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Achievements for WrestleQuest

There are 100 Achievements for WrestleQuest worth 1000 points
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10 Mugger
Steal 25 Items
10 Hype Type Stripes
Generate Hype with every Hype Type variant
10 Super Slam Bros
Do a Tag Team Gimmick with every combination of characters
10 Threes a Crowd
Perform all Triple Team Gimmicks
10 Gossiper
Talk to 65 different NPCs
10 Ringside Support
Use manager gimmicks 10 times
10 Money to Burn
Spend 50,000 Slambucks
10 I prefer the term "treasure hunter"
Steal 10 Rare Items
10 Rare Form
Get 50 Rare Drops
10 Laser Sight
Get 10 critical hits
15 . . . and profilin'
Find 30 Walk On customization options
15 Signature Move
Use a Wrestler Summon
15 Iconic Gear Afficianado
Collect 1 piece of legendary Wrestler gear
15 A wise man has many advisors
Get 1 legendary Wrestlers as a manager
15 Brainbuster Trust
Get all legendary Wrestlers as managers
Break 200 breakable objects
15 Sniper Scope
Get 20 critical hits
20 Smack Talker
Generate a total of 20 Hype through pre-match smack talk
20 It's Transmorphing Time!
Find all of Vanetta's transformations
20 All Treasure, All Pleasure
Open every treasure chest
30 Third Time's a Charm
Let an enemy kick out twice before pinning them on the third attempt
30 Walk On Collector
Find all of the Walk On customization options
30 Multikill!
Defeat 5 enemies with one maneuver
5 Tag Team Tough Guy
Perform 25 Tag Team Gimmicks
5 Slam, Slam, SLAM
Perform 5 Triple Tag Team Gimmicks
5 Impeccable Timing
Nail 50 button prompts during combat
5 Nailed it!
Nail 200 button prompts during combat
5 Down for the three count!
Pin 10 different enemies
5 The Thrill of Victory
Win 100 battles
5 Toy Craftsman
Craft 1 Item
5 Santa is missing an elf
Craft 15 Items
5 Purse Snatcher
Steal 10 Items
5 Stylin' . . .
Find 10 Walk On customization options
5 Sharp Dressed Man
Fill every equipment slot on one character
5 Toys don't bleed on my watch!
Heal a total of 5,000 HP

Secret Achievements (65)
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