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Recipe Guide

by Stardustandsunshine

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~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Copyright Information ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

This guide and all contents and layout Copyright � 2005 by Stardustandsunshine
ASCII art created from original screenshot of Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful
Life, property of Marvelous Interactive. "Recipe Guide" header created using

The ONLY sites that have permission to host this FAQ as of May 5, 2008

As for you, the reader, you may NOT copy any or all of this FAQ and post it
anywhere or use it in any way other than for your own personal use, whether
you give me credit for it or not, without expressed written permission. You
may absolutely not claim it or any part of it as your own or use it for any
sort of personal gain (including financial).

However, you CAN save it to your hard drive or print it or write it out by
hand--as long as you don't use it for anything other than your own personal

Okay, now that we've got that cleared up, read on, and enjoy!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Table of Contents ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

 1. Version History: What I did, and when I did it
 2. Ruby's Spice: How to get it and use it
 3. Cooking With Crops: Basic information on cooking the things you grow
 4. Rare Crops: The naming/numbering system for this game
 5. Recipe Basics: How to use your kitchen and this guide
 6. Soups: Finally! We're ready to cook
 7. Salads: More basic dishes
 8. Hors d'oevres: Getting a little bit harder
 9. Desserts: Still intermediate
10. Main Dishes: Our most advanced course
11. Contact Info: Where to send comments, complaints, mistakes, additions
12. Credits: Who helped make this guide possible

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
1. Version History~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

September 24, 2005: Version 1.00
     --First full version of FAQ
     --Intended final version
February 27, 2008: Version 1.01
     --After repeated questions/complaints in my e-mail and on the board about
       the FAQs not being clear on how to get Ruby's Spice, I added a new
       section with that information, hope it helps

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
2. Ruby's Spice   ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Ruby and her husband Tim live in the Inner Inn, the large two-story building
that faces the entrance to your farm. They're some of the first people you meet
when you come to the valley and will likely be some of your first friends as
they both have gifts for you. (It's safe to befriend them no matter what you
want your son to grow up to be since they don't influence any particular career
and he'll probably be friends with them anyway. Ruby likes to cook and your son
likes to eat.)

They both get up about 7 am and go to bed around 9 or so. Tim occasionally
leaves the inn to visit the city and once or twice I've seen him go to the
villa and once to the bar. But normally he's in the lobby of the inn. He likes
eggs and some crops. Ruby is usually in the lobby in the morning and afternoon
and in the kitchen around noon and in the evening. She likes the flower you can
find growing around town, especially the mist moon and toy flowers that grow in
the spring.

You'll need to befriend Ruby to get the spice from her, and possibly also Tim.
(I personally have never tested this because Tim gives you the strange hoe,
which uses less stamina, so I always make sure to befriend him early on. He's
very easy to make friends with, and by the time I've befriended Ruby I'm
already good friends with her husband.) You'll know when someone is your friend
by walking past her. If she turns her head to look at you, she's your friend.

Once you've befriended both Ruby and Tim, go into the kitchen when Ruby is in
there (6 or 7 at night is a good time to try) and you may trigger a cutscene
where she asks if you like to cook. If you say "yes" she'll give you a bottle
of her special spice that she got while traveling in the southern part of the
world. (If you accidentally say "no," you don't like to cook, you can try again
the next day. But it decreases her friendship level, so you may have to give
her gifts for a few days before you can get her to offer you the spice again.)

You only get one bottle of the spice, so don't try to sell it (I don't remember
whether you can get more with the item cheat or not, but I don't think you can,
so if you're going to use it, be sure to put the spice on the shelf first), but
you can use it as often as you like. You use it just like any other ingredient
in your rucksack. It's a key ingredient in all of the curries, which are main

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
3. Cooking With Crops ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Some recipes call for "Veg. 1" or "Fruit 2" instead of "tomato" or "grape."
Usually there are several different crops you can use to get the same result.
This chart shows which fruits and vegetables are in which category. For the
most part it's fairly easy to guess. The Veg. 1, Root Veg. 1 and Fruit 1 cat-
egories contain all of the original, basic, un-hybridized crops that you can
grow using seeds from Vesta's farm. The #2 column for each category has the
second-generation hybrids you can make by combining two regular crops.

Figuring out whether it's a vegetable, root vegetable or fruit is a bit
trickier, though. For this game, any hybrid made with a fruit crop (melon,
watermelon, or strawberry) is a fruit. (In the last game they were all root
vegetables.) For everything else, if you plant it and watch how it grows, it's
obvious whether it's a regular or root crop. If you don't want to go to all
that work, though, you can *usually* tell by how it's shaped. (For example, if
it's an orange turnip, odds are it's going to be a root crop, and probably
anything shaped like a tomato is a regular crop.) This gets a little tricky,
though, because the dhibe and dhilon (both turnip-shaped) grow on strawberry
plants, and the cabber and caberry look like carrots but grow on vines like
the melon and watermelon--in other words, above the ground, so they're regular
(or vine) crops, not root crops.

And just to make things a tad bit harder (!!), they threw in the Camelo. This
is a regular vegetable, shaped like a carrot and made with a fruit that grows
on a watermelon vine. But I tried half a dozen different dishes with it and
each time it tested out to be a Veg. 2 so there really aren't any hard-and-
fast rules.

So to make things as simple as possible I've made an easy-to-use chart.

*Note* There are now two tradys instead of two berrytos (the berrytos have now
been renamed as berrican and berrylon)--one of the tradys was the tomaca in
the last game. I've marked it as Trady2 in this chart and in my recipes. It's
the one shaped like a red carrot. (The red turnip that looks just like a Dhibe
is just Trady.)

| Veg. 1 | Veg. 2    | Root Veg. 1 | Root Veg. 2 | Fruit 1    | Fruit 2   |
| Tomato | Berrytoma | Carrot      | Bashota     | Apple      | Appage    |
|        | Cabber    | Potato      | Cady        | Banana     | Gehju     |
|        | Caberry   | Yam         | Kandy       | Grape      | Jurum     |
|        | Camelo    | Turnip      | Kanro       | Melon      | Lanmuge   |
|        | Dhibe     |             | Radita      | Orange     | Magenge   |
|        | Dhilon    |             | Tataro      | Peach      | Magerum   |
|        | Gretoma   |             | Tobatama    | Strawberry | Orahge    |
|        | Melotoma  |             | Yamato      | Watermelon | Oraphu    |
|        | Raury     |             |             |            | Phuju     |
|        | Trady     |             |             |            | Phurum    |
|        | Trady2    |             |             |            | Bashber   |
|        |           |             |             |            | Berrican  |
|        |           |             |             |            | Berrylon  |
|        |           |             |             |            | Berryber  |
|        |           |             |             |            | Kashry    |
|        |           |             |             |            | Melober   |
|        |           |             |             |            | Paberryta |

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
4. Rare Crops ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

If you're using old recipes from HM:AWL or a hybriding guide from that game,
be aware that in this game, they skipped Rare Crop 10, so anything from 10-
plus will be one number off. The numbers of the Rare Crops in this recipe
guide are the ones for this game. (If this is confusing, I've also made a
separate hybrid guide for this game.)

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
5. Recipe Basics  ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

These recipes are organized by category (soups, salads, hors d'oevres,
desserts, and main dishes--formerly entrees--in the order that you are able
to make them) and then by alphabetical order for ease of reference. I've put
everything into easy-to-use, printer-friendly tables. (To print, copy and
paste the table(s) into Notepad and they will stay lined up correctly.)

I *think* you can get every single recipe here from the game at some point,
but many of them are Ruby's recipes that you can only learn by linking with
More Friends of Mineral Town. However, if you already know how to make
something, you don't have to link to be able to make them. (I don't even OWN
MFoMT and I've personally tested every recipe in this list.) There may be
other ways to make some of these things, but every recipe shown here WILL
work--if I found one that didn't work, I didn't include it. (Some of these are
different from the way they were in HM:AWL so a few of these may not work in
that game.)

If more than one item is listed for each ingredient, you can choose
whichever one you want. If the same item is listed more than once, you have to
choose a *different* item for each ingredient. Ex: Fruit Juice calls for 3 of
Fruit 1 or Fruit 2. You have to choose 3 different fruits, none of them can be
the same (like 3 watermelon, or 2 watermelon and one strawberry). Ex: Stew
takes 2 of potato, tataro, or carrot. You have to pick 2 of the three (like
potato and carrot), not 2 of the same thing (2 potatoes or 2 carrots). It
usually doesn't matter which order you put things in.

"Mt. Veg" means mugworts, royal ferns, or sorrel that you find growing around
town. Mushrooms are the bracken, hackberry, or the two different kinds of
matsutake that you find in the fall. RC stands for "rare crop." RT is short
for "rare tree."

You cannot make things that need to be baked in the oven (like pies) until
Chapter 2, since your kitchen doesn't have an oven in Chapter 1.

Unless otherwise noted, you can use either a regular or fertilized egg where
it calls for an egg, any type of butter or cheese, and any type or rank of
milk. (Where it does require a specific kind of milk, the rank--C, B, A, or
S--doesn't matter.)

Finally, some of the recipes have two or even three prices listed. If you sell
your food to Van, and he offers you more than 100G for an item, reject his
offer and he might give you a better one. If he doesn't, just keep showing him
the item and not accepting his price until he offers you more money. (Be
patient, sometimes it takes awhile, especially if you aren't friends with him
or saw one of his Matkins Diet cutscenes and didn't congratulate him. If he's
being especially stubborn, try standing there watching him until he either
sighs, or wipes his brow, and then try to sell it to him. About 90% of the
time, whatever you show him right after he does that, he'll go up in price
for.) The Dhibe Cake (see Desserts) is the only recipe I've found so far that
you can get him to make a third offer on, but I imagine you could get him to
go up on the Adult Salad, too, if you worked on him long enough.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~
6. Soups  ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Soups are one of the two types of recipe that you can make right from the
start. You can give them to people or sell them to Van for a pretty decent

| Name          | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Ingredient 3 | Selling Price |
| Earth Soup    | Potato,      | Potato,      |              | 100G          |
|               | Tataro,      | Tataro,      |              |               |
|               | Carrot       | Carrot       |              |               |
| Fish Stew     | Root Veg 1   | Root Veg 1   | Fish         | 250G/300G     |
| Good4U        | RC 8         | RC 18        | RC 15, 24,   | 400G/480G     |
| Soup          |              |              | 25           |               |
| Good Soup     | Root Veg 1   | Tataro,      | Fish         | 250G/300G     |
|               |              | Bashota,     |              |               |
|               |              | Kanro        |              |               |
| Potato Soup   | Potato       | Mt. Veg.     | Mushroom     | 100G          |
| Rare Stew     | RC 16        | RC 2         | Milk         | 400G/480G     |
| Stew          | Potato,      | Potato,      | Milk         | 200G/240G     |
|               | Tataro,      | Tataro,      |              |               |
|               | Carrot       | Carrot       |              |               |
| Super Soup    | RC 11-14     | RC 19-22     |              | 400G/480G     |
| Tomatoma Soup | Tomato       | Carrot       |              | 90G           |
| Yam Soup      | Yam          |              |              | 110G          |

~*~ ~*~ ~*~
7. Salads ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Salads are the other of the two types of recipe that you can make right from
the start. The salads tend to sell for much less than the soups, with the
exception of a few made with rare crops.

| Name          | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Ingredient 3 | Selling Price |
| Dhibe Salad   | Dhibe        | Veg 1 or 2   | Veg 1 or 2   | 35G           |
| Egg Salad     | Egg          | Tomato       | Veg 2        | 25G           |
| Fruit Salad   | Veg 1 or 2   | Fruit 1 or 2 | Fruit 1 or 2 | 40G           |
| Good Pickles  | RC 15        | RC 23        |              | 60G           |
| Light Pickles | Turnip       |              |              | 25G           |
| Marinade      | Fish         | Tomato,      | Mugwort      | 35G           |
|               |              | Turnip       |              |               |
| Mellow Salad  | Melotoma     | Dhilon       | RT 2         | 35G           |
| Melon Salad   | Melon        | Veg 1 or 2   | Veg 1 or 2   | 25G           |
| Pickles 1     | RC 4, Trady, |RC 4, Trady,  |              | 25G           |
|               | Raury, Cady, | Raury, Cady, |              |               |
|               | Kandy        | Kandy        |              |               |
| Pickles 2     | Cabber       |              |              | 25G           |
| Potamelo Salad| Tomato       | Gretoma      | Potamelo     | 35G           |
| Rare Salad    | Veg 1 or 2   | Veg 1 or 2   | RC 1-9       | 350G/420G     |
| Red Salad     | Tomato,      | Tomato,      | Tomato,      | 35G           |
|               | Trady,       | Trady,       | Trady,       |               |
|               | Trady2,      | Trady2,      | Trady2,      |               |
|               | Caberry      | Caberry      | Caberry      |               |
| Red Veggie    | RC 19        | Tomato,      | Tomato,      | 35G           |
|               |              | Trady,       | Trady,       |               |
|               |              | Caberry,     | Caberry,     |               |
|               |              | Trady2,      | Trady2,      |               |
|               |              | Dhibe        | Dhibe        |               |
| Shiny Salad   | RC 19-22     | Fruit 1 or 2 | Fruit 1 or 2 | 200G/240G     |
| Tomacarro     | Tomato       | Carrot       |              | 35G           |
| Salad         |              |              |              |               |
| Tomamelo Salad| Tomato       | Melon        |              | 35G           |

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
8. Hors d'oeuvres ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

You have to cook 32 soups and/or salads to be able to make hors d'oevres. An
easy way to do this is to make up 32 light pickles or yam soups, as these only
take one ingredient (turnip or yam, respectively). Prices range from fairly
low to moderately high.

Great money-making tip: When fishing, any fish worth less than 150G (most of
the more common ones, like Colombo) can be turned into sashimi, which sells to
Van for 150G (or you can haggle the price up to 180G). For a Colombo, that's a
difference of 110G!

There are two dishes named "Fried Nuts" in this game; one is a regular fried
dish (green stuff in a white bowl) and the other is a tempura.

| Name          | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Ingredient 3 | Selling Price |
| Dancing       | RC 11-14     | RC 11-14     | RC 23        | 450G/540G     |
| Tempura       |              |              |              |               |
| Fried         | Veg 1-2,     | Mushroom     | Butter       | 80G           |
| Mushrooms     | Root Veg 1-2 |              |              |               |
| Fried Nuts    | Veg 1-2,     | RC 3         | Butter       | 70G           |
|               | Root Veg 1-2 |              |              |               |
| Fried Nuts    | Mt. Veg or   | RC 4, 9      | Fish         | 95G           |
| (Tempura)     | Mushroom     |              |              |               |
| Fried Veggie  | Veg 1-2,     | Veg 1-2,     | Butter       | 70G           |
|               | Root Veg 1-2 | Root Veg 1-2 |              |               |
| Grape Pie     | Grape        | Butter       | Egg          | 50G           |
| Melon Pie     | Melon        | Butter       | Egg          | 50G           |
| Red-Hot Pie   | RT 6         | Butter       | Egg          | 55G           |
| Sashimi       | Fish         |              |              | 150G/180G     |
| Sashimi (S)   | Fish         | Fish         |              | 200G/240G     |
| Shiny Stir-   | Veg 1-2,     | RC 19-22     | Butter       | 450G/540G     |
| Fry           | Root Veg 1-2 |              |              |               |
| Shiny Tempura | RC 11-14     | Yam, Fish,   |              | 450G/540G     |
|               |              | RC 4         |              |               |
| Smooth        | Potato       | Carrot,      | Carrot,      | 175G/210G     |
| Veggies       |              | Radita,      | Radita,      |               |
|               |              | Tataro,      | Tataro,      |               |
|               |              | Turnip, Cady | Turnip, Cady |               |
| Strawberry Pie| Strawberry   | Egg          | Butter       | 50G           |
| Tempura       | Yam, RC 4    | Mt. Veg,     | Mt. Veg,     | 80G           |
|               |              | Mushroom     | Mushroom     |               |

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
9. Desserts   ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Like the hors d'oeuvres, you'll be able to make desserts after making 32 soups
and/or salads. *Note* In HM:AWL you made ice cream and kashry ice cream (now
kashry sherbet) in the oven. In this game my character stands at the sink to
make these dishes so you may not have to have an oven to make them.

The orahge juice recipe comes from Van in chapter 4. It is inside the vase he
has for sale. It is misprinted as using one "orange" in the game.

| Name          | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Ingredient 3 | Selling Price |
| Battle Juice  | Carrot, Veg 1| Veg 2        | RC 1         | 300G/360G     |
| Carrot Cake   | Carrot       | Milk         | Egg          | 150G/180G     |
| Cocktail      | Melotoma     | Phuju        |              | 190G/228G     |
| Dancing       | RC 11-14     | Fruit 1 or 2 | RT 1-9       | 350G/420G     |
| Dessert       |              |              |              |               |
| Dhibe Cake    | Dhibe        | Milk         | Egg          | 1675G/2010G/  |
|               |              |              |              | 2345G         |
| Fruit Juice   | Fruit 1 or 2 | Fruit 1 or 2 | Any Milk     | 50G           |
|               |              |              | Except Star  |               |
| Fruit Punch   | Fruit 1 or 2 | Fruit 1 or 2 | Fruit 1 or 2 | 150G/180G     |
| Good Juice 1  | Carrot,      | Veg 2        | Orange,      | 60G           |
|               | Veg 1        |              | Grape,       |               |
|               |              |              | Apple        |               |
| Good Juice 2  | Fruit 1      | Fruit 2      | RC 1 or 6    | 100G          |
| Grilled Yam   | Yam          |              |              | 75G           |
| Ice Cream     | Brown Milk   | Star Milk    |              | 110G/132G     |
| Juice DX      | Veg 1 or 2   | RC 1, 6      | Orange,      | 400G/480G     |
|               |              |              | Grape,       |               |
|               |              |              | Apple        |               |
| Kashry Sherbet| Kashry       | Brown Milk   | Star Milk    | 150G/180G     |
| Love Cocktail | Watermelon   | Grape        |              | 200G/240G     |
| Magenge Jam   | Magenge      |              |              | 45G           |
| Orahge Juice  | Orahge       |              |              | 75G           |
| Peach Tart    | Peach        | Butter       | Egg          | 125G/150G     |
| Phurum Jam    | Phurum       |              |              | 40G           |
| Poundcake     | Butter       | Milk         | Egg          | 175G/210G     |
| Pulp Tart     | RT 1         | Butter       | Egg          | 125G/150G     |
| Rich Juice    | Strawberry,  | Strawberry,  | Star Milk    | 75G           |
|               | Peach,       | Peach,       |              |               |
|               | Banana       | Banana       |              |               |
| Shortcake     | Strawberry   | Milk         | Egg          | 190G/228G     |
| Short Tart    | RT 8         | Butter       | Egg          | 125G/150G     |
| Sour Cocktail | Grape        | RT 9         |              | 340G/408G     |
| Super Yam     | RC 17        |              |              | 400G/480G     |
| Sweet Cocktail| Oraphu       | Gehju        |              | 200G/240G     |
| Sweet Potato  | Yam          | Butter       | Egg          | 150G/180G     |
| Tropical Punch| RT 4         | RT 5         | RT 7         | 175G/210G     |
| Vacation Juice| Fruit 1 or 2 | Fruit 1 or 2 | RT 2, 5, 7   | 350G/420G     |
| Veggie Cake   | Veg 1 or 2   | Milk         | Egg          | 150G/180G     |
| Veggie Juice  | Carrot, Veg 1| Veg 2        |              | 50G           |

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
10. Main Dishes   ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

After making ten of any of the above, you'll be able to make Main Dishes
(formerly Entrees). These all range from 125G and up in price.

| Name          | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 | Ingredient 3 | Selling Price |
| Adult Salad   | RC 23        |              |              | 600G/720G     |
| Baked Tataro  | Tataro       | RC 24, 25    | Egg          | 125G/150G     |
| Bean Bowl     | RC 7         |              |              | 150G/180G     |
| Curry         | Potato,      | Potato,      | Ruby's Spice | 200G/240G     |
|               | Tataro,      | Tataro,      |              |               |
|               | Carrot       | Carrot       |              |               |
| Fish Set      | Fish         | RC 24, 25    |              | 250G/300G     |
| Fried Tataro  | Tataro       | RC 24, 25    |              | 125G/150G     |
| Gratin        | Cheese       | Butter       | Milk         | 200G/240G     |
| Hot Curry     | Potato,      | RC 12        | Ruby's Spice | 250G/300G     |
|               | Tataro,      |              |              |               |
|               | Carrot       |              |              |               |
| Meuniere Set  | Fish         | Butter       |              | 250G/300G     |
| Mixed Veggies | Veg 2, Root  | RC 7         | Egg          | 150G/180G     |
|               | Veg 1 or 2   |              |              |               |
| Mountain Bowl | Mt. Veg,     | Mt. Veg,     | RC 9         | 150G/180G     |
|               | Mushroom     | Mushroom     |              |               |
| Mushroom      | Potato,      | Mushroom     | Ruby's Spice | 200G/240G     |
| Curry         | Tataro,      |              |              |               |
|               | Carrot       |              |              |               |
| Mushroom      | Butter,      | Butter,      | Mushroom     | 150G/180G     |
| Gratin        | Cheese, Milk | Cheese, Milk |              |               |
| Mushroom Pasta| Cady         | RC 15        | Mushroom     | 225G/270G     |
| Omelet        | Egg          | Butter       |              | 200G/240G     |
| Rootbaisse    | Root Veg 1, 2| RC 24, 25    |              | 125G/150G     |
| Veggie Burger | Veg 1-2,     | RC 9         | Egg          | 250G/300G     |
|               | Root Veg 1-2 |              |              |               |
| Veggie Pasta  | Tomato,      | RC 4         | Mugwort      | 200G/240G     |
|               | Trady2       |              |              |               |

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
11. Contact Info  ~
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I have personally tested every single one of these recipes in Harvest Moon:
Another Wonderful Life and they all worked for me. However, I'm not a perfect
typist and people do make mistakes, so if you find one here, let me know. I
also can't promise that the recipes I have here are the only ones in the game
(although I have used a recently-discovered cheat repeatedly trying to find
any new ones that I haven't already listed, and checked all of the "major"
Harvest Moon websites for any that I didn't find myself) or that the way I
have found to make any particular dish is the only way to make it. So if you
have a recipe I haven't found, or a different way to make something I've
already got, let me know and I'll give you credit. (*Note* Because of the way
I have my tables set up, I can't really fit the credits right with the items.
So I'll mark yours with a star and give you credit underneath the table where
it appears and also in the credits section below.)

My e-mail address is:

star      dust
sun shine

Take out all of the extra spaces and put it all on one line, written like a
normal e-mail address. (I write it out this way because I already had to close
out one e-mail address because I posted it on one website and a bunch of web
crawlers got hold of it and I ended up getting so much junk mail my computer
couldn't handle it all and died trying. Hopefully this way even if a spammer
*does* come across it, their computer won't be able to figure out what it's
supposed to be.)

~*~ ~*~ ~*~
12. Credits
~*~ ~*~ ~*~

So much work that went into this FAQ was simply trial and error, but a lot of
it was also research and testing of existing recipe information that I found
for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. (One thing I learned while working on this
FAQ: A LOT has changed since HM:AWL!) A big thank-you to:
   For pages and pages of recipes that were the basis for my own recipe
   For having every single recipe I knew about but couldn't seem to make!
   For discovering the most awesome cheats of all time, including one that
   made this whole guide possible
   For hosting this guide and having such a great website in the first place
Everyone at GameFAQs' HM:AnWL message board
   For additional info, help, and encouragement :)
You, the reader
   For reading this guide; what would be the point of doing it if no one read
Marvelous Interactive and Natsume
   For making such a great (if occasionally aggravating) game and translating
   it to English

 Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life: Recipe Guide by StardustAndSun
Version 1.00, Last Updated 2006-09-08 View/Download Original File Hosted by 
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