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Final Fantasy X FAQ/Walkthrough

by Diomedes

          Final Fantasy X FAQ/Walkthrough (EU)
          Written by Diomedes
          Last Updated 1st April 2005
          Version 1.305

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          Table of Contents

Use Ctrl + F to search for one for the features listed below. To make sure you
go straight to a certain section, copy and paste the search code on the right.

           1. Introduction                                   [01INTR]
           2. Characters                                     [02CHAR]
           3. Game Basics                                    [03BASC]
              3.1. Controls                                  [03CTRL]
              3.2. Field Screen                              [03FSCR]
              3.3. Menu Screen                               [03MENU]
              3.4. Battle Screen                             [03BSRC]
              3.5. Sphere Grid                               [03SPHG]
              3.6. Battle Menu                               [03BMEN]
              3.7. Elements & Status Effects                 [03ESTE]
              3.8. Equipment Customisation                   [03ECST]
              3.9. Aeon Customisation                        [03ACUS]
              3.10. PAL/International Changes                [03PALC]
           4. Walkthrough                                    [04WALK]
              4.1. Zanarkand                                 [04ZANA]
              4.2. Submerged Ruins                           [04RUIN]
              4.3. Salvage Ship                              [04SALV]
              4.4. Besaid                                    [04BESD]
              4.5. S.S. Liki                                 [04LIKI]
              4.6. Kilika                                    [04KLKA]
              4.7. S.S. Winno                                [04WINN]
              4.8. Luca                                      [04LUCA]
              4.9. Mi'ihen Highroad                          [04MIHI]
              4.10. Mushroom Rock Road                       [04MHRM]
              4.11. Djose Highroad                           [04DJSH]
              4.12. Moonflow                                 [04MNFW]
              4.13. Guadosalam                               [04GDSM]
              4.14. Thunder Plains                           [04THNP]
              4.15. Macalania, Part One                      [04MAC1]
              4.16. Bikanel Island                           [04BKNL]
              4.17. Home                                     [04HOME]
              4.18. Airship                                  [04ARSP]
              4.19. Bevelle                                  [04BVLE]
              4.20. Via Purifico                             [04VPUR]
              4.21. Highbridge                               [04HBRG]
              4.22. Macalania, Part Two                      [04MAC2]
              4.23. Calm Lands                               [04CALM]
              4.24. Mt. Gagazet                              [04MGZT]
              4.25. Zanarkand Ruins                          [04ZRNS]
              4.26. The Final Showdown                       [04SHWN]
              4.27. Inside Sin                               [04INSD]
           5. Overdrives                                     [05ODRV]
              5.1. Tidus's Swordplay                         [05SWPY]
              5.2. Yuna's Grand Summon                       [05GSMN]
              5.3. Auron's Bushido                           [05BUSH]
              5.4. Wakka's Slots                             [05SLOT]
              5.5. Lulu's Fury                               [05FURY]
              5.6. Kimahri's Ronso Rage                      [05RAGE]
              5.7. Rikku's Mix                               [05RMIX]
              5.8. Overdrive Modes                           [05OMDS]
           6. Aeons                                          [06AEON]
              6.1. Valefor                                   [06VLFR]
              6.2. Ifrit                                     [06IFRT]
              6.3. Ixion                                     [06IXIN]
              6.4. Shiva                                     [06SHVA]
              6.5. Bahamut                                   [06BHMT]
              6.6. Anima                                     [06ANMA]
              6.7. Yojimbo                                   [06YJBO]
              6.8. Magus Sisters                             [06MGUS]
           7. Blitzball                                      [07BLTZ]
              7.1. Basics                                    [07BASC]
              7.2. Tips                                      [07TIPS]
              7.3. Techs                                     [07TECH]
           8. Celestial Weapons                              [08CSLW]
              8.1. Celestial Mirror                          [08CSMR]
              8.2. Tidus' Caladbolg                          [08CDBG]
              8.3. Yuna's Nirvana                            [08NRVA]
              8.4. Auron's Masamune                          [08MSMN]
              8.5. Wakka's World Champion                    [08WDCH]
              8.6. Kimahri's Spirit Lance                    [08SPRT]
              8.7. Lulu's Onion Knight                       [08ONKT]
              8.8. Rikku's Godhand                           [08GDHD]
           9. Monster Arena                                  [09MNSR]
              9.1. Basics                                    [09BASC]
              9.2. Tips                                      [09TIPS]
              9.3. Area Conquest                             [09AREA]
              9.4. Species Conquest                          [09SPEC]
              9.5. Original Creations                        [09ORIG]
          10. Miscellaneous Sidequests                       [10MIQU]
              10.1. Airship Coordinates                      [10CORD]
              10.2. Baaj Temple                              [10BAAJ]
              10.3. Cavern of the Stolen Fayth               [10CVRN]
              10.4. Remiem Temple                            [10RMMT]
              10.5. Omega Ruins                              [10OMGA]
              10.6. Al Bhed Primers                          [10PRME]
              10.7. Jecht Spheres                            [10JCHT]
              10.8. Miscellaneous                            [10MISC]
              10.9. Dark Aeons & Penance                     [10DA&P]
          11. Stat Maxing                                    [11STMX]
              11.1. Requirements                             [11REQR]
              11.2. Goals                                    [11GOAL]
              11.3. Monster Arena                            [11MNSR]
              11.4. AP Trick                                 [11APTK]
              11.5. Maximising                               [11MAXI]
          12. Items                                          [12ITEM]
          13. Abilities                                      [13ABIL]
              13.1. Skill                                    [13SKLL]
              13.2. Special                                  [13SPCL]
              13.3. Black Magic                              [13BLCK]
              13.4. White Magic                              [13WHTE]
          14. Weapon Abilities                               [14WPNA]
          15. Armour Abilities                               [15ARMA]
          16. Frequently Asked Questions                     [16FAQS]
          17. Thanks                                         [17THKS]
          18. Contact Information                            [18CONT]
          19. Copyright Notice                               [19CYRT]
          20. Closing                                        [20CLSG]

          1. Introduction                                    [01INTR]

Well, it's been a long time coming, but this guide is finally complete. I've
been working on this for over a year now, at the moments I was home, bored, and
had a little free time. Being my first walkthrough ever, I probably could have
picked an easier game to write for, but it doesn't particularly matter now.
What you see in front of you is the product of a lot of hard work, and
hopefully it will serve you well in your endeavours through Spira.

-- Masamune3

          2. Characters                                      [02CHAR]

--- [ Tidus ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Tidus is a young and enthusiastic Blitzball player from Zanarkand. He is the
son of Jecht, considered by many to be a Blitzball playing legend. Tidus
resents his father, and the inevitable comparisons drawn between himself and
Jecht. One fateful day, his life is transformed when he is thrown from the life
he knows and wakes up in Spira.

In battle, Tidus is light-footed and is able to take down nimble enemies. This
is because of his good accuracy. He also has high agility, meaning he has a
higher turn rate, and can thus get in more turns that most of the other
characters during battle.

--- [ Yuna ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

Yuna is the daughter of High Summoner Braska, who defeated Sin 10 years ago.
She decided to follow in her father's footsteps and become a summoner such as
he, and hopes one day to become High Summoner. She is on a pilgrimage to all
the Temples in Spira in order to obtain the Final Aeon.

Yuna is the only person capable of summoning aeons, powerful creatures that can
be used in battle; making her very important for tough battle and overkills.
Not only that, but you will find that her white magic skills will be used more
than most other character's abilities.

--- [ Auron ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Auron, along with Braska, defeated Sin 10 years ago. He has become known as a
legend among guardians, and while he is much older than most, he is still one
of the strongest and wisest out there.

Auron's advantage over the others is his high Strength stat, allowing him to be
far more powerful than the rest of the party. Sadly, he lacks good agility,
meaning his turn rate is somewhat lessoned.

--- [ Wakka ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Wakka is the cheerful and skilled captain of the worst Blitzball team in
history, the Besaid Aurochs. While they lose many games, he is proud of his
team simply for "doing their best". The upcoming tournament will be his last,
and then he will dedicate his useful services to Yuna.

Wakka is easily one of the most useful characters in the game. The fact that he
attacks with a ball that he throws allows him to physical attack distant
opponents, while all other rely on items and magic. His best Overdrive,
"Attack Reels", is the most damaging and destructive in the game.

--- [ Kimahri ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Kimarhi is a Ronso from Mt. Gagazet, asked to protect Yuna temporarily as a
child by Auron. He brought Yuna to Besaid, and was about to leave before Yuna
asked him to stay. He has been by her side ever since, and would risk his life
in a heartbeat if her life was in danger.

Kimarhi is more or less what you make of him. He doesn't have a specific area
of the grid to go down, and therefore must be sent sown the path o one of the
other six characters. In all my games, I have never got a better usage out of
him than as a white mage. Other believe him to be a good thif too. It's up to
you how you want to craft him. Kimahri is also a blue mage, meaning he can
learn the skills of fiends and use them during battle.

--- [ Lulu ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

Lulu is one of Yuna's original guardians. She is smart and straight to the
point, although at times she can be rather blunt. That being said, she loves
Yuna like a siser and would do anything to protect her. She grew up with Yuna,
Wakka, and Kimarhi.

Lulu is particularly useful throughout the duration of the story as she has a
powerful arsenal of black magic. Most of it is elemental, and she will
undoubtedly be brought in many times during the game to deal with enemies with
an elemental weakness.

--- [ Rikku ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

A young Al Bhed girl with high spirits, although she seems to have strange
reasons for joining the pilgrimage. She becomes part of the group to protect
Yuna from enemies, and perhaps even to accomplish something else...

Rikku is especially handy for the simple fact that she can Steal and Use (two
of the best abilities in the game) without requiring any training up. Her
Overdrive, "Mix", is the most useful in that it can be ued to damage enemies,
or to help out your party using a collection of white magic and other handy

          3. Game Basics                                     [03BASC]

The game basics section is one of the most important parts of the guide, simply
because it covers all the... uh, basics, for lack of a better word. Everything
you need to know to get started with the game is listed right here.

          3.1. Controls                                      [03CTRL]

--- [ Field Screen ] ----------------------------------------------------------

DIRECTIONAL PAD:   - Move Character
                   - Move Cursor
LEFT ANALOG STICK: - Move Character
                   - Move Cursor
X:                 - Select Action
                   - Examine
                   - Interact
CIRCLE:            - Cancel Action
                   - Walk (Hold Down)
TRIANGLE:          Menu
START:             Pause

--- [ Battle Screen ] ---------------------------------------------------------

X:                 Select Action
CIRCLE:            Cancel Action
TRIANGLE:          Defend
L1:                - Open Switch Menu
                   - Cycle Characters
L2:                Cycle Characters
R1:                Scroll Up CTB Bar
R2:                Scroll Down CTB Bar
SELECT:            - Display Help Bar
                   - Hide Help Bar

--- [ Menu Screen ] -----------------------------------------------------------

X:                 - Select Action
                   - Examine
                   - Interact
CIRCLE:            Cancel Action
L1:                Cycle Characters
L2:                List Page Up
R1:                Cycle Characters
R2:                List Page Down

          3.2. Field Screen                                  [03FSCR]

This is the normal screen, or the out-of-battle screen. As you will spend most
of your time looking at this type, I thought it was necessary to explain a few

--- [ Moving Around ] ---------------------------------------------------------

Moving around the field screen (the out-of-battle screen) is as simple as
pushing one of the directional buttons or manipulating the left analog stick.
The camera angle will decide which way you need to use the controls.

--- [ Mini-Map ] --------------------------------------------------------------

In the top-right hand corner of the screen a mini-map will display showing you
a GPS-type view of the area in which you are standing. The red arrow shows the
location you should head to in order to continue the story.

--- [ Save Spheres ] ----------------------------------------------------------

Save Spheres are located throughout Spira. They are basically just blue
sphere-shaped objects. When you press X on them, you have the option of doing a
number of things, depending on how far through the game you are. Apart from
saving, they can be used to play Blitzball and to "teleport" back to the

--- [ Non-Playable Characters ] -----------------------------------------------

You can talk to NPCs by simply walking up to them and pressing X. They will
often offer you a variety of options and information, depending on where you
are and who you talk to.

--- [ Chocobos ] --------------------------------------------------------------

Chocobos, those giant, lovable chickens that have become a staple of the Final
Fantasy series, are back again. You have the ability to ride them in certain
locations. After you talk to the appropriate people, you'll find yourself
sitting on one of the big birds. You can dismount at any time using Circle, and
can hop back on by pressing X when you are close to a chocobo.

--- [ Environment Interaction ] -----------------------------------------------

Sometimes there are elements in the field screen that you can interact with.
Generally, this is done simply by pressing X on them. Often a dialog box will
appear letting you know that there is an action available.

          3.3. Menu Screen                                   [03MENU]

By pressing Triangle when in the field screen (that is, not in battle), you
open up the menu screen. This contains a massive amount of information and
options that you can tweak.

--- [ Sphere Grid ] -----------------------------------------------------------

Where you can raise and shape your party as you see fit. See the Sphere Grid
And Levelling section for more details. Use L1 and R1 to cycle between
characters, and L2 and R2 to toggle the angle of the Sphere Grid.

--- [ Item ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

The Item screen has a number of functions. Firstly, you can "Use" an item on a
character, however this is limited only to recovery items. "Sort" allows you to
sort out items by either manaully moving them around, or automatically putting
them in order. "Equipment" allows you to view all the weapon and armour you
have, and these can also be sorted manually or automatically. Lastly, "Key
Items" allows you to VIEW all the special items, but nothing more.

--- [ Ability ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Here you can select a character, then a list opens up revealing all of that
character's learnt abilities. You can have your party members heal one another
with Cure, Cura, or Curaga (assuming they know them). The numbers on the right
denote the MP cost for using that attack/skill/special/spell. Use L1 and R1 to
cycle between characters.

--- [ Status ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Check out your character's current stats, as well as learnt abilities. Do the
latter by pressing X on desired character. L1 and R1 will cycle you through
your characters. Use L1 and R1 to cycle between characters.

--- [ Overdrive ] -------------------------------------------------------------

Select a characer, then you will be taken to a screen where you can view that
character's current Overdrives. Up the top their Overdrive guage is shown.
Selecting "Set Mode" allows you to change the current character's Overdrive
mode. You will gain new Overdrive modes for each character when certain
criteria are met. The mode will determie under what conditions your Overdrive
guage will fill. See the Overdrives section for more details. Use L1 and R1 to
cycle between characters.

--- [ Equip ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Again, choose a character, and then you are taken to a screen that allows you
to set the current weapon and armour for that party member. You have a choice
between all weapons and armour that are of that characters type (for example,
Tidus only uses swords, and Lulu only wears bangles). Use L1 and R1 to cycle
between characters.

--- [ Status ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

The Status screen displays the selected characters stats, Overdrive gauge,
Overdrive mode, and current equipment. Pressing X will allow you to view all
their current abilities. Use L1 and R1 to cycle between characters.

--- [ Aeons ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Here you can view the HP and MP of all your aeons. By selecting "Status", you
can further view the selected aeon's stats, and Overdrive guage. Pressing X
will allow you to view all their current abilities. Use L1 and R1 to cycle
between aeons. The "Abilities" and "Attributes" sub-menus are explained a bit
later on in the Game Basics section.

--- [ Formation ] -------------------------------------------------------------

Fiddling with Formation lets you move around your party members for battle.
Select a character using X, then move them up or down the order and swap them
with another character by pressing X again. The top three slots are your active
characters, so moving anyone to those spots will put them in your immediate
battle line-up.

--- [ Customise ] -------------------------------------------------------------

Here you are able to customise both weapons and armour with auto-abilities to
make them stronger or more efficient. All you do is choose a piece of equipment
that needs to be customised, and you are taken to a new screen with a list of
all the possible abilities you can customise onto it. A more detailed rundown
is found a little later in the Game Basics section.

--- [ Config ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

These are the games options. Unfortunately, it lacks a screen position option,
but here is what is on offer for you to change around.

SOUND:     Simple stuff, really. If you don't have a stereo television (all
           modern ones are), then choose "Mono" so you hear all the sounds.
           Else, stick with "Stereo".
SUBTITLES: Here you can turn cutscene subtitles on or off.
NAMES:     This option talks bout the subtitles in cutscenes, and whether or
           not the names appear before dialogue, so you know who is speaking.
CURSOR:    "Default" resets the cursor during battle to "Attack" each time you
           get a new turn. "Memory" places the cursor at the last used command,
           and meaning you don't have to go through all the submenus again just
           to use a command again. To be safe, I'd leave it on "Default".
HELP:      You can toggle this on or off, and it affects whther or not the help
           bar across the top of the screen is visible. It divulges all sorts
           of useful information, so definitely leave it "On".
AEONS:     This option refers to aeon summoning sequences and Overdrives. Set
           it to "Short", unless you want to see all the summons all the time.
MAP:       Use this to turn the mini-map on or off. Leave it "On".
VIBRATION: I's say this option is pretty obvious. Do whatever you like here. I
           personally prefer it to be "On", but it may annoy you.

--- [ Help ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

This is a very handy reference to just about every feature of FFX. It gives you
a rundown on controls, terms, gameplay elements, screen elements, the works. If
you are ever in doubt about something, chances are it can be found here with a
great explanation.

          3.4. Battle Screen                                 [03BSRC]

--- [ Characters ] ------------------------------------------------------------

The battle screen is composed of a number of elements. You will instantly
recognise your characters. They stand in a straight line formation, in a group
of three. No more than three characters can be active at the one time, however,
less than three chracters can be, if you use the Escape command. The current
character has a small arrow above his/her head (though this looks much
different from the target selection arrow).

--- [ Enemies ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Opposite your characters lies your enemy, or enemies. A maximum of five enemies
can be pitted against you at once, though it's generally no more than three.

--- [ Status Bar ] ------------------------------------------------------------

The status bar is on the bottom part of the screen. It displays the current HP,
MP, and Overdrive gauges of each of your active characters.

--- [ Command Menu ] ----------------------------------------------------------

On the bottom of the screen your command menu is found. It opens up, depending
on what commands you choose. The availability of options in the Command Menu
can be affected by certain statuses the character may be under, such as Silence
or Curse.

--- [ Help Bar ] --------------------------------------------------------------

At the top of the screen, assuming you have it activated, if the help bar. It
gives a brief desciption (if any) of a variety of things, including the effects
of attacks or items, the name of the enemy you currently have targetted, as
well as other information that may bee necessary.

--- [ Target Data Window ] ----------------------------------------------------

If you have a weapon equipped with Sensor, or you have used Scan on a target,
(both of course, assume that the target is not immune) then each time that
target is selected a multitude of information about them (such as elemental
affinities, HP, and MP) will appear in a small window in the top-left corner
of the screen. There are four oval shapes of different colour that, when placed
in context, reveal information about what elements the target is weak, strong,
or immune to. Red is fire, yellow is thunder, blue is water, and white is ice.

(1.5x): Target will take one and half times as much damage from the
        corresponding element.
(1/2):  Target takes only half damage from this attacks based on this element.
(+):    Target is strong to this element, and will absorb all damage done and
        replenish HP.

--- [ Target Selection ] ------------------------------------------------------

The arrow that appears after a command has been chosen indicates the target to
which the command will be assosciated with. Certain commands (such as Sentinel)
do not allow any targets to be selected other than the character using the
ability, while the generic "Attack" commands allows you to select any target by
using up/down to navigate between targets, and left/right to swap between the
enemy group and the active party members.

--- [ CTB Bar ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

The CTB bar indicates the order of turns. Each of your characters are denoted
individually with a small picture, but enemies and bosses are simply identified
with generic words. Knwoing how to read and interpret he CTB bar is absolutely
vital in the planning of strategies. It's utilisation is not something that can
be taught, rather knowledge is gained through personal experience. Basically,
the order of turns is shown from top to bottom, where the top icon represents
the current turn, the one below it the next turn, and so on. Use the L2 and R2
buttons to move through a finite number of turns. You should also be aware that
during battle the order of turns can be changed depending on the actions of
your characters and enemies.

--- [ Damage Indicators ] -----------------------------------------------------

WHITE NUMBERS: Denotes the amount of damage done to a target. The value is
               displayed above the target.
GREEN NUMBERS: Denotes the amount of recovery done to a target. The value is
               displayed above the target.
MP:            Denotes that MP was affected by a certain action. White numbers
               with "MP" mean MP was lost, green numbers mean MP was gained.
MISS:          Denotes that an attack has failed to strike the selected target.
IMMUNE:        Denotes that a status has failed to be inflicted because the
               target is immune to that particular status.

--- [ Overkill ] --------------------------------------------------------------

If you defeat and enemy with a very strong finishing attack, you might get an
Overkill. You chances of getting an Overkill is not determined by the HP of the
enemy before you finish them off. It is a set damage value. Therefore, the
Overkill value is the same for every fiend of the same type (for example, all
Dingo fiends). The Overkill value varies drastically, however, from fiend to
fiend. Try to get an Overkill in as many battles as possible. It results in
more AP and doubles the number of items dropped.

          3.5. Battle Menu                                   [03BMEN]

--- [ Attack ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

This is the simplest move, one which both characters characters and aeons can
use. It is also the most common type of enemy attack. When you select "Attack",
you will be prompted to select a target to carry out the attack on. After
selecting the target, your character/aeon will use up their turn.

--- [ Special Attack (Aeons Only) ] -------------------------------------------

Most aeons have a unique ability assigned to them (such as Bahamut's Impulse),
and this ability is located directly under the "Attack" command. It does not
use up any MP, and is used in the same way as the "Attack" command.

--- [ Summon (Yuna Only) ] ----------------------------------------------------

The Summon command is only available to Yuna. Selecting it opens up a sub-menu
that allows you to select and aeon to summon and control. The current HP, MP,
and Overdrive status of each aeon is displayed in the sub-menu.

--- [ Skill ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Skills are all physical attacks with special properties, such as the added
bonus of status effects, faster turn rate, or stealing, to name a few. Each
character can learn all the Skills on the Sphere Grid, and most aeons can learn
the majority of Skills.

--- [ Special ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Specials are a group of commands that don't necessary result in causing damage
(although some, like Spare Change, do). They too can cause positive status
effects on party members (such as Cheer or Aim), amongst other things. Each
character can learn all the Specials on the Sphere Grid, and most aeons can
learn the majority of Specials.

--- [ Black Magic ] -----------------------------------------------------------

Black Magic is the set of offensive magic attacks designed to inflict damage
on enemies. Whilst they are mostly elemental, there are several Black Magic
abilities that have special properties (such as Osmose or Drain). Each
character can learn all the Black Magic on the Sphere Grid, as can most aeons.

--- [ White Magic ] -----------------------------------------------------------

White Magic abilities encpompass the range of extremely useful positive status
effects such as Haste, Protect, and Reflect, to name a few. There is also one
offensive magic spell, Holy. It is an elemental class of its own. Each
character can learn all the Black Magic on the Sphere Grid, as can most aeons.

--- [ Item (Characters Only) ] ------------------------------------------------

The Item command allows all characters to use normal items that you can buy
from shops - not special items. These are used with the Spcecial ability "Use".
Items that can be used with this command are recovery and healing items such as
Potions and Phoenix Downs.

--- [ Overdrives ] ------------------------------------------------------------

Overdrives are the unique attacks of both characters and aeons. Overdrives
become available for use when the Overdrive gauge becomes full. For characters,
they often require some sort of user input to maximise effectiveness. The
status bar will have the word "Overdrive" written above it when you are able to
perform an Overdrive attack. In order to use them, press left when at the main
command menu, then select from the available Overdrives.

--- [ Switch (Characters Only) ] ----------------------------------------------

You can switch your active party members by pressing L1 when a character has a
turn. You can then scroll though all the available inactive party members and
swap them into battle.

--- [ Trigger Commands (Characters Only) ] ------------------------------------

Trigger Commands are special commands used only in certain battles. They allow
characters to perform actions they cannot normally do during random encounters.
The status bar will have the words "Trigger Command" written above it when you
are able to perform a Trigger Command. In order to use them, press left when at
the main command menu, then select from the available Trigger Commands.

--- [ Weapon/Armour Change (Characters Only) ] --------------------------------

You are able to change the current character's weapon or armour at any stage
during battle. However, they can only swap to a weapon/armour piece that is of
their own type - no interchanging between characters. In order to use it, press
right when at the main command menu, then select "Change Weapon" or "Change

--- [ Escape (Characters Only) ] ----------------------------------------------

The escape command is generally open for use during battles. Almost all boss
battles and certain random encounters are unescapable, however. When you use
the Escape command, one of your characters attempts to retreat. However,
sometimes they may begin to escape then come back, like they were attacked by
their conscience or something. In order to use it, press right when at the
main command menu, then select "Escape".

--- [ Defend (Characters Only) ] ----------------------------------------------

The Defend command can't actually be selected from a menu - it's activated
using the Triangle button. Using Defend will allow the current character to
skip their turn and take up a defensive status that reduces damage from
physical attacks by 50% (this can be compounded by Protect, Cheer, and
Defence +X% armour abilities). The character will also get a turn a little
earlier than they normally would, to compensate for the skip.

--- [ Shield (Aeons Only) ] ---------------------------------------------------

The Shield command is accessed by pressing left when at the main command menu.
It is also a compromise action - your aeon takes four times less damage in
return for no Overdrive gain.

--- [ Boost (Aeons Only) ] ----------------------------------------------------

The Boost command is accessed by pressing left when at the main command menu.
Boost is a compromise action - your aeon takes extra damage in return for a
larger Overdrive gain.

--- [ Dismiss (Aeons Only) ] --------------------------------------------------

By selecting this command, your aeon will leave the battlefield, and you will
regain control of your party.

          3.6. Sphere Grid                                   [03SPHG]

The structure of the Sphere Grid does indeed look a enormous and confusing at
first glance. Progress a little and you'll see there's nothing to it.

--- [ Battle AP & Sphere Levels ] ---------------------------------------------

Basically, after each battle, your character's will almost always gain AP
(except for a few select battles). Only character's who participated some way
in battle (that is, performed some kind of action, thus having a turn) will
gain AP. AP is not divided, a set amount is given to each character. Because of
this, it is well worth your time to make sure each character gets a turn during
battle. Equipping weapon abilities like Double AP and Triple AP will increase
the amount of AP that a particular character gets.

The AP you get from battle goes towards your Sphere Level count. Each character
has their own individual Sphere Level count. It starts at a set amount
(depending on the character) and decreases as you gain AP. When this count
reaches 0, you gain a Sphere Level. The more times it reaches 0, the more
Sphere Levels you will gain. However, the more Sphere Levels you gain, the
larger the initial number or AP required becomes higher. This number will stop
rising at 22000 (meaning you will eventually need to get 22000 AP in order to
gain a Sphere Level).

It sounds like a lot, but as you progress through the game, the more AP each
enemy will give upon killing them. There is a nice method for gaining
ridiculous amounts of AP, and this information can be found in the Stat Maxing

So what do you do with the Sphere Levels? You use them to move around the
Sphere Grid. Each Sphere Level allows you to move one space on the Sphere Grid,
assuming you haven't moved there before. If you have been along a path before,
you can move four spaces for every Sphere Level.

You should also know that it is possible for every character to learn every
ability on the Sphere Grid, as well as activate every single stat node. What's
more, you can add new stat spheres to the many empty nodes on the Sphere Grid.
Why is this useful? it makes your characters even stronger. This simple premise
is what Stat Maxing is based upon.

--- [ Stats ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Now for the last little bit. When you reach a node with a stat or ability in
it, you need to activate it. Doing this raises your character's stats, or
teaches them a new ability. Raising stats makes your characters more powerful,
and teaching them new abilities allows them to perform new actions during
battle (and sometimes out of battle, depending on the ability). Here's a list
of what stats affect what:

STRENGTH:      Allows characters to hit for more damage physically.
DEFENCE:       Lowers physical damage taken.
MAGIC:         Allows characters to hit for more damage magically.
MAGIC DEFENCE: Lowers magical damage taken.
AGILITY:       Increases turn rate (amount of turns you get in battle).
LUCK:          Increases chances of dealing/being dealt a critical hit, chances
               of hitting and enemy/evading enemy attack.
EVASION:       Increases chances of evading enemy attack.
ACCURACY:      Increases chances of hitting an enemy.

--- [ Activating Nodes ] ------------------------------------------------------

Now for activating nodes. To activate a node, you need to use a special type of
sphere. Different types of nodes are activated by different spheres.

POWER SPHERES:   Activates Strength, Defence, and HP nodes.
MANA SPHERES:    Activates Magic, Magic Defence and MP nodes.
SPEED SPHERES:   Activates Agility, Evasion and Accuracy nodes.
ABILITY SPHERES: Activates Skill, Special, Black Magic, and White Magic nodes.
FORTUNE SPHERES: Activates Luck nodes.

--- [ Key Spheres & Locks ] ---------------------------------------------------

On the grid there are a number of Lock Spheres of differing levels. The level
generally corresponds to power or importance of the thing they are protecting,
if you will. For example, Ultima, the most devastating of all black magic
spells, is surrounded by a number of Level 4 Lock Spheres. These stop your
characters from moving to that particular node on the grid, and therefore will
generally block your path.

However, those pesky Lock Spheres can be removed, allowing your characters to
move right on past them, and even use the cleared node to house important new
stat increases. By using a Key Sphere of a corresponding level on a Lock Sphere
you will delete it from the Sphere Grid, leaving a free node in it's place.
However, using say, a Level 3 Key Sphere on a Level 2 Lock Sphere will not
work. It has to be the specific level to be used.

LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE:   Clears Level 1 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE:   Clears Level 2 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
LEVEL 3 KEY SPHERE:   Clears Level 3 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
LEVEL 4 KEY SPHERE:   Clears Level 4 Lock from the Sphere Grid.

--- [ Movement Spheres ] ------------------------------------------------------

You can use one of several special spheres to move around the ground without
requiring Sphere Levels. However, there is sually a catch. For example, with
Teleport Spheres, you can only move a node which has already been activated by
either the current character or an ally.

RETURN SPHERE:        Returns character to any node they have activated.
FRIEND SPHERE:        Moves character to the current location of an ally.
TELEPORT SPHERE:      Moves character to any previously activated node.
WARP SPHERE:          Moves character to any node.

--- [ Stat Spheres ] ----------------------------------------------------------

You will be using a lot of these when you max your stats. Basically, they fill
any empty nodes with a specific stat increase.

HP SPHERE:            Places HP +300 node in an empty node.
MP SPHERE:            Places MP +40 node in an empty node.
STRENGTH SPHERE:      Places Strength +4 node in an empty node.
DEFENCE SPHERE:       Places Defence +4 node in an empty node.
MAGIC SPHERE:         Places Magic +4 node in an empty node.
MAGIC DEFENCE SPHERE: Places Magic Defence +4 node in an empty node.
AGILITY SPHERE:       Places Agility +4 node in an empty node.
LUCK SPHERE:          Places Luck +4 node in an empty node.
EVASION SPHERE:       Places Evasion +4 node in an empty node.
ACCURACY SPHERE:      Places Accuracy +4 node in an empty node.

--- [ Miscellaneous Spheres ] -------------------------------------------------

Aside from the types of spheres already listed, there are quite a number of
other spheres that have a purpose of their own.

ATTRIBUTE SPHERE:     Activates any type of node .
SKILL SPHERE:         Activates Skill node.
SPECIAL SPHERE:       Activates Special node.
WHITE MAGIC SPHERE:   Activates White Magic node.
BLACK MAGIC SPHERE:   Activates Black Magic node.
MASTER SPHERE:        Activates any type of node.
CLEAR SPHERE:         Removes stat sphere from the Sphere Grid.

          3.7. Elements & Status Effects                     [03ESTE]

--- [ Elements ] --------------------------------------------------------------

Elements are really simple in FFX. All you have to do is remember a few little
rules. Fire beats ice, and vice versa. Also, thunder beats water, and vice
versa. So if you were coming up against a fire fiend, they would be weak to ice
magic. Ice fiends, on the other hand, are weak to fire magic. Same thing goes
for thunder and water. Holy, the ultimate white magic spell, is also considered
an element. There are very few enemies who are weak or strong to it, however.
The last type of element is "gravity". These attack deal damage based on
current or maximum HP. Some targets are immune, while others are not.

--- [ Positive Status Effects ] -----------------------------------------------

NULBLAZE: Targets under NulBlaze are immune to at least one fire-based attack.
It can be casted on a target using with the NulBlaze spell. It can be
countered using Dispel, or a fire-based attack.

NULSHOCK: Targets under NulShock are immune to at least one thunder-based
attack. It can be casted on a target using with the NulShock spell. It can be
countered using Dispel, or a thunder-based attack.

NULTIDE: Targets under NulTide are immune to at least one water-based attack.
It can be casted on a target using with the NulTide spell. It can be countered
using Dispel, or a water-based attack.

NULFROST: Targets under NulFrost are immune to at least one ice-based attack.
It can be casted on a target using with the NulFrost spell. It can be countered
using Dispel, or a ice-based attack.

HASTE: Targets under Haste have a greater turn rate and faster animations.
Haste can be casted on targets using Haste, Hastega, or Chocobo Feathers, to
name a few methods. It can be countered using Slow or Dispel.

PROTECT: Cuts all damage from physical attacks by half. When calculating the
damage, the damage the attack would do without Protect is calculated, and then
it is divided by two. As a result, even under Protect it is more than possible
to concede 99999 HP from one attack. Protect can be casted on targets using
Protect or Light Curtains. It can be countered using Dispel.

SHELL: Cuts all damage from magical attacks by half. When calculating the
damage, the damage the attack would do without Shell is calculated, and then it
is divided by two. As a result, even under Shell it is more than possible to
concede 99999 HP from one attack. However, it also halves the amount of
recovery from healing magic. Shell can be cast on targets using Shell or Lunar
Curtains. It can be countered using Dispel.

REGEN: Targets under Regen will automatically gain a set percentage of HP after
the turn of every target on screen. With the normal Regen spell, this lasts
until the tenth turn of the character under Regen. With the Auto-Regen armour
ability, the effect is indefinite. The spell can be cast using Regen or Healing 
Springs, and countered using Dispel.

REFLECT: Causes all casted magic to be Reflected onto the target (including
healing magic) that casted it, or under certain conditions, a random enemy
target (where the "enemy" can be fiends and bosses, or even your own
characters). A spell can not be Reflected more than once, so Reflecting
a character and then casting offensive magic off that character assures it will
strike a target. The opposite works for healing magic. Reflect can be casted on
targets using Reflect or Star Curtains. It can be countered using Dispel.

AUTO-LIFE: Targets under Auto-Life will be automatically revived when they are
KOed. Auto-Life can be casted on a target using with the Auto-Life spell. It
can be countered using Dispel.

--- [ Negative Status Effects ] -----------------------------------------------

DARKNESS: Causes targets to miss almost all physical attacks. It is denoted by
a black cloud around the target's head. Can be inflicted by Dark Attack, Dark
Buster, and Smoke Bombs, to name a few methods. It can be cured using Esuna or
Eye Drops.

SILENCE: Renders affected targets unable to cast magic spells of any kind. It
is denoted by a speech bubble. It can be inflicted using Silence Attack,
Silence Buster, and Silence Grenades, to name a few methods. It can be cured
using Esuna or Echo Screen.

SLEEP: Affected targets will be unable to take their turns, until they are
physically struck, cured, KOed, or the battle ends. It is denoted by the
generic "ZZZ". It can be inflicted using Sleep Attack, Sleep Buster, and
Sleeping Powder, to name a few methods. It can be cured using Esuna.

POISON: The afflicted target loses a certain percentage of their MAX HP each
time they take a turn. It is denoted by a series of green dots around the
target's head. Casting Bio or using a Poison Fang are just a couple of ways
you can inflict Poison. It can be cured using Esuna or Antidote.

CONFUSE: Confused targets will attack themselves or their allies instead of
enemies. It is denoted by yellow stars around the target's head. It cannot be
casted by your own character, only by enemies. It can be cured using Esuna.

BERSERK: The afflicted target will lose primary control of their actions, with
a temporary boost given to Strength (which lasts until status is cured, target
KOed, or battle ends). Berserked targets flash a reddish colour. When
Berserked, targets will only use physical attacks. It can be cured using Esuna.

PERTIFICATION: The affected target is turned to stone. If enough damage is
dealt to the petrified character, they will be shattered, and killed. Petrified
targets become motionless and turn a stony colour. Certain enemy attacks will
always shatter your characters if you do not have some form of proofing on your
armour. You can petrify enemies using Stone Breath or Petrify Grenades, to name
a few methods. It can be cured using Esuna or Soft.

ZOMBIE: Causes all recovery magic and/or items to cause damage to afflicated
targets. Using Drain on them will cure them. Zombied targets display a greenish
tinge. Zombie can be inflicted using Zombie Attack, Zombietouch weapons, or
Zombiestrike weapons. It can be cured with Holy Water.

CURSE: The afflicted targets will not be able to use their Overdrives when
cursed. Cursed targets flash a black colour. It can be cured with Holy Water.

KO: Whenever one of your characters has their HP reduced to zero, or death is
used on them, they will be put in a special status known as "knocked-out".
They will still be present on screen, but they will not have any turns or be
able to switch with other party members. KOed character lay motionless on the
ground. Only "alive" characters can cure them, using Life, Full-Life, or
Phoenix Downs to revive them.

SLOW: Causes the turn rate of afflicted target to be lowered. Their action
animations are also slowed, though this is more of a cosmetic consequence that
has no battle implications. Can be inflicted by Slow, Slowga, and Silver
Hourglass, to name a few methods. It can be cured by casting Haste or using

POWER BREAK: The afflicted targets have reduced strength when using
physical-based attacks. You can Power Break enemies using Power Break, Full
Break, or Banishing Blade. It can be cured using Dispel.

ARMOUR BREAK: Armour broken targets have had their defence stat reduced to
zero, meaning that any physical damage caused to them will be a maximum
according to the strength stat of their attackers. You can Armour Break enemies
using Armour Break, Full Break, Banishing Blade or Frag Grenade. It can be
cured using Dispel.

MAGIC BREAK: The afflicted targets have reduced magic when using magic-based
attacks. You can Magic Break enemies using Magic Break, Full Break, or
Banishing Blade. It can be cured using Dispel.

MENTAL BREAK: Targets under Mental Break have their magic defence stat reduced
to zero, meaning that any magic damage caused to them will be a maximum
according to the magic stat of their attackers.

          3.8. Equipment Customisation                       [03ECST]

When a new character joins your party, they bring their talents along with
them. This opens up the Weapon and Armour Customisation Menu. It's an extremely
useful option, and also very easy to learn, once you get a grasp of a few
simple concepts.

After you select "Customise" from the menu screen, you will be taken to a new
screen containing a list of all the accessories you currently have in your
possession. In order to customise a particular item, just use the directional
buttons or analog stick to scroll through all your weapons and/or armour. When
you find the particular accessory you wish to customise, press X.

If you have enough items to customise the new ability, that technique will be
in a white font. If you don't have enough items, or you have already customised
that ability, then it will be greyed out. If you don't have the any of the item
necessary to customise a specific ability, it won't even appear on the list.
The number of items needed for customisation is shown on the right.

          3.9. Aeon Customisation                            [03ACUS]

You are able to customise your aeons by teaching then new abilties, or by
hand-raising their stats painfully one at a time. Here's a low-down on how to
do this.

--- [ Teaching Abilities ] ----------------------------------------------------

Assuming you have the AEON'S SOUL key item, the "Abilities" option lets you
teach an aeon new abiltities by using items. If you have enough items to learn
a new ability, that technique will be in a white font. If you don't have enough
items, or you have already taught the aeon that technique, then it will be
greyed out. If you don't have the any of the item necessary to teach a specific
technique, it won't even appear on the list. The number of items needed to
teach the ability is shown on the right.

--- [ Raising Attributes ] ----------------------------------------------------

If you have the SUMMONER'S SOUL key item, the "Attributes" option lets you can
raise the stats of each of your aeons by using Power, Mana, Speed, Ability, or
Fortune Spheres. All you have to do is select the stat you would like to
upgrade, and  the stat will go up by a very small amount. If you have enough
items to raise the stat, that selected stat will be in a white font. If you
don't have enough items, then it will be greyed out. The number of items needed
to raise the stat is shown on the right.
This method is by no means the best way to level up your aeons. As Yuna gets
stronger, so do her aeons. Max her out, and your aeons will become very strong.
The number of spheres required to raise a stat is wholly dependant on what the
stat currently is. Stronger aeons will require more spheres to raise stats.

          3.10. PAL/International Changes                    [03PALC]

--- [ Sphere Grids ] ----------------------------------------------------------

In the PAL and International versions of FFX, there is a second Sphere Grid to
choose from. The choice of Sphere Grids is made right after selecting the
"New Game" option at the title screen. It is known as the "Expert Sphere Grid",
and is a lot more flexible than the Standard Sphere Grid. However, it contains
55 less nodes than the Standard Sphere Grid, and substantially less key locks.

Aside from the extra choice in Sphere Grids, the Sphere Grids also contain a
few extra abilities for your characters to learn compared to the NTSC - U/C
and NTSC - J versions. They are listed in the following sections.

--- [ Standard Sphere Grid (PAL/International) ] ------------------------------

  HP  |  MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC
19400 | 1260 | 187 | 150 | 142 |   124   | 174 |  18  | 124 |  70

--- [ Expert Sphere Grid (PAL/International) ] --------------------------------

  HP  |  MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC
16200 | 1050 | 156 | 131 | 140 |   117   | 146 |  14  | 112 |  67

--- [ Standard Sphere Grid (US/Original Japanese) ] ---------------------------

  HP  |  MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC
19400 | 1210 | 170 | 142 | 136 |   126   | 173 |  16  | 124 |  70

--- [ Abilities ] -------------------------------------------------------------

The following abilities are only available in the PAL/International versions of

- NAB GIL:         Steal gil and attack enemies at the same time.
- FULL BREAK:      Power, Magic, Armour and Mental Break inflicted at once.
- EXTRACT POWER:   Makes target drop Power Spheres instead of regular items.
- EXTRACT MANA:    Makes target drop Mana Spheres instead of regular items.
- EXTRACT SPEED:   Makes target drop Speed Spheres instead of regular items.
- EXTRACT ABILITY: Makes target drop Ability Spheres instead of regular items.
- PILFER GIL:      Steal gil from enemies.
- QUICK POCKETS:   Use a normal item with decreased recovery time.

--- [ Weapon Abilities ] ------------------------------------------------------

The following weapon abilities are available only in the PAL/International
versions to:

- POWER DISTIL:   Makes target drop Power Spheres instead of regular items.
- MANA DISTIL:    Makes target drop Mana Spheres instead of regular items.
- SPEED DISTIL:   Makes target drop Speed Spheres instead of regular items.
- ABILITY DISTIL: Makes target drop Ability Spheres instead of regular items.

--- [ Armour Abilities ] ------------------------------------------------------

The following armour abilities are available only in the PAL/International

- RIBBON: Protects against all negative statuses except for Death and Curse.

--- [ Dark Aeons ] ------------------------------------------------------------

The Dark Aeons and Penance are exclusive to the PAL/International versions.
They are optional super bosses, resembling your own aeons. Penance has more HP
than any other boss, ever (a whooping 12,000,000), almost completely maxed
stats, two arms that keep regenerating, and takes around forty minutes to beat.

There is a Dark Aeon to resemble each of the aeons that can be acquired in your
game, and Penance shows up after you beat them all. Each of them can only be
truly defeated once, and they will disappear.

--- [ Miscellaneous ] ---------------------------------------------------------

- Quick Hit in the PAL/International versions requires 36 MP to use, and is
  about half the speed (in terms of recovery time) compared to the US and
  Japanese versions.

- The requirements for Zanmato are more easily met in the PAL/International
  versions. This is because the starting compatibility is a lot higher in the
  PAL/International versions than the US or Japanese versions.

- Omega Weapon in the PAL/International version has 999999 HP, and not 99999 HP
  like the NTSC - U/C and the NTSC - J versions. Several other stats have also
  been increased. All in all, he's much more difficult now.

- You can more successfully bribe for 10x the MAX HP of a fiend in the
  PAL/International versions, instead of 20x the MAX HP in the other versions.
  However, you will get substantially less items and the success rate of a
  Bribe lowers dramatically. If you miss the first time, try just bribing 1 gil
  over and over until the fiend takes it.

- The PAL version comes with a bonus DVD that has interviews with the voices
  actors for Tidus and Yuna, and a few of the Square staff.

- The International version also has bonus DVD, showing "Another Story". It is
  a small clip concerning FFX-2, basically.

- Oblivion, Tornado and Delta Attack all hit multiple times in the
  PAL/International versions (16, 2 and 6 respectively).

- Behemoth King will not use Meteor if you capture him in the PAL/International

- Wakka's Attack Reels get an attack bonus if you stop the slots quickly
  PAL/International versions.

          4. Walkthrough                                     [04WALK]

And here we have the generic walkthrough, the thing that makes up a large part
of this document. I try to make it as detailed as easy to follow as possible,
so make sure to abuse the Ctrl + F function to find a specific part. Enjoy!

--- [ WARNING ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
I aim to make my guide as spoiler free as possible, so there won't be much
description of the story in the walkthrough. I may let a few things slip by
though, so you have been warned.

          4.1. Zanarkand                                     [04ZANA]

You start off with in some groovy looking place. People are dancing and
talking, and everyone is enjoying themselves. Then you skip to a person
standing on something resembling a ship. That's the main character. Cool outfit
huh? Anyway, move him on forward. There will be a bunch of people standing
around. Talk to the group of kids on the left. They'll ask you your name. Here
you can enter whatever name you wish.

--- [ WARNING ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
When you put in your name, make sure it's the one you want. You cannot change
it later on.

After that, talk to the two girls to the right. Now walk forward. Cutscene
time. After the cutscene, run across the overpass. You won't receive any items
by talking to people, but I do suggest you listen to the voiceover. Now, move
into the next screen. Just walk though the crowd of screaming fans, and try not
to get swamped.  You'll be stopped a few times, but that's no matter.

After watching what is perhaps one of the coolest videos in game history, with
some of the most rocking music your bound to find, it's time to sadly move on.
However, things are just starting to take effect for your hero... Walk forward
and meet Auron.

He was waiting for you? WTF? Oh well, just try to get past his awesome coolness
for the moment, and follow him. After a brief explanation of things, he'll give
you a sword. Now, it's just a simple matter of bashing the X button. While you
can select a target, the computer does just as good a job of it. There is no
need to go for the ones behind you, just the ones in front. After a few hits,
you'll see another cutscene. Now it's time for a boss!

=== [ Sinspawn Ammes | 2400 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ===========================
- After a brief explanation about Overdrives, perfrom Auron's Dragon Fang and
  Tidus' Spiral Cut as best you can. It doesn't matter if you don't get the
  button input right.
- Ammes only has one attack: Demi. It can't kill you, so don't bother healing.

There is a blue sphere up ahead. Go up to it and press X. It's a SAVE SPHERE.
Every time you see one of these, you are able to save your current game
progress. Your HP and MP will also fill up again upon saving. I'd encourage you
to save, not only now, but every time you see a new one of these.

So, another cutscene, and we see the pair run into more trouble. Now it time to
learn targeting. Once the bettle starts, just keep hitting X and killing
enemies. Auron gets an idea. You see that machine over to the side? Time to lay
a few blows on that instead. It's just a simple matter of selecting a target in
order to hit. It's already selected for you in this battle, so don't worry.
After that, there's another cutscene.

You find yourself floating strangly in the air. You're pretty sure you couldn't
do that last time... In any case, it's just a matter of flying to the man
standing on the large circular platform. When you do, press Circle.

          4.2. Submerged Ruins                               [04RUIN]

The actual name of this place is Baaj Temple, but you'll discover more about
this place much later on, so don't worry for now.. Anyway, after Tidus wakes
up, swim north-east, towards a blue thing. Go up the stairs, and get 200 GIL
from the chest. Now swim almost directly west, and head up another set of
stairs. After going up the stairs, you should see another blue thing. That's an
AL BHED COMPILATION SPHERE. It can be used to import saved Al Bhed Dictionaries
from another save. After checking that out, head down. There will be a chest
with POTION x2. After that, head towards the red arrow.

Now you're in a new screen. Save. Alrighty. Now head up. You'll see the path
fork, able to go left or forward. Go left, around,and get the HI-POTION from
the chest. Go back to the fork and then head north. Cutscene...

You're now in the water. Swim in any direction, doesn't matter which. After
another cutscene, you'll be faced with three enemy Sahagin. Just kill two of
them, and then the game will take over from there. Now you're up against a

=== [ Geosgaeno | 32767 HP | WEAKNESSES: Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice ] ==========
- Hit this guy three times, and he'll go away. He'll counter with punch, but
  that merely halves your CURRENT HP.

"Out of the frying pan and into the freezer" isn't a bad choice of words. Go up
the passage. You'll find yourself in a hall. Walk forward and invesigate the
"X" on your map. Time to get a fire going. Search the northern part of the big
room with the firewood first and find the X-POTION (it's near a door, and
behind some fallen stone). Now go to the green square on your map. After you
get inside the door, walk back down, and find an ETHER in a chest. Now go up
the stairs. Get the WITHERED BOUQUET. Keep going along, and into the next room.
Head all the way down the end and grab the HI-POTION. Now head back the big
circular room.

Go into the south-west door, and grab the FLINT from the drawer. Go back the
big room, and save your game (the big white square represents the SAVE SPHERE).
Now walk up to the fire, and press X. Another cutscene. And now a boss fight.

=== [ Klikk | 2250 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ====================================
- Attack until another character joins in. Then Steal some Grenades from Klikk,
  then get ???? to use them. Use a Potion if your HP runs low.

          4.3. Salvage Ship                                  [04SALV]

You wake up on the deck of a ship. Grab AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME I from the
top-right hand corner of the ship. Save you game. Walk up to the group of
people, then chat to the guy on the left. He'll kindly give you POTION x3 even
though you probably have no idea what he is saying. Now talk to the person who
helped you in battle. She'll give you a rundown of the Sphere Grid, telling you
how the system works.

Once you're in the water, press Circle to dive. Head downwards, to the red
arrow. You may have to fight a battle or two down there, just against Piranhas.
Make sure you get ???? to steal some GRENADES from them. Have Tidus attack.

Once you get inside the ruins, save your game again. Now swim forward and press
X on the monitor, and Tidus will... uh... "open" the door. Head to the red
arrow. There will be a fight against a large group of Piranhas, so just get
???? to Steal more GRENADES and Tidus to attack when they have been stolen from
at least once. After that, Tidus will again "fix" something, by using his
patented "if-I-bash-enough-it-will-eventually-work" technique. Anyway, the
lights get turned on, and it's time to get moving. Go back the way you came.
Oh, wait...

=== [ Tros | 2200 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] =====================================
- Cast Cheer several times, then use Steal too, and pick up some Grenades. Use
  the Grenades while Tidus attacks.
- First time Tros moves away, use the "Stand By" Trigger Command.
- Use "Pincer Attack" Trigger Command when he moves away the second time, then
  finish it off.

The pair will swim out of that damn place. Head to the red arrow once more.
You'll be taken back to the ship. After hearing a bunch of statements in a
language you can't understand, you'll be left alone with the mysterious
stranger that got you into that last mess.

Okay then, her name's Rikku. Finally, I can start usng her name. Part of the
way through your talk with her, you'll regain control of Tidus. Go save at the
SAVE SPHERE, and then go back and talk to her again. Cutscene...

          4.4. Besaid                                        [04BESD]

You wake up on a beautiful beach, only to have a ball hit you in the head. What
kind of ball is it? A Blitzball, of course. Suddenly some guy with a funky
looking haircut calls out to you. Instinct tells you to go over and meet him.
We'll you're right, you should indeed go over to him.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
Swim to the right as far you can, and then swim into a little otherwise
inaccessible beach with a chest. Get the stuff out of the chest. It's the MOON
CREST. You'll need that later.

Swim up to the guy with the mega hair-gel hairstyle. He'll introduce himself.
He's Wakka, captain of the woeful Besaid Aurochs Blitzball team. After amazing
the Aurochs with your 1337 Blitzball skillz, be sure to talk to each of them.
You'll hoard yourself several items. If you don't get an item the first time,
talk to them again. Four of them will give you an item, and one won't (what a
tight-ass, huh?). Now go to the LEFT side of the beach, and grab ANTIDOTE x2
from the chest. Now go speak to Wakka again, who is waiting for you where the
red arrow is.

After more chit-chat, follow Wakka into the next screen. Head right at the fork
in the road. You are about to take the "road less travelled by", so walk
forward, and that dirty rat Wakka will push you in the water. Now time for a
swim. Just follow the water along, making sure to pick up items from the three
underwater crates. They aren't hard to miss, and you end up getting a PHOENIX
DOWN, HI-POTION, and ANTIDOTE x2. You'll face a few groups of Piranhas on the
way, but you should be able to dispatch them easily now.

Part of the way through, a cutscene will takeover. after it's over, you emerge
from the river, and find yourself chatting with Wakka once more. Once he's
done, head to Besaid by moving towards the red arrow. On the way you'll meet up
with Luzzu and Gatta, and they'll give you some information. Walk into Besaid.
Upon entering, Wakka will ask you if you know the prayer. You get two options
to answer him with. Choose either one, it doesn't matter - you get the same

Now it's time to grab some items. Outside one of the tents there is a chest.
Grab the PHOENIX DOWN it contains. Now you will notice on the mini-map that
there is a sort of ghosted-out path between two of the tents. Head down into
that little area and you'll score yourself POTION x2, HI-POTION, and 400 GIL.
Alright, now feel free to check about town, learn a few things, although they
may not make much sense right now.

After that, head into the large tent on the left side of the village (the
second one). Talk to Luzzu and Gatta. Grab the AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME II from
the floor next to the desk at the very front. There's a SAVE SPHERE at the end
of the tent. Make sure to check out the shop, which is the first tent on the
left as you enter the village. You can browse from a list of items, although it
has been my experience that you never really need any, especially right now. If
you like, go for a little exploration around the village and talk to a few of
the folks. Nothing particularly interesting, but go ahead anyway.

Okie-dokie. Go into the middle tent on the right side of the village, and talk
to Wakka. He'll tell you to go to the Temple. The Temple is that massive
structure at the end of the village. Can't miss it. Head outside Wakka's house,
and into the Temple, yo.

Once inside the Temple, head to the left a bit and a scene will trigger with
the priest. The main stairway is blocked off (you'll find out why soon), so
don't bother with that yet. Now, go back to Wakka. When he presents you with
the option of a nap, accept it (you must do this if you want the story to
proceed). You'll have a dream, and Wakka and the priest discuss something.
After you wake up, head back to the Temple.

After the cutscene, it's time to excercise that noggin' of yours. Well, not
really, as I'm going to tell you how to do it... Anyway, it's your job to go
and save the summoner. To do that, you need to negotiate the often tricky
puzzles inside each of the many Cloisters of Trials' located in various spots
around Spira. Besaid, being your first, is also the easiest (as one would
expect). There's a handy litle tutorial at the start, so pay attention. Now,
here's how you get past...
--- [ CLOISTER OF TRIALS: Besaid ] --------------------------------------------
 1. Move forward, and touch the glyph on the wall.
 2. Touch the glyph that just appeared on the wall to your right.
 3. Move through the newly opened wall and down the steps, and examine the
    thing on the wall.
 4. After learning about spheres, grab the GLYPH SPHERE and then continue
    heading down the steps.
 5. Put the GLYPH SPHERE in the door.
 6. Remove the GLYPH SPHERE from the door after it opens, then continue on
    until the camera changes and you see something on the wall to the left of
 7. Place GLYPH SPHERE here. Wall will open, and another sphere (a DESTRUCTION
    SPHERE) can be found inside.
 8. Continue round the hallway until you see another glyph on the wall to your
    right. Touch the glyph.
 9. Remove the BESAID SPHERE from the thing on the wall, and place it in the
    pedestal near you.
10. Go back and get the DESTRUCTION SPHERE.
11. Go back to little room where you initially obtained the BESAID SPHERE and
    place the DESTRUCTION SPHERE in it's absense.
12. Collect Rod of Wisdom from chest in the room that was just unveiled.
13. Push the pedestal containing the BESAID SPHERE directly forward until a
    certain point.

Alright, so we are finished with that - for the moment. There are five more we
need to complete by the end of the game, but we'll worry about them when we
come to them.

So now a cutscene takes over, followed by a breathtaking rendered FMV sequence.
Try to keep it in your pants, fellas. After that, you'll be back inside the
halls of the Temple. Go outside. You'll hear Wakka call you over, so listen to
him and move towards the center of the village. You'll see another cutscene in
which the new-found summoner tests out her abilities. She'll summon an aeon.
After seeing this, you're given the choice to name it, exactly like the option
given to you at the very beginning of the game. Name the aeon whatever you like
(I always stick with Valefor, but that's because I'm very uncreative). If
you're not sure whether or not you like the name, don't worry, you can obtain
an item that allows you to rename them later on.

As the new scene starts, it's now late at night. The village has gathered
around the fire, to celebrate the villages new summoner, as well as enjoy a
last night together with her and the Aurochs. Wakka introduces you to the
Aurochs more formally, and they all discuss the upcoming Blitz tournament.

Once you regain control of our hero, go the left, where the new summoner is.
Some feral old woman tells you to "Stay away from the summoner!", but gets told
by the summoner chick. The two get introduced, and now I can finally start
using her name! Yay! Yeah, she's Yuna.

After you talk, Wakka will ask you if you think she's cute. Now this decision
DOES affect the game. It affects a few scenes you MAY get later on, as well as
the animation of Tidus' best Overdrive. However, it WILL NOT affect the story
itself at all. So don't worry about that. Choose however you feel at the time,
choosing one or the other won't get you an item or anything. Now you can walk
around and talk to the others (but not Yuna, that dirty scrub old lady tells
you to take a hike again), but it's not necessary. When you're done, talk to
Wakka and when he offers sleep, accept it. There'll be a few more cutscenes
during the night.

Once you wake up, be sure to save again. Then head outside. Cutscene time again
(don't worry, it happens less regularly later on, but the story is still
establishing itself, so bear with it). You'll be given BROTHERHOOD by Wakka, a
very neat sword for Tidus. You also find out that Yuna is travelling with you
on the boat. Like you didn't see that coming. Anyway, you need to head out of
the village when you get the chance.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
On your way to the dock, you'll be given a couple of tutorial battles, so make
sure to take advantage of the things they tell you. Now, go back INTO the
village and talk to the lady shopkeeper. She'll tell you her dog found
something. Now go find the dog - it's found in the third tent on the right side
of the village (the one closest to the Temple). Go inside then speak to the
dog. Do this and you will acquire Valefor's second Overdrive, Energy Blast,
which is significantly more powerful than her "normal" one.

As you head out, you'll see a scene with Yuna looking out over Besaid village.
Wakka will pray at the stone-thing, and you have the option to do so too.
Choose whatever you like, it's ultimately irrelevant as it doesn't affect the
story at all.

Head back out of the village, and continue up the path. After you proceed far
enough, you'll be greeted by an awesome FMV, and then this...

=== [ Kimahri | 750 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ===================================
- Don't bother wasting Potions if your HP gets low, you won't need them.
- Kimahri will use a normal physical attack and Jump, both of which do limited

More tutorial battles occur after this. So again, pay attention. Especially to
the one involving changing characters during battle. After that tutorial, you
should start using it in every battle possible. Make sure that every character
gets a turn during battle, as AP is set, and not divided amongst the group. Any
time a character is not used, AP is simply wasted.

If you encounter any more battles on the way, use all your newfound knowledge
to take out those fiends with ease.

And finally, we reach the beach (hey, that rhymes). Make sure to talk to
absolutely everyone here more than once. You should score some helpful items,
including an ETHER, 400 GIL, REMEDY, SEEKERS RING, and a PHOENIX DOWN. When
you're ready to leave, jump on the boat.

          4.5. S.S. Liki                                     [04LIKI]

Alright, so after a cutscene (one where Tidus stares at Lulu's breasts for an
awful long time) There are a few things to do here before we continue with the
story. First of all, head to the back of the boat (in other words, head
south-east from your current location) until you see a large set of stairs
going up. Just before this, there is a door as well as a small set of stairs
leading down. Take these stairs.

You emerge in a room with several doors and a jibbering idiot blabbing on about
nothing. The way he speaks to you, he deserves a punch in the face. Then he has
the nerve to ask you for gil! You can talk to him, but I recommended AGAINST
lending him gil. It's an absolute waste in my opinion, you hardly ever need to
buy things from him. Still, if you're insistent, give him 1001 gil. No more, no
less. This will give you the most worthwhile discount (half-price on everything
he stocks for the rest of the game).

First, save. Now head south, into the "Power Room". You'll talk to the woman
there. Once you're done, go to the very bottom of the screen. Grab AL BHED
PRIMER VOLUME III there. Go back to the room you were just in. Head into the
door on your left. Keepa from the Aurochs is in there. There's also a REMEDY in
a chest, so be sure to pick that up.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
There's a suitcase in here. If you have LESS than 20 Potions, press X on it and
Tidus will kick it. Do this until you have 20 Potions IN TOTAL. If you have 20
or MORE Potions already, then kicking it does nothing. Head back out to the
main room.

Alright, now go back up on deck. There are lots of people crowding Yuna, so
walk up there. After you see a small scene with people talking about her having
"noble blood" and the like, head back and talk to Wakka. After this scene, talk
to Wakka and Lulu a few times. If I were you, I'd go back and save your game
here. Up to you. In either case, go up and talk to Yuna when you're done. There
will be a rather long scene where the two of them talk and some light is shed
on both their histories.

And then, out of nowhere, comes...

=== [ Sin | 2000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ======================================
- The Fin is guarded by an unlimited amount of Sinscales, and three new ones
  are released after the current three are defeated.
- The Fin is a ditance target. Only Wakka, Lulu, and Kimahri (Lancet) can
  attack the Fin.
- Only kill TWO of the Sinscales. Kill of the third and three more are deployed
  in their stead, making it ultimately useless to have killed any of them.
- Use Wakka and Lulu to attack Sin's Fin, keeping Yuna out to heal.
- Finish off with Valefor's Overdrive to get the Overkill.

After that battle, it seems our hero is missing. So that champion Wakka jumps
in to find him. But wait...

=== [ Sinspawn Echuilles | 2000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Darkness ] ===================
- The Sinscales that accompany him should be ignored, again, they continue to
  respawn if you kill them.
- Echuilles has two attacks: "Drain Touch" which he leeches some HP off your
  characters. Darkness prevents this. The other is "Blender", which does large
  damage. Darkness will not prevent this, so make sure to stay well healed
  before and after this attack is used.
- Cast Cheer FIVE times, and use Dark Attack on Echuilles.
- Remember to use Dark Attack after Darkness status wears off, and heal when
  necessary using Potions.

Whew... that wasn't too bad, but it's certainly the toughest we've had to far.
Just watch the amazing FMV of Sin devastating Kilika, and the story shall

          4.6. Kilika                                        [04KLKA]

When you arrive, Kilika is in a sorry state. Many deaths, and lots of work
needed to restore order and peace. After the ship docks, the Aurochs do what
they can to help. Townsfolk also ask Yuna to perfrom a "sending". What's a
"sending"? We're about to find out. Save for the first time in a while, then
proceed to the right. Talk to Wakka and the Aurochs, then go left this time.
Here Tidus and Lulu talk and we find out a few things about life in Spira.
There's another beautiful FMV sequence where Yuna perfroms a sending, too.

Alrighty, after that, you'll go for a doze. When you wake up, you here the cool
little "wake up music". Time to get underway. When you come down your room,
talk to the little girl running around mindlessly. It seems she wants to be a
Blitzball when she grows up. Right... Anyway, walk outside.

Go left from your current location, and you'll see a little girl crying on some
rock thing. It starts to collaspe, but our hero jumps on and saves her just in
time. Time to get your reward for doing this. Head upwards into the house, as
you can't go into the Temple yet (the guy fixing the platform is in your way).
Nab 3x POTION from the chest inside. Head back out, and then all the way right
into the next screen.

As you approach, you'll see a hut at the fork in the path. Go inside. Grab the
ETHER from the chest (a reward for saving the little girl), and AL BHED PRIMER
VOLUME IV from the benchtop next to the drunk guy. Go back outside, and then
downwards and talk to the old lady. She's own an equipment shop. None of the
weapons are worth buying, but the armour can be pretty useful.

After a good chinwag with the big guy, head left and go to the spot where the
guy WAS fixing the platform and was in your way before. He's moved now, so you
can continue on down that path. Do so.

You now find yourself inside Kilika Forest. At first, it seems like a bit of a
maze, but bare with me here, and I'll guide you to getting all the nifty items
you can score here. After a cutscene, head south and save. Now go to the right
at the first available path. In your first random enemy encounter you'll learn
about Ronso Rages and Blue Magic. Make sure to pay attention on how to use
Kimahri's Overdrives. Nab MANA SPHERE x2. Turn around and at the intersection
head left (or west). Then go north and the next crossing. Grab the SCOUT from
the chest. That's a nifty weapon for Wakka with the Sensor auto-ability that
allows him to see the enemies current HP and other information.

Continue walking forward, and find some people in armour up ahead. Talk to them
to get a HI-POTION. Go back to the SAVE SPHERE, and save if you like. Now go
north from your location. Talk to the people to get ANTIDOTE x4. Here you have
a choice about whether or not you wish to fight a boss. You can do it now and
gain some AP, or you can do it later, when it's A LOT easier and gain the same
amount of AP. I always deal with him now, because the AP he gives is very
handy for an upcoming battle. If you wish not to fight him, take the other
route around him (the path on the right of the forest). But if you're feeling

=== [ Lord Ochu | 4649 HP | WEAKNESSES: Fire ] ================================
- Starting party should be Tidus, Yuna, and Lulu. Haste all of them. Cast Fire
  on Ochu. Yuna is there for healing.
- When Ochu casts Sleep on himself, have Yuna use Esuna ON OCHU. This sleep
  status regenerates HP for Ochu. His normal attack inflicts Poison, so remove
  it as soon as possible.
- Earthquake does large damage, so heal straight after.
- Bring in Valefor and unleash her Overdrive.

Now that he's outta the way, head south again, and talk to Luuzu and Gatta once
more to receive an ELIXIR and a NULBLAZE SHIELD from them. You can only get
these if you beat Lord Ochu before you head up the Temple stairs. Proceed north
and follow the path all the way around and get the LUCK SPHERE from the chest.
Now from your current location, backtrack until you come to an intersection. Go
east from here, then follow the path around until you reach the steps. Ascend.

As we reach the next screen, it seems the fellas want a race. They want to race
Yuna, what a bunch of pansies. Anyway, after that scene, save at the SAVE
SPHERE. You may want to go back downstairs and into the forest to charge up
Valefor's Overdrive gauge. When done, save again and continue up the stairs,
and then get ready...

=== [ Sinspawn Geneaux | 3000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Fire ] =========================
- Active party should be Tidus, Yuna, and Lulu. Start with Haste.
- The tentacles of Geneaux will absorb all magic casted at the BODY. Get rid of
  them straight away. You CAN cast magic AT them (fire magic works best).
- Have Lulu cast Fire at the main body.
- Once Geneaux's HP falls below 2400, he will come out of the shell.
- Cure Venom with Esuna or an Antidote. Stattaco and Water can also do
  reasonable damage.
- Use Valefor for an Overkill.

Phew, all these battles must be taking their toll on our poor hero. Oh well,
he'll live. Anyway, once the battle is over, you'll learn a few nifty things
about Sin and Sinspawn. Just continue up the stairs until you reach the Temple.
Talk to Wakka when you get the chance, and then choose an option. Again, what
you choose doesn't matter at all. I usually pray, but that's me.

After that, save inside the Temple. Now it's time for another damn Cloister of
--- [ CLOISTER OF TRIALS: Kilika ] --------------------------------------------
 1. Remove KILIKA SPHERE from pedastal, and place it in the door recess.
 2. Remove KILIKA SPHERE again, then proceed through the door.
 3. Place KILIKA Sphere in one of the northern wall recess.
 4. Remove KILIKA SPHERE, and place it in one of the other wall recesses.
 5. Touch the glyph on the northern wall.
 6. Proceed through the entrance and find KILIKA SPHERE in right wall recess.
 7. Remove KILIKA SPHERE and place it in empty wall recess in previous room.
 8. Remove GLYPH SPHERE from pedastal, and place it in new wall recess. Wall
    rises, revealing a new room.
 9. Step on the shining floor glyph in the second room to teleport the pedastal
    from the first room.
10. Remove KILIKA SPHERE from one of the two wall recesses in the first area,
    and place it in the pedastal recess.
11. Push pedastal onto shining floor glyph.
12. Remove DESTRUCTION SPHERE from hidden room and place it in the new recess
    uncovered after the pedastal went down in a blaze of glory.
13. Open the chest.
14. Go back and fetch the last remaining KILIKA SPHERE, then head north all the
    way and place it in the door recess.
15. Remove KILIKA SPHERE, then go up the stairs.

So, you're finally done with that. Only four more of those left to go. When you
arrive in the "waiting room" with the guardians, talk to each of them several
times. Then attempt to leave the room, and Yuna will exit. You score yourself a
new, and very handy aeon - Ifrit. Name it what you will.

After a few cutscenes, you'll find yourself in Kilika forest. Just head back
the way you came to get back into the Port (just follow the wide path that goes
down the centre). If you left Lord Ochu for now, then check out the strategy I
have listed above. Only now, you have Ifrit, so you can summon him and pound
away with Fire magic, if you like.

After that, save your game at the entrance (or in this case, the exit) to the
forest. Go into the next screen, back towards Kilika Port. Your finished here,
so head back to the place your ship was, and you can depart for Luca.

          4.7. S.S. Winno                                    [04WINN]

Getting ever closer to your first Blitzball match in Luca. It's not going to be
easy, so here you can learn a technique that will make winning a great deal

First things first. The ship you are on now is exactly the same as the S.S.
Liki, so you should know the layout pretty well. You start off in the main
corridor where you can find O'aka (you can lend him money if you wish, but
again, it's not really worth the time). Head in the door to the left. There's a
chest in here containing a HI-POTION. Now go back into the main corridor, then
up the stairs to get out onto the deck. Next to the stairs you just came up is
a doorway that leads to the bridge (where the captain and first mate are). This
room contains AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME V, so make sure to nab that. Now, go back

Head to the stern (the back) of the ship and you will see Yuna. This will
trigger a scene with the Goers. You will then see Wakka and Lulu ascend the
stairs to reach a higher platform. Now, simply try to walk up the stairs. A
scene witll trigger involving Wakka and Lulu talking. Do this several times,
until you finally reach the top. This means you have seen all the available
scenes. Talk to Wakka and Lulu if you like.

Now head down the stairs, and to the bow (the front) of the ship. Then head
downstairs again to get into the main corridor (where O'aka is located). Save
your game at the SAVE SPHERE. You'll see a Blitzball here. Simply walk up to it
and a minigame will be initiated.

--- [ EVENT: Learn the Jecht Shot! ] ------------------------------------------
In this minigame you can learn one of the best techs in all of Blitzball for
Tidus' use alone. Jecht Shot allows you to knock out two defending players and
raises your shot stat dramatically. The game itself is simple - whenever you
see a message on-screen, press the direction and the X button corresponding to
the position. In other words, if the message appears on the left-hand side of
the screen, hold left and then press X. If the message is on the bottom-right
of the screen, hold down-right and then X, and so on. If the message appears in
the centre of the screen, simply press X. Got it? Make sure you make use of the
practice session, then get right into it. If you fail the first few times, just
reload and try again. The easiest thing to do is use the analog stick instead
of the digital control.

Wakka and the boys will join you, and congratulate you on your amazing skill
(assuming you did it, of course). If you just couldn't do it, Yuna will talk to
you instead. In either case, after a little discussion, you will be prompted to
talk to Yuna again, so just walk up to her and another scene will initiate.

After all of this, go back to staircase that leads below the decks of the ship.
A woman will be there, and she will inform you that by the time you wake up you
will be in Luca. That's good news. Accept the offer to sleep, save your game
when given the option, and get ready for an action packed chapter...

          4.8. Luca                                          [04LUCA]

Finally, we are here. Your arrival to Luca is truly complete with yet another
awesome FMV sequence. As soon as you save, a few cutscenes will ensue (a
particularly funny one when our hero makes a fool of himself), and then you'll
be prompted to see Maester Mika. When this happens, just go into the next
screen (only one way is possible as a guard blocks one of the exits). Another
scene, and then we finally get to learn how to play Blitzball. It's imperative
that you cover ALL aspects of the tutorial. Your first game is going to be hard
enough, so make sure you fully understand EVERYTHING. If you're still having
trouble with it, check the Blitzball section for a more in-depth analysis.
Needless to say, I'll be giving you a strategy for winning the game relatively
easy, but it can't hurt.

Anywho, soon Yuna will come in and interrupt Wakka and his pep talk. Seems our
man Auron has been spotted, so it up to you to find him, ya? Good stuff. Before
you set about finding "the man", let's treat ourselves to some of the better
parts of Luca first. Namely, items. Lots of them. As well leave the locker
room, we encounter some Al Bhed Psyches. You have no idea what they are talking
about, and they seem to have no idea what Tidus is talking about, either.
Nevermind that, it all becomes clearer much later on. Now, it's our job to find
Auron, who was supposedly spotted in a cafe. Hold that thought for a minute, as
the first thing we should do is grab some items and accessories located about

First things first, leave the area you are in now and you will find yourself in
at the reception desk main area. There are threee sets of stairs, as well as
three different entrances/exits to different parts of Luca. The main centre
staircase is blocked off for the moment, so that restricts us just a little.
Anyway, head down the left stairs, and you'll find yourself in a room very
similar to one you have just been in, only in reverse. Grab AL BHED PRIMER
VOLUME VI from the floor near the guy, as well as the HI-POTION x2 from the
chest at the back of the room.

Leave this room, and back into the "main" area. Save at the SAVE SPHERE. Now,
from here, go left. We are now in the docks. You can speak to O'aka here, and
make a purchase, if you wish. You can also donate to his cause, but again, I
still don't think it's worth it. If you like, buy the Stunning Steel, it comes
in handy for later battles. Keep in mind IT IS NOT NECESSARY, but for your
first time through, it certainly makes things a little easier. From Dock 1
(where we are now) grab the TIDAL SPEAR and 600 GIL from the two chests. Move
into the next screen. Nab the PHOENIX DOWN x2. The next two areas have no
items, so just go past them. Dock 5, however, has the two best things you'll
find in Luca. Once you get to Dock 5, run north of where you are right now. On
the mini-map, you will notice there is a faint ghosted path. That is where you
want to go. It leads between a stack of crates on top of which a piece of
timber (or something) has been placed. There are two chests here containing a
HP SPHERE and a MAGIC SPHERE. For the moment, resist the temptation to use
them. The stat increases they give are minor so far, and you'll be using them
later on anyway (in a process called "Stat Maxing"). Leave this Dock, and
you'll end up in the area with the reception desk (we just went full circle).

Now, head south from the reception desk. This is where you wanna be. You'll
probably get a cutscene, so just go with the flow. Oh yeah, you might end up
with Yuna behind you as well, but that's nothing to worry about. At the
intersection, go north. You'll find yourself at Luca Theatre. On the steps you
can get yourself AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME VII.

Alright, now make for the red arrow on your screen. You'll soon find yourself
in Luca Square (despite the fact it's more of a circle that anything...) and
invlolved in another cheesy cutscene with bad voice acting. "They must be so
tall!" Shut up, woman.

Nevertheless, instead of going into the cafe (where the red arrow is), go up
the stairs to the east. At the top, you'll find a chest containing a handy
1000 GIL. There's also a SAVE SPHERE up here, so make use of its only function
(for the dimwitted, save your game). Now go back downstairs, in to the red
arrow, where the story will again take over.

Dang it, where'd Yuna go? Seems the Al Bhed have nabbed her for there own
seemingly sinister purposes. Time to rescue the damsel in distress. Follow the
yellow-bricked ro... I mean... head to the red arrow. On your way, you'll
encounter a number of groups of machina enemies. Use Lulu's Thunder attack to
wipe the floor with them. Tidus and Kimahri will do significantly less damage
than Lulu will, so just use them for a more of a support-type role. When you
reach the SAVE SPHERE outside one of the docks, SAVE YOUR GAME. Now, get ready
to fight, and use up any Sphere Levels you may have obtained.

=== [ BOSS: Oblitzerator | 6000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Thunder, Slow ] ==============
Handily located next to Tidus is a crane. It can't be used in it's current
state, but once Lulu casts Thunder on it three times, it becomes a deadly
weapon. Haste Lulu, and let her do her thing. Have Tidus and Kimahri defend in
the meantime. After Lulu uses her third and final Thunder, have Tidus use the
Trigger Command "Use Crane". The crane will rip off a massive amount of HP. If
that doesn't kill it, have Lulu cast Thunder or have Tidus and Kimahri attack
until it finally falls.

So, you'll have your standard run-of-the-mill cutscene, where Wakka scores the
winning goal in the last second to make it into the final. Way to go, champ
(for those wondering, I think Wakka is teh cool). We also learn a few things
about Yuna, but that's not for me to comment on here...

Go to your trusty red arrow on the mini-map. That's where you need to be.
going to be a damn hard one, at that.

When you go in, Wakka will be lying down. The man is is hurt, and it seems that
he can't play in the final (poor guy, can't even play his own final match). It
looks like the hopes and reams of Besaid are rested on the soldiers of our hero
and the other pathetically weak Besaid Aurochs. But don't worry, as I have a
nice little strategy for winning the cup...

--- [ EVENT: Luca Blitzball Tournament ] --------------------------------------
This is most likely going to take a few restarts, but if you stick in there,
you can win this thing. In order to keep those pesky Luca Goers players off
you, all you need to do is get a player to get the ball and swim behind Keepa
(your goalie). The Luca Goers will suddenly freeze, and they won't come near
you. Use this time to get the ball around to EVERY player on your team,
especially Tidus. After you pass the ball, the players will come unstuck, so
make sure you get another blitzer to go behind your goalie and use the trick
again. Do this for the entire first half.

At half time, you should get a few stat increases in some of your characters.
But most importantly, Tidus now is at level 3, and can use techs. Equip him
with Jecht Shot. YOU MUST DO THIS. Leave everything else as is.

Second half is where all the action is at. The first thing to do is pray you
start off with the ball. If not, pray that you get it without being scored
against first. Assuming that happens, do you little "freeze" trick again.
Hopefully, Tidus will be somewhere up the front, with only two defenders near
him. Now, pass the ball to him, and get him to swim to the goal. If you reach
the goals with two or less defenders on you, use Jecht Shot, and you should
almost definitely score.

After three minutes of play, Tidus will be substituted off for Wakka. So you
can choose to use the freeze trick for the remainder of the game and play it
safe, or you can try and score again. Assuming this is your first time playing
Blitzball, I'd recommend the taking the easy way.

After the tournament ends, the crowd will be cheering, and you'll be breathing
a sigh of relief (or one of frustration, if you already hate Blitzball). You'll
also get a STRENGTH SPHERE for your troubles. Most definitely worth it. In
either case, things aren't over just yet. Save your game when given the chance.

Now, Tidus and Wakka have to fight off against several groups of Sahagin
Chiefs. These are weak water fiends, so you shouldn't have too much trouble
disposing of them. If all else fails, just cast Haste and Cheer on your party.
Heal when needed.

And now, we see the coolest character ever in his own awesome FMV sequence.
Auron is here, and he has some serious ass-kicking to deal out. All of a
sudden, you are in control of him, up against a simple dragon fiend. One hit
should be enough to kill it. Tidus and Wakka meet up with Auron to fight off a
Garuda. To beat this guy, have Tidus cast Haste on everyone, then get Wakka to
use Dark Attack (on Garuda), and then get Auron to use Power Break on Garuda.
This makes the battle pathetically easy.

After that battle, it seems the odds no longer favour you... or do they?
Seymour summons Anima, one of the most powerful aeons in the game, who dishes
out some "Pain" and wipes out all the remaining fiends in the stadium.

This is followed by several more cutscenes where some important information is
reveiled to us quite early on (seems almost too early, doesn't it?). If you're
wondering about what happens if you win/didn't win the Bltizball tournament,
the scene is exactly the same, apart from the fact that Wakka holds a large
trophy (if you won) or a Blitzball (if you didn't).

When finally back in control, follow Auron (or head to the very helpful red
arrow shown on the mini-map). As a result, you should find yourself at the top
of the stairs past Luca Square (where you acquired 1000 gil from a chest
earlier on). A few scenes later, and it seems we are on our way.

          4.9. Mi'ihen Highroad                              [04MIHI]

Aha! We now have the option to play Blitzball whenever we like. If you've been
put off by the first game, I suggest you try it out again. It becomes quite fun
when the odds aren't so difficult. You also have the option of scouting out new
players from all over Spira, which becomes quite a sidequest of its own. For
more information on that, check the Blitzball section.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
I strongly urge you grab a few players for your team, as you can get the best
Overdrive in the game (Wakka's "Attack Reels") right now if you wish it. I
usually wait until I get to the end of the Highroad before I start playing, so
first of all, let's go back into Luca and sign a few new guys to our team.

First up, in Luca Square, there is a guy sitting on one of the benches. He's
going to be our new goalie. His name is Jumal, so finding him is a just a
matter of pressing Square on every person sitting on a bench. Next, head to
Luca Theatre. Leaning on the wall along the pathway just before the theatre
itself is a man. His name is Zalitz. Acquire him too. Leave Luca theatre, and
return to the place with the reception desk and the three staircases. Guarding
the centre stairs are Biggs and Wedge. Hire Wedge. You'll now be prompted to
boot a player from the Besaid Aurochs from your team. Do so. Lastly, walk
around Luca docks and hire Zev Ronso. Boot another Auroch from the team. Only
one player left to go before you start playing Blitz. So let's hold that
thought for the time being, and get back to the start of the Mi'ihen Highroad.

In your first battle, you'll be given a quick tutorial on how to use Auron.
Auron is easily one of the best characters in the story part of the game (and
overall, as well), because of his high strength. Use it to your advantage, and
get used to using his Power Break ability, which makes enemy attacks weaker.
Other than that, just continue to use every character during battle. Make sure
to talk to every person you come across. Almost all of them reward you with an
item or an accessory.

As you leave the safety of the SAVE SPHERE, talk to all the people walking
around to get yourself a HI-POTION, ANTIDOTE x2, and HUNTER'S SPEAR. The
HUNTER'S SPEAR is an amazingly good weapon at this point in time, so make sure
you equip it for Kimahri straight away. Now move forward, and eventually you'll
meet Maechen, a historian. Blah blah blah, and back to work we go. Around the
back of the ruins he talks about there is an ICE BRAND for Tidus. It's not
particularly useful, but it can be sold for a decent enough price. Continue
north, and you'll also have a chat with the Chocobo Knights. Seems a chocobo
eating fiend is on the rampage. Hmm...

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you happen to get into a fight with a Bomb, make sure to have Kimahri use
Lancet on them to learn "Self Destruct". If you get into a fight with a Dual
Horn, make sure to have Kimahri use Lancet to learn "Fire Breath".

Up ahead, you'll see a woman standing in a little off-shoot of the road. Her
name is Belgemine, and she challenges you to an aeons fight. DO NOT FIGHT HER
YET. Instead, walk around and continually summon Valefor and get her (yes, her)
Overdrive gauge built up. Don't worry about getting Ifrit's Overdrive gauge up,
as you can't use him. If somehow you managed to charge up Yuna's Overdrive
gauge by now to, then even better. It's never been full by this time for me,
though. Now go back to Belgemine, and accept.

BOSS: Ifrit | HP: 3500 | WEAKNESSES: Ice
An imposing boss, to be sure. Let lose from the outset with Energy Blast (or
Energy Ray, if you don't have the former). On every second turn, Ifrit uses
Meteor Strike, which does quick heavy damage. Counter this by using Shield the
turn before he uses Meteor Strike. On your "free" turns, cast Blizzard on
Ifrit. to inflict greater damage Only use your Overdrive when you are sure it
will kill him, as it delays your next turn quite a bit, enough even for him to
finish you off. If you managed to get Yuna's Overdrive gauge charged before
battle, then this will be even easier.

Assuming you win this battle, you will receive an ECHO RING for Yuna. If you
lost, you get a SEEKER'S RING. If you lose, it makes no difference at all. It's
not a game over, and the item you get is not much better (the ECHO RING just
has added protection against Silence). Carry on.

In the next screen, the path is much the same. Get the RED RING from the man
coming towards you, and the REMEDY from the chest. You'll also see a scene with
a little girl talking about the Calm. Still much to learn about Spira, we have.
Move on, young padawan.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
At one point, you'll notice a blitzball sitting on the ground. TALK TO THE BOY
NEAR IT FIRST, then press X to kick the ball. Do so and you'll receive SOFT x3.

In the final stretch, you acquire more items than you can poke a stick at. I'm
too lazy to walk you through getting them all, but it's just a simple matter of
speaking to everyone on screen and opening all the chests. The chests aren't
out of the way or anything, ansd should be easily spotted. You should end up
with the following: ANTIDOTE x4, LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE, ETHER, 600 GIL, HI-POTION,
2000 GIL and EYE DROPS x3. You'll also talk with Luzzu and Gatta, as well as
Shelinda, someone new. That's all for this area.

When you finally reach the agency, there will be a rather long-winded cutscene.
You should be used to it by now. When you get the chance, save at the SAVE
SPHERE conveniently located inside the agency. You'll nab a LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE
from a random person. Try to leave the agency, and you will meet Rin, owner of
the establishment as well as many other agencies all over Spira. He'll give you
AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME VIII and MEGA-POTION x2. Time for a boss fight. Save your
game again.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
Here you can hire Ropp for your Blitz team. Kick out one of the Aurochs and now
you have a good team for early levels, certainly enough to get you what you
want for the time being. Now, I always play five games of Blitzball before the
boss fight to get Wakka's Attack Reels. I suggest you do the same. For your
team, put Tidus and Wege up front, Zev in the middle, Ropp and Zalitz in the
defence, and Jumal as the goalie. Play two league matches (save after both of
them), and then a tournament will become available. If the prize isn't Attack
Reels, reset and heck again. There is a 50% chance that the prize is Attack
Reels, so it houldn't take long. Now, playand win the tournament, and you have
the best Overdrive in the game at your disposal very early on.

Now, it's time to fight. Walk outside, and go north a ways...

BOSS: Chocobo Eater | HP: 10000 | WEAKNESSES: Fire, Power Break, Slow
Because of the location of the fight, their is a cliff behind Chocobo Eater,
and one behind your party. It works sort of like the Sphere Grid, and depending
on how much damage is inflicted, you can move forward or be pushed back. Same
applies for our friend here. Pushing him off the cliff is recommended, as you
will get LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE x2 for doing so. To push him back a space, inflict
at least 500 damage while he is on his back. It's actually not a hard thing to
do. If you have the Stunning Steel, use it to inflict Slow. You should be able
to do it now.

Chocobo Eater has a number of attacks at his disposal, and he is the most
complex boss you have faced yet. Normally, he'll use his bash attack, dealing
mediocre damage. From time to time, he'll point to a character and say "You're
next!". That means his next attack will deal massive damage, so make sure to
have that character defend for their next turn, and they should survive. He can
also cast Blizzard when on his back, but that too does pretty low damage. So
just make a habit of healing up when necessary with items or Yuna's magic.

Main party should be Tidus, Auron and Lulu. Haste everyone, and get Auron to
use Power Break. Cast Fire magic with Lulu. In order to knock him over, you
need to deal 1200 damage to him. Try your best to push him back before he
stands up again. If you don't manage to push him off the cliff, then just use
an aeon Overdrive to get the Overkill.

I'm going to assume you beat Chocobo Eater, and did not get pushed off the
cliff. If you were pushed off, then load your game and try again. Or else,
you're on your own for the time being.

Anyway, after the battle, Rin thanks you by allowing you to ride chocobos for
free. Save your game inside the agency again, then talk to the lady outside
with the chocobos and accept her offer. You can now pick up some nifty items
on your travels on the highroad. Basically, whenever you see a feather on the
road when riding a chocobo, just press X and the chocobo will perform some
amazing feat of chocobo-type skills and get to a hidden location, where upon
you will find an item or an accessory.

Alright, so after the fight, head northwards on your chocobo. Head over the
bridge, and into the next screen. After crossing the bridge, look for a chocobo
feather on the ground. Press X on it. Your trusty chocobo will find it's way to
a hidden location and you'll receieve a HEAT LANCE. Not much use, but worth a
bit of money.

Continue on down the road, and soon enough you'll see AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME IX
laying on the road at the bend. Move on. When you reach the next screen, there
is somewhat of a crossroads. I'm going to assume you want the items and
accessories, so head down the south road. If not, then go north, to continue
the plot.

When you go south, you'll find another chocobo feather on the ground. This one
is kinda tough to see at first, so walk slowly along here. As you head past two
rocks that hang out from the wall, it will be just to the left of the path (or
on the right hand side of our hero). Press X on it to obtain a THUNDER BLADE
and SCOUT.

Once you reach the next screen, tak to Lucil if you like. Head further down the
road you'll come across yet another Chocobo Feather. It can't be spotted from
the main path, so use your mini-map to locate the short path that comes of the
Oldroad. Walk down to the end of it, and press X on the Chocobo Feather. You'll
get a FORTUNE SPHERE for your troubles.

O'aka can be found wandering about the Oldroad, but I never buy anything from
him. If you find your item supplies running low then by all means, purchase
some new stock. Sell some mediocre weaponary if you need the money. There also
happens to be a SAVE SPHERE down here, so save your game if you like.

When you finally reach the end of the road, there is a MARS CREST to be found.
This item is important for a later sidequest, as was the MOON CREST you have
already picked up from Besaid Island. Now that you have gotten all there is to
be had down here, head all the way back to the crossroads you found yourself at
earlier. There's another SAVE SPHERE here, too.

Okay, so there's a guy here who is also a poor bastard, and he's begging for
donations. Send him packing, there's nothing worthy to be gained from this
exchange. Head north, and after you're told you can't proceed, walk south for a
bit. A cutscene will take over. After it finishes, head north again.

          4.10. Mushroom Rock Road                           [04MHRM]

Preparation for Operation Mi'ihen has begun, as can be seen. Walk forward a
bit, and then a cutscene will again take over. After it finishes, walk back
just a little (stay in this screen) and talk to the guy. He'll give you a TOUGH
BANGLE for Lulu. This is a very good accessory - equip it on her straight away.
You won't need to get her any further armour for a long time now.

Walk ahead, and talk to the Crusaders. They will give you a range of handy
items, including 2x PHOENIX DOWN, ETHER, and a HI-POTION. Move on and you'll
soon be stopped by Clasko. Looks like it's time to move the Command Centre. So
follow his lead and turn left, as the straight road is blocked for now. You'll
see O'aka in a little alcove just here, so feel free to freshen up your
inventory if you wish. No weapons here worth buying, though.

In the next screen there is a platform on the ground. Talk to the person there
to receive a HI-POTION. Press X when standing on the platform, and it will take
you up to a higher level. Move on.

The road here winds back an forth a lot, so be prepared to go for some time
without saving. The battles here give good AP, so make sure that every
character is being involved in the battles. You really want your characters in
top shape for an upcoming battle. In any case, proceed forward down the "long
and winding road". Early on you'll notice a person standing near a chest. Talk
to the person to receive POTION x10 and get 1000 GIL from the chest. Move on
and grab the REMEDY from the next chest.

On the way you'll bump into Shelinda again, if you like let her white magic
spells heal your party. If you happen to have any of your characters fill
their Overdrives, make sure NOT to use them yet. Fill the Overdrive gauge of
both Valefor and Ifrit. Many people suggest learning Lulu's level two black
magic skills (Fira, Watera, Thundera, and Blizzara). I don't ever bother, and
would suggest you not to either, it makes the upcoming battle way too easy. I
don't know about you, but I like a challenge. Near the end of the path get the
HI-POTION from the chest, then take the platform up to higher ground.

When you get up here, be sure to talk to everyone, and receive an X-POTION and
400 GIL. When you see a left turn as you come from the previous platform, take
it. You'll arrive at another platform that goes back down, along with a chest.
It contains a SERENE ARMLET. Go back up to the level you were before, then head
in the direction you were originally going. Take the next left turn you come
across, where the path spirals around. At the end, grab the AL BHED PRIMER
VOLUME X. Now find the green square on this level. There's another rising
platform, to take right you up to the top. Use it.

Head towards the trusty red arrow now. It will direct you towards a large
machina elevator. Speak to the guy standing near it (not Gatta) to get a
MEGA-POTION. You'll also come across a SAVE SPHERE. However, before you get on
the lift, go past it and head to the right of the screen, then "south" into a
little rock overhang. Here you'll see an optional, and yet rather important
cutscene. After it finishes, walk back to the machina and choose to go up. Just
before you leave this part, you may wish to get your aeon Overdrive gauges up.
When you reach the top, head again towards the arrow on the mini-map.

As you walk around in this new area, you'll see lots of cannons aimed out to
sea. In any case, just head in the only possible logical direction (in other
words, not the way you came) and you'll soon find yourself at the Command
Centre. There's a SAVE SPHERE here. That mug O'aka is also sniffing around for
some profit, so stock up on any items you may find yourself low on. He does
have some weapons, the best of which happens to be a Stonetouch weapon (T.K.O.)
for Wakka, and a Counter-Attack weapon (Avenger) for Tidus. However, they're
expensive. If you really want to you can sell off all your useless accessories
and buy one of them, but I usually don't.

Whatever you choose to do, walk past O'aka and you'll see Gatta, and the party
will stop to talk to him. After that you can talk to him twice more. I won't
reveal what happens - find out for yourself (or if you really must know, check
the Frequently Asked Questions section, but beware it will spoil things more
than a little). It doesn't yield any items or weapons or even affect the
overall story, but it does have a small impact.

Anyway, after that, continue walking forward until you find yourself behind the
walls of the Command Centre. In here you can nab yourself a MEGA-POTION and a
SERENE BRACER (found right up the back of the Command Centre). Talk to people
ARROW. The upcoming battle is a real doozy. Anyway, just say you're ready to
begin to get things going.

BOSS: Sinspawn Gui | HP: 12000 | WEAKNESSES: Power Break
Although I said this guy's HP is 12000, he is composed of a number of body
parts - all of which can be attacked individually. The main body has 12000 HP,
and destroying this ends the battle. The head, which casts some annoying magic,
has 4000 HP. There are also two arms with 800 HP each. The arms are special in
that they regenerate after a certain amount of turns.

On with the strategy. The first order of business is to take out the head. Once
it dies, it's gone for good. Have your main party consist of Tidus, Yuna, and
Auron. Cast Haste on Tidus and Yuna. Use Power Break with Auron, then swap him
out for Lulu. Have Tidus cast Haste on Lulu.

Now that you have set up your party for the meantime, have Lulu concentrate her
attacks on the head only. Yuna is there as healing support. Tidus should go for
the arms. Have her cast NulShock to nullify damage from the head's Thunder
attack. Have her defend for those turns when her healing spells aren't needed.

From time to time a message will appear on-screen saying "The head is moving
suspiciously". This means it's next attack is Poison, and this is a very
annoying and damaging attack. To counter it, just make sure you attack the head
before it gets a turn. Soon enough, the head will die, and turn grey. Now to
change our focus.

Bring in Tidus and Auron for Yuna and Wakka. Have Tidus cast Haste on Auron.
Then swap Tidus out for Yuna. You may also wish to let Kimahri come in and have
a turn to gain some handy AP from this battle at this stage (if not, just make
sure you do at some stage).

Now have Auron Use Power Break on the body, then beat away at the arms (use
Dragon Fang if you ever get the chance) while Lulu concentrates the entire time
on casting magic at the body. When both the arms are dead, have Auron also
attack the body (make sure to have him use Power Break). Again, use Yuna as the
healer, having her defend on the turns her skills aren't needed (defend is a
very "fast" command, giving her move turns if she needs them). Repeat this
until Gui's HP falls below 2000. Then have Yuna summon Valefor or Ifrit and
unleash an Overdrive on Gui. Overkill is yours, meaning double AP. Yay!

Now watch the awesome cutscene. However, things aren't over just yet...

BOSS: Sinspawn Gui | HP: 6000 | WEAKNESSES: Power Break
Unfortunately, this guy is back. But fortunately, you also have Seymour on your
side, who is an absolute powerhouse. Don't worry about Auron or Yuna, Seymour
will pretty much take Gui down by himself. Just concentrate on keeping them
alive long enough to enjoy some more easy AP. Have Seymour dominate this boss
with his level two black magic (Fira, Thundara, Watera, or Blizzara). For those
that care, if you wait long enough you can fill up Seymour's Overdrive gauge
and allow him to perform Requiem. You should know that this is the only time
get to see it. Just don't be too disappointed when you see it.

When you wake up on the beach, you need to find either Luzzu or Gatta. If you
stumble upon Gatta and you can't talk to him, well... you'll see. In this case,
you need to find Luzzu. If you find Gatta and can talk to him, then again,
you'll soon find out. Either way, just look for Gatta (he's proped up near the
cliff wall).

After a cutscene, you and the rest of the party will be about to embark once
more on their journey. Save your game at the SAVE SPHERE. Instead of going up
the path, head to the left instead and grab the HI-POTION from the chest. Now
go up the path, towards the red arrow.

          4.11. Djose Highroad                               [04DJSH]

As soon as you move into the new screen, a cutscene will take over, in which
Kimahri actually speaks. Whoa! Anyway, after it finishes, save at the nearby
SAVE SPHERE. There are a lot of items to be founf down this stretch. Talk to
everyone you see on the road several times to nab a VARIABLE STEEL, HI-POTION,
can be found behind one of the stone pillar things on the right, so make sure
to check behind each of them until you find it.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you happen to get into a fight with a Basilisk, make sure to have Kimahri
use Lancet on them to learn the very helpful "Stone Breath".

There is a chest in full view as you proceed down the highroad. Nab the PHOENIX
DOWN x2 inside. As you move down the path you will find several little alcoves
in the wall, one in which a chest is located. The recesses in the wall are easy
to spot, as is the chest. When you spot it, grab the BRIGHT BANGLE contained

When you go far enough you'll find that "two paths diverged in a yellow wood".
There will be a cutscene, and then things will get moving again. Take the right
road, and leave the left one for a little later (alliteration!).

Walk forward and when you reach the new screen, the ground will sake. Head
north until yousee Yuna with Lucil et al. Walk over and see the cutscene. After
that, continue northwards. After yet another cutscene, you'll find yourself
standing directly outside the Temple. Head to the right to find the SAVE

Now head to the left, where you'll again find Lucil, Elma, and Clasko. Next to
them is a chest containing 4000 GIL. Now head towards the Temple. On the
right-hand side of the Temple you'll find a chest containing ABILITY SPHERE x4.

Now approach the Temple. Outside you'll find either Luzzu or Gatta, depending
on what option you choose earlier. Talk to whichever is standing there. When
you're done, nab the ABILIUTY SPHERE x8 from behind the inn. Now go inside the
temple. There'll be another cutscene. After that one is finished, don't go into
the Cloister of Trials just yet. Instead go into the room on the right side and
score a MEGA-PHOENIX. Now head to the room to the left of the stairs, and grab
the ETHER inside the chest just outide. Go into the room, and nad the REMEDY
inside the chest. Go back outside, and when you're ready, up the stairs to the
Cloister of Trials. After a Isaaru talks to you, that is.

--- [ CLOISTER OF TRIALS: Djose ] ---------------------------------------------
 1. Remove both of the DJOSE SPHERES in the recesses in the door.
 2. Push the pedastal to the right, leaving it beneath the one on the roof.
 3. Remove a DJOSE SPHERE from the wall to your left (near the shining glyph),
    and place it in one of the two recesses in the wall near the recently moved
 4. Remove the other DJOSE SPHERE near the shining glyph, and place it in the
    other recess near the pedastal.
 5. Take the newly charged DJOSE SPHERE and place it in the wall with the line
    that connects to the shoining glyph.
 6. Place both the DJOSE SPHERES in the wall in the pedastal.
 7. Walk to the very left, and step on the shining glyph.
 8. Push the pedastal through the newly opened door.
 9. Walk forward, and you will jump across the pit.
10. Push pedastal into the wall by pressing X.
11. Step on shining glyph again.
12. Remove both DJOSE SPHERES from the pedastal and place them in the recesses
    in the very first room you were in.
13. Remove charged DJOSE SPHERE and place it in the recess to the left of the
14. DO NOT GO UP THE LIFT YET! First go the left side near the shining glyph.
    Touch the flashing glyph ON THE WALL.
15. Remove DESTRUCTION SPHERE from newly opened room.
16. Go up the lift.
17. On the above level, push all five pedastals into the wall by pressing X.
18. Place DESTRUCTION SPHERE in new pedastal.
19. Grab contents of the chest.
20. Go up the stairs.

When you have passed the Trials, you'll find yourself in the little room
outside the Chamber of the Fayth. Talk to those that you will. Walk to far
enough in and a cutscene will take over. After it finihses, talk to everyone
again if you like. In order to resume the story, try to leave the room, and
Yuna will emerge. More talk, and you finally get to name your aeon.

Next thing you know you're out of the Cloister of Trials. Phew. Save at the
SAVE SPHERE again. Head inside the Inn and grab the SWITCH HITTER from the
chest near the back. Equip it for Wakka. Go back outside, and talk to everyone
if you like. They'll tell you that the pilgrimage will coninue once Yuna is
ready. Typical woman, holding everybody up. Time to drag her ass out of bed.
Walk inside the Temple, and go to the room to the left of the stiars. She's
asleep, so talk to woman next to her bed to wake her up.

When you find yourself outside again, head south and Yuna will come outside.
Once it's over, walk south. Talk to everyone here to score yourself a HALBERD
(an excellent weapon if you made Kimahri a mage), HI-POTION x2, and POTION x10.
When you get to the end of the bridge, the gang will talk to Lucil and company.

Keep going south until you reach the fork in the road. It's now time for the
Moonflow, baby! Take the left path.

          4.12. Moonflow                                     [04MNFW]

When you get started on the path, you'll see Shelinda up ahead. Talk to her, if
you like. Right next to where she is standing is a chest containing LEVEL 1 KEY
SPHERE x3, so be sure to grab it. Now head north, and you'll bump into Biran
and Yenke. After the cutscene, open the chest to reveal an X-POTION. Continue
following the path.

Soon enough you'll come to another point in the path where there is small
offshoot. Here another LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE x3 can be found in a chest. Keep
going. On your way, fill up the Overdrive bars of both Valefor and Ifrit (Ixion
doesn't matter). If Yuna happens to get her Overdrive gauge filled up, don't
use it just yet. Why are we doing this? Because Belgemine is right up ahead,
and she's going to challenge you to another duel. When you reach her, accept.

BOSS: Ixion | HP: 6500 | WEAKNESSES: Water
As long as you have full Overdrives for Valefor and Ifrit, this battle
shouldn't be too hard. Summon (or Grand Summon, if you can) Ifrit first, and
unleash Hellfire. This should do quite significant damage to Ixion (hopefully
not too much, otherwise he will cast Haste and make the battle substantually
harder). Keep fighting using Ifrit for as long as you can. It's possible to
beat Ixion with just Ifrit. Remember that you can cast Fire magic on yourself
to keep Ifrit healed up. If Ifrit does happen to fall, summon Valefor when you
can and use Energy Blast (or Energy Ray, if you don't have the former). This
SHOULD be enough to finish Ixion off.

After the battle is over, you will be rewarded if you win or lose. However, if
you win, you also receive the SUMMONER'S SOUL, which allows you to teach aeons
new abilities. This is extremely useful. Don't worry if you lose, you can get
it a bit later on. If you win, then pay attention to the tutorial. If there's
something you missed or don't understand, a full explanation can be found in
the Game Basics section of this guide.

Continue on your merry way. When you see another path go off to the left once
you reach the forest area, take this path to get yourself a MAGIC DEFENCE
SPHERE. Keep going north; a cutscene will take over. Once it finishes, head to
the red arrow on the mini-map.

When you can, open the chest near you to nab PHOENIX DOWN x2. Talk to O'aka and
stock up on some items, if you need to. Talk to Yuna and Kimahri as well, to
hear a funny story. When you're done, head east as far as you can and save your
game at the SAVE SPHERE.

Now get the 5000 GIL in the chest in the SAVE SPHERE. Talk to Wakka and Lulu.
There's a merchant there, but all his stock is really crappy. Also, talk to
Maechen if you feel up to listening to him drone on (but do it anyway).

Go back to the "Shoofpuf Station" and talk to Auron. There are a couple more
merchants trying to unload their stuff on you, but again, there's nothing worth
blowing you money on. When you're ready to get going, talk to the short blue
guy standing still on the platform. He'll give you the choice to "ride ze
shoopuf", so accept his offer.

When you get halfway across, it becomes apparent you need to kick some further

BOSS: Extractor | HP: 4000 | WEAKNESSES: Thunder, Slow
Hopefully you picked up the Stunning Steel in Luca. If not, don't worry. The
first order or business is to cast Haste on Tidus, then on Wakka. Then have
Tidus use Provoke on Extractor to ensure it doesn't use it's most damaging
attack. However, doing so will increase the damage that Aqua Shooter does.
Counter this by having Tidus cast Cheer a few times (up to five, if you like).

Switch any weapons you have to those with Lightningstrike on them (if you have
Stunning Steel, change weapons AFTER you inflict Slow). Now just keep
attacking. At certain points, you will get the message "Extractor has cooled
down". This means that it is no longer under Provoke status. It also means that
it can use "Depth Charges", it's best attack. Therefore, just get Tidus to use
Provoke again. Heal up when you need to. This boss should go down pretty

When you regain control, you're on the other side of the Moonflow. Save your
game at the SAVE SPHERE. Head left into the next screen, and grab AL BHED
PRIMER VOLUME XII from the right-most platform, near the weird spining wheel.
O'aka can be founf here, so stock up on items if you have to. Continue heading
left, and get the ETHER from the chest.

Follow the path until you find someone lying on the ground. Yay! Rikku is here,
and now your party is complete. Rikku is the resident thief of this group, so
the next battle will be a tutorial on her very handy skills. Although she
appears to be at a low level, she will become about equal with the rest of your
party fairly soon. Anyway, just head to the red arrow, picking up the
ANTIDOTE x4 and MEGA-POTION from the chests on the way.

          4.13. Guadosalam                                   [04GDSM]

The first order of business when you reach Guadosalam is to be briefed on
customising by Rikku. This is another part of the game that is vital to
understand, so make sure to play close attention. It may seem complicated at
first, but I guarantee you that it is very simple once you get the hang of it.
Of course, you can always find a thorough explanation in the Game Basics

Once Rikku is done, walk through the door on your immediate right. Save your
game at the SAVE SPHERE. Talk to Maechen if you like, and he'll explain a
couple of things to you. Shelinda is also there. When you're done, go back

Head north and you'll see a large door. You can't go in just yet, but open the
chest on the right to reveal a MEGA-POTION. Now walk to the left, then follow
the wall around south. There is another door here, so go inside. At the back of
this room here is a chest, but it's very difficult to spot. It's behind the
tree trunk located in the middle. Walk around pressing X and you'll soon find
it. AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XIII can also be found sitting on the floor in this
room. Pick it up, then exit.

Now walk further south, where there are two Guado talking. Go around them to
obtain an ELIXIR from the chest. Now go north, again, and take the second
right. Enter the first place on the left. Here you can buy weapons, armour, and
items from either the shopkeeper or O'aka. I suggest the Shimmering Blade for
Auron, and the Devastator for Rikku. Buy them from O'aka, however, as his
prices are cheaper.

Head back to the large doors. This is Seymour's place of residence. Go inside.
Now goup the stairs and nab the HI-POTION x2 from the chest. Talk to everyone
here, if you like. Then try to leave the mansion, and Trommel will appear. Do
as he says and go inside. Talk to everyone in this room and Seymour will make
his entrance.

Okally dokally. Exit Seymour's weird looking house and just keep walking south
and a cutscene will be triggered. After it finishes, head to the Farplane by
heading in the direction you found the ELIXIR earlier. Instead of going to the
chest, just walk the second path to the right, and head all the way through,
and you'll eventually reach the place "where dead people live".

When you get in there, prepare to be whacked out by some psychadelic colours,
man! Woah! Anyway... speak with Wakka and Lulu. Then go over and see Yuna. Once
everything is finished, the group will be walking back from the Farplane. You
get a chance to say something or not; it doesn't matter what you choose. After
you regain control, head path into the Farplane path. On the immediate left the
wall sticks out a bit. There is a chest containing LIGHTNING MARBLE x8. Get it.

Now go back outside, and head toward's Seymour's abode. After Yuna ventures in,
another cutscene will takeoever where you'll speak to either Lulu or Rikku,
depending on affection levels. If you get Rikku, when you talk to her she will
give you a choice. Answering favourably to her raises your affection to her.
Same goes if you get Lulu, only the choice comes after you speak to her several

In any case, talk to all your fellow guardians several times. Then head towards
the Thunder Plains, by heading towards the entrance of Guadosalam, and then
take the left path. You will be greeted by Shelinda. After she speaks to you,
head back to Seymour's place... I mean, Lord Seymour's place, and Yuna will
return. After a cutscene, head towards the Thunder Plains.

          4.14. Thunder Plains                               [04THNP]

Damn... what a whacked out place. Imagine that, a continuous and completely
isolated storm in the middle of Spira. Anywho... once you get here, you'll be
given a short tutorial on lightning strikes. To recap, try and stay close to
the lightning towers as you cross the plains. If you see the screen flash for
an instant, press X to dodge the lightning. If you mash X, the game will sense
you are cheating, and hit you with one just to piss you off. Don't worry if you
get hit, it won't do any damage.

The first chest in this area is loacated on the left hand side, just before the
SAVE SPHERE. It contains PHOENIX DOWN x2. Now save. Then continue heading north
along the left hand side. Get HI-POTION x2 from the next chest, located just
beyond the SAVE SPHERE. If you want to talk to Maechen, then head back towards
the main road. He's found next to a lightning tower, and he'll give you a bit
of history on them. When you're done, move left to the other side of the
Thunder Plains, and then go north. Just before there is a dip in the mini-map,
you can find 5000 GIL in a chest.

Get back on the manin pathway. Talk to Shelinda when you see her - it doesn't
matter what answer you give her. Stay on this course until you see a little
pathway offshoot on the right. Go to the alcove and pick up the WATER BALL in
the chest. Now just continue north until you reach a fork in the road, where
the party will stop briefly.

When you get inside, utilise the function of the SAVE SPHERE. DON'T GO AFTER
YUNA YET. Talk to everyone, especially Rikku. Once you do that, Rin will
appear. Talk to him and select the first option when he asks you how your study
of Al Bhed is going. He will then reward you with AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XIV.
Now you can follow Yuna down the hall.

After a cutscene, you'll wake up to find it's still as dark as it was before...
This place is so miserable. Talk to Rikku, and you'll be on your way. Some guy
randomly runs past and takes a photo... what the hell? Anyway, he drops a
YELLOW SHIELD on the ground as he goes buy, so pick it up, and equip it on
Tidus. It has Lightningproof on it, very handy. Now leave the current screen.

First order of business is to take a right and then head south. Here you can
find an X-POTION inside a chest. Now go forward all the way until you reach the
SAVE SPHERE, where you naturally should save. Head towards the large shelter up
ahead. After a cutscene, locate the chest around near the back and grab the
ETHER from inside.

Now cut straight across the path and follow the right "wall" until you reach a
chest, and obtain the 2000 GIL inside. Cut back to the left side, and follow
the left "wall" until you reach the final chest in this area, and nab the
REMEDY inside. Now just head north to Macalania Woods.

          4.15. Macalania, Part One                          [04MAC1]

Walk forward and meet Auron, and he'll give you his take on what's happening.
Walk forward again after he's done, and another cutscene will take over. Make
use of the SAVE SPHERE. Before you get going, go see Elma and Lucil if you
like, they're guarding the right path. Now it's just a matter of following the
north road (you can't take the other one yet).

At the very first left turn you make, there is a chest hidden from view by the
tree on the corner. Press X in that general area and you'll receive the SLEEPY
CAIT SITH. Follow the road until you come to another chest, and ontain the 2000
GIL it holds. Continue on, and before you go round the downward spiral in the
next scren, you can get PHOENIX DOWN x3 from the chest just behind a tree
branch at the right turn.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you happen to get into a fight with a Chimera, make sure to have Kimahri use
Lancet on them to learn the very helpful "Aqua Breath".

When you get far enough, a cutscene will ensue. After it finishes, keep going
on the same path. You'll be interrupted part of the way through by some weird
looking guy. Ignore the butterfly minigame for now, it's too much frustration
for such a bad reward. Take note though, we'll be back here later.

Keep chugging along this odd, yet strangely beautiful place, and when you move
into the next screen, look for a well-hidden chest behind another tree trunk at
the third bend (it's a left turn). Grab the REMEDY from inside. Before you
proceed, build up Valefor's Overdrive. Then just head to the red arrow.

In the next screen save your game at the SAVE SPHERE. Then take the first
right, ignoring the red arrow for the time being. For the meantime, you can't
actually go anywhere on this path, but run around mashing X and sooner or later
you'll pick up AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XV. Go talk to O'aka, BUT DON'T BUY
ANYTHING YET. He'll ask you how his prices are; tell him they're "too pricey".
Now stock up on items, and BUY THE SONIC STEEL. This is a must-have weapon.
Equip it on Tidus.

Now head to the red arrow, and when Auron's done, walk into this new area. Join
Yuna and Auron a bit further up.

BOSS: Spherimorph | HP: 12000 | WEAKNESSES: Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice
This thing certainly looks odd, but... that's because it is odd. It changes
it's elemental affinities depending on how you attack it. At any stage during
the battle it is weak to one element, and absorbs the rest. If you attack it
with the element that it is weak to at the time, it will change it's weakness,
and the cycle continues. It only ever casts magic of the element that is the
opposite of the one it is currently weak to. Got it?

So here's what we do. First, make sure all your physical attackers have
non-elemental weapons equipped. Now have Tidus cast Haste on himself, then have
Auron Power Break Spherimorph. Substitute Auron for Lulu, and get Tidus Haste
her also. Cycle all the other characters cycle through (get Rikku to Steal) so
they get some AP too.

Here's the deal. Now that everyone has had a turn, bring out Yuna for healing.
Get Tidus to cast Haste on her, and we can get ready to take this guy on. Have
Yuna casts NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide, and NulFrost. Now have Tidus attack
Spherimorph. Spherimorph will counter with an elemental spell. This is how you
tell what it's weakness is. So if the boss counters with Fire, then get Lulu to
cast Blizzara. After you get that sorted, the rest of the battle is a breeze.
Just have Tidus attack so we can figure out what Spherimorph is weak to, then
have Lulu cast the right spell. Yuna is here to heal and recast the Nul spells.

After you have done this about seven or eight times, have Yuna summon Valefor,
who should have a full Overdrive. Get her to use Energy Bast (or Energy Ray, if
you don't have Energy Blast) to finish off Spherimorph and get the Overkill.
Make sure you don't use either Ifrit or Ixion unless you are absolutely certain
that the enemy is weak to their element (Energy Blast/Ray is non-elemental).

Once the battle is over, save again. Now proceed forward until you are standing
outside the Travel Agency. Grab AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XVI sitting to the left
of O'aka. Then talk to Clasko. When he asks you what job you see him doing,
answer "Chocobo Breeder". You will be rewarded later on for doing so. There's a
chest here, but you can't get to it right now. Save it for later.

Now, head into the Agency and save, if you like. Feel free to stock up on items
here (don't bother with O'aka, his stuff is more expensive, unless you donated
earlier in the game, damn deadbeat stalker). Now run around and fill up the
Overdrive or either Valefor or Ixion.

Give Wakka and Auron with any Lightningstrike weapons they may have, while
giving Tidus Stunning Steel, if he has it. If not, just give him a
Lightningstrike weapon, if you can. When you're ready to move on, proceed
towards the red arrow on the mini-map.

BOSS: Crawler | HP: 16000 | WEAKNESSES: Thunder, Slow
This guy is a real killer, if you don't know what you're doing. Crawler
counters everything with "Assault", which does pretty high damage. As a result,
you want to make sure your characters can survive it. First order or business
is to get Wakka to attack Negator (which has 1000 HP) until he destroys it.
Switch out the other two characters so everyone gets some AP for this battle.

When Negator is destroyed, switch out Wakka for Lulu, and have Tidus cast Haste
on himself, Yuna, and Lulu. Now have Yuna cast Protect on Tidus and Lulu.
Lastly, put Crawler under Slow status using Stunning Steel or the spell. Then
have Lulu cast Thundara on Crawler four times, at which point a new Negator
will be released. Have Tidus attack and Yuna heal while Lulu casts spells. Have
the party defend until Mana Beam.

Now, when it get times for Mana Beam, the new Negator will stop it from being
used, and a turn will be wasted by Crawler. Therefore, repeat the above
strategy once or twice more, depending on how low Crawler's HP gets. When
Crawler's HP reaches about 4000, have Yuna summon Valefor or Ixion and unleash
their Overdrive (preferably Valefor with Energy Blast) to finish this battle.

When you are finished on the scooter thing, grab the MEGA-POTION laying in wait
inside the nearby chest. Go north, and talk to the person sitting down to score
400 GIL. Follow the path all the way to the Temple. Go inside when you regain
control. Walk forward for yet another cutscene, and then try to go near the
SAVE SPHERE before a short scene ensues. NOW you can save, finally.

There are two chests in the room you are currently in. Raid them to score 5000
GIL and X-POTION x2. Now go into the room to the right of the stairs, and watch
the sphere with Jyscal. When it's done, talk tothe person wearing yell in this
room. They'll hand over HI-POTION x2, in their grief. Hah! Also score REMEDY x2
from the chest at the back.

Leave the room and enter the room to the left of the stairs. Speak with the man
in purple and he'll give you an ELIXIR. Likewise, talk to the guy in brown
sitting at the back and he'll pass on an ETHER. Nab the PHOENIX DOWN x3 from
the chest just behind him. Now lave this room, and save your game again. Then
go up the stairs all the way into the Cloister of Trials, where you'll meet up
with your fellow guardians.

BOSS: Seymour | HP: 6000 | WEAKNESSES: None
To start with, have Tidus use Talk on Seymour. This will raise his Strength A
LOT. Don't worry about using Tlak with Yuna, it's not really worth the time.
Don't attack Seymour yet, his evil minions will just take the damage for him.
But don't attack them directly yet, either. They're outfitted with Auto-Potion,
meaning all damage will easily be recovered. Instead, substitute Kimahri for
Rikku and use Steal on both of them. This removes the Auto-Potion property.

Now swap Rikku for Auron, and get him to attack the Guado Guardians. Have Tidus
Haste himself, Yuna, and Auron. Now, get Yuna to cast the four Nul spells in
this order: NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, and NulBlaze. Once Seymour uses a
spell that nullifies a character's protection, recast it. He always uses the
same pattern. In the meantime, have Tidus help Auron with the attacking.

Once the Guado Guardians are out of the way, make sure that all your characters
have been used at least once, the next parts of the battle are too difficult to
risk it. When you're done, go after Seymour. Once his HP falls below 3000, he
summons Anima, and we move to stage two of this battle.

Dun dun dun!

BOSS: Anima | HP: 18000 | WEAKNESSES: None
This battle is actually very easy. Have Yuna summon ???? and you'll see that
Shiva is your new aeon (though, considering it IS an ice Temple, it probably
wasn't hard to figure out). Now have Shiva use Heavenly Strike until her
Overdrive gauge fills up. Anima alternates between turns. Every second turn,
she (yes, Anima is female) uses Pain, which does moderate damage. On every
other turn, she uses Boost.

Therefore, Shiva should have her Overdrive bar full before Anima does, by a
long shot. If you find that Pain is damaging Shiva a little too much, just have
Shiva cast ice magic on herself. Keep using Heavenly Strike until Anima's HP
falls below 8000, then unleash Diamond Dust. After that, Anima should bite the
dust. If not, just keep using Heavenly Strike and healing with ice magic until
she is dead. If Shiva doesn't happen to last that long, then summon either
Ifrit or Ixion to finish Anima off.

If, in the very unlikley event, you realise that you aren't going to beat Anima
before she can use her Overdrive, make sure you heal up fully and then use
Shield, and you SHOULD survive. In any case, onto the last part.

Just when you thought you were out of the woods...

BOSS: Seymour | HP: 6000 | WEAKNESSES: None
Chances are that Seymour will totally decimate your aeon when you start
fighting him again, so don't worry. If you're lucky, they might still be alive
enough to get in an attack or two. Try and heal them up to see if you can get
an Overdrive out of them, in which case the battle will be won.

If not, no matter. Seymour is far more dangerous now. He'll use third level
black magic, as well as multi-hitting seocnd level black magic. However, as
long as you keep recasting NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide, and NulBlaze in that
order, he can't touch you. Dispose of him with Tidus and Auron at your own
leisure (don't summon another aeon, they're too slow).

Now you've beaten that freak-show (I mean, just look at that guys freakin'
hair! Does he sleep in a vat of gel or something?), save your game nearby.
It's time to tackle the Cloister of Trials. Try to walk back across the bridge
and it will break apart. Unlucky for us.

--- [ CLOISTER OF TRIALS: Macalania ] -----------------------------------------
 1. Push the pedastal to the right, towards the block of ice.
 2. Remove MACALANIA SPHERE from right-most recess, and place it in pedastal.
 3. Push pedastal north, and it will stop on floor below.
 4. Remove GLYPH SPHERE from centre column, and take it down below. Place it in
    far left recess.
 5. Push pedastal to the right, where it will stop underneath the column.
 6. Remove MACALANIA SPHERE from newly discovered recess on the top floor, and
    place it in far left coloum, bottom level.
 7. Remove last MACALANIA SPHERE on top level from recess, making path
    disappear. Place it is centre column recess. Bridge is now reformed.
 8. Walk up path as if you were leaving. Step on shining glyph.
 9. Push pedastal (do not remove MACALANIA SPHERE) down slope.
10. Step on shining glyph (top level) again.
11. Remove DESTRUCTION SPHERE, and push pedastal down slope.
12. Place DESTRUCTION SPHERE in right-most recess.
13. Step on shining glyph (bottom level).
14. Remove MACALANIA SPHERE from centre pillar, and place in northern recess.
15. Remove DESTRUCTION SPHERE from right-most recess, go downstairs and place
    in recess just to the left of exit to bottom level.
16. Grab contents of chest.
17. Remove nearby MACALANIA SPHERE from column, and place it in right-most
    recess on top level.
18. Push the pedastal to the right, towards the block of ice.
19. Push pedastal north, and it will stop on floor below.
20. Push pedastal to the right, where it will stop underneath the column.
21. Remove MACALANIA SPHERE from right-most recess, and place it column (bottom
22. Remove last MACALANIA SPHERE on top level from recess, making path
    disappear. Place it is centre column recess. Bridge is now reformed.
23. Exit Cloister of Trials by goig up the ramp and heading north, but DO NOT

After you exit, walk down the stairs a little, during which time you'll be
prompted to run for your life. When you find yourself outside, save. Now, just
run all the way around. You will get into at least two battles with the Guado,
who will summon fiends to their command. The Guado Guardians have Auto-Potion,
so make sure you get Rikku to use Steal before attacking them.

Once you get back outside, the Guado no longer chase you. Now just follow the
path that leads to the Travel Agency. Before you leave this screen, make sure
to pick up the LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE in the chest at the end of the path to the
right of the crevice. Save your game at the SAVE SPHERE, and set your frontline
party to Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku. Fill Shiva's Overdrive gauge. If you have
Stone Breath, then fill Kimahri's Overdrive. Move on.

=== [Wendigo | 18000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None] ===================================

Have Tidus cast Haste on himself, Wakka, and Rikku. If Rikku has her Overdrive
full, Mix a Power Sphere and a Map for Pineapple to get rid of the Guado
Guardians. Or esle, get Kimahri to use Stone Breath, if he knows it. If not,
just get her to Steal from each of them, while Wakka uses Dark Attack on
Wendigo. Switch Rikku for Auron, and Haste him too. Get Auron to use Power
Break. Now just bash away at Wendigo, having Wakka reuse Dark Attack each time
the effect wears off. Cure Berserk as soon as you can, and consider casting
Protect on your party, just in case. Make sure to bring in everyone so they get
AP. When Wendigo's HP falls below 8000, get Yuna to summon Shiva and use
Diamond Dust. Easy victory.


You'll find your characters a bit down in the dumps. Oh, don't forget down in
the lake, either. Save, then talk to Lulu, Auron, Wakka, Kimahri, and then
Rikku. After the scene with Yuna and company, grab the LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE from
a hidden chest near Kimahri. Talk to everyone bar Auron again, if you like.
Then get the AVENGER from another hidden chest to the left of Auron. Talk to
him, then head back to the main group, and the next part of the story will be

          4.16. Bikanel Island                               [04BKNL]

Welcome to Spira's designated dust bowl! Come for the sand, stay for the
sunburn! Anyway, when you wake up, you'll be in a tropical oasis. I really love
the beautiful water effect here. Exit the water, save you game, then jump back
in to grab the 4x REMEDY in the underwater chest. If you missed AL BHED PRIMER
VOLUME I, pick it up here. Jump out of the water again, and head north.

You get into a battle with a giant bird, Zu. Cast Haste on yourself, then Slow
Zu. Use Delay Attack several times. Soon enough both Auron and Lulu will join
you, so have Auron use Power Break and get Lulu to use her spells. After the
battle is over, continue to walk north. You'll come across Wakka pretty much
straight away. Nab the AL BHED POTION x8 from the nearby chest. If you missed
AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME III, pick it up here. Check out the sphere monitor if you
like. Head to the red arrow when you're ready.

When you get to the next screen, take the right path to find Kimahri. If you
missed AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME V, pick it up here. Now take the left road, and
follow it around until you find Rikku. Open the chesta to reveal ETHER x2 and
ALs BHED POTION x8, and then save. Rikku tells you to follow her, but there's
really no point - there's only one way you can go anyway. There will be a quick
tutorial battle showing how to use Steal to instantly destroy machina.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
STEAL SMOKE BOMBS! They can be stolen from from Ayclone and Zu. They will come
in handy later on. If you happen to get into a fight with a Sand Worm, they can
be easily beaten. Have Tidus Haste himself, Auron, and Wakka, use Armour Break
and sometimes Delay Attack until it's finished.

Anyway, take the left path once it starts to open out, and obtain HI-POTION x4
from the chest. If you missed AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XIV, pick it up here. Leave
this small area and continue northwards.

When you get into this new screen, run directly forward. Soon you'll come to a
chest containing HI-POTION x4. Now go south-west to nab X-POTION x2 from
another chest in a large section of rock. Head straight to left and follow the
sand dune along until you reach a chest containing MEGA-POTION x2. Now follow
the fence while going east, and you'll come to the SAVE SPHERE. Save here, and
then grab the AL BHED POTION x8 from the nearby chest.

Proceed west from here, down the narrow passage shown on the mini-map. Go south
and follow the boundary all the way around until you come to a chest holding an
ELIXIR. Also grab the LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE and 10000 GIL from two chests inside
the large destroyed building (the one that shows up on the mini-map in a
horseshoe shape). Go north from here and you will find AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME
XVIII in another set of ruins. Now head back and save again. From here, walk
towards the red arrow. When you come to a sign, pick up AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME
XVII sitting on the ground right near it.

When you find yourself in the next screen, head north. When you see an offshoot
area on the left, go over to it. Grab the HI-POTION x8 from the first chest,
and the MERCURY CREST from the second. Head north, and you'll find X-POTION x2
in a chest just up ahead. From here head south and a little west until you
stumble upon a chest containing MEGA-POTION x3.

Now proceed east until you find a sandpit with a chest in it. Beat the
Sandragora by using Sleep Buster and having Lulu use her magic. Alternatively,
you have have Auron use Armour Break and then dispose of it using physical
attacks. Whatever you do, just watch out for the nasty Seed Burst. Claim the
MEGALIXIR x3 from the chest when you're done.

Now move north-east, until you find another sandpit with a chest. Beat this
Sandragora, and get the TELEPORT SPHERE x2 from the chest. Now just go straight
to the red arrow, beat the last Sandragora, and we're out of this damn place.

          4.17. Home                                         [04HOME]

Walk up to the body of the guy that just died and press X on him to receive
HI-POTION x2. Walk over to the left side, near the large fire, and nab AL BHED
PRIMER VOLUME XIX off the ground. Save your game, then go inside.

For your first battle, you'll be up against three Bombs and a Guado Guardian.
Use Slow/ga on Bombs, then have Kimahri use NulBaze, assuming you made him a
white mage. If not, no matter. Finish off the Guado first. Haste Auron and
Lulu, and have Auron attack the Bombs and while Lulu uses Blizzara. If Tidus
and Wakka are hitting for about 1000 each, then use them too if you like. Head
to the right once you win.

This next battle is pretty damn tough, but not if you use my strategy. Have
Rikku throw a Smoke Bomb (or use Dark Attack on Dual Horns), then Slow/ga on
all enemies. Kill the Guado Guardian, then take out the Dual Horns - they can't
touch you now.

After this battle, slowly descend the stairs until the camera view shifts. Then
turn back around and score AL BHED POTION x4 from the chest behind all the
billowing smoke. Keep walking in this direction until you reach a door on the
left. Use the same strategy to defeat fiends as last time.

Open the chest on the left and select the second option in the first row. Then
open the right chest, and choose, in order: second choice, third row; third
choice, second row; and second choice, second row. This will score you a FRIEND
SPHERE. Lastly, AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XX can be found on the gorund in here,
next to the right chest. It's hard to spot, so just mash X to find it. Exit the
room and head north.

Save when you get the chance. Instead of going through the door near the SAVE
SPHERE, take the middle path, as shown on the mini-map. The chest there
contains AL BHED POTION x6. Now take the right path, as shown on the mini-map.
AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XXI lays in wait on the floor just before the door. Go
through the door. Before you walk in, make sure you have Tidus' Lightningproof
armour equipped. It makes the next battle a breeze.

In here you'll find your toughest opponents so far, however, you can beat them
very easily. Hopefull you picked up the Yellow Shield at the Thunder Plains. If
not, the next battle is still easy, but not as much so. Anyway, have Tidus use
Provoke on both Chimaeras. They will then only use Thundaga on Tidus, who
hopefully hase his Lightningproof armour, thus making their attacks futile.
Even if he doesn't, all their fire will be concentrated on Tidus, and they will
only be using their weakest attack. Anyway, use Slow/ga on the party, and take
out the Guado Guardian. Then kill the two Chimeras. If you don't have the
Yellow Shield, then make sure to heal up Tidus periodically.

The chest here has a password on it. If you're not interested in solving it (it
isn't that hard), the number is 5633. You will obtain an SPECIAL SPHERE. Exit
this room, and go back to the SAVE SPHERE. Save again, then head through the
door nearby. You will get into another Chimera battle. Just use the strategy
given above.

After the battle, go down the stairs and there will be another cutscene. When
it's done, go down to the bottom floor. As soon as you reach the bottom on the
stairs, go left and open the chest to obtain a LEVEL 4 KEY SPHERE. Walk around
to the right and get the LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE from that chest. Now go through the
door. Yun aisn't here either? God dammit, you stupid woman! Argh... go over to
the chest in the south-west corner and claim the 10000 GIL inside. Now go to
the green square on the mini-map, then run up the ramp.

          4.18. Airship                                      [04ARSP]

Watch some very cool and inspiring scenes, as well as seeing Wakka get shot
down by Rikku, then go save your game. You are now aboard the airship. Wakka is
now available to hire for Blitzball - I always get get him for my team. Have a
chat to everyone here, most importantly, Cid. He'll tell you you're going to
find Yuna with a machina he doesn't know how to use. Brilliant work, Einstein.
He also happens to be an adrenaline junkie. When he's done, exit the bridge.

Talk to Kimahri, Isaaru, and Maroda several times. Now feel free to explore the
ship, and see what it has. Make sure to talk to Dona by taking a right after
you leave the bridge, and then taking the next possible left. Answer "Who
cares!" when she asks you a question. Also, have a chat with Rin. When you're
done, go back to the bridge.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you are playing through a second time and you already have all Al Bhed
Primers, Rin will reward you with UNDERDOG'S SECRET x99 when you speak to him.

After the cutscene, save. Speak to everyone again, and when you're ready to
proceed, go speak to Brother, who's piloting the airship. After they locate
Yuna, talk to everyone again, and Wakka's stupidity becomes more evident. He
may be dumb, but he's still cool. Save, again. Now try and exit the bridge once
more, and the fiend alert will go up.

Once you get out into the corridor, go right, and continue on until you reach
another SAVE SPHERE. Make use of it's function, then go up the stairs and talk
to the two Al Bhed staring out the window. One of them will give you AL BHED
POTION x4. Now head towards the back and a cutscene will take over.

"The ferryman asks a high price", indeed. This next battle is one of the
hardest in the game. But don't despair! I have a top-notch method for taking
down this ugly son of a mother. Run back and save, so you don't have to watch
that scene over again. Set your starting formation to Tidus, Rikku, and Wakka.
Walk forwward, go up the ramp, and prepare to kick some ass. Try and build up
your characters Overdrives if you can, especially Auron's. Make sure you have a
weapon with Sensor equipped (not Tidus's Brotherhood, as it is elemental).

BOSS: Evrae | HP: 32000 | WEAKNESSES: Darkness, Slow, Power Break
- Tidus and Rikku have access to the Trigger Command "Move in" and "Pull back",
  and these commands enable you to manoeuvre the airship. Cid appears in the
  CTB bar, letting you know when he will get a turn to move the ship. You can
  select "Cancel" The first thing you want to cancel the order.
- The airship is outfitted with three salvos of missiles. Cid will use them
- Start off with "Pull back". Haste Tidus, then Slow Evrae. Haste remaining
  party members, then substitute Rikku for Lulu. Haste Lulu.
- Wakka should attack use his normal while Lulu to uses her highest level black
  magic. It doesn't matter which element, Evrae will only take half damage from
  all of them. Swap out Tidus for Rikku.
- Photon Spray hits everyone for low damage. Have Rikku dispense Al Bhed
  Potions whenever HP drops too low. Use Light Curtains on party members to put
  them under Protect status, if you can.
- Once Evrae loses half his HP, he will Haste himself. This will negate the
  Slow you already put him under, so be warned. use Reflect to make the rest of
  this battle a breeze. If you don't have it, then don't despair!
- Get Rikku to throw a Smoke Bomb. Else, Mix a HP Sphere with a Grenade for
  Chaos Grenade. If you don't have these items, then use Dark Buster.
- Swap in Tidus and Auron, using Haste if necessary. Rikku should be number
  three. If you need to keep out Wakka for Dark Buster, then forget Tidus.
- Any damage should be healed up with Al Bhed Potions, provided by Rikku. It
  Evrae uses Stone Gaze, heal the effect with a Soft or an Al Bhed Potion.
- When Evrae inhales, it signals his next attack will be Poison Breath. Have
  Tidus or Rikku pull back. Failing that, just take it, and have Rikku heal
  everyone with an Al Bhed Potion - it cures Poison also. If you do manage to
  get away from Evrae, on his next turn Poison Breath will miss.
- On the turn after Posion Breath, Evrae will fly up close, so don't bother
  pulling back, battle face-to-face. Use Power Break to make things easier.
- Try to finish Evrae off with an Overdrive (preferably Auron's) for the
  precious Overkill.

Watch the awesome FMV, and get ready to fight again!

          4.19. Bevelle                                      [04BVLE]

Before you go anywhere make sure you heal everyone up, there are several tough
battles to come before we can save yet. Put your strongest party (most likely
Tidus, Auron, and Wakka) in the frontline. Don't worry about cycling your party
around here. Win, as soon as you can. We don't want to put all that hard work
against Evrae to nothing. Make sure to heal between battles, if you need to.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
When get into a fight with a YKT-63, make sure to have Kimahri use Lancet on
them to learn the very helpful "Thrust Kick".

When you're done, it's cutscene time. It seems a little odd to me that after
being shot and set on fire during battle, that everyone is held captive at
gunpoint... Oh well. "Don't worry, I can fly!" What the hell? She's gone
completely blotto. Anywho, once you gain control, you can either walk down the
stairs, or press X on the control panel and watch the machina do all the work.

In the next screen, walk towards the green square on the mini-map. Descend the
stairs in the next screen, and join the others. After the brief cutscene, pick
up AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XXII on the ground right near you. Am I the only one
wondering why this thing is inside Bevelle Temple? Save up ahead, then enter
the Cloister of Trials.

--------- [ CLOISTER OF TRIALS: Bevelle ] -------------------------------------
 1. Walk forward and push pedastal.
 2. Press X to confirm direction.
 3. The path is a loop. If you miss the right turn-off, it will just start
    again from the beginning. To turn, you need to press X when the arrow on
    the floor glyph is pointing in the desired direction. Take first left.
 4. Remove BEVELLE SPHERE from wall recess. Push the pedastal back onto path,
    and loop back to the start.
 5. Take second right.
 6. Place BEVELLE SPHERE in wall recess. Push pedastal back onto path, and loop
    back to the start.
 7. Take first right.
 8. Go straight at next intersection.
 9. Remove BEVELLE SPHERE from wall recess. Push the pedastal back onto path.
10. Go right.
11. Take last right.
12. Place BEVELLE SPHERE in wall recess. Push the pedastal back onto path, and
    loop back to the start.
13. Take second turn right.
14. Remove GLYPH SPHERE from wall recess. Push the pedastal back onto path.
15. Take last right.
16. Place GLYPH SPHERE in wall recess at the back.
17. Remove DESTRUCTION SPHERE from newly opened wall recess. Push the pedastal
    back onto path, and loop back to the start.
18. Take second right.
20. Place DESTRUCTION SPHERE in wall recess.
21. Take last right.
22. Remove BEVELLE SPHERE from wall recess. Push the pedastal back onto path,
    and loop back to the start.
23. Take first right.
24. Push pedastal forward.
25. Walk up stairs and place BEVELLE SPHERE in wall recess.
26. Grab contents of chest to your right.
27. Step on shining floor glyph.
28. Push pedastal to the path on the left, and obtain KNIGHT LANCE.
29. Take path to the right.

When you meet up with the others, there will be a cutscene. Save when you are
given the option. "Men die. Beasts die. Trees die. But I... I live on through
this arm!" Well, maybe not.

          4.20. Via Purifico                                 [04VPUR]

Walk forward and save your game. Now, let's find the others. Take the first
right and follow this path around. Until you meet up with Auron, have Yuna
summon an aeon to take out any fiends. Continue to use aeons every now and
then, as you want to have full Overdrives for all of them for later. Eventually
you'll meet up with Kimahri. Pick up the MEGA-POTION from the chest in here.

Proceed north now. Follow this path around and reunite yourself with Auron, who
is standing near a SAVE SPHERE. He tells you "there must be an exit around here
somewhere", when in fact he almost there. The exit is located to right up that
northern path. Don't take it yet, though. Save your game.

Head east and follow the path again. Take the first left turn, and then take
the second left from here to find Lulu, as well as WHITE MAGIC SPHERE in the
chest next to her. DON'T USE IT YET. Now continue south all the way until you
reach a room with a chest and a glyph on the wall. Obtain the ELIXIR from the
chest, then go press X on the glyph.

Exit this area and turn right. Follow this path all the way, and you'll find
yourself back where you originally started, However, a number of new things can
now be accessed. Save your game at the SAVE SPHERE, then proceed north. Run
past the platform and take a right just before you reach the gate. This room
contains a BLACK MAGIC SPHERE in a chest. DON'T USE IT YET. Step on the floor

Exit this room and run north, and save again. From here continue westward and
follow this path until you reach the recently moved platform on the ground.
Wait for the arrow on it to point north, then step on it. Obtain the SKILL
SPHERE, LUCID RING, and 10000 GIL from the chests in here. Step on the platform
when it points south exit that sealed off room. Head east from where you end
up (according to the mini-map, not the way the camera is positioned), and
take this path all the way back to the SAVE SPHERE. Fill the Overdrive gauges
of all your aeons, then save once more. Now walk north, and it's time to fight!

Remember that you have plenty of time to train up before the battle, if you
don't think that you're strong enough. You need to be warned though, that even
though this a contest of aeons, if your aeon dies a just before an opposing
aeon gets a turn, they WILL use it on Yuna anyway, almost certainly giving you
a game over. Just be careful.

BOSS: Grothia | HP: 8000 | WEAKNESSES: Ice
Bring out Valefor and use Energy Blast/Energy Ray. If that isn't enough (though
it should be), get Ixion to use Thor's Hammer.

But wait...

BOSS: Pterya | HP: 12000 | WEAKNESSES: None
Bring out Bahamut and use Mega-Flare. Chances are Pterya will survive, so just
use Impulse to finish her off.

...there's more...

BOSS: Spathi | HP: 20000 | WEAKNESSES: None
Use Shiva's Heavenly Strike about six or seven times. Have Shiva use Shield
for Spathi's Mega-Flare, then unleash Diamond Dust for the Overkill. If Shiva
happens to die, just summon Ixion, Ifrit, or Valefor and attack.

Now we have control of Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku. Save nearby, then swim in the
only logical direction. There's a chest here that dispenses items upon payment,
though it seems more than a little weird. Stock up on any items if you need to.
Have at least two Phoenix Downs. There's another SAVE SPHERE up ahead, so save
there too when you reach it.

BOSS: Evrae Altana | HP: 16384 | WEAKNESSES: Healing items/spells
- Use two Phoenix Downs on this bastard, and he's dead, WITH Overkill. How good
  is that?

Now just swim forward, grabbing the REMATCH (have Wakka equip this) and AVENGER
from the two underwater chests. Youll need to use Circle to dive down and reach
them. Soon enough, you'll be outta this hell hole.

          4.21. Highbridge                                   [04HBRG]

After being stabbed in the chest by Kimahri's spear, Seymour is decidedly
pissed off. And guess who he's going to take his anger out on? That's right,
you. It seems a bit stupid that Seymour would just let everyone get away so
easily, but whatever.

When you regain control, save your game. Run back towards Seymour. On your way
you'll fight several random encounters, so use this opportunity to not only
fill up Bahamut's Overdrive, but also those of your characters. Another SAVE
SPHERE has been liberally placed here, so do save, please. Equip Tidus'
Brotherhood. Now, walk forward to show Seymour who's really the boss.

BOSS: Seymour Natus | HP: 36000 | WEAKNESSES: Poison, Provoke
- First switch Tidus out for Lulu, and get her to cast Bio. Natus will now lose
  1440 HP every turn he takes.
- Swap out Kimahri for Auron and use the Trigger Command "Talk". Defend on
  Yuna's turn. Swap out Lulu for Tidus and use Provoke.
- Haste Auron and Yuna, and Reflect Tidus. DO NOT CAST HASTE ON TIDUS, NOR
  REFLECT ON AURON. Doing so will cause Mortibody to use Desperado, dispelling
  all positive statuses.
- Now all of Natus' attacks will be directed at Tidus, leaving Auron free to do
  his thing.
- Once Natus' HP goes below 24000, he'll cast Protect on himself, then use
  Break on regular turns. This causes Petrification. Use Esuna or Softs to cure
  as soon as possible, avoiding Mortibody's Shattering Claw. Recast the status
  they were under before, and Dispel Protect from Natus.
- Once Seymour's HP falls below 12000, he'll start casting Flare, which isn't
  too bad, actually. It will just Reflect off Tidus.
- Finish with an aeon Overdrive.

          4.22. Macalania, Part Two                          [04MAC2]

When you get back of Tidus, talk to everyone in this screen several times,
until they start repeating themselves. Save, then leave this screen, and take
the southern path when you come to the crossroad. You'll see Kimahri here. Walk
around and find Yuna, and get ready for quite a long cutscene, with more poor
voice acting. Oh well, it beats reading text.

Now try to leave, and Yuna will stop you. She'll walk back with you now? I wish
she make up her damn mind. Once you get control, proceed north into the area
where you saw Riku sitting in the tree. Obtain the LUCID RING from the chest,
then exit this area. Now head to the right, save up ahead, then move on to the
Calm Lands.

          4.23. Calm Lands                                   [04CALM]

Porceed to the left until you bump into oour resident gandpa Maechen. Stop for
a quick lesson in local history, then continue on your merry way. A hovercraft
will come your way and scare off all the Chocobos. You can buy weapons and
items from the pilot, including a glitched Magic Counter armour (it's only
supposed to be a weapon ability). There's not much here worth spending your
money on. Now make your way northeast, until you come to a set of tents and the
like. Save here, and then talk to everyone several times. Also take this chance
to stock up on some Holy Waters from the local shop.

--- [ Helpful Tips!! ] ---------------------------------------------------------
- If you happen to get into a fight with a Malboro, make sure to have Kimahri
  use Lancet on them to learn the very helpful "Bad Breath".
- Steal a POISON FANG when you battle a Nebiros. In fact, steal a few of them.
  It will be a MASSIVE help later.

You can fight Belgemine again now. Just walk southwest a little and you will
see her standing near a group of large thorns. Walk over and accept her

BOSS: Shiva | HP: 15000 | WEAKNESSES: Fire
This battle is easy, no matter what approach you take. Build up Bahamut's
Mega-Flare beforehand for a quick win, or do what I do - use Ifrit. Have him
build up his Overdrive during battle and then toast Shiva a couple of times.
Shiva Heavenly Strike on a full Overdrive. Heal with Fire magic when you need
to, and this battle is still a breeze.

For winning, you get POWER SPHERE x30 and AEON'S SOUL, which allows you to
raise individual aeon attributes (though this is a real waste of items). Pay
attention to the tutorial anyway. You can always find a full explanation in
the Game Basics section of this guide.

Save again at the known SAVE SPHERE. Now walk around the back of this area and
nab the LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE from the chest. Proceed west from here, until you
see a woman on a Chocobo.

Talk to the woman on the Chocobo. Tell her you'd like to ride a Chocobo, and
that you'd like to train one. Do the first race, and then the Chocobo is yours
to do as you will.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you do the other three training courses, and do well, you will receive the
SUN SIGIL for Tidus, which is VERY important. You don't have to do that now, if
you're not up to it. If you're interested, check out the Celestial Weapons

When you have finished here, follow the cliff left and you'll come across AL
BHED PRIMER VOLUME XXIII on the ground. Now head to the south-east corner of
the plains where you will find two chests, containing 5000 GIL and 10000 GIL.
Don't worry about dismounting your chocobo, they can open the chests with their
feet (crafty buggers). Head back to the centre of the Calm Lands, and save here
once more.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
Head all the way back to the entrance of the Calm Lands on your chocobo.
However, run straight past it, and you'll come to a part of the ground that
isn't quite level with the one next to it. What's that on the ground? A Chocobo
Feather! You know that that means. Press X on it, and your chocobo will jump
the gap. Dismount your chocobo, and walk through the recess in the stone.

Remember this place well, you'll have to come back here several more times. For
now just cross the bridge and save at the SAVE SPHERE. Walk round the left side
and pick up AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XXIV, then examine the sphere on the ground.

Now for what we came here to do. Walk back around to the right side, then
attempt to mount the chocobo. Select "How do I ride?" for a rundown on how
things work. All you have to do is win the race first time, and that's a very
simple thing to do. Now select "Ride!". The purple "X"s on the mini-map
represent possible chests that you can open. The yellow square represents the
chocobo you are racing. For the first race, just go left at the first fork in
the road, then take the next right. The chest will be opened, and your chocobo
will do a large jump to give you an easy win. When you land, go left at the
intersection with the yellow pole, and follow the path around. You get the
CLOUDY MIRROR as a reward, another vital item.

We ain't done yet, kiddo. Now we need to win the race again, this time after
opening three chests and touching NO poles. Sound difficult? Not really. Again,
I'll guide you. At the first fork in the path, go right, then straight towards
the chest. After the chocobo jumps down, take the right at the intersection
right in front of you. Watch out not to hit any poles. As soon as you go up the
ramp, take a sharp right so you start running south. Once you get to this new
chest, your chocobo again jumps down. Proceed up the same ramp as last time,
but this time go straight all the way after you run up. Your chocobo will take
another plunge drop, landing you right next to a yellow pole. Go left here, and
run all the way around. Assuming you hit no poles, 30x WINGS TO DISCOVERY is
your prize - that's what we came here for.

To leave, cross the bridge. Find your trusty yellow-feathered friend waiting
for you back in the Calm Lands. Mount him (or her), and find the Chocobo
Feather in the north-east that will get you back into more familiar territory.

If you ride north directly from where you land, you will notice a square square
on the mini-map. This leads to the Monster Arena, a rather large sidequest. You
have the choice to get started on it right now. If you decide to do so, then
you will have to capture at least one one of every fiend in the Calm Lands.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
Why should you start the capture quest now? Because while you travel up
Mt. Gagazet, and wander around Zanarkand, you can capture monsters at the same
time. This gives you a head start on this sidequest later on. So if you wish to
begin, then go speak to the manager, and buy capture weapons for Tidus, Wakka,
and Auron.

Now go outside, and run around getting into battles. Use the the characters
with capture weapons to inflict the killer blow on fiends, and you will capture
them. Rare monsters (Chimera Brain, Malboro, Ogre, Anacondaur, and Coeurl) can
be located in the north-west of the Calm Lands. If you ever want to find out
how many fiends you have caught so far, you can speak with the Monster Arena
manager to find out. Be sure to keep your chocobo close so you can get up and
leave whenever you like.

After you have acquired at least one of all nine capturable fiends, head back
to the Monster Arena and talk to the manager. A chest will now appear in this
screen. It can't be opened yet. It's got something special in it though, so
remember it. Talk to him again to receive 60x FARPLANE WIND, but choose no to
the battle, you can't possibly win yet. Exit the Arena.

"Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!" I mean... towards the red arrow. Save up
ahead. Get ready for a boss battle. Have Bahamut fill up his Overdrive before
you go anywhere. Attempt to cross the bridge...

BOSS: Defender X | HP: 64000 | WEAKNESSES: Provoke, Armour Break
This boss is big, and very hard, unless you do one thing. Main party should be
Auron, Wakka, and Tidus. Have Tidus use Provoke. That's it. This cuts Defender
X's repetiore of attacks down to Blast Punch, which removes 50% CURRENT HP of
Provoker. He can't even kill you. Ha! Have Tidus cast Hastega, while Auron uses
Armour Break. Bring in other characters for AP, and use any Overdrives you
have. However, DO NOT SWITCH OUT TIDUS. Doing so will remove Provoke status
from Defender X, and he will start destroying your party using damaging
attacks, and will cast Slowga. Beat away and use Mega-Flare for the Overkill.

Head north, ignoring the side path leading down to the Cavern of the Stolen
Fayth. A hidden aeon can be found there, but it's not particularly useful yet.
After a cutscene walk up the slope and you're finally at Kimahri's home,
Mt. Gagazet.

          4.24. Mt. Gagazet                                  [04MGZT]

We come all this way to get told to piss off by an old and hairy... thing?
Fantastic. After working things out with Kelk Ronso, save your game nearby.
This next journey is going to be a real killer, and it's the one I hate the
most. It seems like there is a random encounter every three seconds. If you
took my advice and bought capture weapons in the Calm Lands, at least you won't
have to do it all over again.

Talk to everyone here several times, for more useful information. The fiends
here are tough. REALLY tough. Get ready, and make sure you have plenty of
items. Talk to the Ronso behind Auron to buy stuff.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you made Kimahri a white mage, then use those Black Magic Spheres I told you
to keep on him. Have him learn Lulu's third level black magic spells. If you
made him a black mage, but he is too far away from those abilities to learn
them without a little further training, then use also them.

If Kimahri doesn't know Haste/ga, then have him use a White Magic Sphere to
learn Haste/ga (preferably the latter). If you took him down Auron's or Wakka's
grid, then you might have a little more trouble with the next battle. Make sure
Kimahri has a Sensor weapon equipped for the next battle. While you're here,
have Tidus and Wakka use a Special Sphere to learn Steal.

Try to proceed up the mountain to trigger the next encounter...

BOSS: Biran and Yenke | HP: Proportional to Kimahri's stats | WEAKNESSES: None
Start the battle by casting Haste on yourself, if you can. If you have a full
Overdrive, use something like Fire Breath (if a mage) or Thrust kick (if a
physical attacker, like Auron). They will only use weak level one black magic
on you, so don't worry too much about that. They also use blue magic abilities
like "Aqua Breath". Never physically attack when they are on the same side. One
will use Guard for the other, resulting in low damage. Use Reflect or throw a
Star Curtain to stop the black magic from touching you.

Continue to use Lancet until you learn no further abilities. You can learn
Doom, Fire Breath, Aqua Breath, Stone Breath, Thrust Kick, Self-Destruct,
Mighty Guard, and White Wind. The last two you can only learn AFTER Biran or
Yenke use them. This happens when their HP falls low enough. So damage them,
but do it slowly, as you want to learn all the possible abilities you can.
Carefully watch your damage using Scan or a sensor weapon, and you'll do fine.

Heal up when HP gets low. When Kimahri learns a new Overdrive, use Fire Breath
or Thrust Kick, but use no more than two Overdrives on the one target. Don't
want to kill them without getting Mighty Guard or White Wind. Use black magic,
but again, not too much. For the rest of the battle rely on attacks that deal
low-to-moderate damage.

If you take down Yenke first, Biran will Haste himself, making the battle much
tougher. If you go after Biran first (recommended) then Yenke will only use
Berserk, which is more than managable. Don't bother using Esuna to cure it, he
will only recast it. Same goes for Biran and countering Haste. Easy.

Walk forward a little, the to your right once the ground is near level. Walk
south around the rock, and you'll find 20000 GIL in a chest. Go back and save
your game. You will want to, believe me. Now reequip Tidus, Wakka, and Auron
with their capture weapons, cause we "gotta cath 'em all!" as we go up the
mountain side. Customise Piercing to Auron's and Wakka's, and Sensor to Tidus'.
Now proceed north for a cutscene, and after it, go left just before the path
narrows out and ontain MEGA-POTION x2 from the chest. Start making your way up
the mountain.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
Random encounters WILL get annoying. Try not to think about it too much. Use
NulBzaze against Grenades, Steal on machina, Bio on Bashura and Sleep on Grat.
This makes things MUCH easier. Also, make sure you always take out easy threat
straight away. Don't try and cycle all your party into battle against three
fiends - do it against one weak one.

Last thing to remember, is that if all else fails, SUMMON. Your aeons can
handle themselves really well, and are immune to everything under the sun. Just
bring them out and start dishing out an ass-kicking.

When you get to the first bend, press X on the pile of... stuff and Lulu will
tell you what they are. When you get to the offshoot road on your right, take
it to obtain BRASKA'S SPHERE. When you see the next fork in the road, go
straight ahead and up the winding path to nab the DEFENDING BRACER from a
chest. Continue on your way.

When you find a man along the way, stop to talk. This guy is named Wantz. Stock
up on Holy Waters and Phoenix Downs. Don't bother with weapons or armour,
especially for those prices. You should be perfectly fine with what you have

The next time you see a side path, go down. Nab the HP SPHERE and LEVEL 4 KEY
SPHERE from the chests. That's all for items, thankfully. Stay on the main path
now, until you reach the SAVE SPHERE, and save. Finally. Fill all your aeon
Overdrives. If Rikku, Kimahri or Auton are close to having full Overdrive
guages, then fill those too. Train around the SAVE SPHERE, if you like; you're
about to come up against perhaps the toughest boss in the game. Walk forward
until a cutscene occurs.

BOSS: Seymour Flux | HP: 70000 | WEAKNESSES: Poison, Silence
Main party should consist of Tidus, Rikku, and Yuna. Start with Hastega. Have
Rikku "Use" a Poison Fang (or failing that, cast Bio with Lulu). Each time he
takes a turn, he will rip 1400 HP off himself. The only attacks you will see
now are Lance of Atrophy, Full-Life, Cross Cleave, and Dispel. Continually cast
Reflect to stop the Lance of Atrophy and Full-Life combo. Cure Zombie status
with Holy Water if you ever need to heal. Don't bother recasting any positive
statuses other than Haste and Reflect once Dispel is used.

Swap out Rikku for Auron, and Haste him. He and Tidus should attack. When Flux
casts Protect, Dispel it. Once Flux's HP is just above 35000, cast Haste on
him. Now, don't use ANY attack that will cause him to go below 35000 HP - let
Poison take over. From here on don't use any command that will target either
Flux or Mortiorchis - use defend, heal, or cast positive statuses on yourself.
Attacking will cause Mortiorchis to use Total Annihilation, and Flux to use
Flare. Toast Flux with Mega-Flare to top things off.

Head in the only real direction you can. Just after the fourth column on the
left, there is a chest containing the SATURN SIGIL. Save nearby. Continue on
the path until the cutscene occurs. When you "wake up", run across the wharf
and take the second right. Go into the house, and walk into the middle of the
room. Then run after the other "person", and find them up the stairs. Go talk
to them again.

--- [ Helpful Tips!! ] ---------------------------------------------------------
- If you have any left over, have Wakka use a Black Magic Sphere to learn
  Thundaga. There are some pretty nasty water fiends down here.
- Your biggest threat underwater is Maelspike. Get Wakka to use Dark Attack to
  render his attacks harmless. For all fiends, make sure to have Tidus and
  Wakka inflict the final blow, so you capture them.
- If you happen to get into a battle with a Dark Flan, have Auron use Armour
  Break. Then use Slow for an easy victory.
- If you have a HP Sphere or MP Sphere in your inventory, have Rikku build up
  her Overdrive for the next battle.

When you really do wake up, follow this path around until you reach the cave.
Save before the steps. Head left, and when you reach the water swim all the way
till the end, ignoring the right turn-off.

When you get to the end, you will have to complete a minigame where Wakka
throws his Blitzball at the centre target. Once you you strike the centre, a
chest will appear containing a LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE. Swim out of here after you
collect it. Save at known SAVE SPHERE.

Now go up the stairs in front of you, and go left at the intersection. Dive in
and get cracking. Once you reach the end, send Rikku through the green hole,
Tidus through the blue hole, and Wakka will automatically enter the red one.
Pick up the FORTUNE SPHERE from the underwater chest, and head back to the

Take a right at the top of the stairs and then swim to get RECOVERY RING and
RETURN SPHERE from the two chests. Now descend the stairs, and go west, then
take the first right. Pick up PEP TALK from the chest. Now set a course for the
red arrow on the mini-map. After finding out that a dead woman is sending
fiends to fight you (yay!), prepare Bahamut's Overdrive in advance. Have Tidus
equip Avenger, and give Wakka Rematch. Leave the cave...

BOSS: Sanctuary Keeper | HP: 40000 | WEAKNESSES: Poison, Darkness
This battle requires a little luck, but it's not too hard with the right
strategy. Start off with Tidus, Yuna, and Rikku/Lulu. Most desirbale thing to
do is have Rikku use Mix to combine a HP Sphere/MP Sphere with a Grenade for
Chaos Grenade. Otherwise, get Rikku to "Use" a Poison Fang. At the very least,
cast Bio.

Use Hastega, then cast Reflect on Santuary Keeper. Assuming you didn't use
Chaos Grenade, get Rikku to "Use" a Smoke Bomb, if you have some. This will
make the battle MUCH easier. Else, you're going to have to rely on Wakka using
Dark Buster. Summoning to survive Photon Wings is a good idea.

Heal up any negative statuses (ignore Curse), then make your main party Tidus,
Auron, and Wakka. Haste them both. Have Auron and Tidus attack, while Wakka
constantly uses Dark Buster (only if Santuary Keeper isn't under permanent
Darkness from the Smoke Bomb or Chaos Grenade). Use Power Break and Magic
Break. Heal up using Hi-Potions, Mega-Potions, or have Yuna lend a hand.

If Sanctuary Keeper uses Reflect on one of your characters, simply Dispel it
(only if you have time), or switch that character out for another TEMPORARILY.
We want to make absolutely sure that he cannot heal himself. Bring the character
back in and Dispel Reflect (on that character) when you can do so safely. If
you didn't use a Smoke Bomb or Chaos Grenade, you really need to keep Wakka
active to keep using Dark Buster, so make sure to always keep his health up.

If Sanctuary Keeper does heal, it isn't the end of the world. Dispel Reflect
off your characters, and just get back to the basics. It won't take long before
you're back where you were.

Assuming Dark Buster holds (or you have permanent Darkness with a Chaos Grenade
or Smoke Bomb), the only two attacks you have to worry about are Mana Breath
(easily solved with a Phoenix Down or casting Life), and Photon Wings, where
you need to hope he doesn't Confuse all your characters (which is rare). Summon
Bahamut and unleash his Overdrive for the Overkill.

After the battle, walk forward after a brief cutscene, then pick up the dropped
sphere. After another lengthy cutscene, follow the long-ish road to Zanarkand.
There are no random encounters on the way, so be happy.

          4.25. Zanarkand Ruins                              [04ZRNS]

Phew. We're finally here. Watch a scene you have scene twice already (what the
hell?), and then it's time for the final stretch. Save nearby. The enemies in
the first part of Zanarkand you have seen before, and you're stats should be
quite bit better when it comes to dealing with them. There's only one way to
go, so make sure to otain the FORTUNE SPHERE and SPIRITUAL TARGE from the very
visible chests along the road. Now is it just me, or is it strangely convenient
that the variety of ruins all come together form a perfectly usable path?

In any case, when you find yourself standing outide a large building, utilise
the SAVE SPHERE, and like, save. Groovy. Then, of course, walk inside. Some
dead guy will talk to you... freaky. When he's done, follow the others. More
dead people await you inside. Just wait until the cutscene is over, then press
on. Swap to your best weapons in here - no fiends can be captured. Also, DO NOT
USE ANY OVERDRIVES IF YOU GAIN THEM! They will be a big help later.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
If you get into a random encounter and your enemies are people, they're
actually under Zombie status. Use healing magic ("Life" is particularly potent)
and items to hurt them . Candle of Life can be stolen from them. The cannon
machina in the background can be dispatched with Wakka or magic. All Defenders
should be Armour Broken, then Provoked. Easy win from there, really.

After you walk through a ruined tunnel, turn around and walk up the ramp on the
right side. This will lead you to a chest containing 10000 GIL. Continue in the
direction you were going and save when you get the chance. Keep following the

When you reach a crossroads of sorts, take the western path (west according to
the mini-map), and get the FRIEND SPHERE from the chest. Then proceed north,
until you cross a narrow bridge, before the floor slopes up. On the left side,
the floor slopes down. Head down this slope to grab the item from the chest, a
LEVEL 3 KEY SPHERE. It is hidden behind the wall, so just press X when you
reach the bottom. Now go all the way to the red arrow on the mini-map).

In the next screen, just go all the way forward. Make sure to pick up the LUCK
SPHERE from the chest on the right. Save after the cutscene, and then enter the
Cloister of Trials. Walk forward when you get inside, and stand on the green
tile to begin.

--- [ CLOISTER OF TRIALS: Zanarkand ] -----------------------------------------
This Cloister of trials is a little different. This focus is not on moving
spheres and solving puzzles, it's all about stepping on the right shapes. The
screen up the front of each room shows you what shapes you need to stand on in
order to proceed. So after a new set of shapes is brought up on screen, then a
new pattern will need to be stepped out.

In order to "stand on a shape", you need to stand on the one tile in that shape
that has a circular light in the centre. It's easy to see whether there is a
certain tile makes up part of a shape - they are a slightly lighter colour than
normal tiles.

If you are at all unsure what patricular shapes yo uneed to be walking on, then
walk forward and press X on the screen at any time, and they will be
highlighted for you. This WILL NOT rest what you have already done so far. Do
not step on the white square shapes, they WILL reset the current puzzle for

Now, after you finish the first set, six doors will open, out of which six
pedastals will emerge. Of these six pedastals, those in the middle on both
sides of the room cannot be moved, they contain a recess for a sphere. You will
be able to get into the ajoining room.

Before you enter this room, push one of four moveable pedastals into the wall
by pressing X. A pattern will now appear on the screen in the second room. You
need to step on all the correct shapes to finish this pattern. When you
successfully complete this set, a glyph will appear on the ground in the centre
of the room.

Go back into the first room, and push another pedastal into the wall (order is
irrelevant). Complete the other three patterns (one for each of the remaining
pedastals). When you're done, walk up to the screen in the second room. To the
left of it in a recess is a KILIKA SPHERE. Remove it (cannot move BESAID SPHERE
yet), and take it back into the first room. Place it in the pedastal on the
left. Go back and remove the BESAID SPHERE from the wall recess, head into the
first room, and place it in the pedastal on the right. Done!

Save here. You will really want to, considering this next battle. Go back into
the secend room to start the fight...

BOSS: Spectral Keeper | HP: 52000 | WEAKNESSES: Provoke
Another foolproof strategy coming up! This battle is special in that there are
six possible positions for each of your characters, represented by glyphs. Only
one character may occupy each glyph. Use the Trigger COmmand "Move" to select
the glyph you wish to move to.

Okay now. Your starting party should be Tidus, Auron, and Yuna. Have Tidus cast
Hastega, and get Yuna to use Protect on Tidus. Don't worry about using Protect
on the other two. Now, have Tidus use Provoke. All of Spectral Keeper's attacks
will be directed on the one character, making life MUCH easier.

Now have the character who is in the middle to move to glyph five, where they
cannot be harmed - Spectral Keepers swipe can strike three adjacent glyph
spaces. Therefore, if there are two empty spaces either side of Tidus, only he
will ever need to be healed. Have Tidus do nothing but Defend, Yuna constantly
heal, and Auron attack. All counterattacks will be directed at Tidus, so if he
is under Protect and defnding, the damage done to him will be negligible, for
the most part.

Always have Tidus and Yuna present in this battle. NEVER take them out. Auron,
however, can, and should be, switched out from time to time for others so
everyone gets a share of AP. Have them use and Overdrive if you like, it
doesn't matter.

The only other attacks you will see are Berserk Tail (which hit Tidus), and
Glyph Mine (which targets two random glyphs spaces). Have Yuna heal up Berserk
straight away, and get back to defending. When Spectral Keeper uses Glyph Mine,
the targretted glyphs will flash a black colour. The CTB Bar shows when that
mine will detonate. It is denoted by "BOSS", and a number to indicate which
glyph space will be blown sky-high.

try to get them to move to a spot that is NOT adjacent to Tidus' glyph.
However, Yuna should always be given priority here, as she is the healer. We
don't want her to ever be damaged - other characters can, if they must be.
Move them back as soon as possible. Use Mega-Flare for that precious Overkill.

After the battle, Yuna asks you to come downstairs. Hmm. I wonder what's up.
There's a SAVE SPHERE down here, so, you know, save. Then get back onto the
elevator, and head all the way back to the Dome area. Fill all your aeon's
Overdrives. Walk forward, and after two more cutscenes, run back and save. Now
go forward, all the way. Make sure to have Tidus, Wakka, and Auron in your
frontline party.

=== [ Yunalesca | 24000 HP, 48000 HP, 60000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Holy ] ===========
- Cast Reflect on Tidus, Auron, and Wakka. Now all status counters are
  Reflected. Don't bother with Hastega, Yunalesca's normal attack has a Dispel
  effect (though strangely, it won't remove Reflect).
- After Yunalesca changes moves to the second stage, she  stops countering with
  status attacks, instead using her status removing physical hit instead.
- Hellbiter hits all characters and inflicts Zombie.
- LEAVE CHARACTERS IN ZOMBIE STATUS! She'll just hit you with Hellbiter again,
  and it's necessary to be Zombied to make the last form survivable.
- If a character is KOed, make sure to put Reflect back on them. If she casts
  Cura/ga or Regen, is will be Reflected. In the case of the latter, make sure
  to Dispel it before she can recover too much HP.
- In the third stage, Yunalesca introuduces her most annoying attacks.
  Mega-Death will KO your active party. However, it will not work on any
  characters that are under Zombie status. So again, make sure you don't heal
  Zombie. Ever.
- On her third, seventh, eleventh, (and so on) turns, she will use Mind Blast,
  which apart from the low damage, ALWAYS inflicts Confuse on ALL characters.
  Summon an aeon to take the hit.
- If you're HP gets low, just keep them out until they are KOed, in which case
  use a Phoenix Down or Life.
- Toast her with Bahamut's Mega-Flare for the Overkill.

DO NOT LEAVE THIS SCREEN YET! After the battle, walk back to the stairs, but
DON'T GO DOWN THEM. Instead, walk to the left, and go up these broken stairs.
When you re-emerge on the other side, walk to the back. The chest here contains
the SUN CREST. Now exit this area by the southern.

When you reach the next room, descend these stairs and Auton will reveal a
secret. Doesn't this make everything he has done thus far make look even more
badass? Now, just exit here, and head all the way out until you encounter Sin
briefly outside. The airship will arrive (a bit late though, if Sin wanted to
kill us...) and you will find yourself aboard.

          4.26. The Final Showdown                           [04SHWN]

Talk to everyone here, if you like, then save. To trigger the next event, head
up the place where Lulu first pointed out Evrae through the window. Talk to
both Kimahri and yuna several times. Now head back to the bridge, where Rikku
has hatched a plan. Talk to Cid. Select "Highbridge" from the destination list,
and walk forward when you get there. Cutscene.

As you talk to the fayth, pick the first option, then the second option. When
the cutscene is finally finished, you will be back aboard the airship. Talk to
everyone, especially Wakka. We're going to fight Sin right here, right now.
Feel free to check out other sections to find out about sidequests, most of
which you can do now. I don't really recommend levelling up to much of
obtaining the new aeons, they make the next few battles far too easy. Make sure
you have at least three full aeon Overdrives, preferably Ifrit, Shiva, and
Bahamut. Also have your characters fill their Overdrives.

To get started, talk to Cid, and select "Sin" from the destination list. After
a brief cutscene, you will find yourself in the corridor of the airship. Talk
to Rin here and stock up on items, particularly Phoenix Downs, Al Bhed Potions,
and TWO POWER DISTILLERS! Now head to the top of the airship, to where you
fought Evrae before gate-crashing the wedding. If you have one available, get
Wakka to use a Skill Sphere to learn Armour Break off Auron's grid. Save before
you walk out onto the deck. Your starting party - Tidus, Rikku, and Auron.

=== [ Sin's Left/Right Fin | 65000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ====================
- Start with Hastega and Cheer (use five times), the latter which reduces
  damage by a third and can't be Dispelled.
- Have Tidus use the Trigger Command "Move in", so you can apply Armour Break.
- There's not too much point casting Protect, or Shell, because Sin's Negation
  removes them all anyway. Hastega an easily be recasted - the others can't.
  What's more, it also removes any negative statues from Sin. It's is used as a
  counter to every fifth attack, or often randomyl, too.
- Reuse Hastega and Armour Break after each Negation.
- Sin's normal attack does reasonable damage and has a delay effect, nothing
  you can do about that. Just have Rikku use Al Bhed Potions after each hit.
- Gravija rips off 75% of your CURRENT HP, meaning it can't kill you. When you
  see the message "Core gathering energy", it means that Gravija will be the
  next attack. If you don't heal up in time, his next attack can wipe you out,
  so be ready.
- When the Fin's HP falls below 9999, make sure all your characters have close
  to full health. I can't stress that last point enough. Summon an aeon to end
  the battle with an Overdrive.

You jump on Sin? Notice that Wakka falls flat on his ass, while everyone else
(even Lulu, in that dress) manages a perfect landing.

=== [ Sinspawn Genais | 20000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Fire, Slow ] ===================
- Use Tidus, Wakka, and Auron. Cast Slow, then Hastega. Then Silence Buster.
- Consider bringing in Rikku to use Fire Gems to rack up massive damage or heal
  with Al Bhed Potions.
- Genais' Venom deals high damage and inflicts Poison. Heal with Esuna or Al
  Bhed Potions. Thrashing deals moderate damage.
- Waterga is the deadliest attack, and is used as a counter to any MAGIC casted
  at the body. Nullify with NulTide!
- After he falls below 10000 HP, Genais retreats to his shell, and all physical
  attacks do significantly reduced damage.
- Genais can use Sigh in this state, but it's simple to knock him over before
  he gets a chance.
- Summon an aeon, and blast this guy with an Overdrive for the Overkill.

We saw this guy before, but he wasn't a threat. Is now, though...

=== [ Sin's Core | 36000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ==============================
- Switch to Tidus, Auron, Rikku. Use Armour Break, and cast Hastega.
- Use Rikku to dispatch Al Bhed Potions when necessary.
- Core counters with level one black magic, on all party members.
- Sin also uses Gravija, which rips off 75% CURRENT HP of every active party
- Make sure you are healed up enough after Gravija to be able to withstand the
  black magic counter when you attack.
- Core may decide to use Negation, which removes all positive statuses from
  your characters, and all negative ones from Sin. Reapply Armour Break and
  Haste when this happens.
- Summon an aeon for the Overkill.

That's it for the moment. The easiest battle is ahead of you. Save when you
get control, then head up to the roof again. Talk to Yuna. After the cutscene,
go to some place in Spira (Zanarkand is probably the best spot) and fill up
Bahamut's Overdrive. Make sure Lulu has learned Doublecast, and it's preferable
that Tidus also has Quick Hit, though it's not completely necessary. In order
to start the battle, head back up to the roof at any time. Make sure to save at
the nearby SAVE SPHERE just before you venture out there, though.

=== [Sin | 140000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None] ======================================
- This fight is all about speed: you need to beat Sin before his Overdrive
  fills and uses Giga-Graviton, which is an instant Game Over.
- Active party should be Tidus, Lulu, and Wakka. Cast Hastega.
- Have Lulu Doublecast a level three Black Magic spell, while Wakka attacks.
  If you taught him Armour Break and/or Mental Break, then all the better, use
  them both.
- If you made Kimahri a mage, and he knows third level black magic, have him
  replace Tidus, for the time being and use his magic skills to attack.
- After you have been "Drawn to Sin" three times, you will be up close and
  personal. Swap Wakka for Auron, and Kimahri for Tidus (if applicable). Haste
  Auron. If Sin is not under Armour Break, do so.
- Abuse Quick Hit (if anyone knows it). It will drain MP quickly, but it's very
  helpful while it lasts. Keep Lulu going with Doublecast.
- Sin only has one attack, it causes pathetic damage, but very rarely causes
  some possible nasty status effects (Confusion, Petrification, and Zombie).
  You won't get hit with the attack more than five or six times, so I wouldn't
  worry. Heal up any characters that are afflicted.
- Use Al Bhed Potions as a method of healing, if you like.
- You can switch out characters when HP gets low, just try make sure Lulu and
  Auron stay out for as long as possible.
- Summon Bahamut (preferably) for the Overkill.

          4.27. Inside Sin                                   [04INSD]

The fiends in here are TOUGH. Tougher than several of the bosses you've fought
already. I hope you bought the Sonic Steel. Your best bet is probably the Flee
from most battles, most notably Behemoth King, Demonlith and Barbatos. Armour
Break Gemini and Adamantoise, use Silence on Exoray, and Provoke Great Malboro.
Even if you have been steadily levelling up all your characters, enemies here
are still tough.

One last thing, if you don't have 30x Wings to Discovery, go back to the Calm
Lands and get it. Check out the Calm Lands part of the walkthrough for details
on how to obtain this rare item. You will need it for a very tough boss.

--- [ Helpful Tip! ] ----------------------------------------------------------
My recommendation to new players is to do a couple of things. Head back to
Zanarkand and level up there until all characters have reached the end of the
grid, at which time it's probably best to send them on Auron's path.

Also, capture four of every dragon-type species in Spira and win 99x PURIFYING
SALT from the Monster Arena manager. Customise "No Encounters" on an armour
using these items. The monsters you need to catch are: Vouivre (Mi'ihen
Highroad), Lamashtu (Mushroom Rock Road), Kusariqqu (Thunder Plains), Mushussu
(Bikanel Island), and Nidhogg (Mt. Gagazet). Now just stroll through here
without any problems at all.

Let's get back to it, shall we? This place is weird, you can only see on the
mini-map places that you have been to before, making things a little bit more
difficult. However, we still have our trusty red arrow to guide us. Just so you
know, you can't go up the waterfalls, you can only go down them. All directions
given below correspnd to the mini-map, not the camera angle.

Follow the path around until you come to an intersection. From here, go west.
Keep going until you can't continue going west any further, because a waterfall
blocks your way. Now head north. Follow this course all the way until you see a
turn-off to the left, and take it. Follow this new path around to find a
PHANTOM RING and SPECIAL SPHERE in two chests. Walk back the way you came, not
turning off at any point. You will start to uncover more of the road as you
proceed north.

Take the first left you see. There is a chest here containing an ELIXIR. Now go
back to the path you were just on, follow it along - it's now going mostly
eastward. Soon enough, it makes a turn and starts heading south. Continue on
this course, and eventually you will come to a chest and a waterfall. Nab the

Now proceed north again, until you see a turn to the right. Take it. Go south a
bit to find a LEVEL 3 KEY SPHERE in a chest. Now take the right at the fork in
the road, and you will discover more territory. Follow this path all the way
around to the SAVE SPHERE.

Fill up a couple of aeon's Overdrives, especially Bahamut's. Set your main
party to Tidus, Auron, and Yuna. have Yuna equip the Phantom Ring you picked up
earlier. I also recommend you have Lulu equip the Phantom Bangle, and Rikku the
Victorious, if you decided to do a couple of short sidequests (see
Miscellaneous Sidequests section). Save, and ascend the steps...

=== [Seymour Omnis | 80000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice] ========

- At any one time, Omnis is weak to a certain element, strong to it's opposite,
  and takes half damage from the other two. The things on the wall behind him
  are Mortiphams, and they dictate Omnis' elemental affinities. When all four
  point of the same colour are closest to Omnis, he will cast magic of that
  element. He is therefore weak to it's opposite.
- Start with Hastega, and inflict Armour Break. Cast the corresponding Nul
  spell on party members, nullifying three out of four attacks. Recast Nul
  spell after protection disappears. 
- Omnis uses Dispel on your party after every fifth attack on him. Shell and
  Protect are therefore ultimately pretty useless. Try Cheer and Focus instead.
  Don't cast Reflect, because it just bounce back Omnis' magic, healing him.
- Omnis follows up Dispel with Ultima on his next turn. Make sure to summon an
  aeon wtih a full Overdrive to take the hit - use the Overdrive!
- After Ultima, Omnis' elemental affinities will change, signalled by the
  rotation of the Mortiphasms. Rememeber to apply the correct Nul spell.
- Use Mega-Flare to pick up the Overkill.


If I were you, I'd head back to the known SAVE SPHERE and utilise its function.
Then proceed north again, and follow the path. As you go in a bit, you will see
a green square on the mini-map. Get into random battles, and kill a total of 35
fiends, and the walls will disappear, leaving a LEVEL 4 KEY SPHERE (what a let
down) in a chest for the taking.

Continue following the path, until you reach a small, one-tile bridge. Press X
whilke standing on it, to be transported high up. Grab the FOUR-ON-ONE from the
chest here, then walk back onto the tile to descend. Walk up just a litte, and
on your left you will see another odd looking tile on the floor. Press X when
standing on it to push the wall over, and then nab the DEFENDING BRACER from
the chest.

Keep going, the camera shifts, and you can see a glyph on a wall up the back on
the left. Go down here and press X on the glyph to unveil another secret area,
this one holding a chest containing a MEGALIXIR. Ge out of here, and walk
directly south until you find a pit in the ground. Go down the ramp to get into
the pit, and find the chest containing 20000 GIL. Still in the hole, walk over
the blue tile to the north (according to the camera angle). You will be shot
straight up into the air. Up here you can nab a HP SPHERE and a DEFENCE SPHERE
from two chests. Step on the blue tile to the north to get back down the ground

Follow the path around a little until the path shoots off to the right, just a
tiny bit. There is a raised block here, or so it would seem. Go around the back
(the part not facing the main path), and you will slide down all the way into a
new area. Obtain the LAEVATEIN from the chest, then walk towards the wall up
ahead. Press X on the parts of the wall to eventually climb out. Follow the
only possible road until you reach the next screen.

Save your game here. This is the final SAVE SPHERE in the game, and this, my
friends, is the point of no return. Fill up the Overdrive of Tidus, Rikku,
Lulu, and Wakka, if you have Attack Reels. Change any equipment (no need for
capture weapons, so bring out your best stuff, including Tidus' Sonic Steel,
if you have it), and be confident your have enough items. Walk north when
you're ready, an approach the giant rock. (Just where in the hell did that
thing come from?!)

Now we are in in one hell of a weird place. You have to run around chasing a
small crystal beofre it teleports somewhere else. Icicles pop out of the
ground, and if one hits you, you get into a battle. If you happen to get into
a battle with a Great Malboro, you will see why I said equip Sonic Steel - they
will always use Bad Breath on their first turn, unless you use Provoke. There
are other enemies there, but I highly suggest using Flee - we want our party to
be in top shape for the next battle. A tip for avoiding the icicles is to run
around the rim of this area, chances are you should miss them 90% of the time.

Anywho, each time you pick up the crystal, you receive an item. You will get a
necessarily in that order. Once you have picke dit up ten times, you will be
transported somewhere else. Looks like it's time for the final showdown... walk
forward after everyone is fully healed, and set your party to Tidus, Rikku, and
Wakka (or if you don't have Attack Reels, then Lulu). Time to meet your

=== [ Braska's Final Aeon | 60000 HP, 120000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Provoke ] =======
- For the first form, have Rikku Mix two Wings to Discovery for a Trio of 9999.
  Now use Slice and Dice. One more attack and this part is over.
- For the second form, cast Hastega. Follow up with Attack Reels. One more hit
  after that and BFA is gone! Also try Lulu's to use Fury (it must be first
  level black magic!). Use elemental gems for deal further damage. Al Bhed
  Potions will heal 9999 to all characters when under Trio of 9999. Mix another
  Trio of 9999 if any important party member die.

Alrighty. That boss should bite the dust soon enough. Now it's time to fight
some special creatures you probably didn't expect to have to meet in battle.
Their HP and stats are whatever you raised them to during the game, and you're
under permanent Auto-Life, so you can't die (unless you manage to be stupid
enough to inflict Petrification on everyone). All in all, it's very easy. Use
elements to your advantage, or just use your powerhouse characters like Auron
and deal out a physical ass-kicking. Last, and very much the least, we have

=== [ Yu Yevon | 99999 HP | WEAKNESSES: Doom, Zombie ] ========================
- Yu Yevon doesn't directly attack your party, all it ever does is heal itself
  using Curaga.
- There are a bunch of ways you can take it out. Use a Candle of Life (which
  you should have stolen from the Fallen Monks in Zanarkand) and Doom it, and
  Yu will be gone in two turns.
- You can cast Reflect so Curaga will heal a random party member.
- Or you can inflict Zombie, and watch it kill itself. Completely up to you.

And that's that. I can't believe I actually finished this walkthrough. After a
year of putting it off, I finally reached the end. Yay! And, so have you. Enjoy
the ending, and look out for FFX-2!

Don't forget, there is a multiplicity of sidequests and fun things left to do
in FFX. My guide covers all of it, so be sure to duck in from time to time if
you need help!

          5. Overdrives                                      [05ODRV]

Ah, Overdrives, your characters best attacks. As you probably already know, you
are able to use an Overdrive when your guage fills up. This bar is located
below the characters respective HP and MP totals. This section is an in-depth
explanation of all Overdrives, as well as a brief explanation of the mechanics
behind it.

--- [ ABBREVIATIONS ] ---------------------------------------------------------
<P>:   Protect will halve base damage.
<S>:   Shell will halve base damage.
<R>:   Can be Reflected.
<NUL>: First hit can be nullified with respective Nul spell.

          5.1. Tidus's Swordplay                             [05SWPY]

When using Tidus' Overdrive, you have to stop the pointeron the small area at
the centre of the white line. Doing so will maximise the damage you get out of
the Overdrive. You can stop the pointer using the X button.

          SPIRAL CUT <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes one target.
BONUS:     Greater damage.
UNLOCKING: Default Overdrive.
          SLICE AND DICE <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes (random) target/s six times.
BONUS:     Greater damage.
UNLOCKING: Use a total of ten Overdrives, regardless of success.
          ENERGY RAIN <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes target party.
BONUS:     Greater damage.
UNLOCKING: Use a total of thirty Overdrives, regardless of success.
          BLITZ ACE <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes one target eight (minimum)/nine (maximum) times.
BONUS:     Ninth attack will be a Sphere Shot.
UNLOCKING: Use a total of eighty Overdrives, regardless of success.
NOTES:     - The character that throws the ball is the one the highest
             "affection" for Tidus, and can be either Yuna, Lulu, or Rikku.

          5.2. Yuna's Grand Summon                           [05GSMN]

Yuna's "Grand Summon" is her one and only Overdrive. During the course of the
game, it is actually very useful, and and from time to time during sidequests.
However, once your stats get high enough, it becomes a pretty useless ability.
You will find yourself Entrusting your Overdrive gauge to someone like Wakka,
Tidus, or even Auron. Nevertheless, all it does is allow you to summon an aeon
with a full Overdrive bar. In effect, Yuna gives the selected aeon her
Overdrive. What's even better, is that if they already have a full Overdrive,
they will actually get to use two Overdrive attacks, one after another, if you
like. Not bad, eh?

          5.3. Auron's Bushido                               [05BUSH]

Auron's Overdrives are characterised by a sequence of button inputs. If you
mess up, then you will have to start the series again. By getting "Great", the
Overdrive will also inflict bonus damage or statuses on the targets.

          DRAGON FANG <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes target party.
INPUT:     Left, Up, Right, Down, L1, R1, Circle, X.
BONUS:     Greater damage.
UNLOCKING: Default Overdrive.
          SHOOTING STAR <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes one target.
INPUT:     Left, Up, Right, Down, L1, R1, Circle, X.
BONUS:     Target is ejected from battle (unless immune).
UNLOCKING: Unlocked after you beat Spherimorph (and find one Jecht Sphere).
EFFECT:    Strikes one target.
INPUT:     Left, Up, Right, Down, L1, R1, Circle, X.
BONUS:     Inflicts Full Break (unless immune).
UNLOCKING: Find three Jecht Spheres.
          TORNADO <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes target party once (minimum)/twice (maximum).
INPUT:     Left, Up, Right, Down, L1, R1, Circle, X.
BONUS:     Strikes a second time.
UNLOCKING: Find all ten Jecht Spheres.

          5.4. Wakka's Slots                                 [05SLOT]

Wakka's Slots function, surprisingly enough, like a slot machine. In order to
get the bonus, you need line up three of the same (or, in the case of Attack
Reels, three of the best) item. You can stop the reels with the X button.

          ELEMENT REELS <P> <NUL>
EFFECT:    Strikes random target/target party.
BONUS:     Line up all slots on the same element to strike all targets.
UNLOCKING: Default Overdrive.
           - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
           - First strike is cancelled out with respective Nul spell.
           - Wakka does not have to play Blitzball to unlock his Overdrives.
          ATTACK REELS <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes (random) target/s multiple times.
BONUS:     Line up all slots on "Two Hits" to double the amount of strikes.
UNLOCKING: Win from a Blitzball tournament (no battle requirement).
NOTES:     - Wakka does not have to play Blitzball to unlock his Overdrives.
          STATUS REELS <P>
EFFECT:    Strikes random target/target party.
BONUS:     Line up all slots on the same status to strike all targets.
UNLOCKING: Win from a Blitzball league (250 battles need to be fought).
NOTES:     - Wakka does not have to play Blitzball to unlock his Overdrives.
          AUROCH REELS <P> <NUL>
EFFECT:    Strikes random target/target party once.
BONUS:     Line up all slots on the same element/status to strike all targets.
UNLOCKING: Win from a Blitzball tournament (450 battles need to be fought).
NOTES:     - The Aurochs symbol represents a high powered non-elemental attack.
           - Wakka does not have to play Blitzball to unlock his Overdrives.

          5.5. Lulu's Fury                                   [05FURY]

Lulu's Fury Overdrive allows how to cast a chosen spell multiple times. The
more times you can spin the analog stick, the more spells you will cast. Lulu's
Magic stat determines how many analog stick revolutions are required to
register a spell. At higher magic, Lulu can cast more spells.

Another factor that determines the number of strikes is how powerful the
selected spell is. A very low level black magic such as Fire can be casted far
more times than Ultima, the most powerful black magic attack, with an identical
magic stat.

Lulu is able to combine Fury with EVERY black magic attack in the game. It
should be noted that Lulu's Fury is actally unlike normally casted black magic.
The damage from each magic cast cannot be reduced with Shell, nor can they be
Reflected. They don't consume any MP, and Fury can be used even when Lulu is
under Silence status.

          5.6. Kimahri's Ronso Rage                          [05RAGE]

Kimahri is a blue mage, as you may or may not know. He learns the attacks of
others, which is exactly why he has no path of his own on the Sphere Grid. For
his Overdrive attacks, Kimahri will use his Ronso rages, a collection of fiend
abilities that you collect during your journey through Spira. Don't worry if
you missed out on anything, you can learn them at pretty much any stage of the
game. In order to learn a Ronso Rage, just have Kimahri use Lancet on that
fiend. If they possess an ability that can be taught to Kimahri, he will learn
it. When you learn a new ability, Kimahri's Overdrive guage fills all the way.

          JUMP <P>
EFFECT: Strikes one target.
LANCET: - Default Overdrive
          FIRE BREATH <P> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals fire-based damage to target party.
LANCET: - Dual Horn (Mi'ihen Highroad)
        - Valaha (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
        - Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Grendel (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - First strike is cancelled out with NulBlaze.
          SEED CANNON <P>
EFFECT: Strikes one target.
LANCET: - Ragora (Kilika Forest)
        - Sandragora (Bikanel Island)
        - Grat (Mt. Gagazet)
          SELF-DESTRUCT <P> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals fire-based damage to target party.
LANCET: - Bomb (Mi'ihen Highroad)
        - Grenade (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Puroboros (Omega Ruins)
        - Biran Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
NOTES:  - If you use this Overdrive, Kimahri will be eliminated from battle.
        - Damage inflicted is Kimahri's MAX HP multiplied by three.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - First strike is cancelled out with NulBlaze.
          THRUST KICK <P>
EFFECT: Strikes one target.
LANCET: - YKT-63 (Bevelle)
        - Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
        - YKT-11 (Zanarkand)
NOTES:  - Thrust Kick does not eject enemies from battle.
          STONE BREATH
EFFECT: Inflicts Pertrification on target party.
LANCET: - Basilisk (Djose Highroad)
        - Anacondaur (Calm Lands)
        - Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
NOTES:  - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          AQUA BREATH <P> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals water-based damage to target party.
LANCET: - Chimera (Macalania)
        - Chimera Brain (Calm Lands)
        - Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - First strike is cancelled out with NulTide.
EFFECT: Inflicts Doom on one target.
LANCET: - Ghost (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth)
        - Biran Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Wraith (Inside Sin)
NOTES:  - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          WHITE WIND
EFFECT: Restores HP to active party members.
LANCET: - Dark Flan (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Spirit (Omega Ruins)
        - Yenke Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
          MIGHTY GUARD
EFFECT: Casts Protect, Shell, and NulAll on active party members.
LANCET: - Biran Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Behemoth (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Behemoth King (Inside Sin)
          BAD BREATH
EFFECT: Inflicts Darkness, Silence, Sleep, and Poison on target party.
LANCET: - Malboro (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Great Malboro (Inside Sin)
NOTES:  - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals massive non-elemental damage to target party.
LANCET: - Biran Ronso (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Behemoth (Mt. Gagazet)
        - Behemoth King (Inside Sin)
NOTES:  - Ignores Magic Defence, Shell, or any other protective measures.

          5.7. Rikku's Mix                                   [05RMIX]

EFFECT: Deals small damage to target party.
ITEMS:  Bomb Fragment + Antartic Wind / Electro Marble + Fish Scale
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
          FRAG GRENADE
EFFECT: Deals small damage and Armour Break to target party.
ITEMS:  - Power Sphere + Power Sphere / Power Sphere + Speed Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals moderate damage to target party.
ITEMS:  Bomb Fragment + Electro Marble / Power Sphere + Map
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
EFFECT: Deals medium damage to target party.
ITEMS:  Power Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere / MP Sphere + Map
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
          CLUSTER BOMB
EFFECT: Deals large damage to target party.
ITEMS:  Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere / Map + Gambler's Spirit
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
EFFECT: Deals massive damage to target party.
ITEMS:  Grenade + Underdog's Secret / Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Requires Break Damage Limit to exceed 9999 damage.
          BLASTER MINE
EFFECT: Deals small damage, Darkness, Sleep, and Silence (three turns each) to
        target party.
ITEMS:  Antidote + Grenade / Grenade + Power Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals moderate damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (four turns each), and
        Poison to target party.
ITEMS:  Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere / Smoke Bomb + Smoke Bomb
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals medium damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (five turns each),
        Poison, and Full Break to target party.
ITEMS:  Level 1 Key Sphere + Musk / Grenade + Lv.3 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals large damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (eight turns each),
        Poison, Slow, and Full Break to target party.
ITEMS:  Grenade + MP Sphere / Hypello Potion + Gambler's Spirit
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          HEAT BLASTER <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small fire-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Antidote + Bomb Fragment / Bomb Fragment + Power Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          FIRE STORM <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium fire-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Soft + Fire Gem / Bomb Fragment + Bomb Fragment
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          BRUNING SOUL <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large fire-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Fire Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere / Bomb Core + Level 2 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          BRIMSTONE <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small fire-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), and Poison to target party.
ITEMS:  Bomb Fragment + Poison Fang / Bomb Core + Musk
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals medium fire-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), Poison, and Full Break to target party.
ITEMS:  Bomb Fragment + Chocobo Feather / Fire Gem + Hypello Potion
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals small thunder-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Electro Marble + Speed Sphere / Soft + Electro Marble
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
EFFECT: Deals medium thunder-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Electro Marble + Electro Marble / Lightning Marble + Level 1 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
EFFECT: Deals large thunder-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Lightning Marble + Level 2 Key Sphere / Electro Marble + HP Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
EFFECT: Deals small thunder-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), and Poison to target party.
ITEMS:  Electro Marble + Poison Fang / Electro Marble + Musk
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
EFFECT: Deals medium thunder-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three
        turns each), Poison, and Full Break to target party.
ITEMS:  Lightning Marble + Dream Powder / Lightning Gem + Farplane Shadow
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          WATERFALL <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small water-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Fish Scale + Mana Sphere / Fish Scale + Grenade
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          FLASH FLOOD <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium water-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Grenade + Grenade / Soft + Water Gem
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          TIDAL WAVE <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large water-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Fish Scale + Level 3 Key Sphere / Fish Scale + Underdog's Secret
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          AQUA TOXIN <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small water-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), and Poison to target party.
ITEMS:  Fish Scale + Sleep Powder / Fish Scale + Musk
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          DARK RAIN <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium water-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), Poison, and Full Break to target party.
ITEMS:  Water Gem + Soul Spring / Dragon Scale + Farplane Shadow
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          SNOW FLURRY <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small ice-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Antarctic Wind + Map / Antarctic Wind + Power Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          ICEFALL <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium ice-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Antarctic Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere / Al Bhed Potion + Arctic Wind
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          WINTER STORM <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large ice-based damage to target party (hits are random).
ITEMS:  Ice Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere / Antarctic Wind + HP Sphere
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          BLACK ICE <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small ice-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), and Poison to target party.
ITEMS:  Antarctic Wind + Chocobo Feather / Antarctic Wind + Candle of Life
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          KRYSTA <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium ice-based damage, Darkness, Sleep, Silence (three turns
        each), Poison, and Full Break to target party.
ITEMS:  Ice Gem + Heal Spring / Ice Gem + Poison Fang
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
          NEGA BURST
EFFECT: Reduces CURRENT HP of target party to 1/4.
ITEMS:  Shadow Gem + Map / Al Bhed Potion + Shadow Gem
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Will deal 0 damage if target is immune to gravity damage.
          BLACK HOLE
EFFECT: Reduces CURRENT HP of target party to 1/16.
ITEMS:  Shadow Gem + Gambler's Spirit / Shadow Gem + Wings to Discovery
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Will deal 0 damage if target is immune to gravity damage.
EFFECT: Deals 19998 damage to target party.
ITEMS:  Underdog's Secret + Underdog's Secret / Fire Gem + Dark Matter
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
          ULTRA POTION
EFFECT: Restores 100% MAX HP of target party.
ITEMS:  Potion + Potion / Al Bhed Potion + Al Bhed Potion
NOTES:  - Will damage Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Cures all negative statuses except Doom, KO, Power Break, Armour Break,
        Magic Break, and Mental Break.
ITEMS:  Potion + Soft / Antidote + Antidote
          ULTRA CURE
EFFECT: Restores 50% MAX HP of target party, and cures all negative statuses
        except Doom, KO, Power Break, Armour Break, Magic Break, and Mental
ITEMS:  Al Bhed Potion + Chocobo Feather / Power Distiller + Musk
NOTES:  - Will damage Zombied targets.
          MEGA PHOENIX
EFFECT: Revives KOed target party and restores 50% MAX HP.
ITEMS:  Potion + Phoenix Down / Hi-Potion + Phoenix Down
NOTES:  - Will KO Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Revives KOed target party and restores 100% MAX HP.
ITEMS:  Phoenix Down + Gambler's Spirit / Potion + Mega Phoenix
NOTES:  - Will KO Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Restores 9999 HP and 999 MP to one target.
ITEMS:  Antidote + Power Sphere / Soft + Mana Sphere
NOTES:  - Will damage and reduce MP of Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Restores 9999 HP and 999 MP to target party.
ITEMS:  Remedy + Speed Sphere / Antidote + Map
NOTES:  - Will damage and reduce MP of Zombied targets.
          SUPER ELIXIR
EFFECT: Restores 9999 HP and 999 MP to target party, and cures all negative
        statuses except Doom, KO, Power Break, Armour Break, Magic Break, and
        Mental Break.
ITEMS:  Potion + Power Sphere / Hi-Potion + Speed Sphere
NOTES:  - Will damage and reduce MP of Zombied targets.
          FINAL ELIXIR
EFFECT: Restores 100% MAX HP and 100% MAX MP to target party, revives KOed
        targets with 100% MAX HP and 100% MAX MP, and cures all negative
        statuses except Doom, Power Break, Armour Break, Magic Break, and
        Mental Break.
ITEMS:  Hi-Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere / Mega-Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Will KO and reduce MP of Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Random party member is placed under NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide, and
ITEMS:  Phoenix Down + Electro Marble / Potion + Water Gem
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled, elemental attack
          is used, or target is KOed.
          MEGA NULALL
EFFECT: Target party is placed under NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide, and NulFrost.
ITEMS:  Lunar Curtain + Map / Hi-Potion + Antarctic Wind
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled, elemental attack
          is used, or target is KOed.
          HYPER NULALL
EFFECT: Target party is placed under NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide, NulFrost,
        Cheer x5, and Focus x5.
ITEMS:  Musk + Musk / Light Curtain + Mana Spring
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled, elemental attack
          is used (only for Nul spells), or target is KOed.
          ULTRA NULALL
EFFECT: Target party is placed under NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide, NulFrost,
        Cheer x5, Focus x5, Aim x5, and Reflex x5.
ITEMS:  Healing Spring + Healing Spring / Lunar Curtain + Healing Spring
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled, elemental attack
          is used (only for Nul spells), or target is KOed.
          MIGHTY WALL
EFFECT: Target party is placed under Protect and Shell.
ITEMS:  Soft + Light Curtain / Lunar Curtain + Power Sphere
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
          MIGHTY G
EFFECT: Target party is placed under Protect, Shell, and Haste.
ITEMS:  Al Bhed Potion + Lunar Crtn / Remedy + Light Curtain 
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
          SUPER MIGHTY G
EFFECT: Target party is placed under Protect, Shell, Haste, and Regen.
ITEMS:  Fire Gem + Lunar Curtain / Chocobo Feather + Level 1 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
          HYPER MIGHTY G
EFFECT: Target party is placed under Protect, Shell, Haste, Regen, and
ITEMS:  Lunar Curtain + Underdog's Secret / Healing Spring + Wings to Discovery
NOTES:  - Effects last until end of battle, unless Dispelled (except Auto-Life)
          or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Doubles MAX HP of random party member.
ITEMS:  Hi-Potion + Hi-Potion / Hi-Potion + X-Potion
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break HP Limit to exceed 9999 HP.
EFFECT: Doubles MAX HP of target party.
ITEMS:  Potion + Stamina Tablet / Antidote + Stamina Tablet
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break HP Limit to exceed 9999 HP.
EFFECT: Doubles MAX HP of target party and places targets under Cheer x5.
ITEMS:  Stamina Tonic + Speed Sphere / Potion + Stamina Tonic
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break HP Limit to exceed 9999 HP.
EFFECT: Doubles MAX MP of random party member.
ITEMS:  Potion + Ether / Ether + Antidote
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break MP Limit to exceed 999 HP.
          MEGA MANA
EFFECT: Doubles MAX MP of target party.
ITEMS:  Ether + Map / Turbo Ether + Mana Sphere
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break MP Limit to exceed 999 HP.
          HYPER MANA
EFFECT: Doubles MAX MP of target party and places targets under Focus x5.
ITEMS:  Potion + Mana Tablet / Mana Tablet + Grenade
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break MP Limit to exceed 999 HP.
EFFECT: Reduces MP cost of random party member to 0.
ITEMS:  Ether + Remedy / Ether + Farplane Wind
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
          FREEDOM X
EFFECT: Reduces MP cost of target party to 0.
ITEMS:  Ability Sphere + Twin Stars / Ether + Musk
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
          QUARTET OF 9
EFFECT: Random party member will always deal at least 9999 per action.
ITEMS:  Water Gem + Underdog's Secret / Level 1 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit
NOTES:  - Effect applies to healing items and restoration spells.
        - Does not limit any actions to 9999, only raises it if necessary.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
          TRIO OF 9999
EFFECT: Target party will always deal at least 9999 per action.
ITEMS:  Wings to Discovery + Wings to Discovery / Bomb Core + Dark Matter
NOTES:  - Effect applies to healing items and restoration spells.
        - Does not limit any actions to 9999, only raises it if necessary.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
          HERO DRINK
EFFECT: Random party member will always deal critical hits.
ITEMS:  Grenade + Designer Wallet / Potion + Designer Wallet
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Target party will always deal critical hits.
ITEMS:  Power Sphere + Designer Wallet / Fortune Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
          HOT SPURS
EFFECT: Random party member's Overdrive guage will charge twice as fast.
ITEMS:  Elixir + Level 1 Key Sphere / Fire Gem + Three Stars
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Target party's Overdrive guage will charge twice as fast.
ITEMS:  Megalixir + Level 1 Key Sphere / Elixir + Wings to Discovery
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.

          5.8. Overdrive Modes                               [05OMDS]

CHARGES:   When damage is received by a character.
OBTAINED:  Default Overdrive mode.
CHARGES:   When damage damage is dealt to an enemy.
OBTAINED:  Attack an enemy the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 150    - Yuna: 200       - Auron: 100    - Wakka: 160
           - Lulu: 300     - Kimahri: 120    - Rikku: 140
CHARGES:   When damage damage is dealt to an enemy.
OBTAINED:  Heal an ally the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 80     - Yuna: 60        - Auron: 200    - Wakka: 110
           - Lulu: 170     - Kimahri: 100    - Rikku: 170
CHARGES:   When damage is received by an ally.
OBTAINED:  Have allies sustain damage the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 300    - Yuna: 240       - Auron: 220    - Wakka: 100
           - Lulu: 100     - Kimahri: 100    - Rikku: 100
CHARGES:   When character kills an enemy.
OBTAINED:  Kill an enemy the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 100    - Yuna: 110       - Auron: 80      - Wakka: 90
           - Lulu: 130     - Kimahri: 120    - Rikku: 200
CHARGES:   At the end of each battle.
OBTAINED:  Be in the active party at the end of battle the following number of
           - Tidus: 120    - Yuna: 150       - Auron: 200    - Wakka: 160
           - Lulu: 200     - Kimahri: 120    - Rikku: 140
CHARGES:   When character inflicts a status effect on an enemy.
OBTAINED:  Inflict a status effect on an enemy the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 75     - Yuna: 100       - Auron: 110    - Wakka: 80
           - Lulu: 75      - Kimahri: 60     - Rikku: 90
CHARGES:   When character kills an enemy with 20x more HP than estimated
           damage, or with 10000+ HP.
OBTAINED:  Kill an enemy with 20x more HP than estimated damage, or with
           10000+ HP the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 50     - Yuna: 50        - Auron: 40     - Wakka: 50
           - Lulu: 70      - Kimahri: 45     - Rikku: 50
NOTES:     - "Estimated damage" refers to the range of damage the game
             calculates the character can do with their current stats, while
             using the "Attack" command. In cases where the Magic stat is
             higher than the Strength stat, the former will be used.
CHARGES:   When character gets a turn.
OBTAINED:  Have the following number of turns...
           - Tidus: 600    - Yuna: 500       - Auron: 450    - Wakka: 350
           - Lulu: 480     - Kimahri: 300    - Rikku: 320
CHARGES:   When character gets a turn with critical HP.
OBTAINED:  Have the following number of turns with critical HP...
           - Tidus: 170    - Yuna: 90        - Auron: 260    - Wakka: 140
           - Lulu: 150     - Kimahri: 200    - Rikku: 110
CHARGES:   When character gets a turn with two other party members missing.
OBTAINED:  Have the following number of turns with two other party members
           - Tidus: 60     - Yuna: 180       - Auron: 35     - Wakka: 110
           - Lulu: 45      - Kimahri: 90     - Rikku: 170
CHARGES:   When character escapes from battle.
OBTAINED:  Escape from battle the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 600    - Yuna: 900       - Auron: 1000   - Wakka: 400
           - Lulu: 980     - Kimahri: 700    - Rikku: 450
CHARGES:   When character evades enemy attack.
OBTAINED:  Evade enemy attack the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 250    - Yuna: 200       - Auron: 200    - Wakka: 200
           - Lulu: 300     - Kimahri: 130    - Rikku: 200
CHARGES:   When character reduces damage of/nullfies/deflects enemy attack.
OBTAINED:  Reduce damage/nullfy/deflect enemy attack the following number of
           - Tidus: 120    - Yuna: 110       - Auron: 120    - Wakka: 120
           - Lulu: 120     - Kimahri: 120    - Rikku: 120
NOTES:     Using Protect, Shell, Reflect, Nul spells, and their respective
           armour abilities all count towards gaining this Overdrive mode.
CHARGES:   When character is inflicted by an enemy status effect.
OBTAINED:  Be hit by a status effect the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 100    - Yuna: 80        - Auron: 120    - Wakka: 100
           - Lulu: 110     - Kimahri: 130    - Rikku: 90
CHARGES:   When character gets a turn under an enemy status effect.
OBTAINED:  Have the following number of turns under (a) status effect/s...
           - Tidus: 120    - Yuna: 100       - Auron: 160    - Wakka: 110
           - Lulu: 130     - Kimahri: 100    - Rikku: 125
CHARGES:   When ally (other than self) is KOed by an enemy attack.
OBTAINED:  Have enemies KO an ally the following number of times...
           - Tidus: 100    - Yuna: 80        - Auron: 120    - Wakka: 100
           - Lulu: 150     - Kimahri: 100    - Rikku: 90

          6. Aeons                                           [06AEON]

Here is a short section, giving a quick rundown on all things concerning all
things aeon-related. For the hidden aeons, a more detailed description of how
to find them and add them to your team can be found in their respective areas
in the Miscellaneous Sidequests section.

          6.1. Valefor                                       [06VLFR]

--- [ ABOUT VALEFOR ] ---------------------------------------------------------

Valefor is the first aeon you obtain, and comes from Besaid Temple. There are
two odd things about Valefor, and one of them is she is immune to almost all
ground-based attacks. It's a strange quirk, there's no doubting, but a very
handy advantage to make use of. The second oddity about Valefor is that she is
the aeon to have a second Overdrive, one far more powerful than her normal one.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

SONIC WINGS:  Strikes and delays one target.
ENERGY BLAST: Strikes one target, dealing massive non-elemental damage.
ENERGY RAY:   Strikes target party, dealing large non-elemental damage. 

--- [ VALEFOR'S SECOND OVERDRIVE ] --------------------------------------------

When in Besaid, go the village and talk to the lady shopkeeper. She'll tell you
her dog found something. Now go find the dog - it's found in the third tent on
the right side of the village (the one closest to the Temple). Go inside then
speak to the dog. Do this and you will acquire Valefor's second Overdrive,
Energy Blast, which is significantly more powerful than his "normal" one.

          6.2. Ifrit                                         [06IFRT]

--- [ ABOUT IFRIT ] -----------------------------------------------------------

Ifrit is the second aeon you pick up on your quest. He is native to Kilika
temple, and represents the fire element. Hence, he will absorb all fire-based
damage and gain it as HP. On the downside, he will also take extra damage to
ice-based attacks. By exploiting his elemental affinities, you can heal Ifrit
with fire magic, a very useful property.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

METEOR STRIKE: Strikes one target.
HELLFIRE:      Strikes target party, dealing massive fire-based damage.

          6.3. Ixion                                         [06IXIN]

--- [ ABOUT IXION ] -----------------------------------------------------------

Ixion comes from Djose Temple, and is the second elemental aeon to become a
part of your group. He is a thunder-based aeon, meaning he will absorb all
thunder-based damage and gain it as HP. However, he also take extra damage to
water-based attacks. By exploiting his elemental affinities, you can heal Ixion
with thunder magic, a very useful property. He is very handy on your trip
through the Thunder Plains.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

SONIC WINGS:  Strikes one target and removes all positive status effects.
ENERGY BLAST: Strikes target party, dealing massive thunder-based damage.

          6.4. Shiva                                         [06SHVA]

--- [ ABOUT SHIVA ] -----------------------------------------------------------

Shiva is real cool. Okay, so that was a bad joke. In any case, Shiva is
stronger than your other aeons by the time you get her from Macalania Temple.
Chances are her Overdrive will do 9999 damage almost immediately, making her
very useful very quickly. Being an ice-based elemental aeon, Shiva absorbs all
ice-based damage and gains it as HP, but as a consequence is weak to fire-based
attacks. By exploiting her elemental affinities, you can heal Shiva with ice
magic, a very useful property.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

HEAVENLY STRIKE: Strikes and delays one target.
DIAMOND DUST:    Strikes target party, dealing massive ice-based damage.

          6.5. Bahamut                                       [06BHMT]

--- [ ABOUT BAHAMUT ] ---------------------------------------------------------

Bahamut is seemingly overpowered when you obtain him from Bevelle Temple. He
already has all the elemental black magic at his disposal, along with being one
of the few aeons without an initial damage cap. His Overdrive will almost
certainly be your biggest hitter until you gain access to the airship. Bahamut
isn't an elemental aeon, but he does have relatively high Strength and Magic,
making him quite strong.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

IMPULSE:    Strikes target party.
MEGA-FLARE: Strikes target party, dealing massive non-elemental damage.

          6.6. Anima                                         [06ANMA]

--- [ ABOUT ANIMA ] -----------------------------------------------------------

Anima, is, to put it simply, and absolute damn powerhouse. She is unmatched by
any aeon bar the Magus Sisters, who are sometimes too unpredictable to be
anywhere near as useful. Combining Anima's Overdrive with Armour Break means
almost certainly death to any enemies that get in your way, and her "Pain"
bypasses all magic protecton like Magic Defence and Shell, while at the same
time also inflicting Death.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

PAIN:     Strikes and inflicts Death on one target.
OBLIVION: Strikes target party fifteen times.

--- [ ACQUIRING ANIMA ] -------------------------------------------------------

Return to the Zanarkand Cloister of Trials and step on all seven white square
tiles. Then place the DESTRUCTION SPHERE in the right reccess in the second
room. After nabbing the MAGISTRAL ROD from the chest, make sure that you have
received the Destruction Sphere prize from every Temple (taking note that you
cannot miss the Bevelle Destruction prize), find the "Baaj Temple" destination
by using the "Search" feature on the airship. Go there, defeat the monster,
then go inside the Temple ruins by heading to the green square on the mini-map.
Once inside, activate each of the statues by alking near them. The glyph will
disappear, leaving Anima for the taking.

          6.7. Yojimbo                                       [06YJBO]

--- [ ABOUT YOJIMBO ] ---------------------------------------------------------

Yojimbo resembles a Japanese samurai, what with his hat and awesome array of
attacks. He's almost a ninja, one might say. Anyway, he is also a powerhouse
with a ridiculously high Evasion stat, even at very low levels. He is still
somewhat of an enigma, and basically all of his actions are still quite random.

--- [ ATTACKS ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

DAIGORO:   Strikes one random target.
KOZUKA:    Strikes one random target.
WAKIZASHI: Strikes one random target/target party.
ZANMATO:   Instantly kills target party (including bosses).

--- [ ACQUIRING YOJIMBO ] -----------------------------------------------------

Yojimbo can be found in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. This is located just
past the exit to the Calm Lands, by taking the path after corssing the first
bridge. When you meet Yojimbo's fayth, he will give you three choices. CHOOSE
THE THIRD OPTION! Then the deadbeat wants you to pay him gil to use his
services. What a crock. For the first offer, try 125,001 gil. For the second,
125,002 gil. And for the third, go 190,000 gil. Then "purchase" him for
202,000 gil. There you have it, we're finished.

--- [ CONTROL ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Yojimbo is not controlled like your typical aeon. Instead of directly choosing
the attacks you like, it's more or less left to chance. Yojimbo only has two
available commands, "Pay" and "Dismiss". You actually pay him certain amounts
of gil to attack enemies. Depending on how well you have treated him (letting
him die in battle, your initial choice for "purchasing" his services, the
amount of gil you have paid him, dismiss him without paying, full Overdrive,
etc), he will use one of four different attacks. When you do pay him, you
should only ever pay in powers of two, that is, 128 gil, 256 gil, 512 gil, etc.
Any excess gil is simply wasted. It should be noted that paying him 0 gil will
result in him leaving battle, and reducing your compatibility level, making it
harder to see free attacks (including Zanmato).

          6.8. Magus Sisters                                 [06MGUS]

--- [ About the Magus Sisters ] -----------------------------------------------

The Magus Sisters are another odd set of aeons. And that's just why - there is
more than one of them. Not only that, but you can't control these gals directly
either, you must take a chance with every command that you select. Moreover,
you need to wait till each of them fill up their Overdrive gauge before you can
unleash ultimate destruction on your enemies. Hearing that, you probably won't
want to waste your time with them. Instead, they represent perhaps the
strongest non-character force in your arsenal, one that should be abused as
often as possible.

--- [ Attacks ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

RAZZIA (SANDY):     Strikes one target.
CAMISADE (CINDY):   Strikes one target.
PASSADO (MINDY):    Strikes one target fifteen times.
DELTA ATTACK (ALL): Strikes target party six times.

--- [ Acquiring the Magus Sisters ] -------------------------------------------

To get into the Chamber of the Fayth so they can join your party, you need to
acquire two items, the Blossom Crown and the Flower Sceptre. You receive the
former by catching one of every fiend on Mt. Gagazet including the aquatic ones
in the caves. You receive the Flower Sceptre after defeating Belgemine's
Bahamut. Then just walk towards the glyph up the back of Remiem Temple, and use
both items to break the seal. Go inside and collect your reward!

--- [ Control ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

The Magus Sisters are also controlled in a unique way. Again, you can't select
the exact action for them to take, rather you give them "suggestions" on what
you would prefer them to do. Based on a number of criteria, they will act on
your "suggestions" accordingly.

Each sister has a number of abilities. Some of them, such as Cure, Cura, and
Curaga, they all know and can use. Others, such as Death, Reflect, and Ultima
are indivdual abilities. They will use these abilities, often rather randomly,
if certain conditions are met.

In addition to a normal attack command, each sister also has there own special
attack. For Sandy this is Razzia, Cindy's is Camisade, and Mindy uses Passado.
Again, the use of these abilities requires special crieria to be met when it
comes to selecting commands, as well as a little real-life luck.

In order to use their Overdrive, Delta Attack, all three need to have a full
Overdrive bar. Then select the "Combine Powers" command. This is the one of
the very few commands the sisters will always obey, and it will always have the
same outcome.

Each of the sisters has one really annoying trait. Sometimes, when you select
one of the commands, they will take a break. Literally. They won't bother to
defend, they just completely waste their turn. Thanks a lot. There's not much
you can really do to prevent this, so just try to ignore it.

Lastly, you can "Dimiss" the Magus Sisters at any time during battle. This is
the other time when they will listen to your exact command. Because of their
immense power, I can't foresee you using this option too much.

          7. Blitzball                                       [07BLTZ]

Blitzball is really a game unto itself. At it's heart, it's just another RPG,
but one with a lot of complexities of it's own. This minigame is really a "love
it" or "hate it" thing. This section aims to give you complete rundown on how
things work.

          7.1. Basics                                        [07BASC]

          7.2. Tips                                          [07TIPS]

- If you swim behind your own goalie, all the other plays in the "field" will
  start swimming in circles. I'm not quite sure why this happens, but it can be
  used to your advantage, and is an excellent way to assure victory in the very
  tough first game. You can pass your ball around amongst the defendrs and
  midfielder with little risk of being tackled, a nice way to raise stats.
  Abuse this by passing to your forwards when there are few-to-no defenders
  around them.

- Use techs as often as possible! Each tech you can use during the game will
  increase the EXP you get at the end of the game. The higher elvel techs (like
  Wither Tackle 3 and Venom Pass 3) will give significantly more EXP than lower
  level techs (such as Wither Tackle and Venom Pass, respectively). Just be
  sure not to use up all your HP straight away!

- Jecht Shot and Jecht Shot 2 are your friends! Despite the large HP
  consumption, they are excellent ways to assure goals. The former knocks out
  two defenders, and the latter takes out four. Awesome, huh?

- Tackle Slips reigns supreme. Tackle Slip 2 is even better. They make
  encounters with multiple defenders much more survivable. Watch out you don't
  get disorientated too much (which has a chance of losing the first tech on
  your character's equipped list). It's best to equip a less-used tech the
  first slot, just in case.

- If you don't like a tournament or league prize, just reload after seeing it
  for the first time. They are completely randomised, so you can try for
  something more useful the next time (or the next, or the next)! As a general
  rule of thumb, try to always settles on techs as your prizes (unless you need
  to get Wakka's Overdrives or Sigil).

- Always score as many goals as possible. A bonus prize is awarded to the team
  with the leading top scorer. Assuming you play halfway decently, you should
  always win the prize. However, in the early stages of Blitzball, things can
  be tight.

- Here is what I consider to the be a good starting team just after Luca. In
  Luca Square, there is a guy sitting on one of the benches. He's going to be
  our new goalie. His name is Jumal, so finding him is a just a matter of
  pressing Square on every person sitting on a bench. Next, head to Luca
  Theatre. Leaning on the wall along the pathway just before the theatre itself
  is a man. His name is Zalitz. Acquire him too. Leave Luca theatre, and return
  to the place with the reception desk and the three staircases. Guarding the
  centre stairs are Biggs and Wedge. Hire Wedge. You'll now be prompted to boot
  a player from the Besaid Aurochs from your team. Do so. Lastly, walk around
  Luca docks and hire Zev Ronso. Boot another Auroch from the team. When you
  reach the travel Agency on the Mi'ihen Highroad, hire Ropp from behind the
  counter. Your team is complete!

          7.3. Techs                                         [07TECH]

EFFECT: Prevents HP drain 50% of the time.
COST:   10 HP
          ANTI-DRAIN 2
EFFECT: Prevents HP drain 100% of the time.
COST:   50 HP
EFFECT: Prevents sleep status 50% of the time.
COST:   40 HP
          ANTI-NAP 2
EFFECT: Prevents sleep status 100% of the time.
COST:   210 HP
EFFECT: Prevents poison status 50% of the time.
COST:   5 HP
          ANTI-VENOM 2
EFFECT: Prevents poison status 100% of the time.
COST:   50 HP
EFFECT: Prevents wither status 50% of the time.
COST:   30 HP
          ANTI-WITHER 2
EFFECT: Prevents wither status 100% of the time.
COST:   200 HP
EFFECT: Increases Shot strength by adding the total Shot sum of all Besaid
        Aurochs players on the team.
COST:   600 HP
BOOTS:  Shot +10
NOTES:  - Only adds Shot total of currently playing Aurochs, not benched ones.
        - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
        - Wakka must learn his three key techs before he can learn this tech.
EFFECT: Participate in encounters from further away, 60% of the time.
COST:   200 HP
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          DRAIN TACKLE
EFFECT: Steal HP from an opponent 40% of the time when tackling.
COST:   30 HP
BOOST:  Attack +3
          DRAIN TACKLE 2
EFFECT: Steal HP from an opponent 70% of the time when tackling.
COST:   150 HP
BOOST:  Attack +5
          DRAIN TACKLE 3
EFFECT: Steal HP from an opponent 100% of the time when tackling.
COST:   500 HP
BOOST:  Attack +7
EFFECT: Find and intercept the ball carrier from further away.
COST:   5 HP
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
EFFECT: Stats randomised 50% of the time after waking from Nap status.
COST:   300 HP
NOTES:  - Press X to select what number stats are changed to.
        - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          GOLDEN ARM
EFFECT: Pass and Shot stats decrease more slowly as ball travels through water.
COST:   30 HP
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          GOOD MORNING!
EFFECT: Random stat increase after a player is woken up by a certain status
        attack, 50% of the time.
COST:   180 HP
NOTES:  - The stats that are increased depend on the type of attack used to
          wake the player up.
        - HP and Speed cannot be increased.
        - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          GRIP GLOVES
EFFECT: Reduces chance of goalie dropping the ball.
COST:   30 HP
BOOST:  Shot +3
EFFECT: All player's stats (except HP and Speed) are halved in exchange for
        double Experience at the end of the half.
COST:   300 HP
        - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
EFFECT: Ball may become invisible before reaching the goal, and if Shot is
        still greater than zero, there is a 60% chance you will get to manually
        aim the shot.
COST:   220 HP
BOOTS:  Shot +3
NOTES:  - Use analog stick or directional pad to aim the ball.
          JECHT SHOT
EFFECT: Knocks out up to two defenders before taking a shot.
COST:   120 HP
BOOTS:  Shot +5
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won by completing the
          minigame on the S.S. Winno.
          JECHT SHOT 2
EFFECT: Knocks out up to four defenders before taking a shot.
COST:   999 HP
BOOTS:  Shot +10
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
        - Tidus must learn his three key techs before he can learn this tech.
          NAP PASS
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an blocking opponents 30% of the time.
COST:   40 HP
BOOST:  Pass +3
          NAP PASS 2
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an blocking opponents 60% of the time.
COST:   200 HP
BOOST:  Pass +5
          NAP PASS 3
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an blocking opponents 100% of the time.
COST:   510 HP
BOOST:  Pass +7
          NAP SHOT
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an goalie 40% of the time if Shot reaches zero,
        or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   45 HP
BOOST:  Shot +3
          NAP SHOT 2
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an goalie 70% of the time if Shot reaches zero,
        or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   80 HP
BOOST:  Shot +5
          NAP SHOT 3
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an goalie 100% of the time if Shot reaches zero,
        or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   350 HP
BOOST:  Shot +7
          NAP TACKLE
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an opponent 40% of the time when tackling.
COST:   40 HP
BOOST:  Attack +3
          NAP TACKLE 2
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an opponent 70% of the time when tackling.
COST:   90 HP
BOOST:  Attack +5
          NAP TACKLE 3
EFFECT: Inflict Nap status on an opponent 100% of the time when tackling.
COST:   180 HP
BOOST:  Attack +7
          PILE VENOM
EFFECT: Player's Venom techs will reduce HP at a greater rate than normal Venom
        status would.
COST:   30 HP
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          PILE WITHER
EFFECT: Player can reduce the stats of opposition players more than once using
        a Wither tech.
COST:   70 HP
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
EFFECT: Regenerates HP four times faster when not in possession of the ball.
COST:   50 HP
NOTES:  - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          SPHERE SHOT
EFFECT: Randomly increases Shot strength.
COST:   180 HP
BOOST:  Shot +3
NOTES:  - Press X to select how much Shot stat is increased.
          SPIN BALL
EFFECT: Goalie will drop the ball 70% of the time if they block the shot.
COST:   30 HP
          SUPER GOALIE
EFFECT: Catch stat randomised 60% of the time after opposition takes a shot.
COST:   30 HP+
NOTES:  - Press X to select how much Catch stat is increased.
          TACKLE SLIP
EFFECT: Evade tackle 40% of the time.
COST:   40 HP
NOTES:  - If player becomes disorientated, any successive tackles in the
          encounter will always hit, and player may lose their first listed
          tech for the rest of the half.
          TACKLE SLIP 2
EFFECT: Evade tackle 80% of the time.
COST:   170 HP
NOTES:  - If player becomes disorientated, any successive tackles in the
          encounter will always hit, and player may lose their first listed
          tech for the rest of the half.
          TACKLE SLIP
EFFECT: Evade tackle 40% of the time.
COST:   40 HP
NOTES:  - If player becomes disorientated, any successive tackles in the
          encounter will always hit, and player may lose their first listed
          tech for the rest of the half.
          TECH FIND
EFFECT: Allow a player to learn a tech they cannot normally learn.
NOTES:  - Cannot be used to learn Jecht Shot, Jecht Shot 2, or Aurochs Spirit.
        - Cannot be learned through Techcopy, must be won as a league or
          tournament prize.
          VENOM PASS
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an blocking opponents 30% of the time.
COST:   40 HP
BOOST:  Pass +3
          VENOM PASS 2
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an blocking opponents 60% of the time.
COST:   120 HP
BOOST:  Pass +5
          VENOM PASS 3
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an blocking opponents 100% of the time.
COST:   250 HP
BOOST:  Pass +7
          VENOM SHOT
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an goalie 40% of the time if Shot reaches zero,
        or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   20 HP
BOOST:  Shot +3
          VENOM SHOT 2
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an goalie 70% of the time if Shot reaches zero,
        or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   35 HP
BOOST:  Shot +5
          VENOM SHOT 3
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an goalie 100% of the time if Shot stat reaches
        zero, or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   100 HP
BOOST:  Shot +7
          VENOM TACKLE
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an opponent 40% of the time when tackling.
COST:   30 HP
BOOST:  Attack +3
          VENOM TACKLE 2
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an opponent 70% of the time when tackling.
COST:   70 HP
BOOST:  Attack +5
          VENOM TACKLE 3
EFFECT: Inflict Venom status on an opponent 100% of the time when tackling.
COST:   160 HP
BOOST:  Attack +7
          VOLLEY SHOT
EFFECT: Player automatically takes a shot 50% of the time if the ball is
        fumbled by opponents, or not caught by opposition goalie.
COST:   10 HP
          VOLLEY SHOT 2
EFFECT: Player automatically takes a shot 75% of the time if the ball is
        fumbled by opponents, or not caught by opposition goalie.
COST:   40 HP
          VOLLEY SHOT 3
EFFECT: Player automatically takes a shot 100% of the time if the ball is
        fumbled by opponents, or not caught by opposition goalie.
COST:   250 HP
          WITHER PASS
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an blocking opponents 30% of the time.
COST:   40 HP
BOOST:  Pass +3
          WITHER PASS 2
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an blocking opponents 60% of the time.
COST:   180 HP
BOOST:  Pass +5
          WITHER PASS 3
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an blocking opponents 100% of the time.
COST:   440 HP
BOOST:  Pass +7
          WITHER SHOT
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an goalie 40% of the time if Shot reaches
        zero, or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   30 HP
BOOST:  Shot +3
          WITHER SHOT 2
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an goalie 70% of the time if Shot reaches
        zero, or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   180 HP
BOOST:  Shot +5
          WITHER SHOT 3
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an goalie 100% of the time if Shot reaches
        zero, or goalie catches the ball.
COST:   390 HP
BOOST:  Shot +7
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an opponent 40% of the time when tackling.
COST:   8 HP
BOOST:  Attack +3
          WITHER TACKLE 2
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an opponent 70% of the time when tackling.
COST:   80 HP
BOOST:  Attack +5
          WITHER TACKLE 3
EFFECT: Inflict wither status on an opponent 100% of the time when tackling.
COST:   250 HP
BOOST:  Attack +7

          8. Celestial Weapons                               [08CSLW]

The Celstial Weapons sidequest is one of the largest and mostimportant of all.
If you want to have a chance of beating the many difficult optional bosses in
the game, you are going to need some heavy firepower. The Celestial Weapons are
the key to victory in many battles.

          8.1. Celestial Mirror                              [08CSMR]

From the airship, select the the Calm Lands as your destination. From where you
land, walk DIRECTLY south. Talk to the woman on the Chocobo at the Calm Lands.
Tell her you'd like to rid a Chocobo, and then that you'd like to train one. Do
the first race, and then the Chocobo is yours to do as you will. Head all the
way back to the entrance of the Calm Lands. However, run straight past them,
and you'll come to a part of the ground that isn't level with the one next to
it. What's that on the ground? A Chocobo Feather! You know that that means.
Press X on it, and your chocobo will jump the gap. Dismount your chocobo, and
walk through the recess in the stone.

Walk back around to the right side, then attempt to mount the chocobo. Select
"How do I ride?" for a rundown on how things work. All you have to do is win
the race first time, and that's a very simple thing to do. Now select "Ride!".

The purple X's on the mini-map represents possible chests that you can open.
The yellow square represents the chocobo you are racing. For this race, just go
left at the first fork in the road, then take the next right. The chest will be
opened, and your chocobo will do a large jump to give you an easy win. When you
land, go left at the intersection with the yellow pole, and follow the path
around. You get the CLOUDY MIRROR as a reward, another vital item. Now, it must
be powered up.

Go to Macalania Forest. Here you will find a woman and a young boy. Talk to
them. It seems the father is missing. He can be found in the place that your
characters woke up from the day after the Bevelle incident. That is, head back
to the entrance of the Calm Lands, but take the second northern turn-off. Talk
to the man, and tell him where his family are. Go back to the entrance of
Macalania. Now the boy is missing (ugh). So take the sparkling path to the left
and you'll find him. Talk to him. See that big round weird looking thing? It
asks if you would like to use the Cloudy Mirror. Say yes. It'll convert it to
the CELESTIAL MIRROR. Take note of that place, you'll need to return there to
power up every Celestial weapon with both their crests and sigils.

          8.2. Tidus' Caladbolg                              [08CDBG]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The Calabolg possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique. Apart
from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter, and Magic
Counter, it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when HP is full. As
Tidus' HP falls, so does the percentage of damage that the enemy will receive,
according to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Found in the north of the Calm Lands, guarded by a man. It is right on the edge
of the cliff, and a little pathway leads down from the normal ground level to
bring you down the side of the cliff face. There is a small compartment on the
wall, and this thing contains the Caladbolg. Beat the Catcher Chocobo (you only
need to beat her, not get under 0:0.0) and he will move. Leave the Calm Lands
however, and you will need to beat her again to make him move.

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Found at the place you fought Yunalesca, near the back step. Make sure you pick
this after right after you defeat her, or else Dark Bahamut will be in your way
the next time you return there. You need to go up the left stairs for it to
appear after you beat her. If you have to beat Dark Bahamut first, you won't
need to do anything special - the chest will be right there.f

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Obtain this by getting a time of less than 0:0.0 (and win) when you race the
Calm Lands chocobo lady. You need to collect ballons to lower your overall
time. Make sure you avoid the birds, as they slow you down. Before you can get
to this stage however, you must successfully complete "Wobbly Chocobo", "Dodger
Chocobo" and "Hyper Dodger Chocobo". Getting this sigil can be quite tricky,
but don't let it get you down too much. I got it in my first few tries, so
there's nothing saying that you can't do the same. It should be noted that you
don't actually have to make the chocobo go forward, it moves by itself. All you
have to do is steer.

WOBBLY CHOCOBO: Very easy to finish. All you have to do is correct the heading
of your chocobo when it isn't facing forward any more. Make sure to run between
the Chocobo and the lady, and this is an simple challange.

DODGER CHOCOBO: Much harder, but still quite doable in the first few tries.
Here you have to stay away from any bliztballs coming at you. The way I do this
is by picking a side, then commiting to it. I will have my chocobo start off
straight, then go slightly to the right to avoid the first ball. I turn a
little further left to avoid the second ball, then I weave back inside to dodge
the third. I use this zig-zag pattern the whole way through. Not too difficult.

HYPER DODGER CHOCOBO: In my opinion, this is the hardest of the lot. Here you
have birds coming at you, and at the same time blitzballs, which "break" into
four separate ones before it hits the ground, making it much harder to stay out
of it's path. There is no foolproof strategy I can give you for this race, it
all comes down to luck and experience. Continue to employ the weaving method to
stay out of harm's way. If you get hit a couple of times, keep racing, you can
still reach the finish line under time.

CATHCER CHOCOBO: Here you combine all your training so fr, sans the Wobbly
Chocobo stuff. Now as I said earlier, you need to collect ballons to reduce
your time below the 0:0.0 mark. Each ballon you collect removes three seconds
from your final time. The birds add to the time, as well as slowing you down.
Dodging the birds is really quite simple, to, once you get the hang of it,
although there are some elements of luck involved too (real life luck, that
is). I have found the most effective way toget through the stage with few-to-no
collisions is to move out of the bird's path just before it hits you. Then get
yourself back on course.

It should be noted that the balloons are set up in a random fashion, one that
is different each time you try the challenge. You should also be aware that you
must get LESS than the time of 0:0.0, not equal it. Also, no birds will attempt
to strike you as you go down the first slope, so use this time to muscle in on
all the balloons you can get. One thing really must stress is that you put
dodging birds BEFORE getting balloons. You won't even get close if you just try
to get all the balloons by throwing caution into the wind. This is why it is so
important to have good balloon placement to start off with, and to start the
race well. You need to take full advantage of all the easy balloons.

          8.3. Yuna's Nirvana                                [08NRVA]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The Nirvana possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique. Apart
from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, and One MP Cost,
it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when MP is full. As Yuna's MP
is used up, so does the percentage of damage that the enemy will receive,
according to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

You get the Nirvana when you have captured at least one of every capturable
monster in the Calm Lands. Go back to the Monster Arena and talk to the guy,
and he will reward you for your efforts with a chest in the very same screen.
Of course, you need to Celestial Mirror to open the chest.

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

The Moon Crest can be found in Besaid Beach, near the place where Tidus was
struck with a Blitzball at the start of the game. Swim out into the water and
then head east (or too the right of the clearly visible beach). Swim around the
coastline until you find yourself on a hidden beach with a chest. The chest
contains the MOON CREST.

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Collect all ten aeons and defeat all the aeons of the summoner found at Remiem
Temple. Perform the sending, and you'll be awarded with the MOON SIGIL.

--- [ Aeon Power-Up ] ---------------------------------------------------------

By powering up the Nirvana with at least the Moon Crest, Valefor can break the
damage limit, achieving up to a maximum of 99999 per attack.

          8.4. Auron's Masamune                              [08MSMN]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The Masamune possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique.
Apart from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Counterattack, and
First Strike, it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when HP is low.
As Auron's HP falls, the percentage of damage that the enemy will receive will
increase, accoridng to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Go down into the valley, the way you go to get to the Cavern of the Stolen
Fayth. Instead of going into the Cavern, walk right and go along the path until
you find a sword between two pillars of stone. Press X on it, and pull it out.
Next, go to Mushroom Rock Road, and go past the point you were previously
unable to go to during Operation Mi'ihen. Find the statue of Mi'ihen by taking
toe first left down that path and then go ascend using the platorm. Press X on
the statue. Place the sword in the ground near the statue by pressing X, and
the Masamune will appear.

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Found right at the end of the Mi'ihen Highroad, Oldroad. You might have been
pushed down there during your fight with Earth Eater. To get there, take the
path north from the Travel Agency on the Mi'ihen Highroad. Follow it all the
way around until you reach an area full of cages. Here there are a number of
possible ways to go. Take the road parallel to the one you just came down (and
not the path that leads to Mushroom Rock). Head right to the end of this path,
and you'll find the Mars Crest in a chest.

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Unlock 10 Area/Species Creations (it can be a mixed variety of each, that is,
seven Species Creations and three Area Creations, or five of each). Original
Creations do not count towards this total. Obviously, this requires extensive
monster capturing. The easiest way to get all the monsters is to unlock Area
Creations by simply catching at least one of each fiend from the easy areas.
You will almost certainly indirectly unlock certain Species Creations while
your at it, meaning your total will quickly rise.

--- [ Aeon Power-Up ] ---------------------------------------------------------

By powering up the Masamune with at least the Mars Crest, Yojimbo can break the
damage limit, achieving up to a maximum of 99999 per attack.

          8.5. Wakka's World Champion                        [08WDCH]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The World Champion possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique.
Apart from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter, and
Double AP, it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when HP is full.
As Wakka's HP falls, so does the percentage of damage that the enemy will
receive, according to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Win five games of Blitzball and you can obtain it from the bartender in the
Luca cafe (where you "lost" Yuna). All you have to do is talk to him, and he'll
hand it over, assuming you have the Celestial Mirror in your possession.

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Found in the second locker from the back, on the right, in the Besaid Aurochs
change room, located at Luca. To get there, just find the main desk near the
entrance to the stadium. Take the path on the right side. It can only be
obtained after your battle with Spherimorph.

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

First, you need to obtain all of Wakka's Overdrive's before you get his Sigil.
Then it will be listed as first prize in a Blitzball tournament or League.
Don't worry if you don't win it the first time, it will show up again some
other time. Here's a list of how you get the Jupiter Sigil. You get the prizes
in this order:

- Attack Reels can be won from a tournament (no battle requirement).
- Status Reels can be won from a league (250 battles need to be fought).
- Auroch Reels can be won from a tournament (450 battles need to be fought).
- Jupiter Sigil can be won from a league (no battle requirement).

--- [ Aeon Power-Up ] ---------------------------------------------------------

By powering up the World Champion with at least the Jupiter Crest, Ifrit can
break the damage limit, achieving up to a maximum of 99999 per attack.

          8.6. Kimahri's Spirit Lance                        [08SPRT]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The Spirit Lance possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique.
Apart from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter, and
Double AP, it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when HP is full.
As Kimahri's HP falls, so does the percentage of damage that the enemy will
receive, according to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

You need to pray at three glowing Qactuar stones at the Thunder Plains by
pressing Square when standing in front of them. It only works when they are
glowing, however. Then, you need to find a half-built lightning tower.
Apparently, you are supposed to follow the green Qactuar ghost, but they never
cease to confuse me, so I just look for the tower itself. It can be found in
the first section of the Thunder Plains, on the right side. When you locate it,
press Square near it and a chest will appear.

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Behind one of the large stone pillars on Mt. Gagazet, in the little area found
right after beating Flux. To be precise, it's behind the fourth column on the
left side.

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

You need to go butterfly catching in Macalania Woods. This can be done before
and after gaining the airship, but you won't be able to receive the Saturn
Sigil until after you get access to the airship. So save yourself the
frustration and don't bother playing it until that happens.

The basic premise is that you need to catch seven butterflies in two separate
screens. However, in order to get the Saturn Sigil, you need to complete one
before the other, or else you will have to redo it. Touch the blue butterflies,
but avoid the red ones. Touch the red, and you initiate a battle, as well as
lose precious time. Don't worry, you won't get into any random encounters while
this minigame lasts.

To start the minigame, talk to the bird-guy with the harp and then touch the
nearby butterfly. However, after you finish this catching session, DON'T LEAVE
THE SCREEN! You need to be careful not to run into the next area after you nab
the last butterfly, or else you will have to redo this part. After you get all
seven blue butterflies, walk back along the path to find a chest containing a
TELEPORT SPHERE. Follow this path until you meet up with the bird-guy again,
and walk past him, until you reach a new screen.

This catch is much more difficult. You can get away with one, and if you're
lucky, maybe even two battles from touching a red butterfly. You can find the
butterfly not far along the path. You should note that when you first start
this section, to get the first blue butterfly you need to go back just a little
from where you just came (near the green square on the mini-map).

--- [ Aeon Power-Up ] ---------------------------------------------------------

By powering up the Spirit Lance with at least the Saturn Crest, Ixion can break
the damage limit, achieving up to a maximum of 99999 per attack.

          8.7. Lulu's Onion Knight                           [08ONKT]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The Onion Knight possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique.
Apart from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Magic Booster, and One
MP Cost, it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when MP is full. As
Lulu's MP is used up, so does the percentage of damage that the enemy will
receive, according to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Found in a treasure chest in the water under which Baaj Temple is submerged.
However, you can only get it after you defeat Geosgaeno. After the battle, go
south, according to the mini-map. Now, for a moment, assume the circle is a
clock. Find the spot on the mini-map that would represent the hour hand if it
was about 6:30. You can't actually see anything from the main camera view, but
when you get into the correct position, it will shift. When this happens, dive
down slighty the right and the Celestial Mirror will react. In this chest the

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Found at the Farplane in Guadosalam. Chances are it will be your first visit,
so you will meet up with Tromell as soon as yu arrive. You can talk to him a
couple times, then he also makes for the Farplane.

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Dodge 200 lightning bolts at the Thunder Plains. Long and boring task, and in
my opinion, the worst of all the Celestial Weapon minigames. Depending what
area of the Thunder Plains you are in, there are different strike rates. If
you're like me, you'll want to get this over and done with as soon as possible.

I find the best place to attempt this is in an area to the left, just beyond
the Travel Agency. After you leave the Agency (beam down there from the
airship, if you like), walk north a little ways until the camera starts to
move. Stay on the left here, and hold your position. Press X when the screen
flashes white for an instant, and you should dodge the strike. Then just walk
back to your original position. Keep doing this for over half an hour, and you
should be set.I recommend that you count each strike, but count up to about
250, just to be sae (on occasion, I've miscounted big time, so it's better to
be safe than to be sorry).

Remember, if you walk to close to a lightning tower, change screens, or save,
the counter will be reset, and you will have to start dodging again from the
start. What's more, constantly mashing X or using a turbo controller will cause
you to be struck by lightning, no matter what, you cheat. Lastly, you CAN pause
the game. I recommend having a one minute break this every five minutes or so.
This keeps you fresh, but isn't enough to get you out of the groove.

You get rewards based on the amount of strikes that you dodge. These rewards
can be picked up from a chest outisde the Travel Agency. If you haven't done
anything new to get a reward, then the chest won't appear. You cannot get these
items more than once. If you happen to dodge, say, 50 strikes, right off the
bat, then you will not miss out on anything. Just keep reopening the chest to
receive all the rewards. Once the chest stays open, you have obtained the last
set of items, for the meantime, at least.

Here's a quick list of what you can expect to score by dodging the repsective
number of bolts...

5:   X-Potion x2              10:  Mega-Potion x2       20:  MP Sphere x2
50:  Strength Sphere x3       150: Megalixir x4         100: HP Sphere x3
200: Venus Sigil

You also recieve a bonus for letting the lightning strike you a certain number
of times. You get an ETHER for being struck 30 times, and an ELIXIR for getting
hit 80 times. The rewards aren't nearly as cool, but it's something.

--- [ Aeon Power-Up ] ---------------------------------------------------------

By powering up the Onion Knight with at least the Venus Crest, Shiva can break
the damage limit, achieving up to a maximum of 99999 per attack.

          8.8. Rikku's Godhand                               [08GDHD]

--- [ Auto-Abilities ] --------------------------------------------------------

The Godhand possesses a number of abilities that make it truly unique. Apart
from having Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, and Gillionaire,
it has the innate ability to ignore enemy Defence when HP is full. As Rikku's
HP falls, so does the percentage of damage that the enemy will receive,
according to their Defence.

--- [ Weapon ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Enter the password "GODHAND" (it is case sensitive) into the NavMap of the
airship. Then go to the location, and you'll find it in a chest in the
north-west corner.

--- [ Crest ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Found in the area blocked with a sandstorm. To get it, complete the following

--- [ Sigil ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

You need to stop the sandstorm in order to obtain both the Mercury Crest and
Mercury Sigil. To do that, you need to find the 10 Cactuars guarding the
switch. Once you do, you then need play a hide-and-seek minigame with them.
Then, you will battle them. After you do, you'll gain their glyph sphere. This
must be taken back to the large stone from which you started, and placed into
it's proper slot. To initiate the game, find the large stone in the fourth
screen, located in the south east.

Here's a list of the locations of the little buggers (they must be done in

 1. TOMAY:    Oasis (first screen).
 2. ROVIVEA:  Running around (second screen).
 3. CHAVA:    Press X when facing the Al Bhed "20% off sign" and you'll find
              him (fourth screen).
 4. ALEK:     Ruins (third area).
 5. ALOJA:    With Alek.
 6. VACHELLA: Press X on the save point in the second area to find him.
 7. ROBEYA:   Inside a treasure chest found at the south-western corner of the
              third area.
 8. ISRRA:    Inside one of the pits (fourth area).
 9. ELIO:     Oasis, then goes up to the airship roof (if you haven't fought
              Overdrive Sin yet, you'll be forced to battle him before Elio).
10. FLAILE:   Appears after successfully obtaining and placing all the spheres
              in the Cactuar glyph.

          9. Monster Arena                                   [09MNSR]

The Monster Arena is located in the Calm Lands. To find it, go pretty much
directly east from the Travel Agency in the centre. It's accessed by a crack in
the rockface along the eastern wall.

It was established many years ago by Mi'ihen as a training facility for the
Crusaders. But, it seems, the guy has made a boo-boo and all the monsters that
were inside escaped. So, he asks you if you would be willing to capture a new
set for him. Obviously, in order to proceed, you need to choose "Yes".

The capture quest forms a large part of the sidequests in FFX, and when you
capture certain amounts of varying monsters, the arena manager will make new
monsters for you to fight. Each time you unlock a new monster, you are given an
item reward. These are EXTREMELY useful.

As you can see, the arena sidequest is one that just can't be ignored, so your
best bet is to start as soon as possible - in other words, the first time you
reach the Calm Lands.

          9.1. Basics                                        [09BASC]

You will need to capture a certain amount of monsters in order to unlock new
creations at the Monster Arena. Most monsters you encounter during the course
of the game are possible to catch. Fiends from the Via Purifico, machina, magic
pots, Dark Aeons, opponent aeons (like Yojimbo in the Cavern of the Stolen
Fayth), and certain others cannot be captured. If you try to capture them, you
will get a message on the help bar telling you that you can't.

The maximum number you may capture of each type is ten. Once you capture 10 of
a certain fiend, they will no longer just flash and disappear, they will just
explode into a bunch of pyreflies.

To capture monsters, you need a special type of weapon. A weapon with the
"Capture" ability on it. There is no possible way to customise it yourself. But
never fear, because the old man at the Monster Arena will sell them to you.
Cheaper than usual too! (Although, we have no real idea what they normally

Anyway, after capturing certain amounts, you get rewarded with both a handy
bunch of items, and a new arena creation that you can fight. Best thing is,
these enemies usually drop some handy items themselves after you defeat them.

          9.2. Tips                                          [09TIPS]

The Monster Arena sidequest is not as hard as many are led to believe. Here is
a short list of handy tips that you may see in some of the strategies. They
should work well for the majority of battles.

- You absolutely need to have all your characters outfitted with armour
  containing three vital abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Phoenix, and Auto-Protect.
  These three things will make your party invincible against a good deal of
  Monster Arena foes.

- Your characters don't need fantastic stats. They need half-decent ones, but
  that's it. It helps if Tidus, Wakka, and Auron each have a Strength stat
  greater than 70, done by taking all three down Auron's and/or Wakka's path on
  the Sphere Grid. Their HP should be above 5000, with okay Defence, too. Yuna
  is the most important to raise. Take her down Auron's path. This is not
  optional, it's necessary.

- Many enemies are susceptible to Armour Break. This is a BIG advantage to you.
  There is a catch, though. It's almost always not enough to just use the
  "Armour Break" skill, you need to inflict it in one of three ways to
  guarantee success against foes who have resistance. The first is to use
  Auron's Banishing Blade Overdrive, making sure to input the button sequence
  correctly. You can also Mix two Power Spheres for Frag Grenade. Lastly, you
  can just "Use" any Frag Grenades you have in your inventory.

- Celestial Weapons make life easier. Any that you have (even ones that have
  only been powered up with the Crest) help just that little bit. I suggest
  getting the Celestial Weapons of Tidus, Wakka, and Auron before beginning.
  Check the Celestial Weapons section for more details.

- Have all the aeons before you get started. Anima and the Magus Sisters are
  particularly potent, and if Yuna has even half decent stats (Strength is the
  most important), they can win a lot of battles quite easily.

- Use aeons! Anima and the Magus Sisters are very powerful once Yuna has decent
  Strength. Using Overdrives on Armour Broken enemies is an easy way to defeat
  the enemy standing before you. It also helps in getting that Overkill, which
  yields double items and AP.

- Teach Quick Hit, Use, Cure/Cura/Curaga, Entrust, Esuna, and Dispel to
  everyone you use regularly. Auto-Life is a must for at least one character
  (probably Yuna, Lulu, or Kimahri), and an asset to anyone else. These
  abilities will come in handy quite often. Abuse Quick Hit with Auto-Haste as
  often as you can, but save some MP just in case you are forced to use another

          9.3. Area Conquest                                 [09AREA]

ENEMY: Stratavis | HP: 320,000 | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break, Power Break, Slow
- Throw a Silver Hourglass or Gold Hourglass to inflict Slow. Follow with
  Banishing Blade to inflict Full Break.
- After Stratavis uses "Charging...", have each of your characters defend on
  their last turn before Stratavis gets a move. This will reduce Paean of the
  Heavens to a ridiculous amount.
- Mixing a Trio of 9999 and using it with Attack Reels, Blitz Ace/Slice and
  Dice, elemental gems and level one black magic Fury makes this battle even
  more simple. Use Oblivion or Delta Attack for big damage.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in Besaid.
REWARD:    99x Stamina Tonic

ENEMY: Malboro Menace | HP: 640,000 | WEAKNESSES: None
- This guy relies heavily on status attacks, which are particularly nasty.
  There's no real way to beat them other than to waste a lot of time making
  special armours, so what we're going to do is take the cheap route: summon
  Anima and deliver Oblivion.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in Besaid.
REWARD:    99x Poison Fang

ENEMY: Kottos | HP: 440,000 | WEAKNESSES: None
- Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
- Kottos has reasonable Strength, so his attacks will almost certainly KO the
  targetted character. What's worse, is that he counters EVERY attack.
- Consider summoning Anima or the Magus Sisters to deal some mega damage.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend on the Mi'ihen Highroad.
REWARD:    99x 99x Soul Spring

ENEMY: Coeurlregina | HP: 380,000 | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in Mushroom Rock Road.
REWARD:    99x Candle of Life

ENEMY: Jormungand | HP: 520,000 | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in Djose.
REWARD:    99x Petrify Grenade

ENEMY: Cactuar King | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None
- Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
If your stats are high enough, then two hits with Wakka should be more than
enough to take this guy down. If not, then Auto-Haste will help a lot. Now just
get Rikku to Mix a Trio of 9999 and use Attack Reels.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in the Thunder Plains.
REWARD:    99x Chocobo Wing

ENEMY: Espada | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in Macalania.
REWARD:    60x Shining Gem

ENEMY: Abyss Worm | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend on Bikanel Island.
REWARD:    99x Shadow Gem

ENEMY: Chimerageist | HP: 120,000 | WEAKNESSES: None
If your stats are high enough, then two hits should be more than enough to take
this guy down. If not, then Auto-Haste will help a lot. Now just get Rikku to
Mix a Trio of 9999 and use Attack Reels.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in the Calm Lands.
REWARD:    60x Farplane Wind

ENEMY: Don Tonberry | HP: 540,000 | WEAKNESSES: None
- Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
With Auto-Phoenix, Tonberry can't touch you. However, his counterattack will
get very annoying. Karma does damage based on the number of enemies that the
targetted character has killed. In fact, the damage that will be done is the
number of foes killed multiplied by 100. Haste/ga is useless because you will
be constanly KOed. Auto-Haste is the order of the day.

Commence attacking, and any KOed characters will be revived by Auto-Phoenix. If
you're going to summon an aeon, make sure they have an Overdrive to unleash,
because they probably won't last too long. Anima or the Magus Sisters are the
weapons of choice here.

Once Don has moved in close enough, he will stop countering with Karma and use
"Chef's Knife", which will most likely kill your character. Nevermind, they
will be back soon enough. Blast away until he bites the dust.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in the Sunken Cave.
REWARD:    40x Silver Hourglass

ENEMY: Catoblepas | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: Power Break, Magic Break, Armour Break
- Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
Cast Shell to
soften Flare damage, if it makes any difference. Or else just rely on
Auto-Phoenix. Pop Fly can be reduced with Protect, but again, it may not
matter. Use banishing Blade to inflict all the Power Break, Armour Break, Magic
Break, and Mental Break. Try to keep rough tabs on the damage you do, if you
can. Make sure to have Auto-Life on one character at the end of battle to be
certain you survive Ultima. This can be done with the spell, or Rikku's Hyper
Mighty Guard Mix (Lunar Curtain + Underdog's Secret).
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend on Mt. Gagazet.
REWARD:    Blossom Crown

ENEMY: Abadon | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None
UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend Inside Sin.
REWARD:    99x Lunar Curtain

ENEMY: Vorban | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least one of every fiend in the Omega Ruins.
REWARD:    60x Designer Wallet

          9.4. Species Conquest                              [09SPEC]

=== [ Fenrir | 850000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] =================================
- Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
- If you aren't getting in at least one hit per characters between each of
  Fenrir's turns, then you need to raise your Agility a little.
- Fangs of Hell is an instant KO, regardless of protection. Fangs of Chaos
  tears off 93.75% of a characters CURRENT HP and inflicts Confusion - fix that
  up straight away. Fangs of Ruin is likely also going to KO you. Good thing we
  have Auto-Phoenix.
- Attack Reels and Blitz Ace combined with Trio of 9999 are keys to quick
  victory. The Magus Sisters or Anima are good choices if they have high
  Strength, as their Overdrives on an Armour Broken Fenrir will be devastating.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least three of every wolf-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Chocobo Feather

=== [ Ornitholestes | 800000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ==========================
- Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
- Ornitholestes has quite high Evasion, making him hard to hit. Magic is also
  pretty useless.
- Drain Touch absorbs HP from targetted character and heals Ornitholestes.
  Poison Touch inflicts Poison and removes 75% of a character's CURRENT HP.
  Use Evade & Counter weapons to avoid attack!
- Attack Reels, Blitz Ace, Thunder/Blizzard Fury, or Thunder/Ice Gems combined
  with Trio of 9999 are keys to quick victory.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least three of every lizard-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Stamina Spring

=== [ Pteryx | 100000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break, Power Break ] ============
- First Strike is handy. Vidatu is quite difficult to hit, even for Wakka. Mix
  a Trio of 9999 and use Attack Reels.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least four of every small bird-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Mega Phoenix

=== [ Hornet | 620000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break, Power Break ] ============
- Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix are must have abilities.
- Hornet has very high Agility, meaning he will get in quite a few turns.
- Start with a Frag Grenade or Banshing Blade. Follow up with Trio of 9999. Now
  use Attack Reels, Blitz Ace, Slice and Dice, Fury, or elemental gems - as
  many as you can. Reapply Trio of 9999 when you need to.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least four of every flying insect-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Mana Tonic

===[ Vidatu | 95000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break, Power Break ] ==============

- First Strike is handy. Vidatu is quite difficult to hit, even for Wakka. So
  just mix a Trio of 9999 and use Attack Reels.

UNLOCKING: Capture at least four of every floating wizard-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Mana Spring

=== [ One-Eye | 150000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break ] =======================

- First Strike is handy. Vidatu is quite difficult to hit, even for Wakka. So
  just mix a Trio of 9999 and use Attack Reels, followed by Blitz Ace (or Slice
  and Dice).
- If One-Eye does ambush you, summon an aeon to take Shockwave.

UNLOCKING: Capture at least four of every eyeball-type fiend.
REWARD:    60x Stamina Tablet

=== [ Jumbo Flan | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: Slow ] ==================================

- Anima needs reasonably high Magic and Magic Defence.
- Summon Anima, and cast both Haste and then Reflect (in that order) on her.
  Then cast Slow off Anima and onto Jumbo Flan.
- Doublecast Flare until you run out of MP, then stick with Pain.

UNLOCKING: Capture at least three of every flan-type fiend.
REWARD:    60x Twin Stars

ENEMY: Nega Elemental | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least three of every elemental-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Star Curtain

ENEMY: Tanket | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break
- Start off with Banishing Blade or
UNLOCKING: Capture at least three of every helm-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Gold Hourglass

ENEMY: Fafnir | HP: 1,100,000 | WEAKNESSES: Power Break, Armour Break

UNLOCKING: Capture at least four of every dragon-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Purifying Salt

ENEMY: Sleep Sprout | HP: 98,000 | WEAKNESSES: Power Break
Make sure to have a character with First Strike, just in case. Summon an aeon
to take Goodnight if you are ambushed. If your stats are high enough, then one
hit should be more than enough to take this guy down. If not, then Auto-Haste
will help a lot. Now just get Rikku to Mix a Trio of 9999 and use Attack Reels.
UNLOCKING: Capture at least five of every fungus-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Healing Spring

ENEMY: Bomb King | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least five of every bomb-type fiend.
REWARD:    60x Turbo Ether

ENEMY: Juggernaut | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break, Mental Break, Power Break
Raise Yuna's Strength enough that each of the Magus Sister have a Strength stat
greater than 200. Then gtart off with a Banishing Blade/Frag Grenade to Armour
Break him. Then summon the Magus Sisters and finish him off. Your stats should
be good enough that his attacks will do pitiful damage to you. 
UNLOCKING: Capture at least five of every horned dragon-type fiend.
REWARD:    99x Light Curtain

ENEMY: Ironclad | HP: 3,000,000 | WEAKNESSES: Armour Break

UNLOCKING: Capture at least ten of every iron giant-type fiend.
REWARD:    60x Mana Tablet

          9.5. Original Creations                            [09ORIG]

ENEMY: Earth Eater | HP: 2,000,000 | WEAKNESSES: None
Outfit Tidus, Wakka, and Auron with some Auto-Haste + Auto-Phoenix armours and
set Overdrive mode to Comrade. Then just waste Earth Eater at your own leisure.
Entrust as many Overdrives as you can to Wakka, and get him to use Attack Reels
a few times. Easy victory, really.
UNLOCKING: Unlock at least two Area Creations.
REWARD:    60x Three Stars

ENEMY: Greater Sphere | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: Fire, or Thunder, or Water, or Ice

UNLOCKING: Unlock at least two Species Creations.
REWARD:    60x Supreme Gem

ENEMY: Catastrophe | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Unlock at least six Area Creations.
REWARD:    99x Door to Tomorrow

ENEMY: Th'uban | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Unlock at least six Species Creations.
REWARD:    99x Gambler's Spirit

ENEMY: Neslug | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Unlock all Area Creations.
REWARD:    99x Winning Formula

ENEMY: Ultima Buster | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least five of every capturable fiend in Spira.
REWARD:    99x Dark Matter

ENEMY: Shinryu | HP:  | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture at least two of every aquatic fiend at Mt. Gagazet.
REWARD:    30x Megalixir

ENEMY: Nemesis | HP: 10000000 | WEAKNESSES: None

UNLOCKING: Capture ten of every capturable fiend in Spira.
REWARD:    10x Master Sphere

          10. Miscellaneous Sidequests                       [10MIQU]

Here we have the much smaller sidequests, all nicely condensed together in
bite-size form. Many of these can be done as soon as you have control of the

          10.1. Airship Coordinates                          [10CORD]

--- [ Passwords ] -------------------------------------------------------------

When you get access to the airship, you can travel all over Spira at the click
of a button. You may or may not remember that in certain locations, there was a
blue sphere which contained writing that you could not read. There are also
other places with information that give you clues. I'm not going to tell you
how to figure it all out that's up to you, if you can be bothered (most likely
not). What I will tell you though, are the passwords. They are used by talking
to Cid on the airship, and selecting "Input".

1. GODHAND: A location at Mushroom Rock Road, from which Rikku's Celestial
   Weapon, the "Godhand", can be found in a chest. You need to Celestial Mirror
   to open it. Under the name "Mushroom Rock".

2. VICTORIOUS: This takes you to another hideen location, this time in Besaid,
   where you can find a chest containing elementproof armour for Rikku, called
   the "Victorious". Under the name "Besaid Ruins 1".

3. MURASAME: Another of the hidden Besaid location, you are taken to a spot
   right near the place you find the Victorious. Here you find a weapon for
   Auron named the "Murasame", which contains Piercing, One MP Cost, and two
   free slots. Under the name "Besaid Ruins 2".

--- [ Coordinates ] -----------------------------------------------------------

There are still a number of locations in Spira that can be found. They can be
located using the "Search" feature. It's just a simple matter of moving the
cursor to the coordinates below, and the new destination will appear on the
NavMap list. The area can be found within a certain range; these coordiantes
are just ones I know to work.

BAAJ TEMPLE (X:12, Y:59): Location of Anima and Lulu's Celestial Weapon, the
"Onion Knight". Also home to a powerful fiend.

BATTLE SITE (X:40, Y:58): "Phantom Bangle" armour for Lulu can be found in a
chest here, which contains element-eater abilities.

BESAID FALLS (X:29, Y:75): The chest here holds "Dragoon Lance" for Kimahri,
with the very useful Magic Counter and Evade & Counter abilities.

MI'IHEN RUINS (X:35, Y:61): There is a hidden chest in the top left hand corner
containing "Sonar", another weapon for Rikku. It has the abilities Initiative
and Poisonstrike customised onto it.

OMEGA RUINS (X:71, Y:35): Lots of stuff here, but most important are AL BHED
PRIMER VOLUME XXVI and two secret boss battles against Ultima Weapon and Omega

SANUBIA SANDS (X:15, Y:42): In the only chest here you can find the "Ascalon",
a weapon for Tidus with the ability Double AP.

          10.2. Baaj Temple                                  [10BAAJ]

--- [ Note ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

Before you come here, make sure that you have gotten the Destruction Sphere
prize from every Temple. The Bevelle one YOU CAN'T MISS. YOU NEED TO USE THE
Besaid, Kilika, Djose, Macalania, Bevelle, and Zanarkand. Chances are you
haven't gotten the Zanarkand prize. So go back there, and step on every one of
the seven square tile shapes on the floor (stepping on one of the other shapes
will cause it to reset). Then take the DESTRUCTION SPHERE and place it in the
right recess in the second room. Done.

--- [ Location ] --------------------------------------------------------------

To get here, you need to utilise the "Search" fucntion aboard the airship, and
check the coordinates (X:12, Y:59), or something very similar. Press X on this
part of the map and "Baaj Temple" will appear on the destination list.

--- [ Geosgaeno ] -------------------------------------------------------------

Give each character an Evade & Counter weapon for the upcoming battle. If Wakka
has Attack Reels, fill his Overdrive. When you are ready, dive and swim towards
the green square on the mini-map...

=== [Geosgaeno | HP: 32,767 | WEAKNESSES: Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice] ==========
- Stone Punch is likely to shatter the targetted party member (obviously a
  Petrified character can't float). KO Punch someimes carries KO, though it
  doesn't always take effect (but it does inflict Curse when KO misses). Avoid
  both with Evade & Counter weapons.
- Swallow has a troubling side-effect. Make sure to use the Trigger Command
  "Struggle" if you are eaten. Doing otherwise will almost certainly result in
  a game over make you lose the battle, as opposed to just losing one character
  upon Regurgitate. Oh, and yeah, don't kill Geosgaeno if a character has yet
  to be Regurgitated. This will be also be a game over.
- Start with Hastega, then use Attack Reels, and Geosgaeno is almost dead.
  Finish him off with elemental gems.

--- [ Onion Knight ] ----------------------------------------------------------

After this battle, if you have the Celestial Mirror, go south, according to the
mini-map. Now, for a moment, assume the circle is a clock. Find the spot on the
mini-map that would represent the hour hand if it was about 6:30. You can't
actually see anything from the main camera view, but when you get into the
correct position, it will shift. When this happens, dive down slighty the right
and the Celestial Mirror will react. In this chest, you can obtain the ONION
KNIGHT, Lulu's Celestial Weapon.

--- [ Anima ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Now it's time to venture inside. Swim towards the green square on the mini-map,
and then dive down a bit so you go through the door. Swim down the corridor,
then head up the stairs through another door. You will enter a room with six
statues, as well as a large glyph up the back. Each of the statues represents
the Destruction Sphere prize for six Temple. If you have yet to get the
Destruction prize, then it won't light up when you approach it.

Walk towards each of the statues so they light up. Going from top to bottom,
left to right, here is what Temple each statue represents: Besaid, Macalania,
Zanarkand, Bevelle, Djose, and Kilika. if you have all the Destruction Sphere
prizes, then all six will light up, and the glyph up the back of the room will
disappear. Collect the MEGALIXIR and MEGA-POTION x4 from the two chests behind
the southern statues, then proceed through the door to the north. In here you
will speak to the fayth, and you will be granted a new aeon, Anima.

          10.3. Cavern of the Stolen Fayth                   [10CVRN]

--- [ Location ] --------------------------------------------------------------

You can get here two ways. The first is by the north-eastern exit of the Calm
Lands. After the first bridge, take the right turn that leads down into the
valley. Alternatively, go south from the entrance to Mt. Gagazet, and take the
right after the second bridge (or first for you). I take the second option,
because it's faster.

--- [ Al Bhed Primer Volume XXV ] ---------------------------------------------

This is found inside the cavern. If you follow the inside path all the way
around, you will eventually come to an intersection where you can go either
left or right. In front is located a chest. If you take the left path, you can
find this item on the ground.

--- [ Rusty Sword ] -----------------------------------------------------------

While you're down here, don't go inside the cavern near the SAVE SPHERE.
Instead, go the right, and follow the narrow path around. Between two pillars
of stone you will see a sword stuck in the ground. Press X on it, and you will
obtain the RUSTY SWORD. You need this to get Auron's Celestial Weapon. Now go
back and save, then head inside.

--- [ Yojimbo ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

Equip your capture weapons, most of the fiends here can be captured. If you see
one, make sure to capture a Tonberry. They are an extremely rare find. Anywho,
just take the only way forward to start. At the first turn-off to the right,
nab the MEGALIXIR from the chest. Find another chest at the second offshoot
road that is also on the right. Get the LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE inside. At the next
intersection, go north and find a FORTUNE SPHERE from a chest. Then take the
western path until you find another chest containing a MEGA-POTION x2. Go left
from this position to score AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XXV on the ground.

Follow the path right, and save when you are given the chance. Walk forward
towards the teleporter pad on the ground. Boss time. If Wakka has Attack Reels,
fill his Overdrive, and this will be an easy battle. Aw hell, it's easy no
matter what you do.

=== [ Yojimbo | 30000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Doom ] =================================
If you filled Wakka's Overdrive, then have him unleash Attack Reels. This
should almost certainly kill Yojimbo. If not, cast Hastega and have Rikku "Use"
an elemental gem or two to finish him off. Auron or Tidus can also use
physicals if you like, it doesn't matter. Being an aeon, you can't inflict any
statues other than Doom, which makes this battle even less fun. Yojimbo will
use Daigoro or Kozuka on his regular turns, ad Zanmato with a full Overdrive.
He shouldn't ever get that far, but if he does, you summon an aeon to take the
hit, or else it's game over.

After the battle, use the teleporter to get yourself to the left side of the
room by pressing Left and X at the same time. Find a FLEXIBLE ARM inside a
chest here. Now go to the room on the right by pressing Right and X at the same
time. Nab the X-POTION x2 and MP SPHERE from the two chests here. When you get
back to the main teleporter, press Up and X at the same time to get to the
Chamber of the Fayth.

In here you will meet Yojimbo's fayth. He will give you three choices. CHOOSE
THE THIRD OPTION! Then the deadbeat wants you to pay him gil to use his
services. What a crock. For the first offer, try 125,001 gil. For the second,
125,002 gil. And for the third, go 190,000 gil. Then "purchase" him for
202,000 gil. There you have it, we're finished. You can use the teleporter to
return to the exit the cavern, by pressing Down and X at the same time.

          10.4. Remiem Temple                                [10RMMT]

--- [ Loaction ] --------------------------------------------------------------

Head all the way back to the entrance of the Calm Lands on your chocobo.
However, run straight past it, and you'll come to a part of the ground that
isn't quite level with the one next to it. What's that on the ground? A Chocobo
Feather! You know that that means. Press X on it, and your chocobo will jump
the gap. Dismount your chocobo, and walk through the recess in the stone.

To leave, cross the bridge. Find your trusty yellow-feathered friend waiting
for you back in the Calm Lands. Mount him (or her), and find the Chocobo
Feather in the north-east that will get you back into more familiar territory.

--- [ Al Bhed Primer Volume XXIV ] --------------------------------------------

Cross the bridge then walk round the left side of the large building. Here you
can find a small blue sphere on the ground telling you about chocobo racing.
Pick up AL BHED PRIMER VOLUME XXIV sitting on the ground near here.

--- [ Chocobo Racing ] --------------------------------------------------------

First thing to do is to go around to the left side of the Temple and examine
the sphere on the ground. Walk back around to the right side, then attempt to
mount the chocobo. Select "How do I ride?" for a rundown on how things work.
It's a simple premise, really. Just beat the opposing chocobo. Opening more
chests gives a better reward. The purple "X"s on the mini-map represent
possible chests that you can open. The yellow square represents the chocobo you
are racing. There are a number of poles on the track. If you hit even one of
them, your prize will automatically be a Potion.

Here's a rundown on how prizes are awarded, assuming no poles are hit. Each of
these items can only be won ONCE. If you race again after that, your prize will
always be a Potion.

FIRST TIME:   Cloudy Mirror                NO CHESTS:   Potion
ONE CHEST:    Elixir                       TWO CHESTS:  Megalixir
THREE CHESTS: 30x Wings to Discovery       FOUR CHESTS: 30x Pendulum
FIVE CHESTS:  30x Three Stars

--- [ Belgemine ] -------------------------------------------------------------

When you go inside the actual Temple itself, you will find Belgemine inside.
She offers you a final chance to battle her. In fact, she won't disappear from
here until you do. In order to face one of her aeons, you actually need to have
the corresponding aeon yourself. This means, that before you can face Anima,
Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters, you need to acquire them. See the respective
sections for details on how to unlock the aeons.

Anyway, it's pretty simple. You are forced to fight each of the aeons in order.
After you defeat one of her aeons once, a new one is open for battle. You
cannot summon the same aeon that Belgemine uses. All her aeons have a HP
greater than 9999 HP, meaning that you will most likely have to use several
attacks to bring them down. Anima and Yojimbo will be more is strong enough to
take down anything Belgemine has to offer, but I recommend mixing things up a
bit for entertainment. No strategies here, just make sure Yuna is half decently
levelled and this isn't even a contest.

Upon defeating each aeon, Belgemine will give you a number of items. Generally
speaking, there is enough to teach one aeon a certain ability. Unless Anima
already knows it, I recommend teaching the ability to her. You also get items
for defeating them successive times, but they are crappy, general things.
Here's a quick list of what you get:

VALEFOR:       Lightning Gem x4 (Thundaga)
IFRIT:         X-Potion x20 (Cura)
IXION:         Chocobo Feather x10 (Haste)
SHIVA:         Mega-Potion x60 (Curaga)
BAHAMUT:       Flower Sceptre
YOJIMBO:       Shadow Gem x8 (Demi)
ANIMA:         Stamina Spring x60 (Power Break)
MAGUS SISTERS: Shining Gem x40 (Flare)

Okay. So once you defeat Belgemine's aeons, you are going to have to perform a
summoner's duty in order to progress. That means selecting the positive answer
when given an important choice. If not, you will have to defeat the Magus
Sisters again. Doing this duty will net you the MOON SIGIL.

--- [ Magus Sisters ] ---------------------------------------------------------

The Magus Sisters are probably the main reason to even come here. To get into
the Chamber of the Fayth so they can join your party, you need to acquire two
items, the Blossom Crown and the Flower Sceptre. You receive the former by
catching one of every fiend on Mt. Gagazet including the aquatic ones in the
caves. You receive the Flower Sceptre after defeating Belgemine's Bahamut. Then
just walk towards the glyph up the back of Remiem Temple, and use both items to
break the seal. Go inside and collect your reward! Be sure to return to this
Chamber straight after to receive a DEFENCE SPHERE.

          10.5. Omega Ruins                                  [10OMGA]

Coming soon!

          10.6. Al Bhed Primers                              [10PRME]

01. SALVAGE SHIP: After you wake up on deck, walk up to the top-right hand
    corner of the ship and pick it up off the ground.

01. BIKANEL ISLAND: If you missed it the first time, it can henceforth be found
    near the SAVE SPHERE at the oasis.

02. BESAID: Next to the counter in the Crusaders tent in the village.

03. S.S. LIKI: Bottom of the screen in the "Power Room" (where the chocobos
    are), located below deck.

03. BIKANEL ISLAND: If you missed it the first time, it can henceforth be found
    under the tent where you found Wakka on Bikanel Island.

04. KILIKA: On the counter inside the bar. There is a guy lying on floor in
    here, and the bartender is a woman with red hair.

05. S.S. WINNO: Found on the floor in the bridge (where the captain and his
    first mate can be found steering the ship).

05. BIKANEL ISLAND: If you missed it the first time, it can henceforth be found
    near where you located Kimahri on Bikanel Island.

06. LUCA: Outside the set of locker rooms inside the stadium (take the left
    stairs at the information desk). Primer is located up the back.

07. LUCA: On the steps of Luca Theatre (where you can purchase music/movie
    spheres, and listen/watch them).

08. MI'IHEN HIGHROAD: Receive automatically from Rin when you try to leave the
    Travel Agency for the first time.

09. MI'IHEN HIGHROAD: In the next screen just north of the Travel Agency is the
    road that leads to Mushroom Rock Road. After the bridges and first turn to
    the right, the book can be found lying on the ground at the right hand turn
    just before you enter the next screen.

10. MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD: On the Precipice (just before the machina elevator) is
    small side-path that spirals around. The Primer can be found at the end.

11. DJOSE HIGHROAD: Behind a stone pillar on the right-hand side. Just check
    them all (mash X if you need to) to find it.

12. MOONFLOW: North side, on the platform near the weird spinning wheel.

13. GUADOASALAM: Inside the house to the left of the Maester's residence. It is
    difficult to see, but it's located behind the tree trunk in the middle.
    Just walk around pressing X to find it.

14. THUNDER PLAINS: Inside the Travel Agency, talk to everyone before going
    after Yuna. Rin will appear and ask you how your study of Al Bhed is going.
    Select the first option to receive the Primer.


24. REMIEM TEMPLE: Left side of the temple, near a small blue sphere on the
    ground telling you about chocobo racing.

25. CAVERN OF THE STOLEN FAYTH: At a left-right intersection with a chest in
    front of it, take the left path, and you will find this on the ground.


          10.7. Jecht Spheres                                [10JCHT]

Whenever you find a Jecht Sphere, you need to select "Take a look" in order to
pick it up. After you pick up the first one Auron will learn the "Shooting
Star" Overdrive. After you pick up the third one Auron will learn the
"Banishing Blade" Overdrive. After you pick up the tenth one, Auron learns the
"Tornado" Overdrive.

 1. MACALANIA WOODS: Some brief moments at Macalnaina Lake, amongst other
    things. Jecht also talks directly to our hero. After you fight Spherimorph,
    you automatically get this sphere.

 2. BESAID: On the steps of the Temple.

 3. S.S. LIKI: Braska et al are heading to Besaid to pick up an aeon. They
    discuss their itinerary, then Jecht talks bout going home. Found inside the
    cabin with the captain and first mate. This is the boat that links Besaid
    and Kilika, not Kilika and Luca.

 4. LUCA: Jecht groans on again about his greatness, but also shows a little
    consideration for Tidus. Who'd have thunk it? From the entrance to the
    stadium, take the left doorway until you come to the team locker rooms.
    This is found at the end of the corridor.

 5. MI'IHEN HIGHROAD: This sphere depicts Jecht ready to fight a familar fiend,
    because "It's the right hing to do". Hmm. This sphere is found right at the
    end of the Oldroad. Get there by taking the southern path when you reach
    the part of the Mi'ihen Highroad where all the cages from Operation Mi'ihen
    are located.

 6. MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD: Auron speaks with Kinoc about his decision to become
    Braska's guardian. Found right at the end of Mushroom Rock Road, near a
    ledge close to where the Al Bhed lift machina is located. If you saw the
    scene where Wakka punched Luzzu in the face, you will know exactly where to
    find it.

 7. MOONFLOW: Jecht just attacked a shoopuf. Well done, buddy. Listen to him
    lament his feelings. This one can be picked up on the south side of the
    Moonflow, at the "Shoopuf Station" (where you can board).

 8. THUNDER PLAINS: Watch as Jecht, master of all things, is struck down by
    lightning! Beautiful. Found next to a short lightning tower in the southern

 9. MACALANIA WOODS: This shows Braska and Auron's first encounter with Jecht,
    and Braska's offer to make Jecht a guardian. Found at the entrance to
    Macalania Woods, by taking the right-most road just a little.

10. MT. GAGAZET: Braska speaks to Yuna in a very touching moment. From the
    Calm Lands entrance to Mt. Gagazet, start proceeding up the mountain. At
    the first off-shoot road to the right, this sphere can be found.

          10.8. Miscellaneous                                [10MISC]

--- [ Besaid - Valefor's Second Overdrive ] -----------------------------------

When in Besaid, go the village and talk to the lady shopkeeper. She'll tell you
her dog found something. Now go find the dog - it's found in the third tent on
the right side of the village (the one closest to the Temple). Go inside then
speak to the dog. Do this and you will acquire Valefor's second Overdrive,
Energy Blast, which is significantly more powerful than his "normal" one.

It should be noted that if you have the PAL or International version, when
returning to the village for the first time after you have obtained the airship
will prompt a battle with Dark Valefor. You need to beat her before you can get
back into Besaid.

--- [ S.S. Liki - Clasko ] ----------------------------------------------------

If, when at Macalania Lake, you spoke to Clasko and told him you saw him as
being a Chocobo Breeder, you can find him on the S.S. Winno (the ship that
sails between Besaid and Kilika). Speak to him to receive a FRIEND SPHERE.

--- [ S.S. Winno - Seagulls ] -------------------------------------------------

If you board the S.S. Liki (the ship that sails between Kilika and Luca), you
can find a women up the stairs near the back out on deck. If you speak to her
multiple times, she will ask you how many seagulls you count there to be. The
correct answer is "11". Give that reply and she will award you with the ACE
WIZARD. Note that you can only participate in this minigame after you have
acquired Ixion.

--- [ Mushroom Road Road - Soft x4 ] ------------------------------------------

If you beam down to the Djose Highroad from the airship, head left until you
come to the ruins of an Al Bhed machina. You will see some crates conveniently
stacked up (what IS it with game designers and the trusty crate?) for you. Walk
up and over the crates, then head to the green square on the mini-map. Once you
get into this new area, find the SOFT x4 in a chest right near a wall near
where you just came from.

--- [ Lake Macalania - 4000 Gil ] ---------------------------------------------

Use the airship to beam down the Lake Macalania. Go outside the Travel Agency.
The last time you passed through, Clasko was standing with a chocobo in front
of a chest, preventing you from getting to it. Now he's gone, so claim the 4000
GIL inside. Not much, but it's for free, so stop complaining.

--- [ Temples, Revisited ] ----------------------------------------------------

Complete the Cloister of Trials at Besaid, Kilika, Djose, and Macalania once
more and you will find a number of stat boosting items inside the Chamber of
the Fayth. For the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth and Remiem Temple, enter the
Chamber of the Fayth to receive the items. The Zanarkand Trials need to be
redone simply to obtain a new aeon. They are completed by stepping on all white
square tiles. Do this to receive a MAGISTRAL ROD as a Destruction Sphere prize.

          10.9. Dark Aeons & Penance                         [10DA&P]

=== [ Dark Valefor | 800000 HP | WEAKNESSES: None ] ===========================
Use Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku, and make sure they all have Auto-Haste and
Auto-Phoenix. Anything else is unnecessary. Set Overdrive Mode to Comrade. Trio
of 9999 combined with Attack Reels, Blitz Ace (or Slice and Dice) and elemental
gems (just not Fire Gems) will result in a pretty fast victory. When characters
die, Mix another Trio of 9999. Rinse and repeat.

When he charges his Overdrive, summon an aeon to take it, BUT DON'T ATTACK.
Dark Ifrit always counters, so attacking will causing him to counter on your
aeon, killing it. He will then use Hellfire on your party. GAME OVER. His
normal attack and Meteor Strike will be instantly remedied with Auto-Phoenix.

=== [ Dark Ifrit | 1200000 HP | WEAKNESSES: Ice ] =============================
Use Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku, and make sure they all have Auto-Haste and
Auto-Phoenix. Anything else is unnecessary. Set Overdrive Mode to Comrade. Trio
of 9999 cmbined with Attack Reels, Blitz Ace (or Slice and Dice) and elemental
gems (just not Fire Gems) will result in a pretty fast victory. When characters
die, Mix another Trio of 9999. Rinse and repeat.

When he charges his Overdrive, summon an aeon to take it, BUT DON'T ATTACK.
Dark Ifrit always counters, so attacking will causing him to counter on your
aeon, killing it. He will then use Hellfire on your party. GAME OVER. His
normal attack and Meteor Strike will be instantly remedied with Auto-Phoenix.

          11. Stat Maxing                                    [11STMX]

Stat Maxing is just what the name implies - it means raising the stats of each
of your characters to their maximums, or close to it. Why does it have to be
done? Well, it serves two purposes. One, it gives you a greater lifespan and
enjoyment from the game (it adds another 30+ hours to the fun). Secondly, it
allows you to be strong enough to take on the hardest foes that FFX has to

Many people actually detest, or to a lesser extent, dislike maxing their stats.
Other people, like me, enjoy watching your characters develop into absolute
powerhouses. So, I've tried to cater to both of these types of player, and give
you stat maxing in it's simplest, easiest, and fastest form.

There are other methods out there, but my way is the best possible way to max
your stats. Only Luck isn't raised to 255, because it doesn't need to be. No
clear spheres are needed in this method. Every person is encouraged to use this
method, especially newcomers. You can either limit your HP to 9999 (more than
enough), or go over that limit using this method.

          11.1. Requirements                                 [11REQR]

--- [ Weapons ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

You only need Tidus', Wakka's, and Auron's Celestial Weapons (fully powered
up). I use these characters more than any other (and chances are you will too,
their Overdrives are without doubt the best in the game). However, if you like
to level up all your characters at the same time, feel free to get all the
other's Celestials as well. For more information on this, see the Celestial
Weapons section.

--- [ Stats ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

Probably the best region is around 70 Strength for Tidus, Auron and Wakka. The
other stats don't really matter, as they should all be in the same general
proportions. As a general rule of thumb though, you should have Yuna finish her
grid and finish both Auron's and Lulu's before starting. This gives her aeons a
massive boost is stats, especially Anima and the Magus Sisters.

--- [ Abilities ] -------------------------------------------------------------

Everyone should have their own set of abilities (i.e. between them, all
abilities should be learnt), at the very least. Any characters that have learnt
another characters abilities is even better.

--- [ Overdrives ] ------------------------------------------------------------

All Overdrives for every character. Blitz Ace, Attack Reels and Banishing Blade
are all necessary. Victor and Comrade Overdrives modes for everyone too.

--- [ Aeons ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

All of them. The Magus Sisters are pretty vital in getting started on your
journey through Stat Maxing, because once you've maxed out Strength, all the
others fall like dominos.

--- [ Armour ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix on everyone. They are the only ones needed
currently. I can't stress enough that they are both vital to make things both
easier and and sometimes, just possible.

--- [ Monsters ] -------------------------------------------------------------

What the hell am I on about you ask? I mean the amount of enemies you have
captured. It is best to have at least one of every enemy captured, and all the
area, species and original creation unlocked. This will give you the best
possible start to maxing your stats. Nemesis isn't necessary, but it's nice to
finish capturing as soon as possible. You absolutely need the following though:

JUGGERNAUT:     Strength Spheres
TANKET:         Defence Spheres
JUMBO FLAN:     Magic Spheres
ONE-EYE:        Magic Defence Spheres
FENRIR:         Agility Spheres
HORNET:         Accuracy Spheres
PTERYX:         Evasion Spheres
EARTH EATER:    Fortune Spheres
IRONCLAD:       HP Spheres (Optional)
VIDATU:         MP Spheres (Optional)
KOTTOS:         Healing Spring

Each of those monsters commonly drops one of the spheres after they are
defeated, and two for an overkill. Sometimes however, they will drop a Dark
Matter. That's a good thing, it will allow you to customise Ribbon later on
(only in the PAL/International versions).

It should be noted that the monster on the bottom of the list may seem a little
odd to be required for stat maxing. However, he drops 40x Healing Spring when
you defeat him. Use a sphere distiller or Extract Power/Mana/Speed/Ability and
those can easily turn into 40 Power, Mana, Speed, or Ability Spheres.

          11.2. Goals                                        [11GOAL]

--- [ Sphere Calculation ] ----------------------------------------------------

Each character starts off with a paltry set of statistics. In order to work out
just how many spheres we will need to stat max, you need to know what the
absolute minimum per each stat is amongst all the characters.

| HP  | MP | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC |
| 360 | 10 |  5  |  5  |  5  |    5    |  5  |  17  |  5  |  3  |

And from this, we can calculate the amount of stat nodes needed per version.
All we need to know is what the minimum total increase is amongst all the
characters for both grids and both versions. I have supplied this more so the
guide is complete than to really serve any purpose to you; I have already taken
the time to calculate this for you. All the sphere amounts are located in later

|  HP   |  MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC |
| 19400 | 1260 | 187 | 150 | 142 |   124   | 174 |  18  | 124 | 70  |

|  HP   |  MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC |
| 16200 | 1050 | 156 | 131 | 140 |   117   | 146 |  14  | 112 | 67  |

|  HP   |  MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI | LUCK | EVA | ACC |
| 19400 | 1210 | 170 | 142 | 136 |   126   | 173 |  16  | 124 | 70  |

--- [ Final Stats ] -----------------------------------------------------------

It's good to have something to aim for. So you know where we are headed with
this ordeal, it's time to show you just what you can expect to be looking at in
the status screen when you're done.

|   HP    | MP  | STR | DEF | MAG | MAG DEF | AGI |  LUCK  | EVA | ACC |
| 9999(+) | 999 | 255 | 255 | 255 |   255   | 255 | 130(+) | 255 | 255 |

Of course, the exact numbers you see will depend just how you decide to stat
max, and the options you choose. What is seen above is a representation of the
sorts of things you should expect to see when you're done. The "+" symbol
denotes that this number could be higher, depending on the options you choose
when Stat Maxing.

As a rule of thumb, the stats don't need to exceed these figures, as it's
basically just a waste of time. Why? Because all enemies (including Dark Aeons)
can be beaten easily with these stats, and a decent strategy. Lucky for you, my
guide also has a killer section of strategies aimed squarely at helping you
take those big beasts down.

          11.3. Monster Arena                                [11MNSR]

In order to successfully max your stats, you need to have access to most of the
monsters in the Monster Arena. These are what you'll be fighting most of the
time to obtain precious stat spheres and activation spheres, as well as other
items. Because of this, I felt it was necessary to present you with a quick
low-down on what you need to succeed.

--- [ Area Conquest ] ---------------------------------------------------------

In this part, we examine two things: the capture requirements for unlocking
these monsters, and the things you receive for doing so.

STRATAVIS:      One of each Besaid fiend .................. 99x Stamina Tonic
MALBORO MENACE: One of each Kilika fiend .................... 99x Poison Fang
KOTTOS:         One of each Mi'ihen Highroad fiend .......... 99x Soul Spring *
COEURLREGINA:   One of each Mushroom Rock Road fiend ..... 99x Candle of Life
JORMUNGAND:     One of each Djose Road .................. 99x Petrify Grenade
CACTUAR KING:   One of each Thunder Plains fiend ........... 99x Chocobo Wing
ESPADA:         One of each Macalania fiend ................. 60x Shining Gem
ABYSS WORM:     One of each Bikanel fiend .................... 99x Shadow Gem
CHIMERAGEIST:   One of each Calm Lands fiend .............. 60x Farplane Wind
DON TONBERRY:   One of each Sunken Cave fiend .......... 40x Silver Hourglass
CATOBLEPAS:     One of each Mt. Gagazet fiend ................. Blossom Crown
ABADON:         One of each Inside Sin fiend .............. 99x Lunar Curtain
VORBAN:         One of each Omega Ruins fiend ........... 60x Designer Wallet

--- [ Species Conquest ] ------------------------------------------------------

In this part, we examine two things: the minimum capture requirements for
unlocking these monsters, and the things you receive for doing so.

FENRIR:         Three of each wolf-type fiend ........... 99x Chocobo Feather *
ORNITHOLESTES:  Three of each lizard-type fiend .......... 99x Stamina Spring
PTERYX:         Four of each small bird-type fiend ......... 99x Mega Phoenix *
HORNET:         Four of each insect-type fiend ............... 99x Mana Tonic *
VIDATU:         Four of each floating wizard-type fiend ..... 99x Mana Spring *
ONE-EYE:        Four of each eyeball-type fiend .......... 60x Stamina Tablet *
JUMBO FLAN:     Three of each flan-type fiend ................ 60x Twin Stars *
NEGA ELEMENTAL: Three of each elemental-type fiend ......... 99x Star Curtain
TANKET:         Three of each helm-type fiend ............ 99x Gold Hourglass *
FAFNIR:         Four of each dragon-type fiend ........... 99x Purifying Salt
SLEEP SPROUT:   Five of each fungus-type fiend ........... 99x Healing Spring
BOMB KING:      Five of each bomb-type fiend ................ 60x Turbo Ether
JUGGERNAUT:     Five of each horned dragon-type fiend ..... 99x Light Curtain *
IRONCLAD:       Ten of each iron giant-type fiend ........... 60x Mana Tablet *

--- [ Original Creations ] ----------------------------------------------------

In this part, we examine two things: the capture requirements for unlocking
these monsters, and the things you receive for doing so.

EARTH EATER:    Unlock two Area Creations ................... 60x Three Stars *
GREATER SPHERE: Unlock two Species Creations ................ 60x Supreme Gem *
CATASTROPHE:    Unlock six Area Creations .............. 99x Door to Tomorrow
TH'UBAN:        Unlock six Species Creations ........... 99x Gambler's Spirit
NESLUG:         Unlock all Area Creations ............... 99x Winning Formula
ULTIMA BUSTER:  Five of every capturable fiend .............. 99x Dark Matter
SHINRYU:        Two of every marine Mt. Gagazet fiend ......... 30x Megalixir
NEMESIS:        Ten of every capturable fiend ............. 10x Master Sphere

NOTE: A "*" denotes creations which needed to be captured in order to stat max
the recommended way, not the alternate ways previously described. In other
words, you need to have these monsters captured at the bare minimum. It is
recommended however, that you unlock all creations, but going that far is
completely up to you.

          11.4. AP Trick                                     [11APTK]

Chances are you have captured quite a few fiends already, which means that your
characters (some at least) have most likely killed hundreds of enemies already.
This is a good thing. Because, each enemy you kill increases the damage that
Don Tonberry's "Karma" does to you.

Each enemy you kill will add 100 to the damage that Karma will inflict upon
you. If, like me, the main characters you used were Auron, Tidus and Wakka,
they should all be getting hit by Karma for 50000+ damage. Characters like Yuna
on the other hand (who isn't anywhere near strong enough to be used as an
offensive character at the beginning of the game), will be getting hitting by
Karma for a ridiculously low amount. Unlike the "official" AP Trick, I use a
hybrid version that suites my style of gameplay.

The normal AP trick requires you to lower a character's HP to their minimum so
when Karma hits, the Overdrive gauge charges more. It also requires having one
character fighting a Dingo over and over until the Karma damage they receive
is 99999. High Defence/Magic Defence usually slows down Overdrive gain.
However, because Karma is a special attack that ignores Defence and Magic
Defence, the amount of Overdrive gain relies simply on the HP of the
character. As a result, characters with lower HP will gain more Overdrive, and
hence, more AP. Why? Read on.

Back on track. The normal method requires you to use clear spheres to do this,
which as you know, is not necessary in this method. So, I have come up with a
suitable, but somewhat less effective method to gain your AP.

The first thing you need to do it is three-slotted Triple AP weapons for each
of your characters. You get these from One-Eye at the Monster Arena. Now, add
Overdrive -> AP and Triple Overdrive/Double Overdrive on each of them. Triple
Overdrive is preferable, but I understand it's expensive to Bribe for more
Winning Formulas (after you use up the ones you gain as a reward). I would
recommend giving Triple Overdrive to Lulu, Yuna, Rikku, and maybe Kimahri, and
Double Overdrive to the other fellas. That's because they won't need Triple
Overdrive as much as the others, who probably haven't been used anywhere near
as much (at least in my experience).

The second thing you need is armour with Auto-Phoenix, and preferably
Auto-Haste. This speeds up recovery time and just makes things go a lot
smoother overall. ALL characters should have their own set. Don't worry, both
these abilities should be on anyself-respecting armour anyway.

In order to even get the prescribed weapons and items, you will have had to do
quite a decent amount of monster capturing and levelling up already. As I said,
the damage Karma does to your characters should be relatively high. Seeing as I
only used Tidus, Wakka and Auron for capturing, about all my other characters
were getting hit for didly-squat. The three fellas, on the other hand, were
getting hit for a lot more. This meant that it would be more than possible to
use the AP trick.

Say for instance I wanted to level up Yuna. She gets hit by Karma for a very
little amount. Tidus and Wakka, on the other hand, are getting hit by Karma for
about 60000 each. So, what I do is have Tidus, Wakka, and Yuna fight against
Don Tonberry. Yuna (and Tidus and Wakka, if you like) is equipped with her
specially made AP gaining weapon (containing Triple AP, Overdrive -> AP, and
Triple Overdrive/Double Overdrive). Set Yuna's Overdrive mode to Comrade (or
all of their Overdrive modes to Comrade, if you decide to use them all).

Tidus attacks Don Tonberry, who counters with Karma, KO'ing Tidus. Because
Yuna's and Wakka's Overdrive mode is set to Comrade, they are gaining
Overdrive. Double/Triple Overdrive increase the amount it goes up, and then
Overdrive -> AP converts this to AP. Triple AP then comes in, giving you thrice
the total amount. He gets healed back up, then Wakka attacks. Same thing
happens. On Yuna's turn, she defends, because the Karma counter is way too weak
to be much use. The cycle continues. Now you can see how AP is easily gained.

If you're strong enough, I suggest killing on Don Tonberry, if not, just Flee
from him when he stops countering with Karma. It doesn't matter if you Flee,
you still get AP at the end of battle. Also, if you're going to kill him, try
at least to Overkill him. This gives you an even higher AP gain.

For faster results, I suggest using Quick Hit and setting your cursor style to
"Memory". This is especially good if you get bored while doing this (and you
will get bored, I assure you). I always find it good just to change the channel
and watching TV while doing constantly mashing the X button. The process can be
further refined with a turbo controller and TV with Picture-In-Picture
technology, but it certainly isn't necessary.

Now, if you wish to level up, say Lulu or Kimahri, just switch out Yuna and
swap in either Lulu or Kimahri instead. Doing this, you can get your characters
around the Sphere Grid VERY quickly.

          11.5. Maximising                                   [11MAXI]

--- [ Foreword ] --------------------------------------------------------------

I'm not afraid to admit that I didn't come up with this strategy myself, but I
have edited it a bit to suit my own purposes and style. It revolves around not
using Break HP Limit. Why? Because there is not a single enemy in the game that
requires you to use it. Not one. If you look through this guide, you will see
that none of the strategies use or require Break HP Limit. 99% of the time,
this auto-ability actually hinders you rather than helps you.

Anyway, this method is the best possible way to max stats out there. I highly
doubt anyone will develop a more effective method. This is my recommended way,
and is the method which has been adopted by quite a few players.

--- [ What You Need ] ---------------------------------------------------------

Well, that is the boring bit out of the way. You have now unlocked every enemy
except Nemesis, and you can get him later. Most importantly, you have gotten
yourself 99x Dark Matter, and can use it to customise Ribbon on an armour. It
will prove most valuable for all sorts of things, namely Dark Aeons.

So, you have all of that done do you? I bet you think you're good. Well,
against normal fiends yes, but when you go to the Monster Arena, almost every
one of them is kicking your sorry ass aren't they? Well never fear. Once you're
done here, you'll be laughing at there pathetic attacks.

Now, it's time for the long and hard part of stat maxing. Beating the enemies.
Luckily, I have an surefire method of beating them. And quickly. I have found
this to be the easiest and most logical order.

--- [ Getting Yuna Ready ] ----------------------------------------------------

Make sure she's travelled through all of her own grid. Then use a teleport
sphere (or something similar) to transfer her to Auron's grid, and then Lulu's
grid. Get her to complete both of their parts of the grid. Now she'll have a
decent HP, strength, defence, magic, magic defence, and evasion stats, and her
aeon's (in particular, Anima and the Magus Sisters) will be very powerful.

--- [ Moving Around The Grid ] ------------------------------------------------

Before you beat One-Eye sufficient times to get Triple AP weapons for Tidus,
Wakka, and Auron, the sole way to level up these three will be in the Omega
Ruins. Good thing is, you'll only need to do this if you haven't already got
enough Sphere Levels to get to each new Strength Sphere you place on the grid.

After you get yourself a three-slotted Triple AP weapon for Tidus, Wakka and
Auron (I suggest getting one for every character at the same time, makes life
easier later on), you'll need to add Overdrive -> AP and one of the following:
Triple Overdrive, Double Overdrive, or SOS Overdrive. I suggest Double
Overdrive for Tidus, Wakka, and Auron (leave Triple Overdrive for Yuna, Rikku,
Kimahri and Lulu, most likely your less used characters).

Now that you've done that, you can now engage in battles against Don Tonberry
and gain ridiculous amounts of AP. Set your Overdrive modes to Comrade, and
then just attack physically. He'll counter with Karma, killing one character
(assuming they have killed enough enemies for Karma to do over 9999 damage).
Because you have Overdrive -> AP, there won't be any noticeable Overdrive gain.

Keep this up until he walks up far enough, and stops countering. Keep hitting
him until he has about four more turns, where he'll stab one character. Then
use Blitz Ace or Attack Reels on him. As you raise your Agility, use Blitz Ace
and Attack Reels after Don Tonberry's second stab attack. Make sure you
overkill him. You're going to have to do this over and over until the three
have completed their grids.

--- [ Activating Nodes ] ------------------------------------------------------

There are a hell of a lot of nodes on the Sphere Grid, and they all need to be
activated with a sphere (whether it be a Power Sphere, Mana Sphere, etc). Now,
as you're stat maxing, you're going to need lots of them. Thankfully, you can
receive up to 40 in one battle. How, I hear you ask? Easy. Fight and overkill
Kottos (an Area Creation at the Monster Arena) after using Extract Power,
Extract Mana, Extract Speed, Extract Ability or a distiller. You'll get 40 of
that type of sphere. Pity there aren't "Fortune Distillers"...

--- [ Raising Tidus, Wakka, & Auron ] -----------------------------------------

These three are your best bet to level up first. After you finish with them you
can then go straight to the Dark Aeons and Penance if you're really itching to
fight them. Another thing, is that chances are you used these three solely in
your monster capturing (just like I did) so they are already decently levelled
and can get for Karma for good damage. Lastly, they have the best Overdrives,
making raising your remaining characters substantially easier.

First order of business is to get all your characters to the exact same spot on
the grid. The best spot to start from, in my opinion, is the left-bottom corner
of the grid. Each time you get a new stat sphere, place it on the grid and
activate it. This will make the next battle even easier. The only exception to
this rule is Greater Sphere - wait until you have enough Fortune Spheres for at
least one character before you start laying the path.

It should be noted that the number of required spheres listed below is in fact
a total count, and encompasses all of the ones you have already acquired during
your travels - not just how many you need to get from each fiend.

--- [ Juggernaut ] ------------------------------------------------------------

Start off with a Banishing Blade/Frag Grenade to Armour Break him. Then summon
the Magus Sisters and finish him off. Your stats should be good enough that his
attacks will do pitiful damage to you. Obtain...


--- [ One-Eye ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

This should be a breeze now with close-to-max Strength. Two hits and he's dead.
Watch out for his nasty Shockwave attack though, that's deadly. Equip someone
with Ribbon or at least Confuseproof. Get the amount of spheres you need, but
that isn't all. Obtain...

US/ORIGINAL JAPANESE VERSION:    31 Magic Defence Spheres

Keep fighting One-Eye until get seven three-slotted Triple AP weapons (one for
each character). Customise the remaining slots with Overdrive -> AP and Triple
Overdrive/Double Overdrive. You're now set up for the AP Trick (see AP Trick
section for more details).

--- [ Fenrir ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Open and close the battle with a fresh serving of Attack Reels. Obtain...


--- [ Tanket ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Use Banishing Blade/Frag Grenade and follow up with Attack Reels. Obtain...


--- [ Hornet ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Banishing Blade/Frag Grenade, then Attack Reels or Blitz Ace. Obtain...


--- [ Pteryx ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

Two hits on Pteryx and he's dead, much like One-Eye. Except, he can't kill you
with your current stats. He doesn't have any multi-hitting status attacks.


--- [ Jumbo Flan ] ------------------------------------------------------------

Summon Anima, and cast both Haste and then Reflect (in that order) on her. Then
cast Slow off Anima and onto Jumbo Flan. Use a few Doublecasted Flares (no more
than eight) and then finish it off with Pain (you need a 99999 hit for an
Overkill, and Flare isn't strong enough to do that). Should you run out of MP,
just stick with Pain. Obtain...


--- [ Greater Sphere ] --------------------------------------------------------

Can't Armour Break GS. But that's okay, as a max Strength Attack Reels does
99999 per hit anyway. Battle strategy? Attacks Reels. Entrust full Overdrive to
Wakka. Another Attack Reels. He'll only counter you with Hydraulic Press once,
and that is a HP based attack. However, don't get all the Luck Spheres in one
shot. What you should do instead, is alternate between getting Luck Spheres
(then place one of the grid) and getting Fortune Spheres from Earth Eater. As
you place the spheres activate them. Obtain...


--- [ Earth Eater ] -----------------------------------------------------------

EE has high Defence and Magic Defence. Worst part is, you need to fight him 80+
times. Battle plan? Hit him twice (he'll counter the first hit with Megaton
Punch, which will KO a character, but don't worry, Auto-Phoenix will take care
of that), this will knock him onto his back. Now, use an Attack Reels. Entrust
another full Overdrive gauge to Wakka, and use another Attack Reels. He's dead,
and 2x Fortune Spheres are yours. Obtain as many Fortune Spheres as you need to
activate all the Luck nodes on Tidus, Wakka, and Auron's grids. As you acquire
the Fortune Spheres, start placing Luck Spheres on the Grid and activating them
as you go.

--- [ Taking It To The Next Level (Optional) ] --------------------------------

Now, you are undoubtedly going to have quite few empty nodes remaining on your
grid. It's up to you how you decide to proceed from here. You can leave the
empty nodes as they are, or you can fill what's left of them with Luck nodes to
continue raising your Luck to 255. Alternatively, you can just fill what's left
with HP spheres, get Break HP Limit, and have 15000+ HP. Completely up to you.

If you decide to go with Luck, then you will need to get a further 31 Luck
Spheres from Greater Sphere (all version and Sphere Grids). It should be noted
that on the Expert Grid, you will need to clear a few nodes to make room. I
suggest deleting HP nodes. If, instead, you decide to fill up your grid with HP
spheres, then read on below.

--- [ Ironclad (Optional) ] ---------------------------------------------------

You should have quite a few HP nodes that you've picked up during your run
through the game. You'll need a few more however, to fill up the rest of the
grid. Get as many as you need from Ironclad to fill that space. Same basic
strategy as before: Armour Break with a Frag Grenade or Banishing Blade, then
following up with Attack Reels and/or Blitz Ace. It should take about three
minutes per battle.

--- [ Obtaining Break HP Limit (Optional) ] -----------------------------------

Getting this overrated armour ability is one hell of a task on it's own. This
will extend the time it takes for you to stat max quite a bit. Basically, you
have one of several options in order to obtain the Wings of Discovery required
to customise the ability:

1. Fight Shinryu for them. This is how you will acquire most of your Wings to
   Discovery. Overkill him for two.

2. Get an armour drop from Nemesis or the Dark Aeons. This is generally a
   faster and more efficient way. Although, by the time you are able to beat
   them, there will be absolutely no need for Break HP Limit.

3. Bribe. You can Bribe both Malboro's and Great Malboro's. Don't bother
   bribing Great Malboro's though, Bribing your Calm Lands friend is far more
   cost efficient at 540000 gil.

I've leave you to decide the best course of action. Generally speaking, using a
mixture of these helps keep things fresh, and stops you from becoming bankrupt.

--- [ Bringing The Others Into The Fray ] -------------------------------------

Now you've got Tidus, Wakka, and Auron maxed, uberising the others should be a
much quicker process. Although, you're soon going to get sick of this. The one
disadvantage to my method, is that it can get a little boring near the end.
You're going to be fighting Don Tonberry and Kottos over and over, as all the
stat nodes are now in place. I prefer to level up one of them at a time.
This is because you can then have two of your three already levelled characters
in a battle with them against Don Tonberry, meaning they can gain lots of AP
(because the pre-levelled characters were already getting good damage from
Karma). Hope you got that, seemed a bit hard for even me to understand. So just
do each of the remaining characters one at a time, using the stuff you have
already learnt to get the job done.

--- [ Stat Maxing Complete! ] -------------------------------------------------

You have achieved the pinnacle. You are now virtually invincible. Most enemies
you now face will be pitifully weak, hardly getting a turn between Quick Hits.
In a way, you have made the game boring because it is far too easy. But one
more challenge lies waiting for you. That's right, the Dark Aeons are out
there. You're stats are now good enough to beat them all. You also have yet to
face some of the tougher arena enemies. The latter should be quite easy, no
real strategy needed. But the Dark Aeons will require some preparation. Check
out the Dark Aeons section for information on how to dispatch them quickly and

          12. Items                                          [12ITEM]

--- [ ABBREVIATIONS ] ---------------------------------------------------------
<P>:   Protect will halve base damage.
<S>:   Shell will halve base damage.
<R>:   Can be Reflected.
<NUL>: First hit can be nullified with respective Nul spell.

EFFECT: Restores 200 HP to one target.
NOTES:  - Healing done can be doubled with Alchemy ability.
        - Will damage Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Restores 1000 HP to one target.
NOTES:  - Healing done can be doubled with Alchemy ability.
        - Will damage Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Restores 2000 HP to target party.
NOTES:  - Healing done can be doubled with Alchemy ability.
        - Will damage Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Restores 9999 HP to one target.
NOTES:  - Will damage Zombied targets.
        - During battle, this item can recover a maximum of 9999 HP. When used
          out of battle, item can recover a maximum of 99999 HP.
EFFECT: Restores 100 MP to one target.
NOTES:  - Will reduce MP of Zombied targets.
          TURBO ETHER
EFFECT: Restores 500 MP to one target.
NOTES:  - Will reduce MP of Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Restores 9999 HP and 999 MP to one target.
NOTES:  - Will damage and reduce MP of Zombied targets.
        - During battle, this item can recover a maximum of 9999 HP and 999 MP.
          When used out of battle, item can recover a maximum of 99999 HP and
          999 MP.
EFFECT: Restores 9999 HP and 999 MP to target party.
NOTES:  - Will damage and reduce MP of Zombied targets.
        - During battle, this item can recover a maximum of 9999 HP and 999 MP.
          When used out of battle, item can recover a maximum of 99999 HP and
          9999 MP.
          PHOENIX DOWN
EFFECT: Revives one KOed target and restores 50% MAX HP.
NOTES:  - Healing done can be doubled with Alchemy ability.
        - Will KO Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Revives KOed target party and restores 100% MAX HP.
NOTES:  - Will KO Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Cures Poison status of one target.
EFFECT: Cures Petrification status of one target.
          EYE DROPS
EFFECT: Cures Darkness status of one target.
          ECHO SCREEN
EFFECT: Cures Silence status of one target.
          HOLY WATER
EFFECT: Cures Zombie and Curse status of one target.
EFFECT: Cures Poison, Darkness, Petrification, Silence, Confuse, Berserk,
        Zombie and Slow status of one target.
EFFECT: Makes target drop Power Spheres instead of regular items.
EFFECT: Makes target drop Mana Spheres instead of regular items.
EFFECT: Makes target drop Speed Spheres instead of regular items.
EFFECT: Makes target drop Ability Spheres instead of regular items.
          AL BHED POTION
EFFECT: Restores 1000HP to target party, and cures Poison, Silence and
        Petrification status.
NOTES:  - Healing done can be doubled with Alchemy ability.
        - Will damage Zombied targets.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Restores 9999HP to target party.
NOTES:  - Will damage Zombied targets.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Restores 9999HP and adds NulAll to one target.
NOTES:  - Will damage Zombied targets.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals small fire damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          BOMB CORE
EFFECT: Deals medium fire damage to one target. <NUL>
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          FIRE GEM <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large fire damage to target party (hits are random).
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals small thunder damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals medium thunder damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals large thunder damage to target party (hits are random).
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          FISH SCALE <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small water damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          DRAGON SCALE <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium water damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          WATER GEM <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large water damage to target party (hits are random).
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals small ice damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          ARCTIC WIND <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium ice damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          ICE GEM <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small ice damage to target party (hits are random).
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals small damage to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          FRAG GRENADE
EFFECT: Deals small damage and Armour Break to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals medium damage and Sleep to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          DREAM POWDER
EFFECT: Deals medium damage and Sleep to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals medium damage and Silence to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          SMOKE BOMB
EFFECT: Deals medium damage and Darkness to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          SHADOW GEM
EFFECT: Reduces HP of target party by half.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Will deal 0 damage if target is immune to gravity damage.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          SHINING GEM
EFFECT: Deals massive non-elemental damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          BLESSED GEM
EFFECT: Deals massive holy damage to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          SUPREME GEM
EFFECT: Deals massive non-elemental damage to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          POISON FANG
EFFECT: Deals large damage and Poison to one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Inflicts Slow on target party.
NOTES:  - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals medium damage and Slow to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          CANDLE OF LIFE
EFFECT: Inflicts Doom on one target.
NOTES:  - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Inflicts Petrification on target party.
NOTES:  - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Inflicts Death on one target.
NOTES:  - Status will almost always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless
          immune. There is, however, a chance it may also randomly fail.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Inflicts Death on target party.
NOTES:  - Status will almost always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless
          immune. There is, however, a chance it may also randomly fail.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          DARK MATTER
EFFECT: Deals massive non-elemental damage to target party.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: One target is placed under Haste status.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Is cancelled out by Slow/Slowga.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          CHOCOBO WING
EFFECT: Target party is placed Haste.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Is cancelled out by Slow/Slowga.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: One target is placed under Protect status.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: One target is placed under Shell status.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          STAR CURTAIN
EFFECT: One target is placed under Reflect status.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: One target is placed under Regen status.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts 10 turns, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Status will always succeed, regardless of resistance, unless immune.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Steals HP from one target.
NOTES:  - Used through the ability "Use".
          MANA SPRING
EFFECT: Steals MP from one target.
NOTES:  - Used through the ability "Use".
          SOUL SPRING
EFFECT: Steals HP and MP from one target.
NOTES:  - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Deals medium damage and Dispels positive status effects of one target.
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Doubles MAX HP of one target.
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break HP Limit to exceed 9999 HP.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          MANA TABLET
EFFECT: Doubles MAX MP of one target.
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break MP Limit to exceed 999 MP.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
EFFECT: Doubles MAX HP of target party.
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break HP Limit to exceed 9999 HP.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          MANA TONIC
EFFECT: Doubles MAX MP of target party.
NOTES:  - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Requires Break MP Limit to exceed 999 MP.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          TWIN STARS
EFFECT: Reduces MP cost to 0 for one target.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          THREE STARS
EFFECT: Reduces MP cost of target party to 0.
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
        - Used through the ability "Use".
          POWER SPHERE
EFFECT: Activates HP, Strength, and Defence nodes on the Sphere Grid.
          MANA SPHERE
EFFECT: Activates MP, Magic, and Magic Defence nodes on the Sphere Grid.
          SPEED SPHERE
EFFECT: Activates Agility, Evasion, and Accuracy nodes on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Activates Skill, Special, White Magic, and Black Magic nodes on the
        Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Activates Luck nodes on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Activates any type of node on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Another character must have already activated said node for Attribute
          sphere to work.
          SKILL SPHERE
EFFECT: Activates Skill nodes on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Another character must have already activated said node for Skill
          Sphere to work.
EFFECT: Activates Special nodes on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Another character must have already activated said node for Special
          Sphere to work.
EFFECT: Activates White Magic nodes on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Another character must have already activated said node for White
          Magic Sphere to work.
EFFECT: Activates Black Magic nodes on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Another character must have already activated said node for Black
          Magic Sphere to work.
EFFECT: Activates any type of node on the Sphere Grid.
          LEVEL 1 KEY SPHERE
EFFECT: Clears Level 1 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
          LEVEL 2 KEY SPHERE
EFFECT: Clears Level 2 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
          LEVEL 3 KEY SPHERE
EFFECT: Clears Level 3 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
          LEVEL 4 KEY SPHERE
EFFECT: Clears Level 4 Lock from the Sphere Grid.
          HP SPHERE
EFFECT: Places HP +300 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
          MP SPHERE
EFFECT: Places MP +40 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Places Strength +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Places Defence +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
          MAGIC SPHERE
EFFECT: Places Magic +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Places Magic Defence +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Places Agility +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
          LUCK SPHERE
EFFECT: Places Luck +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Places Evasion +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Places Accuracy +4 node in an empty node on the Sphere Grid.
          CLEAR SPHERE
EFFECT: Removes stat sphere from the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Does not remove Skill, Special, White Magic or Black Magic nodes.
EFFECT: Returns character to any node they have activated on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Can only return character to nodes that THEY have activated.
EFFECT: Moves character to the current location of an ally on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Moves character to any previously activated node on the Sphere Grid.
NOTES:  - Can only return character to nodes that allies have activated.
          WARP SPHERE
EFFECT: Moves character to any node on the Sphere Grid.
EFFECT: Displays world map.
          RENAME CARD
EFFECT: Renames an aeon.
NOTES:  - Cannot be used to rename the main character.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.
EFFECT: Used in Mixes and for customisation.

          13. Abilities                                      [13ABIL]

--- [ ABBREVIATIONS ] ---------------------------------------------------------
<P>:   Protect will halve base damage.
<S>:   Shell will halve base damage.
<R>:   Can be Reflected.
<NUL>: First hit can be nullified with respective Nul spell.

          13.1. Skill                                        [13SKLL]

          SLEEP ATTACK <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Sleep on one target for three turns.
COST:   5 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          SILENCE ATTACK <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Silence on one target for three turns.
COST:   5 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          DARK ATTACK <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Darkness on one target for three turns.
COST:   5 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          SLEEP BUSTER <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Sleep on one target for one turn.
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - Will always succeed against enemies, regardless of resistance.
          SILENCE BUSTER <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Silence on one target for one turn.
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - Will always succeed against enemies, regardless of resistance.
          DARK BUSTER <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Darkness on one target for one turn.
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - Will always succeed against enemies, regardless of resistance.
          ZOMBIE ATTACK <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Zombie on one target for three turns.
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          TRIPLE FOUL <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Darkness, Sleep, and Silence on one target for three turns.
COST:   24 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          DELAY ATTACK <P>
EFFECT: Delays the next turn of one target.
COST:   8 MP
          DELAY BUSTER <P>
EFFECT: Significantly delays the next turn of one target.
COST:   18 MP
          POWER BREAK <P>
EFFECT: Reduces Strength stat of one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Reduces damage done by PHYSICAL attacks only.
        - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect (unless
          target Dispels effect).
        - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          ARMOUR BREAK <P>
EFFECT: Reduces Defence of one target to 0.
COST:   12 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          MAGIC BREAK <P>
EFFECT: Reduces Magic stat of one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Reduces damage done by MAGICAL attacks only.
        - Additional attempts after first use will lead to no effect (unless
          target Dispels effect).
        - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          MENTAL BREAK <P>
EFFECT: Reduces Magic Defence of one target to 0.
COST:   12 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          FULL BREAK <P>
EFFECT: Inflicts Power Break, Armour Break, Magic Break, and Mental Break.
COST:   99 MP
NOTES:    - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          EXTRACT POWER <P>
EFFECT: Makes target drop Power Spheres instead of regular items.
COST:   1 MP
NOTES:  - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          EXTRACT MANA <P>
EFFECT: Makes target drop Mana Spheres instead of regular items.
COST:   1 MP
NOTES:  - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          EXTRACT SPEED <P>
EFFECT: Makes target drop Speed Spheres instead of regular items.
COST:   1 MP
NOTES:  - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
EFFECT: Makes target drop Ability Spheres instead of regular items.
COST:   1 MP
NOTES:  - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          MUG <P>
EFFECT: Attack and steal from one target at the same time.
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - For each successful steal, chances of another success drop by half.
        - Two types of Steal can occur - common and rare.
        - Using Steal on Al Bhed machina causes them to be instantly destroyed.
          NAB GIL <P>
EFFECT: Attack and steal gil from one target at the same time.
COST:   30 MP
NOTES:  - For each successful steal, chances of another success drop by half.
        - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          QUICK HIT <P>
EFFECT: Attack one target with reduced recovery time.
COST:   36 MP

          13.2. Special                                      [13SPCL]

EFFECT: Allows all active characters to escape from battle.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Has a 100% success rate, unless you are fighting a forced battle.
EFFECT: Attack and steal from one target at the same time.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - For each successful steal, chances of another success drop by half.
        - Two types of Steal can occur - common and rare.
        - Using Steal on Al Bhed machina causes them to be instantly destroyed.
EFFECT: Use special items.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - For the use of special items like Al Bhed Potion and Water Gem, which
          can't be used through the "Item" command.
EFFECT: Restores HP to active party members.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Will damage Zombied targets.
EFFECT: Raises Strength and Defence stats of active party by one point.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - After five castings, additional castings will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Raises Accuracy stat of active party by one point.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - After five castings, additional castings will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Raises Magic and Magic Defence stats of active party by one point.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - After five castings, additional castings will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT  Raises Evasion stat of active party by one point.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - After five castings, additional castings will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Raises Luck stat of active party by one point.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - After five castings, additional castings will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until end of battle, or target is KOed.
EFFECT: Lowers Luck stat of all enemies by one point.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - After five castings, additional castings will lead to no effect.
        - Effect lasts until the end of battle.
EFFECT: Absorb HP and MP from one target.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Kimahri learns his Overdrives by using Lancet on specific enemies.
        - Lanceting Zombied targets will restore their HP and MP.
EFFECT: Take physical damage for an active party member.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Doesn't work for magical damage.
        - Doesn't work on multiple character attacks.
EFFECT: Take physical damage for an active party member in defensive status.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Doesn't work for magical damage.
        - Doesn't work on multiple character attacks.
          SPARE CHANGE
EFFECT: Throw gil to damage enemies.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Damage total ignores stats of user or target, and any statuses the
          user or target may be under.
        - Damage done equals the amount of gil divided by 10.
EFFECT: Delay an enemies next turn.
COST:   12 MP
EFFECT: Focus enemy attacks on one party memeber.
COST:   4 MP
NOTES:  - Provoke status is removed as soon as Provoker leaves battle.
EFFECT: Transfer Overdrive bar to another party member.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - If a character Entrusts an Overdrive to another that already has a
          full overdrive, the game will not "remember" it. That is, cannot use
          Entrust to use two successive Overdrives.
EFFECT: Mimic previous party members turn.
COST:   28 MP
NOTES:  - Character does not need to have learnt the ability they are copying.
        - Character cannot mimic summoning, Overdrives, or equipment changes.
        - Mimicking item use requires at least two of that item.
          PILFER GIL
EFFECT: Steal gil from an enemy.
COST:   20 MP
NOTES:  - For each successful steal, chances of another success drop by half.
        - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
EFFECT: Use item with reduced recovery time.
COST:   70 MP
NOTES:  - This ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
EFFECT: Cast two black magic attacks in one turn.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Only works with Black Magic abilities.
EFFECT: Pay enemies gil to flee from battle.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Successful minimum Bribe amount is about 10x the MAX HP of the enemy,
          but the chances of a successful Bribe increase with greater payment.

          13.3. Black Magic                                  [13BLCK]

          FIRE <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small fire damage to one target.
COST:   4 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          THUNDER <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small thunder damage to one target.
COST:   4 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          WATER <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small water damage to one target.
COST:   4 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          BLIZZARD <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals small ice damage to one target.
COST:   4 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          FIRA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium fire damage to one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          THUNDARA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium thunder damage to one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          WATERA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium water damage to one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          BLIZZARA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals medium ice damage to one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          FIRAGA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large fire damage to one target.
COST:   16 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          THUNDAGA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large thunder damage to one target.
COST:   4 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          WATERGA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large water damage to one target.
COST:   16 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
          BLIZZAGA <S> <R> <NUL>
EFFECT: Deals large ice damage to one target.
COST:   16 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
        - First strike is cancelled out with NulFrost.
          BIO <R>
EFFECT: Inflicts Poison status on one target.
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - May not succeed against enemies with high resistance.
          DEMI <S>
EFFECT: Reduces current HP of target by a quarter (1/4).
COST:   32 MP
          DEATH <R>
EFFECT: Instantly KO one target.
COST:   20 MP
NOTES:  - Zombied targets not affected.
          DRAIN <S> <R>
EFFECT: Absorb HP from one target.
COST:   12 MP
NOTES:  - Draining Zombied targets will restore their HP.
          OSMOSE <R>
EFFECT: Absorb MP from one target.
COST:   0 MP
NOTES:  - Osmosing Zombied targets will restore their MP.
        - Absorbing all MP from an enemy will not stop them using magic.
          FLARE <S> <R>
EFFECT: Deals massive non-elemental damage to one target.
COST:   54 MP
          ULTIMA <S>
EFFECT: Deals massive non-elemental damage to one target.
COST:   90 MP

          13.4. White Magic                                  [13WHTE]

          CURE <S> <R>
EFFECT: Restores small amount of HP to one target.
COST:   4 MP
          CURA <S> <R>
EFFECT: Restores medium amount of HP to one target.
COST:   10 MP
          CURAGA <S> <R>
EFFECT  Restores large amount of HP to one target.
COST:   20 MP
          SCAN <R>
EFFECT: Reveals information about a target.
COST:   1 MP
          NULBLAZE <R>
EFFECT: Makes target party immune to fire based attacks.
COST:   2 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until the end of battle, unless Dispelled, fire-based
          attack is used, or until target is KOed.
          NULSHOCK <R>
EFFECT: Makes target party immune to thunder based attacks.
COST:   2 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until the end of battle, unless Dispelled, thunder-based
          attack is used, or until target is KOed.
          NULTIDE <R>
EFFECT: Makes target party immune to water based attacks.
COST:   2 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until the end of battle, unless Dispelled, water-based
          attack is used, or until target is KOed.
          NULFROST <R>
EFFECT: Makes target party immune to ice based attacks.
COST:   2 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until the end of battle, unless Dispelled, ice-based
          attack is used, or until target is KOed.
          ESUNA <R>
EFFECT: Removes negative status effects on one target.
COST:   5 MP
NOTES:  - Dispels Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Poison, Petrification, Confuse,
          Berserk, and Slow statuses ONLY.
          LIFE <R>
EFFECT: Revives one KOed target and restores 50% MAX HP.
COST:   18 MP
NOTES:  - Auto-Shell and Magic Defence +X% auto-abilities will reduce HP
          FULL-LIFE <R>
EFFECT: Revives one KOed target and restores 100% MAX HP.
COST:   60 MP
NOTES:  - Auto-Shell and Magic Defence +X% auto-abilities will reduce HP
          HASTE <R>
EFFECT: Increases turn rate of one target.
COST:   8 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
          HASTEGA <R>
EFFECT: Increases turn rate of target party.
COST:   30 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
          SLOW <R>
EFFECT: Decreases turn rate of one target.
COST:   12 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until the end of battle, unless Dispelled, Esuna is
          used, or until target is KOed.
          SLOWGA <R>
EFFECT: Decreases turn rate of target party.
COST:   20 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until the end of battle, unless Dispelled, Esuna is
          used, or until target is KOed.
          SHELL <R>
EFFECT: Halves base damage/restoration of attack/healing magic (one target).
COST:   10 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Also halves base recovery of healing magic.
          PROTECT <R>
EFFECT: Halves base damage of any physical attacks (one target).
COST:   12 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Slows Overdrive gain in Stoic and Comrade modes.
          REFLECT <R>
EFFECT: Reflects most magic spells back onto user (one target).
COST:   14 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Magic user can Reflect magic off themselves, and it will "strike" the
          target. Against multiple targets, a random target will be hit.
EFFECT: Dispels positive status effects of one target.
COST:   12 MP
          REGEN <R>
EFFECT  Restores HP to one target over a course of 10 turns.
COST:   40 MP
NOTES:  - Effect lasts until end of battle, unless Dispelled or target is KOed.
        - Restoration achieved per turn dependant on MAX HP of target.
          HOLY <S> <R>
EFFECT: Deals massive holy damage to one target.
COST:   85 MP
NOTES:  - Elemental affinities apply (half-damage, weak to, absorb, immune).
EFFECT: Automatically revives one target with 25% MAX HP when they are KOed.
COST:   97 MP
NOTES:  - Auto-Shell and Magic Defence +X% auto-abilities will reduce HP

          14. Weapon Abilities                               [14WPNA]

--- [ ABBREVIATIONS ] ---------------------------------------------------------
<P>:   Protect will halve base damage.
<S>:   Shell will halve base damage.
<R>:   Can be Reflected.
<NUL>: First hit can be nullified with respective Nul spell.

EFFECT:   Displays selected targets data (HP, MP, current statuses, etc).
REQUIRES: Ability Sphere x2
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to the effects of Sensor.
EFFECT:   Does normal damage to ARMOURED enemies.
REQUIRES: Ability Sphere x2
NOTES:    - Piercing DOES NOT ignore defence! It only ignores the armoured
            property that SOME enemies have (Helms and Drakes, to name a few).
          FIRST STRIKE
EFFECT:   Gives the character weilding the weapon the first turn, irrespective
          of enemy ambushes or the agility of the character.
REQUIRES: Return Sphere x2
NOTES:    - Auron's Celestial Weapon, the Masamune, has First Strike.
EFFECT:   Increases the chances of your party getting a pre-emptive strike.
REQUIRES: Chocobo Feather x6
          FIRESTRIKE <NUL>
EFFECT:   Adds fire-elemental damage to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Bomb Fragment x4
NOTES:    - Elemental affinities apply, so targets weak to the element will be
            dealt extra damage, those immune to the element will not be
            damaged, and those that are strong to the element will absorb it.
EFFECT:   Adds thunder-elemental damage to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Electro Marble x4
NOTES:    - Elemental affinities apply, so targets weak to the element will be
            dealt extra damage, those immune to the element will not be
            damaged, and those that are strong to the element will absorb it.
EFFECT:   Adds water-elemental damage to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Fish Scale x4
NOTES:    - Elemental affinities apply, so targets weak to the element will be
            dealt extra damage, those immune to the element will not be
            damaged, and those that are strong to the element will absorb it.
          ICESTRIKE <NUL>
EFFECT:   Adds ice-elemental damage to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Antarctic Wind x4
NOTES:    - Elemental affinities apply, so targets weak to the element will be
            dealt extra damage, those immune to the element will not be
            damaged, and those that are strong to the element will absorb it.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Darkness to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Eyedrops x60
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Darkness.
EFFECT:   Always adds Darkness to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Smoke Bomb x20
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Darkness.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Silence to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Echo Screen x60
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Silence.
EFFECT:   Always adds Silence to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Silence Grenade x20
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Silence.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Sleep to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Sleeping Powder x10
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Sleep.
EFFECT:   Always adds Sleep to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Dream Powder x16
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Sleep.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Poison to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Antidote x99
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Poison.
EFFECT:   Always adds Poison to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Poison Fang x24
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Poison.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Petrification to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Petrify Grenade x10
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Petrification.
EFFECT:   Always adds Petrification to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Petrify Grenade x60
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Petrification.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Death to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Farplane Shadow x30
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Death.
EFFECT:   Always adds Death to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Farplane Wind x60
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Death.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Zombie to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Holy Water x70
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Zombie.
EFFECT:   Always adds Zombie to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Candle of Life x30
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Zombie.
EFFECT:   Sometimes adds Slow to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Silver Hourglass x16
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Slow.
EFFECT:   Always adds Slow to attacks and skills.
REQUIRES: Gold Hourglass x30
NOTES:    - Certain targets are immune to Slow.
          DISTIL POWER
EFFECT:   Makes target drop Power Spheres instead of regular items.
REQUIRES: Power Sphere x2
NOTES:    - This auto-ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          DISTIL MANA
EFFECT:   Makes target drop Mana Spheres instead of regular items.
REQUIRES: Mana Sphere x2
NOTES:    - This auto-ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          DISTIL SPEED
EFFECT:   Makes target drop Speed Spheres instead of regular items.
REQUIRES: Speed Sphere x2
NOTES:    - This auto-ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
EFFECT:   Makes target drop Ability Spheres instead of regular items.
REQUIRES: Ability Sphere x2
NOTES:    - This auto-ability is PAL/International version exclusive.
          STRENGTH +3%
EFFECT:   Increases damage done by attacks and skills by 3%.
REQUIRES: Power Sphere x3
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Strength +X% abilities.
          STRENGTH +5%
EFFECT:   Increases damage done by attacks and skills by 5%.
REQUIRES: Stamina Spring x2
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Strength +X% abilities.
          STRENGTH +10%
EFFECT:   Increases damage done by attacks and skills by 10%.
REQUIRES: Skill Sphere x1
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Strength +X% abilities.
          STRENGTH +20%
EFFECT:   Increases damage done by attacks and skills by 10%.
REQUIRES: Supreme Gem x4
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Strength +X% abilities.
          MAGIC +3%
EFFECT:   Increases damage/restoration done by magic by 3%.
REQUIRES: Mana Sphere x3
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the
            damage/restoration you do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic +X% abilities.
          MAGIC +5%
EFFECT:   Increases damage/restoration done by magic by 5%.
REQUIRES: Mana Spring x2
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the
            damage/restoration you do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic +X% abilities.
          MAGIC +10%
EFFECT:   Increases damage/restoration done by magic by 10%.
REQUIRES: Black Magic Sphere x1
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the
            damage/restoration you do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic +X% abilities.
          MAGIC +20%
EFFECT:   Increases damage/restoration done by magic by 10%.
REQUIRES: Supreme Gem x4
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the
            damage/restoration you do according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic +X% abilities.
EFFECT:   Automatically attacks after being physically attacked by a target.
REQUIRES: Friend Sphere x1
NOTES:    - Some attacks cannot be countered.
          - Auron's Celestial Weapon, the Masamune, has Counterattack.
          EVADE & COUNTER
EFFECT:   Automatically evades and attacks after being targeted for a physical
          attack by a target.
REQUIRES: Teleport Sphere x1
NOTES:    - Some attacks cannot be evaded and/or countered.
          - Increases chances of evasion significantly.
EFFECT:   Automatically attacks after being magically attacked by a target.
REQUIRES: Shining Gem x16
NOTES:    - Some attacks do damage based on magical stats and formulas, but are
            unable to be countered.
          - Tidus' Celestial Weapon, the Caladbolg, has Magic Counter.
EFFECT:   Increases magic attack power of user, but uses extra MP.
REQUIRES: Turbo Ether x30
NOTES:    - Lulu's Celestial Weapon, the Onion Knight, has Magic Booster.
EFFECT:   Doubles healing effect of items.
REQUIRES: Healing Water x4
NOTES:    - Only increases healing item recovery to a maximum of 9999HP.
          HALF MP COST
EFFECT:   Halves MP cost for any ability.
REQUIRES: Twin Stars x20
NOTES:    - Using in conjunction with MP Booster will cancel the effect out.
          ONE MP COST
EFFECT:   Reduces MP cost for any ability to 1.
REQUIRES: Three Stars x20
NOTES:    - Using in conjunction with MP Booster will use 2MP.
          DOUBLE AP
EFFECT:   Doubles AP received after battle for one character.
REQUIRES: Mega Elixir x20
          TRIPLE AP
EFFECT:   Triple AP received after battle for one character.
REQUIRES: Wings to Discovery x50
          OVERDRIVE -> AP
EFFECT:   All overdrive gain goes straight to AP gain for one character.
REQUIRES: Door to Tomorrow x10
NOTES:    - Overdrive gauge will not fill when this is equipped.
EFFECT:   Overdrive gauge rises faster when character HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Gambler's Spirit x20
NOTES:    - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, Overdrive bonus stops.
EFFECT:   Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast.
REQUIRES: Underdog's Secret x30
EFFECT:   Overdrive gauge rises three times as fast.
REQUIRES: Winning Formula x30
EFFECT:   Doubles the amount of gil received at the end of battle.
REQUIRES: Designer Wallet x30
NOTES:    - Rikku's Celestial Weapon, the Godhand, has Gillionaire.
EFFECT:   Allows characters to exceed the damage limit of 9999, up to a maximum
          of 99999.
REQUIRES: Dark Matter x60

          15. Armour Abilities                               [15ARMA]

          FIRE WARD
EFFECT:   Halves damage received from all fire-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Bomb Fragment x4
EFFECT:   Nullifies damage received from all fire-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Bomb Core x8
          FIRE EATER
EFFECT:   Absorbs damage received from all fire-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Fire Gem x20
EFFECT:   Halves damage received from all thunder-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Electro Marble x4
EFFECT:   Nullifies damage received from all thunder-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Lightning Marble x8
EFFECT:   Absorbs damage received from all thunder-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Lightning Gem x20
          WATER WARD
EFFECT:   Halves damage received from all water-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Fish Scale x4
EFFECT:   Nullifies damage received from all water-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Dragon Scale x8
          WATER EATER
EFFECT:   Absorbs damage received from all water-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Water Gem x20
          ICE WARD
EFFECT:   Halves damage received from all ice-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Antarctic Wind x4
EFFECT:   Nullifies damage received from all ice-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Arctic Wind x8
          ICE EATER
EFFECT:   Absorbs damage received from all ice-based attacks.
REQUIRES: Ice Gem x20
          DARK WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Darkness.
REQUIRES: Eye Drops x40
EFFECT:   Always protects against Darkness.
REQUIRES: Smoke Bomb x20
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          SILENCE WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Silence.
REQUIRES: Echo Screen x30
EFFECT:   Always protects against Silence.
REQUIRES: Silence Grenade x10
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          SLEEP WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Sleep.
REQUIRES: Sleeping Powder x6
EFFECT:   Always protects against Sleep.
REQUIRES: Dream Powder x8
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          POISON WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Poison.
REQUIRES: Antidote x40
EFFECT:   Always protects against Poison.
REQUIRES: Poison Fang x12
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          STONE WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Petrification.
REQUIRES: Soft x30
EFFECT:   Always protects against Petrification.
REQUIRES: Petrify Grenade x20
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          DEATH WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Death.
REQUIRES: Farplane Shadow x15
EFFECT:   Always protects against Death.
REQUIRES: Farplane Wind x60
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          ZOMBIE WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Zombie.
REQUIRES: Holy Water x30
EFFECT:   Always protects against Zombie.
REQUIRES: Candle of Life x10
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          SLOW WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Slow.
REQUIRES: Silver Hourglass x10
EFFECT:   Always protects against Slow.
REQUIRES: Gold Hourglass x20
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          CONFUSE WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Confusion.
REQUIRES: Musk x16
EFFECT:   Always protects against Confusion.
REQUIRES: Musk x48
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          BERSERK WARD
EFFECT:   Sometimes protects against Berserk.
REQUIRES: Hypello Potion x8
EFFECT:   Always protects against Berserk.
REQUIRES: Hypello Potion x32
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
EFFECT:   Always protects against Curse.
REQUIRES: Tetra Elemental x12
NOTES:    - Despite in the in-game description, I've never seen it fail.
          SOS NULBLAZE
EFFECT:   Places character under NulBlaze status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Bomb Core x1
NOTES:    - Can nullify more than one fire-based attack.
          - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS NULSHOCK
EFFECT:   Places character under NulShock status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Lightning Marble x1
NOTES:    - Can nullify more than one thunder-based attack.
          - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS NULTIDE
EFFECT:   Places character under NulTide status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Dragon Scale x1
NOTES:    - Can nullify more than one water-based attack.
          - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS NULFROST
EFFECT:   Places character under NulFrost status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Arctic Wind x1
NOTES:    - Can nullify more than one ice-based attack.
          - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS SHELL
EFFECT:   Places character under Shell status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Lunar Curtain x8
NOTES:    - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS PROTECT
EFFECT:   Places character under Protect status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Light Curtain x8
NOTES:    - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS REFLECT
EFFECT:   Places character under Reflect status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Star Curtain x8
NOTES:    - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS HASTE
EFFECT:   Places character under Haste status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Chocobo Feather x20
NOTES:    - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
          SOS REGEN
EFFECT:   Places character under Regen status once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Healing Spring x12
NOTES:    - Once character recovers more than 50% HP, protection stops.
EFFECT:   Automatically places character under Shell status.
REQUIRES: Lunar Curtain x80
NOTES:    - Halves base restoration of all healing magic.
EFFECT:   Automatically places character under Protect status.
REQUIRES: Light Curtain x70
EFFECT:   Automatically places character under Reflect status.
REQUIRES: Star Curtain x40
EFFECT:   Automatically places character under Haste status.
REQUIRES: Chocobo Wing x80
EFFECT:   Automatically places character under Regen status.
REQUIRES: Healing Spring x80
          DEFENCE +3%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy attack by 3%.
REQUIRES: Power Sphere x3
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Defence +X% abilities.
          DEFENCE +5%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy attack by 5%.
REQUIRES: Stamina Spring x2
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Defence +X% abilities.
          DEFENCE +10%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy attack by 10%.
REQUIRES: Special Sphere x1
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Defence +X% abilities.
          DEFENCE +20%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy attack by 20%.
REQUIRES: Blessed Gem x4
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Defence +X% abilities.
          MAGIC DEFENCE +3%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy magic attack by 3%.
REQUIRES: Mana Sphere x3
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic Defence +X% abilities.
          MAGIC DEFENCE +5%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy magic attack by 5%.
REQUIRES: Mana Spring x2
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic Defence +X% abilities.
          MAGIC DEFENCE +10%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy magic attack by 10%.
REQUIRES: White Magic Sphere x1
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic Defence +X% abilities.
          MAGIC DEFENCE +20%
EFFECT:   Decreases damage inflicted by enemy magic attack by 20%.
REQUIRES: Blessed Gem x4
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but rather the damage you
            receive according to them.
          - Can be compounded with other Magic Defence +X% abilities.
          HP +5%
EFFECT:   Increases HP by 5%.
REQUIRES: X-Potion x5
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other HP +X% abilities.
          HP +10%
EFFECT:   Increases HP by 10%.
REQUIRES: Soul Spring x3
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other HP +X% abilities.
          HP +20%
EFFECT:   Increases HP by 20%.
REQUIRES: Elixir x5
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other HP +X% abilities.
          HP +30%
EFFECT:   Increases HP by 30%.
REQUIRES: Stamina Tonic x1
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other HP +X% abilities.
          MP +5%
EFFECT:   Increases MP by 5%.
REQUIRES: Ether x5
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other MP +X% abilities.
          MP +10%
EFFECT:   Increases MP by 10%.
REQUIRES: Soul Spring x3
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other MP +X% abilities.
          MP +20%
EFFECT:   Increases MP by 20%.
REQUIRES: Elixir x5
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other MP +X% abilities.
          MP +30%
EFFECT:   Increases MP by 30%.
REQUIRES: Mana Tonic x1
NOTES:    - This does not directly affect your stats, but temporarily increases
            them by a percentage.
          - Can be compounded with other MP +X% abilities.
EFFECT:   Automatically use Potion once HP falls below 50%.
REQUIRES: Stamina Tablet x4
NOTES:    - Auto-Potion uses the lowset ranked Potion in your inventory,
            starting with a Potion, then Hi-Potion, Mega-Potion, and then an
          - Effect stops after you run out of Phoenix Downs.
EFFECT:   Automatically use Remedy once afflicted with status.
REQUIRES: Remedy x20
NOTES:    - Despite Remedies being able to cure a wide range of status effects,
            Auto-Med can only cure Darkness, Silence, Poison, and Zombie. All
            other statuses render your characters unusable, and therefore
            statuses such as Petrification and Confuse cannot be cured.
          - Effect stops after you run out of Remedies.
EFFECT:   Automatically use Phoenix Down on KOed character.
REQUIRES: Mega-Phoenix x20
NOTES:    - Effect stops after you run out of Phoenix Downs.
EFFECT:   Sometimes steal rare items.
REQUIRES: Amulet x30
          MASTER THIEF
EFFECT:   Always steal rare items.
REQUIRES: Pendulum x30
          HP STROLL
EFFECT:   Recover character's HP automatically while walking around.
REQUIRES: Stamina Tablet x2
          MP STROLL
EFFECT:   Recover character's MP automatically while walking around.
REQUIRES: Mana Tablet x2
EFFECT:   Eliminates random monster encounters.
REQUIRES: Purifying Salt x30
NOTES:    - Geosgaeno sometimes drops WEAPONS containing this auto-ability.
          BREAK HP LIMIT
EFFECT:   Allows characters to exceed the HP limit of 9999, up to a maximum of
REQUIRES: Wings to Discovery x30
          BREAK MP LIMIT
EFFECT:   Allows characters to exceed the MP limit of 999, up to a maximum of
REQUIRES: Three Stars x30
EFFECT:   Protects against all negative statuses except for Death and Curse.
REQUIRES: Dark Matter x99
NOTES:    - This auto-ability is PAL/International version exclusive.

          16. Frequently Asked Questions                     [16FAQS]

--- [ WARNING ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
This section has some small spoilers. Finish the story at least before you
attempt to find your question here.

Q: I missed/failed the Jecht Shot Challenge on the S.S. Winno, can I do it
A: Certainly can. Just revisit the S.S. Winno when you can (the earliest
   possible time is after you reach the Djose Highroad) and try it as many
   times as you need to.

Q: I sold the Rusty Sowrd! Help!
A: You can't sell the Rusty Sword, nor can you sell any Key Items. Several of
   them disappear after certain events (for example, the Cloudy Mirror is
   upgraded to the Celestial Mirror, or the Rusty Sword disappears when you
   obtain the Masamune).

Q: Does Defence +20% affect Defence after it has been raised to 255?
A: Yes. It has a deceiving ability name. It actually will reduce the damage of
   all physical attacks by 20%. Same goes for Mgaic Defence +X% abilities.

Q: Where can I get Light Curtains? I'd like to customise Auto-Protect.
A: Defeat Fafnir at the Monster Arean to receive 20, or 40 for the Overkill.

Q: Where can I get Chocobo Wings? I'd like to customise Auto-Haste.
A: Bribe Machea (Omega Ruins) for 360000 gil to receive about 60.

Q: Where can I get Level 4 key Spheres?
A: Bribe Chimera Brain (Calm Lands) for 196000 gil to receive 2.

Q: How do you pronounce the lead character's name?
A: There is much debate on this topic. I prefer Tie-Dus, others use Tee-Dus.

Q: I keep getting killed by Malboro/Great Malboro! How can I stop it from using
   Bad Breath?
A: First Strike + Provoke is the answer. Do this, and you won't ever see Bad

Q: I can't access any Temples. Why?
A: If you visit the Highbridge event after you obtain the airship, the only two
   Temples you can't access are Besaid and Macalania, and only then if you have
   the PAL/International version.

Q: How do I open six chests in the Remiem Temple Chocobo Race?
A: You can't. Five is the maximum. The sixth chest is there simply to throw you

Q: Where can I get some empty four-slot weapons and armour from?
A: After you have acquired the airship and have visited the Highbridge, Wantz
   will appear at the entrace to Macalania Woods. You don't have to lend O'aka
   gil for Wantz to appear, or meet any pother requirements. He will ALWAYS be

Q: I missed the destruction sphere in Bevelle! Can I still get Anima?
A: You didn't miss the destruction sphere, as it's impossible to even make it
   out of the Cloister of Trials without using it. You also HAVE to open the
   treasure chest, or you cannot walk forward.

Q: Where is the Chocobo Lady in the Calm Lands?
A: If you "beam down" from the airship, then from where you start near the save
   sphere walk DIRECTLY south without straying even a little. Go far enough
   (it's not a long walk, don't worry) and you see a woman sitting on a
   chocobo. She's the one you want.

Q: I've been told that either Luzzu or Gatta can die during Operation Mi'ihen.
   Is this true, and if so, how can I change who survives?
A: You are given the chance to talk to Gatta twice before the start of the
   Operation. If you tell him the both times he should go down the beach and
   help he will die, and Luzzu will live. If not, Gatta will live and Luzzu
   will die.

Q: What do I need to customise Break HP Limit?
A: 30x Wings to Discovery. However, it should be known that this ability is not
   necessary to beat any boss. More than anything, it's a hinderance. Check out
   the stat maxing section for more details.

Q: I still want Break HP Limit, even though I know it sucks. Where can I get
   Break HP Limit armours from?
A: Nemesis often drops them after you defeat him, as do Dark Aeons. For the
   latter, though, there are often crappy abilities such as Curseproof
   attached to them.

Q: Where do I get Wings to Discovery?
A: You can get thirty by winning the Remiem Temple Chocobo Race and opening
   three chests, without touching any poles. They are also a common drop from
   Shinryu at the Monster Arena.

Q: I just got some weapons with the No AP ability on them... they're useless!
A: These are Celestial Weapons. You need to power them up first, and then they
   become the best possible weapons you cang get.

Q: How do I use Lulu's Overdrive?
A: Spin the RIGHT ANALOG STICK. Direction does not matter, but the more you
   spin it, the more times she will cast a spell. TI always spin it
   counter-clockwise with the palm of my hand. Works like a charm.

Q: How do I defeat <insert boss name>?
A: See the walkthrough for details. Use the contents to find the specific
   location you're in, and then just scroll to find the boss giving you a hard

Q: What does the Blossom Crown do?
A: You need it to unlock the Magus Sisters - a secret set of powerful aeons.
   You also need another item, the Flower Sceptre.

Q: What does the Flower Sceptre do?
A: You need it to unlock the Magus Sisters - a secret set of powerful aeons.
   You also need another item, the Blossom Crown.

Q: I missed out on Omega Weapon's Nova! Does that mean Kimahri can't learn it
A: No. All of Kimahri's Ronso Rages can be learned at any stage of the game. He
   can learn Nova from Nemesis, the ultimate Monster Arena creation.

          17. Thanks                                         [17THKS]

- CJayC: Administrator of GameFAQs, for hosting my guide.
- Leo Chan: FAQ Editor of Neoseeker, for also hosting my guide.
- Stephen Ng: FAQ Editor of IGN, for also hosting my guide.
- Split Infinity: For standing apart from the crowd and making the greatest FFX
  guide of them all (aside from my own, of course). His FAQ was not only an
  inspiration to me, but served as a valuable source of information if I ever
  needed to clarify something. I used several small pieces of factual
  information from his guide. Kudos to Split for his support.
- CB!: For her Monster Arena FAQ and Equipment Remodelling Guide. Many thanks
  to her for being a pioneer writer for this game, and a stellar one at that.
- Theoden: I can't even begin to tell you how much this guy has taught me about
  this game. Many thanks.
- jobber2202497: For his outstanding work in battle mechanics, particulary all
  the bits and pieces regarding the Magus Sisters and Yojimbo. His indirect
  contributions has made this FAQ better than it could have ever been.
- Thundaka: For his help with the Sanctuary Keeeper strategy, and also going
  over this guide with a finetooth comb and weeding out all the little
  mistakes. Because of him, this guide is even better. Thank you!
- AlaskaFox, for his excellent Blitzball FAQ. I still think you're one of the
  best GameFAQs has to offer.
- Dark Locke: For sending me an old file with some stuff I wrote long ago. It
  was a great help, so a big thanks to him.
- DemonSLAYER: His well-written guide served as a great reference file for
  certain things I missed myself, or just didn't know.
- TrueDFX: For pointing out a lack of reading ability on my part.
- Eclesis: For his Blitzball Database, which pertains to the above said lack of
  reading ability, pointed out by TrueDFX.
- PFriedman: For his detailed guide on Overdrives, from which I used some
  information regarding Overdrive modes.
- Stephen Langdon: For pointing out some missing information.
- Adrenaline SL: For the awesome ASCII art you see at the top of this guide.
  She is also a GameFAQs writer, so be sure to check her stuff out.

          18. Contact Information                            [18CONT]

If you have any suggestions, additions, or noticed I have made any mistakes,
contact me over email, at zeroshift[at]gmail[dot]com. Do NOT send me guide
hosting requests, questions answered in this guide, multiple emails with the
same question, or emails with bad spelling or punctuation. Put in the subject
line the name of the FAQ or guide that you are emailing about. This ensures
your email will at least get read. Follow the rules, and you should receive a
reply within about 48 hours. Fail to follow the rules, and your email/s will be
deleted without hesitation.

          19. Copyright Notice                               [19CYRT]

This document is Copyright � 2004 Diomedes. It may be not be reproduced under
any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any
website besides those specified by the author. It may not be distributed
electronically outside of these websites, and it may not be distributed
otherwise at all. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any
public format is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This file
may be hosted on the following sites ONLY:

GameFAQs []
Neoseeker []
IGN []
HonestGamers []
SuperCheats []

          20. Closing                                        [20CLSG]

Well, it looks as though we've come to the end of the guide. I certainly hope
that you enjoyed reading it, but more importantly, I hope it helped you out.
After all, that's one of the reasons I wrote it. If you'd like to check out
some of my other work, look here:

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                                                    Copyright (c) 2005 Diomedes