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Well Lots of Cheats cheats for Halo: Reach

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Well Lots of Cheats


Hello. I have some cheats for you i know some might be old.

17,000 Credits in 10 minuites

Go to the Oni sword base level and turn on the cowbell skull. This will amplify splash damage. You can use this on any difficulty except easy and also need to turn on team scoring.

Ignore all the enemies you see and run to the locator, pick it up and then aim it back toward the enemies.

Call in the strike and then crouch back behind the gun case. This will give you a check point before the locator gets fired off.

Once that happens, press start and then go back to the last checkpoint.

You should then see the Covenant getting destroyed and you don't need to fire off the locator again!

Then simply keep going back to the last checkpoint you saved.CREDIT TO KILLR20

Armor Lock Glitch

Before you do this, I recommend you pucker up all the patience you have. I didn't and I regret it.

So, obviously for this to work you will need Armor Lock and a Grunt or a crouching second player, the reason for this is that Armor Lock only woks when it's fairly close to the ground, so you need the shortest thing you can get. Try if you can to do the glitch on a taller A.I or player but success is unlikely.

So, for an easier time, turn ON the Tough Luck skull if you're glitching a Grunt because then it won't run away. Stand on top of it, crouch (always crouch) and then try to Armor Lock, for as long as you can.

If the glitch works, then the thing you're Armor Locking on top of will go ballistic and start speeding very quickily in random directions, it will also be engulfed in motion blur because of how fast it's going. So, plenty of things to look out for there. CREDIT GOES TO THE SONERFUL

Asylum Cliff Glitch (OLD) :0(

On Infection, when you spawn as a Spartan, behind you will be a cliff.

Climb the rocks until it says 'return to battlefield' then jump up, run along the flat surface, jump up a little ledge again, then go to the edge of the cliff.

It should stop saying 'return to battlefield' and there's your camping spot. CREDIT GOES TO x birtyyy v1

Boardwalk Camping Area (OLD)

In the boardwalk level where the sniper and shotgun respawn, where the top of the main stair area is, there is a rock on a 45 degree (it is advised that you have sprint on).

Run up it and jump onto the grass area, to the left of you, you will see a tree with a Y shape in it.

Jump into it (this might take a couple of tries) and then jump up to the top of the tree and then jump straight ahead and you're on the platform.

If you're playing infection the zombies can jump up others ways so watch out.CREDIT GOES TO PyrOm4n14c69er

Club Party

Set up a new Alexandria on normal.

You probably need 2 people to do this. There will be a sequence of 4 switches, each one on a building, each checkpoint you will go to a building.

Go to the side of the building and you'll see a switch, hit the switch, go to the next building, hit the switch and so on...

Then you'll come up on the club, go inside, but don't kill anybody and you'll see Bruts and Grunts dancing.

Credits Made Easy

On the level Oni Swordbase, once you get the Warthog go right for the anti-air gun to the west and kill all enemies, but don't activate the gun yet.

Go back to the Warthog and start shooting at the phantom. Eventualy another will appear and do the exact same with them.

This can be done on any difficulty, especially legendary.

Easy Credits

Go to custom games, start a game and leave your Xbox on but dont play it.

Leave it on for about 1 hour 20 mins (not a Super Spartan).

Easy Firfight Achivements and Credits

To do this it is very simple and easy.

All you do is manipulate the settings like skulls, difficulties, weapon damage, ammo and invulnerability and you can easily get the Legendary achievements by simply switching them around.

Legendary with all the skulls on makes the game multiply your scores and when you change the time limit and set it to unlimited, you can gain credits depending on how long you play.

I played for thirty-three minutes and fourty-two seconds and got through the first set.

Theres loads more info this game, right here, with some cheats and tips, answers and Halo: Reach walkthrough.

Added by: Supercheatermario
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