Top 7 Guns and Cars Games from E3 2013

5. Destiny

Developer Bungie has always been a big player in the world of guns, as it's the reason why Halo is so successful and why so many have followed that design in modern shooters. For Destiny, it's moving into a new universe that expands the alien vibe to even greater distances. Giant maps present a field of opportunity that hold interesting spots for both soldiers and adventurers. Still, just having a huge world for many shooter fans to go through isn't exactly new. Titles like Defiance and Hellgate: London have tried and failed this model before. Destiny will be different.

Bungie's expertise here is only second to their skill of looking at how the industry around them evolves. Their use of diverse classes in Destiny diversifies gameplay from simply shooting, by adding an entire layer of auxiliary powers and attacks, like a pack of modern wizards. It appends this with tons of loot for a plethora of weaponry with tight gunplay, huge boss fights and even more frenetic world events, which flow naturally over the screen as if the game was alive. Some have called this the Guild Wars 2 of gun games. That sounds accurate for such a prestigious title.

4. Need For Speed: Rivals

How can a game with so many iterations still bring anything that's exciting? Mostly, it's because the Need For Speed franchise has been riding a steady curve of blockbusters for some years now. Many of their versions have been critically acclaimed and little have failed. So, even if there's not a lot of climb, it's hard to rise over the pinnacle. There's still a huge open world to explore, from verdant forests with dirt roads to traffic heavy cityscapes. Driving through these will go hand in hand with a day and night cycle and a fierce stack of weather elements for a vivid atmosphere, aside from the chaos of driving.

Even if the game looks gorgeous, it's the patented racing game within Need For Speed: Rivals that puts it atop its peers. Cars zip past the wildest scenes and breakneck turns with an intense momentum unparalleled by other racers. There's a reason why “speed” is in their name. Rivals goes above that by breaking the mold of singleplayer and multiplayer. As separate players start their world alone, they can seamlessly meld together into a merged event when they happen to meet. This is more than drop-in/drop-out settings; it's a whole new world.