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How do people cheat on quiz planet, because they go from a very poor player..

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Question for Quiz Planet

How do people cheat on quiz planet, because they go from a very poor player to a genius overnight

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Guest answered:

To answer your question, people make use of another phone whilst playing, therefore when the questions come up, they use google voice assistant for quick answers.

Guest answered:

You get Bonus points for each friend you get to join

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Guest said: 11th Mar 2023 | REPORT
The last 2 friends I invited I was promised additional rockets but never received them. I wrote to them twice asking for them and never even received a reply 😒
Guest said: 8th Dec 2023 | REPORT
That's not cheating!!
Guest said: 15th Jul 2024 | REPORT
How did you complain? CID today a friend joined and I received the rockets but 1/2 hour later when I played they weren’t on my total ??? They owe me 6550 rockets 😡
Guest answered:

I don’t know that people are cheating on the quiz planet. I got much better just by playing so long and so much,I finally started learning the answers. Sometimes I have a great winning streak and sometimes I do terrible but I still get better all the time.

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Guest said: 7th Mar 2024 | REPORT
Twice a player wasn’t playing in a tournament with me then came in and took half my tickets that I answered correctly and got the #. He took half. That is lazy and cheating!!
Guest answered:

For tournaments / group games, they set up multiple user ids, use one or more of those fake user ids to gather all the correct answers, then use their own primary id to enter all of the correct answers.
It's very hard to see what satisfaction they gain, since it is something a bright six-year-old could achieve, but still they do.
In my circle, unfortunately, there is such a cheat who posts a perfect 21/21 score on EVERY group game he enters, even when some of the answers are totally obscure.
Thereby spoiling all of the group games for everyone else, since we know, when playing the game, that the outcome is rigged.

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Guest said: 15th Feb 2024 | REPORT
I have someone I play that gets every question right. There is no way he could know those random questions. If he was that smart he would be on Jeopardy. Was on here to see if there were ways to cheat to see what he could be doing.
Guest answered:

I know one way they can cheat. When you get a second chance and the ad is playing, open your browser, the ad will pause, look up the answer and go back to the ad. Finish watching the ad and answer the question. It's been a couple of years since I've notified Quiz Planet of this but they still haven't fixed it so I mention this wherever I can.


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