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how do i get to fight Clair?

Question asked by Luverofdragons on
Last Modified:

how do i get to fight Clair?

I've gone through the Ice Cave and gotten to that town. When I went to the gym there was a person that told me Clair was in the Dragon Cave. I surfed across the water to the Dragon Cave, but there was someone in front of that who said something like "No, only chosen trainers are allowed in here. Please leave..." So, how do I get into the cave or whatever I have to do so I can finish the game?

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alysrune answered:

I agree she is in the gym but don't listen to the guy that wont let you in.

xgamewinner3 answered:

In the gym.

Guest answered:

You have to beat team rocket at radio tower.

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Guest said: 2nd Jul 2016 | REPORT
Did all that still can't fight her he's blocking the gym
Guest answered:

Oh I tried that dark cave next to the wall in black thorn

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Guest said: 25th Sep 2017 | REPORT
Beat Team Rocket in Goldenrod radio tower
Guest answered:

You have to beat Tem Rocket at the Goldenrod Radio Tower. Save the Director then fly(or bike) back to Blackthorn City. The man blocking the door to the gym stepped aside and you can go in. Make sure you bring ice type or electric type Pokémon. They’ll do good against the dragonair(dratini) and the seadra and kingdra. After you beat Clair, you can go into Dragon’s Den and the old man will be on the side. Inside, immediately, you will be challenged by a trainer. You will need whirlpool to continue the game at this point. Surf to the left, use whirlpool, then go into the house. After you pass a test, you can pick up a dratini by talking to the man who tested you.(be optimistic in your answers) After that, as you leave, Professor Elm. Calls.

Guest answered:

You do nothing and wait in the water for 1hour

Guest answered:

You have to defeat Archer at the top floor of the radio tower


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