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How come my chao's ball keeps on changing color?

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Question for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

How come my chao's ball keeps on changing color? It was purple then I petted it as eggman than it's ball turned light brown. Does this mean he likes me? I take care of him a lot

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Guest answered:

I'm pretty sure thats because if you've taken care of it with other characters, particularly light ones, then I think that has something to do with the color of the ball. Just like how if you raise a light chao it's ball (ELOHEL!) will be blue, and if it's dark then it's red. And I think that even if you raise it with other dark characters that WEREN'T eggman, then it will change it as well.

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Guest said: 20th Mar 2017 | REPORT
I'm fairly certain that in the early stages of it's life it changes to show a few things.
1. Yellow Emotion ball when hatched
2. Emotion Ball changes color towards the color of it's Solid color or stays yellow
3. Emotion Ball Changes color towards the Color of it's Orientation (Good, Evil, or Neutral (an equal mix of both)
4 Emotion Ball Changes towards the Color of the animals you've given it (towards evolution)
the 2nd and 3rd phase of it's emotion ball are relatively quick, usually the first 2 hours it will be changing color toward the evolution that it;s going for,,, For instance i had a Purple Chao, It's ball turned Purple and stayed Purple until It Turned Blue towards it's animal stat color (it's a Dark Running Shadow Chao) so in this scenario i was using shadow to raise it, but since it was hatched a bit before i touched it it skipped over the first phase where it's emotion ball changes towards the character you're using with it (i'm not sure if this is from the characters it
Guest said: 20th Mar 2017 | REPORT
likes, or the Light/Darkness, or something else) but essentially the main contributing factors to the chaos Emotion ball color are it's Affiliation(Good/Bad) and it's Main animal type that it was given most. The ball behaves strangely for the first few hours but it starts to mature and slowly look like it's evolutions ball (in most cases) Sorry if this was long winded but i've played the chaos alot and noticed weird things with the ball... whenever the ball turns a different color than it's evolution progression color it's always either it's base color, it's Main Stat color, or a mixture of colors, If a Chao is neutral and dominant in a stat it's Ball will be one color for instance Red, But for a Hero Chao the same stats ball could be green or something so when it changes affiliations it's ball could be all sorts of colors (almost always a combination of bass colors... this is probably where the Brown came from, Your question can be answered easily but i thought i should explain why, Y

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