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How do you get a water stone?

Question asked by daniel lough on
Last Modified:

Question for Pokemon Crystal

How do you get a water stone??i looked everywhere

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Cross Stinger answered:

From the old man in Bill's cottage if he requests to see a Staryu. You can also go to Fisher Tully on Route 42 and register him to have him give you Water Stones occasionally.

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Guest said: 2nd May 2018 | REPORT
Staryu doesn’t have a long toungue, bruh, or at peast that’s what kind of pokémon he wants to see. Do the pokémon cycle or am i screwed from getting a water stone?
8by8 said: 19th Jun 2018 | REPORT
Well considering that I've played in multipule different games, in crystal. And every time he wanted to see a lickitung, I don't think you are screwed, and if you are. Don't worry, your not the only one... Smile
Zelda Fan answered:

You have to buy it at a market.

me who else answered:

You need 2 be in kanto. Go up to cape celuran where misty might be fishing with her boyfrend. Theres a house up there. Complete some missions. You will get other stones too.

coreyjm13 answered:

Go to Fisher Tully on Route 42 and register him to have him give you a Water Stone but he likes to battle more then give things away

8by8 answered:

When you let him see the lickitung he will give you an everstone, he will want to see an Oddish next, once you show him that he will give you will give you a leaf stone... And if you keep doing this he will eventually get to the water stone


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