3 Bad Things and 3 Good Things about Titanfall


1). It is very fast-paced.

The best part about Titanfall is that it has incredibly fast-paced gameplay. Movement is fast and surprisingly fluid. You can run on the side of the walls and even noobs can climb up to almost anywhere on the map without much effort. The maps feel very open and unrestricted. There is also unlimited sprint and many things in the game promote movement speed like the Stim pilot ability and the Prosthetic Legs burn card. There are no killstreaks or heartbeat sensors or claymore mines that promote camping. Hardly anybody ends up camping in this game because it doesn't help them. This is especially true in the attrition game mode. If you are camping in attrition, you're probably losing.

People who like to run and gun in other shooters, such as Call of Duty and Battlefield, should enjoy Titanfall's fast-paced nature of gameplay. Titanfall is more a contest of reflex time and hand-eye coordination than it is of patience and 'map control.'

2) The extensive list of challenges.

There are tons of challenges in this game! Each weapon has a variety of different tiered challenges such as killing a certain number of specters, killing a certain number of pilots, getting a certain number of headshots and so on. There are challenges for distance walked, distanced running on walls, times calling down a titan, times ejected from a titan, how many times you've killed an enemy while they are in mid-air, how many times you've killed one while YOU are in mid-air. The list of challenges is way too long to list here!

This makes it feel like you are accomplishing something each and every game by unlocking or working towards challenges. It also allows you to level up very fast because each challenge unlocked awards you XP. You won't have to think twice about regenerating to the next generation of pilot because you'll level up even quicker the next time through. The XP flows like water in this game and this system is what helped one player to reach the maximum level/generation after a mere four days of playing.

3). Titans offer a nice change of pace.

The titans are obviously an integral part of Titanfall and are what really set it apart from similar games such as Call of Duty. There's nothing in CoD that feels like being in a titan. Once you hop into your titan, it's like entering a whole new world. You feel unstoppable! Enemy pilots can be taken down in just one shot from many of the supersized titan weapons such as a charged up Arc Cannon.

Last Titan Standing, a game mode where everybody gets one life as a titan per round, especially requires a lot of teamwork and good coordination with teammates. There is only so much one person can do against an entire group of enemy titans. Titan vs. titan battles feel very different than pilot vs. pilot gunfights and require a different type of skill set such as knowing when to back off and let your shields regenerate and when to aggressively pursue a fleeing opponent. It's almost kind of like playing Halo. In that sense, Titanfall is sort of like two games combined into one.

Posted: 13th May 2014 by Alexander Hinkley