Hi, I just recently wanted to make a chaos chao and I was wondering, can I just get him to chaos chao form then get his stats to 99 or do I have to do that before he turns into a chaos chao because stats can't be changed if they are a chaos chao, thanks.
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Well, to tell you the truth, I am not entirely sure. With the other Chao forms, Angel and Dark, you do not even have to raise their stats at all. The only thing that you need to worry about is showing the Chao love and compassion every day. The Chaos Chao is an anomaly, and is different. Still, I would suggest that you raise his stats. But, do not give him anymore animals then you need to. I find that the tubes that the destroyed robots give you are a lot better than the animals. Getting his stats to 99 will take a while, so, you better be prepared. But, it will all be worth it when you wipe the floor with everyone in Karate, or in the races.
Hope this helps.
Where did you hear that Chaos Chaos' stats can't be changed?
Whatever. If you're asking when to get your Chao's level to 99, it would have to be after (your Chao becomes a Chaos Chao), for two reasons:
1. You can only give your Chao one of each of the 23 animals, meaning no Chaos Drives.
2. Getting all, or even one of your Chao's levels up to 99 takes a LONG time, and your Chao just doesn't live long enough; but that's where a Chaos Chao's immortality comes into play.
Um chao lives are incredibly long so there is no problem in getting all your stats up to 99 in one normal life; you just have to be really patient and use perhaps try the animal glitch so you don't have to keep going back and forth between chao world and the stages. (I know because I do it all the time)Also I think you can level up their stats after turning them into a chaos chao because you can only give them one of each animal after a certain amount of transformations.
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