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Boss FAQ

by Snappie

 =Rockman ZX Boss FAQ=

 Author: Snap
 Version: 0.9
 Last update: 19/09/2006


 Table of contents

 1. Introductions
 2. Additional info
        2.1 Explanation
        2.2 Boss List
        2.3 List of used terms
 3. Area A
        3.1 Boss: Robotic Snake                            [area_a1]
 4. Area B 
        4.1 Boss: Enemy Fighter Jet                        [area_b1]
 5. Area D
        5.1 Sub-Boss: Bee-copter                           [area_d1]
        5.2 Boss: Rockman Model Z: Girouette               [area_d2]
 6. Area E
        6.1 Sub-Boss: Spike-roller                         [area_e1]
        6.2 Boss: Hivolt the Raptoroid                     [area_e2]
 7. Area F
        7.1 Sub-Boss: Spike-roller 2                       [area_f1]
        7.2 Boss: Luar the Abysroid                        [area_f2]
 8. Area G
        8.1 Boss: Fistleo the Predatoroid                  [area_g1]
 9. Area H
        9.1 Sub-Boss: Giant Metool                         [area_h1]
        9.2 Boss: Purprill the Mandroid                    [area_h2]
 10. Area X
        10.1 Sub-Boss: Troop Droppers                      [area_x1]
        10.2 Boss: Prometheus                              [area_x2]
 11. Area I
        11.1 Sub-Boss: Flying Mechaniloid Type D           [area_i1]
        11.2 Sub-Boss: Flying Mechaniloid Type O           [area_i2]
        11.3 Boss: Hurricanu the Wolveroid                 [area_i3]
 12. Area J
        12.1 Sub-Boss: Mechanical Eels                     [area_j1]
        12.2 Boss: Leganker the Gelroid                    [area_j2]
 13. Area K
        13.1 Sub-Boss: Magma Devil                         [area_k1]
        13.2 Boss: Flammarl the Moleroid                   [area_k2]
 14. Area L
        14.1 Boss: Protectus the Goaroid                   [area_l1]
 15. Area M
        15.1 Sub-Boss: Flying Mechaniloid Type E           [area_m1]
        15.2 Boss: Pandora                                 [area_m2]
 16. Area O
        16.1 Sub-Boss: Troop Droppers                      [area_o1]
        16.2 Sub-Boss: Mechanical Eels 2                   [area_o2]
        16.3 Boss: Prometheus & Pandora Tag Team           [area_o3]
 17. Area D
        17.1 The 8 main bosses                             [area_d3]
        17.2 Boss: Rockman Model V: Serpent                [area_d4]
        17.2 Boss: Ultimate Model V: Serpent               [area_d5]
 18. Area N
        18.1 Secret Boss: Omega                            [area_n1]
 19. Rockman Zero 3 bosses
        19.1 RMZ3 Boss: Blazin' Flizard                    [area_n2]
        19.2 RMZ3 Boss: Hellbat Silt                       [area_n3]
        19.3 RMZ3 Boss: Chilldre Inarabitta                [area_n4]
        19.4 RMZ3 Boss: Deathtants Mantisk                 [area_n5]
 20. Rockman Zero 4 bosses
        20.1 RMZ4 Boss: Noble Mandrago                     [area_n6]
        20.2 RMZ4 Boss: Fenri Lunaedge                     [area_n7]
        20.3 RMZ4 Boss: Sol Titanion                       [area_n8]
        20.4 RMZ4 Boss: Pegasolta Eclair                   [area_n9]
 21. Credits
 22. Copyright


 1. Introductions

 Welcome to my first FAQ ever. I have no idea what to put here, so I'll keep 
 this short. If you have any suggestions or feedback, email me at 
 dod_snap @
 Some of the sub-bosses's names are only mentioned in the data library, but 
 since I can't read Japanese I've made up names for those sub-bosses.
 Also, this FAQ was written based on normal and hard mode, I haven't played 
 easy mode yet but I suppose that the bosses will basicly be the same as 
 normal mode except do less damage.
 If there's a term or attack mentioned that you don't understand, read the
 List of used terms section.


 2.1 Explanation

 This is an example of how I'm going to describe and analyse the bosses.

 Boss: the name of the boss
 Difficulty: the boss's difficulty for normal mode/hard mode
 No. of lifebars: bosses have had multiple lifebars, this is how many
 Recommended Model: the Model you should use for an easy win
 Elemental weakness: the element that will do a lot of damage
 Resisted element: the element that will do no damage
 Livemetal location: the place on the boss's body you shouldn't hit


   *   Attack#1:

                Description of the attack#1

       How to Dodge:

                How to avoid being hit by attack#1


   *   Attack#2:

                Description of the attack#2

       How to Dodge:

                How to avoid being hit by attack#2


        A strategy for an easy win and/or get a lvl4 finish

 Difference normal/hard:

        The differences between normal and hard mode


 2.2 Boss List

        Boss name                    |   Area    |   Difficulty   |     Type
        Robotic Snake                |     A     |      Easy      |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Enemy Fighter Jet            |     B     |    Very Easy   |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Bee-copter                   |     D     |    Very Easy   |   Sub-Boss
        Rockman Model Z: Girouette   |     D     |      Easy      |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Spike-Roller                 |     E     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Hivolt the Raptoroid         |     E     |      Easy      |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Spike-Roller 2               |     F     |    Very Easy   |   Sub-Boss
        Luar the Abysroid            |     F     |   Easy/Medium  |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Fistleo the Predatoroid      |     G     |   Medium/Hard  |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Giant Metool                 |     H     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Purprill the Mandroid        |     H     |   Medium/Hard  |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Troop Droppers               |     X     |   Medium/Hard  |   Sub-Boss
        Prometheus                   |     X     |     Medium     |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Flying Mechaniloid Type D    |     I     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Flying Mechaniloid Type O    |     I     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Hurricanu the Wolveroid      |     I     |      Easy      |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Mechanical Eels              |     J     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Leganker the Gelroid         |     J     |      Easy      |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Magma Devil                  |     K     |   Easy/Medium  |   Sub-Boss
        Flammarl the Moleroid        |     K     |     Medium     |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Protectus the Goaroid        |     L     |   Medium/Hard  |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Flying Mechaniloid Type E    |     M     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Pandora                      |     M     |     Medium     |     Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Troop Droppers               |     O     |   Medium/Hard  |   Sub-Boss
        Mechanical Eels 2            |     O     |      Easy      |   Sub-Boss
        Prometheus & Pandora         |     O     |   Medium/Hard  |     Boss 
                                     |           |                |
        Rockman Model V: Serpent     |     D     |    Easy/Hard   |     Boss
        U-Model V: Serpent           |     D     | Hard/Very hard |  Final Boss
                                     |           |                |
        Omega                        |     N     | Hard/Very hard | Secret Boss
        Rockman Zero 3 bosses        |     N     |                | Secret Boss
        Rockman Zero 4 bosses        |     N     |                | Secret Boss


 2.3 List of various terms

 *   Area: 
        The entire game is mapped in various areas named after letters of 
        the alphabet. There are 16 areas, A, B, C, ... , N, O and X
 *   Sub-boss: 

        A boss you'll encounter about halfway through the stage. Sub-bosses 
        do not have a lifebar and unlike normal bosses you'll encounter them 
        even if you are not playing a mission.

 *   Livemetal: 

        A metal that holds the data and memories of a reploid from the past.
        When combined with a compatible host, it can transform that host into 
        that reploid. There are 8 livemetals in the game: X, Z, H, F, L, 
        P, V and O.

 *   Model: 

        The name of a livemetal, for example, the livemetal of X is called 
        Model X. When your character uses Model X to transform, he/she is 
        called Rockman Model X. Your character can transform into several 
        Models: Model X, Model ZX, Model HX, Model FX, Model LX, Model PX and 
        Model OX.

 *   Element: 

        There are 3 elements in Rockman ZX, fire, ice and thunder.
        Fire is strong against ice, ice is strong against thunder, thunder
        is strong against fire.

 *   Weapon energy bar:

        A bar that will appear next to your lifebar when using Model HX, FX,
        LX or PX. When these 4 Models use charged attacks, weapon energy will
        be used. Without weapon energy these 4 Models can't charge their

 *   Livemetal location: 

        Some bosses have a livemetal stored somewhere inside their body,
        if you hit them at that spot they'll take more damage than elsewhere 
        on their body BUT if you attack them there, you'll damage the 
        livemetal so that's why you have to try to AVOID hitting them there.

 *   Level finish:

        When you beat a boss you'll get a message that says "Level x Finish!"
        x being a number between 1 and 4 which depends on how much you've hit
        the bodypart that holds the livemetal. If you haven't hit it at all 
        you'll get a Level 4 Finish, while if you've hit it every time you'll 
        get a Level 1 Finish. The lower the level, the shorter the weapon 
        energy bar will be when you aquire the livemetal. In that case you'll 
        have to pay energy crystals to repair the livemetal.

 *   Dodge:

        Avoid being hit by an enemy attack by making a move.

 *   Dash:

        Quickly slide forwards, default button is L.

 *   Overdrive (Models HX, FX, LX, PX and OX only):

        Overdrive, also known as O.I.S. (Overdrive Invoke System), will make
        your attacks stronger and, in HX, FX and LX's case, add their element
        to the attack. Using the Overdrive with the above 3 Models means you 
        don't have to charge you weapons to do elemental damage. When you 
        activate Overdrive your weapon energy bar will decrease every second, 
        that's why I suggest to activate Overdrive, attack and immediatly 
        deactivate it again. 
        The default button to activate the Overdrive is A.
        Model OX doesn't have a weapon energy bar but he does have infinite 
        O.I.S. which will give him new attacks.

 *   Charging:

        You can make your weapon do more damage by charging it, to do so, hold
        down the attack button. While you're charging there will be colored
        lights flashing around you, green means that it's half charged, orange
        means that it's fully charged.

 *   Special attacks:

        Some Models have a special attack that is activated by holding down a
        certain button while using a charged attack.

        Model HX: Charge your weapon (orange) then hold down the up button and 
                  release the attack button, HX will create a large tornado in 
                  front of him.

        Model FX: Charge your weapon (orange) then hold down the down button and
                  release the attack button, FX will create a flame wave that 
                  will move forwards.

        Model LX: Charge your weapon (orange) then hold down the up button and
                  release the attack button, LX will create an ice dragon that
                  will target the nearest enemy.

        Model PX: Charge your weapon (orange) then hold down the up button and
                  release the attack button, PX will create a protective shield
                  around him that stops small projectile attacks.


 3.1 Area A: Robotic Snake [area_a1]

 Boss: Robotic Snake
 Difficulty: Easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model X
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: n/a

 *   Poison: 

        The orbs on the snake's body will start flashing, then he'll shoot 4 
        small green orbs at you.

     How to Dodge:

        Stand close to him.

 *   Snake dive: 

        The snake will raise it's head then dive towards the other side of 
        the screen then return to his normal position on the other side of 
        the screen.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash to the middle of the screen.

 *   Rock throw: 

        The snake will retreat, then throw rocks at you with its tail.

     How to Dodge:

        Do a small jump and shoot a charged shot when the rocks appear on 
        screen to destroy them.


     He's what you'd expect from an intro boss, easy. Keep you X-Buster charged
     at all time and fire at his head every chance you get. Dash towards him to
     avoid his poison attack and dash back. Be careful when he reappears on the
     screen, make sure you stand on the opposite side, don't stand in the 

 Difference normal/hard:



 4.1 Area B: Enemy Fighter Jet [area_b1]

 Boss: Enemy Fighter Jet
 Difficulty: Very easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model X
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: n/a


 *   Cargo drop: 

        The jet's cargo doors will open and it will drop 3 boxes on top of 
        each other.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't stand under the cargo doors.


 *   Bouncing balls: 

        The dropped boxes will fire blue laser balls that will bounce towards 

     How to Dodge:

                Dash under the blue laser balls.


     This boss is even easier than the snake since it only does one thing. The 
     jet's cargo doors will open and 3 boxes will fall out of it, unless you 
     stand right under the cargo door you won't get hit. 
     Now you should notice that one of the three boxes looks different than the
     other two, that's the weak spot. As soon as the green orb on that box turns
     red, shoot it with a charged X-Buster shot, this will cause the top box to
     fly upwards and hit the jet. If you didn't shoot it fast enough, the other
     two boxes will start shooting blue laser balls which will slowly bounce 
     towards you but you can easily dash under them. If you're quick enough you
     won't even get to see his second attack. Do this 4 times and he's history.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode, the 2 regular boxes will shoot the blue laser balls 
     immediately after being dropped, on normal mode there's a short delay.


 5.1 Area D: Bee-copter [area_d1]

 Sub-Boss: Bee-copter
 Difficulty: Very easy


 *   Purple lasers: 

        The Bee-copter will shoot 4 purple lasers at different directions.

     How to Dodge:

        Stand on the left of the screen and wait for the last laser beam, 
        jump over that one.


 *   Mini-copters: 

        The Bee-copter will open a hatch and 3 Mini copters will fly towards 

     How to Dodge:

        Just shoot them to destroy them.


        These are basicly the same enemies as in the X1 intro stage, piece of 
        cake. Three charged X-Buster shots does the trick.

 Difference normal/hard:



 5.2 Area D: Rockman Model Z: Girouette [area_d2]

 Boss: Rockman Model Z: Girouette
 Difficulty: Easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model X
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: n/a


 *   Charged saber: 

        Girouette will hit the ground with his saber and 2 rocks will fly up 
        from the ground.

     How to Dodge:

        Keep your distance and they won't hit you. If you're close and can't 
        get away, try to shoot the rocks to destroy them.


 *   Long saber: 

        Girouette will jump up and his saber will extend, then do a long 
        slash attack.

     How to Dodge:

        If you're in a corner, dash under him to get to the other side of the 
        screen, or just keep enough distance between him and you.


 *   Dash attack: 

        Girouette will dash towards you while holding his saber forward.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash away from him if you have enough space or dash jump over him if 
        you're near a corner.


 *   Light beams: 

        Girouette will put his saber in the ground, then light beams will
        shoot up from the ground on both sides of him.

     How to Dodge:

        The beams will never fire twice on the same spot, so wait for at least 
        1 beam to shoot up and after it's gone quickly dash or jump to that 


 *   Z-Divide: 

        Girouette jumps to one of the top corners of the screen and will then 
        move to the opposite bottom corner in a Z or reversed Z formation.

     How to Dodge:

        When he jumps to a top corner, move to the bottom opposite corner as 
        him and wait until he lands on the ground, then dash jump over him 
        when he shoots himself at you.


     Girouette can seem a bit overwhelming at first but he's actually pretty 
     easy. As with the previous bosses, constantly charge your X-Buster to the 
     max and shoot at him every chance you get. 

     Try to keep as much distance between him and you as possible and jump over 
     him or dash under him when you're stuck in a corner, this way, his charged 
     saber and dash attack shouldn't be a problem at all. When he puts his saber
     in the ground, dash away from him, then wait for a light beam to fire and
     when it's gone, quickly move to that spot.

     His Z attack is pretty impressive but not hard to dodge, you should have
     time enough to see it coming and act appropriatly.

 Difference normal/hard:

     His attacks do more damage on hard mode and he's a bit quicker.


 6.1 Area E: Spike-Roller [area_e1]

 Sub-Boss: Spike-Roller
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Charge: 

        The machine will try to hit you by crashing into the wall.

     How to Dodge:

        Stand on the ground when his spikes are raised, climb on the wall when
        his spikes are lowered.


 *   Blue laser: 

        The machine will raise it's spikes and Will fire a huge blue laser.

     How to Dodge:

        Once again, climb the wall.


     Your buster is the weapon of choice here, keep climbing the wall at all 
     times and shoot at him with your buster. Just slide down when his spikes
     are raised and climb up if they're lowered. If he charges at you with his
     spikes raised, stand on the ground and hit him with a charged saber attack 
     for a quick victory.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode, his attacks do a LOT more damage than on normal mode. On 
     normal mode it takes about a second to charge the blue laser, on hard mode 
     it takes less time, so that means less time to dodge. 


 6.2 Area E: Hivolt the Raptoroid [area_e2]

 Boss: Hivolt the Raptoroid
 Difficulty: Easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX, Model LX
 Elemental weakness: Ice
 Resisted element: Fire
 Livemetal location: His wings


 *   Manual claw shots: 

        He'll come down, remove his claws and make them rotate around him. 
        While they're rotating Hivolt will shoot three times two laser shots 
        at you, in a : then .. then : formation. Then with his claws still 
        rotating he'll fly towards you.

     How to Dodge:

        Jump between the first 2 shots, then dash to the lower part to avoid 
        the next 2, then dash back and jump between the last 2 shots again. 
        Wait for him to fly to you then dash under him when you see the 
        opening between his claws.

 *   Auto claw shots: 

        He'll fly on and off the screen twice in an X shape and drop his claws
        in two of the four corners. The claws will then start shooting purple
        laser shots in various directions.

     How to Dodge:

        This attack is kind of random since the shots will always come from 
        different positions. Just dash left and right to avoid the shots 
        coming from a top corner and jump over the shots that come from a 
        bottom corner.


 *   Triple slash: 

        He'll come down and close his wings, then he'll slash two times with 
        them and shoot a vertical wave at you. After his attack he'll fly

     How to Dodge:

        Dash away when you see him come down, let him slash twice, then right 
        before he shoots the wave, dash to the lower part and the wave will 
        fly over you.

 *   Dash: 

        He'll come down and dash towards you.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash away when you see him come down, if he doesn't close his wings 
        like with his triple slash attack that means he'll dash at you. Do a 
        quick dash jump over him.


 *   Laser beams: 

        Hivolt will appear at the top-center of the screen and shoot purple 
        laser beams at the ground, then shoot again in the spots he didn't 
        hit before.

     How to Dodge:

        Before he shoots the lasers you'll see thin red lines where the lasers
        are going to be, quickly move to a spot where there's no red line and
        you won't get hit. After they're gone move to a spot where a laser 
        has been to avoid the second laser attack.


 *   Purple lightning

        Hivolt will fly to the left or right center of the screen and move from
        one side of the screen to the other while he fires a purple lightning
        bolt from his claws.

     How to Dodge:

        I have no idea, this attack is so rare, I've only seen him do it once
        and I've fought against him a lot. The attack was pretty quick and I
        wasn't expecting a new attack at this point so I couldn't dodge it or
        see how to do so. If he ever uses this attack on me again I'll add it


     Hivolt is one of the easiest of the 8 main bosses so a good one to start 
     with. First of all, avoid hitting his wings because that's where his 
     livemetal is stored. Before and after every attack, he will always float
     either on the left or right side of the screen, this is your best chance 
     to hit him. Jump and use your charged saber attack then let him attack and 
     wait for him to return to his normal position to attack him again. If you 
     attack him while he is attacking, chances are you'll hit his wings and 
     damage the livemetal.

     If you're in a hurry you could always shoot at him with the buster while 
     he's using his manual claw shots. His auto claw shots are pretty random so 
     you'll have to improvise a bit there.When he comes all the way down, be 
     sure to move to the other side of the screen so that you have time to dodge
     if he uses his dash attack. If he comes down and moves his wings, that 
     means he'll uses his triple slash. The laser beams are an impressive attack
     but easy to dodge, just pay close attention.

     If you already have Model LX, this fight is very easy. When he's in his 
     normal position, quickly use the Overdrive, slash his legs and turn 
     Overdrive off. That damages him for about half a lifebar.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode, his attacks will come faster, you'll have less time to dodge 
     when he uses the laser attack and the purple laser shots move faster as 


 7.1 Area F: Spike-Roller 2 [area_f1]

 Sub-Boss: Spike-Roller 2
 Difficulty: Very easy


 *   Crush: 

        The conveyor belt pulls you toward him, if you get close to him he'll
        crush you with his spikes.

     How to Dodge:

        Just keep climbing the wall and the conveyor belt can't pull you to 
        him, so he'll have no opportunity to crush you.


 *   Blue laser: 

        The machine will fire a huge blue laser.

     How to Dodge:

        Climb the wall.


     Your buster is the weapon of choice here, keep climbing the wall at all 
     times and shoot at him with your buster and he can't even touch you. You 
     only have to look out for his laser.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode, his attacks do a LOT more damage than on normal mode. On 
     normal mode it takes about a second to charge the blue laser, on hard mode
     it takes less time, so that means less time to dodge. 


 7.2 Area F: Luar the Abysroid [area_f2]

 Boss: Luar the Abysroid
 Difficulty: Easy/Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX, Model FX
 Elemental weakness: Fire
 Resisted element: Thunder
 Livemetal location: Her (tiny) head


 *   Ice spikes: 

        Luar will shoot a series of 2 (3 on hard mode) ice spikes to you from
        7 (6 on hard mode) different angles.

     How to Dodge:

        From the first 2 angles, stand close to her, from the next 3, jump
        over them and from the last 2 angles stand close to her again.
        The same thing for hard mode, stand close from the second 2 angles, 
        jump over the spikes from the next 2 and stand close to her to avoid 
        the spikes from the last 2 angles.


 *   Ice rain: 

        She'll shoot a series of spikey ice balls above you which will then 
        slowly sink to the bottom.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't dodge, destroy them. Jump up and fire a charged buster shot to 
        destroy them all at once and/or slash the ones you missed with your 


 *   Ice wall: 

        She'll come to the bottom of the screen and shoot a wall of ice 
        towards you followed by a large beam.

     How to Dodge:

        Quickly move to the far left of the screen and wait for the ice wall 
        to nearly hit you, then jump as high as you can and when you fall down
        again the beam should have faded away. 
        You can also shoot it back towards her, after a while she'll just give
         up and get rid of it.


 *   Body smash: 

        She'll disappear and her gigantic fish body will appear on the screen
        and try to smash into you.

     How to Dodge: 

        Stay on the far left of the screen.


 *   Missile: 

        Her fish body will appear on screen and its mouth will open, from 
        there it'll fire a big missile at you while she throws ice spikes 
        in your direction.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't worry about the missile yet, the real danger is her ice spikes 
        again. Keep jumping over them until the missile gets close, then just
        jump over it.


 *   Cyclone:

        She'll create a cyclone which will suck you in.

     How to Dodge:

        Just stay on the ground and dash away.


 *   Cyclone 2:

        Her fish body will appear on the screen, open it's mouth and create a
        cyclone which will suck you in while she will do her ice rain attack.

     How to Dodge:

        Just stay on the ground and dash away, destroy the spikey ice balls 
        with your saber.


     The difficulty of this boss depends on the mode you're playing. On normal 
     this boss is easy, stay on the left side of the screen and constantly fire 
     your buster at her. Aim for her tail because the livemetal is in her head.
     The attack she'll use the most is her ice spikes and these are quite easy 
     to dodge once you see through the patern. When she uses the missile attack,
     you can actually shoot the missile and it'll damage her, be sure not to get
     too close to it though.

     On hard mode she's trickier, her ice spikes are harder to dodge since she
     shoots 3 instead of 2 and from 6 angles instead of 7.

     If you have Model FX this battle becomes a whole lot easier, just activate
     Overdrive, shoot a buster shot at her, deactivate Overdrive, repeat and 
     she'll be dead in no time.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode she fires 3 ice spikes from 6 angles, the beam of her ice 
     wall attack lasts a bit longer and her attacks do more damage.


 8.1 Area G: Fistleo the Predatoroid [area_g1]

 Boss: Fistleo the Predatoroid
 Difficulty: Medium/Hard
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model HX, Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: Thunder
 Resisted element: Ice
 Livemetal location: His head


 *   Healing pulse: 

        Fistleo will create a red light around him and will heal himself.

     How to Dodge:



 *   Beast jump: 

        Fistleo will jump around like a mad beast trying to hit you with his 

     How to Dodge:

        Climb the wall on the opposite side of him, when he comes near, jump 
        over him while he's on the ground.


 *   Flame dash: 

        Fistleo will dash to one of the bottom corners leaving a trail of
        flames behind him. When he hits the wall it will send a shockwave up 
        that wall. If you happen to stand between him and the wall he's dashing
        to and he hits you, he'll pick you up and throw you in the air which
        does a lot of damage.

     How to Dodge:

        Stay on the wall on the opposite side of him, when he does this attack,
        wait until he nearly hits the wall, then dash jump the other side of 
        the room. By the time you touch the ground the fire should have faded


 *   Stone drop: 

        Fistleo jumps against the 2 stone blocks stuck in the ceiling which 
        will then fall down, when both blocks are on the ground, he'll dash 
        to the other side of the room, destroying the blocks in the process.

     How to Dodge:

        When he jumps against the first block, quickly come down from the 
        wall and dash under his second jump and keep dashing to the other 
        side of the room so that you're on the opposite side as him before 
        the blocks fall. Once again climb the wall, let him attack then dash
        jump to the other side of the room when he's below you.


 *   Black orbs: 

        He'll only use this attack right after he heals himself. A black orb
        appears before him, then a second black orb will appear on your 
        position and damage you. Then after a short pause another black orb
        will appear on your position.

     How to Dodge:

        Wait for the first black orb to appear, then quickly start moving 
        around like crazy so that the two following black orbs can't lock 
        on to your position.


 *   Powerup: 

        Fistleo will turn with his back to the screen and his body will glow.
        Most of the time he'll use his fireball attack right after this.

     How to Dodge:



 *   Fireballs (aka Wagatamir):

        He'll use this attack after he powers up. He'll jump up to the middle
        of the screen and 2 fireballs will appear above and below him. Then 
        he'll launch himself to the other side of the room followed by the 
        4 fireballs.		

     How to Dodge:

        Stand on the opposite side of the room and wait for him to launch 
        himself at you, when he passes you, quickly do a high dash jump to 
        jump over the 2 lower fireballs. You'll have to time this exactly 


     This guy can be a pain to deal with. The first time you fight him you'll 
     most likely die because he can be all over the screen and there's not 
     really a safe spot where he never comes. His livemetal is in his head and
     it's quite hard not to hit it.

     My advice is, stick to the walls on the opposite side of the room as him 
     at all times, when he comes close to you jump over him or drop down and 
     quickly dash under him. The position on the wall allows you to do long dash
     jumps to instantly get to the other side of the room.

     Use Model HX, activate Overdrive, slash him, deactivate Overdrive, retreat 
     and repeat. The best time to attack is while he's jumping, hit him in 
     mid-air and in the legs to avoid damaging the livemetal. HX's air dash 
     will also make it a lot easier to dodge some of his attacks.

     If you don't have HX yet or you don't have the weapon energy to use the 
     Overdrive, you're in for a hard battle. In that case use Model ZX and 
     attack with mainly the buster, since the saber attacks have high risk of
     hitting his head even if you're trying to avoid hitting it. If you're 
     playing on normal mode you should already have a subtank by now, don't be
     ashamed to use it if you have to. If you're playing on hard mode ... 
     good luck.

 Difference normal/hard:

     His attacks are the same as on normal mode, but his healing pulse will 
     heal him a lot faster and he executes his attacks quicker.


 9.1 Area H: Giant Metool [area_h1]

 Sub-Boss: Giant Metool
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Mini-Metools: 

        He'll shoot mini Metools from the top of his helmet which will slowly
        jump down.

     How to Dodge:

        Stay at a short distance from him, then destroy the mini Metools.


 *   Balloon spit: 

        He'll open his mouth and spit colored balloons which you can destroy. 
        When the balloons pop open it spawns an enemy. Green balloons spawn
        the bee enemies from Area A-3, blue balloons spawn those jumping
        robots from Area C-2, pink balloons spawn those floating orbs from 
        Area B-3.

     How to Dodge:

        Destroy the balloons before they pop open, destroy the enemies of the
        balloons you missed.


 *   Jump: 

        He'll jump to a different location.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash under him or away from him.


 *   UFO attack: 

        He'll withdraw within his helmet, then float to another location.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash away from him, or dash under him while he's moving towards you.


     Use you saber to constantly slash him. Dash away when he spits mini 
     Metools and destroy those first. When he starts spitting balloons, 
     destroy as many as you can. Attack him as fast as you can and he's done
     for in no time.

 Difference normal/hard:



 9.2 Area H: Purprill the Mandroid [area_h2]

 Boss: Purprill the Mandroid
 Difficulty: Medium/Hard
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: His arms


 *   Sand throw: 

        Purprill will throw sand at you coming from the ground.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash away and/or climb the wall.


 *   Bomb throw: 

        Purprill will hang on the ceiling and throw 2 (3 on hard mode) bombs 
        that will bounce on the ground. After a while they'll create an 
        explosion that will last a couple of seconds.

     How to Dodge:

        Stand under him so that you can see in which direction he'll throw
        his bombs, then dash in the opposite direction and climb the wall, 
        then shoot Purprill's head with a charged buster shot to make him 
        fall down. Stay on the wall to avoid being hit by the explosions


 *   Mine throw: 

        Purprill will throw 3 mines in the air, when they hit the ground 
        they'll create a purple aura that lasts a couple of seconds. After 
        throwing the mines he'll cling onto the ceiling.

     How to Dodge:

        Jump to the nearest wall and climb up, shoot a charged buster shot 
        at him when he's trying to grab the ceiling to make him fall down
        again. If he can hang on to the ceiling he'll often use his bomb 
        attack next which is hard to dodge with the purple auras still 
        active on the ground.


 *   Top crusher: 

        He'll change himself into a top and diagonally spin towards the
        opposite wall in an upward direction and back until he's at the top of
        the screen, then he'll return in the same patern.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash to the other side of the room and climb high up the wall, after he
        hits the wall below you fall down to the ground and wait until he hits
        the wall again and then quickly climb up as high as you can. 


 *   Top rubble: 

        He'll do the same thing as his regular top attack, but when he comes
        down he'll get stuck on a wall and rocks will shoot out of the wall.

     How to Dodge:

        If you're standing under him, stay there and wait til the rock rain
        is over, then quickly dash away. If you're on the other side of the
        room, climb the wall as high as possible. 


     This guy's tricky. When he's hanging on the ceiling, walk under him and
     slash his legs with a charged saber attack, but be careful, sometimes 
     he'll just fall down so be sure you're prepared to dash away when he does.
     When he's on the ground, climb the wall on the opposite side of him and
     fire buster shots at his head. Another great opportunity to hit him is 
     right after he uses his mines and he jumps to the ceiling, fire a charged
     buster shot again. When he's hanging on the ceiling and you see he's about
     to use his bombs, quickly slash his legs with a charged saber attack and
     he'll fall down which stops his attack.

     If he jumps to the ceiling while the ground is covered with explosions or 
     purple auras, shoot him down as fast as you can. Personally I find 
     Purprill really annoying since his attacks come fast and they can be 
     everywhere on the screen. Again, don't feel ashamed to use a subtank if 
     you have to.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode he throws 3 bombs instead of 2 and his attacks do more damage.


 10.1 Area X: Troop droppers [area_x1]

 Sub-Boss: Troop droppers + enemy soldiers
 Difficulty: Medium/Hard


 *   Explosive: 

        One of the soldiers will drop an explosive, which after a while will
        explode and shoot fire in 3 directions, left, up and right.

     How to Dodge:

        Just keep your distance and it won't hit you (normal mode), jump over
        the fire shot when it explodes (hard mode).


 *   Buster shots: 

        One of the soldiers will shoot buster shots at you.

      How to Dodge:

        The angle of the shots depend on the position of the soldier, you'll
        have to improvise a bit here. Mostly you can dodge them by dashing 
        away or a small jump.


 *   Body hit: 

        When you destroyed a connection between the Guardian base and the 
        enemy ship, if the soldier that came out of that door is still alive 
        he'll fly towards you.

     How to Dodge:

        As soon as you've destroyed the connection, dash away to the other 
        side of the screen quickly, but be careful, the other soldier could 
        have dropped an explosive.


 *   Purple shots:

        Between the two doors, the enemy ship will shoot purple laser shots at
        you in random directions.

     How to Dodge:

        Try to stay on the sides of the screen as much as you can, they only
        hit the middle area. 


     I like this game, a lot. But there's one boss fight I hate like no other in
     the Zero/ZX game(s), this one. Well, maybe except Phoenix Magnion from 
     Zero 2, I hated that one as well. For some reason I'm terrible at this 
     sub-boss, even though it doesn't seem that hard.

     What happens is, in the background you see enemy ships, they will launch a 
     'chain' which will connect their ship with yours. These chains have a door 
     from which enemy soldiers will spawn. These soldiers will fly around and 
     attack you with their busters and by dropping explosives. The soldiers 
     aren't the real target and killing them is pointless since a new one will
     spawn every time you kill one of them, the real targets are the doors, you
     have to destroy 6 of them. 

     So you have to attack the doors while dodging the attacks of the soldiers. 
     Like other sub-bosses, these things don't have an elemental weakness so 
     normally I'd advise you to use Model ZX. But not this time, the best Model 
     for the job is ... Model FX. As soon as the first chain hits, stand really 
     close to it and start pressing your attack button like crazy. If you have 
     enough weapon energy, activate your Overdrive for extra damage. 
     Since these things don't flinch after you hit them, Model FX allows tons 
     of hits which together will do a lot of damage and destroy them fast.
     This way you can destroy the first door before the soldier of the second 
     door can start flying around, this will make things a lot easier.

     Maybe on normal mode at least but on hard mode this fight is a lot more 
     difficult, the fire shots from the explosives shoot further and they're 
     much harder to dodge because of those mystery purple shots that appear out 
     of nowhere. Anyway even on hard mode I'd still suggest you use FX and use 
     the same strategy.

 Difference normal/hard:

     The fire shots of the explosives have a longer range.


 10.2 Area X: Prometheus [area_x2]

 Boss: Prometheus
 Difficulty: Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: Thunder
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: n/a


 *   Scythe slash + whirlwind: 

        Prometheus will appear in one of the two bottom corners, he'll dash
        forwards while slashing with his scythe, then he'll create a 
        whirlwind that will move upwards.	
     How to Dodge:

        Dash to the other side of the screen and quickly climb on the wall, 
        then when he uses his whirlwind, dash jump to the other side of the 
        screen to jump over the whirlwind.


 *   Spirit spikes: 

        Prometheus will appear at the bottom center of the screen, now he'll 
        summon spikes that'll start moving from the left wall to the ground 
        to the right wall or the other way around.

     How to Dodge:

        When you see him use this attack, watch where the spikes are coming
        and climb the wall on the other side as fast as you can, then do a 
        dash jump to the other side of the room.


 *   Spirit summon: 

        Prometheus will appear at the center of the screen and shoot 4 spirits
        towards the 4 corners of the screen, Prometheus will stay at the 
        center of the screen for the duration of the attack and so will the 
        4 spirits. The spirits will now shoot purple shots at your location.

     How to Dodge:

        This attack looks very hard to dodge when you first fight him but it's 
        in fact kinda easy once you know how. It is sorta difficult to explain
        though but I'll do my best. When he appears at the center of the 
        screen, stand between the spirit on the left and Prometheus, wait 
        until the spirit in the bottom right corner fires a shot. Now quickly
        dash to the right and jump over the shot, then do a regular jump and 
        press left in mid-air to avoid the shot that comes from the top left 
        corner. Now stand between Prometheus and the spirit on the right and 
        repeat this process but the other way around and so on. Here's a short
        video I made that shows how you can easily dodge this attack.
     !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!!

     !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!!


     This boss is awesome, I just love Prometheus and I love to fight him. He 
     ain't easy but luckily he doesn't have a livemetal so you can hit him 
     wherever you like.

     The best weapon for the job is the saber. When the battle starts he'll 
     most likely start with a scythe and whirlwind attack, so dash to the other
     wall and jump over the whirlwind, you can slash him while he jumps up. You
     have another great shot at hitting him when he uses his spirit spikes 
     attack, slash him, climb the wall and dodge the spikes, then slash him 
     again before he disappears. 

     His spirit summon is a very dangerous attack if you don't know how to dodge
     it, I've seen that you can destroy the spirits but I wouldn't advise that, 
     by attacking those you'll only get distracted and get hit by the shots from
     the other spirits. Dodge the spirit shots and attack Prometheus instead.
     Watch the video on how to do it.

 Difference normal/hard:

     His attacks do more damage and the spirit shots are faster. I didn't 
     notice any differences except for those.


 11.1 Area I: Flying Mechaniloid Type D [area_i1]

 Sub-Boss: Flying Mechaniloid Type D
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Downward fly attack: 

        He'll fly upwards but remain on the screen, then he'll fly down and 
        try to bump into you.

     How to Dodge:

        When he flies upwards, dash towards him and stand under him.


 *   Upward fly attack: 

        He'll remove himself from the screen then he'll fly over the ground of
        the entire screen trying to bump into you. 

     How to Dodge:

        When he goes off-screen, dash to the corner of the opposite side of 
        the screen and keep dashing against that side of the screen.


 *   Sound waves: 

        He'll open his mouth and shoot a sound wave over your head, the wave
        will hit the 'wall' and will split up into 2 waves and return to you.

     How to Dodge:

        Wait until the wave splits up in 2 and returns, then jump over the
        bottom wave or just dash under the first one.


 *   Blue laser:

        He'll open his mouth and shoot 3 short lasers that will split up into
        3 directions.

     How to Dodge:

        He can use this attack from 2 positions, when he's flying high, stand
        close to him and the lasers will pass you. If he's flying low, get
        to the opposite side as him and stay as close to the edge of the
        screen as possible.


     This flying mechaniloid resembles a dragon, therefor Type D.
     This is a very easy sub-boss, you can see his attacks coming from a mile 
     away. You can dodge his first 2 attacks by just dashing left and right. 
     After you've dodged an attack, always return to the middle of the screen, 
     attack him and dodge his next attack. Use Model ZX for an easy win, use 
     charged saber + charged buster combos on him and you'll win easily.

 Difference normal/hard:

     He executes his attacks faster giving you less time to dodge on hard mode.


 11.2 Area I: Flying Mechaniloid Type O [area_i2]

 Sub-Boss: Flying Mechaniloid Type O
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Downward fly attack: 

        He'll fly upwards but remain on the screen, then he'll fly down and 
        try to bump into you.

     How to Dodge:

        When he flies upwards, dash towards him and stand under him.


 *   Upward fly attack: 

        He'll remove himself from the screen then he'll fly over the ground of
        the entire screen trying to bump into you. 

     How to Dodge:

        When he goes off-screen, dash to the corner of the opposite side of 
        the screen and keep dashing against that side of the screen.


 *   Sound waves: 

        He'll open his mouth and shoot a sound wave over your head, the wave
        will hit the 'wall' and will split up into 2 waves and return to you.

     How to Dodge:

        Wait until the wave splits up in 2 and returns, then jump over the
        bottom wave or just dash under the first one.


 *   Snake missiles: 

        He'll shoot a few missiles from his tail.

     How to Dodge:

        Just destroy them.


 *   Snake attack:

        He'll remove his tail and let it crawl towards you. Afterwars he
        spawns a new tail.

     How to Dodge:

        Just destroy it with a few slashes.


     This flying mechaniloid resembles Orias, a demon creature that looks like
     a lion with a snake as a tail, therefor Type O. 

     This is a very easy sub-boss, you can see his attacks coming from a mile 
     away. You can dodge his first 2 attacks by just dashing left and right. 
     After you've dodged an attack, always return to the middle of the screen, 
     attack him and dodge his next attack. Use Model ZX for an easy win, use 
     charged saber + charged buster combos on him and you'll win easily.

 Difference normal/hard:

     He executes his attacks faster giving you less time to dodge on hard mode.


 11.3 Area I: Hurricanu the Wolveroid [area_i3]

 Boss: Hurricanu the Wolveroid
 Difficulty: Easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model LX, Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: Ice
 Resisted element: Fire
 Livemetal location: Her neck


 *   Double tornado: 

        She will stand either on the left or the right side of the screen
        and create 2 tornados that will move to the other side of the
        screen, the bottom one will move straight while the top one will
        move in an upwards curve.	

     How to Dodge:

        Climb the wall on the opposite side of her, when she launches the
        tornados, dash jump over the top tornado and land in front of her.


 *   Pink energy waves: 

        She will shoot a pink energy wave at you, when it hits the wall it
        will split into 2, one part will move down and the other will move up.	
     How to Dodge:

        Quickly dash jump to the wall on the opposite side of her and
        immediatly do another dash jump from that wall to jump over the
        wave before it splits up.


 *   Spinning crusher: 

        She'll jump up and out of the screen, then you'll hear a drill-like
        sound. She'll slowly decend while 'drilling' with her legs. She'll
        also move in the same direction that you do, trying to stay above
        you. Then she'll fall down and create 2 electric sparks which will
        bounce towards the wall.	

     How to Dodge:

        Stand still on one side of the screen and don't move. Watch the point
        at the bottom of her 'drill' carefully. When that point is at about
        the center of the screen, quickly dash to the other side of the room 
        and climb the wall. Wait there for the 2 sparks to come then dash 
        jump towards her when the last spark has passed.


 *   Energy wave tornado: 

        Hurricanu will jump to the middle of the screen and create a huge
        tornado there, now energy waves will begin shooting out of the tornado
        on both sides of her.	

     How to Dodge:

        Quickly move to either side so that you don't get trapped in the
        tornado, dash until your character is dashing against the wall then
        stop dashing but run against the wall. Then wait for the energy waves 
        to come down, when a wave is going to shoot at the ground level do a 
        normal jump and don't try to climb on the wall. You'll jump over the 
        bottom wave and you should fall back on the ground before the next wave
        can hit you.


     When you first fight her some attacks may seem hard to dodge but this is 
     actually a really easy boss fight, both on normal and hard mode.

     The livemetal is in her neck, which you probably won't hit by accident, 
     just stand on the ground when you slash her and you won't hit her neck. 
     Don't jump + attack because then you will hit the livemetal for sure. Use
     Model LX and the Overdrive combo, activate slash deactivate, the ice 
     element will do a lot of damage. If you don't have weapon energy for LX, 
     no problem, just use ZX and use regular saber attacks, chances of hitting
     the livemetal are higher if you use the charged saber attack.

     A simple dash jump to the wall and back will dodge the pink energy wave 
     attack and the double tornado attack. Her drill attack is easy to dodge as 
     well, just wait for her and dash away at the right time. The energy wave 
     tornado looks impressive but there's nothing to it, just keep running on 
     the ground and jump when a wave comes towards you.

 Difference normal/hard:

     The different energy waves coming out of the tornado come a lot faster on 
     hard mode. She probably does more damage also but I'm not sure about that,
     I didn't really notice any differences except for the tornado attack.


 12.1 Area J: Mechanical Eels [area_j1]

 Sub-Boss: Mechanical Eels
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Fish summon: 

        4 fish robots will come out of the shell and attack you.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't dodge, destroy them. Slash around a bit and you should kill
        them without being hit.


 *   Yellow eel: 

        The yellow eel will come out of the shell and shoots 3 electric orbs 
        that split up into 3 smaller electric orbs.

     How to Dodge:

        Attack him before he has the chance to shoot them. If you're too late,
        stand as far away from the electric orbs as possible.


 *   Red eel: 

        The red eel will come out and try to damage you by touching you.

     How to Dodge:

        Attack him before he can hit you.


     Stand on top the the shell or whatever it is. When the fish come out, 
     slash around a bit to kill them. When either of the eels come out, quickly
     slash them before they can attack. Piece of cake.

 Difference normal/hard:

        I didn't notice any.


 12.2 Area J: Leganker the Gelroid [area_j2]

 Boss: Leganker the Gelroid
 Difficulty: Easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: Fire
 Resisted element: Thunder
 Livemetal location: Those things that he creates whirlpools with


 *   Spike shot: 

        Leganker will shoot the 4 spikes on his body in the direction that
        they're facing, the spikes will stay there for a few seconds and 
        create ice. If you touch them you will be frozen solid. After a 
        while he'll retract his spikes.

     How to Dodge:

        Stay on the spot where you started the battle and don't move until
        he retracts his spikes.


 *   Chain strike:

        A search light will appear and 'scan' the bottom from right to left.
        If you get caught in the light he'll shoot 2 chains at you. In hard
        mode he'll shoot another 2 after that.

     How to Dodge:

        If you get caught in the light, do a vertical jump up. On hard mode,
        dash to the right when you get back on the ground to avoid the next
        2 chains then return to your previous spot.


 *   Ice dragons:

        He'll create 2 ice dragons that will home in on you.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't dodge, destroy them. Don't move, just wait until the first one
        gets close, use the charged saber to destroy it, then use the charged 
        buster to destroy the second one.


 *   Whirlpools:

        He'll generate 2 whirlpools on each side to try and suck you in.

     How to Dodge:

        When you see that he'll use this attack, keep dashing towards the wall
        and you won't get pulled in. If you do get pulled in somehow, quickly
        press the dash and jump button as much as you can to escape from the


 *   Jellyfish:

        He'll only use this attack if you're using LX to swim to the surface or
        if you're climbing the wall above the water. Instead of ice dragons he
        now creates 2 jellyfish that will come to the surface and start shooting
        purple shots at you, they each shoot 2. You can destroy the jellyfish
        as well.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't go to the surface or out of the water at all and he won't even 
        use this attack. If you do want to go climb the wall ... let one purple 
        shot come to you, then dash jump away from the wall and immediatly fall 
        back to the same wall. You should be able to avoid the shots that way
        but I don't see why you'd want to do this.


 *   Body drop:

        Another attack that he'll only use if you're swimming around with LX or
        climbing the walls above the surface. He'll do a small jump and do a 
        body drop on the water which will cause you to fall and sink to the 
        bottom and be stunned for about 4 seconds. The waves that this attack 
        creates cause damage too.

     How to Dodge:

        Once again, don't go to the surface. If you did ... if you see him make
        a small jump, dash jump away from the wall. His attack won't affect you
        if you're in mid-air.


     This is definatly the easiest of the 8 main bosses. I know that he's weak 
     to fire attacks and that FX has an elemental advantage over him but he's 
     easier to kill using ZX than FX. 

     As soon as the battle begins, stick to your spot, DON'T move, stay at this
     spot for the rest of the battle except for when you dodge an attack. 

     When he shoots his spikes they won't hit you and if you don't move they 
     won't freeze you either. When he summons the ice dragons, use your charged
     saber to destroy the one that comes at you from above and use the charged 
     buster to shoot the one coming from the right. After his search light, 
     just jump and the chains won't hit you either. To 'dodge' his whirlpools 
     just dash a bit and you'll be fine. Whatever you do, don't go to the 
     surface unless you want a harder boss fight.

     Your main weapon here is the charged saber attack. Charge, wait for him to
     finish his attack, jump and slash his second spike to damage his body, fall
     back to your spot and charge again, repeat. This way you won't hit the 
     livemetal either and get an instant Level 4 Finish. Easy.

 Difference normal/hard:

     After the search light he shoots 2 chains followed by another 2 in hard 


 13.1 Area K: Magma Devil [area_k1]

 Sub-Boss: Magma Devil
 Difficulty: Easy/Medium


 *   Lava fist: 

        The lava from his body goes into the pool of lava, then a fist of lava
        will attack you from below. He'll do this 2 or 3 times.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash jump to another position when he's about to strike.


 *   Lava rocks: 

        He will disappear, then rocks of lava will fall down from the ceiling,
        then his mechanical head will fall down.

     How to Dodge:

        Stand in one of the corners, when you see the first rock above you,
        dash to the other corner, then when the rocks are gone dash to the 
        other corner again to avoid his head that falls down.


     The only part of him you can damage is his mechanical head, when he's
     covered in lava you can't damage him. When he attacks he drops his head
     so that's when you strike. 
     You can use Model HX and use the Overdrive since he's weak against
     thunder and it slows down his fist attack by a lot.
     Get him to use his fist attack somewhere then quickly dash jump towards
     his head, dodging his fist, and then slash it.
     If you use HX + Overdrive it shouldn't take more than 5 slashes to kill
     him but even if you use ZX he goes down pretty fast.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode his attacks do more damage and sometimes he will use his fist
     attack after his rock attack without reforming. On normal mode he always
     reforms first between attacks.


 13.2 Area K: Flammarl the Moleroid [area_k2]

 Boss: Flammarl the Moleroid
 Difficulty: Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model HX, Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: Thunder
 Resisted element: Ice
 Livemetal location: His arms/cannons


 *   Flame thrower: 

        He'll shoot fire from his arms that will cover the ground with flames
        and then climb up the wall.

     How to Dodge:

        Dash jump to the wall and climb it, then jump back to the ground as 
        soon as there's a spot without flames available.


 *   Quadruple shot: 

        He'll shoot 4 flame shots into 4 different directions.

     How to Dodge:

        Keep you distance from him and stay on the ground. Wait for him to 
        fire the last shot and jump over that one. The other 3 can't hit you if
        you stay on the ground.


 *   Ground dig: 

        He's a mole, so he does what moles do best, dig. He'll crawl into the
        ground which will cause rocks to jump up. Then he'll move from the 
	bottom of the screen to the top of the screen and crawl into the
        ceiling, once again causing rocks to fall down. He'll repeat this a
        few times. You can see where he'll appear next by looking at the
        lava marks on the ground and ceiling.

     How to Dodge:

        He'll come out of the ground or ceiling where you stand, so the easiest
        thing to do is lure him to one side of the room, then when he's about 
        to attack there quickly move to the other side. Then wait for him there
        and again move to the other side. If there's enough distance between
        him and you the rocks shouldn't hit you but if you think you'll get hit
        by them, climb on the wall.


 *   Lava eruption: 

        He'll call you an idiot in Japanese and stick his arm into the ground.
        Then lava will erupt from the ground on your position and then again on
        your next position. Then he'll stick both arms into the ground and 2
        eruptions will happen at the same time.

     How to Dodge:

        Jump up and press left or right to dodge the first one, then again but
        to the opposite direction. Then when he sticks both arms into the
        ground, quickly dash jump towards him and he should miss you.


     He isn't hard to beat at all, the difficulty is not hitting the livemetal.
     It's in his arms and since he uses his arms for every attack you'll have
     a hard time not hitting it. The best time to attack him is right after his
     flamethrower or quadruple shot attack. Or you can hit his legs while he's
     moving from ground to ceiling or the other way around but that's dangerous
     since you'll probably get hit by the rocks unless you use the buster.

     If you have a lot of energy crystals or you just don't care about FX's
     weapon energy bar, I'd say use HX and use the Overdrive to kill him 
     quickly, but you'll probably hit his livemetal a couple of times.
     If you're going for a Level 4 Finish then I'd suggest you use ZX and use
     your buster.

     His attacks are easy to dodge, even if you fight him for the first time
     you should be able to dodge most of them.

 Difference normal/hard:

     I couldn't really notice any but his attacks probably do more damage in
     hard mode.


 14.1 Area L: Protectus the Goaroid [area_l1]

 Boss: Protectus the Goaroid
 Difficulty: Medium/Hard
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: His body !


 *   Shield: 

        Protectus will create a defensive blue barrier around him which will
        protect him from any damage.

     How to Dodge:

        Destroy it, do triple slashes at it and you'll see the barrier fade
        away after a while.


 *   Missiles: 

        Missiles will drop from the sky and explode when they hit the top

     How to Dodge:

        On normal mode, run against the left or right side of the screen and
        you won't get hit. On hard mode there are more missiles so you kinda
        have to guess when the missiles will come or quickly drop to a lower
        platform when they do.
        Or just don't stand on the top platform.


 *   Nuclear missile: 

        His back will open and he'll shoot a huge missile towards the sky.
        He'll then retracts his head and limbs into his 'shell' and the
        missile will drop down and explode causing a lot of damage.

     How to Dodge:

        Quickly go stand behind him. Only the area in front, below and above
        him will be damaged, behind him is a safe spot.


 *   Drill-missiles: 

        He'll shoot tiny drill missiles from his back which will home in on

     How to Dodge:

        Destroy them. If you can dash under him, do so when the drills are
        close to you, then use a charged saber attack when they follow you to 
        destroy them all at once. If you can't, do the rolling slash attack
        (hold up while jumping and attacking) a few times to destroy them all.


 *   Plasma Bombs: 

        He'll shoot and drop 6 plasma bombs, the same bombs that the soldiers
        earlier in the stage shot at you. The blue ones will shoot lasers on
        their left and right side while the pink ones will shoot lasers on 
        their top and bottom side.

     How to Dodge:

        Quickly stand on a platform that has a pink plasma bomb.


 *   Green plasma: 

        He'll drop a green bomb along with his blue and pink plasma bombs
        (normal mode) or he'll drop 6 green plasma bombs (hard mode).
        Either way, the green bomb will disappear and at random times activate
        and create a green plasma explosion that damages you.

     How to Dodge:

        Don't stand at the location where he threw the green bomb (normal) or
        try to stand under him if possible and wait for the plasma bombs to
        go off. On hard mode it's pretty random.


     It's not beating him that is hard, getting a Level 4 Finish is.
     The livemetal is in his body but take a look, it's huge. You can't damage
     his legs or tail or arms, only his head and his body. So the head is your
     target. You can only hit it when he's not standing on the top platform
     which is an added difficulty.

     To hit his head you need to stand on the top platform mostly but there
     are also missiles falling on that platform, so you'll have to be careful.
     I'd suggest you use Model ZX and the buster, jump to the top platform,
     shoot and immediatly get back to the middle one.
     His plasma bombs are easy to avoid, stand on the same height as a pink
     bomb. His nuclear missile deals a lot of damage so make sure you get
     behind him before it explodes.

     If you're going for a Level 4 Finish this will most likely be a long
     fight, if you don't mind repairing the livemetal just slash his body
     with charged saber attacks and triple slashes.

 Difference normal/hard:

     On hard mode he launces 8 drills instead of 4, his barrier takes a longer
     time to destroy, he sometimes shoots 6 green plasma bombs and there are
     4 missiles coming from the sky instead of 2.


 15.1 Area M: Flying Mechaniloid Type E [area_m1]

 Sub-Boss: Flying Mechaniloid Type E
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Downward fly attack: 

        He'll fly upwards but remain on the screen, then he'll fly down and 
        try to bump into you.

     How to Dodge:

        When he flies upwards, dash towards him and stand under him.


 *   Upward fly attack: 

        He'll remove himself from the screen then he'll fly over the ground of
        the entire screen trying to bump into you. 

     How to Dodge:

        When he goes off-screen, dash to the corner of the opposite side of 
        the screen and keep dashing against that side of the screen.


 *   Sound waves: 

        He'll open his mouth and shoot a sound wave over your head, the wave
        will hit the 'wall' and will split up into 2 waves and return to you.

     How to Dodge:

        Wait until the wave splits up in 2 and returns, then jump over the
        bottom wave or just dash under the first one.


 *   Eagle feathers:

        He'll remove himself from the screen, then 3 of his feathers will
        fall down, then another 4 (or first 4 then 3) covering the entire 

     How to Dodge:

        Wait for him to drop the first set of feathers, destroy one of them 
        and stand where that feather was.


     This flying mechaniloid resembles an eagle, therefor Type E.     

     This is basicly the same sub-boss you fought before only the blue laser
     attack is replaced by another one.
     You can dodge his first 2 attacks by just dashing left and right. 
     After you've dodged an attack, always return to the middle of the screen, 
     attack him and dodge his next attack. Use Model ZX for an easy win, use 
     charged saber + charged buster combos on him and you'll win easily.

 Difference normal/hard:

     He executes his attacks faster giving you less time to dodge on hard mode.


 15.2 Area M: Pandora [area_m2]

 Boss: Pandora
 Difficulty: Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: n/a


 *   Ice jar: 

        Pandora will appear at the left or right center of the screen and create
        her ice jar which consist out of 2 parts, a lower and an upper part.
        Then she'll come down and push the ice jar towards the other wall, when
        it hits the wall the upper and lower parts will be disconnected from 
        each other. The ice jar will continue to move from wall to wall for a
        while, both parts will move left and right but meanwhile the upper
        part also bounces up and down. 
        The bottom part moves in a horizontal line while the upper part moves
        in a wave patern.
     How to Dodge:

        It depends on what mode you're playing. On normal mode you can easily
        jump between the 2 parts when the upper part bounces up. On hard mode
	you have very little space for that. Climb a wall instead but be
        careful because when the jar hits the wall you'll fall down. 
        Do a small dash jump away from the wall when the jar is about to hit the
        wall, make sure you're in mid-air when it does.


 *   Electric 'snakes': 

        Pandora will appear at the top left or top right of the screen and 
        shoot 4 electric snake-like things that will move based on your actions.
     How to Dodge:

        The easiest way to dodge is to stand on the other side of the room, wait
        for the first one and dash jump over that one, the second one should 
        pass you if you timed your jump right, then jump over the third one and 
        go stand under her so that the fourth one won't hit you either.


 *   Ice shurikens: 

        Pandora will appear at the top of the screen and remove those 2 parts on
        her head she used to scan for Model X and Z's passcodes after you fought
        Girouette. She'll disappear and the 2 parts will start shooting 4 ice
        shurikens in different directions. 
        The first one will shoot in a + formation while the second 
        will shoot in a x formation.
     How to Dodge:

        Depending on which mode you're playing, they'll shoot a couple of times
        and you could try to dodge them all but you can also hit them which
        causes them to disappear faster. 
        Stand on the left of the + part since that one's the easiest to dodge 
        and use a charged slash and buster shot on it, then quickle triple 
        slash it and they should disappear.


 *   Floating aura: 

        Pandora will appear somewhere on the ground, 2 green auras will appear 
        on her body and she'll start floating upwards while moving from wall to
        wall and trying to bump into you with her auras.
     How to Dodge:

        When she appears on the ground, immediatly climb the nearest wall and
        wait until she's floating upwards. When she is at the other wall, jump


     Another really fun fight in my opinion but just like Prometheus she isn't
     too hard to beat. She uses elemental attacks but your elemental attacks
     don't do much damage to her so just use Model ZX and use charged saber

     The best opportunity to hit her is probably when she uses the ice jar.
     Slash her before she creates it, then use the wall on the other side to
     dash jump over the ice jar and hit her before she disappears. When she 
     uses her electric attack you can quickly climb the wall and hit her with
     your buster before dodging it.

 Difference normal/hard:

     Her attacks do more damage on hard mode and the upper part of the ice jar
     doesn't bounce as high which hardly gives you any space to dash jump 
     between the 2 parts.


 16.1 Area O: Troop droppers [area_o1]

 Sub-Boss: Troop droppers + enemy soldiers
 Difficulty: Medium/hard


 *   Explosive: 

        One of the soldiers will drop an explosive, which after a while will
        explode and shoot fire in 3 directions, left, up and right.

     How to Dodge:

        Just keep your distance and it won't hit you (normal mode), jump over
        the fire shot when it explodes (hard mode).


 *   Buster shots: 

        One of the soldiers will shoot buster shots at you.

      How to Dodge:

        The angle of the shots depend on the position of the soldier, you'll
        have to improvise a bit here. Mostly you can dodge them by dashing 
        away or a small jump.


 *   Body hit: 

        When you destroyed a connection between the Guardian base and the 
        enemy ship, if the soldier that came out of that door is still alive 
        he'll fly towards you.

     How to Dodge:

        As soon as you've destroyed the connection, dash away to the other 
        side of the screen quickly, but be careful, the other soldier could 
        have dropped an explosive.


 *   Purple shots:

        Between the two doors, the enemy ship will shoot purple laser shots at
        you in random directions.

     How to Dodge:

        Try to stay on the sides of the screen as much as you can, they only
        hit the middle area. 


     Whoopeedoo, this is exactly the same enemy as you've fought in area X.
     Same strategy, use Model FX and Overdrive if you have the weapon energy
     for it and you'll eventually beat it.

 Difference normal/hard:

     The fire shots of the explosives have a longer range.


 16.2 Area O: Mechanical Eels 2 [area_o2]

 Sub-Boss: Mechanical Eels 2
 Difficulty: Easy


 *   Blue eels: 

        4 blue eels will come out of the shell and each fire a blue shot
        at you, 3 times. On hard mode the shots will bounce back if they
        hit a wall.

     How to Dodge:

        Stand on top of the shell, first destroy the 2 blue eels next to you. 
        Jump over the first shot, because you jumped, the second shots will
        be aimed higher so dash under those and jump over the last 2 shots


 *   Yellow eel: 

        The yellow eel will come out of the shell and shoots 3 electric orbs 
        that split up into 3 smaller electric orbs.

     How to Dodge:

        Attack him before he has the chance to shoot them. If you're too late,
        stand as far away from the electric orbs as possible.


 *   Red eel: 

        The red eel will come out and try to damage you by touching you.

     How to Dodge:

        Attack him before he can hit you.


     They aren't really eels since they aren't under water but it's basicly
     the same boss so I gave them the same name.     

     Stand on top the the shell or whatever it is. When the eels come out,
     destroy the upper two then dodge the shots of the other two.
     When the red or yellow eel comes out, slash them before they can attack. 
     Piece of cake.

 Difference normal/hard:

     The blue shots bounce back when they hit a wall on hard mode.


 16.3 Area O: Prometheus & Pandora [area_o3]

 Boss: Prometheus & Pandora tag team
 Difficulty: Medium/Hard
 No. of lifebars: 3
 Recommended Model: Model ZX, Model HX
 Elemental weakness: Thunder (Prometheus)
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: n/a


 *   Ice jar: 

        Pandora will appear at the left or right center of the screen and create
        her ice jar which is this time just one part.
        She'll then throw the ice jar and it will bounce around, first a low
        bounce then a high bounce.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash from left to right to avoid it and dash under it when it does a 
        high bounce.


 *   Scythe slash + whirlwind: 

        Prometheus will appear in one of the two bottom corners, he'll dash
        forwards while slashing with his scythe, then he'll create a 
        whirlwind that will move upwards. This attack comes mostly after
        Pandora's ice jar.	
     How to Dodge:

        When you fought him in Area X there were walls you could use to dodge
        this attack but not this time.
        When he appears in one of the corners, attack him with a charged saber
        or buster and he'll stop for a second or so, this gives you the time
        to jump over him before he uses the whirlwind.


 *   Spirit summon: 

        Prometheus will appear at the center of the screen and shoot 4 spirits
        towards the 4 corners of the screen, Prometheus will stay at the 
        center of the screen for the duration of the attack and so will the 
        4 spirits. The spirits will now shoot purple shots at your location.

     How to Dodge:

        This attack hasn't changed at all, so dodge in the same way.     
        When he appears at the center of the screen, stand between the spirit 
        on the left and Prometheus, wait until the spirit in the bottom right 
        corner fires a shot. Now quickly dash to the right and jump over the 
        shot, then do a regular jump and press left in mid-air to avoid the 
        shot that comes from the top left corner. Now stand between Prometheus 
        and the spirit on the right and repeat this process but the other way 
        around and so on. Here's a video showing how you can easily dodge this

     !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!!

     !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!! !!!!VIDEO!!!!


 *   Electric 'snakes': 

        Pandora will appear at the top left or top right of the screen and 
        shoot 4 electric snake-like things that will move based on your actions.
     How to Dodge:

        This attack hasn't changed either.        

        The easiest way to dodge is to stand on the other side of the room, wait
        for the first one and dash jump over that one, the second one should 
        pass you if you timed your jump right, then jump over the third one and 
        go stand under her so that the fourth one won't hit you either.


 *   Elemental combo: 

        Pandora will appear at the top center of the screen and remove those 2
        parts from her head again. Each will go to one side of the screen, the
        one on the left will shoot electric orbs to you, the one on the right
        will shoot ice shurikens at you. Both parts will switch angles during
        the attack.
        Afterwards Pandora will disappear and Prometheus will attack from above,
        crashing into the ground which causes 4 large flames to jump up from
        the ground.
     How to Dodge:

        Pandora's attack is easy to dodge, just stand in the middle of the 
        screen and both attacks will pass over your head. Now very very slowly
        walk a bit to the left as the angle of the electric orbs lowers, then
        very very slowly walk a bit to the right when the angle of the ice 
        shurikens gets lower.
        Or you can stand on the far left on the screen and 

        Now for Prometheus, he'll attack on your position, so stay in the middle
	then when he attacks dash to the left or right, there will be a small
        opening between 2 flames, your opening. 


     The ice jar isn't a threat at all this time, just dash under it. The spirit
     attack is identical to last time so if you could dodge it then you can do
     it now as well. Same goes for Pandora's electric snake thingies. Their 
     combo attack shouldn't be a problem either, if you've seen it once you 
     should be able to dodge it. You could have some problems with Prometheus 
     his scythe attack since you don't have a wall this time, it takes a bit of

     I only use charged saber attacks for this battle but I've seen someone play
     with mostly the buster so it's up to you.
     The only reason why I always use Model ZX in this battle is because it's 
     such a fun fight. If you want you can beat them in less than 10 seconds if
     you're a bit lucky and without taking damage at all (even on hard mode), 
     here's how. Before the battle transform into HX and charge both weapons. 
     When Prometheus uses his spirit attack or Pandora her electric snake 
     attack,activate the Overdrive and use the tornado attack, it will deal 1 
     and a half lifebar worth of damage, 2 tornados and they're finished.
     If Prometheus starts with his spirit attack you can use 2 tornados on him 
     and win the battle in a few seconds.

 Difference normal/hard:

     Their attacks do more damage on hard mode.


 17.1 Area D: The 8 main bosses [area_d3]

 When you enter the final stage of the game: Serpent Company, you'll have to
 take on all 8 main bosses again before you get to fight the final boss.
 There are 4 rooms with each 2 teleporters that lead to a boss fight, this
 is which teleporter leads to which boss.

 Room 1:
        Left teleporter: Hivolt the Raptoroid
        Right teleporter: Hurricanu the Wolveroid

 Room 2:

        Left teleporter: Luar the Abysroid
        Right teleporter: Leganker the Gelroid

 Room 3:

        Left teleporter: Fistleo the Predatoroid
        Right teleporter: Flammarl the Moleroid

 Room 4:

        Left teleporter: Purprill the Mandroid
        Right teleporter: Protectus the Goaroid


 17.2 Area D: Rockman Model V: Serpent [area_d4]

 Boss: Rockman Model V: Serpent
 Difficulty: Easy/Hard
 No. of lifebars: 3
 Recommended Model: Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: none


 *   V-shot: 

        Serpent will shoot 5 mini shots in a > (from the right) formation.
     How to Dodge:

        Climb high up the wall.


 *   V-shot 2: 

        Serpent will jump up and shoot 5 mini shots in a diagonal V 
     How to Dodge:

        Keep your distance or quickly dash away if you're close to him.


 *   Uppercut: 

        Serpent will jump up and do an uppercut.
     How to Dodge:

        Keep your distance or quickly dash away if you're close to him.


 *   Slide: 

        Serpent will slide towards you in classic Rockman style.
     How to Dodge:

        Keep your distance or quickly dash away if you're close to him.


 *   Purple orb: 

        Serpent will create a huge purple orb in front of him that will
        slowly make its way to you.
     How to Dodge:

        Hit it with a charged buster and saber combo, it'll turn blue,
        return to him and damage him if he gets hit by it.


 *   V-saber: 

        When his health is low and you attack him, he'll teleport away and
        appear above you. He'll attack with a downwards saber strike just 
        like the EX skill from Zero 4 but bigger. On hard mode 4 tiny purple
        lasers will shoot in different directions after he hit the ground.
     How to Dodge:

        Quickly dash away if you see him appear above you.


 *   Overdrive: 

        That's right, Model V has an Overdrive as well. He'll glow purple
        and his attack will not only do more damage but his V-shots also
        move a lot faster.
     How to Dodge:



     Both easy and hard, how can that be you ask? Simple, on normal mode he's
     a pushover, on hard mode he's ... hard. 

     Almost all his attacks can easily be dodged by just keeping distance and
     sticking as close to the wall as possible. You'll need the wall to avoid
     his V-shot. Listen closely to the sounds he makes when he's outside the 
     screen, that way you can tell in advance when he uses his V-shot or 
     V-shot 2. When he's low on health, like 1 lifebar left, he'll counter
     your attacks with a downwards saber attack, this attack is fast and the
     first time you probably won't see it coming. His uppercut and slide
     attack can be avoided by just keeping distance and the purple orb isn't
     a problem either. Now the problem, his Overdrive, it makes him stronger
     faster and worst of all his V-shots move a lot faster making them harder
     to dodge. Still even on your first try it's bearable. When I fought him
     on normal mode, it was my first time ever, I immediatly beat him and got
     hit only once, just to say how easy it is to avoid his attacks.

     Now on hard mode. What makes him hard is his speed, which is about the
     same as his Overdrive speed on normal mode and that is already pretty 
     fast. So you can guess, when he uses Overdrive in hard mode, he becomes
     even faster, making his V-shots almost impossible to dodge if you're not
     in a perfect position.

     Since keeping distance is so important here, the obvious choice is ZX's
     buster. Shoot him, avoid his attack and repeat. Keep your charged saber
     ready to attack the purple orb, since it will damage him if it turns
     blue. Also, right after you dodged his V-saber you can slash him with
     a charged saber attack, other than that, stick with the buster.

 Difference normal/hard:

     He's a lot faster on hard mode and his V-saber generates tiny purple
     lasers when he crashes into the ground.


 17.3 Area D: Ultimate Model V: Serpent [area_d5]

 Boss: Ultimate Model V: Serpent
 Difficulty: Hard/Very hard
 No. of lifebars: 3
 Recommended Model: Model ZX + Model HX/Model FX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: none

 The final boss of the game has different attacks and weak spots on his body
 depending on his health. He has 3 lifebars and therefore 3 different 'modes'.


 *   Crystal shatter #1 (mode 1):

        Serpent will bring one of his hands into the foreground and create a big
        purple crystal under it. Then he'll smash it and it will shatter, 
        causing pieces of the crystal to fly all over the room.
        On hard mode he'll use both his hands at the same time and create 2 
     How to Dodge:

        When you see him creating the crystal, quickly dash to the other side of
        the screen and wait for the crystal to shatter. When a piece flies 
        towards you jump straight up and by the time you land the crystal pieces
        should have faded away.
        On hard mode, stand in the middle of the screen and jump straight up.


 *   Green X-shot (modes 1 & 2):

        Serpent will shoot a green shot at you from his mouth which will split
        up when it's hit or hits the floor. When you hit it with a weapon it
        will split up into 4 in an x formation, if it hits the floor it will 
        split up into 2 in a v formation.
        In mode 2 the shot will chase you instead.
     How to Dodge:

        Stay on the far left or right of the room and don't hit the shots,
        they'll split up in a v and won't hit you. Even if you do hit them, if 
        you stay on the left or right of them and don't stand under them, they 
        shouldn't hit you either. This is easy to dodge.
        In mode 2, just jump over it when it comes towards you, it's even 
        easier to dodge than in mode 1.


 *   Meteors + flame rain (modes 1 & 2):

        Serpent will shoot orange beams from his back. 4 meteors will fall from
        the sky turning the ground they land on into fire. Afterwards 12 little
        flames will slowly decend from the sky.
     How to Dodge:

        Look at the floor of the room, do you see the green things? Stand on top
        of the second one from the left, on that spot the meteors won't hit you.
        Stay on that spot and use Model ZX's spinning slash or triple slash to
        destroy the flames that are above you.


 *   Purple vortex (modes 2 & 3):

        He will create a purple vortex in front of him that will either try to
        pull you towards him or push you away from him.
     How to Dodge:

        If it pulls you in, dash away from him. If it pushes you away, dash 
        towards him.
        When he's in mode 3, do the same thing but instead of dash you run to
        avoid hurting yourself on his hands.


 *   Gravity virus (modes 2 & 3):

        This attack is incredibly annoying and the only thing that makes this 
        boss hard. From the middle he'll start shooting multiple purple dot-like
        shots that will not damage you but stick to you when they hit you. They
        decrease your movement abilities, get hit by one and you can't jump as
        high as normal, get hit by 2 and your dashing will be slower, get hit by
        3 and your running will be slower too, get hit by 4 or more and you will
        hardly be able to move at all!
     How to Dodge:

        In mode 2 this attack is still not too hard to dodge, stand on the left
        or right side of the screen and dash to the opposite direction when one
        is heading your way and back.
        In mode 3 you won't have as much place to dodge because of his hands.
        Dash left and right when you see them coming your way and hope for the
        best. Try to avoid these at all costs!


 *   Draining cursors (modes 2 & 3):

        He will fire 2 cursors from his shoulder pads that will move towards you
        like a snake. If you get hit by a cursor, an energy chain between him 
        and you will appear and for a few seconds you will slowly lose health
        while he regains it.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash away and/or dash jump over them. This attack shouldn't be a problem
        to dodge unless you're affected by his gravity virus attack.


 *   Crystal shatter #2 (mode 3):

        He will once again create a purple crystal, but this time in the center
        of the screen. Then he'll raise his hands and smash the crystal with
        them causing it to shatter. Then his hands will move back to their 
        normal possition.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash to the left or right side of the screen as soon as he raises his
        hands. Wait for the crystal to shatter and jump up like last time. Now
        quickly dash under the hand that is coming back to your position and
        head back to the middle of the screen.


 *   Finger lasers (mode 3):

        He will start shooting lasers from his fingers towards the middle of the
     How to Dodge:

        This is kinda random so describing how to dodge it is pretty hard. 
        There's always an opening between the lasers, either you can dash under
        one to avoid the others or you can jump between 2 lasers. If your
        reaction speed isn't too slow and you're not affected by his gravity
        virus you should do just fine.


     Now this form of Serpent isn't a pushover. He has 3 lifebars and will 
     change his attacks, form and weak spot depending on how much health he
     has left.

     In his first mode, the weak spot is his head. Just dodge his attacks and
     slash him with the charged saber everytime you have the chance. Stay in 
     the middle when he's not attacking, so you can easily dash away when he
     uses his crystal attack. This mode is easy and shouldn't be a problem at

     In mode 2 the weak spots are his shoulder pads. Jump up and slash them
     whenever you can. During his meteors attack you can actually damage him
     while destroying the flames to do a lot of damage. If he fires those green 
     shots again, just jump over them this time.
     Don't stay in the middle this time because you won't have the time to 
     dodge when he uses his purple vortex. His cursors shouldn't be a problem,
     you can easily dodge them by dashing away or jumping over them. Most 
     likely he'll use his gravity virus attack right after the vortex attack,
     so get ready. You have to avoid those at all costs or you won't be able
     to avoid any of his attacks. If he uses the meteors more than once you
     should be able to beat mode 2 rather quickly.

     As soon as he enters mode 3, he'll start using his hands in the battle.
     Not only does he use them for new attacks but they also give you less 
     space to move. This time the weak spot is that green/yellow crystal in the
     middle of his second head. You can only damage it when it's green.
     Watch out for the vortex this time, if it pushes you away you'll get hit
     by his hands. He'll use the cursors a lot more now which is a problem,
     not only because you have less space to dodge them, but also because he
     likes to use them right after the gravity virus. If you're infected then
     you're a sitting duck and he'll hurt you a lot.
     The best thing to do is finish him before he has the chance to use the
     gravity virus but you'll also need a bit of luck for that. If not you'll
     most likely get infected by at least one and he'll start using his 
     cursors and regenerate quickly.

     As soon as the crystal turns green, hit it with a charged saber attack
     and switch to Model HX. Charge your weapons and as soon as the crystal is
     green again, stand close to a hand facing him and do the tornado attack.
     It'll do A LOT of damage on him and even if you are infected you can still
     hurt him from the ground. If he doesn't regenerate with his cursor attack
     then the charged slash from ZX and 2 tornados should be enough to finish
     him off.

     If you don't happen to have any weapon energy for HX, then stick to ZX 
     and hit him with everything you got while you dodge his attacks as much as
     possible. If you're infected by the gravity virus and can't attack him, 
     switch to FX and use a customized buster to shoot upwards. It does the job 
     as well but not as fast and efficient as HX's tornado attack.

     Either way, good luck.

 Difference normal/hard:

     He smashes 2 crystals at the same time in mode 1. His attacks also do 
     more damage and he regenerates faster if you get hit by one of his


 18.1 Area N: Omega [area_n1]

 Boss: Omega aka Original Zero
 Difficulty: Hard/Very hard
 No. of lifebars: 3
 Recommended Model: Model X, Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: none

 The game's secret boss, Original Zero from Rockman Zero 3. Guess in those 
 couple of centuries between the Zero games and ZX he's had some time to 
 practise because he's more lethal than in Zero 3.


 *   Triple slash:

Omega will jump/dash towards you and use the standard triple slash.
However his has a longer range than yours. You take damage for each slash.
     How to Dodge:

        Quickly dash away or jump over him before he can use it.


 *   Charged saber:

        Omega will jump/dash towards you and use the standard charged saber
        attack. Unlike Zero's and Model ZX's charged saber, his has a longer
        range and causes rocks to fall from the ceiling. 
     How to Dodge:

        Quickly dash away or jump over him before he can use it.


 *   Ground smash:

        Zero's giga attack from X4 and X5, he smashes the ground and 5 energy
        shots are fired in different directions.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash away as far as you can, then jump over the bottom shot.


 *   Rising slash:

        Another classic Zero attack since X4. Omega will do a rising slash just
        like the EX skill from Zero 2, 3 and 4.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash away.


 *   Rolling slash:

        Omega jumps or double jumps and does a rolling slash in the air. Energy
        waves are then fired in all directions.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash away as far as you can and jump or dash between an opening when
        you see one. 


 *   Zero-combo:

        The classic Zero attack since X2. He fires 2 charged shots followed by
        an energy wave.
     How to Dodge:

        Do a long dash jump to get over the 2 charged shots. Then do a regular
        jump to get over the energy wave.


 *   Healing barrier:

        Omega will surround himself with a protective barrier just like he did
        in Zero 3. But this time it doesn't just protect him, it also heals
     How to Dodge:

        Stay away from him.


 *   7-hit combo:

        Omega will jump/dash towards you and do 7 slashes with his saber. While
        he does this it's impossible to get away, you don't flinch so every hit
        deals damage. This is by far his most damaging attack.
     How to Dodge:

        Dash away when he jumps/dashes towards you.


     If you've read how to dodge his attacks, then you've probably already
     concluded that to avoid getting hit you have to keep you distance. He 
     doesn't flinch as long as he did in Zero 3, so if you attack him with you
     saber he'll quickly strike back. The buster is the way to go here.

     If you've got Model X, use it. His double charged shots do a lot more
     damage than ZX's charge shot which will make the battle a lot easier. If
     not use ZX. Keep as much distance between him and you as you can and
     constantly shoot charged buster shots at him. When you're in a corner wait
     until he uses an attack and jump over him. Then get to the other side of 
     the room.

     On normal mode he shouldn't be THAT hard, but on hard mode he's really
     hard. His 7-hit combo will kil you instantly. Good luck!

 Difference normal/hard:

     His attacks do more damage.


 19. Rockman Zero 3 bosses

 Insert the Rockman/Megaman Zero 3 cartridge in the GBA slot of your DS and go
 to Area N. There go to the lower floor and enter the door on the right. There
 you will see 2 more doors, enter the left one to fight 4 bosses from Rockman
 Zero 3.

 If you have Rockman/Megaman Zero 3 then you should have fought these bosses
 before and you should know their attacks. That's why I'm not going to go over
 every attack but instead give strategies on how to beat them in Rockman ZX.
 Every boss has all their attacks, including their EX attack which in Zero 3
 you could only see when you were playing on S-rank or A-rank.

 Top-left teleporter: Deathtants Mantisk
 Top-right teleporter: Hellbat Silt
 Bottom-left teleporter: Chilldre Inarabitta
 Bottom-right teleporter: Blazin' Flizard


 19.1 Blazin' Flizard [area_n2]

 Boss: Blazin' Flizard
 Difficulty: Easy
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model HX, Model OX
 Elemental weakness: Thunder
 Resisted element: Ice
 Livemetal location: none


     This guy is much easier than in Zero 3. If you want to do this quick, use
     Model HX and as soon as the battle begins charge your weapons, activate
     Overdrive and use the tornado attack. One tornado is enough to beat him,
     if you have the Quick Charge chip you can end this battle in less than 5

     Or another good strategy is to use Model OX if you have him. Activate the
     Overdrive, hold down and press the saber attack button to launch an
     electric energy wave. This will not do much damage but it will stun him
     giving you the time to move close, do a triple slash and fall back. As
     soon as he stops flinching repeat.


 19.2 Hellbat Silt [area_n3]

 Boss: Hellbat Silt
 Difficulty: Easy/Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model LX, Model OX
 Elemental weakness: Ice
 Resisted element: Fire
 Livemetal location: none


     This is probably the only battle where LX's ice dragon attack is actually
     useful. Most of the time he'll just float somewhere and when you attack
     him he'll fade away and teleport to someplace else. The ice dragon 
     actually follows him to his next location until it hits him. To do more 
     damage, wait until he starts an attack so you can hit him, then activate
     Overdrive and slash him. The ice doesn't stun him so be ready to dodge his 
     attack. When he hangs on the ceiling and attacks with those lasers use the
     ice dragon. When he summons his little bats be sure to get away from him 
     in time and slash the ones you can't dodge.

     Even easier is to use Model OX but the battle will take a bit longer.
     Activate Overdrive and do the rolling slash in the air to send ice attacks
     in every direction. Even when he teleports you have a high chance of
     hitting him.
     When he summons his bats don't dash away but hold down and press the saber 
     button to launch the electric energy wave. This will destroy any bats
     flying in your direction instantly.


 19.3 Chilldre Inarabitta [area_n4]

 Boss: Chilldre Inarabitta
 Difficulty: Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model OX, Model FX
 Elemental weakness: Fire
 Resisted element: Thunder
 Livemetal location: none


     It's a matter of preference but I prefer to use Model OX over FX on this
     one. Use the OX Overdrive and everytime after Chilldre has used an attack, 
     get close to him and do a rising slash, then quickly get away from him 
     again. You can easily destroy his misiles with a simple slash and you can
     destroy falling rubble with a rolling slash.

     FX's attacks may do more damage but they are slow and it's harder to 
     destroy the falling rubble without being hit by Chilldre in the proces. If 
     you don't have OX then use FX but if you do I don't really see the point.


 19.4 Deathtants Mantisk [area_n5]

 Boss: Deathtants Mantisk
 Difficulty: Medium
 No. of lifebars: 2
 Recommended Model: Model X, Model OX, Model ZX
 Elemental weakness: none
 Resisted element: none
 Livemetal location: none


     I never liked this boss fight, his voice, movements, attacks, everything
     is just so annoying. If you have Model X, use it. His double charged shots 
     are the most powerful non-elemental attack in the game, keep your distance
     and shoot him. When he jumps towards you, dash under him and to the other 
     side of the room.

     I also like to use OX, activate Overdrive and fire charged shots like 
     crazy. If you don't have either of them just use ZX and use mainly the 
     buster or use a triple slash attack when he throws his sythes around the 


 20. Rockman Zero 4 bosses

 Insert the Rockman/Megaman Zero 4 cartridge in the GBA slot of your DS and go
 to Area N. There go to the lower floor and enter the door on the right. There
 you will see 2 more doors, enter the right one to fight 4 bosses from Rockman
 Zero 4.

 If you have Rockman/Megaman Zero 4 then you should have fought these bosses
 before and you should know their attacks. That's why I'm not going to go over
 every attack but instead give strategies on how to beat them in Rockman ZX.
 Every boss has all their attacks, including their EX attack which in Zero 4
 you could only see when you were playing on S-rank or A-rank. They also have 
 the weather advantages.

         *Coming Soon*


 21. Credits

 This space is reserved for thanking a few people.

        Anna: A very awesome British girl who helped me with several 
              translations since English isn't my primary language, thanks Annar

        Atomic Fire: For translating the names of the bosses.

        Lik-Sang: For importing games at fair prices.

        Inticreates and Capcom: For making such an awesome game.


 22. Copyright

 This FAQ is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or 
 personal gain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face
 punishment under the law. All sites except www.GameFaqscom and are not
 allow to host this FAQ without my permission.

 This document is copyright 2006. All Rights Reserved.