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Hey I'm kind of stuck I have 239 missions done but no new missions are..

Question asked by JTGamer21 on
Last Modified:

Question for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Hey I'm kind of stuck I have 239 missions done but no new missions are comming up and if they are new I can't beat them because I don't have the correct stuff, is it just random or something I don't know how to get past this stand still in missions completed

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Rolan answered:

If you have thrown out certain mission items, then there may be nothing that you can do. Try to find any missions that are repeatable, then see if items from those missions can be used in several different missions. With only 239 completed there should be at least something to complete. The requirements for some missions can be unusual, such as capturing 5 monsters to unlock the Fiend Run mission.

puresolid answered:

Assuming you had never failed any missions and thrown away any mission items, you should try reading those rumors at the pub. Also, the mission item Hero Gaol can be read by pressing select in the mission item section to unlock more missions. You can also do area freeing missions(if you haven't) or try different pubs and visit them on different moons to look out for new missions.

Hope it helped.

Ninja18 answered:

Same thing happens to me only I have 281 missions done. Try Repeating other missions.


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