10 Things Absolutely Broken In Pokemon GO

Reaching Level 40

Ever since Pokemon GO was first released, it has been a nightmare reaching Level 40 for your Trainer’s Level. No matter how much you play, no matter how many Pokemon you catch, no matter Eggs you hatch, really no matter what you do, it will be a long and arduous journey to reach Level 40. The game has been out for almost two years now, and even some of the most dedicated players have yet to reach the greatest of accomplishments in Pokemon GO. Up to Level 20, leveling up your Trainer in Pokemon GO is a breeze. It doesn’t take too much effort to reach Level 20, and it gives players the perception that it won’t be all that hard beyond that. However, the experience needed to level up after reaching Level 20 skyrockets, and this is where most players begin the struggle of climbing the mountain to Level 30.

After reaching Level 30, however, the game gets quite real, quite fast. If you think that reaching Level 30 was difficult enough, then get ready for a real shock after you do. Suddenly, it will take hundreds of thousands of experience to level up, quickly escalating into the millions by the time you reach the mid Level 30s. Seriously, this number is that of imagination, being nothing less than unrealistic. (Yet, some players have reached such an impressive mark.) Even with Raid Battles coming to Pokemon GO and giving players a new avenue of obtaining loads of experience, it will still take most players years (yes, years) to finally reach Level 40. With a game as redundant as Pokemon GO, most players will usually lose the thrill of playing long before they even come close to such a thing.

Posted: 6th May 2018 by Warrior13
pokemon, iPhoneiPad, Android, pokemon go