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Copy and paste?

Question asked by brothernature on
Last Modified:

Copy and paste?

OK when I go to the Ar codes thing on, they say to cpoy and paste it. So I want to know what that me and how to do it cause it's hell typing in all those codes so please answer quickly thanks

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In our guide you will find a general walkthrough for the game as well as extras including details on the National Dex, The Battle Zone, Pokemon stre..

kwyj1b0377 answered:

I still don't get it

cheating-is-good answered:

Plug your USB cable that came with the AR into it, then plug it into the AR. Then you just copy and paste the code, simple. Yes it is hell isn't it?

lugia21 answered:

I pluged in the usb cable and now how do I copy past

kwyj1b0377 answered:

I've got the same Q as lugia21.


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