Peakes corridor into

3. Leticia Somnolens - Turn books into mice on the 4th floor.

4. Old Mother Hubberd - Behind the secret wall in disused bathroom (The one
you went in at start of the game) Go back there with all characters, using
Harry and Ron lift the gate, use Hermione to crawl underneath and then flip
the switch. Use Carpe Retractum to get the card.

5. Corddelia Misericordia - Given automatically.


Prize: 20 House Points

1. Bran the Bloodthirsty is in a secret area behind a wall opposite the disused

2. Cyclops is got from the joke shop.

3. Morholt is on the balcony on the 3rd floor corridor, use Carpe Retractum to 
pull your self across.

4. Goliath is on the 6th floor corridor.

5. Hengist of Upper Barnton is given when you have the other 4 cards.


Prize: Rons Endurance increases.

All of these cards are recieved by doing Rons Stink Pellet challenge, the cards
are as follows.

Common Welsh Green Dragon
Herbridean Black Dragon
Hungarian Horntail Dragon
Romanian Longhorn Dragon
Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon


Prize: 20 House Points

1. Imp is found in the secret passageway between the 2nd and 3rd floor.

2. Doxy is in the passageway between 4th floor and second floor.

3. Bowtruckle is in the just past the storeroom in the Gunhilda of Goresemoor
corridor on the 3rd floor.

4. Billywig is in the north wing.

5. Gnome is given when you have the other 4 cards.


Prize: Ron\'s endurance increases.

1. Giant Squid is in the chest on the 4th floor corridor.

2. Manticore is in Ron\'s trunk on the boys dormitory.

3. Unicorn is on the stairs near where you kill the dragon flies when you get
potion ingrediants for the second time.

4. Mountin Troll, in first room of the Glacius Challenge.

5. Phoenix is given automatically when you have the other 4 cards.


Prize: Harrys endurance increases.

1. Cyprian Youdie is in Harrys Trunk.

2. Joselind Wascock is in a chest on the 7th floor corridor.

3. Leopoldina Smethwyck is in the study area of the second floor.

4. Roderick Plumpton is in a chest on the ledge of the second room of the
Maruders map challenge.

5. Barberus Bragge is given automatically when you have the other 4 cards.


- Dementor is given to you on the train by Proffesor Lupin.

- Billywig is in the room with all the bookcases, this is in the quest for the
Glacius spellbook, you only get one chance to get this.

- Chizpurfle is in the potions classroom.

- Doxy is located by the frozen lake when you do the Carpe Retractum test.

- Dragonfly is in the secret area behind the bookcase on the 7th floor.

- Fire Seed Bush is in the potions storeroom.

- Ghoul is in the mugglestudies classroom, where you are attacked by 
instruments on the section called \"Neville and the Ghoul\".

- Fairy is in the secret passage between the 4th and 2nd floor.

- Venemous Tentacula is in the trunk in the girls dormintory.

- Salamander is in the found in the second ice puzzle room on the Glacius spell
book challenge.

- Troll is in the secret area behind the bookcase in the 7th floor Gryfinndor
Comman room, you will need Ron to open this up.

- HinkyPunk is in the corridor between the two Muggle Studies rooms.

- Hippogriff is just up the steps from the boathouse where you get the flying

- Red Cap is in the dungeon after you kill the Hinkypunks.

- Pixie is in the room after you recieve the Maruders Map.

9. GETTING 100%

I have been getting numerous e-mails on how to get the full 100%, well below I
have listed all you need to to, it is only a short section but it will get you

1. Complete Game (Obvious Really)
2. Get all of Folio Universitas (The Cards)
3. Get all pages of Folio Bruti
4. Get all Spells
5. Get all the house points
6. Beat all mini games with an A+ Grade.
7. Find all of Hermiones Statues
8. Find all objects on the noticeboard.
9. Get all the stink pellets with Ron.


I think that is just about it, everything is there that should get you 100%, 
don\'t hesitate to e-mail me if you see something wrong. There won\'t be many
updates for a while as I am writing other FAQ\'s at the moment, there are a few
people I would like to thank.

CjayC - For posting this FAQ and creating Game FAQ\'s
HarryPotter142484 - Pointing out an error in the patronus section.
Underworld Gaming - Because they are reading this FAQ
Carolyn Toleberg - Pointing out a mistake in the Hermione statue listing.

I am hoping to write an FAQ for all the Harry Potters but I have many other
ones to write first.

Happy Gaming,
