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I need help on count dooku. Does anyone have a good strategy or a good..

Question asked by Mr.COOL on
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Question for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the sith

I need help on count dooku. Does anyone have a good strategy or a good move or something like that?

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EK answered:

Keep Your distance use speed attacks on openings and your force heal is hopefully at level 2 so you can use it occasionally, this is vital if youve not done it for the past times youve been doing it then be disappointed in yourself.

Hold L1 through the whole battle if you find yourself not able to move quickly let go and hold it in again Good Luck he was my hardest boss but only for the reason that I wasnt using tactics just pure offensive which I learned to regret.

If he spins his lightsaber around strafe backwards quickly as this is a special attack which is impossible to block.

infoguy answered:

This is simple just use obiwan as a distraction and as soon as you get a chance unleash choking on him and just slash away. The next battle with him is harder becaus of obiwan's sleeping problem just hack and slash your way to victory and heal by the edges of the room when possible.

The next round is easier wait until you have a small amount of health then go towards the left and you'll find a stamina booster which not only boosts your health but also brings it back to the top. The last part explains itself just hit him until you win.

the saiyan kid answered:

Yeah I have a very good strategy,first type in xucphra then in adition type in jaina and kaiburr in the code place,then you will have unlimited health and force and all your skills then go and fight coun dooku you should have force lightning so press R2,you have to be facing him or it work so if you hit with the lightning just hold R2 then keep reapitng this.

harrymicflarry answered:

It's pretty easy my stradejy is on the first platform just let obi one do lots of fighting but do some to.when ount duko hits you just go somewhere not near him to heal(r3 l3)while obi one fights then on the next platform just try to get the little gas tanks on the wall and throw them at count duko but still fight on the next platform just destroy the droids and move in on count duko atack and move out ect.then on the last platform just beat the crap out of him

(ps:youse force heal alot)

(pss:try it a about 5 times if it dosnt work just put some cheats in

star wars freak answered:

You will have to type in the infiite health code which is xucphra and all moves thats jaina


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