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Question asked by spideyman22 on
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Is there any other way of getting carnage other than playing co-op mode

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AGLJiveTurkey answered:

First save the file the you want onto your pc
Next go into the compressed file and right click on the file inside
once you have right clicked press copy and then pug up your psp to ur computer using a usb cord
click open folder to view files and click on psp and then click on save data or whatever once in there right click again and press paste.
now just unplug everything and play your game
you should see a new save will have everything the description had on gamefaqs
[email protected]
email me your results and if you are satisfied Smile

Guest answered:

I am the biggest carnage fan in the world, so I know everything about him. Sorry, there is no other way to unlock him. If I was creating the game I'd make a cheat for carnage, but you know how dumb people can be. I'm VERY sorry!!!!!!!!!!

Guest answered:

Sry playing through co-op mode is the only way to unlock carnage. I really wish there was a different way.

Guest answered:

My friend k...n is a biggest fan of carnage & spiderman. He know every cheat. He know how to unlock carnage . He is very glad to share the cheats. But I'm very sooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............................:-)

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Guest said: 26th Dec 2012 | REPORT
Tell us the cheat to unlock Carnage please im begging you all characters are unlocked except for Carnage.

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