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by KeyBlade999

                   _____      _
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                  |  ___/ _ \| |/ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \
                  | |  | (_) |   <  __/ | | | | | (_) | | | |
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   \_____|_|   \__, |___/\__|\__,_|_|       \__/ \___|_|  |___/_|\___/|_| |_|

                   |        Pok�mon Crystal Version        |
                   |           An FAQ/Walkthrough          |
                   |             By KeyBlade999            |
                   |                                       |
                   |           Total Size: 404 KB          |
                   |         Current Version: v1.00        |
                   |  Previous Update: 12:12 AM 3/15/2012  |

 /   \                                                                   /   \
|==O==|                Section Negative One: Donations                  |==O==|
|                              |
|  CTRL+F Tag: **CRYSTAL_-1**  |

While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and
effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your
appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the
donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping
me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated,
and are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do
decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the
e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for considering this!!

                          [email protected]

By the way, this is also my contact e-mail, so if you want to contribute
something to this or any of my other FAQs, or have a question to ask about one
of them, go ahead and use this e-mail.

 /   \                                                                   /   \
|==O==|                Section Zero: Table of Contents                  |==O==|
|                             |
|  CTRL+F Tag: **CRYSTAL_0**  |

  [Section Title] ............................................ [CTRL+F Tag]

  -1. Donations .............................................. **CRYSTAL_-1**
   0. Table of Contents ...................................... **CRYSTAL_0**
   1. Intro .................................................. **CRYSTAL_1**
   2. Version History ........................................ **CRYSTAL_2**
   3. Legalities ............................................. **CRYSTAL_3**

   4. Walkthrough ............................................ **CRYSTAL_4**
     I- Through Violet's Gym ................................. **CRYSTAL_41**
     II- Through Azalea's Gym ................................ **CRYSTAL_42**
     III- Through Goldenrod's Gym ............................ **CRYSTAL_43**
     IV- Through Ecruteak's Gym .............................. **CRYSTAL_44**
     V- Through Cianwood's Gym ............................... **CRYSTAL_45**
     VI- Through Olivine's Gym ............................... **CRYSTAL_46**
     VII- Through Mahogany's Gym ............................. **CRYSTAL_47**
     VIII- Through Blackthorn's Gym .......................... **CRYSTAL_48**
     IX- Through the Pok�mon League .......................... **CRYSTAL_49**
     X- Exploring Kanto: Through Vermillion's Gym ............ **CRYSTAL_410**
     XI- Through Saffron's Gym ............................... **CRYSTAL_411**
     XII- Through Cerulean's Gym ............................. **CRYSTAL_412**
     XIII- Through Celadon's Gym ............................. **CRYSTAL_413**
     XIV- Through Fuchsia's Gym .............................. **CRYSTAL_414**
     XV- Through Pewter's Gym ................................ **CRYSTAL_415**
     XVI- Through Cinnabar's Gym ............................. **CRYSTAL_416**
     XVII- Through Viridian's Gym ............................ **CRYSTAL_417**
     XVIII- Through Mt. Silver ............................... **CRYSTAL_418**

 /   \                                                                   /   \
|==O==|                       Section One: Intro                        |==O==|
|                             |
|  CTRL+F Tag: **CRYSTAL_1**  |

Welcome to my second full FAQ/Walkthrough for the GameBoy Color. If you know
me, you'd would have expected this be on none other than the expansion to the
Pok�mon Gold/Silver games -- Pok�mon Crystal Version.

This game looks to be one of the final stops before the end of the road for
Pok�mon FAQ'ing for me, at least as far as the oldies. I've actually written
a full FAQ for every mainstream Pok�mon game released after the second
generation; this one looks to complete it. Just one more generation to go. 

Unless Nintendo decides to start another one.

And they always do -- Pok�mon Black/White 2 is supposed to be released sometime
in the next six months for the U.S. So, consider this some prep time. =P

Eh, enough rambling. Let's do this.

 /   \                                                                   /   \
|==O==|                  Section Two: Version History                   |==O==|
|                             |
|  CTRL+F Tag: **CRYSTAL_2**  |

v0.05 - General layout completed; Section I of the walkthrough completed.
        11:40 PM 3/11/2012
v0.20 - Sections II, III, and IV of the walkthrough completed.  
        11:37 PM 3/12/2012
v0.45 - Sections V, VI, VII, and VIII of the walkthrough completed.
        12:06 AM 3/14/2012
v1.00 - Sections IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, and XVIII of the
        walkthrough completed. Obviously seems unusually short for an RPG FAQ;
        you have the fact that this is just a rehashing of my Gold/Silver FAQ
        to thank for that.
          ~~ Start-End Time: 4 days.
          ~~ File Size     : 404 KB.
          ~~ Time of Update: 12:12 AM 3/15/2012.

 /   \                                                                   /   \
|==O==|                      Section Three: Legal                       |==O==|
|                             |
|  CTRL+F Tag: **CRYSTAL_3**  |

This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

� 2012 Daniel Chaviers (aka KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this
e-mail: [email protected], or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs
message boards.

O-----------------------------------O    O------------------------------------O
|     Allowed sites for my FAQs     |    |        Forever-Banned Sites        |
O-----------------------------------O    O------------------------------------O
|    GameFAQs (    |    |      CheatCC (     |
|   Neoseeker (   |    |       |
| SuperCheats ( |    |  Cheat Index (  |
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|                                   |    |             Mega Games             |
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O-----------------------------------O    O------------------------------------O

 /   \                                                                   /   \
|==O==|                   Section Four: Walkthrough                     |==O==|
|                             |
|  CTRL+F Tag: **CRYSTAL_4**  |

Welcome to the bulk of this FAQ/Walkthrough. Within this section, you'll find
a wealth of information, guiding you from start to finish for this game. All of
the info is arranged in chronological order. This walkthrough has been divided
into eighteen smaller sub-sections so you can find what you want more easily.
What the sub-sections are can be found by looking in the Table of Contents,
found near the top of the document.

                      Section I - Through Violet's Gym 

                                New Bark Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Pok�gear ............................................................. []  |
|  Potion ............................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Chikorita <-,           |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Cyndaquil <-+ Choose 1  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Totodile  <-'           |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |

Quick explanation of the above things. The top one is an item checklist; if you
print this FAQ out, you can fill in the  []  to mark that you received an item.

The Encounters list if more interesting. You'll find the names of the Pok�mon
species you may encounter in an area. You'll also learn if can be found during
the morning (4:00 AM to 9:59 PM), day (10:00 AM to 7:59 PM), or night (8:00 PM
to 3:59 AM). You'll also be given the Pok�mon's type, for strategy reasons.
When there are no items to be found, or Pok�mon to be caught, you will not see
one of these.

Okay, once you start the game, be sure to set the time for the game in the
right manner; otherwise, the encounters for Pok�mon between the real and game
worlds may seem messed up. Then give your player/character a name.

Once you get control of your character, you'll be in your room in New Bark
Town. New Bark Town is in the Johto region, west of Kanto, where Red/Blue and
its various expansions and remakes took place. To the south are beautiful blue
oceans; to the west, verdant green plains and forests; to the north,
treacherous and rocky mountains.

Anyhow, head downstairs and set the day of the week by speaking with your
mother. You'll also need to set the Daylight Savings Time settings. After a
little more talking, you'll receive the Pok�gear. In essence, this acts, for
now, as a cellular phone and a clock. Later on, you'll be able to upgrade it to
function as a GPS with map, and a radio. Woo.

After the scene, leave home and head over to Prof. Elm's lab, found to the west
of your house. Go on in and speak with Prof. Elm. In essence, you'll be asked
to run an errand for him to Mr. Pok�mon, found north of Cherrygrove. You'll
fight some Pok�mon on the way, so you'll need to take a Pok�mon with you.

But which one?

~~ Chikorita is a Grass type Pok�mon. It'll evolve at Lv. 16 to Bayleef and
   again at Lv. 32 to Meganium. Grass-types are weak against Fire, Ice, Bug,
   Poison, and Flying moves. They DO have an advantage over Water, Ground, and
   Rock Pok�mon, though. Picking this Pok�mon will make the game tough to do
   early on, because the first two Gym Leaders are Flying and Bug specialists.

~~ Cyndaquil is a Fire-type Pok�mon. It'll evolve at Lv. 14 to Quilava and
   again at Lv. 36 to Typhlosion. Fire-types are weak against Water, Rock, and
   Ground moves. Their advantages are against Ice, Bug, Grass, and Steel. This
   Pok�mon will have a relatively easy time until about the 8th gym. It is also
   one of the only Fire-types you can own without trading for a while.

~~ Totodile is a Water-type Pok�mon. It'll evolve at Lv. 18 to Croconow and
   again at Lv. 30 to Feraligatr. Water-types are weak against Grass and
   Electric moves, while being advantageous against Fire, Rock, and Ground
   types. Water is quite good for a beginning player, as you'll often come
   across Rock/Ground types.

After making your choice (I tend to use Cyndaquil, myself), try to leave the
lab. After receiving a Potion (an item that heals your Pok�mon's HP) from one
of Prof. Elm's aides, continue to leave the house and go west onto Route 29.

                                   Route 29
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Berry ................................................................ []  |
|  Potion ............................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Sentrent                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

In the grass here, you'll be able to battle wild Pok�mon. These wild Pok�mon
battles are fairly basic. Long story short, you need to beat the crap out of
the opposing Pok�mon until it loses all of its HP. Later on, though, you will
not exactly desire to beat the stuffings  *completely*  out of them, as your
long-term goal in Pok�mon is to catch all 253 Pok�mon in Kanto and Johto.
(In all seriousness, there are actually 649 Pok�mon (discounting glitches) as
 of the release of Black and White. So, yeah, you lucked out. :P )

Anyhow, just head westward, I guess. Get in some fights along the way. Try to
level up at least twice if you have Chikorita - it learns Razor Leaf, a very
good Grass-type move, at Lv. 7 or so. Be sure to grab the northeastern Potion
and the area. Also take note of the end of the Route: there should be a Berry
tree there.

The Berries were an idea incorporated into Gold and Silver and have been a
lasting system throughout the games, sometimes going in so deep as to be
required for evolutions. (R/S players know what I mean with Feebas/Milotic.)
These Berries can be held by Pok�mon for various effects in certain situations.
These particular Berries, if I remember correctly, heal 10 HP. They can used
immediately, or held for no loss of a turn when your Pok�mon gets low HP.

Anyhow, enough rambling - continue east into Cherrygrove. Ignore that
gatehouse north to Route 46 for the moment.

                               Cherrygrove City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Map Card ............................................................. []  |

When you enter Cherrygrove City, you'll be offered a tour of the town. You'll
be shown to the basic facilities and whatnot.

The Pok�Mart is the place where you spend your hard-earned money, as well as
sell some useless items, some for extreme amounts (as in $5,000). You start
with $3,000 - consider buying four or five Potions for now.

Another spot on your tour will be the Pok�mon Center. This is a true haven of
Pok�mon Trainers, although not as much as though in Black/White (those were
Pok�Mart/Pok�mon Center fusions!!). Here, you can speak with the Nurse to heal
your Pok�mon to full health, PP, and restore all negative statuses. There is
also a PC here, in which you can store your Pok�mon (you can only hold six with
you at any given time).

After the tour, you'll receive a Map Card for the Pok�gear. This will allow
you to see the full map of Johto. Heal at the Pok�mon Center if have not yet
done so, then head north onto Route 30.

                                   Route 30
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Antidote ............................................................. []  |
|  Berry ................................................................ []  |
|  Berry ................................................................ []  |
|  Mystery Egg .......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�dex .............................................................. []  |
|  PSNCure Berry ........................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Poliwag                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |

As you proceed north on the Route, you'll notice a house. Snatch the Berry off
of the tree nearby, then go inside and speak with its resident for another one.
Continue north to find a fork on the road; take the eastern branch and continue
north. You'll find a Berry tree here, too -- grab the PSNCure Berry off of it
(it cures Poison/PSN), then go into the house nearby.

Inside there, you'll not only find the ever-eccentric Mr. Pok�mon, but also
the ever-amnesiac Professor Oak. He'll give you the Pok�dex. The Pok�dex is a
mystical work of technology that allows you to document all 253 (*cough* 649
*cough*) species of Pok�mon.

You know I've begun to notice, though? Notice later on - the text that appears
after a Pok�mon capture that details the Pok�mon. How could this device (made
by Professor Oak) be like this? My theory - Professor Oak programmed it,
screwed it up, and wants you to refill it or something. Long story short, Oak
knows all of the things in the Pok�dex and is making you do a pointless journey
for stuff he already knows. Douche. :P

*coughs*  Anyhow, you'll also receive the Mystery Egg from Mr. Pok�mon. I'll
solve the mystery for you - it is a normal Pok�mon Egg of a rare species of
Pok�mon - Togepi. Never heard of it? Yep, that rare.

Exit the house and head south. Before heading into Cherrygrove, though, let us
level our starter up some - about Lv. 7 ~ 9 is appropriate. Go into Cherrygrove
when you're satisfied. As you try to do so, you'll probably take note of the
call you get from Prof. Elm -- someone's stolen one of his Pok�mon!

                               Cherrygrove City

Go over into the Pok�mon Center and Pok�Mart if you have to heal or buy
anything. That is all you really can do here -- try to exit town to the east
to run into someone with red hair! This person, your rival, will then proceed
to fight you.
|  BOSS: Passerby Boy  \
|  Pok�mon: Totodile [if you picked Cyndaquil] (Lv. 5) Water  <--,           |
|           Chikorita [if you picked Totodile] (Lv. 5) Grass  <--+- Only 1.  |
|           Cyndaquil [if you picked Chikorita] (Lv. 5) Fire  <--'           |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Awarded: $300                                                       |
|  A practice battle if any ever existed. Your rival (this is who he is)     |
|  won't have a non-Normal attack, so you're in luck for now. Later on, you  |
|  will need to get a Pok�mon with a type-advantage over his starter if you  |
|  want to make this easier. So, for now, use your own Normal-type attack    |
|  (your same-type attack will only do 75% of the norm (you add 50% due to   |
|  the move and Pok�mon being the same type, and halve it because it isn't   |
|  very effective)).                                                         |

After defeating your rival thoroughly, head on over to the Pok�mon Center to
heal up, then exit east onto Route 29.

                                   Route 29
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Sentrent                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Continue eastward, back into New Bark Town.

                                New Bark Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Pok� Ball (x5) ....................................................... []  |

Proceed back in Professor Elm's lab. There, during the cutscene with the
officer, you'll be allowed to name your rival. If I ever refer to him by name,
it will be by Silver, the standard name in G/S (or at least it was mine).

After that little bit, Prof. Elm will take away the Mystery Egg. Aww... Go
ahead and try to leave now and you'll be given five Pok� Balls. Leave town and
go west onto Route 29.

                                   Route 29
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Sentrent                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Okay, time to learn how to catch Pok�mon... The basic idea of catching Pok�mon
is to lower the Pok�mon's HP (preferably as low as possible) and possibly give
the Pok�mon a status (preferably Paralysis or Sleep). The Pok�mon itself, it's
current condition, and the Pok�ball used will affect the chance of catching
success. Remember, you can only use a Pok�ball on a WILD POKEMON or the
Pok�ball will be wasted -- remember, not even a Master Ball can catch a caught
Pok�mon. (A Park Ball can, but that is technically usually yours, and that
doesn't matter - that is all in the DS games.)

Anyhow, do some battling and some catching, then go north, through the
gatehouse, to Route 46.

                                   Route 46
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Phanpy                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Ground              |

There are a few good Pok�mon here. Spearow, out of them all, is a primary
capture. Why? Well, firstly, the only other early Normal/Flying Pok�mon in
this game is Pidgey, and Spearow is stronger. Spearow has a generally better
moveset as well, two immunities, and only three weaknesses, none of which are
really messed with until around the time you reach Ecruteak City.

There is also Geodude. Geodude and its evolutions will literally obliterate
the first three Gyms, two by advantage and one by resistance. They have an
advantage over Fire, Bug, Flying, Rock, Steel, and Electric - most of which
are types trained in the Johto Pok�mon Gyms at some point. Worth getting by a
long shot.

Anyhow, do any catching you wish, then return to Route 29.

                                   Route 29
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Sentrent                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Head west in Cherrygrove City.

                               Cherrygrove City

Stop by the Pok�mon Center to heal any Pok�mon you hurt by capturing them,
then stop by the Pok�Mart. Buy a few more Pok� Balls now.

Return to Route 46 if you didn't catch Spearow or Geodude -- those Pok�mon will
become critical in future strategies, you know -- then go north onto Route 30
when you're done.

                                   Route 30
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Poliwag                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |

Go along the Route and go along the left path a the fork. You'll battle a
Trainer with a single Rattata. After defeating him, you'll be asked if you want
his number.

These numbers, in my opinion, are fairly useless. There are only a few, if any,
in the game you'll want. Reject all of them, unless I say otherwise. (Of
course, you probably won't follow my guide word-for-word. Your loss.)

Go further along the Route for another battle. Continue along for yet another
battle, past which is Route 31.

                                   Route 31
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Pok� Ball ............................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Poliwag                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

When you arrive on the Route, be sure to remember to grab a Bellsprout. This
is a fairly good idea if your starter is Cyndaquil. You can also trade it later
on, in Violet City, to get an Onix, useful if you chose Totodile as your

Be sure to note the cave on the Route. Grab the Pok� Ball nearby. Go into the
cave on the Route, if you wish to.

                                  Dark Cave
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Potion ............................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Dunsparce               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |

This isn't a whole lot we can do here. However, you can catch some Pok�mon.

Zubat is rather useful for some, being a Poison/Flying type, but it lacks a
very strong move. They are common here, too.

Geodude is here, too, but still worth getting if you lack one. As for
Dunsparce, it is a Normal-type with decent power but low speed. Good luck
finding one for the moment. I'm not joking, either. As per my HG/SS FAQ, the
chance of finding a Dunsparce is ~1%, unless a swarm occurs, or you're a


From the start, follow the visible path and jump over a ledge near the water
in the top-right corner of what we can get to, you'll find a Potion. Let's
leave it at that and return to Route 31.

                                   Route 31
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Poliwag                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

Finish up some business you may have here. A primary note is that your Pok�mon
party (for battles) should be around Lv. 10.

Head west to Violet City.

                                 Violet City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  PRZCure Berry ........................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Onix                    | Special: Trade Bellsprout |  Rock/Ground         |

Hrad on over to the Pok�mon Center to restore the health of your party.

After this, leave the Pok�mon Center and go southwest, right in to the house.
Remember earlier how I mentioned you can do a trade (Bellsprout for Onix) here?
Generally, this might be a good idea. Onix is a Rock/Ground type, and therefore
will have an immense advantage over the Pok�mon in the soon-to-come Gym, and
many others. Its level is equal to that of your Bellsprout, if I remember

After this, head north, then west at the fork to find your first of many
Pok�mon Gyms. You'll also find a Pok�Mart nearby, so buy a few Potions and
maybe a Pok� Ball or two. You may to ignore the Gym for the moment in lieu of
some last-ditch leveling up and stuff.

Get the PRZCure Berry, then exit Violet City to the northwest - we're making
a pit stop.

                                   Route 36
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

Not a whole lot to say about this Route. You can try to catch a Growlithe here,
one of the few Fire-types you'll be able to get, and all Fire-types are useful.
Of course, don't bother with Growlithe if you've got Cyndaquil.

Return to the city when you're done.

Head west to Violet City.

                                 Violet City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Onix                    | Special: Trade Bellsprout |  Rock/Ground         |

Head on over to the northern side of Violet Town, into the Sprout Tower. I
would prefer this at night - you'll find a fairly decent Pok�mon encounter at
that time...

                                 Sprout Tower
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Escape Rope .......................................................... []  |
|  HM05 (Flash) ......................................................... []  |
|  Parlyz Heal .......................................................... []  |
|  Potion ............................................................... []  |
|  X Defend ............................................................. []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

When you arrive, head on over to the stairs to ascend to the second floor.

Starting here, you can find some Pok�mon. Quite notable is Gastly. Gastly is
a Poison/Ghost type that has two immunities - Normal and Fighting. This Pok�mon
will become extremely useful come the time of the fourth Gym.

Anyhow, go east for a battle, then go downstairs. Go along the path and grab
the Parlyz Heal. Defeat the Trainer nearby and go upstairs once more.

Grab the item and go down to find another battle. Go up the ladder to find the
peak floor. Here, pick up the nearby Potion. Go north for a few battles. After
them, you'll find your rival speaking with the head monk. He'll leave using an
Escape Rope (jumping out the window, I suppose... *snip*).

Grab the nearby Escape Rope and speak with the head monk for a mild battle.
|  BOSS: Monk Li  \
|  Pok�mon: Bellsprout (Grass) Lv. 7                                         |
|           Bellsprout (Grass) Lv. 7                                         |
|           Hoothoot (Normal/Flying) Lv. 10                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Awarded: $320                                                       |
|  Let's see... Bellsprouts are weak against Ice, Fire, Flying, Bug, and     |
|  Poison. Simply using Growlithe, Spearow, Pidgey, Hoothoot, or your        |
|  starter should do it.                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  As for Hoothoot, you'll be fine with whatever you have. Just remember: it |
|  is weak against Rock, Ice, and Electric; and immune to Ground and Ghost.  |

After this battle, you'll earn HM05, Flash. This move, in battle, will reduce
the opponents' accuracy. Outside of battle, you can use it to light up caverns
such as Dark Cave; however, you'll need Violet City's Gym Badge. Once you
are done, exit the tower (go backwards or use the Escape Rope) to return to the
city itself.

                                 Violet City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Onix                    | Special: Trade Bellsprout |  Rock/Ground         |

Heal up and grab some items from the Pok�Mart if you need to. Go to the
now-unlocked Violet Gym.

                                  Violet Gym

Just head on over to Falkner, defeating the two Gym Trainers as you go. When
you reach Falkner, return to the Pok�mon Center to heal if you need to, then
speak to Falkner when you're ready to fight for the Zephyr Badge.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Falkner  \
|  Pok�mon: Pidgey (Normal/Flying) Lv. 7                                     |
|           Pidgeotto (Normal/Flying) Lv. 9                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $900                                                        |
|  This battle is rather easy, seeing as the Pok�mon share the same          |
|  advantages/disadvantages.                                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Pidgey is weak against Ice, Electric, and Rock moves; it is immune to     |
|  Ghost. It'll mainly attack with Tackle, although it may use Sand-Attack   |
|  to lower your accuracy. Onix or Geodude are recommended.                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Pidgeotto has the same resistances/weaknesses as Pidgey. It can use Gust  |
|  (a Flying-type move), Tackle, or Roost. Roost can heal Pidgeotto and get  |
|  rid of the Flying-typing of it, making Mareep or Geodude have trouble. I  |
|  recommend using Geodude or Mareep nonetheless, or your starter if it is   |
|  not Chikorita/Bayleef.                                                    |

After the battle, you'll receive the Zephyr Badge, as well as TM31 (Mud-Slap).
Due to receiving your Zephyr Badge, you'll also be able to use Flash out of
battles, so put it on someone (I often snatch a Bellsprout and use that).

Leave the Gym.

                      Section II - Through Azalea's Gym

                                  Violet Gym

After obtaining the Zephyr Badge, leave the Gym.

                                 Violet City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Onix                    | Special: Trade Bellsprout |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Togepi                  | Special: Hatch the Egg    |  Normal              |

Upon leaving the Violet City Gym, you'll receive a call from Professor Elm.
He has an aide over at the Pok�mon Center because you need to pick up
something from him. Head over to the Pok�mon Center and speak with the aide to
receive the Pok�mon Egg from earlier. Long story short, you'll pretty much have
to carry this Egg around until it hatches (into a Togepi).

Anyhow, restore your party and item supplies. Go south to Route 32.

                                   Route 32
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Great Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Miracle Seed ......................................................... []  |
|  Old Rod .............................................................. []  |
|  Repel ................................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Wooper                  |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

There is one Pok�mon to consider getting, strategy-wise, for you team here.
Wooper would make a nice replacement for Totodile (on teams lacking him), as
he has but one weakness (Grass), multiple advantages, and an immunity to the
Electric type. Worth considering, dear Reader.

When you arrive on Route 32 and head somewhat south, you'll be given the
Miracle Seed item by some person. The Miracle Seed item boosts the power of the
holder's Grass-type moves by 10% - a good item for Chikorita/Bayleef.

Anyhow, go southward for a battle. Go west to find a tree. This tree here is
rather special and is referred to as a Cut tree - it can only be cut down with
the HM move Cut, which we lack the Badge AND HM for anyways. Just take note of

Go further south, to the rock, to find a Repel in the nearby grass. Also battle
the Picnicker in the near vicinity. Go south and down the western side of the
path. Into the grass is a Trainer. Defeat the Trainer, then go back up the
patch of grass and into the northeastern patch to find the Great Ball.

Further south, and downstairs, is another Trainer. Even further south, you'll
find someone selling Slowpoketails, as food, for high amounts of cash. *vomits*
That ... that's just sick and cruel. Further along the path, you'll find a
Pok�mon Center. Go inside and speak with the fisherman inside to receive the
Old Rod - it is rather useless, as it only catches Goldeen and Magikarp, but
the latter is quite powerful upon evolving. It may also catch Tentacool, but
that is more of a stroke of luck.

Heal up and return to the Trainer with the Wooper. Take the eastern fork onto
the bridge to find three Fisherman. Defeat them. Ralph will offer his number -
he does report Pok�mon swarms. These are for Qwilfish, generally. Further
ahead, you'll some another Trainer. We have nothing better to do than kick
the stuffings out of his Pok�mon, so why not?

Return to the Pok�mon Center and heal up. Leave and go towards and into the

                                  Union Cave
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Awakening ............................................................ []  |
|  Great Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Potion ............................................................... []  |
|  TM39 (Swift) ......................................................... []  |
|  X Attack ............................................................. []  |
|  X Defend ............................................................. []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Onix                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Sandshrew               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Wooper                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |

Remember that Onix trade back in Violet City? If you didn't complete it then,
you can get (a probably higher-leveled) one here. Another Pok�mon worth a note
is Sandshrew. Ground Pok�mon are absolutely key in any gameplay, as they can
dominate several types, Electric and Steel notably. (It also has Fire and Rock
under its belt.) If anything, you can use Sandshrew as an HM slave.

When you arrive, go west to the north/south fork. Head north and you'll find an
X Attack to the left. Continue north to the Trainer. Defeat him and go down the
stairs to B1F.

Here, head west towards TM39, Swift, a no-miss Normal-type move. Go to northern
portion of the area to find an X Defend. That's pretty much it for here - go
back to 1F.

Here, go south at the aforementioned fork. Defeat the couple of Trainers you
find, then south from the second Trainer to find three rocks on the eastern
wall. Go south for another battle, then go into the corner to find a Great
Ball. Go west, weaving through the rocks "above" the water to find a Potion.

Leave that section and go south to find a battle. Further ahead is a fork.
Go east and grab the Awakening near the exit.


                                   Route 33
|  Items Checklist  \
|  PSNCure Berry ........................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |

Upon exiting Union Cave, go west to find a Hiker. Defeat him in battle and
he will offer his number. This one, you definitely want to take - he gives
details on Dunsparce swarms (much unlike his HG/SS counterpart *grumbles*). In
case you cannot remember, they've only been found in Dark Cave (as far as our
current game goes) with extremely rare odds (1%, if I remember correctly).

Anyhow, continue west into Azalea Town. Be sure the snag the PSNCure Berry on
the way.

                                 Azalea Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  White Apricorn ....................................................... []  |

As you enter Azalea, you'll find a grunt of some organization terrorizing a
man. This grunt is part of Team Rocket, the criminal organization in Red, Blue,
Yellow, Green, FireRed, LeafGreen, Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and
SoulSilver versions -- and the anime, of course. He'll block the entrance into
Slowpoke Well, but we need not worry about this ... for now.

Firstly, heal up in the Pok�mon Center.

Finish up your business and go to the house on the ledge. Go inside to find
Kurt, the man in this game who can make Pok� Balls from Apricorns, and his
granddaughter. Speak with Kurt to get him riled up about the Slowpoke Well
being blocked, thereby having him dash out of the house. Do so yourself. As
you exit, be sure to go behind his house and snatch the White Apricorn. More
on what the heck THESE are later.

Once you've left, go east to the Slowpoke Well to find the grunt to be gone.
Go down the incline and into the well.

                                Slowpoke Well
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Super Potion ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Slowpoke                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |

When you regain control of yourself, you'll find Kurt talking about his
injured back. You'd want to find a Great Ball, but ... Kurt is standing on the
tile it's hidden on.  >_<  Oh, well... Come back later; for now, go into the
hole on the left and further in.

Inside, you'll fight your first Team Rocket Grunt. Further ahead, you'll find a
Super Potion; past that, another Grunt. Go down the two sets of stairs and
examine the stand-alone rock to get a Super Potion. Return up the stairs and
go left for another Grunt.

Speak with the last person that is here with the team to battle him.
|  BOSS: Rocket Grunt  \
|  Pok�mon: Koffing (Poison) Lv. 14                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $352                                                        |
|  Koffing is weak to both Psychic and Ground moves. So long as you don't    |
|  use any Grass types, you'll be fine. An easy strategy would be a Lv. 16   |
|  Geodude with Magnitude. 'Nuff said there; it will do 300% more damage     |
|  than usual. Of course, again, most anything will work.                    |

After the battle, the Team Rocket members will leave. Kurt will tend to the
Slowpoke and you'll return to his house.

                                 Azalea Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Lure Ball ............................................................ []  |

Once you regain control, speak with Kurt and you will receive a Lure Ball.
This type of Pok�ball has quadruple the catch rate of the typical Pok� Ball,
but only versus Pok�mon you encountered with a Rod.

Kurt also offers his ancient knowledge of making Apricorns into Pok�balls for
you. These Pok�balls are completed upon midnight, if I recall this correctly.
Here is a listing of the corresponding Apricorn colors, Pok�balls, and
preferable conditions:

~~ Red Apricorn = Level Ball.
   - These balls will help out more if there is a large level difference
     between the Pok�mon you have out and the Pok�mon you're trying to catch.

~~ Yellow Apricorn = Moon Ball.
   - These balls will help out more if the Pok�mon being caught can evolve
     with a Moon Stone. The only ones that can in this game are Clefairy,
     Jigglypuff, Nidorino, and Nidorina.

~~ Green Apricorn = Friend Ball.
   - These balls will increase the base happiness of a Pok�mon. In this game,
     consider using this for catching Chansey and Zubat/Golbat, the ones that
     evolve based on level of happiness.

~~ Blue Apricorn = Lure Ball.
   - These balls will help out ... WAIT! Didn't I just explain this!?

~~ Black Apricorn = Heavy Ball.
   - These balls help out more if the target is heavier. If you've ever played
     the GBA Pok�mon games or thereafter, you know that a Groudon, weighing
     2,000+ pounds, would be a prime target for this, versus the mere 500-ish
     pounds you see from Pok�mon in this game. >_>

~~ White Apricorn = Fast Ball.
   - These balls will help out when the opponent is faster than you. Notably,
     Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.

~~ Pink Apricorn = Love Ball.
   - These balls will help out more if the target has an gender opposite to
     that of the Pok�mon you have out. Thusly, it is useless to use it on
     genderless Pok�mon (ie. legendary Pok�mon).

Anyhow, heal up in the Pok�mon Center, buy some status healers (mainly the
Antidotes), and go into the Gym.

                                  Azalea Gym

A fairly basic puzzle in my opinion - when you defeat the four Trainers, go
on to fight Bugsy. It may be worth considering to "cheat" by going to the
Pok�mon Center prior to the fight.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Bugsy  \
|  Pok�mon: Metapod (Bug) Lv. 14                                             |
|           Kakuna (Bug/Poison) Lv. 14                                       |
|           Scyther (Bug/Flying) Lv. 16                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $1,600                                                      |
|  Bugsy's best Pok�mon is Scyther. This Pok�mon is weak against Ice,        |
|  Electric, Fire, and Rock (4x), with an immunity to Ground. It is quite    |
|  powerful and will definitely slay your Grass-type starter, if any. It's   |
|  most powerful move is U-turn, with an STAB Power of 105 (210 on a Grass   |
|  type. See: it'll slay you) and it'll switch to a cocoon afterwards. A     |
|  Geodude, Graveler, Golem, or Onix will be best.                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Metapod, being a Bug type, is weak to Rock, Fire, and Flying. Kakuna is   |
|  However, all Metapod has is Tackle, and all Kakuna can use is the move    |
|  Poison Sting. Virtual suicide. So, basically, once Scyther is out of      |
|  the way, you've pretty much won.                                          |

After winning, you'll get TM49, which is Fury Cutter. You'll also obtain the
Hive Badge, which will let you use Cut out of battle.

                    Section III - Through Goldenrod's Gym

                                  Azalea Gym

Leave the Gym.

                                 Azalea Town

Once you leave the Gym, go on over to the Pok�mon Center and heal. Try to
leave Azalea to the west (where Ilex Forest is). BOOM! Rival fight!
|  BOSS: PKMN Trainer [rival's name]  \
|  Pok�mon: Croconaw [if you picked Cyndaquil] (Water) Lv. 16  <--,          |
|           Bayleef [if you picked Totodile] (Grass) Lv. 16    <--+- Only 1. |
|           Quilava [if you picked Chikorita] (Fire) Lv. 16    <--'          |
|           Gastly (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 12                                     |
|           Zubat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 14                                     |
|  Zubat is a new addition. It is weak against Psychic, Rock, Ice, and       |
|  Electric moves, with an immunity to Ground. You'll probably want to use   |
|  your non-Chikorita starter or Graveler.                                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Gastly is also new. It is weak against Ghost, Dark, Ground, and Psychic   |
|  moves, with immunities to Normal and Fighting. Your starter might be      |
|  sufficient, or your own Gastly.                                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Croconaw is weak against Electric and Grass. Bellsprout or Weepinbell     |
|  could be enough.                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Bayleef is weak against Fire, Ice, Flying, Poison, and Bug. Zubat,        |
|  Gastly, or Golbat could do it.                                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Quilava is weak against Water, Rock, and Ground. Wooper or Graveler are   |
|  strongly recommended.                                                     |

After winning, your rival will flee through the gatehouse. Return to the
Pok�mon Center and heal, then head west into Ilex Forest.

                                 Ilex Forest
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Antidote ............................................................. []  |
|  Charcoal ............................................................. []  |
|  Ether ................................................................ []  |
|  HM01 (Cut) ........................................................... []  |
|  Revive ............................................................... []  |
|  TM02 (Headbutt) ...................................................... []  |
|  X Attack ............................................................. []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Kakuna                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Paras                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Oddish                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |

When you arrive in the verdant green forest, you'll find a person looking for
a missing Farfetch'd. To find said Farfetch'd, go south and east. "Speak" with
it and it'll move; after it stops, head around to it by looping around. Be sure
grab the Revive on the way. Speak with the Farfetch'd to send it to its
trainer eventually.

After a bit of talking with the Trainer, you'll receive HM01 (Cut), and the
Trainer will return to Azalea.

Momentarily, we shall return to Azalea Town.

                                 Azalea Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Charcoal ............................................................. []  |

Here, go into the house south of the Pok�Mart and speak with its resident, the
Farfetch'd trainer from earlier. You'll receive the Charcoal, an item that
boosts the power of the holder's Fire-type moves by 10%. You may want to
consider using it for your Fire-type starter.

Heal up and shop as needed, then leave, back into the Ilex Forest.

                                 Ilex Forest
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Antidote ............................................................. []  |
|  Ether ................................................................ []  |
|  Revive ............................................................... []  |
|  TM02 (Headbutt) ...................................................... []  |
|  X Attack ............................................................. []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Kakuna                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Paras                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Oddish                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |

Go back to where you received the Cut HM and Cut down the nearby Cut tree to
continue onwards. 

You'll reach a tiny fork soon after the sign; go into the small alcove to grab
the X Attack hidden by the trees, but you can bump into the Pok�ball itself.
Leave this alcove and go to the nearby pond.

Further east of here, you'll find a joint in the path where you can go ahead or
around a tree. If you go east to a piece of land behind some trees, you'll find
a visible Antidote. Eventually, you will reach a north/east fork.

Continue further eastward and you'll find someone near a tree. Speak with him.
You'll see him headbutt a tree (ouch...). Talk to him and he'll hand over TM02.
TM02 teaches Headbutt. You can use Headbutt on certain trees to find some rare

Okay, then. That pretty much finishes it here. Return to the fork in the path
(the north/east one) and go along the linear path north and west. Defeat the
Trainer on the way, and proceed onto Route 34.

                                   Route 34
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Ditto                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Drowzee                 |   No    |  No   |   No    |  Psychic             |

Drowzee, a new Pok�mon for you, is rather useful as a Psychic-type and is
easier to catch than Abra (also new for you), although if you can catch Abra,
I'd train it ... somehow. You'll have to put it as your first Pok�mon and do
a switch at the start to level it, or use Rare Candies and the EXP. Share you
don't have yet. Why must you train an Abra like this? All it has is Teleport.
(Made it a pain in Red/Blue for the Mew glitch.)

As for Ditto, that is one you'll want for breeding and/or the Pok�dex. Other
than that, I see little use in it.

Anywho, go to the right and battle the Youngster. After this, continue forward
and battle the Pok�fan, past which you'll find another Trainer to battle (he
will ask for your number, but it is just for rematching).

After this, go down into the grass and battle the Trainer there. Get her number
if you ever plan on getting Pok�mon that evolve via the Leaf Stone.

Then go northward to find the Daycare and you get shown around it. You then get
given the numbers of the Daycare managers. The old man can be to find out if
the two Pok�mon have had an egg; the old woman can be used to find out how well
the Pok�mon get along and how they've grown.

Also inside, the old man will hand over the Odd Egg. Later, this will hatch
into one of the new Generation II "baby" Pok�mon: Cleffa, Pichu, Igglybuff,
Tyrogue, Elekid, Magby, or Smoochum. The problem with the Egg is its IVs
(Individual Values, an invisible stat that determines stat growth; higher is
often better): they're all 0, or whichever leads to a Shiny. You should save
before getting the Egg, then get it and run around outside to make it hatch;
if it isn't a Shiny, start over. There is a 14% chance of getting the Shiny
(versus the ~0.012% for wild Pok�mon), which is nearly one in seven, and NOT
a waste of your time.

Finish up here and go north to find a guard, which you'll be able to battle at
night. After the battle, if any, continue north to find one more Trainer. His
number will help you learn of bargain sales at the Dept. Store in Goldenrod.

After this, go north into Goldenrod City.

                                Goldenrod City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Bicycle .............................................................. []  |
|  Blue Card ............................................................ []  |
|  Coin Case ............................................................ []  |
|  Radio Card ........................................................... []  |
|  TM21 (Frustration) / TM27 (Return) ................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Machop                  |    Special: Trade Abra    |  Fighting            |

After you arrive in Goldenrod, head on over to the Pok�mon Center to heal up
and drop off any useless Pok�mon you found on the Route. Go to the Department
Store for some mass shopping, as per usual. 5F offers the Elemental Punches as
TMs - epicness. Also on 5F, speak with the lady at the counter on Sundays to
receive either a Return or Frustration TM, depending on your lead Pok�mon's
happiness. Also, you can trade an Arba for Machop - a good trade for the next

And also on 5F, if you are using a GameBoy Color, you can speak with one of the
girls here to unlock the Mystery Gift item, which can give you up to five free
items daily. Then go to 6F to pick up a bunch of Lemonades - they cost less
than Super Potions and heal more HP!

Next, go around the Dept. Store and south to find a Bike Shop. Unlike in
R/B/Y/G/FR/LG, you don't need to do a bunch of traveling until you can get it.
Go inside and you get the Bike. Woo.

Next stop is the Radio Tower (the huge dark building) and speak with the
receptionist for a quiz which you can take multiple times in case you screw up
(which doesn't matter - six tries and you should get it all right, unless you
 have horrible memory). Here are the answers!

Question #1 -- Yes.
Question #2 -- Yes.
Question #3 -- No.
Question #4 -- Yes.
Question #5 -- No.

After this, you'll obtain the Radio Card. This allows the Pok�gear to access a
few Johto radio stations.

Go to the building across the street from the Pok�mon Gym. Here is the
Underground Path. You can find various things down here - I'll let you explore
this area. You can get the Coin Case down here, and battle a few Trainers.
There are some odd shops, here: a barber shop, some shop that sells bitter
items on the weekends, and a trinket shop, open only on Monday.

Make sure your Pok�mon are healed and you bring your starter to the Gym. Machop
too, if you've brought him about even with your starter.

                                Goldenrod Gym

To start, ascend the steps just ahead go north to battle a Trainer. After this
battle, go east, north, east, south a step, east, and down these steps. If you
want to battle another Trainer, move south from here a step or two and sidle
through the gap between the wall and the staircase to battle the Meowth

After this, sidle back through the gap, go north and west, and south through
the arch. Focus on going generally west, battling the Lasses as you go.

After finishing off the three Jigglypuff, you may want to heal up at the
Pok�mon Center.

Go past the Jigglypuff Trainer and you'll find this area's Gym Leader, Whitney!
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Whitney  \
|  Pok�mon: Clefairy (Normal) Lv. 18                                         |
|           Miltank (Normal) Lv. 20                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $2,000                                                      |
|  Both of these Pok�mon have the same weaknesses and immunities. They both  |
|  take double damage from Fighting-type moves, while they are immune to     |
|  Ghost-type moves.                                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  With Clefairy, your problem is the randomness of its moves. It can use    |
|  Mimic to hit you with your move, Metronome to randomly use any move,      |
|  Doubleslap to hit you multiple times, and Encore to make you continually  |
|  use the last move used for 2 ~ 5 turns unless you switch out. It also has |
|  the Cute Charm ability, which can infatuate your Pok�mon; it'll be best   |
|  to use a female Pok�mon for this.                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Miltank has incredible base stats for this point in the game, making it   |
|  tougher than you think to beat. It's main move to use is Stomp, a Normal  |
|  type move. It can also use Attract to infatuate male Pok�mon, Rollout (a  |
|  Ground move that might OHKO a Fire-type), and Milk Drink to restore about |
|  50% of its HP.                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|  In general, though, most Pok�mon will work. It would be a good idea to    |
|  bring along your starter, Machop/Machoke, and Geodude/Graveler. Ghastly   |
|  is also a superb idea, given that a lot of Miltanks moves won't hit it.   |

After the battle, you'll ... make the Gym Leader cry. Greeeat, we just lost a
battle we won. As you leave, a Trainer will stop you, telling you to try to
speak with Whitney again. Do so to receive the Plain Badge, which will let you
use the HM Strength outside of battles. You'll also obtain TM45 (Attract),
which can infatuate a Pok�mon of the opposite gender. Infatuation means that
half of the time, the infatuated one cannot do a move. However, it useless to
put it on or use against genderless Pok�mon (ie. legendary Pok�mon).

                     Section IV - Through Ecruteak's Gym

                                Goldenrod Gym

Leave the Gym.

                                Goldenrod City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Squirtbottle ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Machop                  |    Special: Trade Abra    |  Fighting            |

Once you leave the Gym, head to the shop on the right. This is a flower shop;
we aren't here to buy flowers though. Speak with the girl in here to get the
Squirtbottle. You'll need to this to go further in the game.

Exit this building and stock up on Ultra Balls; you'll be seeing a Pok�mon we
have to battle to get further in the game pretty soon, and it happens to be
extremely rare - like one-of-a-kind rare, I think.

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center if you haven't yet done so. Empty up a slot in
the party now; we're going to get a new Pok�mon soon, if only temporarily.
Exit the city to the north onto Route 35.

                                   Route 35
|  Items Checklist  \
|  HP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  TM04 (Rollout) ....................................................... []  |
|  TM50 (Nightmare) ..................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Ditto                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidoran <M>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Nidoran <F>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Yanma                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Drowzee                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Spearow                 |          Special          |  Normal/Flying       |

In the gatehouse, speak with the man nearby and you'll receive a Spearow. You
really have two choices with this thing. Keep the Spearow and raise it (it will
get boosted EXP.), or take it to the guy on Route 31 and then speak with the
original owner for TM50 (Nightmare) and an HP Up.

Start by going forward to the Picnicker, then further along the path are two
Campers and a Picnicker. Further on, you'll find a Firebreather and a Juggler.
Then you'll find a night guard (for night battles) and a Bug Catcher further

Ignore the Cut tree and let's go the long way, through the grass. At the end,
you'll find a Bird Keeper. Battle him and then return to the main part of
the route.

Anyhow, return to where you fought Arnie. Remember, he offered his number that
would help to learn of Yanma swarms? Go south of him to find TM04 (Rollout),
with the National Park to the north.

Go into the National Park gatehouse. Go inside and through to the park.

                   National Park (Non-Bug Catching Contest)
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Parlyz Heal .......................................................... []  |
|  Quick Claw ........................................................... []  |
|  TM28 (Dig) ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Nidoran <M>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidoran <F>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Sunkern                 |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass               |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

To start with, go over to the right bench and speak with the woman sitting
their with her Persian to obtain a Quick Claw. This item, when held by a
Pok�mon, gives it a 1 in 10 chance of moving first, regardless of Speed stat.
It is useful if your Pok�mon is being EV trained for stats other than Speed,
or is naturally slow, like Shuckle.

Go up the path nearby and into the main park. For now, go around the edge of
the park to the northeast corner. There will be a gap in the fence around here,
next to a guy holding a GBC. Go through said gap and follow the path to the
right to find a Parlyz Heal.

Return to the gap and go left. Follow the path and go straight at the fork; the
right path is a useless dead end. There is an item hidden behind the tree in
the bottom-left corner; hug the left side of the wall to find it. It is TM28
(Dig). Afterwards, exit out of the gap into the main courtyard.

Time for some battling. Go to where the lady was near the wall and west and
south into the grass to find a Trainer with a Raichu. Then go to the west side
of this longer grass patch for another Trainer. Exit the grass and go around to
where the main path from the outer portion to the inner portion of the park is
and go into the grass nearby to find another Trainer. Get her number; she'll
occasionally give you Nuggets. On the right hand side of the shorter grass is
your last Trainer for now.

That's all for now ...

                     National Park (Bug Catching Contest)
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Kakuna                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venonat                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Paras                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Beedrill                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Scyther                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pinsir                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |

... except if it is Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. On these days, you can do
a Bug Catching Contest. On these days, if you into the gatehouse for the 
contest, there will be a guard next to the door. Speak with him to enter.

In such a competition, you'll want to catch the best Bug-type Pok�mon in the
park. You only get 20 minutes to do so, and only get 20 Park Balls (same as a
Great Ball). The best Pok�mon would be Pinsir, Scyther, and Beedrill, and it's
the only chance in this game to get the first two mentioned. You can wait until
time has run out, or retire from the menu. First place gets a Sun Stone; second,
an Everstone; 3rd, a Gold Berry; everyone else, a Berry. You get to keep the
Pok�mon you caught as well.

(FYI, the scoring is based on several things, such as rarity (the above list is
 arranged from most common to rarest), stats, level, and whether the Pok�mon is
 or is not Shiny.)

Anywho, once you're done, head through the gatehouse on the right side of the
park to get onto Route 36.

                                   Route 36
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Ice Berry ............................................................ []  |
|  Quick Claw ........................................................... []  |
|  TM28 (Dig) ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Sudowoodo               |     Special: One shot     |  Rock                |

When you enter, go and battle the Trainer with the Abras and the Kadabra. Then
go east and challenge the Schoolboy. Get his number, as he may give you a Fire
Stone later on.

Further ahead, you'll see a girl and the "tree" from when we were here before
getting Violet City's Gym Badge. Save and "speak" with the tree and use the
Squirtbottle. The "tree" reveals itself as a Sudowoodo.
|  Special Encounter: #185 Sudowoodo  \
|  Level: 20                                                                 |
|  Type : Rock                                                               |
|  Moves: - Flail                                                            |
|         - Low Kick                                                         |
|         - Rock Throw                                                       |
|         - Mimic                                                            |
|  Sudowoodo are weak against Fighting, Steel, Water, Ground, and Grass      |
|  moves. It has a resistance to Normal and Flying. However, you want to     |
|  catch it, mainly because this is virtually a one-timer, unless you do     |
|  some trading. Try to beat it down slowly with Normal/Flying moves, and    |
|  also try to Paralyze it or put it to Sleep. Once it is in low health,     |
|  toss an Ultra Ball you should'be gotten back in Goldenrod.                |

After the battle, the man near the entrance to the Ruins of Alph will come
over to you, handing over TM08, Rock Smash. Unlike in other games, Rock Smash
is now a TM here (meaning it CAN be replaced). In the field, much like in the
other games, it will clear away cracked boulders. Put it on an HM slave. :P

After this, simply go north to Route 37. 

                                   Route 37
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Black Apricorn ....................................................... []  |
|  Blue Apricorn ........................................................ []  |
|  Red Apricorn ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Stantler                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

When you enter the route, go to the right into the grass. Go through it and
battle the Psychic there. After this, go a bit north to find three Apricorns.
On Sundays, someone will appear around here to give you a Magnet, a hold item
that boosts the Electric-type moves of the holder by 10%.

Erm... That pretty much summarizes this Route - head north for some more
battling and to find Ecruteak City.

                                Ecruteak City

Firstly, head into the Pok�mon Center to heal your Pok�mon. Bill will then
come and speak with the nurse, and then you. He'll leave, meaning something
quite nice has been unlocked. Aside from a free Eevee, you also get to use the
Time Capsule, which allows you to bring certain Pok�mon over from R/B/Y/G (the
original GB Pok�mon games).

If you don't want to get an Eevee, ignore the following sections, which simply
mark the path back to Goldenrod. We'll continue the main story at the next
Ecruteak section.

If you DO want an Eevee, let's return to Route 37.

                                   Route 37
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Stantler                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Now is a good time to get one of the Fire-types. This will help compliment an
Eevee evolution, thereby making you avoid at one point having two Fire-types.
Or something. Continue southward onto Route 36.

                                   Route 36
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

From here, re-enter the National Park gatehouse ...

                                National Park
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \  Non-Bug Catching Contest  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Nidoran <M>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidoran <F>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Sunkern                 |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass               |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \  Bug Catching Contest  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Kakuna                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venonat                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Paras                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Beedrill                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Scyther                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pinsir                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |

Go through the exit on the right, I think, onto Route 35.

                                   Route 35
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Ditto                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidoran <M>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Nidoran <F>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Yanma                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Drowzee                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |

And, finally, go into Goldenrod City!

                                Goldenrod City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Machop                  |    Special: Trade Abra    |  Fighting            |
|  Eevee                   |          Special          |  Normal              |

Once you arrive, from the north, follow the main road down and get onto the
Game Corner lane. Follow this side-road and go into the house with the yellow
roof. Be sure to have a free spot in your party!

Inside, you'll find Bill on the right side of the table. Speak with him and
he'll talk about an Eevee that wandered into the Pok�mon Center and how it
needs to be taken care of. Say yes to accept and obtain the Eevee.

Eevee is an unique Normal-type Pok�mon. It'll learn an STAB-type attack at
Level 16 if it evolves. Here are the Eevee-lutions:

~~ Flareon: Use a Fire Stone.
~~ Vaporeon: Use a Water Stone.
~~ Jolteon: Use a Thunderstone.
~~ Umbreon: Get Eevee happy and level it up at night.
~~ Espeon: Get Eevee happy and level it up during the day.
~~ Glaceon: For this, in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, and White, you had to
            find a big icy rock and level it up in that area. However, such a
            Glaceon is not in G/S/C.
~~ Leafeon: It is entirely like the Glaceon situation, but with a mossy rock.

Now, back to Ecruteak City. Exit to the north onto Route 35.

                                   Route 35
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Ditto                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidoran <M>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Nidoran <F>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Yanma                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Drowzee                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |

Go back into the National Park gatehouse.

                                National Park
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \  Non-Bug Catching Contest  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Nidoran <M>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidoran <F>             |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Sunkern                 |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass               |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \  Bug Catching Contest  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Kakuna                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venonat                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Paras                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Beedrill                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Scyther                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pinsir                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug                 |

Get onto Route 36.

                                   Route 36
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

Go northward to Route 37.

                                   Route 37
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Stantler                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Continue northward into Ecruteak City.

                                Ecruteak City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  HM03 (Surf) .......................................................... []  |
|  Itemfinder ........................................................... []  |

Heal up in the Pok�mon Center and do some rearranging in your party. Go into
the building north of the Pok�mon Center to find the dance hall. Inside, to
obtain the HM03 (Surf), you'll need to beat all five. Well, here you go.

Battle #1: Umbreon (Dark)
  -- Weaknesses: Fighting, Bug.
  -- Immunities: Psychic.

Battle #2: Espeon (Psychic)
  -- Weaknesses: Ghost, Bug, Dark.

Battle #3: Flareon (Fire)
  -- Weaknesses: Rock, Water, Ground.

Battle #4: Jolteon (Electric)
  -- Weaknesses: Ground.

Battle #5: Vaporeon (Water)
  -- Weaknesses: Grass, Electric.

After the battle, you'll receive HM03, Surf. Surf is perhaps my favorite Water
move. In battle, it has 90 Power (145 on a Water-type). It can also be taught
to most Water types, including your Totodile/Croconaw. Outside of battle, upon
obtaining the proper Badge, you can use it to traverse the water.

Leave the studio.

Next, go into the house between the Pok�mon Center and the Pok�mon Gym. Speak
with the person inside to receive the Itemfinder, which allows you to find
hidden items. Test it out a bit around Ecruteak if you want.

When you're ready, go and heal up at the Pok�mon Center and head northwest, to
the Burned Tower.

                                 Burned Tower
|  Items Checklist  \
|  HP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Koffing                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Weezing                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |

You might want to save. Go towards the center to find your rival, and another
rival battle.
|  BOSS: PKMN Trainer [rival's name]  \
|  Pok�mon: Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 20                                    |
|           Zubat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 20                                     |
|           Magnemite (Electric/Steel) Lv. 18                                |
|           Croconaw [if you picked Cyndaquil] (Water) Lv. 22 <--,           |
|           Bayleef [if you picked Totodile] (Grass) Lv. 22   <--+- Only 1.  |
|           Quilava [if you picked Chikorita] (Fire) Lv. 22   <--'           |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $1,320                                                      |
|  Haunter has weaknesses against Ghost, Dark, Ground, and Psychic. It is    |
|  immune to Normal and Fighting. Beware the Confuse Ray and Curse.          |
|                                                                            |
|  Zubat has weaknesses against Rock, Ice, Electric, and Psychic. It has an  |
|  immunity to Ground.                                                       |
|                                                                            |
|  Magnemite is new for your rival. It'll take quadruple damage from a       |
|  Ground move, and double from Fire and Fighting. You'll want to be careful |
|  of its Supersonic, which causes confusion.                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Croconaw is weak against Electric and Grass.                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Bayleef is weak against Fire, Flying, Ice, Bug, and Poison.               |
|                                                                            |
|  Quilava is weak against Rock, Water, and Ground.                          |
|                                                                            |
|  For this battle, your starter, Kadabra/Alazakam, and Graveler/Golem are   |
|  recommended, each at Level 23, minimum.                                   |

After winning, your rival will flee and let use explore the Burned Tower.
After the scene with the Legendary Beasts, go up the ladder and head to the
northeastern corner of this floor. Break the rocks with Rock Smash to find an
HP Up. Then go back outside.

                                Ecruteak City

Outside, go into the Pok�mon Center once more. There, pick up a Pok�mon that
knows a Ghost or Dark move (for example, Haunter or Quilava with Shadow Claw)
and restore your party's HP/PP/status.

Then head into the Gym.

                                 Ecruteak Gym

Go along the path to the first Trainer. After the battle, go to the east
statue and north. Defeat the Trainer and head west until you are aligned with
the western statue. Go north and defeat the Trainer, then east to line up with
the east statue. North from there is the final Trainer, then the ghastly Morty.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Morty  \
|  Pok�mon: Gastly (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 21                                     |
|           Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 21                                    |
|           Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 23                                    |
|           Gengar (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 25                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $2,300                                                      |
|  All four Pok�mon have the same weaknesses: Ghost, Psychic, Ground, and    |
|  Dark. They will have an advantage over Psychic, Ghost, and Grass types.   |
|  They're immune to Normal and Fighting.                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  The Gastly and Haunters can Curse you, which damages it and you. One      |
|  Haunter's main problem is that is can put you to sleep, and then either   |
|  Dream Eater away some HP, or put you in Nightmare for MORE damage.        |
|  Regardless, if you use a Psychic or Ghost, Gengar will do you in with     |
|  Shadow Ball -- it loved using that on me. It can also put you to sleep.   |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: A Normal type Pok�mon with non-Normal/Fighting moves at  |
|  Lv. 26+, Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 26+, and your starter at Lv. 28+.        |

After winning, you'll obtain the Fog Badge, which let's you use Surf out of
battles. You'll also get TM30, Shadow Ball, a good move for Kadabra/Alakazam
if they can learn it.

                      Section V - Through Cianwood's Gym

                                 Ecruteak Gym

Once you've defeated Morty and received your badge, fall into the abyss to go
back to the front of the gym, and leave.

                                Ecruteak City

Outside, go to the Pok�mon Center and restore your Pok�mon. Exit Ecruteak
City by going west, onto Route 38.

                                   Route 38
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Berry ................................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Miltank                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Tauros                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

By this point in the game, you can catch Raikou and Entei. These Pok�mon will
roam the Johto region, and seem to change location as you do. You can encounter
them randomly in the grass if they're on your Route. Unless somehow they are
flee-blocked (due to Mean Look, Shadow Tag, etc.), they will flee. You can
get a move in before such happens. If flee-blocked, they will go on the
offensive, possibly using Roar (ie. battle ends). You can catch them with any
ball, but an Ultra Ball is STRONGLY recommended.

As for Pok�mon typically on Route 38, Tauros, Miltank, and Magnemite are all
good additions to your team. I'd at least get Magnemite for the Electric
typing of it.

Okay, onto the Route. Upon entering, take the grassy path and battle the Sailor
on the left. Then exit this lane and take the southern path instead. Go to the
upper path to battle a Bird Keeper.

After the battle, go west and grab the Berry, then jump off of the ledge and
into the grass to battle the Beauty. After that battle, start eastward to find
a Lass to battle. Get her number because she may give you a Thunderstone (which
is only useful in Generation II for Eevee and Pikachu, I think).

After this, go west for a School Kid training a Mr. Mime. He'll block the way
now, so go to where you fought the Beauty and go west. The Corsola Trainer will
be the last Route 38 Trainer you fight.

                                   Route 39
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Mint Berry ........................................................... []  |
|  TM13 (Snore) ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Miltank                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Tauros                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Go up to the ranch and grab the Mint Berry nearby.

Now, go into the ranch house itself, taking the left entrance into the shed.
If you have seven Berries, speak with the Miltank seven times to give them
to her. (It doesn't have to be all at one time.)

Go into the main portion of the house and speak with the woman to get TM13
(Snore). You also speak with the guy to get Moomoo Milk (an item that restores
100 HP) for $500 a piece.

Exit the ranch and go southward for the battles on this Route. There is some
grass on the west side of the path for wild Pok�mon catching. Go south enough
and you'll get to Olivine City.

                                 Olivine City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Good Rod ............................................................. []  |
|  HM04 (Strength) ...................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

Olivine City is the port city of the Johto region, as Vermillion is for Kanto,
Lilycove/Slateport for Hoenn, Canalave for Sinnoh, and Castelia City is for
Unova. Of course, that means you can surf for Pok�mon here.

When you enter the city, your rival will leave the Pok�mon Gym, and, I think,
speak with you. Once he leaves, head for the Pok�mon Center and heal. Then go
into the first house to the south of the city entrance you find. Inside, speak
with the fisherman to get a Good Rod. Then go into the restaurant west of the
Pok�mon Center and speak with the Sailor at the table to receive HM04

Go to the Pok�Mart, use it if need be, and go up the stairs nearby and go into
the west house to find a person who'll give you a Voltorb for a Krabby. Krabby,
in fact, can be caught in Olivine, so it's a pretty good idea.

Okay, now, we're going for an optional section here. In this, we are going to
catch a Lapras.


Go north onto Route 39.

                                   Route 39
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Miltank                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Tauros                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Get to Route 38.

                                   Route 38
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Miltank                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Tauros                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Go east to Ecruteak.

                                Ecruteak City

Exit south to Route 37.

                                   Route 37
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Stantler                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Continue southward onto Route 36.

                                   Route 36
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

From here, go to Violet City.

                                 Violet City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Onix                    | Special: Trade Bellsprout |  Rock/Ground         |

Get onto Route 32.

                                   Route 32
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Wooper                  |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

Head all of the way to Union Cave.

                                  Union Cave
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Elixir ............................................................... []  |
|  Hyper Potion ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Golbat                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Onix                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Sandshrew               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Wooper                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Quagsire (Surf)         |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Tentacool (Surf)        |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |
|  Tentacruel (Surf)       |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |
|  Lapras                  | Special Encounter: Friday |  Water/Ice           |

From the Azalea side, go to the left and Surf to the lone island with the tall
rock. Surf far down to the stairs.

Defeat the Pok�maniac nearby, then Surf across for another Pok�maniac battle.
Go down the nearby stairway.

Begin Surfing and follow the path down some, then right when you can. Grab the
Elixir on the island down this path, then return to the three-way intersection
and go down. Go left when next possible and land and battle the Trainer. Go
down the stairs and onto the water on the right. Surf downwards and then right
to another Trainer.

Defeat him and pick up the Hyper Potion. Surf back to the previous Cooltrainer
island, and go down. Defeat the nearby Trainer.

If it isn't Friday, you'll pretty much have to leave. If not, go onto the water
Surf to the right. Engage it in battle!
|  Special Encounter: #131 Lapras  \
|  Level: 20                                                                 |
|  Type : Water/Ice                                                          |
|  Moves: - Confuse Ray                                                      |
|         - Ice Shard                                                        |
|         - Water Pulse                                                      |
|         - Body Slam                                                        |
|  Lapras is weak against Grass, Electric, and Fighting-typed moves. Lapras  |
|  can use Confuse Ray to confuse you; Ice Shard for Ice damage; Water       |
|  Pulse for Water damage and possible confusion; and Body Slam for Normal   |
|  damage and possible paralysis.                                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Simply try as you normally would. Use attacks such of the Water, Ice, or  |
|  Steel types for reduced damage and greater precision, and use some status |
|  ailments (notably, Sleep and Paralysis) to further increase the catch     |
|  rate. After that, once the HP is low enough, all you really can do is     |
|  throw Ultra Balls at it.                                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  If you do somehow lose to it, or beat it, or something, it'll reappear    |
|  next Friday.                                                              |

That's it for now. Once you're ready, leave.

                                   Route 32
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Wooper                  |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

Head north to Violet.

                                 Violet City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Onix                    | Special: Trade Bellsprout |  Rock/Ground         |

Go to Route 36.

                                   Route 36
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |

Go north to Route 37.

                                   Route 37
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Ghastly                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Stantler                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Go north to Ecruteak.

                                Ecruteak City

Go west to Route 38.

                                   Route 38
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Miltank                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Tauros                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Go to Route 39.

                                   Route 39
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Miltank                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Tauros                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Go south, back to Olivine.

                       THE OPTIONAL SECTION ENDS HERE!

                                 Olivine City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

Go south and up the stairs to the right. This will lead to the Lighthouse
of Olivine City, which has a fair amount of Trainers. Not Pok�mon, though.
You'll have to come here to be able to get the sixth badge. Yes, this is the
section for the FIFTH, but that's on the way to the sixth.

Be sure to be healed up and enter the lighthouse when you're ready.

|  Items Checklist  \
|  Ether ................................................................ []  |
|  Great Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Rare Candy ........................................................... []  |
|  Super Potion ......................................................... []  |
|  TM34 (Swagger) ....................................................... []  |

This place is fairly straightforward for quite a bit, so I'll leave you to it.

On 4F, you can choose to ascend or descend. Ascend to find a Rare Candy and
TM34 (Swagger). Return to 4F and go into the hole to reach a previously
unreachable portion of 3F.

From there, go along the extremely linear path to Jasmine. She won't come down
until the Ampharos, which happens to power the Lighthouse's light, is healed.
The medicine itself is in Cianwood City.

Exit the Lighthouse via the elevator.

                                 Olivine City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

From the lighthouse, go west to the beach. Here, Surf onto Route 40.

                                   Route 40
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Krabby (Rock Smash)     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Shuckle (Rock Smash)    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Rock            |
|  Tentacool (Surf)        |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |
|  Tentacruel (Surf)       |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |

For this Route, you'll be Surfing on the water so as to reach Cianwood City,
far to the southwest, to obtain the Secretpotion for Ampharos. So, you will
need HM03 (Surf), the Ecruteak Gym Badge, and a Pok�mon. Most Water-types can
learn Surf, so if you lack a Pok�mon that can learn it, fish for something. (It
sucks you can't use the "Surfboard" glitch item like you could in Red/Blue.)

Once you're on the water, battle the Swimmer in front of you, then go east for
another battle.

After the battle, go south to find two Swimmers, then go south some more to
reach Route 41.

                                   Route 41
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Mantine (Surf)          |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Flying        |
|  Tentacool (Surf)        |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |
|  Tentacruel (Surf)       |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |

Route 41 has two Pok�mon of interest. There is Mantine, a Water/Flying type
with decent Special Defense. It is weak against Electric (4x), but the Ice- and
the Grass-type weaknesses are nullified. The other one would be Chinchou, found
by using the Good Rod. It is Water/Electric, which should nullify at least the
Ground weakness - plus, it can absorb Electric moves, I believe.

To start, Surf southward and hug the east wall for a battle. Go back and Surf
west for another battle. Ignore the whirlpool you'll probably see and continue
west for another Swimmer. You'll pass an island blocked by a whirlpool; ignore
it and the next whirlpool, as well as the Cianwood coast to the south, for
another Swimmer to the east, then another one to his north.

Then go south for another Swimmer and east for another two. Surf south and west
past another whirlpool. At the left/up fork, go up and battle this Swimmer, and
go back down for another battle.

Go west to battle your last Swimmer, then go west to land on Cianwood.

                                Cianwood City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Secretpotion ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Krabby (Rock Smash)     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Shuckle                 |          Special          |  Bug/Rock            |

After landing, head over to the Pok�mon Center and heal yourself. Get a free
slot in your party and leave. Go into the westernmost house and speak with the
guy there to be given his Shuckle for you to take care of (and never give back,
it seems). It'll be Level 20 and of a different ID/Secret ID/OT (or it should),
so it'll get boosted EXP. It actually isn't worth using, to me. You probably
can make some use of it; just beware it is among the slowest Pok�mon in the
game, if not THE slowest.

Then go into the southernmost building and speak with the guy behind the desk
to receive the Secretpotion for Ampharos. Leave and head north of the city.

There, you'll see Suicune! It'll jump off and Eusine will appear. Believing
defeating you will let him see Suicune, he'll challenge you to a battle. It's
little more than a battle you'd fight against a basic Trainer at this point,
but he has a varied team.

For now, all you really can do is smash rocks for a chance at a Pok�mon or
items. Heal up at the Pok�mon Center when ready, and go into the Fighting-type
Gym of the Johto region.

                                 Cianwood Gym

When you arrive, defeat the three Trainers within. Move the left and right
rocks north, then move the central rock to the left or right.

Defeat one more Trainer and you'll be allowed to fight Chuck, the fifth Gym
Leader in the Johto region.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Chuck  \
|  Pok�mon: Primeape (Fighting) Lv. 27                                       |
|           Poliwrath (Water/Fighting) Lv. 30                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $3,000                                                      |
|  Primeape is a Fighting type. It is therefore weak to Psychic and Flying.  |
|  It can use Focus Punch, which is no worry if your Pok�mon isn't asleep    |
|  and has a decent level of Speed; and Rock Slide, which isn't too much a   |
|  problem.                                                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Poliwrath is weak against Electric, Grass, Flying, and Psychic moves. It  |
|  also can use Dynamicpunch (100-Power, Fighting, guaranteed confusion) and |
|  Mind Reader (100% accuracy next turn).                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Pidgeotto/Pidgeot/Spearow/Fearow at Lv. 30+, Kadabra or  |
|  Alakazam at Lv. 30+, and your starter at Lv. 33+.                         |

After defeating Chuck, you'll get the Storm Badge, your fifth badge, which can
let you use HM02 Fly out of battle (although we don't have it). You'll also get
TM01 (Dynamicpunch).

Anywho, yay, fifth badge!

                      Section VI - Through Olivine's Gym

                                 Cianwood Gym

After you've finished off Chuck and obtained your Storm Badge and TM01, leave
the Gym.

                                Cianwood City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  HM02 (Fly) ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Krabby (Rock Smash)     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Shuckle                 |          Special          |  Bug/Rock            |

Right after leaving the Gym, Chuck's wife will come and give you HM02, Fly!
This solves our problem of trekking through the wilderness. If you teach it to
a Pok�mon, such as Pidgeotto or Golbat or almost anything of the Flying-type,
you can fly to the Pok�mon Center of any town or city you've previously gone
to, as well as several others.

For now, you should go to Olivine. You can either Surf or Fly; the former is
for EXP., the latter for getting it over with. Heal up at the Pok�mon Center
and go!

                                 Olivine City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

Once you get here, do whatever business you may somehow have, and enter the


Once you arrive, you can either (a) trek through the place as before, or (b)
go into the elevator in front of you.

On the top floor, speak with Jasmine and she'll give Amphy the Secretpotion,
which will heal it and return power to the Lighthouse.

Jasmine will then return to the Gym. Go into the elevator and exit the

                                 Olivine City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

Heal up and head to the Steel-type Gym.

                                 Olivine Gym

Olivine's Gym is notable for not having any Trainers to battle, as well as for
training the Steel-type, the best defensive type with a whopping 11 resistances
and immunity to the type and status Poison. Jasmine is at the top of the very
linear Gym. Speak with her to battle.

This is one of the few instances where the G/S/C and HG/SS parties are exactly
the same for a battle. But we lost $700. >_>
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Jasmine  \
|  Pok�mon: Magnemite (Steel/Electric) Lv. 30                                |
|           Magnemite (Steel/Electric) Lv. 30                                |
|           Steelix (Steel/Ground) Lv. 35                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $3,500                                                      |
|  Magnemite have weaknesses to Ground (x4), Fire, and Fighting. They have a |
|  resistance to Flying and Steel for 1/4 damage (just FYI), and an immunity |
|  to the type/status Poison. They have Thunderbolt, which can Paralyze,     |
|  Thunder Wave, which WILL Paralyze, and Supersonic, which can confuse.     |
|  Both of her Magnemite are exactly the same.                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Steelix is weak against Ground, Fire, Fighting, and Water. It is immune   |
|  to Electric and the type/status Poison. It enjoys using Iron Tail, a      |
|  powerful Steel-type move, and Rock Throw, a Rock-type move. It also has   |
|  Sturdy, which prevents OHKO moves and therefore will probably make        |
|  Jasmine use her two Hyper Potions.                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Golem/Graveler at Lv. 32+; Growlithe, Arcanine, Vulpix,  |
|  or Ninetales at Lv. 30+; and your starter as back-up at Lv. 34+.          |

After this Gym Battle, you'll get the Mineral Badge and TM23 Iron Tail, a
Steel-type move of decent power, but 75% accuracy.

Wow, short section. =P

                     Section VII - Through Mahogany's Gym

                                 Olivine Gym

Once you've defeated Jasmine and gotten the Mineral Badge, exit the Gym.

                                 Olivine City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

Fly to Ecruteak City.

                                Ecruteak City

Heal up in the Pok�mon Center and do some shopping if you need to, then head
east onto Route 42.

                                   Route 42
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Green Apricorn ....................................................... []  |
|  Pink Apricorn ........................................................ []  |
|  Super Potion ......................................................... []  |
|  Ultra Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Yellow Apricorn ...................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Golbat                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Marill                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |

For now, go east and start Surfing to around the central area. You'll find
Suicune nearby! Cut down the tree and go nearby to get find some Apricorns.
Grab the Apricorns and leave the grove, going east to find a Super Potion. Surf
onto the water and go to the shore on the southeastern portion of the other
side. Go north some and battle the fisherman, Tully. Get his number, as he may
give you Water Stones.

Go east and up the stairs to find the grass portion of Route 42 and the rest of
the Trainers. Mahogany is to the east.

                                Mahogany Town

Once you reach Mahogany, go to the right and you'll notice that the way east
to Route 44 is blocked. Fun.

In Mahogany, much like Celestic Town of D/P/Pt, the "Pok�Mart" is in the left
house with the sign. However, it kinda sucks. Badly.

You can't do much else here, except use the Pok�mon Center, because someone is
blocking your way into the Gym. So exit Mahogany to the north onto Route 43.

                                   Route 44
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Bitter Berry ......................................................... []  |
|  Max Ether ............................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Sentret                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Furret                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Farfetch'd              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Once you enter, go northwards and battle the Youngster, then go into the grass
on your left. Why? Going into the gatehouse will make you have to pay Team
Rocket $1,000.

Battle the Picnicker and the Pok�maniac further north. Go down through the
grass to find a Max Ether, then continue going north via whichever method you
prefer. As you do, you'll battle some Trainers, one with a Slowbro, the other
with a Nidoking. There are others, but we'll leave them alone for now. Once you
beat the Nidoking Trainer, go north ... to the Lake of Rage.

                                   Route 44
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Max Ether ............................................................ []  |
|  Red Scale ............................................................ []  |
|  TM10 (Hidden Power) .................................................. []  |
|  TM43 (Detect) ........................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Magikarp (Surf)         |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Gyarados (Surf)         |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Flying        |
|  Shiny (Red) Gyarados    | Special: One-Shot Capture |  Water/Flying        |

The Lake of Rage, located in northern Johto, is now rather rainy. So rainy, it
has recently flooded the land, evident by the trees protruding from the water.
It is also known for another thing.

Surf out to the center of the lake to find it. It is none other than a red
Gyarados, seen once in the anime, and optional in G/S/C. In the remakes,
though, it is part of the game, so you were guaranteed to get one Shiny
Pok�mon, because that is what it is. 

Save right now, because Shiny Pok�mon are extremely rare in the wild (on
average, six out of every 65,536 encounters), and you will only get one shot
at this. You screw it up, you'll have to find a Shiny the hard way.

"Speak" with it to battle it.
|  Special Encounter: #077 (Shiny) Gyarados  \
|  Level: 30                                                                 |
|  Type : Water/Flying                                                       |
|  Moves: - Bite                                                             |
|         - Dragon Rage                                                      |
|         - Leer                                                             |
|         - Twister                                                          |
|  First, on Shinies. Shiny Pok�mon are those with specific IV stats -- an   |
|  invisible predetermined stat. When a Pok�mon has these, its appearance    |
|  will be different. For example, a shiny Gyarados is red while a normal    |
|  one is blue; a Shiny Celebi is pink while it normally is green. Such an   |
|  appearance change can be dramatic (eg. Ho-oh, Sceptile) or almost         |
|  unnoticeable (eg. Pikachu, Zapdos). Generally, the stats of Shiny Pok�mon |
|  vary little from a regular Pok�mon. The chance of finding one is about    |
|  1/8192, or more precisely as 6/65536, which is about 0.009%.              |
|                                                                            |
|  Now, onto Gyarados. It is weak against Electric moves (4x), and Rock      |
|  moves. It is immune to Ground. You'll probably have no problem with it as |
|  the moves, to be honest, are crappy at this time. The best method, as     |
|  usual, is using moves it resists (Fighting, Steel, a few others), then    |
|  putting Sleep or Paralysis on it before tossing Ultra Balls.              |

Right after this battle, you'll also get the Red Scale. Now, Surf southward
onto land to see Lance, the Dragon-type Trainer of the anime and the Elite
Four. Speak with him and you'll be enlisted for taking down Team Rocket in

However, there is a VERY IMPORTANT item you'll want to get. It isn't required,
but is useful. Fly to Cherrygrove City.

                               Cherrygrove City

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center and go north to Route 30.

                                   Route 30
|  Items Checklist  \
|  EXP. Share ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Poliwag                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |

Go north and into Mr. Pok�mon's house (where you got the Mystery Egg way back)
and speak with him. If you give him the Red Scale, you'll receive the EXP.

The EXP. Share is a marvelous hold item for raising weak Pok�mon fast. If held
by a Pok�mon, this Pok�mon will earn half of the EXP. from the battle,
regardless of whether it participates. This is assuming only one other Pok�mon
participated - the idea is that it'll get an equal share of the EXP. (This
changed in Black/White, you know.) If you don't want to use it in this way,
you can give it to the Pok�mon you typically use in battle to give it bonus

Once you're done, Fly back to Mahogany.

                                Mahogany Town

Heal up in the Pok�mon Center and go into the "shop" - the building with the
sign beside it.

You'll then find Lance threatening the people inside. You soon find out that
this is the entrance to the Team Rocket base. Lance will go down the
staircase; follow him.

                      Mahogany Town Team Rocket Hideout
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Dire Hit ............................................................. []  |
|  Full Heal ............................................................ []  |
|  Guard Spec ........................................................... []  |
|  HM06 (Whirlpool) ..................................................... []  |
|  Hyper Potion ......................................................... []  |
|  Ice Heal ............................................................. []  |
|  Nugget ............................................................... []  |
|  Protein .............................................................. []  |
|  TM46 (Thief) ......................................................... []  |
|  Ultra Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Koffing                 | Trap tile: 33 1/3% chance |  Poison              |
|  Voltorb                 | Trap tile: 33 1/3% chance |  Electric            |
|  Geodude                 | Trap tile: 33 1/3% chance |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Electrode               | Special: B1F, three total |  Electric            |

<= 1F =>

Once you enter, go forward some to find a rather obvious Persian camera. Rather
than use a Pok�mon or something to get rid of it, you'll be tripping them. Do
so to have a Grunt come and battle you, with the first of the repetitive battle
teams in the Rocket Hideout. Another will come afterwards, with the other. Go
left and trip the next camera for two more battles.

Now, go into the corridors through the hole on the left, and then right for
another camera and two battles. Pick up the Hyper Potion in the assumable
southern part of the area.

Go south and around to trip several more switches (enjoying the EXP. yet?).
After the first switch, go west and pick up that Nugget. Go further left to
find another switch and two more battles. Enter the yellow teleporter to return
to the start. Return above if needed (you DID just go through almost a dozen
battles) to heal. When you return to the start, go into the corridors but go
down when you approach the Persian statue. Go around and battle the Scientist.
As you do, pick up the Guard Spec. to the right. If you wish to turn off the
Persian cameras, interact with the computer terminal.

Go back to the northwestern part of the room and battle the Grunt on the left.
Then head down to find the hideout's trap. Stepping on the wrong tile will have
you battle a low-20s leveled Pok�mon; it'll be Koffing, Geodude, or Voltorb. I
don't really think the odds can technically be 33 1/3% each, but there are
three in this situation, so deal with it. These can be caught, KO'ed, or ran
from. Past the trap, go on to B1F.

<= B1F =>

When you go down to B1F, Lance will greet you and heal your Pok�mon, then
leave. Go to the east to battle a Grunt, then go south and west. Examine the
middle box to find a Full Heal, then head to the far east and beat this Grunt.
Go down to B2F afterwards.

<= B2F =>

You'll see Lance again. He'll inform you of the passwords the Rocket Hideout
has and that we have to find them. They are quite easy to find.

Go into the room northwest from where you are and battle the Scientist and the
Grunt. Speak with the Grunt after she's defeated to get a password. One down,
one to go.

Go out of this room and west, and then straight to the top to find TM46,
Thief. Go back down and enter the small room on the left to find another Grunt
and another Scientist. Speak with the Grunt after he is defeated to get the
second password. While you're here, pick up the Full Heal and Dire Hit nearby.

Leave this room and east and north, to where you found TM46. Go right and take
the stairs up.

<= B1F =>

Here, go straight down. Defeat the Grunt as you go, and then go down the

<= B2F =>

Firstly, take the stairs directly below you and pick up TM46, Thief. Go back
down afterwards and approach the locked door and your rival will appear. RIVAL
FIGHT! Or so you'd think. It's just talking; I guess he has the decency to not
battle a weakened opponent. (Nah, Lance just whipped 'im good.) Grab the Ultra
Ball on the right, then interact with the door. This will unlock it.

Once you get inside, there'll be someone who looks a bit like Giovanni (if you
done the event in HG/SS or played Red/Blue/Yellow/Green/FireRed/LeafGreen).
It is just a Rocket Admin, who you shall fight.
|  BOSS: Rocket Executive  \
|  Pok�mon: Zubat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 22                                     |
|           Koffing (Poison) Lv. 22                                          |
|           Raticate (Normal) Lv. 24                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $1,584                                                      |
|  Zubat, as usual, is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric moves, with  |
|  an immunity to Ground.                                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Koffing is weak to Psychic and Ground.                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Raticate is weak against Fighting, with an immunity to Ghost.             |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Whatever you used for the last few battles should do.    |
|  To be specific though, Kadabra, Alakazam, Graveler, Golem, Vulpix,        |
|  Growlithe, Ninetales, or Arcanine, at least one of which should be in     |
|  your party, at Lv. 30+ should be more than enough.                        |

After the battle, the Executive will flee. Murkrow then starts acting like a
Chatot and blab everything the Executive has mentioned and hop off. Go back to
the place on B1F with the shutter and two Grunts and Murkrow will guide you.
You can then go to the B2F after it. Just keep following.

<= B1F =>

Eventually, you be back on B1F. Attempt to open the shutters to be stopped by
an Executive and a Grunt. Lance will come and save you from fighting the
uninvented double battle (unlike HG/SS) by fighting the Grunt; you fight the
Executive. (Note this - Lance is in the Elite Four; he is, in fact, the
champion! Shouldn't he take on the harder person?)
|  BOSS: Rocket Executive  \
|  Pok�mon: Ekans (Poison) Lv. 26                                            |
|           Murkrow (Dark/Flying) Lv. 26                                     |
|           Gloom (Grass/Poison) Lv. 26                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $1,800                                                      |
|  Ekans is weak to Psychic and Ground.                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Murkrow is weak against Electric, Rock, and Ice. It is immune to Ground   |
|  and Psychic. It can't be put in Sleep status.                             |
|                                                                            |
|  Gloom is weak against Psychic, Ice, Fire, Flying, and I think Bug.        |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Growlithe/Arcanine/Vulpix/Ninetales at Lv. 31+ will do   |
|  it just fine.                                                             |

After the battle, your opponents will flee, letting you deal with the radio
signal emitting from this building. The only option is to defeat each of the
Lv. 23 Electrode around here. You can either KO or capture them. They just
relish the chance to Selfdestruct, so be quick about it. I remember a day on
Gold Version where all three blew up on me. Suicidal maniacs.

Once you've deal with them, you'll run back to Lance and be given HM06,
Whirlpool. It is not exactly the best offensive move, but it can permit us to
cross whirlpools like you found between Olivine and Cianwood.

Anyhow, Lance will leave, giving us the freedom to do so as well. Go back up to
the first floor and step into the teleporter. Go up the stairs and back into
Mahogany Town.

                                Mahogany Town

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center and go into the unblocked Gym for your seventh

                                 Mahogany Gym

From the start, go one step past the western statue. Go north to the Trainer
and defeat her. Return to the start and beat the Trainers on the side in
whatever order you prefer. Go one square left of the eastern statue, then north
to another Trainer. Defeat him, go south, then go the western side of the
western statue. Go up, right, down, left, up, and right to find your opponent,
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Pryce  \
|  Pok�mon: Seel (Water) Lv. 27                                              |
|           Dewgong (Water/Ice) Lv. 29                                       |
|           Piloswine (Ground/Ice) Lv. 31                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $3,100                                                      |
|  Seel is weak against Grass and Electric moves. It can use Icy Wind, an    |
|  Ice move, and Rest, to heal itself, and then Snore, for weak damage while |
|  it Sleeps.                                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Dewgong is stronger, generally. It is weak to Grass, Electric, Rock, and  |
|  Fighting.                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Piloswine is weak against Fighting, Steel, Fire, Water, and Grass moves.  |
|  Oh, and it's immune to Electric.                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Growlithe/Vulpix/Ninetales/Arcanine at Lv. 32+ for use   |
|  against Piloswine; Ampharos or Victreebell or Meganium at Lv. 33+ for use |
|  on the other two. (Grass is best for Seel and Electric best for Dewgong,  |
|  or just use Electric for both.)                                           |

After the battle, you'll obtain your seventh badge, the Glacier Badge. This
will let you use the move Whirlpool out of battles. You'll also get TM07, Hail,
which I personally find useful ... for money.

                   Section VIII - Through Blackthorn's Gym

                                 Mahogany Gym

Once you have beaten Pryce and the penultimate Gym of the Johto region, leave
the Mahogany Gym.

                                Mahogany Town

Once you leave, Prof. Elm will call via Pok�gear say the Goldenrod Radio Tower
has been sieged by Team Rocket.

There is one thing I will mention. You can now access the Whirl Islands if you
have Whirlpool. However, I found little use in doing so except the items, which
I do admit are good.

Heal up the Pok�mon Center, then Fly to Goldenrod City.

                                Goldenrod City

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center if you haven't done so and go into the
Radio Tower.

                            Goldenrod Radio Tower
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Underground Key ...................................................... []  |

Once you enter, begin your long series of climbing and battling by proceeding

On 2F, go left a bit to battle a Grunt; down if needed. Go further left for
another in the central portion, and the last one of this floor in the bottom
left corner. Go up the stairs in the top-left corner afterwards.

On 3F, go directly across the room to battle a Grunt, then go to the bottom
right corner to fight a Scientist and a Grunt. For now, head up the stairs in
the top-right corner.

On 4F, beat the Grunt across from you, then go to the bottom-right corner and
battle Grunt you find. Then go to the top-left and battle the Scientist. Go
upstairs after this.

On 5F, you'll find the CEO of the radio tower (and Arianna through the wall) in
his chair. Or so you think. Speak with the "CEO" to find he is part of Team
Rocket, the Executive we battled earlier. Yawn.
|  BOSS: Rocket Executive  \
|  Pok�mon: Koffing (Poison) Lv. 30                                          |
|           Koffing (Poison) Lv. 30                                          |
|           Koffing (Poison) Lv. 30                                          |
|           Koffing (Poison) Lv. 30                                          |
|           Koffing (Poison) Lv. 30                                          |
|           Weezing (Poison) Lv. 32                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $2,100                                                      |
|  You have GOT to be kidding. *sigh* Anyhow, all of these have the same     |
|  weaknesses of Psychic and Ground.                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 35+ will finish it easily.       |

After the battle, you'll be given the key to the basement warehouse. Okay...
Why...? O_o

Leave the Tower.

                                Goldenrod City

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center and go underground. 

                            Goldenrod Underground
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Card Key ............................................................. []  |
|  Full Heal ............................................................ []  |
|  Max Ether ............................................................ []  |
|  Smoke Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  TM35 (Sleep Talk) .................................................... []  |

Once you enter, go to the side corridor near the bottom that used to be
useless? Go there now and down this corridor. Examine the door and go down
the stairs.

On B1F, try to challenge the Grunt across from you. BOOM! Rival fight.
|  BOSS: PKMN Trainer [rival's name]  \
|  Pok�mon: Golbat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 30                                    |
|           Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 30                                    |
|           Sneasel (Dark/Ice) Lv. 32                                        |
|           Magnemite (Electric/Steel) Lv. 28                                |
|           Croconaw [if you chose Cyndaquil] (Water) Lv. 32  <--,           |
|           Bayleef [if you chose Totodile] (Grass) Lv. 32    <--+- Only 1.  |
|           Quilava [if you chose Chikorita] (Fire) Lv. 32    <--'           |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $1,920                                                      |
|  Golbat is weak against Electric, Rock, Ice, and Psychic moves. It is      |
|  immune to Ground.                                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Haunter is weak against Psychic, Ghost, and Dark. It is immune to Ground. |
|                                                                            |
|  Sneasel is weak against Fighting (4x), Rock, Fire, Steel, and Bug moves.  |
|  It is immune to moves of the Psychic type.                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Magnemite is weak against Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. It has an      |
|  immunity to Poison.                                                       |
|                                                                            |
|  Croconaw is weak against Electric and Grass.                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Bayleef is weak against Flying, Fire, Ice, Bug, and Poison.               |
|                                                                            |
|  Quilava is weak against Rock, Ground, and Water.                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 35+; Graveler/Golem at Lv. 35+;  |
|  Vulpix/Ninetales/Growlithe/Arcanine at Lv. 35+; your starter at Lv. 37+.  |

The rival will flee after being defeated. Go left now and beat the Grunt, then
further left for a Full Heal. Go east and south into a room and left into the
room with the colored switches on the wall, rather than going down again. Go
down and defeat the Burglar, then left into a small room with a Smoke Ball --
this item guarantees the ability to flee when equipped by the in-battle
Pok�mon... except from Trainers and such.

Go up for another Burglar battle, then one in the room just above. Return to
the colored-switch room - it is two small rooms down, one right, and one up.

Hit the switches as so -- green/middle -> red/right -> blue/left. This opens
the doors we need to move forward. Go one small room right, one down, and then
just go right. You'll battle another Grunt. Afterwards, go into the next room
through the wall.

Here, continue forward. When you get to the yellow boxes on the left wall in
the right corridor, continue forward to battle a Rocket. Go to the right and
pick up the Max Ether in the southeast corner. Go north some and battle that
Grunt. Use the Itemfinder to find a Revive, then go north and west, past the
stairs. Defeat the Grunt and go southward to find the real President by the

Speak with this President to obtain the Card Key, which will let us go higher
in the Radio Tower. Grab TM35 (Sleep Talk) and go up the stairs in the
northeastern part of the room.

                                Goldenrod City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Amulet Coin .......................................................... []  |

Amazingly, you're in the Dept. Store. Pick up the Amulet Coin. This item, when
held by a Pok�mon that is in the battle for any moment of time, will double
any money earned, which only occurs in Trainer battles. You'll enjoy it when
you start grinding later. Any money stated in this guide from this point onward
will not be the double money, but just the base amount.

Anyhow, get into the elevator and go to 1F and exit. Heal up at the Pok�mon
Center and go back to the Radio Tower.

                            Goldenrod Radio Tower
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Clear Bell ........................................................... []  |
|  Pink Bow ............................................................. []  |
|  TM11 (Sunny Day) ..................................................... []  |

Go up the stairs twice to go to 3F. There, go to the southeastern corner of
the room and interact with the shutter, which will open the shutter because
you used the Card Key. Defeat the Grunt and go upstairs.

On 4F, go upstairs.

On 5F, you'll fight some Rocket Executives back-to-back.
|  BOSS: Rocket Executive  \
|  Pok�mon: Arbok (Poison) Lv. 32                                            |
|           Murkrow (Dark/Flying) Lv. 32                                     |
|           Vileplume (Grass/Poison) Lv. 32                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $2,304                                                      |
|  Arbok has weaknesses to Ground and Psychic.                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Murkrow has weaknesses to Ghost (?), Rock, Ice, and Electric, with        |
|  immunities to Psychic and Ground.                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Vileplume has weaknesses to Ice, Flying, Fire, Bug (?), and Psychic.      |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 35+; Graveler/Golem at Lv. 35+.  |
|  BOSS: Rocket Executive  \
|  Pok�mon: Houndour (Fire/Dark) Lv. 35                                      |
|           Koffing (Poison) Lv. 35                                          |
|           Houndoom (Fire/Dark) Lv. 38                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $2,520                                                      |
|  Houndour and Houndoom both are weak against Ground, Rock, Water, and      |
|  Fighting, with an immunity to Psychic.                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Koffing has a weakness to Psychic and to Ground.                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Your water starter, Gyarados, Graveler/Golem, or         |
|  Machoke/Machamp (any works for the first and third) at Lv. 37+; Kadabra   |
|  or Alakazam at Lv. 37+ for Koffing.                                       |

The Radio Tower's president will then come after the battle and hand over to
you something: the Clear Bell, the item for finding Suicune...

... not the item you'd want. Remember, in G/S, you receive the items for Ho-oh
or Lugia, respectively? v_v

There's two more items to get here, anyways. Speak with Mary on the fourth
floor for a Pink Bow, and a girl on the third floor to find TM11.

Exit the Radio Tower when you're done.

                                Goldenrod City

Fly to Mahogany.

                                Mahogany Town

Heal up and head east onto Route 44.

                                   Route 44
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Burnt Berry .......................................................... []  |
|  Max Repel ............................................................ []  |
|  Max Revive ........................................................... []  |
|  Ultra Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Weepinbell              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Tangela                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Lickitung               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Poliwag                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Poliwhirl               |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Fighting      |

Go due east for a battle against the Psychic, then pick up the Apricorn nearby.
Grab the Max Repel nearby, too. Go south and across the bridge and battle the
Fisherman. Further along the bridge is a Cooltrainer, with another Cooltrainer

Go north and examine the space at the end of the small alcove in the trees to
find an Elixir. Continue going counter-clockwise around the lake to find an
Ultra Ball at the top. Battle the Pok�maniac, and the Fisherman nearby, after
this. This Fisherman, Wilton, will call you when Remoraid swarm, so get his

Surf on the water and go south to find the grass on the route. Here, you can
find Tangela and Lickitung, Pok�mon who got new evolutions as of Diamond and

Collect the Max Revive in the grass, then get onto the land on the far eastern
side of the route. Defeat the Bird Keeper, then go into the cave.

Get ready to freeze you Pok�balls off. :P

                                   Ice Path
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Full Heal ............................................................ []  |
|  HM07 (Waterfall) ..................................................... []  |
|  Iron ................................................................. []  |
|  Max Potion ........................................................... []  |
|  Nevermeltice ......................................................... []  |
|  PP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Protein .............................................................. []  |
|  TM44 (Rest) .......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Golbat                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Jynx                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ice/Psychic         |
|  Swinub                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ice/Ground          |
|  Sneasel                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Dark/Ice            |
|  Delibird                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ice/Flying          |
|  Krabby (Rock Smash)     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Shuckle (Rock Smash)    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Rock            |

The Ice Path contains a sliding puzzle similar to that of the Mahogany Gym. It
also has Swinub and Jynx, both pretty powerful for your team (once the former
evolves). Delibird is rather useless.

Anyhow, once you enter, follow the along onto some slippery ice. Slide east,
south, east, south, and east. Go northwest and downstairs.

On the second puzzle, slide north, west, south, west, north, east, south, west,
north, west, south, east, south, and east.

For the next puzzle, you'll also want to grab the Waterfall HM. So slide east,
north, west, south, and east to reach the HM. Grab it, then slide west, north,
east, south, east, north, east, south, west, south, and west.

After landing, go northeast, and down the ladder.

In this area, you'll have to use Strength to push boulders into the hole. The
first boulder to move is the bottom of the pair; move it east once, south
thrice, west five times, south once, and east once into the hole. For the other
one, move it west twice, north thrice, south once, west once, and south into
that hole.

Next go to the eastern part of the area to find another boulder. Move it east
once, south five times, west to the wall, south once, and west thrice to move
it down a floor.

Head over to the last remaining boulder. Push it north twice, west once, north
thrice, east twice, north once, and west into the hole. Then head to the
northeastern corner of the floor and head down.

Here, you'll find a large icy plain. Good thing we moved those boulders. Slide
west to the Max Potion, then south, east, north, west, south, east, north, and
east. Grab the Full Heal, then use the ladder.

Here, you can break the rock with the Rock Smash move, or swing around it to
reach the ladder. Climb down it to find the Nevermeltice. Then go down the
eastern ladder.

In this area, go around until you're just below the stairway. There, jump down
and slide east to find TM44 (Rest), then west and north to land. Swing around
once more, then go upstairs and slide south to the ladder. Use it.

In this area, go east and downstairs. On the ice, slide west, south, west,
and south to find an Iron. Get it, then slide east, north, east, north, east,
north, south, west, north, east, north, and west to find the ladder.

In this final area, go north to the Protein, and slide down the western wall
to find a rare PP Up. Then slide north. Go one space west of the ladder and
go south to find the exit. Finally.

                               Blackthorn City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Dodrio                  |  Trade female Dragonair   |  Normal/Flying       |

Go south and into the main portion of Blackthorn and heal yourself in the
Pok�mon Center.

Go to the far left house. The top-left person inside can delete moves your
Pok�mon have, including HM moves.

The northeastern house has someone that will give you Dodrio for a female
Dragionair. Kinda pointless unless you have a free Dragonair.

Heal up and head into the Gym, one of the hardest in all of Pok�mon, mainly
because it deals with the Dragon type.

                                Blackthorn Gym

First, upon entering, beat the Trainer and go up the ladder.

Then move the Strength boulder on the right due north. Push the western one
into the hole. Go down, fight the Trainer, and head east. Push the Strength
boulder south, and the western one due north and two tiles east.

Defeat the next Trainer, push another Strength boulder due east, and another
boulder into the hole. Descend the ladder you passed earlier, defeating two
more Trainers as you do so. Speak with Clair to fight the most egomanical boss
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Clair  \
|  Pok�mon: Dragonair (Dragon) Lv. 37                                        |
|           Dragonair (Dragon) Lv. 37                                        |
|           Dragonair (Dragon) Lv. 37                                        |
|           Kingdra (Water/Dragon) Lv. 40                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,000                                                      |
|  The Dragonairs are weak to Ice and Dragon moves. They all can use         |
|  Thunder Wave to paralyze you, Dragon Pulse, and Slam, the latter two of   |
|  which are pretty powerful. One of them has the 120-Power move Fire Blast, |
|  which will hurt Grass, Bug, and Steel types; another has Aqua Tail,       |
|  which is 90-Power, and can easily hurt a Rock, Fire, or Ground type.      |
|  Other than the Aqua Tail/Fire Blast thing, they are otherwise identical.  |
|  (I think the third one has a mix of the two.)                             |
|                                                                            |
|  Kingdra is notorious for its typing, nullifying the Grass and Electric    |
|  weaknesses of Water, and the Ice of Dragon, leaving only Dragon as its    |
|  weakness. It mainly uses Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse, both extremely      |
|  powerful due to the STAB bonus, although you can pray it uses Hyper Beam. |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Lapras, Jynx, or Piloswine (Lv. 41+) for the Dragonairs. |
|  As for Kingdra, a Grass starter or the previous Pok�mon work fine.        |

Once you win, you get the ___ Badge! ... Yeah, it seems Clair's ego is going to
stop us from getting the Badge until we prove ourselves. Greeeeeat... Use the
teleporter on the left and exit the Gym.

                               Blackthorn City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Dodrio                  |  Trade female Dragonair   |  Normal/Flying       |

Once you exit, go to the Pok�mon Center and get healed. Go to where the Gym is
and Surf on the water. Go northward and you'll find a cave entrance. Teach
a Pok�mon Whirlpool if you haven't yet done so, and go inside.

                                 Dragon's Den
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Calcium .............................................................. []  |
|  Max Elixir ........................................................... []  |
|  Dragon Fang .......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Dratini (Surf)          |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Dragon              |
|  Magikarp (Surf)         |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Dratini                 |          Special          |  Dragon              |

Once you enter, go ahead and Surf on the water. Head to the far east to find a
Calcium. Go back to the entrance and head southwest to find a Max Elixir.
Hug the western side of the cavern to find a Whirlpool. Go across and continue
Surfing. Head south and east to the shrine.

There, you'll be asked by the Dragon Master five questions. Give them some
thought now; you want to choose proper answer. And I accidentally have just
listed the answers not to choose:

-- Question #1: Underling
-- Question #2: Cheating
-- Question #3: Weak people
-- Question #4: Violence
-- Question #5: Strong  OR  Weak

After the quiz, Clair will waltz in, wondering how you did. You'll be told
that you passed and Clair will hand over the Risingbadge. When you leave, you
also will obtain TM24, Dragonbreath.

Re-enter the shrine and speak with the Dragon Master to get a Dratini. Note
that, if you PROPERLY answered the quiz questions earlier, you will have
gotten the move Extremespeed on Dratini. ^_^

Outside, Surf east for the Dragon Fang, then leave the cavern entirely.

Thusly, this section ends.

                   Section IX - Through the Pok�mon League

                               Blackthorn City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Dodrio                  |  Trade female Dragonair   |  Normal/Flying       |

Outside, heal up in the Pok�mon Center and the usual. You will want to return
to New Bark Town now. You can go south via Routes 45 & 46 for EXP. buildup,
but that's about it. Nothing else really of note. Choose how to return to
New Bark -- on foot or Flying.

                                New Bark Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Master Ball .......................................................... []  |

When you arrive, do whatever you may need to here. Go into Professor Elm's
lab to receive the ultimate Pok�ball of them all (for the most part) -- the
Master Ball! This Pok�ball will catch almost any Pok�mon withour fail (there
are some exceptions, as in glitches and Trainers' Pok�mon).

This ball may be very crucial to you - it may not. For our first legendary
quest, I'd prefer to use something else. Why? You'll get the other legendary
later on, at LEVEL 70. So, yeah...
We're also here ... for another reason. We now have eight Gym Badges from the
Johto region, do we not? It now time to start our journey to the Pok�mon
League. Prepare yourself and Surf east, onto Route 27.

                                   Route 27
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Rare Candy ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Sandslash               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Doduo                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ponyta                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |

When you step onto the land, you'll be congratulated for reaching the Kanto
region, the region east of Johto. It was the main place of Red, Blue, Yellow,
Green, FireRed, and LeafGreen. It is also the place from which Team Rocket was
expelled some years ago by a lone Trainer named Red.

Anyhow, Surf on the water directly below the guy and follow it. You'll soon
get to a grassy platform. Pick up the Rare Candy located there, then return to
where the guy was. Enter the cave above him.

                                 Tohjo Falls
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Moon Stone ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Golbat                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Slowpoke                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Goldeen                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |
|  Seaking                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water               |

Tohjo obviously can have its letters switched around to read Johto. Kinda like
the event-based Sinjoh ruins in HG/SS - the "Sin-" comes from Sinnoh of D/P/Pt
and the "-joh" comes from Johto of G/S/C/HG/SS.

This place exists mainly as a barrier to prevent you from getting to the Indigo
Plateau and the Pok�mon League. You'll need Waterfall to go forward. Surf on
the water and go forward. Ascend the waterfall.

Go around and descend the waterfall on the right. Continue to the right and
you'll find some steps. Follow the path they're on to find a Moon Stone.

Anyhow, go right and down the stairs again. Start Surfing and go to the bottom
platform. Exit the Tohjo Falls.

                                   Route 27
|  Items Checklist  \
|  TM22 (Solarbeam) ..................................................... []  |
|  TM37 (Sandstorm) ..................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Sandslash               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Doduo                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ponyta                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |

Once you leave and take a step forward, you'll be challenged by a Cooltrainer
who has trained all of the Bulbasaur evolutionary chain. Go into the house on
the left to find a woman who, if your lead Pok�mon is happy enough, will give
you a TM37 (Sandstorm).

Leave the house and Surf on the water to the east. Continue eastward and get
on the grass. Battle another Cooltrainer, then go right. Assuming you can use
Whirlpool, once you get on the bridge, Surf south and cross the Whirlpool. Go
left and land on the platform to battle a Bird Keeper and grab TM22 (Solarbeam)
for your Pok�mon. Amazingly, Ho-oh can learn it! 

Return to the bridge and battle and defeat the Cooltrainer. (Amazingly, he
trains a lone Mareep, which should at least be an Ampharos.) Continue eastward
and ascend the stairway. Once you reach the top, descend the steps.

Continue down some more and down the last set of steps. Battle and defeat the
Psychic, then continue onto the bridge. Defeat the Cooltrainer and go east and
across the bridge onto Route 26.

                                   Route 26
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Ice Berry ............................................................ []  |
|  Max Elixir ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Doduo                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Ponyta                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |

Once you enter, continue eastward and over the bridge. Defeat the Fisherman and
go north across the bridge. Defeat the Psychic, and continue north. Defeat the
Cooltrainer next to the house. Speak with the woman inside the house to get
your party healed.

Leave the house and continue along the path. Go east and battle the Cooltrainer
and further around for another one. You'll soon find yet another Cooltrainer
to defeat. After doing so, go down the ledges on the left. Jump down two, then
collect the Max Elixir. Jump down the rest and go back around to the large
building by the Cooltrainer.

This large building is the gateway into Victory Road, the final and toughest
trial before the Pok�mon League. Enter this gatehouse and exit - you can now
Fly to here. Go back to a city with a Pok�mon Center and pick up any Pok�mon
with the moves of Strength and Rock Smash - you will need these in Victory

Once you're ready, enter the gatehouse. Go north and the guard there will
verify you have obtained all eight badges of the Johto region, thereby letting
you north to Victory Road. The exits on the left (Mt. Silver) and right
(Route 22 of Kanto, west of Viridian City) are blocked for now.

So, into Victory Road we go.

                                 Victory Road
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Full Heal ............................................................ []  |
|  Full Restore ......................................................... []  |
|  HP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Max Revive ........................................................... []  |
|  TM26 (Earthquake) .................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Graveler                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Golbat                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Onix                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Sandslash               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Ground              |
|  Rhyhorn                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Rhydon                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |

This place ... is actually rather linear and easy.

Except one thing near the end.

Your rival should appear.

Anyways, at the start, go north and east, then head down to find two items
already nearby. Return to the middle of the platform and go west and downstairs
to find a ladder to your north. Use it.

In the next area, go south, then upstairs and east. Go downstairs and around to
find an HP Up. Afterwards, backtrack and go around to the ladder. Use it.

In the next area, to obtain the Full Restore, go up to the platform. Go to the
far west, south, and east to find another ladder. Go down and grab the item,
then return to the previous area. There, go around to the platform and west. Go
into the hole to find TM26, Earthquake, one of the best moves in the game.

Go back to the area you left, then continue along the path to the exit. You'll
soon encounter your rival.

|  BOSS: PKMN Trainer [rival's name]  \
|  Pok�mon:  Sneasel (Dark/Ice) Lv. 34                                       |
|            Golbat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 36                                   |
|            Haunter (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 35                                   |
|            Magneton (Electric/Steel) Lv. 34                                |
|            Kadabra (Psychic) Lv. 35                                        |
|            Feraligatr [if you chose Cyndaquil] (Water) Lv. 38 <--,         |
|            Meganium [if you chose Totodile] (Grass) Lv. 38    <--+ Only 1. |
|            Typhlosion [if you chose Chikorita] (Fire) Lv. 38  <--'         |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,560                                                      |
|  Sneasel is weak to Fighting (4x), Bug, Fire, Rock, and Steel. It is also  |
|  immune to Psychic.                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Golbat, as usual, is weak to Psychic, Electric, Ice, and Rock. It has an  |
|  immunity to Ground. It will probably use Supersonic, so finish it fast.   |
|                                                                            |
|  Magneton is weak against Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. It will mainly  |
|  use Spark, an Electric move. I believe it also can use Thunder Wave. I    |
|  don't know for sure, though.                                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Haunter is weak to Dark, Ghost, Ground, and Psychic moves, with           |
|  immunities to Normal and Fighting. It's main move is Shadow Ball, so      |
|  avoid using Psychic and Ghost types.                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Kadabra is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It has powerful Psychic moves,   |
|  so avoid using Fighting or Psychic Pok�mon.                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Feraligatr is weak to Electric and Grass.                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Meganium is weak to Ice, Fire, Bug, Poison, and Flying.                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Typhlosion is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water.                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Graveler/Golem at Lv. 44+; Vulpix, Growlithe, Ninetales, |
|  or Arcanine at Lv. 45+; Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 45+. Those cover most of    |
|  the weaknesses, but bring your starter at Lv. 47+ as back-up.             |

After the battle, your rival will leave the scene, leaving us permitted to go
forward and exit Victory Road through the north exit, which leads to none other
than the Indigo Plateau.

                                Indigo Plateau

Once you arrive, go forward to the main building of the Indigo Plateau.

Here, you'll find a combo of a Pok�mon Center and a Pok� Mart, probably the
inspiration for the combo of both (and the GTS) in a Pok�mon Center in the
Black/White games.

Now, for a decent challenge at the Elite Four, you are going to need to spend a
good deal of cash on good healing items. Sell all the worse-than-Hyper Potions
you have, then buy about 25 ~ 35 of them. Go next for the Full Restores and get
about 15 ~ 20 of them. As for Revives, get 25 or so; Full Heals, 20 should do.

Next, get your party ready. Here's my typical first-time approach. (I would
usually have two HM slaves in my party, but I raised the two in their place
on the side.)

~~ Starter: Lv. 47+
~~ Arcanine/Ninetales: Lv. 46+
~~ Kadabra/Alakazam: Lv. 45+
~~ Haunter/Gengar: Lv. 45+
~~ Graveler/Golem: Lv. 45+
~~ Something with a Dragon or Ice move (I use Dragonite): Lv. 47+

Heal up at the nurse's desk, and go to the top of the room. At the very top,
speak with the guy there and he'll move. Save and when you're ready, enter the
realm of the Elite Four.

In the first room, you'll find it to be a bright purplish hue, with cubes
hovering around. The Elite Four in here, Will, is a Psychic-type Trainer. Speak
with him to begin!
|  BOSS: Elite Four Will  \
|  Pok�mon: Xatu (Psychic/Flying) Lv. 40                                     |
|           Slowbro (Psychic/Water) Lv. 41                                   |
|           Jynx (Psychic/Ice) Lv. 42                                        |
|           Exeggutor (Psychic/Grass) Lv. 41                                 |
|           Xatu (Psychic/Flying) Lv. 42                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,200                                                      |
|  Xatu is like Lugia, with weaknesses to Ice, Rock, Electric, Dark, and     |
|  Ghost moves and immunity to Ground. The opening Lv. 40 one has U-turn,    |
|  which deals Bug damage and switches the user with another; Me First,      |
|  which will make the Xatu (if it's faster) use the move you'd use; Psychic,|
|  which is a powerful Psychic move; and Confuse Ray, which is obvious.      |
|                                                                            |
|  Slowbro is weak to Grass, Electric, Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It can use      |
|  Water Pulse (Water damage; possible confusion) and Psychic to deal some   |
|  damage. The other two moves, Curse and Amnesia, just deal with the user's |
|  stats -- lower Speed, higher Attack and Defense for Curse; higher Sp.     |
|  Defense with Amnesia. The Curse is worthless, though -- the attacks that  |
|  deal damage are only using Special Attack, so consider it a freebie.      |
|                                                                            |
|  Jynx is weak to Fire, Rock, Steel, Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It also can use  |
|  Psychic and Ice Punch, which are its deadliest moves with the STAB bonus  |
|  (and the Freeze chance on the latter). It can also use Doubleslap, which  |
|  is rather weak, and Lovely Kiss, which causes Sleep.                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Exeggutor is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Poison, Bug (4x), Dark, and       |
|  Ghost, like Celebi. It can use Psychic (it's most powerful here) and a    |
|  rather weak Egg Bomb. It also can use Hypnosis to put you to Sleep and    |
|  Reflect to halve Physical damage. So, it'll be Special attacks, like      |
|  Flamethrower or Shadow Ball, that do best.                                |
|                                                                            |
|  The second Xatu - the Lv. 42 one - has the same weaknesses of Rock, Ice,  |
|  Electric, Dark, and Ghost and the Ground immunity. It can use Psychic,    |
|  Aerial Ace (a Flying no-miss move), Ominous Wind (a Ghost move of 60      |
|  Power that can raise all stats), and Confuse Ray. You'll want to use a    |
|  Rock/Ice/Electric type to defeat it.                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: A powerful and varied Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 46+ can      |
|  finish it in a solo. However, Graveler/Golem and your legendary, each at  |
|  Lv. 46+, are great for back-up.                                           |

Once the battle is over with, the door will open. Go through into the next
room, healing as you need to.

This second room is the residence of Koga, the Poison-type Trainer of the Elite
Four. The room is designed like a shadowy dark forest -- guess what I thought
he trained my first time? (Grass or Dark.) Anyhow, speak with him to start.
|  BOSS: Elite Four Koga  \
|  Pok�mon: Araidos (Poison/Bug) Lv. 40                                      |
|           Forretress (Bug/Steel) Lv. 43                                    |
|           Muk (Poison) Lv. 42                                              |
|           Venomoth (Poison/Bug) Lv. 41                                     |
|           Crobat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 44                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,400                                                      |
|  Araidos is weak to Psychic, Fire, Flying, and Rock moves. It has Giga     |
|  Drain, a pitifully weak Grass move for it; Poison Jab, a decent Poison    |
|  move that may poison; Spider Web, which stops switching; Baton Pass, to   |
|  switch to another Pok�mon.                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Forretress is weak to and ONLY weak to Fire, though it quadruple damage.  |
|  It's Steel-typing also immunizes it from the type/status of Poison. It    |
|  can use Spikes (damage upon switching. More use - more damage); Toxic     |
|  Spikes (poisoning on switch); Protect; and Explosion (suicide, but good   |
|  damage). This is best dealt with via Ho-oh, to avoid the spikes and due   |
|  to the Fire thing.                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Muk is weak to Psychic and Ground. It is holding Black Sludge, which is   |
|  going to heal it by about 6.25% each turn - and it can't be taken off. It |
|  can use Gunk Shot (Poison move), Minimize (ups evasion), Screech (severe  |
|  lowering of your Defense), and Toxic (increasing damage version of        |
|  poison). It is strongly recommended to finish it off fast, because the    |
|  status and stat reductions will finish you off faster.                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Venomoth is weak to Flying, Psychic, Rock, and Fire. It can use Gust (a   |
|  Flying move), Psychic, Supersonic, and Toxic. A Steel-type will be able   |
|  to avoid the Toxic, but that's it.                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Crobat is weak to Psychic, Rock, Ice, and Electric; and is immune to      |
|  Ground. It can use Wing Attack and Poison Fang - decent STAB moves, and   |
|  the latter poisons. The former is Flying. It also has Quick Attack and    |
|  Double Team to raise evasion. One last thing: it takes 1/4 the normal     |
|  damage from Fighting, Grass, and Bug.                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Generally, a decent Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 47+ can solo |
|  it. However, Growlithe/Arcanine/Vulpix/Ninetales are good choices for     |
|  back-ups if at Lv. 47+, too. Your Typholsion could obviously take the     |
|  place of the Growlithe/etc.                                               |

After the battle, go through the now-opened door.

Here, you'll find a lava field where you'll find Bruno, the Fighting-type
Trainer of the Elite Four. (I first thought Fire - you know, the lava.) So,
this should be a harder version of the Cianwood Gym. Speak with Bruno to
|  BOSS: Elite Four Bruno  \
|  Pok�mon: Hitmontop (Fighting) Lv. 42                                      |
|           Hitmonlee (Fighting) Lv. 42                                      |
|           Hitmonchan (Fighting) Lv. 42                                     |
|           Onix (Rock/Ground) Lv. 43                                        |
|           Machamp (Fighting) Lv. 46                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,600                                                      |
|  Hitmontop is weak to Psychic and Flying. It can use Dig (Ground; one-turn |
|  wait); Triple Kick (Fighting, three-hit); Quick Attack; and Counter       |
|  (returning of physical damage).                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Hitmonlee has Blaze Kick (Fire move); Hi Jump Kick (Fighting move; user   |
|  is damaged with a miss); Focus Energy (upped critical rate); and Swagger  |
|  (ups your Attack and confuses). You'll really want to finish it quick if  |
|  your Pok�mon is weak to Fighting - the Hi Jump Kick has an overall 180    |
|  Power before super/not very effectiveness is added. OH! I forgot to say   |
|  it is also weak to Psychic and Flying.                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Hitmonchan is also weak to Psychic and Flying. It can use the "elemental  |
|  punches": Ice, Fire, and Thunderpunch (with obvious types) and Bullet     |
|  Punch, which is about half the above punches' power. It'll be best to use |
|  a Psychic type here, rather than a Flying type.                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Onix is weak to Water (4x), Grass (4x), Fighting, Ice, and Steel. It can  |
|  use Earthquake (powerful Ground move), Dragonbreath (Dragon move), Rock   |
|  Slide (Rock move), and Sandstorm. It'll be best to use a powerful Water   |
|  or Grass move if your Pok�mon have one. If anything, don't use Flying.    |
|                                                                            |
|  Machamp is weak to Psychic and Flying (duh). It can use Rock Slide (Rock  |
|  move), Cross Chop (Fighting move that can go through Protect/Detect at    |
|  times), Revenge (another powerful Fighting move), and Foresight (make a   |
|  Ghost type hittable with Fighting). All moves will be 100% accurate in    |
|  this battle, because of Machamp's ability of No Guard. It is preferable   |
|  to use Psychic over Flying here.                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Again, Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 47+ can solo it. However, |
|  the legendaries (particularly Lugia) and your starter at Lv. 48+ are good |
|  for back-up.                                                              |

Once you're done here, heal if needed and go to the next unlocked room.

Here, you'll find a large set of purplish curtains and a starry floor. This
place is where you'll find Karen, the one who uses Dark types (altough it is
only 60% of her team with the typing). Speak with her to start the battle.
|  BOSS: Elite Four Karen  \
|  Pok�mon: Umbreon (Dark) Lv. 42                                            |
|           Murkrow (Dark/Flying) Lv. 44                                     |
|           Vileplume (Grass/Poison) Lv. 42                                  |
|           Gengar (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 45                                     |
|           Houndoom (Dark/Fire) Lv. 47                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,700                                                      |
|  Umbreon is weak to Fighting and Bug. It can use Faint Attack and Payback, |
|  both Dark moves. The latter is immensely powerful it goes last. It can    |
|  also use Double Team and Confuse Ray. Oh, and it's immune to Psychic.     |
|                                                                            |
|  Murkrow is weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice, with Ground and Psychic       |
|  immunization. It can use a Dark-type Sucker Punch and Faint Attack; Pluck |
|  to steal your item and do Flying damage; and Whirlwind to switch your     |
|  Pok�mon. Electric and Rock are overall preferable here.                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Vileplume is weak to Flying, Ice, Fire, and Psychic. It can use the move  |
|  Petal Dance (135 Power Grass move, 2-3 turns); Acid (weak Poison move);   |
|  Stun Spore (paralyzes); Moonlight (heals the user). Get rid of it before  |
|  it can paralyze you. Fire and Flying (especially the combo (Ho-oh)) is    |
|  immensely preferable.                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Gengar is weak to Psychic, Dark, Ground, and Ghost, with Normal and       |
|  Fighting immunities. It can use Lick (a WEAK Ghost move); Focus Blast (a  |
|  150 Power Normal move; rest on second turn); and Spite (remove all of the |
|  PP of the last-used move). It also will use Destiny Bond - if you move    |
|  last and KO it on the turn this is used, you will also be KO'ed, so be    |
|  ready with the Revive.                                                    |
|                                                                            |
|  Houndoom is weak to Fighting, Rock, Ground, and Water and is immune to    |
|  Psychic. It can use Dark Pulse and Crunch (decently-powerful Dark moves), |
|  Flamethrower (a powerful Fire move due to the STAB), and Nasty Plot (to   |
|  raise the Special Attack). In general, it would be best to use a Water    |
|  type.                                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Your starter at Lv. 47+ for Umbreon; Graveler/Golem at   |
|  Lv. 47+ for Murkrow and Houndoom; and Haunter/Gengar for the rest. A      |
|  Kadabra/Alakazam and the legendary of your game would make good back-up.  |

Once you're done, fully heal your Pok�mon as much as possible, then continue
through the door. Go forward in the next room to eventually be pulled into
auto-pilot and to Lance, the Pok�mon League's champion!!
|  BOSS: Champion Lance  \
|  Pok�mon: Gyarados (Water/Flying) Lv. 44                                   |
|           Charizard (Fire/Flying) Lv. 46                                   |
|           Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying) Lv. 46                                  |
|           Dragonite (Dragon/Flying) Lv. 47                                 |
|           Dragonite (Dragon/Flying) Lv. 47                                 |
|           Dragonite (Dragon/Flying) Lv. 50                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $5,000                                                      |
|  Gyarados is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock, with a Ground immunity. This  |
|  Pok�mon has a high Attack stat and abuses it with Waterfall (Water) and   |
|  Ice Fang (Ice) moves, so you shouldn't use the legendary here. It can     |
|  also use Dragon Pulse (Dragon), and Flail (Normal; strengths as user      |
|  weakens). Be prepped to use Full Heals - Ice Fang can freeze you. If you  |
|  can't use a Electric/Rock move, use Kadabra/Alakazam. Your starter might  |
|  manage, but that's last-ditch.                                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Charizard is weak to Rock (4x), Water, and Electric, with a Ground        |
|  immunity. It has a wide type-coverage of moves: Air Slash (Flying), Fire  |
|  Fang (Fire), Shadow Claw (Ghost), and Dragon Claw (Dragon). Amazingly,    |
|  though, these moves don't cover the types Charizard is weak to. Yeesh.    |
|  Just remember that Fire Fang may burn. Graveler/Golem is unquestionably   |
|  the best here, although Ho-oh (not Lugia - Shadow Claw) is a decent       |
|  alternate.                                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Aerodactyl is weak to Water, Electric, Ice, and Rock. It's immune to      |
|  Ground. It also has a wide type-coverage: Thunder Fang (Electric), Rock   |
|  Slide (Rock), Aerial Ace (Flying), and Crunch (Dark). Water and Ice are   |
|  weak to Thunder Fang and Rock Slide, respectively. So, it's preferred you |
|  use Graveler/Golem.                                                       |
|                                                                            |
|  All three of the Dragonite are weak to Ice (4x), Dragon, and Rock. This   |
|  paragraph covers the Lv. 47 ones. They both carry Thunder Wave (to make   |
|  you paralyzed), Dragon Rush (Dragon; strong), and Hyper Beam. One of them |
|  will have Blizzard, and the other has Thunder. Luckily, neither of those  |
|  can hurt an Ice, Dragon, or Rock type super-effectively. (Although        |
|  Dragon Rush will really hurt a Dragon type.) It is strongly recommended   |
|  to use Graveler/Golem on both of them, if you lack an Ice move.           |
|                                                                            |
|  Now, for the Lv. 50 Dragonite. It has Outrage, a Dragon move with 180     |
|  overall Power, which will hurt for those 2-3 turns. It will confuse at    |
|  the end of those turns. It can also use Fire Blast (120-Power Fire move), |
|  Hyper Beam (150-Power Normal move; rest on second turn), and Sageguard.   |
|  The idea for this one is actually probably to use your starter, your      |
|  legendary, or SOMETHING NOT WEAK TO FIRE OR DRAGON that knows a decent    |
|  Ice move. If not that, use Graveler/Golem.                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Graveler/Golem at Lv. 48+, which may be able to solo it. |
|  However, as back-up, use your starter (Lv. 49+), your legendary (Lv. 49+),|
|  and Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 48+. Always be ready to use your Hyper Potion |
|  and Full Restore stock at any moment - this battle takes a toll on your   |
|  HP.                                                                       |

Once you manage to beat Lance, Professor Oak and DJ Mary will come to
congratulate you, with the latter trying to, in vain, make a report. Lance will
lead you away above to the champion's room.

After some scenes, you and your Pok�mon will be registered into the Hall of
Fame. Press A after all of your Pok�mon appear together and the credits will

So, yes, congratulations: you have become the Johto champion! However, my
thirst of superiority is not quenched; let's conquer another region. Reload
your saved file to start on the other half of the game...

            Section X - Exploring Kanto: Through Vermillion's Gym

The most creative title thus far. >_<

                                New Bark Town
|  Items Checklist  \
|  S.S. Ticket .......................................................... []  |

After defeating Lance, becoming Champion, and reloading the save file, you
will be back in your bedroom in New Bark Town. Go downstairs and your mom will
speak with you. Go outside and to Elm's lab. Speak with Prof. Elm and you'll be
given the S.S. Ticket. This will let you get on the S.S. Aqua found in Olivine.
Fly there now.

                                 Olivine City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Voltorb                 |   Special: Trade Krabby   |  Electric            |

Enter the harbor to the south and you'll find the ship.

Once you're ready to head on out onto the S.S. Aqua and the Kanto region --
bring some strong Pok�mon if you want to do some battling -- head on through
the dock house, going south, and speak with the sailors as you go to go on

                                  S.S. Aqua
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Metal Coat ........................................................... []  |

After the small cutscene, head to the left and into the top-right cabin of
these four doors. There are some battles here.

Exit the room when done and go to the bottom-right door to battle the Hiker.
Leave this cabin and go to the "block" of four cabins on the right. Battle the
Firebreather in the top-right cabin, then head to the bottom-right cabin. This
one is yours, with a PC and bed (to heal your party).

Leave and go to the midpoint of the corridor, then down the stairs. Go down and
left to the green tiled room to battle a (seasick) Juggler in the top-left,
then go out and to the right to find a Sailor. Battle the sailor in the right
room with the gray floor afterwards, then go back up the stairs.

Go to the bottom-left room of the right set of cabins and speak with the
Sailor there. Defeat him and return to the lower floor. Go to the bottom-right
and you can now pass. Go to the northern side of the engine and defeat the
Picnicker there, then go up the ladder.

Enter the room here and speak with the girl next to the captain at the top. She
wants to play hide-and-seek, and she'll leave. This is the girl that the
gentleman at the start was looking for. Return to the engine room and check the
bottom-left corner of the whole floor to find her. Talk to her to send her, and
you, back to her father's room.

There, you'll be given a Metal Coat. This item, when held by Onix or Scyther
while being traded, can evolve it into Steelix or Scizor, respectively. The
ship should then arrive at its destination. Leave the cabin and speak with the
Sailor blocking the exit/extrance to be allowed out. Leave the boat and you'll
find yourself in...

                               Vermillion City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Rare Candy ........................................................... []  |

Vermillion City is the first city G/S/C/HG/SS players typically visit in the
Kanto region. It is the port city of Kanto, like Olivine is of Johto. It was
the location of Lt. Surge's Electric-type Gym in the R/B/Y/G/FR/LG games and
was, I think, the third gym there.

Anyhow, head left and into the port house. Speak with the Sailor and go north
to exit.

Head to the mainland and heal up in the Pok�mon Center in the northwest. You
will need to have something with Cut in a moment. For now, you can visit the
building just above the Gym, the Pok�mon Fan Club. Speak with the president
behind the counter in the top-right to get a Rare Candy.

When you're ready for the Gym, go to the Cut tree, Cut it down or Surf
around, then enter the Gym.

                                Vermillion Gym

This gym is the first one you'll deal with in the Kanto region. It is of the
Electric-type and is seen over by Lt. Surge. Begin by battling the three
Trainers in here. Exit and heal if needed.

The puzzle found here is no different than in R/B/Y/G/FR/LG - check each of
the bins in here... At least, you'd be doing that puzzle, had there not been a
power outage. So you can just to the northern end of the Gym to find your next

And his Pok�mon are a whopping seven levels lower than in HG/SS - the largest
change I've noticed thus far. o_o;
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Lt. Surge  \
|  Pok�mon: Raichu (Electric) Lv. 44                                         |
|           Electrode (Electric) Lv. 40                                      |
|           Electrode (Electric) Lv. 40                                      |
|           Magneton (Electric/Steel) Lv. 40                                 |
|           Electabuzz (Electric) Lv. 46                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,600                                                      |
|  Raichu is weak only to Ground. It can use Shock Wave (no-miss Electric    |
|  move), Quick Attack, Thunder Wave (paralysis), and Double Team (upped     |
|  evasion). Luckily, if you're using a Ground type, you'll have no worries  |
|  here. However, beware of physical moves -- Static can cause paralysis.    |
|                                                                            |
|  Both Electrode are also weak only to Ground. One of them has Shock Wave,  |
|  Thunder Wave, Light Screen, and Double Team; the other has Charge Beam,   |
|  Screech, Selfdestruct, and Double Team. Again, Ground-type users will     |
|  have no problem, aside from the Static ability.                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Magneton can use Shock Wave, Mirror Shot, Supersonic, and Double Team.    |
|  It poses little threat aside from the use of Supersonic. It is weak to    |
|  Fire, Fighting, and Ground (4x).                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Electabuzz can use Shock Wave, Low Kick (Fighting move), Quick Attack,    |
|  and Light Screen. It, as with the other Electric types, is weak only to   |
|  Ground.                                                                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Graveler/Golem/Sandslash at Lv. 48+. That can solo it,   |
|  more or less. Kadabra/Alakazam and your starter make enough back-up.      |

After the battle, you'll earn the Thunderbadge.

                      Section XI - Through Saffron's Gym

                                Vermillion Gym

Once you've defeated Lt. Surge and obtained Badge #9, exit the Gym.

                               Vermillion City

Once you've left the Gym, go to the Pok�mon Center and restore your party. Go
to the right -- in R/B/Y/G/FR/LG, this land here was being done by Machop, who
hasn't finished in the two in-game years that have progressed. Just a fun note.

Whenever you're done, exit the city to the north.

(On a side note, you can now return to Johto whenever. It is most time-saving to
Fly to Victory Road or the Indigo Plateau, then you can go wherever you've been
to in either Kanto or Johto.)

                                   Route 6
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Ratatta                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Granbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Drowzee                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Psyduck                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Psyduck (Surf)          |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Golduck (Surf)          |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Psychic       |

Generally head north, defeating the Trainers as you do.

                                 Saffron City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Focus Band ........................................................... []  |
|  TM29 (Psychic) ....................................................... []  |
|  Upgrade .............................................................. []  |

Once you arrive, go north and west to find the Pok�mon Center. Heal up there
and exit. Go into the house to the far east of here and speak with the person
inside to get TM29 (Psychic).

Once you're done here, go into the street above and enter the gigantic
building, residence of Silph Co. This place was raided by Team Rocket two
years before. You could also get a Lapras here, then. For now, though, you'll
need to speak with the guy next to the elevator on the top-left to find an
Upgrade, an item that evolves Porygon into Porygon2 when held by the former
during a trade.

Leave Silph Co. and go to the top street. On the eastern portion, you'll find
both the Saffron Gym and the Saffron Dojo. Enter the Dojo and grab the Focus
Band from within. Then enter the Gym.

                                 Saffron Gym

This Psychic-type Gym is the residence of Sabrina. This place has a teleporter
puzzle. Generally, just going into the teleporter vertically across from you
will slowly get you there and have you fight every Trainer. However, here is a
fast solution:

Take the only teleporter at the entance and defeat the Channeler you find. Take
the southeastern teleporter, defeat the Psychic, and take the top-left one.
Defeat the person there and take the bottom-left teleporter. Defeat the Trainer
there and take the bottom-left teleporter.

And thusly, you end up in front of Sabrina. Speak with her to begin.

And yes, we're still on that -7 levels trend. >_>
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Sabrina  \
|  Pok�mon: Espeon (Psychic) Lv. 46                                          |
|           Mr. Mime (Psychic) Lv. 46                                        |
|           Alakazam (Psychic) Lv. 48                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,800                                                      |
|  Espeon is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It can use Shadow Ball (Ghost),   |
|  Psychic, Calm Mind (Special stat boosting), and Skill Swap (ability       |
|  swapping). Generally, seeing as it'll finish off a Ghost type via the     |
|  Shadow Ball, and many Bugs are part Poison, it is preferable to use a     |
|  Dark type like Umbreon.                                                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Mr. Mime is weak to Dark, Bug, and Ghost. It can use Mimic, Light Screen, |
|  Skill Swap, and Psychic. Since the last of these is Psychic and its only  |
|  real offensive move, Dark is preferable here, too.                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Alakazam can use Psychic and Energy Ball (Grass) offensively, and Reflect |
|  and Skill Swap on the side. It is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. Again, it |
|  is preferable to use Dark.                                                |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Umbreon/Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 49+ should be fine. As     |
|  back-up, bring your starter at Lv. 50+, your legendary at Lv. 49+, and    |
|  some other strong Pok�mon.                                                |

After the battle, you'll get the Marsh Badge. When you're ready, take the red
teleporter and leave.

                     Section XII - Through Cerulean's Gym

                                 Saffron Gym

Once you've gotten the Marsh Badge, take the red teleporter and exit the Gym.

                                 Saffron City

Once you leave, go to the Pok�mon Center and heal up. Exit Saffron when ready,
heading north.

                                   Route 5
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Cleanse Tag .......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Not actually much here. There might be some new Pok�mon but little else. Just
head north.

By the way, if you jump off a ledge and go into the house that should be near,
speak with the woman inside to get a Cleanse Tag.

Again, little else. Cerulean is north of here.

                                Cerulean City

Once you enter, head to the Pok�mon Center (if you need to ... you'd have to
be doing a bunch of grinding to need to). The Gym is empty, so grab your Cut
and Surf Pok�mon and head east to Route 9.

                                   Route 9
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |

Follow the path southward and eastward to find a Trainer. Battle the Trainer
and, afterwards, go further along the path and go up the left one at the
fork, then battle the Trainer found in the grass. Jump down the two ledges and
continue following the path to the right. Battle a Trainer nearby, then go
under the ledge just below. Go all the way to the right. There, battle the

Return to the place where the Trainer before the Hiker was. Go right and up the
stairs nearby, then right. Go ahead and battle the Hiker above the ledge.
Cut the tree to the northeast and continue forward. Jump off the ledge below
to battle the Picnicker. Go across the grass and southward to Route 10.

                                   Route 10
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Electabuzz              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Voltorb                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |

Nothing much here, except the chance of catching Electabuzz.

There is a Pok�mon Center to the south. Heal there and get onto the water via
Surf. Follow the stream to a patch of land. The grass for the Pok�mon is here.
Continue into the Power Plant.

                                 Power Plant

Once you enter, head up to the northern part of the room. Speak with the fat
guy near the power engine, and you'll then learn a machine part has been
stolen. Try to leave and you'll be asked for your (forced) cooperation.

When done, exit the Power Plant and Fly to Cerulean.

                                Cerulean City

Here, enter the Gym.

                                 Cerulean Gym

When you enter, a Team Rocket Grunt will rush out and accidentally bump into
you. He apologizes and leaves, heading north onto Route 24. Exit the Gym.

                                Cerulean City

Go north to Route 24.

                                   Route 24
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Sunkern                 |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass               |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Oddish                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |
|  Gloom                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |

Go north to find the Team Rocket Grunt and he'll force himself between two
people in an attempt to hide.


Really? Speak with him to battle his Lv. 30 Golbat. As with others, it will
fall almost instantly to Electric, Ice, Rock, and Psychic.

After the battle, he'll reveal that the missing machine part was in the
Cerulean Gym. He'll run off after discovering Team Rocket was dissolved back in

So, head to Cerulean City...

                                Cerulean City

Here, enter the Gym.

                                 Cerulean Gym
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Machine Part ......................................................... []  |

When you get in, check the pile of rubber rings furthest back on the left side
of the Gym and you'll get the Machine Part. Now, to deliver it. Exit the Gym.

                                Cerulean City

Heal up out here if needed, and head to Route 9 to the east.

                                   Route 9
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |

Follow the Route to the water to the east.

                                   Route 10
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Electabuzz              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Voltorb                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |

Head to the Pok�mon Center and go east onto the water. Surf south to the Power

                                 Power Plant
|  Items Checklist  \
|  TM07 (Zap Cannon) .................................................... []  |

Inside, speak with the fat guy from before and give him the Machine Part. It
is the one that was stolen and, with it, power should be up and running again.
You'll get TM07 (Zap Cannon) as your reward. Exit the Plant and Fly to
Saffron -- we need to pick up something.

                                 Saffron City

Back in this town, head into one of the northwestern houses to find the home
of the Copycat Girl. Speaking with her eventually let's you know that she is
missing her favorite Pok� Doll. We need to grab it for her to pick up our own

Fly to Vermillion.

                               Vermillion City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Pok� Doll ............................................................ []  |

Here, head into the Pok�mon Fan Club and speak with the chubby guy inside. He
will hand over the Copycat Girl's Pok� Doll. Exit the building now and Fly back
to Saffron.

                                 Saffron City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Pass ................................................................. []  |

Back here again, return to the Copycat Girl's house and hand over the Pok� Doll
to receive a Pass. This item will allow you to use the Magnet Train between
Saffron City (Kanto) and Goldenrod City (Johto) for free.

Flying may do the same, but a train always much more scenic, right? Anyways,
Fly back to Cerulean.

                                Cerulean City

Heal yourself at the Pok�mon Center if needed, then go north to Route 24.

                                   Route 24
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Sunkern                 |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass               |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Oddish                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |
|  Gloom                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |

Go all of the way across the bridge this time, then turn left and into the part
with the grass. (Another point - this was a prime early place for the usage of
the Mew glitch back in Red/Blue/Yellow/Green.) Yeah, that was just another fun

Also around this area is the Cerulean Cave, only accessible when you get all
eight badges of the Kanto region. So, for now, sail back up into Route 24 and
east to Route 25.

                                   Route 25
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Everstone ............................................................ []  |
|  Fire Stone ........................................................... []  |
|  Leaf Stone ........................................................... []  |
|  Nugget ............................................................... []  |
|  Protein .............................................................. []  |
|  Thunderstone ......................................................... []  |
|  Water Stone .......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Bellsprout              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Oddish                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Grass/Poison        |

To start, head over east and battle a Schoolboy, then further eastward for a
Lass. Continue further onwards to find two more. Go up after the fourth battle
and right to continue for a double battle. Past this is a seventh Trainer.
Defeat him and continue east. Speak with the Trainer you find to get a Nugget
and a battle.

After this, Cut the tree nearby so as to grab the Protein. Once you do, go east
to find Misty and her boyfriend atop the high platform here. Once you arrive,
they split up. You, being a "pest", causes Misty to become annoyed and return
to the Cerulean Gym - she IS the Gym Leader there, after all. You can now do
the Gym Battle there.

The cottage nearby is where you find Bill's grandpa. If you show him the
correct Pok�mon as shown in this list, you'll get the named item:

Request #1 (Everstone)    -- Lickitung
Request #2 (Leaf Stone)   -- Oddish
Request #3 (Water Stone)  -- Staryu
Request #4 (Fire Stone)   -- Growlithe
Request #5 (Thunderstone) -- Pichu

I would go ahead and note some technicalities here. Haunter also has a long
(deadly) tongue; Gloom and Vileplume have leaves on their head (petals do
count) (and MANY others fit that in other generations); Starmie also is
shaped like a star; many Pok�mon (Arcanine, notably) also have snapping jaws;
and ... well, they got the last one right. One of five isn't TOO bad... >_>

Whenever you're done, return to Cerulean City.

                                Cerulean City

Here, restore your party at the Pok�mon Center, then enter the Gym.

                                 Cerulean Gym

The Cerulean City Gym is of the Water-type, as made apparent by the pool and
Sailors and such. Begin by going to the right and battling the two Sailors

Return to the front of the Gym and Surf onto the water. Go forward to battle
the Swimmer, then go back around to where the second Sailor was blocking your
way. Sidle through the award podium and Surf onto the water to battle the
Swimmer. Surf up through the gap and battle this Swimmer. Go up and jump out
of the water. Head up the steps to find Misty. Battle her when ready.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Misty  \
|  Pok�mon: Golduck (Water) Lv. 42                                           |
|           Quagsire (Water/Ground) Lv. 42                                   |
|           Lapras (Water/Ice) Lv. 44                                        |
|           Starmie (Water/Psychic) Lv. 47                                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,700                                                      |
|  Golduck is weak to Grass and Electric. It can use Water Pulse (Water; may |
|  confuse) and Psychic to attack. It can raise stats via Psych Up or stop   |
|  you from using the last-used move via Disable. Not a real threat, except  |
|  in the case of Water Pulse/confusing.                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Quagsire is weak to Grass (4x), and nothing else - it has an Electric     |
|  immunity. It can use Water Pulse and Earthquake (Ground move) for offense |
|  and Amnesia to up its Special Defense. It also has Rain Dance, which      |
|  makes it rain (Fire weakens; Water strengthens; Thunder is 100% accurate).|
|  It can absorb Water moves for HP restoration, too. It'll be best to use a |
|  Grass Pok�mon, because of the quadruple damage and it resists the         |
|  offensive moves.                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Lapras is weak to Electric, Grass, Rock, and Fighting. It can use Body    |
|  Slam (Normal; possible paralysis), Ice Beam (Ice move), Sing (55% chance  |
|  of causing Sleep), and Water Pulse. The faster you deal with this, the    |
|  better - you'll probably get statused by some move.                       |
|                                                                            |
|  Starmie is weak to Bug, Ghost, Dark, Grass, and Electric. It can use      |
|  Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Recover (for HP), and Confuse Ray. Generally, it   |
|  is preferable to not use Grass Pok�mon due to the Ice Beam.               |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Your Grass starter/strongest Grass type/Ampharos at      |
|  Lv. 50+ can do it. As back-up, bring your legendary and starter around    |
|  Lv. 51+ and Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 50+.                                    |

Upon defeating Misty, you'll receive the Cascade Badge.

Exit the Gym when you're done.

                     Section XIII - Through Celadon's Gym

                                 Cerulean Gym

Once you've finished battling Misty and obtained the Cascade Badge, leave the

                                Cerulean City

Our next destination is the Pok�mon Gym located in Celadon City. Along the way,
we'll be grabbing some stuff from Lavender Town.

So, for now, heal up at the Pok�mon Center and Fly to Saffron.

                                 Saffron City

Here, heal up at the Pok�mon Center if needed. When ready, exit to the east,
onto Route 8.

                                   Route 8
|  Items Checklist  \
|  PRZCure Berry ........................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Growlithe               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fire                |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Kadabra                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Haunter                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Meowth                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |

When you arrive, go a bit south and beat each of those three Bikers, then
collect the PRZCure Berry that is on the Route. Begin heading east and battle
the Super Nerd. Continue around and battle the couple near the top, and the 
Super Nerd to the right. Finally, at the bottom of the route, there's a

As for the grass here, you can get to it via Cut. Whenever you're ready, head
east into Lavender Town.

                                Lavender Town

As usual, head over to the Pok�mon Center and restore your party to full
health. Go into the Radio Tower in the town when ready. Speak with the guy in
the suit at the top to obtain a Kanto expansion to your Pok�gear's Radio Card,
which lets you tune on the Kanto radio stations, including the Pok� Flute at
the top of the tuner.

That's all for here. Leave Lavender Town to the south, onto Route 12.

                                   Route 12
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Elixir ............................................................... []  |
|  Super Rod ............................................................ []  |

Once you arrive, go west to battle a Fisherman, then follow the path. Continue
onwards and defeat the Bird Keeper you'll eventually find. Also battle the
fisherman on the right, too, and the couple further south.

Further south is a Fisherman. After this, go further south and enter the house
and speak with the Fisherman inside to obtain the Super Rod.

That'll be it for Route 12, for now. Go back to the couple and go west. When on
the bridge, Surf and land on the tiny space between the trees and the fence and
check one of the last tiles on the path for an Elixir. Surf back around and go
into the gatehouse to Route 11.

                                   Route 11
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Berry ................................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Drowzee                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Hypno                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Magnemite               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Steel/Electric      |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Snorlax                 | Special: One-Shot Capture |  Normal              |

Upon entering Route 11, begin heading west. Battle and defeat the Psychic and
grab the nearby Berry. Go north, through or around the grass, and battle the
Youngster nearby, then go around him and check the gap in the fence to get a
Revive. Go south now for a second Youngster, and west for another Psychic.

Attempt to leave through the west exit of the route to Vermillion to find the
Snorlax. We can now get it to budge, but only if you got the Radio Card's Kanto
expansion. Flip open the Pok�gear and access the radio. Manually drag the
cursor to the top of the tuning map to hear the Pok� Flute play. Close the
Pok�gear and "speak" with the Snorlax to awaken it and cause it to attack.
|  Special Encounter: #143 Snorlax  \
|  Level: 50                                                                 |
|  Type : Normal                                                             |
|  Moves: - Block                                                            |
|         - Rollout                                                          |
|         - Crunch                                                           |
|         - Giga Impact                                                      |
|  Snorlax is a Normal type and therefore weak to Fighting and immune to     |
|  Ghost. This specific one is holding Leftovers, which will heal 1/16 of    |
|  its HP at the end of each turn.                                           |
|                                                                            |
|  It can use Rollout (a several turn Ground move), Crunch (a decent Dark    |
|  move), and Giga Impact (SUPER STRONG due to STAB; rest on second turn).   |
|                                                                            |
|  The best way to catch it is use a lot of weak moves, then paralyze it or  |
|  put it to sleep. After this, you can use Heavy Balls or Ultra Balls.      |
|  You may fail at the catch a few times; if so, be sure to False Swipe it   |
|  every four turns or so.                                                   |

Now that Snorlax is out of the way (and hopefully in your Pok�dex), we can
now into Diglett's Cave.

... But not just yet. We WILL have to go there eventually, but, for now, Fly
back to Saffron and exit to the west.

                                   Route 7
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Abra                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Jigglypuff              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Snubbull                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Meowth                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Persian                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Murkrow                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Dark/Flying         |
|  Houndour                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Dark/Fire           |

There is little here. You can also a Houndour, which would the first time
you've seen a wild one, but that's really about it.

Continue west into Celadon City when you're done.

                                 Celadon City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Leftovers ............................................................ []  |
|  PP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  TM03 (Curse) ......................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Grimer (Surf)           |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Muk (Surf)              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |

Celadon City is the biggest city of the Kanto region, much like Goldenrod.
However, the Radio Tower is not here whatsoever. It has a Game Corner, a Dept.
Store, and a Gym, though. Go into the Pok�mon Center and heal, then we can go
exploring a little.

To start, go behind the Pok�mon Center and all of the way west to find the
back of the Celadon Mansion. Go to the top and listen to the "scary" story to
obtain TM03, Curse. Return to the front bit of Celadon and go to the bottommost
row of buildings. Inside one, the diner, examine a trash can for the Leftovers
(holder heals 6.25% of their HP each turn).

Go to the far east and south into a thin section of trees. At the end of it,
hidden, is a PP Up. Go up to the second row of buildings, one of which is the
Game Corner and another is the prize house.

Now, head to the northwest corner of Celadon to find the Dept. Store. The first
and second floors are the same as the Department Store back in Goldenrod City.
The third floor of the Dept. Store has an entirely different TM selection.
Frustration and Return are good for Pok�mon that hate/like you, respectively,
with the power going up the more intense that feeling is. The fourth floor has
some mail; the fifth has the X items and EV vitamins; 6F has the vending

That's pretty much it. Get a Pok�mon with Cut and head to the southern portion
of the city and Cut down the tree near the Gym. Follow the path around to it.
(That old man has been peeking in for three years? I thought I had no life. :P)
Go on in.

                                 Celadon Gym

Fairly simple Gym - I'm sure you can handle it.

Anyhow ... defeat the four Trainers, then speak with Erika to start another
Gym battle.

And, yes, we're now on a -10 level trend against HG/SS. v_v
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Erika  \
|  Pok�mon: Tangela (Grass) Lv. 42                                           |
|           Jumpluff (Grass/Flying) Lv. 41                                   |
|           Victreebel (Grass/Poison) Lv. 46                                 |
|           Bellossom (Grass) Lv. 46                                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,600                                                      |
|  Jumpluff is weak to Ice (4x), Fire, Poison, Flying, and Rock. It is       |
|  immune to Ground. It'll usually use Giga Drain and Leech Seed to suck     |
|  your HP, but it can use Sunny Day to make it sunny (her Pok�mon speed up, |
|  Fire strengthens, Water weakens, Solarbeam has no charge-up) and U-turn,  |
|  a Bug-type move.                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Tangela is weak to Poison, Ice, Fire, Flying, and Bug. It can use Giga    |
|  Drain (Grass; take some HP), Wring Out (more power with healthier target),|
|  Ancientpower (Rock; may increase all stats), and Sleep Powder. Thusly, I  |
|  would prefer to stick to Poison here - Rock can knock out the rest.       |
|                                                                            |
|  Victreebel can use Grass Knot (Grass; heavy target = more damage), Leaf   |
|  Storm (Grass; reduces user's Special Attack), Razor Leaf (Grass; high     |
|  critical-hit rate), and Sunny Day. It is weak to Ice, Fire, Flying, and   |
|  Psychic. Fire and Flying would survive longest here, especially Ho-oh.    |
|                                                                            |
|  Bellossom is weak to Ice, Flying, Poison, Bug, and Fire. It can use       |
|  Solarbeam (Grass; one-turn wait (non-sunny)), Giga Drain, Sunny Day, and  |
|  Synthesis (heal HP). It'll really be a good idea to finish it fast: even  |
|  if you resist Grass, a Sunny Solarbeam (ie. no one-turn wait) can deal a  |
|  good deal of damage.                                                      |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Your legendary, especially Ho-oh, can almost solo this   |
|  at Lv. 55+. As back-up, bring Growlithe/Vulpix/Arcanine/Ninetales at      |
|  Lv. 54+, your starter at Lv. 55+, and Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 54+.          |

After you defeat Erika, you'll receive the Rainbow Badge and TM19 (Giga Drain).
Once you're done, leave.

                     Section XIV - Through Fuchsia's Gym

                                 Celadon Gym

After you beat Erika and receive the Rainbow Badge, leave the Gym.

                                 Celadon City
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Grimer (Surf)           |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Muk (Surf)              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |

Head to the Pok�mon Center and heal your Pok�mon. Finish up whatever business
you have here, then exit to the west onto Route 16.

                                   Route 16
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Grimer                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Muk                     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Murkrow                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Dark/Flying         |
|  Slugma                  |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |

Nothing much here. I guess you can catch Slugma and Murkrow, though.

Follow the route around and get on the Bicycle outside the gatehouse. Why?
The Route past this gatehouse, Route 17, is the Cycling Road. Bicycles are

                           Route 17 / Cycling Road
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Grimer                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Muk                     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Slugma                  |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |

Once you go through the gatehouse, go a bit south to find the road. It is two
lanes, with neither vacant of Trainers. For the most part, you'll encounter
Poison- and Fire-type Pok�mon. Three of the Bikers will offer their numbers -
I don't think any have any actual use.

The route itself is fairly straightforward. Just head south and you'll soon
run into Route 18.

                                   Route 18
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Grimer                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Muk                     |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison              |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Slugma                  |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |

Once you leave the Cycling Road, beat the Biker and head east through the
gatehouse. Beat the Bird Keepers to the south, then head east into Fuchsia

                                 Fuschia City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Burnt Berry .......................................................... []  |

Once you arrive, head south and heal up in the Pok�mon Center.

Now, if you head north of the town, you'll find a Burnt Berry. Yep, nothing
else - no Safari Zone (as per Gen. I) or Pal Park (as per Gen. IV). The closest
you can get requires hacking, because there is a Beta Safari Zone here - check
my Glitch Pok�mon FAQ for this info.

Erm... That's pretty much it. Enter the Gym, which is near the Pok�mon Center.

                                 Fuschia Gym

As usual, in this Gym, you'll be working around the invisible walls. Just
simply walk and work your way around them. The real Janine is found in the
center. Speak with her to start the battle!

*reads stats*

... Just not right. We have -11 to -14 level deficits versus HG/SS.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Janine  \
|  Pok�mon: Crobat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 36                                    |
|           Weezing (Poison) Lv. 36                                          |
|           Weezing (Poison) Lv. 36                                          |
|           Ariados (Poison/Bug) Lv. 33                                      |
|           Venomoth (Poison/Bug) Lv. 39                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $3,900                                                      |
|  Crobat is weak to Psychic, Rock, Ice, and Electric. It is immune to       |
|  Ground. It can use Wing Attack (Flying) for damage. It also has Confuse   |
|  Ray and Supersonic for confusion and Screech to lower Defense.            |
|                                                                            |
|  Weezing is weak to Psychic and to Ground. It can use Sludge Bomb          |
|  (Poison), Double Hit (two-hit Normal move), Explosion, and Toxic.         |
|                                                                            |
|  Ariados is weak to Flying, Fire, Rock, and Psychic. That's all you need   |
|  to know -- this is that -14 leveled one.                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Venomoth is weak to Fire, Rock, Flying, and Psychic. It can use an STAB'd |
|  Sludge Bomb (Poison) and Signal Beam (Bug). It also has Double Team and   |
|  Psychic.                                                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 55+ can solo it easily. However, |
|  bring your legendary at Lv. 56+, your starter at Lv. 56+, and perhaps     |
|  Growlithe/Arcanine/Vulpix/Ninetales at Lv. 55+ all for back-up.           |

By defeating Janine, you'll be given the Soul Badge and TM06, Toxic. Exit the
Gym when you're done.

                      Section XV - Through Pewter's Gym

                                 Fuschia Gym

Once you've defeated Janine and get the Soul Badge, exit the Gym.

                                 Fuschia City

Outside, go to the Pok�mon Center and heal yourself. Then leave to the east.

                                   Route 15
|  Items Checklist  \
|  PP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Chansey                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidorina                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidorino                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Remember the route we tried to finish, but detoured off of to get Snorlax? We
shall finish the route and a few south. If you would prefer to not do this
part, skip and Fly over to Vermillion and enter Diglett's Cave - the section
will come up after the Route 12 section.

Anyhow, go east and battle the defeat the School Kids, then jump over the ledge
to battle the Teacher. Jump off the ledge to the east again and grab the Rose
Incense, then jump over ANOTHER ledge and battle the Pok�fan.

Go further east to battle another Trainer, this one training all of the
Bellsprout evolutionary chain. Jump off the ledge to the right and Cut the tree
to the north. Go all of the way left, jumping ledges and battling a few
Trainers as you go, to find a PP Up. Jump down the ledge and return to the far
right. Go right now, rather than up to the Cut tree's old location, to get on
Route 14.

                                   Route 14
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Chansey                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidorina                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidorino                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Skiploom                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Aerodactyl              |  Special: Trade Chansey   |  Rock/Flying         |

Once you enter, go east and battle the Bird Keeper. Then go up on the left
lower path to find a bunch of Trainers. Battle and defeat them. At the top of
this path is the grass of this route. Cut the tree and go in if you want to
search for Pok�mon, including the elusive Chansey (1/100 chance). The girl
nearby will trade your Chansey for her Aerodactyl.

Go back to the bottom without using the Cut tree, and go east to battle some
more Trainers, one of which will have the three unevolved Kanto starters:
Bulbasaur (Grass), Charmander (Fire), and Squirtle (Water).

Continue up the route for the last two Trainers, one of which will be off to
the side.

Anyhow, further north and you'll be on Route 13.

                                   Route 13
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Chansey                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidorina                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidorino                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Once you enter, go to your left and battle and defeat the Hiker. Then go east
ro battle a camper, then north and west and north when possible to battle and
defeat a Picnicker. West of there should be another Camper.

Just go around and follow the path now to find a Pok�fan you'll have to go
slightly south to battle. That Magikarp, at Lv. 65 ... O_o

Keep following the upper path after that. At the end, go south and east to a
double battle. The grass of Route 15 is above here; just Cut down the Cut tree.
Otherwise, go west as much as possible, then south and east for a Pok�fan. He
has six Pikachu. *cough* Use Golem. *cough*

From the six-Pikachu Trainer, go west until you can't anymore, then go south,
east, south, and west. Go to the gap in the fence.

From that location, go up a step or two, then due east to leave that fence
maze onto the bridge. Defeat the Bird Peeker and follow the path some more to
battle a Picnicker, then a Bird Keeper just a bit more north.

Further north is Route 12.

                                   Route 12
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Calcium .............................................................. []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Chansey                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Nidorina                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Nidorino                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoppip                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Grass/Flying        |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Quagsire                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Ground        |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Once you enter (from Route 13), go ahead and battle the Fisherman and his
three (severely under-leveled) Magikarp. Turn left, Cut the tree, and grab
another Calcium. Leave and go north, then speak to the Fisherman facing east
to battle him. Further north is another Trainer and the house where you got
the Super Rod. That's pretty much it. Fly to Vermillion City now.

                               Vermillion City

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center and go east. There, you'll find the place where
Snorlax once was, but, since we removed it, we can now go into the cave:
Diglett's Cave.

                                Diglett's Cave
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Diglett                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Ground              |
|  Dugtrio                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Ground              |

Go down the ladder when you get in the cave.

Here, simply follow the path. The path is somewhat long, so you might want to
use the Bicycle.

Continue following the path. Grab some Diglett (and the odd Dugtrio) if you
feel like it as you go. Go up the ladder you'll find, then up the steps and
out into the sunlight.

                                   Route 2
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Carbos ............................................................... []  |
|  Dire Hit ............................................................. []  |
|  Elixir ............................................................... []  |
|  Max Potion ........................................................... []  |
|  Nugget ............................................................... []  |
|  PSNCure Berry ........................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pikachu                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Electric            |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Once you exit Diglett's Cave, go south some and grab the Berry. Enter the
house nearby and speak with the guy inside to grab a Nugget. Leave the house
and go south into the gatehouse. 

Next, leave the gatehouse and grab the Elixir between the two ledges, then
head back north to the entrance to Diglett's Cave. Go northeast and grab the
Carbos. Go back down and left through the trees, Cutting the tree at the end.
Defeat the Bug Catcher found in the grass, then head northward into Pewter

                                 Pewter City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Ice Berry ............................................................ []  |
|  Silver Wing .......................................................... []  |

Once you arrive, heal yourself at the Pok�mon Center. Go east and near the
entrance to Route 3. Speak with the old man there and you'll get a Silver Wing
You knwo what this means? You can now go catch Lugia, at Level 70 no less!
Lv. 70! Just go to the Whirl Islands; it isn't that hard, now...

If you go to the northwestern portion of the city, you'll find the Pewter
Museum. Go there. Inside the Pewter Museum, speak with the guy on the far
right to get a fossil revived (just leave, re-enter, and speak). A Dome Fossil
revive Kabuto; Helix Fossils revive Omanyte; Old Amber revives Aerodactyl. The
fossils' Pok�mon are revived at Lv. 20, like in D/P/Pt, so you'll have to get
the EXP. Share on them to make them true members of your party. Also, you'll
need a free slot in your party to receive the Pok�mon.

Anywho, head into the Pewter Gym now.

                                  Pewter Gym

Exceedingly simple gym. Obliterate the Trainer and go north to find Brock.

*reads stats*

*slams a heavy book down* 

I quit! Seriously, a -10/-11 level deficit!? Unevolved Pok�mon at THIS late
in the game!?
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Brock  \
|  Pok�mon: Graveler (Rock/Ground) Lv. 41                                    |
|           Rhyhorn (Rock/Ground) Lv. 41                                     |
|           Omastar (Rock/Water) Lv. 42                                      |
|           Kabutops (Rock/Water) Lv. 42                                     |
|           Onix (Rock/Ground) Lv. 44                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $4,200                                                      |
|  Brock is the Rock-type Gym Leader of Kanto, and would be the first Gym    |
|  Leader you encountered in R/B/Y/G/FR/LG.                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Graveler is weak to Grass (4x), Water (4x), Fighting, Steel, and Ice (?). |
|  It can use Rock Slide, Rollout, and Earthquake offensively, which will    |
|  really hurt your Steel/Ice types a bunch (STAB and whatnot). It's         |
|  preferable to use Grass/Water. OH AND IT'S IMMUNE TO ELECTRIC!            |
|                                                                            |
|  Rhyhorn is weak to Grass (4x), Water (4x), Ice (?), Fighting, and Steel.  |
|  It is immune to Electric. It can use Earthquake, Scary Face (slows you    |
|  down), Sandstorm, and Horn Drill (30%-accurate OHKO). It isn't much of a  |
|  threat at all if you take normal or less damage from Ground moves.        |
|                                                                            |
|  Omastar is weak to Grass (4x), Fighting, Electric, and Ground. It can use |
|  Spike Cannon (WEAK multi-hit move), Brine (Water; more powerful if you    |
|  have <50% HP), and Ancientpower (Rock; may raise all stats). Protect is   |
|  another move it has. For the most part, any Pok�mon with decent Sp. Def   |
|  and regular Attack will work.                                             |
|                                                                            |
|  Kabuto is weak to Grass (4x), Fighting, Electric, and Ground. It can use  |
|  Rock Slide and Aqua Jet, which are 50% more powerful (STAB bonus). It can |
|  also use the HP-absorbing move Giga Drain (Grass). It also has Endure,    |
|  which stops it from being KO'ed that turn. Generally, it is not a good    |
|  idea to use Ground. Grass is preferable.                                  |
|                                                                            |
|  Onix is weak to Grass (4x), Water (4x), Steel, Fighting, and Ice (?), and |
|  has an Electric immunity. It can use Rock Slide, Iron Tail (Steel),       |
|  Sandstorm, and Screech. It'll help to not use Ice - the opponent's moves. |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Most Lv. 50+ Grass-type Pok�mon can solo this. Bring     |
|  along your starter at Lv. 57+, your legendary at Lv. 57+, Gyarados (if    |
|  you're raising one) at Lv. 55+, and Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 56+.          |

After the battle, you'll get the Boulderbadge. Now leave.

                     Section XVI - Through Cinnabar's Gym

                                  Pewter Gym

After you defeat Brock and receive the Boulderbadge, leave the Pewter Gym.

                                 Pewter City

Once you leave the Gym, heal up in the Pok�mon Center.

What I'm going to do now is have you traverse a few more Kanto routes you
technically don't have to go through. If you don't want to, skip down a bit to
the Pewter City section. If you DO want to, exit Pewter to the east.

                                   Route 3
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Sandshrew               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Clefairy                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Once you enter, battle the Youngster if you haven't been caught by him
already, then go south to battle those two Cooltrainers.

Next, go to the top portion of the Route and go east to find two Youngsters.
Battle and defeat them, and continue going and defeat the Firebreather in the
grass. Go east, up the steps, and battle the Hiker. Go further east for another
battle, and even further for ANOTHER.

Go to the bottom now and battle the Hiker, then up the steps for another

Go into the nearby Pok�mon Center and restore your party's health. Enter the
cave, Mt. Moon.

                                   Mt. Moon
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Paras                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Clefairy                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Sandshrew               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |

Once you enter Mt. Moon, your rival will engage you in battle. (One that is
just like the Victory Road one, excepting a few evolutionary/level changes.)
|  BOSS: PKMN Trainer [rival's name]  \
|  Pok�mon:  Sneasel (Dark/Ice) Lv. 41                                       |
|            Golbat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 42                                   |
|            Gengar (Ghost/Poison) Lv. 43                                    |
|            Magneton (Electric/Steel) Lv. 41                                |
|            Alakazam (Psychic) Lv. 43                                       |
|            Feraligatr [if you chose Cyndaquil] (Water) Lv. 45 <--,         |
|            Meganium [if you chose Totodile] (Grass) Lv. 45    <--+ Only 1. |
|            Typhlosion [if you chose Chikorita] (Fire) Lv. 45  <--'         |
|  Sneasel is weak to Fighting (4x), Bug, Fire, Rock, and Steel. It is also  |
|  immune to Psychic.                                                        |
|                                                                            |
|  Golbat, as usual, is weak to Psychic, Electric, Ice, and Rock. It has an  |
|  immunity to Ground. It will probably use Supersonic, so finish it fast.   |
|                                                                            |
|  Magneton is weak against Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. It will mainly  |
|  use Spark, an Electric move. I believe it also can use Thunder Wave. I    |
|  don't know for sure, though.                                              |
|                                                                            |
|  Gengar is weak to Dark, Ghost, Ground, and Psychic moves, with an         |
|  immunity to Normal and Fighting. It's main move is Shadow Ball, so avoid  |
|  using Psychic and Ghost types.                                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Alakazam is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It has powerful Psychic moves,  |
|  so avoid using Fighting or Psychic Pok�mon.                               |
|                                                                            |
|  Feraligatr is weak to Electric and Grass.                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Meganium is weak to Ice, Fire, Bug, Poison, and Flying.                   |
|                                                                            |
|  Typhlosion is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water.                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Graveler/Golem at Lv. 54+; Vulpix, Growlithe, Ninetales, |
|  or Arcanine at Lv. 55+; Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 55+. Those cover most of    |
|  the weaknesses, but bring your starter at Lv. 57+ and your legendary at   |
|  Lv. 57+ for back-up.                                                      |

Once you have defeated your rival, it seems what Lance said about being kind
to your Pok�mon is beginning to finally dawn on him. (His Golbat is still a
Golbat, so it fits.) He'll leave, and can be now found at the Indigo Plateau
for more rebattling on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Go over to the southeastern ladder nearby and up, then exit the cave from here.

Go to the right and check the flower at the end of the path of trees to find a
house to the left. Its residents will sell drinks (but not at night). During
the night, on Mondays, you can find Clefairy dancing on the far left. They can
leave you a Moon Stone. Also nearby is a shop selling lots of Lemonade.

Enter the entrance to the cave and go down the ladder. Jump off of the ledge
and go south and out of Mt. Moon.

                                   Route 4
|  Items Checklist  \
|  HP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Ekans                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison              |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Sandshrew               |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Clefairy                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |

Once you exit Mt. Moon, go east and down the incline, battling the Trainer down
there. Go north a bit to the part surrounded by ledges. Continue east to battle
a Bird Keeper.

Then go to the top and battle the Picnicker and grab the HP Up.

Further east is Cerulean City. For now, though, let's Fly to Lavender Town; I
wanna look at that Rock Tunnel...

                                Lavender Town

Here, grab a Pok�mon with Flash if you think you'll need it in a dark cave
(like Dark Cave :P), then exit Lavender, going north onto Route 10.

                                   Route 10
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Electabuzz              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Voltorb                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |

Battle a few Trainers, and then go into the nearby Rock Tunnel.

                                 Rock Tunnel
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Elixir ............................................................... []  |
|  Iron ................................................................. []  |
|  PP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Revive ............................................................... []  |
|  TM47 (Steel Wing) .................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Geodude                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Zubat                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Onix                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Machop                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fighting            |
|  Machoke                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Fighting            |
|  Cubone                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Ground              |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Ground              |
|  Kangaskhan              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Haunter                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Ghost/Poison        |
|  Golbat                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |

Begin by using Flash, which is nearly a necessity for here.

Upon entering, go west and pick up the two items (TM47 and an Elixir). Go south
to go down to lower areas.

Here, go along the path to a two-rock gap. There, go west to another such gap;
go south to find a PP Up. Return to the gap and continue past it. Grab the
Revive nearby, then go south to the ladder. Use it.

Up here, go west and north to find a ladder. Use it, then go south, west, and
south some more to another ladder. Go east to find an Iron, then go back to
and use the ladder. Then just go west, north, and west to reach the other exit.

                                   Route 10
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Electabuzz              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Voltorb                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Spearow                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Fearow                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Marowak                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Zubat                   |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Venonat                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |
|  Venomoth                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Bug          |

Fly back to Pewter City.

                                 Pewter City

Once you're done with the above extras -- if you even did them -- heal up your
Pok�mon at the Pok�mon Center, then exit Pewter City to the south.

                                   Route 2
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pikachu                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Electric            |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Continue southward and go through the gatehouse. There, you'll find yourself
in the Viridian Forest!

                               Viridian Forest
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Dire Hit ............................................................. []  |
|  Leaf Stone ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Metapod                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Weedle                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Kakuna                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Beedrill                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pidgeotto               |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Pikachu                 |   Yes   |  No   |   Yes   |  Electric            |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |

Once you enter, go down and through the grass. Battle and defeat the Bug
Catcher facing east. Continue south and east, through the grassy path. Grab
the Dire Hit at the top, then go south to the next path. Then go up the next
lane on the right, ignoreing the stairs. Battle the Bug Catcher.

Take the right pathway next and battle the Trainer. Go further south and you'll
find a Bug Catcher, and another one is even further south. Beat the second one
head in a westward direction to the Cut tree nearby. Cut down this very Cut
tree on the high platform west of the gatehouse exit. Follow the path the whole
way around to find a Leaf Stone.

Return to the bottom and Go east, down the steps, and down through the
gatehouse to leave Viridian's forest.

                                   Route 2
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Caterpie                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug                 |
|  Butterfree              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pikachu                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Electric            |
|  Ledyba                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Ledian                  |   Yes   |  No   |   No    |  Bug/Flying          |
|  Pidgeotto               |   No    |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Noctowl                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Spinarak                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |
|  Ariados                 |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Bug/Poison          |

Jump off of the ledge (or go through the grass) and fight the Bug Catcher
below. Continue around the path to find a second Bug Catcher.

That's all for Route 2; head south into Viridian City.

                                Viridian City
|  Items Checklist  \
|  TM42 (Dream Eater) ................................................... []  |

As you may know, there is a Pok�mon Gym here. Why aren't we going to challenge
it? Well ... the Gym Leader isn't here. The Pok�mon Center is to the southeast;
heal up there.

Going to the southwest area and Cutting down the tree will let you speak with
the guy near here, thereby giving you TM42 (Dream Eater). That's all,

Viridian City also has the Trainer House, where you can battle a Trainer each
day. By default, there is one Trainer with Level 50 versions of the three
Johto starters fully evolved. You can expand this by connecting to other
people's via Mystery Gift - the party the person had during the last Mystery
Gift interaction will be their party.

That's all. Heal up as needed, then exit Viridian to the south.

                                   Route 1
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Pidgey                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Rattata                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Raticate                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal              |
|  Sentret                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |
|  Hoothoot                |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Furret                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |

A few levels south, you will find an Cooltrainer. Below that: another
Cooltrainer. Beat her and south to get to Pallet Town.

                                 Pallet Town

Pallet Town is the hometown of Red, the legendary Trainer who took down Team
Rocket three years ago (R/B/Y/G/FR/LG games). It was also the hometown of his
rival (and now, eighth Kanto Gym Leader) Blue and that of Professor Oak. In
the anime, it has been Ash's (Red's counterpart) hometown from which he has
started each of his five journeys. (Five, and he's STILL ten years old. The
anime itself has been on for about thirteen years.)

Anyhow, there is little here. The house on the left is Red's, but he isn't
here. The one on the right is Blue's - he also isn't here. Daisy, Blue's
sister, IS here and she can massage one of your Pok�mon between 3:00 PM and
4:00 PM daily.

There is also Profesoor Oak's labortory to the south, but, for now, it has
little use unless you want to get your Pok�dex rated.

Anyhow, leave Pallet Town by going south onto Route 21.

                                   Route 21
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Mr. Mime                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Psychic             |
|  Tangela                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Tentacool (Surf)        |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |
|  Tentacruel (Surf)       |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |

Once you enter, go south and battle the Swimmer, then go on the shoreline to
the right. Battle and defeat the Fisherman.

Surf westward onto more sand and battle the Fisherman and the Bird Keeper you
will find nearby. Go south and battle the Swimmer. Go onto the shallow shore
to the west and battle the Fisherman there, then battle the Swimmer on the

Go further south to find another Fisherman on the sand. Defeat him in battle,
the Surf southward to battle another Swimmer, and a Bird Keeper on the nearby
shore. Even further south, you'll find Cinnabar Island.

                               Cinnabar Island

This is Cinnabar Island, or what remains of it. A year or two ago, the island,
which was more volcano than most think, erupted. This ... is what remains. It
was a slightly more preferable spot back in R/B/Y/G for the Mew glitch, when
the island was resided upon.

Anyhow, there is nothing here, save for a Pok�mon Center. There is also Blue,
the Viridian Gym Leader and rival of Red, in the corner. Talking to him will
yield nothing, though, except him leaving. Ignore this for a bit.

Heal up at the Pok�mon Center and Surf east onto Route 20.

                                   Route 20
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Tentacool (Surf)        |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |
|  Tentacruel (Surf)       |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Water/Poison        |

Go onto the sand bank and follow it along. You'll fight a Trainer or two on
the way. You'll soon find the entrance to a cave. Go on in.

                               Seafoam Islands

The Seafoam Islands of R/B/Y/G/FR/LG are back. You can explore them, and,
once you beat the Trainer atop Mt. Silver, find Articuno here. For now, nothing
is here. You can find a hidden Escape Rope by examining the sharp rock at the
top of the room.

Go up the ladder in the middle.

                                 Cinnabar Gym

This is a fairly simple Gym for you to deal with.

Extinguish Blaine's flame.
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Blaine  \
|  Pok�mon: Macargo (Fire/Rock) Lv. 45                                       |
|           Magmar (Fire) Lv. 45                                             |
|           Rapidash (Fire) Lv. 50                                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $5,000                                                      |
|  Macargo is weak to Water (4x), Ground (4x), Steel, and Fighting. Marcargo |
|  can use the moves Sunny Day, Smog (may poison), Rock Slide, and the       |
|  overall 210-Power Overheat (Fire) move. This last one will cause the      |
|  user to experience a Special stat drop, except Macargo is holding the     |
|  White Herb, which prevents it once. Water overall is the best to use.     |
|                                                                            |
|  Magmar is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. It can use Overheat and        |
|  Thunderpunch offensively, as well as Sunny Day and Confuse Ray.           |
|  Generally, Ground would be best here.                                     |
|                                                                            |
|  Rapidash is weak to Water, Ground, and Rock. Rapidash is capable of using |
|  Flare Blitz (Fire; has recoil), Bounce (Flying; two-turn and it may       |
|  paralyze), Overheat, and Quick Attack. Of the three weaknesses, Water is  |
|  the best.                                                                 |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Your Water starter, if any, or Gyarados at Lv. 60+. As   |
|  back-up, bring Graveler/Golem at Lv. 59+ and your legendary at Lv. 60+.   |

For winning this seventh gym of Kanto (15th overall), you'll get the Volcano
Badge. Leave the Gym and Fly to Cinnabar.

                    Section XVII - Through Viridian's Gym

                                 Cinnabar Gym

Once you've beaten Blaine and have obtained the Volcano Badge, Fly back to
Viridian City.

                                Viridian City

Heal at the Pok�mon Center if haven't yet done so. Bring you six strongest
Pok�mon -- put the HM slaves back in the PC -- and enter the Gym.

                                 Viridian Gym


FYI, this is the only Kanto Gym to have some Pok�mon more powerful in G/S/C
than in HG/SS!
|  BOSS: Gym Leader Blue  \
|  Pok�mon: Pidgeot (Normal/Flying) Lv. 56                                   |
|           Exeggutor (Grass/Psychic) Lv. 58                                 |
|           Gyarados (Water/Flying) Lv. 58                                   |
|           Rhydon (Rock/Ground) Lv. 56                                      |
|           Alakzam (Psychic) Lv. 58                                         |
|           Arcanine (Fire) Lv. 58                                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $5,800                                                      |
|  Exeggutor is weak to Flying, Bug (4x), Fire, Ice, Dark, and Ghost. It can |
|  use Psychic (Psychic), Leaf Storm (Grass), Hypnosis (put you to Sleep),   |
|  and Trick Room (slower Pok�mon move first). Nothing special to mention.   |
|                                                                            |
|  Gyarados is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock, with a Ground immunity. It    |
|  can use Waterfall (Water), Return (Normal), and Ice Fang (Ice). It also   |
|  has Dragon Dance (Attack and Speed boost). With this combination of       |
|  moves, Gyarados could literally hit every Pok�mon in Gen. IV for neutral  |
|  or worse damage (excepting Shedinja - the Wonder Guard ability). Because  |
|  of the Waterfall, Electric is preferable to Rock.                         |
|                                                                            |
|  Rhydon is weak to Grass (4x), Water (4x), Fighting, Ice, and Steel moves. |
|  It is immune to Electric. It can use Earthquake (Ground), Stone Edge      |
|  (Rock), Thunder Fang (Electric), and Megahorn (Bug). Because of the       |
|  moveset, it is preferable to avoid using ... well, all except Fighting.   |
|  Unless your Grass/Water type is decently powerful and resilient.          |
|                                                                            |
|  Alakazam is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. I OHKO'ed it with a critical    |
|  Shadow Ball from Gengar.  ^_^  Which explains the lack of detail.         |
|                                                                            |
|  Arcanine is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. It can use Roar (make you    |
|  switch Pok�mon), Dragon Pulse (Dragon), Flare Blitz (Fire; has recoil),   |
|  and Extremespeed (Normal). Of the three, Water is preferable due to its   |
|  Fire resistance.                                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Pidgeot is weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice. It has Ghost and Ground       |
|  immunities. It can use Return (Normal), Air Slash (Flying), Mirror Move   |
|  (your last-used move hits you), and Whirlwind (forced switch). I see      |
|  Electric as the preferable one -- Mirror Move will cause it to hit you,   |
|  with 50% less damage, and Pidgeot doesn't have a Ground move.             |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Your starter at Lv. 60+; your legendary at Lv. 60+; a    |
|  Quagsire/Gyarados at Lv. 58+; Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 59+; Graveler or    |
|  Golem at Lv. 59+; Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 58+.                              |

Once you defeat Blue, you'll be given the Earth Badge (which is oddly

Now, leave.

                      Section XVIII - Through Mt. Silver

                                 Viridian Gym

Once you have beaten Blue and obtained your sixteenth Gym Badge, leave the Gym.

                                Viridian City

Once you exit the Gym, Professor Oak will call you over the Pok�gear. It seems
he has something to tell you. So, heal up and Fly to Pallet Town.

                                 Pallet Town

Go into Professor Oak's lab. Inside, go north and speak with Oak. He'll open
up the path to Mt. Silver, the toughest area of all of Pok�mon Crystal
version. Ready?

Now, you should Fly to the Victory Road gatehouse and exit to the west.

                                   Route 28
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Ponyta                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Rapidash                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Tangela                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Doduo                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Dodrio                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Golbat                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Poliwhirl               |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Fighting      |

Nothing much to mention here. Just head west until you cross over to the next
portion of the route.

                             [Outside] Mt. Silver
|  Items Checklist  \
|  TM47 (Steel Wing) .................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Ponyta                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Rapidash                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Tangela                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   Yes   |  Grass               |
|  Arbok                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Doduo                   |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Dodrio                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal/Flying       |
|  Golbat                  |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Poliwhirl               |   No    |  No   |   Yes   |  Water/Fighting      |

Head over to the Pok�mon Center. Ignore it momentairly and go through the grass
east of it. Jump off of the ledge to the east and go east and downstairs, back
on Route 28 momentarily.

Follow the path and use Cut on the tree. Continue onwards and go into the house
you'll find. Speak with the woman inside to get TM47 (Steel Wing).

That's it. Go back up the steps and west.

Heal up in the nearby Pok�mon Center. While you're there, you'll need to teach
a Pok�mon Rock Smash and Surf and Waterfall (last two are for some items).

Now, you need to be sure you're ready. If the six Pok�mon party you have has a
level generally less than 65, you'll be in trouble in a moment. Big. Trouble.
Buy some Revives, Full Restores, and Hyper Potions.

When you're ready, enter the cave to the top left.

                                  Mt. Silver
|  Items Checklist  \
|  Calcium .............................................................. []  |
|  Escape Rope .......................................................... []  |
|  Full Restore ......................................................... []  |
|  Max Elixir ........................................................... []  |
|  Max Revive ........................................................... []  |
|  PP Up ................................................................ []  |
|  Protein .............................................................. []  |
|  Ultra Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Ultra Ball ........................................................... []  |
|  Pok�mon Encounters  \
|         Pok�mon          |  Morn.  |  Day  |  Night  |         Type         |
|  Graveler                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Golbat                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Poison/Flying       |
|  Golduck                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Water/Psychic       |
|  Larvitar                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ground              |
|  Machoke                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fighting            |
|  Magmar                  |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Fire                |
|  Misdreavus              |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Ghost               |
|  Onix                    |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Parasect                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Bug/Grass           |
|  Pupitar                 |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Rock/Ground         |
|  Ursaring                |   Yes   |  Yes  |   No    |  Normal              |

For the first part of the mountain, you may or may not want Flash. Assuming
you do not (want to) use it, here is a path, helpfully provided by user
JamesXXIV. Thanks!!

~~ 6 steps up.
~~ 3 steps right.
~~ 6 steps up.
~~ 9 steps left.
~~ 6 steps up.
~~ 5 steps right.
~~ 3 steps down.
~~ 7 steps down.
~~ 4 steps up.
~~ 2 steps left.
~~ 5 steps up.
~~ 6 steps left.
~~ 6 steps up.
~~ 5 steps right.
~~ 3 steps down.
~~ 3 steps right.
~~ 5 steps up.

As for the second bit, it is rather linear. I think you can manage this much.

At the end, you'll find none other than Red, the only other Trainer to have
single-handedly taken down Team Rocket two years ago. This will be the
toughest battle you will probably ever face -- speak with Red and enjoy his
silence to begin.
|  FINAL BOSS: PKMN Trainer Red  \
|  Pok�mon: Pikachu (Electric) Lv. 81                                        |
|           Charizard (Fire/Flying) Lv. 77                                   |
|           Venusaur (Grass/Poison) Lv. 77                                   |
|           Blastoise (Water) Lv. 77                                         |
|           Espeon (Psychic) Lv. 73                                          |
|           Snorlax (Normal) Lv. 75                                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Money Earned: $7,700                                                      |
|  Pikachu is weak to Ground only. It is holding the Light Ball hold item,   |
|  which greatly increases its offensive stats. It can use Volt Tackle (an   |
|  Electric move; 120-Power; recoils), Thunderbolt (Electric; potential      |
|  Paralysis), Iron Tail (Steel), and Quick Attack. Luckily, using a Ground  |
|  type will immunize you from Pikachu's two Electric moves, which are       |
|  exceptionally powerful at this point and will virtually guarantee a OHKO  |
|  on a Gyarados.                                                            |
|                                                                            |
|  Charizard is weak to Rock (4x), Water, and Electric, with a Ground        |
|  immunity. It can use Air Slash (Flying), Flare Blitz (Fire; recoils),     |
|  Dragon Pulse (Dragon), and Blast Burn (Fire; one-turn recovery). The two  |
|  Fire moves have 180 and 225 Power respectively, counting STAB. Generally, |
|  Water is a good type of Pok�mon to use assuming you lack a Rock type.     |
|                                                                            |
|  Venusaur is weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, and Psychic. It can use Giga       |
|  Drain (Grass; HP-abosrber), Frenzy Plant (POWERFUL Grass move), Sludge    |
|  Bomb (Poison), and Sleep Powder (causes sleep). It is more than obvious   |
|  that a Fire or Flying type will survive quite easily here, such as Ho-oh. |
|                                                                            |
|  Blastoise is weak to Electric and Grass. It can use Hydro Cannon (Water;  |
|  one-turn recovery), Blizzard (Ice; 100% due to Hail; may freeze), Flash   |
|  Cannon (Electric?), and Focus Blast (Fighting). Because of the Blizzard   |
|  with its 100% accuracy, avoid using Grass types, at least until it uses   |
|  Blizzard five times -- that's all the PP it has.                          |
|                                                                            |
|  Espeon is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It does know Psychic and Swift.   |
|                                                                            |
|  Snorlax is weak only to Fighting and is immune to Ghost. It can use       |
|  Shadow Ball (Ghost), Crunch (Dark), Blizzard (Ice; 100% accurate due to   |
|  hail; may freeze), and Giga Impact (overall 225-Power Normal move; one    |
|  turn recovery). Snorlax also has a rather high Special stat, so I'd use   |
|  physical moves -- ie. Fighting.                                           |
|                                                                            |
|  Recommendations: Graveler/Golem at Lv. 70+ for Pikachu and Charizard;     |
|  your legendary, Fire starter, or Kadabra/Alakazam at Lv. 70+ for          |
|  Venusaur; your Grass starter or Ampharos at Lv. 70+ for Blastoise;        |
|  Haunter/Gengar at Lv. 70+ for Snorlax (to avoid Giga Impact) and Espeon.  |
|  Uf an empty slot or more remains, here are some suggestions: your starter |
|  at Lv. 70+ if not put in, Gyarados Lv. 70+, or some other legendary (Lv.  |
|  70+).                                                                     |

After defeating Red, he'll vanish into thin air and the credits will roll once

                          POKEMON CRYSTAL VERSION!!

|                                                                             |
|                      This is the end of KeyBlade999's                       |
|                  Pok�mon Crystal Version FAQ/Walkthrough.                   |
|                                                                             |
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