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How to get the Free Crikey! Achievement/Trophy for Ty the Tasmanian Tiger HD

How to get the Free Crikey! Achievement/Trophy

To get the secret Free Crikey! Achievement/trophy you must defeat Crikey the Tiger Shark. In order to defeat this boss you first need to find one of the rafts with food on it and break the container. Then when Crikey is heading over to eat the food have to quickly go into the water and find an oxygen tank which you can easily do by looking for out for bubbles.

Hit the oxygen tank, so it rises to the surface which will attract Crikey who will go to it and begin chewing it. Whilst the oxygen tank is in Crikey's mouth you need to hit it with your Flamerang, so it does damage. Keep repeating until you have defeated Crikey.

Added By Dennis
Mar 12th 2021, ID#1315| REPORT

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