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When I try playing, all my progress, achievements, and gamerscore is cleared...

Question asked by AydenPayne on
Last Modified:

Question for Gears of War 3

When I try playing, all my progress, achievements, and gamerscore is cleared. The only thing that remains is my gamertag. How do I fix this???

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CMBF answered:

This is caused by a corruption of the online saved file, and usually can be corrected by removing your gamertag profile from your Xbox and reloading it from the LIVE service.

Also note that the game saves the data locally BEFORE it is uploaded to the servers. Usually the cause for the corruption is the player dashboarding the game instead of first quitting to the main menu and then exiting the game. If this is what you did, try reloading your Gamertag, but be aware that if the data was corrupted BEFORE it uploaded to the server, recovering your Gamertag will not fix it.

ALWAYS quit to the main menu in the game BEFORE you dashboard to avoid losing your progress.

CMBF answered:

You can try deleting your Gamertag on your Xbox and recovering it - if the problem is a locally corrupted save that should cause the game to pull the information from the server. But be aware that if the corruption happened because you dashboarded out of the game, chances are this will not work since the game saves first locally and then sends the data to the server.

Always quit to the main game menu BEFORE you quit the game to avoid losing your progress this way.


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