True final boss fights
This game's arcade mode follows a good/bad ending pattern , depending on which final boss you defeat you will either get the bad ending in the form of a scripted text coupled with tragic/dark soundtrack (describing your character's fate , so to speak) or you will get the good ending which translates to your character's actual ending
In order to get the good ending you must successfully reach the "true" final boss , that being either Goddess Athena or Red Arremer right after beating the default final boss (Shin Akuma or Serious Mr karate) each one have their own conditions to follow , here they are :
Reaching Red Arremer :
Defeat at least 1 opponent via block damage (final hit on a guarding opponent with 0.5 life remeaining which results in them slowly falling onwards rather than on their backs)
Have at least 5 Super or Exceed move finishes throughout the entire game
Reaching Athena
Fight all your way up to the default final boss with unbroken 2-0
round record (losing to Shin Akuma or Serious Mr karate is permitted though)
Never win a single round via block damage
Defeat the final boss with a super or exceed move
Once all these conditions are done then you will see a cutscene of your character being engulfed in a light column and then transported to either heaven (athena) or hell (arremer)
Note :Be careful cause you only have 1 chance to face and defeat the true final boss , if you fail you will be unable to continue and get the bad ending instead.
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