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Weapons Guide

by Scorchy99

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Weapons Guide                    .:.,            ,::.,                       
                                  .:.,         .::.                          
By: Scorchy99                      .::.,, ,,..::,                            
This guide is dedicated to the weapons of DQM:J. There are lists of all
obtainable weapons, charts for monsters and what they can and can not equip
as well as an assortment of other things.
If you want to jump to a particular section, just copy the code to the left 
of the section name, press CTRL+F paste it into the text box and press enter.

|       Table of Contents         | {TOC}

{TOC}  Table of Contents
{VER}  Version
{BSC}  Basics
{EQL}  Equipment List
{ADL}  Additional Stat Bonuses 
{WHP}  Whips
{HAW}  Healing Weapons
{OKO}  One Hit Knock Out Weapons
{CHW}  Critical Hit Weapons
{WES}  Weapon Effectiveness
{MEC}  Monster Equipment Compatibility
{EQV}  Equipment Vendors (Shops)
{MDS}  Unbuyable Weapon Locations
{CDE}  Credits, Disclaimer, etc.

|             Version             | {VER}

Version 1.0 - Original

Version 1.1 - Added Additional Stat Bonuses section
            - Added Unbuyable Weapon Locations section 
            - Added One Hit Knock Out Weapons section
            - Added Critical Hit Weapons section
            - Fixed a few things

|             Basics              | {BSC}

Weapons are the only equipment available for monsters. They are in general
used to increase the attack power of your monsters and do increased damage.
Some of them, offer increased damage versus certain types of monsters and 
others will attack all monsters on the field. Some weapons even recover your
HP/MP. There are even weapons that, when equiped during synthesis can
influence the gender of your monster, or the type of monster that comes out.

To equip a weapon, simply press X, move to the monster of choice, press A, go
down to equip, press A again, and you can choose your own weapon, or press the
first button "Strongest Weapon" and it will automatically choose the one that
increases your attack power the most.

In battle, the equipped weapon is automatically used, and can not be changed
until you can return to the menu screens. (You do not see the weapon in

To unequip a weapon, you simply need to change it by selecting strongest
weapon again, or scrolling down to the weapon of choice and pressing A. You
can also go to your currently equipped weapon, then press A on it and it will
be unequipped.

Weapons are automatically unequipped when they are deposited into the monster
storage, and when they are synthesised together. During synthesis, monsters
do not lose their equipped weapons, but are rather returned to the item bag.

|          Equipment List         | {EQL}

This section is dedicated to the weapons of DQM:J, they are listed by category
and the order they appear in game. The first column gives both the name, and
type of weapon, the second column dictates the attack increase given by the
weapon, and the third is the in game description of the weapon.

Weapons that have an asterisk (*) before their in game description provide
an additional stat bonus that can be found in the section following this one. 

   Swords        Attack Up    In game Description
   ``````        `````````    ```````````````````
Copper sword        +10       A widely used sword made out of copper
Divine Dagger       +13       A silver knife lethal to the undead
Rapier              +18       A thin blade able to pierce dragon scales
Steel broadsword    +30       A sturdy sword forged from steel
Zombiesbane         +36       A holy sword lethal to the undead
Dragonsbane         +41       A large sword lethal to dragons
Obsidian Sword      +48       A black sword lethal to metal monsters
Silver Broadsword   +62       A wide-bladed sword with an eerie glow
Zombiesblight       +67       A divine sword lethal to the undead
Dragonsblight       +72       A trusty sword lethal to dragons
Giant's Sword       +90       A giant sword made for giant hands
Zombie Slayer       +81       A wicked sword lethal to the undead
Dragon Slayer       +86       A legendary sword lethal to dragons
Lost katana         +110      A mighty blade misplaced by an ancient warrior
Metal King Sword    +102      A mighty sword lethal to metal monsters

   Spears        Attack Up    In game Description
   ``````        `````````    ```````````````````
Iron Lance          +9        An iron lance designed to skewer slimes
Pitchfork           +16       A sharp weapon for use against materialists
Sacred Spear        +22       A holy spear effective against demons
Partisan            +28       A sturdy weapon for use against materialists
Holy Lance          +34       A holy lance effective against the undead
Hunting spear       +40       A sharp spear effective against beasts
Dragon lance        +45       A marvellous lance effective against dragons
Halberd             +57       A weapon with a spear's reach and an axes's
Hero spear          +82       Wielded by a heroic knight in days of yore
Gae Bolg            +94       Critical hits are easier to land with this spear

   Axes          Attack Up    In game Description
   ````          `````````    ```````````````````
Stone axe           +7        A simple chopping tool made of stone
Woodcutter axe      +16       An axe for use against beasts and naturalists
Iron Axe            +23       A useful axe made of iron
Woodsman's axe      +32       An axe for use against beasts and naturalists
Headsman's Axe      +39       Critical hits are easier to land with this axe
Battleaxe           +52       A large axe forged for the battlefield
Forester's Axe      +60       An axe for use against beasts and naturalists
King Axe            +81       In a word: Axellent
Ranger's axe        +90       An axe for use against beasts and naturalists
Executioner's axe   +93       Critical hits are easier to land with this axe

  Hammers        Attack Up    In game Description
  ```````        `````````    ```````````````````
Oaken Club          +3      * A durable club carved from solid oak
Sludgehammer        +12       A hammer for use against slimes and materialists
Iron Hammer         +24     * An extremely durable hammer  made of iron
War hammer          +31       A mighty hammer than can crush foes in a single
Miracle mallet      +37       A miraculous weapon that restores it's wielder's
Giant Wrench        +49     * An extremely large and heavy iron wrench
Sledgehammer        +97       A hammer for use against slimes and 
Marauder maul       +80       A frighteningly heavy weapon made of iron
Warlord's Hammer    +58       A mighty hammer that can crush foes in a 
                              single blow
Miracle Mace        +87       A miraculous weapon that restores its
                              wielder's HP

   Whips         Attack Up    In game Description
   `````         `````````    ```````````````````
Leather Whip        +2        A leather whip able to strike all foes at once
Battle whip         +6        A gorgeous whip able to strike all foes at once
Thorn whip          +8        A prickly whip able to strike all foes at once
Sidewinder          +21       A thick whip able to strike all foes at once
Snakeskin Whip      +12       A scaly whip able to strike all foes at once
Chain whip          +26       A metal whip able to strike all foes at once
Dragontail whip     +33       A trusty whip able to strike all foes at once
Spiked Steel whip   +42       A woven-steel whip able to strike all foes at
Scourge whip        +50       A mighty whip able to strike all foes at once
Gringham Whip       +68       A fearsome whip able to strike all foes at once

   Claws         Attack Up    In game Description
   `````         `````````    ```````````````````
Stone claws         +5      * Simple stone claws
Metal claws         +11     * Claws useful against metal monsters
Iron claws          +19     * Tough iron claws
Sacred Claws        +25     * Sharp claw useful against demons
Razor Claws         +33     * Powerful claws used by nimble fighters
Steel claws         +43     * Rugged claws forged from steel
Metal Talons        +51     * Claws useful against metal monsters
Gryphon Talons      +77     * Claws which strike in the blink of an eye
Sacred talons       +84     * Fearsome claws useful against demons
Orichalcum claws    +95     * Legendary claws forged from orichalcum

   Staves        Attack Up    In game Description
   ``````        `````````    ```````````````````
Cypress Staff       +4      * A plain wooden staff
Rune staff          +12     * A mysterious staff with magical powers
Phoenix sceptre     +8        A staff that allows the holder to pass on its
                              form in synthesis
Plus Sceptre        +23       Used to ensure a synthesised monster is (+)
Minus Sceptre       +23       Used to ensure a synthesised monster is (-)
Crystal staff       +34     * A staff studded with magic crystals
Staff of Darkness   +47     * A staff pulsating with dark energy
Sage's staff        +61     * A staff wielded by sages of old
Royal rod           +83     * Once owned by a king who couldn't keep his 
                              hands off it 

|     Additional Stat Bonuses     | {ADL}

Some weapons are able to give you an additionaly stat bonus when they are 
equipped. This sections lists all such weapons, and they can be identified
above if they have an asterisk (*) before their in game description.

Hammers              Bonus
```````              `````
Oaken Club            +5  Defence
Iron Hammer           +8  Defence
Giant Wrench          +13 Defence

Claws                 Bonus
`````                 `````
Stone Claws           +8  Agility
Metal Claws           +10 Agility
Iron Claws            +14 Agility
Sacred Claws          +19 Agility
Razor Claws           +24 Agility
Steel Claws           +26 Agility
Metal Talons          +29 Agility
Gryphon Talons        +40 Agility
Sacred Talons         +30 Agility
Orichalcum Claws      +37 Agility

Staves                Bonus
``````                `````
Cypress staff         +10 Wisdom
Rune staff            +22 Wisdom
Crystal staff         +33 Wisdom
Staff of Darkness     +38 Wisdom
Sage's Staff          +46 Wisdom
Royal Rod             +50 Wisdom

|              Whips              | {WHP}

Whips are a unique weapon, in the sense that they allow you to attack any
and all monsters on the opponents team. They do however, have disadvantages,
they offer lower attack bonuses, and have reduced damage when hitting the
second enemy, and is then further reduced when hitting the third enemy.

The whips damage reduction looks something like this:

100% normal damage on first enemy (no change)
75% normal damage on the second enemy
50% normal damage on the third enemy

So, if you did say 100 damage to the first one, you would do 75 to the second
and 50 to the third.

Of course, these numbers are just averages and can vary several percent in
either direction.

|         Healing Weapons         | {HAW}

Healing weapons can provide small amounts of HP after physcial attack the
monster they are equipped to does. They will say whether or not they restore
HP in the weapons description. 

Also note, that there are magic spells and some monsters have traits that 
allow them to restore HP after acting, but those do not follow the same 

The increases only work when there is HP to restore, and it can not be 
restored to above the monsters current max HP.

The HP increase is determined by these formulas. But is ultimately dependant
on the weapon used.

Damage Done / 8 = HP restored (Weapon: Miracle Mallet)

Damage Done / 2 = HP restored (Weapon: Miracle Mace)

So, the amount of HP restored is equal to half or one eighth of the damage 
inflicted on an opponent.

If you did say, 100 damage, you regain 50 HP with the miracle mace, if you do
200 damage, 25HP would be regained with the miracle mallet.

|   One Hit Knock Out Weapons     | {OKO}

Now, if you interpret the description of the war hammer and the warlord's
hammer it would appear as if the game has these kinds of weapons in it. Since
they both say they can "crush foes in a single blow".
Furthermore, people have pointed it out to me that there are other sites
that say this can happen, and some have claimed they themselves have seen it.

But, based upon 200 tests against skeleton soldiers (with both weapons) where
I only dealt an average of 145 damage to them, and only counted the first
attack, the only one hit knock outs were critical hits, which occured at the 
same rate they would with most other weapons.

|      Critical Hit Weapons       | {CHW}

These are weapons that increase your chances of hitting critical hits. For
example, with your monster if you can hit criticals 1.5% of the time, with
the headsman's axe you will hit criticals 3% of the time.  This effect does
stack with both traits that increase the probability of hitting criticals.

There are only three weapons that have this effect, and they are listed below:

Weapon                % increase
``````                ``````````
Headsman's Axe           1.5%
Gae bolg                 2.5%
Executioner's Axe        3.5%

|      Weapon Effectiveness       | {WES}

Probably not the greatest title, but this section is dedicated to the damage
increases done by weapons that have "lethal to _______" "useful against _____"
"for use against _____" and "to be used against _____" in their description. 
These mean that when attacking the described enemy, you will do increased 
damage to them.

This is a table with all of such weapons, the amount of increased damage, and
what monsters the increase is done against. For metal slimes, if you have
an attack power that deals less than 5 damage, it may appear as though the
increase is only one damage by some weapons. This is the value that results
from the game rounding up. 

Weapon Name        Damage increase (%)     Against
```````````        ```````````````````     ```````
Divine Dagger          15%                 Undead
Rapier                 15%                 Dragon
Zombiesbane            50%                 Undead
Dragonsbane            50%                 Dragon
Obsidian Sword         50%                 Metal slimes**    
Zombiesblight          75%                 Undead
Dragonsblight          75%                 Dragon
Zombie Slayer          100%                Undead
Dragon Slayer          100%                Dragon
Metal King Sword       100%/45%            Metal slimes** / Material
Iron lance             15%                 Slimes
Pitchfork              15%                 Nature
Sacred Spear           20%                 Demon
Partisan               20%                 Material
Holy Lance             15%                 Undead
Hunting spear          25%                 Beast
Dragon lance           75%                 Dragon
Woodcutter axe         15%                 Beast, Nature
Woodsman's axe         45%                 Beast, Nature  
Forester's Axe         75%                 Beast, Nature
Ranger's axe           100%                Beast, Nature
Sludgehammer           25%/20%             Slime* / Material
Sledgehammer           100%                Slimes* / Material
Metal claws            25%                 Metal slimes**
Metal Talons           50%                 Metal slimes**
Sacred Claws           50%                 Demon
Sacred talons          100%                Demon

* = Based upon my tests, this also works on metal slimes.

** = Metal slimes refers to slimes with the trait "Metal Body." They are:
Metal slime, Liquid metal slime, metal kaiser slime, metal king slime,
Darkonium slime, and gem slime.

| Monster Equipment Compatibility | {MEC}

Well, this is basically a list of all the monsters in the game and what weapon
types that they can, and cannot equip.

The first column, "Class" is self explanatory, it is there just to keep the
monsters organized.

The second column, is "Monster Name" that is the name of the monster you are
looking at.

Finally, the last seven sections of the table are for each distinct division
of weapons.
    - Swd is Swords/daggers (Divine dagger, Dragonsbane etc.)
    - Spr is spears/lances (Holy Lance, Hunting spear, etc.)
    - Axe is axes (Stone axe, Iron axe, etc.)
    - Hmr is Hammers/Mauls/Maces/Wrenches/Clubs (Oaken Club, Sledgehammer etc)
    - Wip is Whips (Battle whip, Thorn whip, etc.)
    - Clw is Claws (Orichalcum Claws, Stone claws, etc.)
    - Stf is staves/staffs (Plus Sceptre, Rune staff, etc.)

Under each of these respective columns is either a Y for yes, this monster can
equip this weapon, or N for no, this monster can not equip this weapon.

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Slime     Slime                N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y   
          Bubble Slime         N   N   N   Y   Y   Y   Y  
          Shell Slime          Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Healslime            N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          She-slime            N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Drake slime          N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Snail slime          N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Wild Slime           N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Slime Knight         Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Metal Slime          N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Metal Slime Knight   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Angel Slime          N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Behemoth Slime       N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Beshemoth Slime      N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Dragon Slime         N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          King Slime           N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Cure Slime           N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Liquid Metal Slime   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Dark Slime           N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Dark Slime Knight    N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          King Cure slime      N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          King Bubble Slime    N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Metal Kaiser Slime   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Metal King Slime     N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Darkonium Slime      N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Grandpa Slime        Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Gem Slime            N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Trode                Y   N   N   N   Y   Y   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Dragon    Komodo               N   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Frou-fry             N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Dragonthorn          N   N   N   Y   Y   Y   Y
          Argon Lizard         N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Nardragon            Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Snapdragon           N   N   N   Y   Y   Y   Y
          Jargon               N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Green Dragon         Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Skelegon             N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Dragurn              N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Seasaur              N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Red Dragon           Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Hacksaurus           Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Sea Dragon           N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Tyrantosaurus        Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Metal Dragon         N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Great Argon Lizard   N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Abyss Diver          N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Megalodon            N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Frou-frou            N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Drakularge           N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Great Dragon         N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Mechan-o'-wrym       N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Black Dragon         Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Drakulard            N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Alabast Dragon       Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Dragonlord           N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Dragovian lord       Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Nature    Capsichum            Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Wild Boarfish        N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y   
          Scorpion             N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Crabid               Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Chimaera             N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Spiked Hare          N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Khalamari kid        N   N   Y   N   Y   Y   Y
          Jailcat              N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Great sabrecub       Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Hell Hornet          Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Eveel                N   N   Y   N   Y   Y   Y
          Bullfinch            N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Hades condor         N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Great Sabrecat       N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y 
          Treeface             N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Scissor Beetle       Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Beetleboy            N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Giant Moth           N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Goreilla             N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Heligator            N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Yabby                N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Riptide              N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Garuda               N   Y   Y   N   Y   N   Y
          Beetlebully          N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          King squid           N   Y   Y   N   Y   N   Y
          Khalamari            N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Leopold              N   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Empyrea              Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Beast     Platypunk            N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Mischievous Mole     N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Satyr                Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Hammerhood           N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Fencing Fox          Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Chainine             N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Orc                  Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Pan Piper            Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Jumping jackal       N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Night emperor        N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Weartiger            Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Brownie              N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Bodking archer       N   Y   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Gargoyle             Y   N   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Merman               Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Diemon               N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Notso Macho          Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Cockateer            Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Silvapithecus        Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Gigantes             N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Moosifer             Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Mohawker             N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Buffalogre           Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Pazuzu               Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Atlas                N   N   Y   Y   N   Y   Y
          Don Mole             Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Nimzo                N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Dhoulmagus           N   Y   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Rhapthorne           N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Rhapthorne II        N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Material  Bag o' laughs        Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Shadow               Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Dancing Flame        Y   N   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Frostburn            Y   N   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Spitnik              Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Goodybag             Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          King Kelp            Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Wax murderer         Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Cannibox             Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Rockbomb             Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Anchorman            Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Gold Golem           Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Mecha-mynah          Y   N   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Mud Mannequin        Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Dingaling            Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Hunter mech          Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Puppeteer            Y   N   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Jum                  Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Mimic                Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Golem                Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Living Statue        Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Boe                  Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Mum                  Y   Y   N   N   Y   N   Y
          Boh                  Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Trap box             Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Killing Machine      Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Mumboh-jumboe        Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Ruin                 Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Psaro                Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Estark               Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Demon     Dracky               Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Lips                 N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Winky                N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Sea urchin           N   Y   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Imp                  Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Lump wizard          Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Frogface             N   Y   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Desert Demon         Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Dancing devil        Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Headhunter           N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Lesser demon         Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Gryphon              Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Great Dracky         Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Octavian Sentry      Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Wrecktor             N   Y   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Lethal Armour        Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Fallen Priest        N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Archdemon            Y   Y   N   N   N   N   Y
          Boss troll           N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Jamirus              Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Gracos               Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Demon-at-arms        Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Belial               Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Robbin' hood         N   Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Night Clubber        N   Y   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Malroth              Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Zoma                 Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Mortamor             Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Undead    Ghost                Y   N   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Firespirit           Y   N   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Stump Chump          Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Funghoul             Y   N   N   N   Y   Y   Y
          Muddy hand           Y   N   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Demonrider           Y   N   Y   Y   N   N   Y
          Mummy boy            Y   Y   N   N   Y   N   Y
          Skipper              Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Phantom fencer       Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Flyguy               Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Skeleton             Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Walking corpse       Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Restless armour      Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Hellhound            Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Phantom swordsman    Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Skeleton soldier     Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Grim rider           Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Soulspawn            Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Stark raven          Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y
          Wailin' weed         Y   N   N   Y   Y   N   Y
          Tortured soul        Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Roseguardin          Y   Y   Y   N   N   N   Y
          Bone baron           Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Dullahan             Y   N   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Wight king           Y   Y   N   Y   N   N   Y
          Captain Crow         Y   N   Y   N   Y   N   Y
          Orgodemir            Y   Y   N   N   N   Y   Y
          Dr Snapped           Y   N   N   Y   N   Y   Y

Class     Monster Name        Swd Spr axe hmr wip clw stf
Incarnus  Wulfspade            Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Hawkhart             Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Cluboon              Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Diamagon             Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Wulfspade Ace        Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Hawkhark Ace         Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Cluboon Ace          Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Diamagon Ace         Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Ace of Spades        Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y
          Wildcard             Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y   Y

|        Equipment Vendors        | {EQV}

Though out this games progression, there are an abundance of shops from which
you can buy equipment for your monsters. Below is a summary of all of the 
equipment that you are able to buy.

When it says "Vending Machine" I am referring to the devices inside of that
islands scout post, on the right side of the bottom half of the outpost. Or,
the thing that is beside the lady that lets you synthesise monsters.

The Lethal Weapons Armoury can be found to the right of the scouts post on
Domus island, talk to the man on the left side of the shop to see the equipment
Some of the stuff that is listed under that vendor will not be available until
you have fulfilled certain requirements in the storyline.

The Sewer shop can be found, in the sewer. Just before the jetties to Infern
and Xeroph island, there is an entrance on the right side. Take it and talk
to the Muscle man that is in the corner standing on the map. This is not
available until later in the game.

Domus Vending Machine
Name                Cost
Cypress Staff       120

Lethal Weapons Armoury (Domus Island, building right of scouts post)
Note: At the start of the game, not all weapons are available.

Name                Cost
Steel Broadsword    1600
Silver Broadsword   8960
Giant's Sword       31200
Partisan            1840
Halbred             7680
Iron Axe            792
Battleaxe           5360
King axe            22000
Iron Hammer         1232
Giant Wrench        5840
Marauder's maul     34400
Spiked Steel Whip   15040
Iron Claws          920
Steel Claws         4400
Gryphon talons      27600
Rune staff          584
Crystal staff       2880

Sewer Shop (Domus Island, in the sewers)
Name                Cost
Zombiesbane         3080
Hunting spear       3520
War hammer          2560
Sidewinder          3200
Sacred Claws        2000

Infant Island Vending Machine (F Island)
Name                Cost
Copper Sword        216
Stone axe           96
Oaken Club          72
Stone Claws         60

Xeroph Island Vending Machine (E Island)
Name                Cost
Divine Dagger       424
Iron Lance          248
Woodcutter axe      520
Sludgehammer        320
Leather whip        304
Cypress staff       120

Palaish Island Vending Machine (D Island)
Name                Cost
Rapier              672
Pitchfork           642
Thorn whip          1120
Rune staff          584

Celeste Isle Vending Machine (B Island)
Name                Cost
Steel Broadsword    1600
Holy Lance          2280
Iron Hammer         1232
Iron claws          920

Fert Island Vending Machine (S Island)
Name                Cost
Dragonsbane         3760
Dragon lance        4240
Woodsman's axe      1720
Razor Claws         2480

|    Unbuyable Weapon Locations   | {MDS}

So, this sections is, much like the weapons vendors section, dedicated to 
telling you how to get certain weapons. Weapons that can be bought from vendors
are listed above, and will not be listed in here.

The charts will all have the left column telling you what you have to do to
get something, the middle tells you where such an event is located, and the
right column is for the weapon you receive. For the Treasure chest chart, the
first two columns are combined.

The section referring to the man in HQ can be found directly behind the lift
that takes you in and out, standing beside a table. He will give you the 
zombieslayer as a reward for beating the game.

For the monster drops, which is the first section featured below, "Drops"
refer to an item that can be dropped after battle, or obtained from that 
monster by using the skill "Klepto Clobber." This skill can be learnt by
using the skill sets: Huntsman, Bounty Hunter, Captain Crow and Thief.
The easiest one to get is Huntsman. Just scout a hammerhood in the temple on
Xeroph island and it will have the Huntsman set.

Solitaire and the Black Dragon in the Drops section can be fought more than 
once, for the dragon you need to return to a scouts post and rest before
he comes back. For Solitaire, all you need to do is exit the building and go
back in. Estark however, is a one time only thing.

Gringham whip can also be dropped after defeating Solitaire, however, I do not
believe it can be stolen off of any of her monsters.

???  Unknown  ???
Miracle Mallet

Monster Name            Location         Drops
````````````            ````````         `````
Orc                   Xeroph Island      Sacred Spear
Hacksaurus            Sun/Moon Temple    Headsman's Axe
Captain Crow         'Inbetween Islands' Chain Whip
Black Dragon          Final Dungeon      Dragonsblight
Soulspawn             Final Dungeon      Ranger's Axe
Phantom Swordsman     Final Dungeon      Obsidian sword
Metal kaiser Slime    Solitaire's Team   Metal king sword
Atlas                 Solitaire's Team   Sledgehammer
Estark                Behind Sewer Door  Gringham whip

Treasure Chest Location                  Item
```````````````````````                  ````
Paladish Island Temple                   Phoenix Sceptre
Cell HQ                                  Forester's axe
Final Dungeon                            Zombiesblight
Final Dungeon                            Warlord Hammer
Final Dungeon                            Sacred Talons
Final Dungeon                            Staff of Darkness
Behind the Sewer Door                    Royal Rod

Arena Rank Cleared:     Loctaion         Prize
```````````````````     ````````         `````
Rank D                 Xeroph Island     Metal Claws
Rank B                 Xeroph Island     Minus Sceptre (-)
Rank A                 Xeroph Island     Dragontail whip
Rank X                 Xeroph Island     Miracle Mace
Scout Test Question     Location         Prize
```````````````````     ````````         `````
Question #4            Infant Island     Battle whip
Question #8            Infant Island     Plus sceptre (+)
Question #10           Infant Island     Metal Talons

Advanced Test Question  Location         Prize
``````````````````````  ````````         `````
Question #4            Infant Island     Sage's Staff
Question #5            Infant Island     Scourge Whip
Question #7            Infant Island     Hero Spear
Question #8            Infant Island     Dragon slayer
Question #10           Infant Island     Orichalcum Claws

Man in HQ                                Gives you:
`````````                                ``````````
After beating the game                   Zombieslayer

WIFI Prizes              Location        Prize
```````````              ````````        `````
WIFI Prize                N/A            Lost Katana
WIFI Prize                N/A            Gae Bolg
WIFI Prize                N/A            Excecutioners axe

|    Credits, Disclaimer, etc.    | {CDE}

Even though to complete sections of this guide, I used an AR, I dissent it's
use in competitive play.

If you have any other questions, suggestions, comments or tidbits of 
information you would like to contribute, or constructive complaints feel 
free to email me at [email protected]

Most emails will be looked at, even if I do not respond. 

Although, I'm sure in negligence I will miss many, many useful emails, sorry
if I miss yours.

Disclaimer and Copyright 
This walkthrough/FAQ is copyright to Bradley Nixon (AKA Scorchy99) 2007,

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advanced written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright.

This guide may be found on:
Credit is given where credit is due. If you would like your name removed from 
this section, or would like me to remove your information from the guide 
contact me through email at [email protected]

What: Dracky image at start
Generated by: ASCII Generator dotNET Version 0.9.0 by Jonathan Mathews

What: Bounty Hunter and Thief Skill sets have Clepto Klobber
Written By: Zaraf

                               Thats all for now!