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Full Review for Sonic Adventure DX by Play-And-Cheat

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Sonic Adventure DX is a cool RPG game for any Sonic Fans out there. If you've never played Sonic the Hedgehog before, then give this a go. From playing action-packed levels to looking after the cute Chao, this game has lots of different activities to keep you wanting more!



The graphics in this game are bright and colourful from lush green grass to the sandy yellow beaches. It is one of the first games where Sonic experiences 3D gameplay. It's a great feel when Sonic runs full speed through the levels as it gives you a great adrenaline rush to control him. The speed is quite impressive. The camera, however, is a little dodgy and you might want be be aware of this when playing as it does get quite frustrating. But apart from that, the scenery of the game levels makes a great chance to explore the wide world of Sonic. And last of all, the Chao look so cute with their own little expressions and faces.



The sound is awesome! Very clear speech from everyone. The Chao are especially cute as they talk their own 'Chao language'. And the music is a great! Songs that stick in your head and very catchy. Each character has their own theme tune which is unique and composed specially for the character. For one of the first games where characters actually speak, the Sonic Team have done a great job on finding people to voice act for characters. The game makers have done a great job on sound!



The gameplay is good. Each character has their own little adventure and you get to see the story from different points of view. Adventure mode kicks off with Sonic and has a great storyline to start it all off. Each character have access to different areas so you have a lot of exploring on your hands. Mission mode is a new twist to the game as you have to collect mission cards and complete them. Some missions are to be completed in adventure fields and others in the levels. Easy and hard, you may find some quite frustrating to complete making it slow-paced to finish but it's great way to enjoy this game.



It's a long-lasting game as you have six characters to play and one additional one once finished. The levels are from easy to complicated and you must collect emblems by replaying some of these levels. Missions are probably something that will take up most of your game time as you try and find and complete them all. It's long-lasting but may also get quite frustrating and boring as you try to complete the mission mode for all characters.



I found this game interesting and great fun to play. It has a great storyline, excellent sounds, and the Chao are the most cute and adorable things to play with when you feel like relaxing. Missions are entertaining but some of which are frustrating and may annoy you. The scenery is bright and great to look at. While the camera may need some fine tuning, this game is still a great game to play and is fun for everyone, especially those who have played previous Sonic games before.

Final Score: 86%

Review by: Play-And-Cheat


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