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How to Spawn the 'Most Wanted' Boss for Marvel Future Revolution

How to Spawn the 'Most Wanted' Boss

Scattered throughout the open-world of Marvel Future Revolution are lots of enemies of varying levels. The most sought after villains are the 'Most Wanted' bosses as they drop special loot, such as Omega Cards, gold, and consumables. In order for one of these 'Most Wanted' targets to spawn, you will first need to get a full completion of the area they reside, which will also typically include killing a target a predetermined amount of times.

By using the map and tapping the skull tab, you will be able to see a variety of areas where targets will spawn and see which ones are currently active. If you now tap on the active target, you will automatically navigate your character to that area. Once the required number of enemies have been defeated, the 'Most Wanted' boss will spawn.

Added By Dennis
Aug 24th 2021, ID#2248| REPORT

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