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by Sigfriedsfriend

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Ivy Walkthrough - Playstation 2

Written by: Darin Dye
            <[email protected]>

Version 1.00

Begin Date:  3-25-2007
Completed Date: 7-03-2007


All things in and of this game (as well as the other titles) was created
and developed by Namco and the other companies that was involved.

In order to use this document elsewhere you need to have my permission
before usage (getting authorization is as simple as e-mailing me for
permission), and when you do include my name as the author... because 
I'm the rightful author of this document.


Table of Contents

I) Ivy
 A) Character Profile
 B) Weapons
 C) Move List
  1) Horizontal Attacks
  2) Vertical Attacks
  3) Kick Attacks
  4) Simultaneous Attacks
  5) 8-way Run Attacks
  6) Throws
  7) Special Attacks
 D) Attack Chains

II) Tales of Souls
 AA) Path Grid
 BB) Index of Paths
 CC) Path to Night Terror

III) Closing
 AAA) Thanks
 BBB) Frequently Asked Questions

I) Ivy
  Ivy is by far the most complex and most powerful character in the game, in
that she can do the most damage and hit from anywhere and still do well. Getting
to be good at using Ivy can be extremely difficult, but very rewarding if
you can.

A) Character Profile

Age: 32
Birthplace: British Empire/London
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 128 lbs
Birth Date: December 10
Blood Type: Unknown (but they know her weight?)
Weapon: Snake Sword
Weapon Name: Valentine (Ivy Blade)
Discipline: Unrelated Link

   Adoptive parents - deceased
   Father - Cervantes
   Mother - deceased

  Over the course of her journey to remove all traces of
  Soul Edge from the world, Ivy's sword began to change.
  She decided to return to Valentine Mansion to
  investigate the cause. After returning to the Valentine
  mansion, among the books she brought back for
  research she found a particular volume that contained
  detailed descriptions regarding the nature and origin
  of the cursed sword. As she deciphered the ancient
  text, she soon found an account of the spirit sword,
  Soul Calibur -- a sword that restrained the power of the
  evil sword and lent its power to fight against it.

  Just as she deciphered the text, a man with a large
  scythe appeared before her (Zasalamel).

  "Who are you?" she demanded.

  "Did you read the book?" he quietly asked.

  In the silence that followed, the two of them found the
  answer to their respective questions. Ivy drew her
  sword and the white-robed man produced a gigantic

  Fierce combat ensued, but Ivy had to expend more
  mental effort than usual to make her sword obey her
  will. Her moment of hesitation left a slight opening in
  her defense, and she stumbled from the force of a 
  heavy blow. The man with the scythe slowly picked up
  the book about the swords.

  "This is a mistake from my past. The world no longer
  needs this..." As he spoke quietly, crimson flames
  engulfed the book in his hand. He dropped the burning
  book onto the floor and turned to leave.

  "If you wish to learn everything about the cursed 
  sword and the spirit sword, then you should follow the
  knight you know well..."

  Ivy made up her mind. She was going to find the truth.
  If Soul Calibur did in fact exist, she would obtain it
  for herself!

B) Weapons

Valentine (1P)  -  Start With

Valentine (2P)  -  Start with

Viper Edge  -  (1) Increase attack pushback force
               (2) Gaurd Impacts damage your opponent

Dream Blade  -  (1) Auto-Gaurd Impact sometimes
                (2) Auto-Gaurd break sometimes
Alraune  -  (1) Deal damage through defenses
            (2) Recover health by dealing damage

Kaleidoscope  -  (1) Attack Increase
                 (2) Health Regenerates
                 (3) Avoid some Ring Outs
                 (4) Take damage from gaurding

Prototype Ivy Blade  -  (1) Special sound effects
                        (2) Decreased pushback force

The Ancient  -  nothing

To get the Viper Edge, Dream Blade, and Alraune, you need to complete her
Tales of Souls so they all appear in the shop. 

to get the Kaleidoscope, complete the Tales of Souls after buying the
Viper Edge, Dream Blade, and Alraune.

To get The Ancient, you need to either beat Olcadan in Tales of Souls, or
fully complete training mode with her.

C) Move List

A = Horizontal
B = Veritcal
K = Kick
G = Gaurd

d = down
l = left
r = right
u = up

(?) = Hold designated button

! = Unblockable
GB = Gaurd Break
AT = Attack Throw

H = High
L = Low
M = Medium
S = Special

Input ::: Where it hits (Normal Damage/ Counter Damage)

                    1) Horizontal Attacks 

                 [Sword Style]

A A     :::   H H (36/37)
A (A)   :::   H H (24/25 OR 31 if 2nd hit only hits for counter)
d+l+A   :::   L (28/32)
d+A     :::   SL (12/13)
d+r+A   :::   M (22/24 counter stuns)
l+A     :::   H (26/29 counter spins enemy)
r+A     :::   M (20/22)
l+l+A   :::   M (34/39)
r+r+A   :::   H (36/40 enemy stuns and falls down)

While Crouching A   :::   SL (11/12)
While Rising A      :::   M (24/26)
Jump A              :::   M (26/29)

                   [Whip Style]

A A             ::: H H     (20/21)
d+l+A B         ::: L M     (36/38)
d+l+(A)         ::: L       (16/ 38 if counter)
d+A             ::: SL      (10/12)
d+r+A           ::: M       (22/24)
l+A             ::: H       (18/20 Flips enemy around)
l+(A)           ::: H       (18/20) to serpents embrace
r+A A           ::: H M H   (52/44 stuns when counter)
l+l+A           ::: H       (20/22 stuns,spins,and drops enemy if counter)
l+l+(A)         ::: H   (20/22 stun,spin,drop counter) to serpents embrace
r+r+A           ::: M       (28/31 counter knocks down)
quarter away A  ::: H       (80/88) Unblockable

While Crouching A   ::: SL      (10/12)
While Rising A A    ::: M M H   (56/49 stuns when counter)

                    2) Vertical Attacks 

                  [Sword Style]
B B              ::: M M   (38/40)
B (B)            ::: M M   (28/30) to whip
d+l+B            ::: L     (32/35) downs enemy
d+B              ::: M     (18/20)
d+r+B            ::: M     (30/33) launches enemy
l+B              ::: H     (17/19)
r+B              ::: M     (28/31)
r+B+u or u+B+K   ::: H     (15/16) Attack throw to airborne enemy
r+B+u K          ::: H L   (35/36)
l+l+B            ::: H     (42/44) downs enemy
r+r+B            ::: H     (26/29) stuns enemy down

while Crouching B       ::: M    (16/18)
While Crouching d+r+B   ::: L    (22/24)
While Crouching d+l+B   ::: M    (28/31) flips enemy overhead if close
While Rising B          ::: M    (32/35) instant down
Jump B                  ::: SM   (22/24)

                   [Whip Style]
B B                     ::: M M       (22/23)
d+l+B                   ::: L SM SM   (30/31) end downs enemy
d+B                     ::: M         (16/18)
d+r+B                   ::: M         (22/24) launches enemy
d+r+(B)                 ::: M         (22/24) to serpents embrace too
l+B                     ::: H H       (20/21)
r+B                     ::: M         (20/22)
r+B+u or +d             ::: M M       (40/42) turns enemy and to sword
l+l+B B                 ::: M M       (42/44 GB if soul charged)
r+r+B                   ::: M         (30/33) downs enemy
quarter turn away B     ::: M M       (38/40)
quarter turn away (B)   ::: M M       (38/40) to serpents embrace

While Crouching B        ::: M      (15/16)
While Crouching d+r+B    ::: L      (17/18 counter stuns down)
While Crouching d+r+(B)  ::: L SM   (65/62) unblockable if fully charged
While rising B B    ::: M M M M     (48/51 if counter its attack throw)

                    3) Kick Attacks 

                     [Sword Style]
K                     ::: H     (16/18)
d+l+K                 ::: M     (25/26 counter stuns down)
d+K                   ::: L     (10/11)
d+r+K                 ::: M     (18/19)
d+r+(K)               ::: M     (32/35) doubles over and falls
l+K B                 ::: M H   (16/41 if countered)
l+K B K               ::: M H L (30/ no counter version)
r+K                   ::: H     (26/29)
l+l+K                 ::: M     (40/44 GB if soul charged)
r+r+K                 ::: M     (28/31) knocks on butt
r+r+(K)               ::: M     (28/31) to serpents embrace too
quarter turn away K   ::: L     (10/11 stuns down if counter)
        (*) If done to a downed enemy, its an attack throw for (12)

While Crouching K       ::: L   (10/11)
While crouching d+r+K   ::: M   (20/22 knocks on butt if counter)
While rising K          ::: M   (16/18)
Jump K                  ::: M   (22/24) Knocks enemy down

                      [Whip Style]

K                      ::: H    (16/18)
d+l+K                  ::: M    (24/26 stuns down if counter)
d+K                    ::: L    (10/11)
d+r+K                  ::: M    (18/20)
d+r+(K)                ::: M    (32/35) stuns down
l+K                    ::: M    (21/23)
r+K                    ::: H    (26/29 instant down if counter)
l+l+K                  ::: M    (40/44 GB if soul charged) to sword style
r+r+K                  ::: H    (30/33) knocks down
r+r+(K)                ::: H    (40/44) knocks down
quarter turn away K    ::: L    (10/11 stuns down if counter)
        (*) Do to downed enemy for 12 extra damage

while crouching K       ::: L (10/11)
while crouching d+r+K   ::: M (20/22 on butt if counter)
While rising K          ::: M (16/18)

                    4) Simultaneous Attacks

                    [Sword Style]

A+B A                   ::: M L SM   (40/42) downs enemy
d+A+B                   ::: L        (30/33) stuns down
l+A+B B                 ::: MMMMMMM  (35/35) knocks down
r+A+B                   ::: M M      (40/42) knocks down
l+l+A+B                 ::: M        (57/74)
l+l+(A+B)               ::: M        (80/88) unblockable
B+K                     ::: to whip
d+l or d or d+r +B+K    ::: SM       (40/44) to whip and stuns down
d+r+B+K (if close)      ::: H        (40/44) unblockable
l+B+K                   ::: M        (80/88) unblockable
r+B+K                   ::: M AT     (55/58 unblockable if soul charged)

While Rising B+K       ::: MMMM   (36/39)
A+K                    ::: to serpents embrace
d+A+K                  ::: L      (22/24) trips

                     [Whip Style]

A+B B                  ::: MMMMM (61/47 counter stuns massively)
A+B (B)               ::: MMMMMMMMMMMM (71/69 stuns if counter) unblockable
d+A+B                  ::: L AT  (45/47)
d+r+A+B                ::: SM    (30/33)
d+r+(A+B)              ::: SM    (65/71) unblockable
l+A+B B                ::: MMMMMMMMM (35/35)
d+l or d or d+r +B+K   ::: SM   (20/32 unblockable if soul charged) to sword
l+B+K                  ::: M    (80/88) unblockable
r+B+K                  ::: M    (20/22) stuns and AT at farthest distance

While Rising B+K    ::: MMMM    (36/39)
l+l+B+K             ::: M SM    (55/57)
l+l+(B+K)           ::: M SM    (65/65) unblockable

                    5) 8-Way Run Attacks

                    [Sword Style]

(u+r) or (d+r) B    ::: M    (18/22 counter launches enemy)
(u) or (d) A        ::: H    (26/28 counter stuns down)
(u) or (d) B        ::: M    (35/38 GB if soul charged)
(u+l) or (d+l) A    ::: L    (26/29 counter stuns down)

                     [Whip Style]

(r+u) or (r+d) B      ::: M      (26/30) launches enemy
(u) or (d) A          ::: M AT   (40/44)
(u) or (d) A then l   :::        (44/49)
(u) or (d) B          ::: M      (38/42) stuns on butt
(l+u) or (l+d) A A    ::: L L    (36/38)

                    6) Throws

A+G ::: (50)
B+G ::: (55)
Left Side ::: (60)
Right Side ::: (65)
Back Side ::: (75)
r+d,l+u,r,d,r+d,l+d B+G ::: (100)

Whip Only
r+d,l+u,r,d,r+d,l+d A+G ::: (100)

                    7) Special Attacks

Serpents Embrace = A+K
A                   ::: L AT       (45/47)
B B B               ::: M M M      (50/51)
B r+B l+B r+B l+B   ::: MMMMM GB   (80)
K                   ::: M          (30/33 GB if soul Charged)
r+r+K               ::: M          (20/22 GB if soul charged)
A+B                 ::: M          (80/88) unblockable
B+K                 ::: H M        (30) gaurd break
l+B+K               ::: H M        (30) gaurd break
r+B+K               ::: H M        (30) gaurd break

D) Attack Chains

This section deals with combining the lethal combos above. I found these
just by fooling around, if you find another really good combo, let me know
by emailing me at [email protected]. 

BIG NOTE: All this was done under no special weapons, this is base damage

            [Starting From Sword]

ll+A, rr+A, quarter away K (93)

rr+(K), K, B B B (97)

When battle begins... d+r+B+K, d+B+K (60)

A+B A, rr+B, d+l+B (81)

r+B+K, grab (130)

ll+A, l+A, grab (126)

dd+K, dd+B, l+d+B (80)

d+l+K, d+r+(K), quarter away K (83)

d+l+K, ll+K (64)

A+B, while rising B, quarter away K (81)

Soul Charge, dd or uu+B, u+B+K (71)

dd+K, quarter away K (44)

A (A), l+B, dd+B, A+B (B) (143)

A+B A, u+B+K (70)

rr+(K), rr+K, l+B+K, u+B+K (124)

d+r+B+K, d+B+K, B+K, r+B+K, r+B+K, r+d l+u r d r+d l+d B+G (230)

soul charge or have counter l+A, quarter away K, d+l+B+K (60)

soul charge or have counter l+A, rr+(K), rr+K, l+B+K, u+B+K (155)

            [Starting From Whip]

dd+B, A+B (B) (99)

l+B (for the two hits), r+B B (72)

soul charge, d+l or d or d+r B+K, u+B+K (64)

d+K, while rising B B (58)

l+(A), A (65)

rr+B, ll+B B (67)

d+l+B, Soul charge, d+B+K, u+B+K (94)

d+l+B, d+B+K, B+K, r+B+K, d+r u+l d+r d+l d+r d+l B+G (155)

ll+B+K, quarter away A (134)

l+B+K, quarterr away A (160)

l+B, uu+B, A+B (B) (117)

dd+B, A+B, d+r u+l d+r d+l d+r d+l A+G (150)

d+l+B, d+B+K, B+K, r+B+K, r+B+K, r+d l+u r d r+d l+d B+G (220)

II) Tales of Souls
This section shows you the paths and outcomes of Ivy's Tales of Souls
thing in the game. You may encounter an abnormal outcome just out of the blue
in Ivy's storyline, because there's some hidden condition like ringing out
or not ringing out your opponent or whatnot. This irregularity occurs when
fighting Taki and I think Xianghua.

AA) Path Grid

                            |               |
                            |               |
                            |               |
                            A2             B2
                           / \             / \
                          /   \           /   \
                         /     \         /     \
                        C1     A3      B3a     B3b
                        |       |        \     /
                        |       |         \   /
                        |       |          \ /
                        C2     A4----   ---B4
                       /|       |    \ /    |\
                      / |       |     X     | \
                     /  |       |    / \    |  \
                   D1   C3--   A5----   ---B5   E1
                  / |   |   \   |           |    |
                 /  |   |    \  |           |    |
                /   |   |     \ |           |    |
               |   D2   C4     A6          B6   E2
                \   |   | \     |           |    |
                 \  |   |  |    |           |    |
                  \ |   |  |    |           |    |
                   D3   C5 |   A7          B7   E3
                   /|   | \|    |           |    |
                  / |   |  |    |           |    |
                 /  |   |  |    |           |   /
                |  D4   C6 |   A8---------------
                 \  |   |  |    |
                  \ |   |  |    /\
                   \|   | /    /  \
               TO A9a   C7    A9a  A9b
                        | \   \   /
                        |  \   \ /
                        |   \__ |
                        C8      A10
                          \    /
                           \  /

BB) Index of Paths
This can be a very useful section, as I'll tell you who you fight,
what events occur, and what causes the shifting in the paths.

Here is the format just so you understand what all the symbols and stuff mean.

(Place on the Path Grid)
Place of Battle
Who you fight
[Where you go from there]

Valentine Mansion
[Choice 1: Go to A1]
[Choice 2: Go to B1]

*************    Path A    ****************************************

Old Toledo
[Go to A2]

Clock Tower  (!! Press right to dodge !!)
[Choice 1: Go to A3]
[Choice 2, then Choice 1: Go to C1]
[Choice 2, then Choice 2: Go to A3]

Eurydice Shrine
[Colossus Challenge]
[Go to A4]

Romanian Valley  (!! Press left+G to dodge !!)
[Choice 1: Go to B5]
[Choice 2: Go to A5]

Jyurakudai Villa
[Go to A6]

Lotus Garden
[Go to A7]

Water Mill Valley
[Greed Challenge]
[Go to A8]

Lost Cathedral
[Go to Event A9]

(Event A9)
Press right+K to evade a falling cage
[Succeed: Go to A9a]
[Fail: Go to A9b]

(A9a)                  (A9b)
Lost Cathedral         Lost Cathedral
Siegfried              Nightmare
[Go to A10]            [Go to A10]

Destroyed Cathedral (!! Press G to evade !!)
[Go to END]

*************    Path B    ****************************************

Secret Money Pit
Theif, Theif, Voldo
[Go to B2]

[Choice 1: Go to B3a]
[Choice 2: Go to B3b]

(B3a)                            (B3b)
Old Toledo                       Lakeside Coliseum
Cassandra                        Rock
[Doppleganger Challenge]         [3 Shopkeepers Challenge]
[Go to B4]                       [Go to B4]

Clock Tower  (!! Press right to evade !!)
[Have Died Somewhere:  - Choice 1: Go to E1]
                       - Choice 2: Go to A5]
[Currently Undefeated: Go to B5]

Indian Port
[Go to B6]

Underground Sanctum
[Go to B7]

Water Mill Valley
[20 Lizardmen Challenge]
[Go to A8]

*************    Path C    ****************************************

Egyptian Temple
[Keres Challenge]
[Go to C2]

Kunpaetku Shrine Ruin  (!! Press G to evade !!)
[Win by Ring Out: Go to D1]
[Victory by KO: Go to C3]

Proving Grounds
[Choice 1: Go to A6]
[Choice 2: Go to C4]

Grand Labyrinth
[Choice 1: Go to C7]
[Choice 2: Go to C5, Major Life Recovery]

Grand Labyrinth
Unknown Soul (Katana)
[Choice 1: Go to C7]
[Choice 2: Go to C6, Poor Life Recovery]

Grand Labyrinth
Undefeated: Olcadan (only once)
Else: No One Is There
[Go to C7]

Lost Cathedral
[Beat Olcadan: Go to C8]
[Else: Go to A10]

Chaos - Spiritual Realm  (!! press right+K to evade !!)
Night Terror
[Go to END]

*************    Path D    ****************************************

Silk Road Ruin
[Choice 1: Go to D2]
[Choice 2: Go to D3]

Battle in the Straight
[Go to D3]

Pirate Raid
[Choice 1: Go to D4]
[Choice 2: Go to A9a]

[Go to A9a]

*************    Path E    ****************************************

Sacred Mount Fuji
[Go to E2]

Underground Sanctum
[Go to E3] 

Ling-Sheng Su Temple Ruin
Seong Mi-Na
[Hwang Challenge]
[Go to A8]

CC) Path to Night Terror
If you follow this exact path without losing a fight until you've beaten
Olcadan you will face the true final boss: Night Terror.

                Beat Zasalamel

                Choice 1

                Beat Revenant

                Beat Zasalamel Again

                Choice 2
                Choice 1

                Beat Yun-Seong

                Refuse the Challenge

                KO Astaroth

                Beat Kilik

                Choice 2

                Beat Cervantes

                Choice 2

                Beat Unknown Soul

                Choice 2

                Fight Olcadan (must win in one try)

                Zasalamel yet again

                Night Terror

III) Closing
This ending part will update in chunks, mainly because I don't wanna
spend the time to update this guide each time i recieve a question
with it... unless it's a really important question.

MY E-MAIL: [email protected]

AAA) Thanks
To all those who contributed to making my guide complete and more player
friendly... this section goes out to you! (when you e-mail me, let me
know if you wanna be added to the list or kept secret)

The people from Namco and the other companies who made the game

BBB) Frequently Asked Questions

(Since this is a new guide... I haven't gotten any questions, so this
section will definitely be updated at some point)