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Ultra balls

Question asked by faragon on
Last Modified:

Ultra balls

Where the hell am I suppost to get ultra balls bicause evrybodys talking about catching zapdos and stuf with ultra balls but I kant find eny enywhere

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kai(beastman) answered:

If you managed to see Zapdos..You should be able to buy the ultra balls from the pokemart.

rko1010 answered:

You will have to go to the place where you fight the eliete 4 and talk to the lady close to the place that you enter the eliete 4 battle area and you can buy some from her. Rko1010

james 7 answered:

It is in the last few cities of the game they are in the market like any other balls

ultimateumbreon answered:

The ultra Balls start appearing in Fuchsia City and every market from there will have them.

gamer342 answered:

Indigo Plateau is the only place I know where you can find them.

Guest answered:

Lol I'm playing right now I'm in sefforon city it's big

Guest answered:

If I remember correctly, I believe Saffron City has it. Celedon city has it too I believe, in
The big mega store. But I'm 100% sure that cinnibar island has ultra balls. Yea and
Capturing Zapdos is extremely difficult. I suggest you save right before you face him.
Have a Pokemon that can use thunder wave him so he can be paralyzed(when hes
Paralyzed, theres a lot greater chance of him not escaping from the pokeball). Then
Attack him with attacks that arent going to kill him, but bring his health as low as you can without making him faint. At that point he should have very low health and be
Paralyzed. Just start throwing ultra balls at him. Its going to take a lot of them. Just
Make sure you buy a lot (like 30-50). The same rule applys to capturing Articuno and
Moltres.(and Mewtwo if you decide on using ultra balls)


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