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Spell List

by Shadow.

88888888888 888                  8888888888 888      888                  
    888     888                  888        888      888                  
    888     888                  888        888      888                  
    888     88888b.   .d88b.     8888888    888  .d88888  .d88b.  888d888 
    888     888 "88b d8P  Y8b    888        888 d88" 888 d8P  Y8b 888P"   
    888     888  888 88888888    888        888 888  888 88888888 888     
    888     888  888 Y8b.        888        888 Y88b 888 Y8b.     888     
    888     888  888  "Y8888     8888888888 888  "Y88888  "Y8888  888     
 .d8888b.                           888 888          
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 "Y888b.    .d8888b 888d888 .d88b.  888 888 .d8888b  
    "Y88b. d88P"    888P"  d88""88b 888 888 88K      
      "888 888      888    888  888 888 888 "Y8888b. 
Y88b  d88P Y88b.    888    Y88..88P 888 888      X88 
 "Y8888P"   "Y8888P 888     "Y88P"  888 888  88888P' 

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This is a Guide which will list all the spells found in the
Shivering Isles and their abilities and where to get them.

 ____   __    ____  __    ____    _____  ____ 
(_  _) /__\  (  _ \(  )  ( ___)  (  _  )( ___)
  )(  /(__)\  ) _ < )(__  )__)    )(_)(  )__) 
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( (__  )(_)(  )  (   )(   )__)  )  (   )(  \__ \
 \___)(_____)(_)\_) (__) (____)(_)\_) (__) (___/


I. Introduction
II. Table of Contents
III. Contacting Me
IV. Version History
VI. Credits
VII. Legal Stuff
VIII. The End

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You may contact me at [email protected] but only for the 
following things.

*Errors in my guide
*Spelling Mistakes
*Constructive Criticism
*Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site

Things you should not email to me:

*Things that have nothing to do with Oblivion
*Hate Mail/Flames

____   ____                  .__               
\   \ /   /___________  _____|__| ____   ____  
 \   Y   // __ \_  __ \/  ___/  |/  _ \ /    \ 
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 \___|_  /|__/____  > |__|  \____/|__|   / ____|
       \/         \/                     \/     


Version Number: 1.0
Date Added: 07/13/07
What's New: Everything

Version Number: 1.1
Date Added: 07/19/07
What's New: Just fixed a few minor things


  _____            _ _   ______      ____  
 / ____|          | | | |  ____/\   / __ \ 
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|_____/| .__/ \___|_|_| |_|/_/    \_\___\_\
       | |                                 

                  Greater Magic
                  Lesser Magic
                  Magic Sold by Earil
                  Magic Sold by Miril Ulven

-Ahjazda's Paranoia
ID: 00081C35
Effects: Frenzy up to level 25 in 50 feet for 10 seconds on Touch
Frenzy 100 points in 50 feet for 10 seconds on Touch
How to get it: Complete the quest "The Coming Storm"

-Blessing of Dementia
ID: 0008F024
Effects: Demoralize up to level 12 in 30 feet for 10 seconds on Target
Demoralize 48pts in 30ft for 10sec on Target
How to get it: You get it during the quest "Through the Fringe of Madness"
You have to use the Dementia door when entering the Shivering Isles for the
first time.

-Blessing of Mania
ID: 0008F024
Effects: Frenzy up to level 12 in 30 feet for 30 seconds on Target
Frenzy 48 points in 30 feet for 30 seconds on Target
How to get it: You get it during the quest "Through the Fringe of Madness"
You have to use the Mania door when entering the Shivering Isles for the
first time.


-Manipulate Weather
ID: 0005DD22
Effects: Manipulate Weather on Self (Changes the current weather in Shivering
Isles and it gives you some temporary abilities for about 30 seconds)
The Effects of Manipulate Weather:

Fog - Detect Life 120 points on Self

Rain - Restore Health 10 points on Self

Fortify Strength 20 points on Self
Fortify Endurance 20 points on Self
Fortify Agility 20 points on Self
Fortify Speed 20 points on Self

Chameleon 75 points on Self
Shield 50 points on Self

Torrential Downpour:
Reflect Damage 30 points on Self
Reflect Spell 30 points on Self 

How to get it: Compete the Main Quest


-Summon Dark Seducer
ID: 00018DBD
Effect: Summon Dark Seducer 120 seconds on Self
How to get: If you become Duke or Duchess of Mania then you get it.

-Summon Dark Seducer
ID: 0003161D
Effect: Summon Dark Seducer 60 seconds on Self
How to get: If you choose to do the Ritual of Dementia during the Ritual
of Accession.

-Summon Flesh Atronach
ID: 00014B35
Effects: Summon Flesh Atronach for 120 seconds on Self
How to get: "During the Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" Quest

-Summon Golden Saint
ID: 00018DBC
Effect: Summon Golden Saint 120 seconds on Self
How to get: If you become Duke or Duchess of Dementia then you get it.

-Summon Golden Saint
ID: 0003161E
Effect: Summon Golden Saint 60 seconds on Self
How to get: If you choose to do the Ritual of Mania during the Ritual
of Accession.

                   ~~Gatekeeper Gifts~~

The gatekeeper gifts are given by activating the gatekeeper after
the Rebuilding the Gatekeeper Quest. You can only have one
gatekeeper gift at a time.

-Angry Mind
Effects: Fortify Willpower 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Arm of Bashing 
ID: 00050C7F
Effects: Fortify Blunt 20 points for 60sec on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Arm of Chopping
ID: 00050C7E
Effects: Fortify Blunt 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Arm of Fire Shielding
ID: 00050C7A
Effects: Fire Shield 20 points for 30 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Arm of Frost Shielding
ID: 00050C7C
Effects: Frost Shield 20 points for 30 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Arm of Shock Shielding
ID: 00050C7B
Effects: Shock Shield 20 points for 30 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Arm of Slashing
ID: 00050C7D
Effects: Fortify Blade 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Breast of Life
ID: 00050C80
Effects: Fortify Health 100 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Breast of Magic
ID: 00050C81
Effects: Fortify Magicka 100 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Heart of Spell Turning
ID: 00050C78
Effects: Fortify Strength 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Heart of Wound Sharing
ID: 00050C79
Effects: Reflect Damage 20 points for 30 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Helm of Power
ID: 00050C77
Effects: Fortify Strength 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Legs of Fortitude
ID: 00050C83
Effects: Fortify Endurance 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

-Legs of Nimbleness
ID: 00050C82
Effects: Fortify Agility 20 points for 60 seconds on Self
How to get it: After you complete "Rebuilding the Gatekeeper" you
can get this as one of the Gatekeeper Gifts by activating him.

                ~Lesser Powers~

-Sheogorath's Protection
ID: 0004BD29
Cost: 100
Effect: Revive at Castle Sheogorath for 120 seconds on self
(When you die in the Shivering Isles you will reappear in
the Palace Throne 
How to get: When you complete the main quest

-Summon Haskill
ID: 00019867
Cost: 0
Effect: Summon Haskill for 5 seconds on Self
(Summons Haskill who will give you some advice on your current
quests, Note that you have to be in Shivering Isles to use this)
How to get: You get it upon reporting back in the quest "Baint the

          ~Spells sold by Earil in Crucible, New Sheoth~

-Summon Decrepit Shambles
ID: 0004DC20
Level: Journeyman
Effects: Summon Decrepit Shambles for 30 seconds on Self
Cost: 135

-Summon Gluttonous Hunger 
ID: 0004DC20 	
Level: Journeyman 	
Effect: Summon Gluttonous Hunger for 20 seconds on Self 
Cost: 122

-Summon Hunger 
ID: 0007E0AF 	 
Level: Apprentice 	 
Effect: Summon Hunger for 20 seconds on Self 	 
Cost: 44

-Summon Ravenous Hunger
ID: 0004DC21 	
Level: Expert 	
Effect: Summon Ravenous Hunger for 20 seconds on Self 	
Cost: 246

-Summon Replete Shambles 	
ID: 0004DC1F 	 
Level: Master 	
Effects: Summon Replete Shambles for 30 seconds on Self 	
Cost: 450

-Summon Shambles 	 
ID: 0004DC1E 
Level: Expert 
Effects: Summon Shambles for 30 seconds on Self 
Cost: 262

-Summon Voracious Hunger
ID: 0004DC22
Level: Master
Effects: Summon Voracious Hunger for 20 seconds on Self 
Cost: 437

-Glimpse of Death 	
ID: 0004DC28 	
Level: Apprentice 	
Effects: Drain Health 60 points for 3 seconds on Touch 
Cost: 50

-Hail Flare 	
ID: 0004DC26 	
Level: Apprentice 	
Effects: Fire Damage 15 points on Target
         Frost Damage 10 points on Target
Cost: 57

-Icy Blaze 	
ID: 0004DC27 	
Level: Journeyman 	
Effects: Fire Damage 25 points on Target
         Frost Damage 20 points on Target
Costs: 120

-Snow Flare 
ID: 0004DC23 	
Level: Novice 	
Effects: Fire Damage 7 points on Target
         Frost Damage 5 points on target
Costs: 21

ID: 0004DC3B 	
Level: Journeyman 	
Effects: Restore Fatigue 40 points on Self
         Restore Health 20 points on Self
Costs: 136

-Rejuvenate Friend 	
ID: 0004DC3E 	
Level: Journeyman 	
Effects: Restore Fatigue 20 points on Target
         Restore Health 10 points on Target
Costs: 126

ID: 0004DC3A 	
Level: Apprentice 	
Effects: Restore Fatigue 20 points on Self
         Restore Health 10 points on Self
Costs: 56

-Remedy Friend 	 
ID: 0004DC3D 	
Level: Apprentice 	
Effects: Restore Fatigue 20 points on Touch
         Restore Health 10 points on Touch
Costs: 56

ID: 0004DC3C 	
Level: Expert 	
Effects: Restore Fatigue 75 points on Self
         Restore Health 35 points on Self
Cost: 289

ID: 0004DC38 	
Level: Novice 	
Effects: Restore Fatigue 10 points on Self
         Restore Health 15 points on Self
Cost: 22

             ~Spells Sold by Mirili in Highscross~

Note: These spells can only be bought after reaching the
Beastiary part of "Taxonomy of Obession."

-Mirili's Apprentice Command 	
ID: 0007B219 	
Level: Apprentice 	
Effects: Command Creature up to level 5 for 30 seconds on Touch
         Command Creature 20 points for 30 seconds on Touch
Costs: 62

-Mirili's Journeyman Command 	
ID: 0007B21A 	
Level: Journeyman 	
Effects: Command Creature up to level 12 for 30 seconds on Touch
         Command Creature 48 points for 30 seconds on Touch
Cost: 191

-Mirili's Expert Command 	
ID: 0007B21B 	
Level: Expert 	
Effects: Command Creature up to level 20 for 30 seconds on Touch
         Command Creature 80 points for 30 seconds on Touch
Cost: 368

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 ##:::..:: ##:::: ##: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:: ##::::: ##:::: ##:::..::
 ##::::::: ########:: ######::: ##:::: ##:: ##::::: ##::::. ######::
 ##::::::: ##.. ##::: ##...:::: ##:::: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::..... ##:
 ##::: ##: ##::. ##:: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:: ##::::: ##::::'##::: ##:
. ######:: ##:::. ##: ########: ########::'####:::: ##::::. ######::

Thanks to me for taking the time to put this together
Thanks to Bethesda for creating this amazing game.

 __       _______   _______      ___       __      
|  |     |   ____| /  _____|    /   \     |  |     
|  |     |  |__   |  |  __     /  ^  \    |  |     
|  |     |   __|  |  | |_ |   /  /_\  \   |  |     
|  `----.|  |____ |  |__| |  /  _____  \  |  `----.
|_______||_______| \______| /__/     \__\ |_______|
     _______.___________. __    __   _______  _______ 
    /       |           ||  |  |  | |   ____||   ____|
   |   (----`---|  |----`|  |  |  | |  |__   |  |__   
    \   \       |  |     |  |  |  | |   __|  |   __|  
.----)   |      |  |     |  `--'  | |  |     |  |     
|_______/       |__|      \______/  |__|     |__|     

This guide is Copyright (c) 2007 ShadowDragon777

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.


please notify me at [email protected] if you see it elsewhere 

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This is the end of the FAQ, thank you for reading it 
and hopefully it was helpful.
