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Description: The first available Tank hero. Front row Tank with Physical Basic Attack properties. Seeley also has a gap-closing ability and can reduce the enemy’s hit rate.

Skills: Solar Punishment, Shield Bash, Imprisonment, Blazing Light


Description: Front row Tank with Physical basic attack. He also has heavy armor, high health, and a devastating ultimate.

Skills: Eliminate, Death Strike, Whirlwind, Heavy Armor


Description: Front row Tank with Magic basic attack. Lorya can use the power of cyclones to help teammates resist magic damage.

Skills: Cyclone Roar, Tornado Strike, Mage Shield, Wind Defense


Description: Front row Tank with Physical basic attack. She can speed up allies and increase their dodge.

Skills: Kaiser’s Fury, Kaiser Hurl, Kaiser’s Favor, Gorilla Tactic


Description: Front row Tank with Magic basic attack. His skills can interrupt enemy actions.

Skills: Blizzard Blast, Icy Path, Aura of Pain, Shield of Pain


Description: Front row Tank with Physical basic attack. Chavez can teleport to allies and protect them.

Skills: Supreme! Guard, Supreme! Chop, Supreme! Dash, Supreme! Strike


Description: Front row Tank with Physical basic attack. Has very high physical armor.

Skills: Angel Shield, Holy Flash, Sacred Strike, Sacred Blessing

Smoke (LEGEND Status):

Description: Front row Damager with Physical basic attack. Will attack at the enemy’s weakest point and won’t be interrupted because of damage.

Skills: Soul Bind, Lethal Blow, Venom, Battle Recovery

Gerber (LEGEND Status):

Description: Front row Tank with physical basic attack attributes. The damage he deals to enemies forms a shield for himself.

Skills: Soul Torment, Soul Strike, Iron Hammer, Soul Shield


Description: Front row Tank with Physical basic attack. This Hero’s attack can absorb a lot of health.

Skills: Bloody Raid, Fierce Blow, Wild Roar, Werewolf Blood

Monk Sun (LEGEND Status):

Description: Front row tank with physical basic attack. His ultimate can knock up enemies.

Skills: Whirlwind Assault, Nightmare Assault, Phantom Strike, King Kong Defense

Saizo (LEGEND Status):

Description: Front row Damager with physical basic attack features. Can run around freely amidst the enemy.

Skills: Blade Rampage, Blade Runner, Blade Barrier, Sword Master


Description: Front row Tank with Physical basic attack. Yuan has the ability to knock back the enemy.

Skills: Roundhouse, Lethal Pain, Bronze Shield, Wind Speed


Description: Front row attack with physical basic attack. Spartacus poses a giant threat to the enemy’s mid row.

Skills: Mountain Crush, Flaming Spear, Spear Puncture, Bright Shield

Charon (LEGEND Status):

Description: Front row Tank with physical basic attack properties. Charon is skilled in the art of war which gives him the powerful ability to take hits and do battle.

Skills: Last Stand, Triple Strike, Cruel Blow, Martial Power

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