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Jigglypuff's 'Rest' Move, Useless?

Question asked by Psycho Pichu Tra.. on
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Jigglypuff's 'Rest' Move, Useless?

My friend claims that Jigglypuff's Up B Move (Rest) Can be an awesome move. He Claims you can knock out a player by landing on them while using rest. I highly doubt this is true (I've never done it), So Smash Masters, think you can help me out? Thanks.

Comment:(Feb 4 2008) Thanks Guys, Yes it was Down B. Im horrible with remembering exact moves. To answer the question of why dont I try it, I had tried it and my friend had tried it, neither of us could do it. I was successful (and have finally mastered the move) Thanks to you guys. Thanks! ^^

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blastoise_king answered:

It is true thats how I beat giga bowser in event #51 swhat your friend said is true.But you have to be touching the opponent when you use rest.

tbug2007 answered:

Well, yes and no.

Yes- It has the potential to be a pwerful move, and SOMETIMES (Not always) knocks the other player off the screen.

No- You cannot knock someone out by landing on them and using it, you must be touching the person when you use it, or the move will fail. The other person should be standing still, too, or you will probably miss.
There are much stronger moves than that though. Experiment in training mode.


eonteam123456 answered:

Make sure you're touching the opponent. Have a practice in Training and make the opponent stand still.

Epsilon234 answered:

I could have sworn that the rest move is DOWN + B. The up + B is the sing move to put everyone to sleep. But the down + B is the move I use when I have to use jigglypuff. Since I suck as her, anyway. Though it DOES work on lighter people, it doesnt knock 'em off all the time. It's a little weaker on heavy guys (DUH). The landing on 'em and using the move only works if you are high up, or they already have some damage. Otherwise, they shoot streight up. And you really have to be close. I've had cases where it literally looked like I was inside the dude, and the move failed. And he knocked me off while I was "sleeping". And I got mad. And I lost. And cussed a bit. Over a game.

And why are you asking people online before trying it? Do you not trust your friend are something? Just asking.

Bluejay0714 answered:

First of all it is down + B. Second of all, you have to be as close to the person as you can get. I suggest running to someone and right before you run through them press down + b.

powahawk answered:

Not exactly useless, but can be trouble for using Jigglypuff.

By the way, it's Down+B to use Rest, not Up+B, which makes Jigglypuff sing and the opponents sleep, which is totally useless if you are fighting a hard Computer.

Rest: I call Rest a "Knock-Out move" since it can deal a powerful blow maybe enough to kill an opponent if high damage is given to him/her/it. Rest is also a risky move since if you miss, you are in a position of being dealt with a powerful blow, so don't do this move unless needed.

The way to use Rest: Basically, you just touch your opponent, but beware that your opponent can move to avoid this attack, and put you in a position to die. You need good timing against a moving character, and just timing against someone who isn't moving.

Best to practice this move, since this is both Useful and Risky.

sheiny answered:

It is true!

majorgamer answered:

Duh! You can use it to blow up people with it. I used it for beating giga bowser it was so easy! So

Just try it and see.

It will take some reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaalllllllly good practice so first try it in training mode.

P.S. If you want to get giga bowsers trophy look at my submission in the user submitted hints section.

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Guest said: 30th Nov 2011 | REPORT
don't forget level 51

Guest answered:

yeah i am not registered but i play the game.
The move(down and b) is the way to beat many events. This will take many tries to master, but will be the easiest way. also does anyone know how to beat events 33, 36, and 50? They are the only ones i have left. Hope i helped

Guest answered:

I may not be rejsterd but I'm a realy good player of the game and one of my favorite charictors is jigglypuff so you think I'd know if her down B move is good or not and trust me it is because it nocks out the opponent.

Guest answered:

Use rest attack up-b then down-b it has to hit them hope it helps

Guest answered:

I am also an avid Jigglypuff fan/advocate (despite her drastic loss of power in brawl >:( ) and I can assure you that this move works incredibly well (at least in melee). I have used this move to help the aerial wonder beat such teams as a bowser trio and peach trio (level 9s). I realize the game's AI is horrible but it is still difficult to beat bowser with a light character and peach with any character. Believe me when I say that Jigglypuff's rest is nothing to scoff at.

Guest answered:

But if you can give it a lot of damage then put it to sleep the more damage it has the longer it sleeps the giving you time to use rest and bam 1 dead foe what about that

Guest answered:

Jigglypuff's down-b is one of the single strongest hitting moves in game in regard to the knockback to % ratio and is one of the easier ones to hit (compared to say ganons up tilt, the smoking leg). It can kill most light characters from as low as 8% depending on the stage and even knock out heavies as early as 40-50% (depending on DI). Also the move itself is considered "hard to hit" but not really so. Again it is used in higher level of play as a move in combination with others as well as being used when one player is able to make a read on another. One simple combo that works really well against spacies (fox falco) is grab into up throw which leaves enough hit stun for you to get a rest off before they can do anything (again depending on DI and how well you read it). If you wanna see how nasty a Jiggly rest can be. Go check out hungrybox. He is considered top 5 melee players in the world and mains jiggly. He can show you how devastating rest can be.


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