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Solokov Paintings

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Mission One Paintings


Mission Two Paintings

1. In the overseers secret chambers. Go through the kennel door, inside the overseers office. Before going into the actual Kennel there will be a head Statue with a green eye. Activate it and this will Open a door. Go through the Door For A Rune and The Solokov Painting among other items.

Mission Three Paintings

1. There are 3 paintings in this mission. The First 2 are in the art dealers apartment, They are rather simple to get.

2. The Third one is in the safe of the apartment,which is much harder to get. Check the Safes section on mission 3 for more information.

Mission Four Paintings

1. Only one painting here. Inside the building where the overseers with the weird device are. Just outside is the water wooden pump. Also there is electric fence nearby. In Solokov's house.

Mission Five Paintings

1. There are two paintings here, both inside lady boyles house the Bedroom of lady boyle.

2. The second one is in the painting or "art hall" type room.

Mission Six Paintings

One of the paintings you can collect in this level are in the regents house. IN the piano room, by the fire place.

Mission Seven Paintings

1. Climb uptop a chain towards the main marker. Blink over to a house on a higer floor, it looks like a painting of a dead man or weeper.

2. Near the :tunnel: marker, on the 2nd floor. It is a painting of Lord regent .

3.Finally in the house that is on fire, the 3rd painting will be right inside.


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