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how do you hack sonic without action replay

Question asked by Guest on
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how do you hack sonic without action replay

I really want to hack my chao stats and looks how do I do it without action replay

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Guest answered:

that's easy, find a website called blueswirl and download the dream explorer. then you download chao editor 1 and 2 to your pc. then use bootmaker to make a cd with both dreamexplorer and the chao editor saves. when u load it on your dreamcast, copy chao editor 1 for sonic adventure or 2 for sonic adventure 2. then go to open VMU and find vmu emulator. edit your chao, save then press Y then Start. ur chao should save and now put it into ur game and walaa!! u hav a custom chao!!!!

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Guest said: 20th Jun 2013 | REPORT
wrong game hes talking about sonic adventure 2 battle on the gamecube
Guest said: 30th May 2015 | REPORT
There is no way u can hack sa2b on the GameCube
The only " hack " is the animal glitch
Guest answered:

For the answer above me, that is for Sonic Adventure 2. This is for the gamecube remake.

There is no way to hack your chao on Battle without a gameshark/action replay. Sorry. ^^

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Guest said: 31st May 2011 | REPORT
then why did you talk about it?
Guest answered:

ok, i once had the same question, but its really easy!

1. Get a normal chao egg. (like the ones you get when you first star chao garden)

2. Keep it neutral, and ALWAYS give it green drives.

3. ONLY!! take care of the chao with sonic and shadow, ALWAYS keep it neutral.

4. when your waiting for your chao to evolve, you will notice that the chao is changing colour to sonic blue and is growning ears and spikes.

5. the best way to wait it out, is leave your gamecube on over night and DONT, DONT DONT DONT!!! pause your game.

ur name....

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Guest said: 2nd Aug 2011 | REPORT
thanks you so much! hey can the same work for tails?

Guest said: 30th May 2015 | REPORT
U need phantisty star online
Guest answered:

well, you CAN give a chao an animal more then one time by giving yur chao a fruit. Then you give it the animal and/or chaos drive. But, you stay a little ways away from the chao so he/she does not eat it. Anyways, after that you drop the animal and/or chaos drive and it should do the sparkly thing, but the chao should not pick it up. ow you can do that as may times as you wat so you don't have to get the same animals OVER AND OVER!! x.x

Guest answered:

Some guy on youtube hacked in in the computer but idk how


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