3 New Pokemon Leaked For Sun & Moon

With another month comes another CoroCoro Magazine release, and with that comes some more Pokemon Sun & Moon News! And in this not one but TWO new Ultra Beasts were leaked, as well as a new evolution with two different forms!

The new Ultra Beasts are known as UB-02 Beauty & UB-02 Expansion. The Beauty Forms seems exclusive to Pokemon Moon, with Expansion exclusive to Pokemon Sun. Their Power, Typing and Abilities, however, still remain a mystery.

The new Evolution comes to the little wolf Pokemon Rockruff – who was one of the first leaked Pokemon of Sun & Moon – in what will be called Lugarugan (unconfirmed English Naming). Lugarugan will have two different forms called its Midday and Midnight Forms, with its Midday form exclusive to Sun and Midnight form, respectively, to Moon. It’s also know that its Midnight Form will know the move Counter, while its Midday Form knows a new move called AccelRock.

Posted: 14th Sep 2016 by Warrior13
Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon