I have gone to some other cheat websites, and they have lots of cheats concerning chaos chaos. It says that you have to make your chao transform twice. I have a dark chao and I'm trying to make it transform again to hero, so it can be chaos. They also say that when you unlock a chaos chao, you get the chaos garden. Is this true, or do you have to train your chao with both hero and dark at the same time, not dark, then hero? Also, my progress with getting my dark chao to be chaos is not going well. Does it really work? Am I doing it wrong?
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Well, it does work. You do have to transform it twice. But you don't have to swap it from dark to hero or vice-versa. If it's not working, are you giving it more than one of each animal? You MUST give it one of each animal in the game, no more or less, but you only have to do this after it's second transformation. Make sure that the chao you are working on is a child when giving it the animals. There are other chaos chao besides the hero one. I have a dark chaos, hero chaos, and light chaos(NEUTRAL). And if you only have to unlock one chaos chao to get the chaos garden, wheres mine? There is no chaos garden. Where do you think they would put it if it really existed? Or is my copy busted? Or my friends copies?
Switching subjects, it sounds to me like you are doing it right. Just don't mess up like I did on my first one.
Hey you are doing it all wrong. By transforming it you have to make your chao die twice and come back to life(it does that when it 5 years old but treat it with respect or it will only die)also remember to do this first.Then(second) give it all 21 animals and if you want a neutral chaos chao raise it with all the characters(after you give it all 21 animals).To get a dark chaos chao raise it with only the dark characters(shadow,rouge,eggman)also after that feed your chao all 21 animals.To get a hero chaos chao raise it with only the hero characters(sonic,knuckles,tails)and remember after you feed the chao all 21 animals.Also I do not have the chaos chao garden because I have all three chaos chao(hero,dark,light).I only have the hero,dark,and neutral(the regular one)gardens.
Hope I helped
I did a mistake on the second sentence.You have to make your chao die and let come back and do this two times(it will do it again).By the way can you rate the first answer I sent,like make it the best one or rate it by 10.
I did a mistake on the second sentence.You have to make your chao die and let come back and do this two times(it will do it again).By the way can you rate the first answer I sent,like make it the best one or rate it by 10(and this onebut not the best one for this one,the first one).
Just wondering when the chao becomes a chaos chao, is it directly after u give it the 21 animals or do u have to wait a while for it to transform?
my chao pivot is in his second life now and I've givin him 1 of every animal (i made a checklist) but i'm worried about the fact he has animal parts. when he evolves into a light chaos chao will these dissaper?
I screwed up when my chao transformed twice, I gave it the 21 animal when it was a adult,now what do I do? Can it still be a devil chao even though I messed up?
You have to make your chao transform Eg die 3 times before you can make it into a chaos you need to collect every animal in the once and feed them to you're chao only once, else it will turn into a neutral type of dark, hero or normal if you font do it correctly, I have 3 chaos chaos 1 hero 1 dark and 1 normal, so make a list of all the animals in the game there are 21 different animals and put a tick next to it wen you have fed it so you can remember that you fed it. U won't see a difference web the chao us a baby but it will turn it takes a long time so stay in the garden for a long time , there is no chaos garden else I wud have it as I have all the types of chaos chao's
No, it is not true that you unlock a Chaos chao garden. That was belived what would happen if you made Chaos chao. I have all 3 Chaos chao, and I do not have a Chaos garden
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