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Super saiyan

Question asked by kiki man on
Last Modified:

Super saiyan

How do I turn into a super saiyan.... In real life. Somebody tell me plz oh and one more thing how do I use kamehameha

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TwilightPrince answered:

First gather the Dragonballs,then wish to become a Duper Sayian =D
Or Die your hair yellow & have it Spiky =D
Focus your energy into your hands =D
Say kamehameha 10 times.

Hope I helped xD

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sabi said: 29th Dec 2014 | REPORT
first get a great ape and get fuked by dragon...then hahah joking
thespade1 answered:

Listen, Dude if your are really serious about this I suggest you watch the episode of Dragonball Z were Goku turns into a Super Sayin, and then the explantion episode. And if you can't find either one go to or read the rest of this. Like I said, If you really want to know, just fill your self with all the hate you can, tense up your mucsle and let out a scream every now and then, as for the Kamehameha, well, just do pretty much the same thing just leave out the hate part, just concentrate on that at that point in time, and then concentrate on the Super Sayin transformation when you are working on that, good luck with both, and if this really works make a video and put it on limewire or somthing so I can see and try it myself, Oh, or you could put it on youtube, I'm alawys on there just lable it somthing obvious, remember to stay FOCUSED, good luck.

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Guest said: 19th May 2014 | REPORT
woy combo dragon ball budokai apa coxx !

Zethorlu answered:

Hahaha xD =) I think it's most peoples dream to become a super saiyan =) But truthfully... It's physically impossible, the ammount of energy you'd have to emmit to be able to turn your hair blonde and spikey and eyes blue... Would be rather hard to generate =)... You'd probably explode lmao. The aura thing in dragonball z is also impossible which is sad because it'd look really cool =), and kamehameha... Well... It's another energy problem lol =)

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Guest said: 5th Feb 2015 | REPORT
Guest said: 18th Feb 2015 | REPORT
actually the eyes arent blue their green sorry
Shadow1101 answered:

Ok there are 3 things limiting you from being a Super Saiyan. First one is you must have a pure heart either pure evil or good, it does not matter. You then need to experience an extreme emotion, like Goku, who had just saw his best friend dying and was angry at it, or Vegeta who was angry that Goku had surpassed him. Second you must have a high enough power level to acomplish the transformation, not just anyone can become a Super Saiyan. And finally you have to be a Saiyan, or at least half a Saiyan otherwise the transformation is impossible. About the Kamehameha thing , just watch the early Dragonball series when Goku is being taught how to do the technique by Master Roshi. Hope I helped.

Goku(gt) answered:

Dont try too hard!!!!(p.s. Make sure to go to bathroom before you try.....u might fart or worse case shart!!!lmao!!!)

SS3goku1 answered:

Your die you're hir yellow then get really angry then say kamehamha it might work

Loki3055 answered:

Well fine I guess ill humor this lmao just do the thing vegeta tried you kno coming back from near death yea that one will do it deffinetly after wards ull be able to kamahamaha too if you want :P

goku_4_ever answered:

If you wanna becom a ss just power up like goku did in series,thenu can bocom a ss,then get angry,very angry and focused into you're hand then say 100 times kamehameha if it work tell me so I can do also

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Guest said: 25th Apr 2015 | REPORT
it worked ..........joking
Kazuro answered:

Try training in heavier gravity and make sure you keep facing the strongest opponents you can find. You might want to grow out a saiyan tail.

Ophiotaurius answered:

I mean zethorlu

Guest answered:

2 things it only works with anger.
The other thing is that pans grand son (who was 1/16th saiyan went super saiyan so you have to be a guy and have a full blood saiyan in your ancestry

Guest answered:

Meet a alien, fight the alien, the alien kills your friend congratulations you are a super saiyan!


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