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Trophies for Marvel Ultimate Alliance

There are 59 Trophies for Marvel Ultimate Alliance
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Bronze Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Nick Fury was unlocked as a playable hero.
Bronze Scarlet Swashbuckler
Daredevil was unlocked as a playable hero.
Bronze Surfs Up
Silver Surfer was unlocked as a playable hero.
Bronze Wakandan Royalty
Black Panther was unlocked as a playable hero.
Silver Blue Screen of Death
M.O.D.O.K was defeated.
Silver Deathbird's Defeat
Deathbird was crushed.
Silver Defeated Grey Gargoyle
Grey Gargoyle was defeated.
Silver Dragon Slayer
Fin Fang Foom was defeated.
Silver Game Over
Arcade was defeated.
Silver Giant Relief
Ymir fell to the forces of good.
Silver Mandarin's Downfall
The evil Mandarin was crushed by the forces of good.
Silver Mephisto's Defeat
Mephisto was struck down.
Silver Son of a Devil
Blackheart was defeated.
Silver Swimming with the Fish
The mighty Kraken was defeated.
Silver The Executioner's Blade
Executioner and Enchantress were defeated.
Silver The Power Cosmic
The mighty Galactus was toppled.
Silver The Trickster
Loki was defeated.
Silver Titanic Victory
Titannus was defeated.
Silver Underwater Battle
Tigershark and Attuma were defeated.
Silver Warrior's Path
Gladiator was defeated.
Gold Doomed Ending
Dr. Doom was utterly defeated.
Platinum Platinum Award
Obtain all other trophies.

Secret Trophies (25)
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Expansion of Marvel Ultimate Alliance DLC

Bronze Archer Apparel
Unlocked all the outfits for Hawkeye.
Bronze Creed's Cloth
Unlocked all the outfits for Sabretooth.
Bronze Doom's Duds
Unlocked all the outfits for Doom.
Bronze Fleeting Allies
Magneto has spoken to Xavier.
Bronze Gamma Garb
Unlocked all the outfits for the Hulk.
Bronze Magnetic Regalia
Unlocked all the outfits for Magneto.
Bronze Mutant Love
Cyclops has spoken with Jean.
Bronze Optic Outfits
Unlocked all the outfits for Cyclops.
Bronze Symbiote Skins
Unlocked all the outfits for Venom.
Bronze Teleport Threads
Unlocked all the outfits for Nightcrawler.
Bronze Wrong Claws
Sabretooth has been mistaken for Wolverine.
Silver Doppelganger
Doom has spoken with himself.