Three Reasons You Should Wait To Buy a Next-gen Console

Reason 3 - Graphics

With very few exclusive titles on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4, perhaps the biggest reason gamers want to pull the trigger on buying a next-gen console right away is the perceived benefit of enhanced graphics. Let's take a look at some screenshots comparing the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on PS4 and Xbox One compared to the Xbox 360/PS3 Tomb Raider game:

Can you tell which screens are from which versions? All but the most hardcore of gamers probably can't (the ones with the Tomb Raider logo in the corner are from the PS3/360 version). Maybe you can see a bit more detail in the Definition Edition's screens, but the difference is negligible. Is spending $400 - $500 on a new console really worth an increase in graphics that you probably won't even be able to discern without scrutinizing a side-by-side comparison?

Perhaps the most impressive example of next-gen graphics thus far is Battlefield 4. It can't really be argued that Battlefield 4 looks completely different on next-gen consoles (this video from IGN will make that point glaringly clear). Obviously next-gen consoles are more powerful and games are only going to look better and better as developers get used to creating games for them but the leap in graphical capabilities isn't quite as large as it was from PlayStation 2 to PlayStation 3 for example. Unless you only play video games for graphics, then this just isn't going to be enough for most people to justify buying a console for. Waiting until the gap in graphics grows more noticeable might be a good idea.


Waiting on an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 will allow you to get it for cheaper, ultimately give you access to a wider library of exclusive games making your purchase worth it, and allow you to play games with even better graphics than what you can see today as developers grow accustomed to creating on each console. There are some other benefits not mentioned in the list above such as being able to get newer models with updated internals and the correction of launch design flaws if you just wait. Gamers might be eager to obtain the latest and greatest in technology but there are clearly many benefits to waiting when it comes to next-gen gaming consoles.