The Top Ten Most Challenging Xbox 360 Achievements of All Time (So Far)

десет -- 10: Battlefield Bad Company "I Am Bad Company" (25 G)

Required Actions: (Online) Achieve all the awards.

There are actually two Achievements from Battlefield Bad Company that were in consideration for this slot -- I Am Bad Company, and Beans Bullets Bandages, which required the player to get 10002 kills online -- but in the end it was this one that took the prize, largely because while both of these on average have only been unlocked by 1% of the gamers who play the game, getting 10002 online kills just requires the gamer to put in the time, while achieving all of the awards requires a much more significant measure of effort and skill.

Of the 1% of gamers who have unlocked this Achievement, if the chatter on the chat boards is any indication -- and it is -- a fairly large percentage only managed to do so by boosting with friends in the middle of the night when they could control who was in the game.