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How to get a dog cheats for Animal Crossing: Wild World

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How to get a dog

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It`s actually really easy to get a pet dog.I promise,

It`s NOT fake!I can even gove you my friend code and

I can prove it.Anyway,this is how to get a pet dog!!!

1.When Pete comes,shoot him down.He comes usually at

9:00 am and 5:00 pm.He doesn`t come everyday though.

2.Talk to him until he says 'owie..yowii.oww' or something like that.

3.Run and shake the closest tree.Keep shaking until...

4.A dog will pop out.It will say,do you want this dog?

Say yes and you`ll find a leash in your pockets.You can

Also take your dog for walks.

5.If your dog runs off,go to your house and look under

Your bed.Lie down and the dog will be you friend.

6.Therefor,you dog might get too tired if you take him/her for too many walks a day.When you trip,your dogs will also trip.

7.You can also name your dog

8.There you have a dog! [strike]

NOTE: Doesn't seem to qork for everyone - It's not clear which version of the game you have to have for this code to work - or if it works at all.

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