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Full Review for Pokemon Snap by TVKL

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Once upon a time, Johnathan Gamefreak had an idea. He assembled a focus group of young Pokemon fans and asked them how they'd react to a game about photographing Pokemon. Naturally, the children didn't like the idea. He then asked them if they'd like a game about having your own Pikachu that you could talk to. Hahaha, we all know how that abomination turned out.

But today, we're here to discuss Pokemon Snap, a game noone thought would be good but overcame all odds.



Pokemon Snap doesn't exactly excel when it comes to graphics. It sports 3D models akin to Stadium with bright and pretty textures, as well as comfy and rememberable environments. And hey, at least the animations are better than ORAS, right? That's not saying much though.



Snap was fairly good when it came to sound - each area felt like an actual place. A forest's music felt like an actual ecosystem, a volcano's sound made you feel like you were actually above boiling hot lava, and who could forget Professor Oak and his voice acting?

"You were close!"



As expressed in the introduction, noone expected Snap to be fun. What's fun about just taking pictures, right? But, despite all expectations and odds, it was fun. It was one of the most genuinely enjoyable and laid-back experiences Pokemon has given us so far. The way you interact with the environment, waiting for the exact second to get the perfect shot of that Electrode exploding or Moltres flying away, it was as good as photography gets.



Sadly, Snap doesn't have much in the way of lastability. You could just take every trail again and try to get the perfect shot of every Pokemon in the game, but that's just as fun as catching them all: sounds fun, is not fun at all. Of course, there are lots of reasons to re-visit places, and seeing a legendary bird hatch from it's egg never gets old. It just depends on what entertains you.



As I've said twice now, nobody expected Pokemon Snap to be fun. At all. But it was, and it's more than worth getting it on the Wii's Virtual Console. Many would argue that photographing Pokemon is an oddly specific task that not many would enjoy, but anyone who's played would say otherwise. So, if you have a Wii, the appropriate controller, or maybe even an N64, then I would advise you to not hesitate and get Snap as soon as you can.

Final Score: 64%

Review by: TVKL


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