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I have activated the cheat 'Jack attack' but now I want to be John again...

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Question for Red Dead Redemption

I have activated the cheat 'Jack attack' but now I want to be John again. How do I do it?

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Red Dead Redemption Guide
Red Dead Redemption Guide
In Red Dead Redemption, you play as John Marston, a former outlaw who seeks to leave his violent past behind. But when his family is taken from him,..

Guest answered:

Rockstar games says that's just the way the game ends. You play as jack after john's passing. The only way to get john back is to start sending emails, letters and the like to Rockstar saying "We want John, we want John". Let's bug them about it.

Guest answered:

You can't

Guest answered:

You can, if you did not save after the cheat, by going to youre last saved game

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Guest said: 1st Jul 2015 | REPORT
i feel the same freind

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